How to get another person to do something. How to learn how to properly persuade people to achieve their goals? Basically that's all you need to do

For many kids, this is a long-awaited day; it is a kind of new milestone when... new life. This is probably why this holiday, Knowledge Day, is so exciting, because it is the beginning of a new school year.

On this day, ceremonial assemblies are held everywhere, where special attention given to first-graders. In secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as in universities, as a rule, assemblies are not held, but the festive atmosphere still hovers somewhere nearby and can be felt.

History of September 1

The Day of Knowledge, like many other holidays, has its own history, the beginning of which is marked in 1492. It was in 1492 that Ivan 3 issued a decree to celebrate the beginning of the New Year on September 1.

Next significant date in the history of the holiday the year 1700 began. This year, Peter 1 moved the New Year celebration to January 1, after which the date of September 1 was forgotten for 300 years.

But still, as time passed, September 1 again became the beginning, but not of a new calendar year, but of an academic year. This event dates back to 1984, when it was published in Soviet Russia decree recognizing September 1 as an official holiday - Knowledge Day.

Ceremonial line in honor of Knowledge Day

One of the indispensable attributes of Knowledge Day is the ceremonial line. This is a mandatory event that is usually held within the walls of the school. There are many ways to do it. The traditional line-up involves the formation of students, a speech by the school principal, the obligatory congratulations to first-graders and the end of the event.

Sometimes the organized lineup involves the participation of costumed heroes. This option for holding a day of knowledge is not only spectacular, but also memorable, especially for those children who came to school for the first time.

Poems for September 1

What holiday could be complete without poetry? Knowledge Day is no exception. There are a huge variety of poems about September 1 that can be sent as congratulations to first-graders. And also to all those who start their studies on September 1st.

First graders have bouquets. The day, although sad, is cheerful. You are sad: “Goodbye, summer!” And you rejoice: “Hello, school!” V. Berestov I can’t sit at home, I want to play. I want to study quickly and become a first-grader. I also ran, skipping, afraid to be late. My mother barely managed to give me the briefcase under my arm. I won’t be lazy, I’ll have time to do everything. I want to learn to read, write, count. Now a different life will come for me. Oh, dear mother! What an adult I am! Our very first Ring, ring, bell! Go home, moms! It's time for us to go to class! Poems by Elvira Bolshakova

Congratulations on Knowledge Day

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge - from September 1st, means, first of all, congratulations to teachers. But for first-graders and students, the beginning of a new school year is also an event that will also be enjoyed kind words, congratulations and wishes.

One of the most important events in schools there is a line on the first of September. It begins the school life of first-graders, the academic year of already accomplished schoolchildren, the last educational months of future graduates, as well as “ fun life» teachers and other school personnel. This is not an easy event; it must be memorable, fun and bright. The September 1st “Day of Knowledge” closes the season summer holiday, leaving children with only pleasant memories of warm, carefree days. And this holiday should be held in such a way that it will be remembered for many, many years everyone.

Festive lines and the Day of Knowledge have been officially approved since 1984 back in the USSR; the main founder of the idea is considered to be the Honored Teacher of the RSFSR Fyodor Bryukhovetsky. In all post-Soviet countries, the holiday is associated with the beginning of the school year in all educational institutions. On September 1, it became traditional to hold school-wide assemblies, and this custom has been preserved to this day in all CIS countries. On the first day of the first month of autumn, parents, children and teachers, dressed up and joyful, rush to school, exchange mutual congratulations, and get to know each other.

And everything was founded much earlier. Why exactly the first of September? The explanation is logical - in Rus' the church New Year started from this date. The schools were all affiliated with churches, and accordingly, education there started in the new year. Later, Peter the Great indicated to move the start date of the year to January 1, in order to keep up with Europe. During his reign, school hours began differently for different gymnasiums and schools. City educational institutions started from August to October, and schools in rural areas They started classes only in December, after all field work was completed.

Even in the USSR by the mid-30s there was no specific start date for the school year; the process could be initiated in the fall in any month. And only in 1935, on September 3, a single day was determined and introduced for the start of classes in educational institutions - September 1, and at the same time a ceremonial line began to be held in every school.

