How does snub nose surgery occur? Photos before and after surgery. What the shape of the nose can tell you about a person's character

A slightly upturned small nose has always been considered a sign of frivolity and girlish charm. Disputes about this matter continue today. Some consider this a defect and try in every possible way to divert attention from this part of the face, while others are proud of this gift and consider it a feature, a kind of “highlight” that does not need to be hidden, but, on the contrary, only emphasized. But, of course, it all depends on how the owner of a nose of this shape feels about it: if he considers it a defect, the people around him will also consider it and vice versa.

Which noses are in fashion?

Today everything is at the mercy of the ubiquitous fashion, and it has not ignored such a part of the body as the nose. And if earlier everyone looked at their straight, thin noses with a slightly noticeable hump, looking for signs of aristocracy in them, today one can observe a general fashion for snub noses, as evidenced by numerous Hollywood stars such as Paris Hilton, Victoria Beckham, Nicole Kidman and others. They don't lag behind either Russian stars film and show business, and it is no longer possible to find out whether this is the natural shape of the nose or the result of rhinoplasty.

In general, if the nose is harmoniously combined with all the other facial features - it does not stick out, does not protrude far forward and occupies a good part of the face, its shape can be considered ideal, which you should be proud of. Well, those who still continue to suffer from the shortcomings of their nose can only trust a plastic surgeon or arm themselves with a brush, powder and foundation and begin to improve their appearance.

Is it possible to hide a snub nose with makeup?

Of course, only a professional can do real makeup; only a master knows the play of light and shadow for good and not for harm, where to add shine and where to add dark corrector. For example, using a light tone you can make your nose less prominent, and a dark corrector applied to the wings of the nose and its tip will help to lengthen and narrow the shape. You can divert attention from the center of the face by correcting the cheekbones and chin. A specially selected hairstyle will complete the created effect: owners of a snub nose need to choose a haircut whose lines coincide with the line of the bend of the nose.

Better to wear bouffant hairstyle medium length with tips pointing upward. At correct delivery an upturned nose can only beautify a woman. The most worthy example was great Marilyn Monroe is a woman whom men idolized and considered the standard of beauty and charm.

In order to visually make it smaller nose, you need to resort to some makeup tricks. Visually correct the large nose possible by using dark and light colors in various variations. Foundation is the most affordable and effective remedy for correction nose A. The main tone should match the skin color and two additional tones - one half a tone lighter and one half a tone darker.


Big nose. Apply foundation half a shade darker than the complexion color.


Women spend a lot of time getting themselves in order. Not every representative of the fair sex has a perfect face. But even if this is the case, makeup helps you look more attractive. Professionals know a lot about this matter. Moreover, they have their own makeup secrets.

Principles of professional make-up

The application of makeup by makeup artists has a number of principles:

Proper skin care;
- specialized cosmetics, which include professional mascaras, foundation correctors, powders, etc.;
- selection of a suitable image.

In the hands of a professional, the texture and tone of the makeup will depend on individual characteristics faces. Depending on them, the appropriate make-up is selected. These include the color and shape of the eyes, skin tone, hair, and facial shape. The type of makeup will depend on what event the woman is going to.

Following seasonal trends In makeup, a makeup artist can achieve the creation of a current image that will highlight a woman at a party, attracting the attention of others.

Feature of professional makeup

Makeup artists use only professional cosmetics when creating makeup. It is very durable and has a light texture. Professional products allow makeup to remain on the face until the woman removes it herself.

Home and professional make-up differ in many ways, including goals. Makeup at home is aimed at eliminating all skin defects. Professional make-up involves eliminating facial imperfections and emphasizing its advantages.

Makeup created by a professional can remove redness of the skin, refresh the complexion and correct its contour, hide scars, pimples, dark circles and bags under the eyes. To do this, you need to have much more funds than when applying make-up at home.

