Spruce branch 4 letters. spruce branch

I open my eyes and sigh heavily. In the dream I was cheerful and full of strength, but in reality I could barely move my legs and could hardly cut off a piece of bread. Neither the surrounding nature nor the people among whom I lived gave me strength.

My name is Henry Wolf. During my 29 years, I managed to work as a miner, a servant, a farmer, a loader, and a hunter. I made pennies from my labor, breaking my back in the warehouses of Zurbagan, drove around in a taxi cab in London, swept the Parisian boulevards, delivered beer mugs in the port taverns of Alexandria, but nowhere could my soul find peace. It was a strange feeling that had been gnawing at me since early childhood. An incomprehensible melancholy, calling to an unknown destination. Until I was twenty, I worked hard on my parents’ farm, feeding my old mother. When she died, I sold the farm and went on the road. Long years wandered around the world like the eternal Jew, but could not stop anywhere. I was already beginning to doubt that I would ever do this, but then I was carried away to forest people to Eternal Dubrava, thirty miles from Lissa.

Here, among the workers, guns and hunting knife, I finally found peace in my soul. It was... The devil knows what it was - either a tribe, or a colony of freedom-loving people. They earned money by hunting and fishing, and prayed to the sun and forest spirits. They lived amicably, without the games of trashy passions and senseless rituals of savages characteristic of civilized people. Of course, they were also jealous of each other, fought for power in the tribe, made sacrifices to the gods, but all this was full of reason. Only those who sincerely wanted to care about the welfare of people or to be intermediaries between them and higher powers, the doors were never locked, and childless old people and cripples received help from other members of the community. Everything here was imbued with the spirit of unity with nature, mutual respect and trust.

After living here for a month, I realized that I had found my place in the world. Under the green noise of the forest and the cheerful birds, my soul finally calmed down. I stopped being pulled anywhere, now I lived in this forest and I didn’t need anything else.

When I told the tribal leader about my desire, Big Bison, he shook his head:

I won’t lie, boy, you fit right in here. I like you, and others are not against you living here. But you must undergo the Rite of Mergence - after this you will finally become one of us and the Great Oak Forest will support you with its strength.

What if I don't go through the ceremony?

Then it will be better for you to leave here. No one will chase you, but if you do not receive the support of the Great One, you will soon simply die.

I was brought to Main Glade Great Dubrava. On her green carpet, in an almost regular triangle, stood an oak tree as thick as a steamship funnel, a pine tree, the crown of which seemed to cling to the clouds, and a spruce tree that looked like a brown pyramid. In the middle of this triangle there was a huge flat stone-altar. Around him, like a witch's ring, stood statues of people and animals. The oak symbolized the strength of the representatives of our tribe, the spruce symbolized our honesty, and the pine symbolized our straightforwardness.

Near the oak tree stood a shaman named Golden Cobra - a youthful woman in a green robe embroidered with leaves, bunches of rowan berries and apples.

I bowed low:

Hello, wisest one! Will you allow me to undergo the Fusion ceremony?

Wait - She ran her hands over my face, chest, and smelled me. - I think you can do it.

Come to this pine tree,” the Wise One told me. – Press yourself against the trunk, close your eyes and ask our Mother Dubrava to lift you to the top and lower you down. Don’t relax - otherwise the whole ceremony will go down the drain, you will lose the opportunity to live with us, or you will fall to death.

Clear! – I nod and go up to the pine tree. I gently stroke the rough bark and deeply inhale the resinous smell. I wrap my arms around the table, close my eyes and completely relax. My head goes blank, not a single thought. My body becomes transparent, weightless. I merge with the surrounding world, mentally turning to our Mother. My soul is almost immediately filled with warm calm, I feel like I’m lifting off the ground. Incredible feeling! I only experienced this in a dream, but there was no such pleasure there. Higher, higher, higher... My heart aches with the knowledge that if I just loosen my concentration a little, I’ll be done for. Even higher... My fingers feel the branches in the crown of the tree. My soul is getting better and brighter... Have I really gone through the ritual?

I suddenly start to go down. Go down quickly, much faster than you went up. Mother Dubrava, am I really going to break?

The ground gently hits my feet and I fall onto my side. I open my eyes and take a breath: everything worked out!

Alas, dear, you did not complete the ritual! – Wise shakes her head sympathetically. – You relaxed too early.

Can I try again?

No. This can only be done once in a lifetime.
- And what will happen to me now, madam?

Soon the demons of the Earth will come to you. They will suck all the life force out of you, since you do not have the protection of our Mother Oak. These demons protect our land from strangers, including you. Better leave before it's too late.