Familiar and new traditions for September 1

Traditionally, as we all know, with the onset of the first day of the first month of autumn, children with their parents, with flower bouquets, go to school, bringing their congratulations class teachers, beloved teachers, directors. On TV, the main officials of the state congratulate the country on the opening school season. Educational institutions during this period they visit official representatives from power.

In schools, the year begins with ceremonial assemblies, where special attention is usually paid to first-graders. Then the children go to classes where the first lesson is held. This class hour intended for getting to know each other, for discussing plans for the next school year, for conversations between students and teachers at current topics. The subjects of discussion in such classes can also be issues of peace, security, and courage.

Secondary specialized and higher educational institutions also celebrate September 1. Usually, general meetings are not held there, but students are solemnly gathered within the walls of the classrooms for initial orientation classes. These moments are important and celebratory, especially for freshmen.

Today, different schools celebrate Knowledge Day in different ways. They are launching on the line balloons, children show creative performances, classrooms are decorated with paper pom-poms, garlands, and the same balls. In general, they celebrate, in some cases, very pompously, on an incredible scale, with parties, with trips to nature, with trips to a cafe or restaurant. Parents, teachers and children take part in the celebrations.

September 1 in countries around the world

September 1 is a holiday of international significance; “Knowledge Day” is celebrated almost everywhere; the school year in European countries just begins in other months and days. In France, like here, from the first day of autumn. In the UK, schools open their doors in the first week of September. In Germany, the start dates for classes are agreed upon with the federal authorities, and each school determines its own dates. In Bulgaria, children start school on September 15, and in Finland and Sweden on August 15.

Interesting ideas for the holiday on September 1

The usual traditional line with the proclamation of long instructive speeches, with repeated rhymes and inept amateur performances is already boring, not interesting, not fashionable. Modern children and their parents want something different. There are ideas for September 1 that can “revive” the school calendar and turn it into the most unforgettable and vibrant event.

The introduction of fairy-tale, cartoon, computer, historical or outstanding modern characters. Well-known heroes can be effectively combined with school theme, which will make the ceremonial lineup very interesting. The script must be divided into several parts, where cartoons will come for kids, personalities from computer games for middle school, and stars and idols for high school students.

Animators, like no one else, will cope with the task better. Moreover, if you start a series in the usual way with an unexpected interesting continuation, it will be very exciting. It is only important to decide on the idea, theme and style of the holiday, using special decorations and costumes. Cheerful music and humor are required; good jokes always have a positive effect. good mood and pleasant communication, positively setting children and adults up for the school year. It’s great to involve schoolchildren in the game, who will help, for example, rescue or search for the “First Bell,” without which, naturally, the school year cannot begin!

Entertaining first of September for first graders

Entertaining first of September for first graders

September 1 is an exciting and serious day for first-graders. First time, in first grade! Kids are both the main characters and the main participants in an important event in their lives. The line, in general, is dedicated to them and if you use interesting ideas when organizing it, then new students will feel cozy, comfortable and protected at school from the first days. You can make an interesting and magical dedication to first-graders with the participation of fixies, Harry Potter, Smeshariki or other famous heroes.

Older students can initiate children into school, using magic objects, costumes, etc. Professional animators can also become great helpers here. Don’t forget about gifts for first-graders; you can come up with something unusual, for example, launching balloons into the sky with the wishes of each child, personalized medals, etc. It’s good to copy these wishes into a notebook and hide them until graduation, how cool it will be to read them later many years later adult children have their childhood aspirations. And of course, photographs and videos, a creative holiday must be captured for a long time.

Line and class design for September 1

Among the ideas for decorating schools and classrooms for the first of September, the easiest, most profitable and brightest are balloons. There are many options for decorations, from simple rainbow armfuls to creating arches, plants, bouquets, animals, etc. You need to start decorating from the entrance to the building educational institution- this is the main place and it is there that most often, if the weather permits, the ceremonial assembly takes place. You can decorate your outside windows with welcome signs. Then the lobby, assembly hall, and offices are decorated.

