Theatrical activities in the middle group. Russian folk tale "Rukavichka"

Lesson literary reading for 1st grade. v\:* (behavior:url(#default#VML);) o\:* (behavior:url(#default#VML);) w\:* (behavior:url(#default#VML);).shape (behavior:url(#default#VML);)

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Literary reading lesson

Topic: E. Charushin. Fairy tale "Mitten"

Goals:acquaintance with the fairy tale “The Mitten”.

Lesson objectives:

educational : to develop skills of correct, expressive, fluent,

conscious reading;

consolidate the literary concepts of “author’s fairy tale” and

"folk tale";

raising: – cultivate independence;

– creative activity;

– aesthetic perception of works of art;

– cultivate a sense of beauty, interest in creativity, painting, music

developing: develop attention, imagination, observation,

Creative skills.

Lesson equipment:

· presentation for the lesson.

· book "Mitten"

· cards (3) with a proverb hung in different parts class ( Don't learn to destroy, but learn to build)

· There is a sun with rays on the board (inscriptions: “I want”, “We will try”)

· Poster for reflection “Island Method”.

During the classes:

The bell is ringing (ringing music in presentation)

I. Organizing time.

The bell has rung for us.
Everyone calmly entered the classroom.
Everyone stood up at their desks beautifully,
We greeted each other politely.
They sat down quietly, with their backs straight.
I see that our class is no different.
We'll start the lesson, friends.
We will respond actively
To behave,
To dear guests.
We wanted to come again!

Teacher:They smiled and said: “Good morning to everyone, everyone!”

1. On the board there is a sun with clouds and rays

we'll try

II. Breathing exercises .

1. Started the car

Started the car




Inflated the tire




We smiled more cheerfully and drove faster,




2. Patter:

Teacher: Who wants to talk?
He must speak out.
Everything is correct and clear,
So that it is clear to everyone.
Children: We will talk
And we will reprimand.
Everything is correct and clear,
So that it is clear to everyone.

III. Updating knowledge

1. Setting the goal and topic of the lesson (music – song “Come Tale”)

Slide No. 1

Who is inviting us to visit?

Who guessed what our lesson will be dedicated to?

Do you love fairy tales? Today we will look into Magic world fairy tales.

Who knows what kind of fairy tales there are?

3. Checking homework

What fairy tale did we read in the last lesson? (Slide No. 2)

Reading passage on page 33

Do you remember what the animals called themselves in this fairy tale? (mouse-norushka, frog-frog, hare-dodge on the mountain, little fox-sister)

Who wrote this fairy tale?

(Slide No. 3)

4. Fairy tales can be divided into two groups

Fairy tales

Why are they called folk?

Give examples of such tales. (“Kolobok”, “Geese swans”, “Turnip”...)

IV. Getting to know new topic

* Fairy tales live in every nation and are passed on from generation to generation.

* Today we will get acquainted with another author’s fairy tale, but you must guess which author.

* You can read the name of this tale by the first letters of the objects depicted. (Slide No. 4.)

Who will name the topic of the lesson? (Slide No. 5)

An inscription is attached to the ray of sunshine

Getting to know Russian folk

fairy tale


V . Work on the topic of the lesson

· And now I will read you the Russian folk tale “The Mitten.” This fairy tale is very similar to the fairy tale "Teremok"


A) Teacher reading a fairy tale. (Slides No. 6-13)

b) Work with text

How are fairy tales similar?

Which of the heroes is not in the fairy tale “Teremok”? (boar - fang)

Let's compare what the animals called themselves in these fairy tales. (Slide No. 14)


Jumping frog

Hare-on-the-mountain dodging bunny-runner

Fox-sister Fox-sister

Top-gray barrel Top-gray barrel

Bear I love to roarFather Bear

* Can we say that the people are very observant and attentive, since they noticed the peculiarities of the behavior of animals? One can say about a mouse that it is a “norushka” and that it is a “scratcher”. Why? (Lives in a mink and scratches)

About a frog you can say “croak” and “jump” (“jump”) Why? (She croaks and jumps)

Is it good that all the animals have gathered together? How did they live? Why?