I just sighed. Now it became clear to me why a huge tract of such a wonderful forest is almost untouched by man - it is protected by otherworldly forces.

No, Wise. I want to stay here until the end.

Well, at least you will die with a calm soul, - the Priestess knew my story.

I returned to the village. The days dragged on. There was a glimmer of hope in my soul that everything would work out, but after a week I felt that I was starting to lose strength. The carcass of a dead wild boar, which I used to drag home in an hour, took half a day to drag almost the same distance, then I went to the river for water and barely dragged two buckets.

The inhabitants of the village turned their backs on me. I didn’t blame them - in fact, what’s the point of being friends with a person who only has a short time left to trample the earth?

I drank a mug of water and sighed heavily. It was bitter to feel how life was leaving your body, like flour through a sieve. I absolutely clearly felt that I only had a few days left to live. I wasn’t very afraid of death, but it was painfully sad to die now - when I had just begun to truly LIVE...

Hello! – My friend named Green Deer looked into the hut. This skinny guy like Koschey with a black curly beard and cheerful eyes was the only one who supported me in the last part of my life’s journey.

Hello... - I nod. - Come in, buddy, sit down. How are you doing, what is the tribe doing?

Things are going well - yesterday I went to the city and handed over the skins I had obtained. – The Green Deer clicked his tongue. – I bought boots, a hat, a new jacket. I didn’t forget my wife - I bought her two dresses, boots, and some jewelry. And the tribe is preparing for the Day of Settlement. Our tribe celebrates this holiday once every ten years and all its members gather for it. Oh, what a luxurious party this is going to be!

I'm happy for you.

Don't worry, buddy. I was thinking, talked to Mudra... In short, you have the opportunity to be saved.

How is that? “I leaned forward, peering into the glimmer of hope ahead.

You and I will go through the ritual of fraternization on a spruce branch. Then your demons will come to me, and you will receive the protection of Mother Dubrava.
“Won’t these demons finish you off?”

No. The wise one will help me, I’ll just suffer until a new branch grows on the sacred spruce, replacing the one we use in the ritual.

Thank you, friend, but I cannot abuse your nobility. I don't want you to suffer because of me.

No, Henry, we need to do this. Understand that this is the only way to save you. You and I are friends, but friendship can lead to suffering. Otherwise, it is not friendship, but friendship. Do you catch the difference?

I catch it... - I squeezed his hand as tightly as I could. - Thank you, darling!

The Green Deer led me to the Sacred Glade. The Golden Cobra, muttering spells, scratched our hands with a knife. A deer broke a spruce branch and smeared the place where it grew with our blood.

At first I didn't feel anything. A minute passed, then another... Suddenly a huge relief hit me like a fallen tree, my body was filled with strength, and the Green Deer groaned and bent over with a fishhook. The poor man's legs couldn't support him, so I picked him up in my arms. Mother Dubrava, how nice it is to feel strong again!

Bring him to me! – The priestess ordered. - Now you should not part until he recovers. You are now connected not only by friendship, but by a channel of energy replenishment, as your learned men would say. I will not allow his death, and you will feed your friend with the power of your soul. Faster!

I took my savior to the house of the Wise. It was the same two-story house as most of the residents of the settlement, only on the ground floor there was something like a laboratory equipped. At the priestess's direction, I laid the Green Deer on a bench covered with a bearskin and undressed him. Golden Cobra gave him some kind of spicy decoction to drink and rubbed him with a mustard-like ointment with the smell of honey. She covered her with a blanket and said:

It's okay, now he needs peace. And you, dear, don’t sit there like a pimple on your lower back, go and get some water, and you also need to chop some wood...

The holiday is booming. Violins are crying, trumpets are blaring, guitars are ringing, rattles are clicking, drums are blaring. My friend and I are sitting on a bench, sipping beer and admiring the people having fun. With one glance at the clothes, I can determine where the members of the tribe came from - the owners of red shirts went to the cities, blue shirts to the mountains, green shirts were put on by forest hermits. Laughter, songs, whistling, stomping. Boots and moccasins diligently tamp down the grass, scarves flutter and eyes burn. All sorrows and worries fly away, burn in the fire of joy, melt under the rays of joy. And this is only the first day! Tomorrow there will be competitions in shooting, knife throwing, horse and deer racing. The day after tomorrow they will remember their dead ancestors, offer sacrifices to the gods, and at dawn on the fourth day they will disperse in all directions, drawn by the call of duty and soul...

An ice harpoon suddenly pierces me right through. I can neither inhale nor exhale, my strength instantly left me. My friend groans and falls to the ground. With horror, I understand that the Green Deer has become much worse, that he is one step away from death. I need a Wise One, but how can I find her if I can’t move?!