Classrooms should be decorated according to the age of the students. If for children younger age Cartoon faces are fine, but for high school students you need something more serious. It could be autumn appliqué motifs, ornaments or something modern, computer-inspired.

In addition to inflatable balls, for the September 1 decoration of the school, you can use paper pompoms, flowers, numbers, letters, flags, vinyl stickers in the form of autumn leaves, bells or stationery. Vinyl pictures are easily attached to walls, boards, furniture and can be removed without leaving a trace. Look very good autumn wreaths made of plastic or natural twigs, with woven leaves, berries, ribbons. They can be placed anywhere - on the door, on tables, and even left until the New Year. On the first of September the line-up script is good, as well as bright decoration entrance and premises will help create a super festive mood for everyone, set children up for quality studies and remain in the memory of everyone present for a long time. In addition, bright decorations always look amazing in photos and videos!

September 1 – some things are repeated and some things are new

Something always repeats itself on the first of September: textbooks are neatly wrapped, pens are all written, pencils are sharpened, new folders, new covers, new notebooks and a diary. All this has remained unchanged for decades, year after year. But ideas for holiday scenarios are influenced by time, new trends, fashion, and the preferences of schoolchildren and parents. U modern people many opportunities to implement interesting ideas. There are many professional assistants who can miraculously turn every holiday into a real fairy tale.

Parents and children are always worried on September 1, no matter if it is the first year of school or the last. The ceremonial line-up for the first of September, organized in an unusual way, will vividly impress everyone and be remembered forever. School time is a responsible, difficult and at the same time fun and carefree time for students. After all, then the adulthood begins hard life. Next to wise and understanding teachers, children grow up, learn to be friends and understand each other, acquire the necessary knowledge and important human qualities for life!

It's sad to see how a well-prepared speech is accompanied by indifferent glances and poorly concealed yawns from the audience. Yes and in friendly company, V family circle It would be nice to learn how to convince a person, how to convince loved ones and friends that you are right.

Salespeople, politicians, office employees when communicating with clients and their boss when communicating with employees - everyone needs the art of persuasion.

Speech is the main weapon

Of course, if you have an expressive look, you can try to use it to persuade. But still, the success of someone who is working on how to learn how to convince people lies in correctly constructed and emotionally charged speech.

Quiet speech is subconsciously perceived as the speech of an insecure person. Fast pace speech tires the listener, he must closely monitor the meaning, trying to grasp it. A slow pace, on the contrary, leads to indifference of the audience; listeners are distracted and think about something else.

Secrets of Skillful Persuasion

Experienced speakers and manipulators of human attention know how to learn how to persuade and achieve success. To do this, they use proven techniques:
  • They influence a person only with those arguments that he is able to perceive.
  • They do not offer only “bare” facts, but consistently reveal their meaning and significance.
  • First they respond to the arguments of the interlocutor, and then express their point of view.
  • They try to detect areas of internal hesitation in the interlocutor and place emphasis there.
  • They do not reject opposing arguments, but think through counterarguments to them (and leave the strongest argument in reserve).
  • They give individual statements the form of a rhetorical or neutral question, in such a way that when answering it, the interlocutor perceives the answer as his own opinion.
  • They refrain from asking questions that will be answered “no,” since the publicly expressed opinion of the interlocutor is already difficult and even useless to attack.

There is another technique that is difficult to explain from the point of view of logical meaning. How to convince your interlocutor that you are right? You need to look at the point located between his eyes and imagine the desired one on at the moment the reaction of your counterpart.