Is it bad for grandfather without a mitten?

V) Lexical work. (Slide number 15)

Read the words written on the screen, first syllable by syllable, and then as whole words.

ob-ro-nil- dropped
come on– jumping
scratch-bush-ka– scratching
ask- asks
fuck off– runner
sister-rich-ka- sister
bre-det- wanders
don't come back [tsa]- don't turn around
fits- fits
bursting [tsa]- will burst
in-she-ve-li-va-et-sya [tsa]- moves

Explain the meaning of the words:

wanders - walks slowly, with difficulty.
Scattered - in different directions.
Dropped - dropped it.

d) Reading in a chain .

e) Game “Show the hero of the fairy tale” (Slide No. 16)

I will name the hero of the fairy tale, and you will have to portray it using movements. I hope the music helps you.

f) Modeling. Work in pairs. (Slide No. 17)

(Whoever does it gets up)

- Let's remember the rules for working in pairs : one dictates, the other draws; one writes, the other checks; If you don’t understand the information, ask again.

Let's depict the heroes of the fairy tale using ovals, and then tell the fairy tale based on the model. Let's depict the mitten as a square. Animals - ovals of different sizes

A ray of light appears in the sun with the inscription

Which animal is the smallest? (mouse) She will be the smallest oval.

Who's bigger? (frog) Let’s denote it with a larger oval and remember that it is a frog.

The same work is done with the rest of the fairy tale characters.

g) Retelling the fairy tale model

h) Compiling a proverb.

· Don't learn to destroy, but learn to build)

i) (optional)Games of Grandfather Letter Eater.

We have known the Russian folk tale “Teremok” since childhood. The plot is well-known: animals are looking for a home and settle with their neighbors. The course of events is quite common and has many variations and modifications. Sometimes such a simple object as, for example, a mitten can become a tower. A fairy tale with a similar name is built on the same principle, but has several changes in the plot. The animals run away from the tower because the bear is breaking it, and from the mitten they are frightened by the ringing bark of a dog.

Let's read it together! "Rukavichka" - Russian fairy tale

One day the grandfather went for firewood, Zhuchka tagged along with him. While walking through the forest, my grandfather’s mitten fell out, but he didn’t even notice.

A mitten lies in the snow, and a mouse runs past about its business, stops and thinks:

Why isn't home for me?

She jumped inside and settled there. He lives for himself, gets along. And the frog jumped up to the mitten. My paws get cold in the snow in winter, so I decided to warm myself up. She looked into her mitten and said:

And the mouse answers her:

I am a mouse - a gray naughty girl, I live here. And who are you?

I am a frog - a cheerful hopper. Is there a place for me?

Come in, it's more fun together.

They live, they live, they don’t know grief. And the bunny jumped up to the mitten, took a closer look and said:

Oh, what a mitten! I wish I could live in it!

And the mouse and the frog say to him from his mitten:

We live here, the mouse is a gray naughty girl and the frog is a cheerful hopper. And who are you?

I am a bunny - a fast runner. Is there a place for me?

Come in, it's more fun together!

Now the three of them live together, get along well, and don’t know grief. And the fox noticed the mitten, approached carefully, sniffed and said:

Oh, what a mitten! I wish I could live in it!

And the animals from the mitten respond:

We live here! The mouse is a gray naughty girl, the frog is a cheerful hopper, the bunny is a fast runner. And who are you?

And I am a red fox. Is there a place for me?

Come in, it's more fun together!

The four of us fit in, live and get along, and the wolf prowls through the forest, looking for prey, and approaches the mitten. And says:

What a miracle glove! I need to live in it!

He reached into his mitten, and the animals said:

We already live here! The Mouse is a gray naughty girl, the Frog is a cheerful hopper, the Bunny is a fast runner and the Fox is a red-haired beauty. And who are you?

And I am a wolf - sharp teeth. Let me in, okay?

It's a bit cramped here, but oh well, come in, it's more fun together!