With an effort that would be enough to tear out a hundred-year-old oak tree, I force myself to stand up and take a deep breath. Strength has increased a little. I help my friend sit down and dive into the festive sea, looking for a Mudraya pearl.

Where is Wise?

A?! – A short man who looks like a gnome looks at me with a senselessly drunken look.

Where is Wise?

There! – The seamstress named Shaggy Goat waves her hand vaguely.

Haven't you seen the wise one?

You're gone... - the blacksmith Red Muskrat brushes me off like a fly.

The strength is diminishing. Fear crawls like a snake along the spine. Where is the priestess?! I shake my head desperately. All around me there are faces stunned by drink and fun, no one cares about my problems.

Here she is! Our chief specialist in communications with higher powers, in the company of three of her colleagues, coos on the sidelines over a glass of beer. I run up to her:

Wise, trouble: The Green Deer is feeling bad!

With the glance of the priestess, you can put a company of grenadiers to flight, and I understand her perfectly - my friend found time to feel unwell...

You can't waste another minute! F-follow me! – The growl of the offended tigress instantly turns into the hiss of an angry viper. The whole crowd of us rushes to the place where my friend is sitting. She examines him quickly and makes some passes.

Help me carry it to my house! – The Wise One orders and hands me a flask taken from her belt. - First, drink it all - it will strengthen you.

Having drained the flask, I pick up the poor fellow on the right, the younger priest on the left, and we drag him to the house of the Golden Cobra. Our priestess is in a hurry from behind. I don’t know what she treated me to, but this drink made me feel like hot tar was boiling in my veins. I wonder how long its effect will last?

How else can I help? - I asked when the Green Deer was again on the bed, and the priestess and her colleagues surrounded him, raising their hands.

Go away! The whole holiday was spoiled, assistant...

I leave the house without any offense. I sit down on a bench, close my eyes and mentally ask Mother Oak for help. I probably do it completely wrong, but I put all the strength of my soul into prayer no worse than any of the priests. Help, our goddess!

Something softly hits me on the head and I quickly fly into some kind of abyss. I can’t say anything, I’m hot, unbearably hot, I fell into hot lava. From the inside, I am torn apart by the fierce arctic cold - all my insides have turned to ice. I'm freezing and burning at the same time. Great gods, why such torment?!

Suddenly everything disappears. I open my eyes and see that I am lying in the Wise House, on the bench next to Green Deer. I'm all sweaty, I don't even have the strength to turn my head, but I don't feel either cold or hot.

It's over, darling! – The Golden Cobra is bending over me. “You both won and now you are one of us.” Your friend is also alive and well. Your pain redeemed the interrupted ritual, now you are one of us. Your new name is Yellow Mongoose. The Green Deer is now your blood brother. Rest and gain strength.

Thank you...Thank you from the bottom of my heart! - I'm wheezing. - How long did I lie unconscious?

A year later me and mine best friend stood near the sacred fir tree and looked at two twin branches that grew in place of the one that was broken for the ceremony. I feel good and calm - far from here is the crazy world of deceit and meanness, stupidity and corruption, dirty garbage dumps and gas chamber factories. My life will pass here, my children will be born here. I close my eyes and feel how my soul is filled with the bliss of unity with our tribe, with Mother Dubrava and my entire new world...
June 2016, Moscow.

spruce branch

Alternative descriptions

Foot or entire leg in some animals and birds

The leg of an object, shaped like a foot or leg

The curved and flattened end of various tools, devices, the tool itself with such an end

The tenoned end of a log, inserted into the notch of another log when tying them into a crown

Influential part of the hand

She is sucked by the clubfoot and given to her by her friend

Forging tool

They take and give bribes for it

The tip of the kaginawa horns

Hand covered with shaggy hair or pine needles

Hand accepting a bribe

The foot or the entire leg in animals that have movable limbs and fingers, as well as the human hand

Foot (of a dog or animal) with toes

Boxing trainer's glove

Coniferous branch

Anchor part

Organ of Azor

The Briber's Limb

Christmas tree branch

The hand of a bribe taker

. "pacifier" for a bear

Bribe-taker's predatory limb

Azor's organ on which a rose fell

What was torn off from the teddy bear thrown on the floor

What do they ask the dog?

Hand of the Beast

Iron part of Mowgli's teacher

Barbosa's leg

Baloo - Iron...

Dog leg

cat leg

. "sucker" for Mishka

. Toptygin's "nipple"

What is asked of Jim

The Christmas tree and the wolf have it

cat leg

Acanthus or bears...