Brevity is the sister of persuasion

No matter what we're talking about, a conversation about a problem that worries the interlocutors goes through the following stages:
  1. Preparation. Here the purpose of the conversation is clarified, initial information about the interlocutor is obtained, and persuasion tactics are considered.
  2. The beginning of a conversation, where negativity on the part of the interlocutor, if any, is neutralized (tightened posture, narrowed eyes, harsh statements) and a mood is set in the interests of the persuader.
  3. Implementation of the topic in the right direction.
  4. Ending the conversation and consolidating the result.
The author of the book “How to Convince Your Interlocutor in 30 Seconds,” Milo Frank, offers to carry out all these operations in exactly the price he proposed short time. He believes that you can hold the attention of your interlocutor only if you manage to keep it within 30 seconds. This is exactly how long information blocks of advertising or news stories on television take.
  • You need to have a clear goal and know what you need to get from your interlocutor, no matter who he is: a manager at an interview, a salesperson behind a store counter, a boss or a subordinate.
  • Beforehand, it would be a good idea to collect information about him and find out common ground.
  • When speaking, it is necessary to take into account the interests and needs of the listener and rely on them.
  • To attract attention, you need to use bait - an incident from your own life, an anecdote, an original question - anything that will allow you to “pull the blanket over yourself.”
This strategy is likely not suitable for all situations, but only for unpredictable impromptu situations. Attracting attention and expressing your thoughts will be effective if you have the ability to communicate, speak briefly and to the point.

How to Increase Your Persuasion Effectiveness

When working on the problem of how to convince a person, you need to take into account many other factors. These are peculiar psychological moments that improve the atmosphere in which communication takes place:
  • It is easier to be collected not during hot and humid weather, but on cold, clear days.
  • Around 19.00, many people become irritable and hot-tempered; it is not easy to convince them of something during this time period.
  • It is advisable to know by name the person who needs to be convinced of something, otherwise he will get the impression that he is not important to his opponent.
  • At the beginning of the conversation, you need to prompt the interlocutor with several questions to which the person will answer “yes”; this will immediately create a favorable atmosphere, an atmosphere of trust, ease, and a willingness to listen.
  • The “mirroring” technique, when the persuader takes a pose and copies the gestures of the interlocutor, wins over the person.
  • An offer to speak up will help you be attentive. If a person is listened to, then in return he will try to listen to the arguments of his counterpart.
Try not to irritate a person with banal jokes, sullenness, tactless statements, rudeness and arrogance. You should not give unsolicited advice or make peremptory remarks. The latter can be interpreted as a call for a quarrel.

When finishing a conversation, you must remember that the last phrases are remembered most firmly. Therefore, they should not be expressionless and unclear. Completing the conversation in a dignified and timely manner will help reinforce the other person’s conviction.

Hello, dear readers! We have to convince people in different situations: at work, at school, in our personal lives. Remember the last moment when you had to communicate with a person to win him over to your side. Was it easy for you? If you are reading this article, then most likely you have failed. But it is so important to know how to persuade a person correctly. But this skill can be easily learned. Therefore, today I want to talk about how to convince people in various life situations, what should definitely be emphasized and what should definitely be avoided.

If you want to master the skill of persuasion perfectly, then you cannot do without this book: Robert Cialdini " Psychology of influence. Convince. Make an impact. Defend yourself" It is she who reveals this topic entirely, in clear language, it provides clear and simple examples, in which you can easily learn to convince anyone.

The Power of Persuasion

The ability to force a person to accept your position is extremely useful in various areas of life. Persuade. Arrange with your lover to go to the cinema. Make a friend go on a diet together and so on. In all these situations, it is extremely important to understand how best to influence your interlocutor in order to win over your opinion and push him to take the actions you need.

If things are extremely difficult for you today, don’t be upset or worry. This is a skill that can and should be developed every day, albeit in small portions. Start small and work your way up. Of course, you most likely will not be able to perform complex techniques right away, because this requires experience. This is why I caution you against haste.

What does it mean to convince another person? Give the necessary arguments, show an example, make you think in such a way as to direct the person’s actions in the direction you want. It is extremely important to understand the real beliefs of the person himself.

Remember that all people do only what brings them material, mental or moral benefit. This is exactly what your actions should be aimed at. Show the person the benefits he will receive.

The process of persuasion depends on many factors. You need to win over just one person or an entire group; you are trying to negotiate with your boss or your girlfriend; in front of you is a person or friendly regarding your idea. All this requires completely different tactics. Let's look at each situation in more detail.