Professional makeup involves step-by-step application of products. First you need to cleanse the skin. To do this, depending on its type, a special cleanser is selected. After this procedure, the skin is moisturized. To do this, apply the appropriate cream to it.

The next step is to create a base for makeup. Due to it, the complexion becomes fresher and evens out. It allows you to make makeup more durable. The makeup base is selected depending on the condition of the skin and complexion.

Concealers are used to neutralize defects in the nasolabial folds and around the eyes.

The next step is facial modeling. To give the face relief, the master applies special products to it.

The next step is to select the powder. Its color will depend on the individual characteristics of the face. For example, when the skin is red, a greenish tint of powder is used.

After applying the makeup base, the makeup artist begins to work on the eyes. This stage also involves drawing in the eyebrows.

The final stage is to correct the shape of the face using lightening or bronzing powder. After these procedures, blush is applied.

Professional makeup requires much more strength and time than for home make-up. If a woman is not one of them business people or not going to important events, then it may well create home makeup. If the situation is the opposite, then it is better to resort to the help of a makeup artist and create a professional make-up, which is distinguished by its brightness, durability and clarity.

A snub nose is a common problem that causes patients to go to a plastic surgeon. A sign of snub nose is the tip of the nose pointing upward.

An upturned nose is different from direct topics that his nasolabial angle exceeds the norm: in women more than 115º, for men from 95º and above. At the same time, the nostrils appear more prominent, and the nose appears short, visually wider and larger.

Causes of snub nose: birth defect, fracture. A snub nose may also appear after rhinoplasty (unsuccessful outcome of the operation).


Snub nose surgery is performed for medical reasons:

  • When the patient has difficulty breathing.
  • Presence of nasal congestion.
  • Deviation of the nasal septum.
  • Narrow nasal sinuses.
  • Excessively wide nostrils.

Rhinoplasty of a snub nose is also indicated if the shape of the nose greatly spoils the aesthetic appearance of the face.

Plastic methods

More often, to solve the problem, surgeons lengthen the tip using closed or open surgery. For this purpose, autografts are used - tissue from the patient's body (usually they are obtained from the cartilage of the nasal septum).

Rhinoplasty takes place in 1-2 stages:

  • The doctor takes out the material for the autograft and uses it to create the shape of the tip of the nose.
  • If the wings are thickened or too large, the specialist first reduces them and sews the cartilage together. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the size of the tip and make the wings narrower/thinner.

Sometimes the cartilage removed from the septum is transplanted into the bridge of the nose - this raises the back, and the tip is slightly lowered. Thus, the nasolabial angle approaches normal, and facial features become harmonious.

If the doctor corrects the mistakes of unsuccessful rhinoplasty, then cartilage from the septum is not enough to create an autograft, and then it is used cartilage tissue from the ear.


Examples of what a snub nose looks like before and after plastic surgery are shown in the photo.

Prices for the procedure

The cost of snub nose rhinoplasty starts from 12,000 rubles. and reaches 180,000 rubles. and more, depending on the level of complexity of the operation, the clinic’s services and the cost of the plastic surgeon and anesthesiologist.

Today, over 95 hospitals offer snub nose surgery in Moscow. centers of Moscow.


List of main contraindications for rhinoplasty:

  • Diseases of the heart and respiratory system.
  • Severe endocrine diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus).
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Mental pathologies that influence the patient’s decision about surgery.
  • Blood diseases.

Plastic surgery is not performed on pregnant women or women during menstruation.

Rehabilitation and recovery

The time required for recovery after surgery (scar healing, swelling and bruising) depends on the patient’s individual health indicators, the quality of rhinoplasty and care during the rehabilitation period.

People over 35-40 years old take more time for rehabilitation, which can be explained age characteristics skin and diseases.

  • On average, The duration of postoperative rehabilitation is 2 weeks.
  • On the first day after surgery, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and analgesics.

To ensure proper fusion of bones and cartilage, turundas are inserted into the patient’s nostrils, and a plaster cast is applied on top, which protects the fragile nose from damage and helps it take the correct shape.