Bear peter

Beast's Leg

. "pacifier" of a bear in a den

. "pacifier" of a bear in a den

The organ for which you are asked to give

Bear's hand

Iron part of Balu

Between the shoemaker's legs

Tear off the bear

Coniferous limb

Bear "nipple"

The hand of the one taking the bribe (of course)

Winter “pacifier” by Mikhailo Potapych

Spruce branch and hand of the bribe taker

. "pacifier" for a bear

Cat's leg

Anchor point

Hand taking bribe

Toptygin's leg

bestial hand

. "furry" limb for taking a bribe

One of four for a cat

Wolf leg

Animal's leg

The organ on which the rose fell

Bear foot

Branch coniferous tree

Coniferous tree branch

Chicken leg for poor eaters

They pay a bribe for her, the furry one.

Tuzik's leg

Tiger foot

Bear "nipple" on winter nights

spruce branch

Jackal foot

animal leg

Biryuk leg

Knot "Cat..."

Winter “pacifier” by Mikhail Potapych

Leg Bugs

What does a bear suck in winter?

. "hand" of a fluffy cat

Powerful Tiger Limb

Cheetah leg

. "hand" of the bribe taker

Animal's foot

The shaggy hand of a bribe taker

Beast foot

Hand of the Bribe Taker

Mishka's leg

Spike at the end of a log

animal leg

. “brutal” limb of spruce

Ballpoint pen

Anchor element

Limb with pads

Coniferous tree branch

Foot or entire leg in animals

Forging tool

Coniferous tree branch

Spike at the end of a log

. "Beastly" spruce limb

. "Furry" limb for taking a bribe

. "Dummy" for a bear

. "Hand" of the bribe taker

. "Hand" of a fluffy cat

. "Nipple" for a bear

. Toptygin's "Nipple"

. "pacifier" of a bear in a den

. "pacifier" of a bear in a den

. "Sucker" for Mishka

G. paw, -kidney, -ponka; lapishka, lapchenka, lapeshka; paws, lapina; foot with toes, in quadrupeds and birds; leg hand, foot, the entire part of the leg attached to the tibia: tarsus, metatarsus and fingers with membranes and claws: abusive the same parts of the arms and legs of a person. wolf, turtle and goose paw; the horse has a leg and a hoof; The cockroach has legs and latches. He puts everything under his (one) paw. You can't handle everything with one paw. The cat is with its paw, and the bear is with its fingers. wide paws and wide shoulders. He now sucks his paw and lives on stock. Wide, broad-shouldered paw. On the shoulder and paw. Just let me put my paw on the cart, and I’ll fit it all in myself! said the fox. Paw in paw, butt in the shop. Sweet crow's feet! did you eat?" No, you didn’t: but grandfather was in the city, and he saw how the boyars eat (like the governor ate)! various kinds of products, a flattened bend or knee. An anchor paw, a triangular, wide end of the horns. A three-pronged grab, a grip, for getting hardened cores; an iron ladle, used for taking hardened stones, on beech. The arched ends of door hinges, with holes for nails. The flattened leg, the heel of an iron support and other fittings for cars, carts, etc. Rhizome, a tree cut down from the roots. , kokora, krokva, knitsa; krivulina, part of a stump with a branch, a spike, a lock, a cutting at the end of a beam, a log, launched into the same cut of a transverse log; cut into the corner, releasing the ends into the paw; , into a thorn, cutting off the ends. The paw, the rhizome of hemp, in the hemp, making up the head in the hole, top part. The base, the wide part of the sugar loaf and its lyaka (shape). A stump, a lying block of wood, into which a stand or post is drilled, for a temporary fence. His paw is wide and rakes in a lot. He puts his paw out and steals. They live hand in hand and look out for each other. Potap stands on four legs, or: Platonka stands on four legs, drinking water every year? nursery Paws, plants pimple, wild carnation, Antenaria dioica. Male paw, plant. Аndrosace septentrionalis, rezuha, fracture, fracture?, hernia. Lion's paw, bear's paw, plant. Alchemilla. Cat's paws, plant. Gnaphalium dioticum. Paws plural a type of ski in Kamchatka for laying roads along the first route. Foot, for gilders: a wide, flat brush, for shooting in lard and for overlaying sheet gold. Sweetheart, sweetheart, affectionate greetings to the woman. Crow's feet, plant. Rotentilla anserina, caterpillar, goose grass, ringlets, metograss, fenugreek, soft grass. Sweetheart, woodpecker, shamrock, clover. Paw, related to the paw. Claw iron from which anchor claws are forged. Lapochny, the same. Paw-footed, big-footed. Pawed animals, among hunters, bear, wolf, lynx, wolverine, badger and fox. not big, but claw-footed, strong, dangerous. It’s lapisto to live, to take taxes. Pawed, with paws, who or what has paws; paw-like, paw-shaped, prominent; or made from paws. The clawed goose is a man with a mind of his own. Handle loops, large, nailed. Palmate chestnut leaf. Palm fox or marten fur. Palm-footed bird, webbed: swan, goose, duck. If the goose doesn't claw, you won't be able to swim across; If you're not a quail, you won't fly over. Potentilla f. plant Rotentilla. Orchis, Orchis. Paw-footedness, claw-footedness. belonging, by meaning adj. To paw at something, to grab, to take, to rake. Paw, search, fumble, feel. What he touched, he grabbed, what he groped, he grabbed and stole. Lapochnik m. -nitsa f. some with paws, some with paws. Lapan m. pawed, big-footed. Paw Vlad. arch. Sib. foot, human paw, metatarsus, foot; sole sea ​​beast(lust?). Lapostnya Psk. hard trace of a person's foot on the snow, earth. Lapnik, lapnyak m. wide branches of a spruce forest, with which courtyards and guardhouses are covered for the winter. Lapukha, lapushnik, see lapuga. Lapena, lapeshka vol. eagle fat, round, dense child. Plant. Polygonatum multiflorum, coupon. Lapeshka, a little piece of resin. hard Psk. cup, bowl. Paw resins. pay clothes, put patches (grab, see above). Lapik m. resin. patch. To babble, to babble, south. zap. Ryaz. hard slamming around, dangling, slapping, splashing noisily; babble, ramble, speak often, quickly, unclearly. The water in the mill is babbling. Lapotok metro station Psk. shovel, flap, blade; a trimmed flap, with a heart, hung for embellishment on cats (or detracted from a bast shoe). Paw-eared, with drooping ears. Lapot m. Lapotok; bast shoes, bast shoes m. postsoli south. zap. (German Wasteln), short wicker footwear, ankle-length, made from bast (lychniki), bast (mochalyzhniki, ploshe), less often from the bark of willow, willow (vzki, ivnyaki), tala (shelyuzhnik), elm (elm) , birch (birch bark), oak (oakoviki), from thin roots (korenniki), from young oak chips (dubachi, chrng.), from hemp combs, broken old ropes (kurpa, krutsy, chuna, sheptuny), from horse manes and tails (hairworts), and finally from straw (strawworts, chickens). The bast shoe is woven into