Persuasive speech

I want to start with preparing the speech. When you need to make a presentation on a new product to clients, or convince the board of directors about a new direction for your business, or speak impressively in front of an examination committee. All the principles given below can be useful to you in a personal conversation, when you need to win over just one person to your side.

The first principle is your understanding of the essence. In order to convince many, to win over the majority, you need to clearly understand your intentions and goals. If you are unsure of your belief, it will be immediately obvious.

You don’t have to just prove, you have to show the beauty of your idea and the benefits for the audience you are speaking to. You will gain more trust if people see your confidence and determination.

Second no less important point- the structure of your speech. A poorly prepared speech will leave behind only a bitter aftertaste and disappointment in the speaker. Therefore, it is extremely important for you to learn how to plan your speech correctly.

How to structure a performance? First comes the introduction. It should be short, concise and indicate the essence of your further speech. You can immediately set a serious tone or start with a joke, which will give the speech a lighter and more relaxed format.

After the introduction comes the main part. Give special meaning the way you speak. It's just as important as what you say. Persuasive speech should be clear, easy to understand, logical and coherent. Don’t fuss, don’t try to cram as many examples, evidence and arguments into your speech as possible. Focus on two or three of the strongest and backed by authoritative sources.

Break your speech into small blocks. Information is better absorbed in short and precise expressions. Don’t be afraid to ask your audience questions and feel free to answer your questions. But be careful, improvisation has its pitfalls. Therefore, try to think in advance what questions you may be asked.

And if you really have to improvise, then for preparation you cannot do without the article “”.

In conclusion, briefly restate the entire speech with the main points, and make the main statement, which should motivate people to take certain steps (buy your product, enroll in courses, etc.).

Useful tricks

Now let's talk about what tricks you can use to convince a person in a personal conversation.
When you speak, watch your tongue carefully. The same information can be presented in completely different sauces. I invite you to think about the following two phrases: “I don’t have any money” and “I’m experiencing a little financial difficulty right now.” How do you see the difference in these phrases?

When you win a person over to your side, try to use emotionally charged words. A meager and lackluster argument, even if it is well supported, will cause much less response than an emotional speech.

When you talk to a person, you can use gestures and facial expressions to gain more trust from him. This is done simply and in a simple way- take his pose. When we look like a person, he subconsciously feels sympathy for us and trusts our words more. You can find out more about body language in the article “”.

There is an excellent technique in the psychology of persuasion that marketers use everywhere - creating visible deficiency. We all want to have something unique and special. Therefore, when a limited edition of a product is released, the store is bursting with queues.

A useful example of long-term persuasion is exchange. In order to achieve what you want from a certain person give him something. For example, lend a drill to your neighbor, give your boss tickets to the opera, give it to your friend. By such an act, you oblige the person to repay you good for good. Don't overdo this technique.

Always remember to be honest and open. People are more inclined to trust someone who does not hide anything, is friendly and smiling. It is difficult to agree with someone who is gloomy, mutters something under his breath and does not call positive emotions generally.

The “three yes” technique. Start the conversation with two questions to which the person will definitely answer positively: the weather is good today, yes; As I see, you are a little tired today, right? After this, the person will be inclined to answer the third question positively.

Never forget about the benefits that a person will receive by agreeing with you. You need to convince him not that he just needs to do this in a certain way, but how much good he will get from this action.

Touch sometimes works wonders. A light pat on the shoulder, a gentle touch on the arm, elbow or forearm. All this will help you establish a closer relationship with the person. Try not to overdo it with such gestures. Firstly, each person has his own comfort zone, read about this in the article “”, and secondly, your gesture may seem intrusive and will only push you away.

Be attentive to your interlocutor, speak briefly and to the point, praise the person, focus on the benefits for the person himself, do not push if you see obvious disagreement.

How often do you have to convince people? Is it easy for people to agree with you? What might influence you to decide to change your point of view to the opposite?

Train and practice. Only then will you be able to hone this skill to perfection.
All the best to you!