After 10 days, the plaster is removed. Around this time, hematomas and swelling in the eye area go away. When the cotton pads and plaster are removed, care of the nasal passages is prescribed, which consists of rinsing them with solutions and using medications to reduce swelling after rhinoplasty.

For 2 weeks after discharge, you are allowed to sleep only on your back, preferably in a semi-sitting position. During this period, doctors do not recommend eating hot or cold food, wearing glasses or exposing yourself to physical activity, visit baths, saunas and solariums.

We all probably share 99.9 percent of the same DNA. However, we look different from each other.

Of course, some things are similar, for example, the shape of the nose.

By the way, the shape of your nose is something that can easily make you related to a celebrity. After all, if you look more closely, you can find everything, even the most unusual shapes noses of your favorite actors and singers. Did you know that the shape of your nose can tell you something about your character? No? Then go to the list below and learn something new about yourself.

Here are the 10 most common nose shapes in the world.

  1. Roman nose

This nose got its name from ancient Roman sculptures. His distinctive feature there is a small bump in the middle.

This nose shape is quite common, seen on celebrities such as Sofia Coppola and Mark Zuckerberg.

The Roman nose is found in those who like to influence others. You see yourself as a compassionate leader and someone who can make the world a better place.

  1. Nubian nose

Many famous faces are adorned with a Nubian nose, such as Beyoncé, Rihanna and Barack Obama.

It is also the most common nose in the world, mostly found in people of African and East Asian descent.

It is short in length, but at the same time wide.

People who have this nose shape are extremely creative and passionate. Their charisma attracts people and they are easy to make friends with.

  1. Snub nose

This nose, curved at the tip, is one of the most desirable nose shapes in the world. This form can be found on Emma Stone, Carey Mulligan and Victoria Beckham.

Even Michael Jackson had rhinoplasty to get his nose, although it didn't end well.

According to Israeli professor Abraham Tamir, about 13 percent of people have a snub nose.

This nose belongs to those who are optimistic and friendly. People love your playfulness, and when things get heated, they know they can trust you.

  1. Greek nose

The Greek nose is known as straight, long, narrow, and without any humps.

This is another shape that is popular among people who are considering rhinoplasty. Many celebrities and supermodels have Greek noses.

The owners of this nose are characterized by hard work and ambition. Their strong nature allows them to achieve goals, even if the path is thorny.

According to Tamir, only three percent of people have this nose shape.

  1. Upturned nose

This nose is marked by a softer, round shape at the tip, but has a slight snub like the shape of the same name.

Among celebrities, such a nose can be found on Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson and Helen Mirren. According to Tamir's research, he found this form in only five percent of the people he examined.

People who have an upturned nose are very gentle and have a good sense of humor. People are never bored in your presence!

  1. Thick nose

A thick nose has a large, protruding shape. According to Tamir's research, more than 24 percent of people have this nose, so it is considered the most common.

But just because that nose is bulky doesn't mean it's unattractive. It can be found on celebrities such as Mark Ruffalo and Albert Einstein, and their faces are difficult to classify as ugly.

People who have large nose, are thinkers and love to read books. They spend their entire lives acquiring knowledge.

  1. Humped nose

A hooked nose, which has a very noticeable curvature and looks rough compared to a Roman one, is quite common.

Many people who are born with this nose dream of correcting it with rhinoplasty. However, not all celebrities decided to part with such a distinctive feature.

People who have this nose shape tend to doubt everything. Their motto could be: “I have to see to believe.”

  1. Nixon's nose

Nixon's nose is truly one of a kind, marked by straightness and length.

According to Tamir's research, less than a percent of the population has such a nose.

If you have this rare form, you are good at making quick decisions. You also do not choose any path unless you are sure that it is the only correct one.

  1. Potato nose

Here's another rare nose! The nose is marked with a large rounded tip.