Winter "pacifier" by Mikhail Potapych

Winter "pacifier" by Mikhailo Potapych

Bear "nipple"

Bear "nipple" on winter nights

Knot "Cat..."

What do you ask a dog to do?

What does a bear suck in winter?

Spruce branch

What does a bear suck in winter?

They pay a bribe for her, the furry one.

. “They tore off the bear...” - what is this about?

Spruce ( Picea) is an evergreen coniferous tree, a symbol of the New Year. Belongs to the pine order, pine family, spruce genus. The height of a spruce can reach 50 meters, and the lifespan of a tree can be 600 years, although usually a tree lives up to 250-300 years.

Spruce – description, appearance, photo

U young tree During the first 15 years of growth, the root system has a tap structure, but then it develops as a superficial one, since as it matures, the main root dies off. In the first years of its life, the spruce grows upward and practically does not produce lateral branches. The straight trunk of the spruce has a round shape and gray bark, exfoliating into thin plates. Spruce wood low-resinous and homogeneous, white with a light golden tint.

The pyramidal or cone-shaped crown of the spruce is composed of whorled branches growing almost perpendicular to the trunk. Short spruce needles located on the branches in a spiral pattern and has a tetrahedral or flat shape. The color of the needles is usually green, blue, yellowish or gray. The needles remain viable for 6 years, and the fallen ones are renewed annually. Some insects are partial to spruce needles (for example, nun butterflies) and eat the needles so much that brush shoots are formed on damaged spruce branches - very short and hard needles that look like brushes.

Spruce cones have a slightly pointed, slightly elongated cylindrical shape. They can reach a length of 15 cm and have a diameter of at least 4 cm. The spruce cone is an axis, and around it grows many covering scales, in the axils of which the seed scales are located. On the upper part of the seed scales, 2 ovules are formed, endowed with a false wing. Spruce seeds ripen in October, after which the seeds are dispersed by the wind and remain viable for 8-10 years.

Types of fir trees, names and photos

Today, more than 45 species of spruce have been studied, growing in natural conditions and having a trunk height from 30 cm to 50 m, different crown structures and various colors of needles. Among all the representatives of this genus, the most famous are the following varieties:

  • European (ordinary) spruce (Picea abies)

An evergreen coniferous tree, the average height of which is 30 m, but there are specimens up to 50 meters in height. The crown of the spruce is cone-shaped, the branches are whorled, drooping or prostrate, the bark of the trunk is dark gray in color, and with age it begins to peel off in thin plates. Spruce needles are tetrahedral, arranged in a spiral on spruce paws. Norway spruce forms huge forest tracts in north-eastern Europe, found in mountainous areas Alps and Carpathians, in the Pyrenees and the Balkan Peninsula, in North America and central Russia and even in the Siberian taiga.

  • Siberian spruce (Picea obovata)

A tall tree, up to 30 meters in height, with a pyramidal crown. The girth diameter of the Siberian spruce trunk can exceed 70-80 cm. The needles of the Siberian spruce are somewhat shorter than those of the common spruce and are more prickly. Siberian spruce grows in the forests of northern Europe, Kazakhstan and China, the Scandinavian Peninsula and Mongolia, the Urals and the Magadan region.

  • Eastern spruce (Picea orientalis)

The height of the tree varies from 32 to 55 meters, the crown is conical in shape, with densely spaced branches. The bark of the spruce trunk is low-resinous, gray-brown in color, and scaly. The needles are shiny, slightly flattened, tetrahedral, with a slightly rounded tip. Oriental spruce is widespread in the forests of the Caucasus and the northern territories of Asia, forming pure tracts there, or found in mixed forests.

  • Korean spruce (Picea koraiensis)

A fairly tall coniferous tree, reaching 30-40 m in height, with a greyish-brown bark-colored trunk, girth up to 75-80 cm. The crown of this spruce species is pyramidal, drooping branches, pubescent with resinous tetrahedral, slightly blunt needles with a bluish bloom. Under natural conditions, Korean spruce grows in the regions of the Far East, in China, in the Primorsky Territory and Amur region, in North Korea.

  • Ayan spruce (small-seeded, Hokkaido) (Picea jezoensis)

Externally, this type of spruce is very similar to European spruce. The pyramidal crown of the Ayan spruce has bright green, almost non-resinous needles with a sharp tip, the trunk height is usually 30-40 meters, occasionally up to 50 m, the girth of the trunk reaches a meter, and sometimes more. Spruce grows in the Far East region, in Japan and China, on Sakhalin and the territory Kamchatka region, in Korea and the Amur region, on the Kuril Islands, along the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and in the Sikhote-Alin mountains.

  • TianShan spruce (Picea schrenkiana subsp. tianschanica)

Spruce trees of this species often reach a height of 60 m, and the diameter of the trunk is 1.7-2 meters. The crown of the Tien Shan spruce is cylindrical, less often pyramidal in shape. The needles are diamond-shaped, straight, or slightly curved. Distinctive feature– the presence of anchor roots that are able to bend and cling tightly to stones or rocky ledges. Spruce grows in areas Central Asia, widespread in the Tien Shan mountains, especially common in Kazakhstan and the mountainous regions of Kyrgyzstan.

  • Spruce Glen (Picea glehnii)

Coniferous tree with a very dense, cone-shaped crown. The trunk height is from 17 to 30 meters, the diameter varies from 60 to 75 cm. The bark is covered with scale plates and has a beautiful chocolate hue. The long tetrahedral needles are slightly curved, sharp in young trees and slightly blunt in mature specimens. The needles are dark green, with a bluish bloom, and have a tart spruce aroma. Glen spruce grows in Japan, in the southern regions of Sakhalin, in the south of the Kuril Islands.

  • Canadian spruce (gray spruce, white spruce) (Picea glauca)

Slim evergreen tree, most often not exceeding 15-20 meters in height, the trunk diameter of the Canadian spruce is no more than 1 meter in diameter. The bark on the trunk is quite thin, covered with scales. The crown is narrowly conical in young specimens, and in adult spruce trees it takes on the shape of a cylinder. The spruce needles are long (up to 2.5 cm), blue-green in color, and diamond-shaped in cross-section. Canadian spruce grows in the states North America, often found in Alaska, Michigan, South Dakota.

  • Red spruce (Picea rubens)

An evergreen tree, with a height of 20 to 40 meters, but under poor growing conditions it can have a height of only 4-6 meters. The diameter of the red spruce trunk rarely exceeds 1 meter, but is usually 50-60 centimeters. The crown is cone-shaped, significantly expanding towards the base of the trunk. The needles are quite long - 12-15mm, practically do not prick, as they have a rounded tip. This type Spruce is common in England and Canada, grows in the Appalachian mountains and Scotland, and is found almost along the entire Atlantic coast.