These noses get a bad rap thanks to cartoons that exaggerate them, but this nose has large number people, including celebrities. For example, Bill Clinton and Australian actor Leo McKern.

It is known that people who have this nose shape are very wise. People around you love to spend time with you and listen to what you have to say.

The snub nose is one of the six most popular species.

Usually the nose is assessed according to several indicators at once:

  • form
  • length
  • width
  • bridge of the nose
  • tip
  • wings
  • basis

A snub nose has a raised tip that makes the nostrils visible. The snub nose is a variation of the snub nose, but has a slightly larger tip - thicker and fleshier.

Before you start getting upset about your snub nose, remember which other stars have this shape. The list includes recognized sex symbols Angelina Jolie, Natalia Oreiro, Kate Bakinsale and others.

Snub nose and human psychology

People with a snub nose are distinguished by special prudence, a practical and tenacious mind, balance and reliability. Such people are very loved by those around them, especially children.

Psychologists assure that such a person is an excellent conversationalist who can keep any secrets he hears. In addition, people with snub noses are not inclined to refuse, because helping others is their need.

From a professional point of view, people with snub noses are quite wealthy, as they are inclined to achieve all their goals.

Don't like the shape of your nose tip? Is it worth getting rhinoplasty?

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Snub nose and makeup

A snub nose is often called the standard of beauty, because it can be quite easily adjusted in terms of thickness. At the same time, he will look cute due to his slight upturned look.

To disguise the snub nose, apply dark powder along the side walls and wings. Due to this darkening, the nose will visually look narrower. Moreover, the nostrils need to be masked more strongly. Darker colors are suitable for this. But the tip, on the contrary, needs to be lightened by applying a peach-colored product to it. Be sure to exclude corrective products with a shining effect. Remember that when visual correction a snub nose, the skin should not shine and show what has been applied to the face large number cosmetics.

To correct your nose with makeup, you can use not only powder of different shades. Blush and even some types of shadows are also suitable

It is also worth considering the fact that a snub nose will look harmonious only if you choose the right makeup for your entire face, and not just correct the nose itself. The amount of cosmetics should be minimal. The lines that you will draw are smoothed out as much as possible. Also don't forget to give special attention lines of cheekbones and chin. Thanks to this manipulation, you can divert attention from the center of the face.

In addition, it is worth shading your cheeks and lower jaw with a dark corrector. This way you can create ideal facial proportions, in which a snub nose will look natural and beautiful.

Snub nose and hairstyle

You can also correct a snub nose using your hairstyle. For owners of such a nose, experts usually recommend using haircuts in which the hair is decorated with lines framing the face. It is best to have hair of medium length, and always voluminous.

It is better to refuse direct options, giving preference to torn hairstyles

As an option, you can use a hairstyle with curls, only the ends must be directed upward.

Correcting the length of the nose with the right makeup

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Canons of the ideal nose

A European nose is characterized as ideal if it creates an angle of 30 degrees to the face. Naturally, this is not an axiom, and ladies with a 40-degree nose angle can look no worse and more harmonious than those with a sloped nose.

The angle between the nose and lips is also usually assessed. In women, on average, it is 105 degrees. For comparison: perfect proportion this parameter for a man - 95 degrees.

According to the canons of beauty, the bridge of the nose should be located slightly higher than the base of the eyelashes of the upper eyelid. Its depth should not exceed 6 mm.

An ideal nose must have symmetrical nostrils, the partition between them should fall below the nostrils by 5 mm

A nose with a small hump, about 2 mm, becomes ideal. Also, the upturned tip of the nose brings it closer to ideal, which is why it becomes snub-nosed. And many ladies - owners of exactly this shape - for some reason are sure that their nose cannot be worse.

What to do if a snub nose is not a joy

If a lady, despite all the tricks with makeup and hairstyle, is still haunted by her snub nose, there is only one way out - rhinoplasty. An experienced surgeon will easily transform your snub nose into the one you have always dreamed of: reducing it in size, making it thinner, and straightening the tip.