  • Serbian spruce (Picea omorika)

An evergreen representative of coniferous trees, with a height of 20 to 35 meters; Serbian spruce trees reaching a height of 40 meters are very rarely found. The crown of the spruce is pyramidal, but narrow, and closer to columnar in shape. The branches are short, sparse, slightly raised upward. The spruce needles are green, shiny, with a slightly bluish tint, slightly flattened on top and bottom. This type of spruce is very rare: in natural environment grows only in Western Serbia and Eastern Bosnia.

  • Blue spruce, she's the same prickly spruce(Picea pungens)

a very popular type of spruce, often used as an ornamental plant. Blue spruce can grow up to 46 meters in height, although the average tree height is 25-30 m, and the trunk diameter is up to 1.5 m. The crown of young spruce trees has a narrow conical shape, and with age it turns into cylindrical. The needles, 1.5-3 cm long, come in different shades - from grayish-green to bright blue. Spruce cones, 6-11 cm long, can be reddish or purple, turning light brown when ripe. Blue spruce grows in western North America (from Idaho to New Mexico), where it is widespread in moist soils along the banks of mountain rivers and streams.

Dwarf spruce, varieties and types, names and photos

Among the huge variety of species and varieties of spruce trees, dwarf spruce trees are especially popular - amazing elements of landscape design and a wonderful decoration for every garden. Dwarf spruce is durable, unpretentious, and easy to care for. These miniature trees amaze with the splendor of their shapes and colors and fit perfectly into rock gardens, rockeries, flower beds, and Japanese gardens. Here are some types of dwarf spruce trees:

Dwarf spruce Nidiformis

one of the forms of common spruce, a dense nest-like shrub with light green needles, grows up to 40 cm in height and no more than 1 m in width.

the result of a mutation of the common spruce variety Acrocona - an unusual plant of uneven shape, 30-100 cm in height and 50 cm in diameter. The small pink cones that form on different lengths shoots.

Dwarf blue spruce Glauka Globoza (Glauca Globosa)

one of the popular types of blue spruce with a dense, wide-conical crown and light blue crescent-shaped needles. By the age of 10, the tree grows up to 3 m in height and gradually becomes almost round.

a very decorative conifer with a symmetrical pyramidal crown and two-color needles: the needles are dark green above and light blue below. The tree grows up to 3-3.5 m in height, and the diameter of the crown at the base is 2.5 m.

Dwarf spruce Bialobok (Bialobok)

a unique variety of spruce of Polish selection with blue, silver and golden shades of needles. The Christmas tree becomes especially decorative in the spring, when young shoots of a whitish-cream color appear against the background of mature dark green needles. The height of a dwarf spruce is no more than 2 meters.

Where does spruce grow?

The distribution area of ​​this tree is quite wide. Different types of fir trees grow in Europe, America and Asia. The largest population is found in the common spruce, which grows in Western European countries, central Russia, the Urals, and up to the Amur watershed. In the vastness of Siberia and Far East Siberian and Ayan spruce grows, and in the Caucasus mountains - oriental spruce. There are species that grow only in certain climatic conditions, for example, Glen spruce, common on the southern coast of Sakhalin, the Kuril ridge and the island of Hokkaido.

Reproduction of spruce

Spruce is a gymnosperm plant and reproduces with the help of heterosexual cones. Pollen from the male cones that ripen in May is carried by the wind and fertilizes the large female cones growing at the ends of the branches. A spruce cone with ripe seeds falls to the ground, from where the wind picks it up and carries it over considerable distances. Spruce trees reach the ability to reproduce by 15 years of age.

How to grow spruce at home?

IN Lately It became popular to grow spruce trees in private plots or in city parks. To achieve success, it is better to purchase tree seedlings 3-5 years old in specialized stores or nurseries. Planting material High Quality supplied in containers with the root system covered with soil.

For good establishment of seedlings, a site is selected without high groundwater levels, with light neutral or slightly acidic soil; good drainage must be ensured during planting. At first, it is necessary to cover the young plant from the scorching rays of the sun.

Caring for the seedling is quite simple: water once a week, loosen the surface soil layer and remove weeds.

The chemical composition of all trees from the spruce genus is almost identical, and all above-ground parts of the plant are valuable medicinal raw materials due to the presence of many useful substances:

  • vitamins B3, K, C, E, PP;
  • essential oils;
  • phytoncides;
  • tannins (tannins);
  • carotenoids;
  • polyprenols (natural bioregulators);
  • resins;
  • bornyl acetate;
  • copper, iron, manganese, chromium.

The highest concentration of beneficial substances is found in young spruce shoots, spruce buds and cones, therefore infusions and decoctions based on them are widely used to treat many diseases, such as:

  • bronchial asthma and viral diseases respiratory tract;
  • infectious diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • neurological diseases (neurosis, plexitis, radiculitis);
  • purulent wounds and fungal skin lesions;
  • vascular and heart diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis).

Spruce oil is an excellent tonic that helps relieve fatigue, fight stress, and normalize activity. nervous system. It is also widely used as a means to strengthen hair and fight dandruff.

Regular use of the decoction spruce needles(1 tablespoon of raw material per 1 glass of water) strengthens the immune system, cleanses the blood and has a general strengthening effect on the body, especially during cold weather.

New Year tree, tradition and photo

The beautiful and noble tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year goes back to ancient times, when people deified nature, worshiped the forest and believed that spirits lived in trees, on which future harvests and well-being depended. To gain the favor of powerful spirits, on spruce, sacred tree, personifying life itself and rebirth, people hung up gifts at the end of December. According to legend, decorated spruce branches warded off evil spirits and evil spirits, and also gave the house well-being for the whole next year.

Fashion trends of the 20th and 21st centuries, artificial Christmas tree, gone a worthy alternative a living tree, and a good imitation will by no means replace a real forest beauty. A plastic Christmas tree is just another business industry, and real live Christmas trees for the New Year are the tradition of our ancestors, the true spirit of the New Year and Christmas. Therefore, despite all the convenient innovations, the majority of Russians still want to buy live Christmas tree for the New Year, and state forestry enterprises and private nurseries take care of the quality of the most important New Year's product.

  • Due to the ability of spruce trees to produce new shoots from the roots of a dead tree, in Swedish national park The oldest root system of Norway spruce on the planet is located, more than 9,500 years old.
  • Spruce wood has long been used to make the best musical instruments: harp, guitars, cellos. Amati and Stradivari used spruce for their creations.
  • The spruce forest is the most shady and dark due to the “shaggy” spruce paws densely strewn with needles. Even in the heat it is always cool in the spruce forest.
  • Among some peoples of Europe, spruce was considered a totem tree: warriors of ancient Germanic tribes “appeased” the spirit living in the crown by decorating the spruce with flowers and pronouncing ritual spells before a campaign of conquest.
  • Spruce needles are an excellent vitamin source that is used to make “green” flour for livestock feed, and the wood of the tree is sometimes used for tanning leather.

More and more often, people refuse a living tree for the New Year, wanting to preserve nature. But what kind new year holidays without a Christmas tree or pine tree, their main symbol? Beautiful artificial Christmas trees often cost exorbitant sums, and they seem too banal. You can create an original decoration for your home and even a small Christmas tree by hand, spending a small amount on materials, as well as spending a little time and patience.

To create a small spruce branch from beads we need:
- 20–25 grams of green beads;
- a coil of wire;
- threads or floral tape (for wrapping the trunk);
- scissors or nippers.

Take a piece of wire about 30–40 centimeters long. We collect one bead and place it approximately in the middle, fold the wire in half so that the bead is on the bend and pass both ends of the wire through 14 beads. The number of beads can be any, depending on how long you want the needles to be. We pull the beads to the first bead, and here is our first needle.

Take one end and collect 15 beads. We do not touch the last collected bead, but return it to the rest with wire, creating a second needle. This is what should happen.

In the same way we make two or three more needles to make a “foot”.

For the tops of the branches I make legs with five needles, in other cases - with four. You can make needles separately, later collecting them into paws or directly into branches, but I don’t like this method because the branches turn out too voluminous due to large quantity wires, and they are inconvenient to work with.
Having made at least five “legs”, try to fold them into a twig. I’m used to collecting twigs according to the pattern, adding one paw to each “tier” (that is, at the top of the twig there will be one with five needles, then two with four needles, then three, and so on). If you don't like this option, experiment!
Having chosen the ideal way to arrange the elements in the branch and created a sufficient number of “legs”, we proceed to the connection. You can simply twist everything together, but it is in Christmas trees that I don’t like the shine of the wire from under lush greenery needles In order to hide the color of the wire and securely hold the pieces of the branch together, I use thread or floral tape. There will be several small ones in my branch and it’s worth wrapping them separately, starting from the top.

The branches are ready and it’s time to start forming a large branch.

An interesting result will be obtained if small branches are fastened into a kind of bouquet and placed in a vase - from a distance it looks like a miniature copy of a real coniferous tree. I prefer to fasten the branches on different levels. Take your time when twisting the branches together - the thread can easily get tangled in the needles. A little more patience - and voila, our branch is ready!

The technique I told you is called “needle weaving”. With its help, you can not only create a small New Year tree or an Christmas wreath, but also complement a simple decoration or decorate a small handbag. The main thing is to be creative and don’t be afraid to experiment!