The five of them began to take charge, but how long or how short did it take for the boar to come to the mitten? And says:

What a miracle glove! Maybe I should live in it!?

Just about to crawl into the mitten like animals from it:

The mitten is already full of tenants, we live here! The Mouse is a gray naughty girl, the Frog is a cheerful hopper, the Bunny is a fast runner, the Fox is a red-haired beauty and the Wolf is sharp teeth. And who are you?

And I am the Tusk Boar. And I want to live with you!

It’s very crowded here, but oh well, come in, it’s more fun together!

The six of them could barely fit in a mitten, huddled close to each other, warming themselves, and then a bear walked by.

What kind of glove is this? This is where I would like to live!

The animals immediately responded:

There is no room in the mitten! We live here! The Mouse is a gray naughty girl, the Frog is a cheerful hopper, the Bunny is a fast runner, the Fox is a red beauty, the Wolf is sharp teeth and the Tooth Boar. And who are you?

And I'm Mishka - a clubfooted tramp. Let me in too!

How can we let you in, there’s not enough room for us ourselves!

How the bear will roar here! It's so sad, pitiful. The animals ask:

Why are you crying, clubfoot?

My paws are frozen!

The animals moved forward and huddled even closer to each other. Don't let the bear freeze.

Come on in and warm up a little.

The bear climbed inside, the mitten began to crack at the seams.

How much or how much time passed, the grandfather only came to his senses and noticed that the mitten was missing. He decided to retrace his steps. He told the bug to look for the mitten, she ran ahead of him and found the mitten, wanted to grab it, but saw that the forest dwellers’ mitten was full. Bug started barking:

Woof! Woof!

He barks so loudly and loudly. The animals got scared and began to jump out of their sleeves and run away. Mishka came out - a clubfooted tramp, stomped into the forest, followed by the Tooth Boar and the Wolf - sharp teeth jumped out - and only they were seen! The Fox, a red beauty, appeared from her mitten, waved her tail and quickly ran, and behind her, the Bunny, a fast runner, and the Frog, jumped away with a cheerful jump, only the Mouse, a gray naughty girl, managed to jump out when the grandfather approached. He picked up the mitten, stroked the bug, and praised him for finding the mitten.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!

What does “Rukavichka” tell the kids about?

The fairy tale teaches you to be hospitable, friendly, and take care of your neighbors. The animals take pity on each other, do not let them freeze, let each new comrade into the home, while they themselves are crowded and feel inconvenienced.

It would seem that the content is very simple, but why do kids like the fairy tale “Rukavichka” so much? Its text is filled colorful names animals, logical repetitions that are quickly remembered by kids and develop their speech.

Home theater based on “Rukavichka”

Thanks to the clearly structured action of the characters, the work is well suited for dramatization. I think that in a house where they love to play with their baby, there will definitely be toy animals and a mitten. The played out fairy tale will delight the child. Even familiar toys in a new situation will seem more attractive to children than pictures in a book. Such a home theater can become in a great way creative development baby. Even if you find only one or two heroes, be sure to show a small performance to the children and involve them in the show. If a child shows imagination and creativity, he will place his favorite toys in the mitten that are not in the plot: let a squirrel or turtle live there instead of a mouse.

Creative finds from "Rukavichka"

With older children, you can have a conversation based on the content. Ask them questions. How did the mitten end up in the forest? Who dropped it? Tell me who the mitten accommodated? Does a fairy tale teach you to treat others kindly? Compose with children new ending to a fairy tale. Introduce new heroes, new actions. Create! You're making things up!

Based on the fairy tale, you can come up with a lot of creative tasks. For example, cut out a mitten from a sheet and ask to decorate it with an ornament using drawing or appliqué. Both toddlers and older children will enjoy the task. Arrange an exhibition of painted mittens. Print and offer children coloring pages based on the fairy tale.

Fairy tale "Mitten" - Russian traditional fairy tale about how the animals found a wonderful home for themselves. The plot of this fairy tale is very familiar. Yes, that’s absolutely right, another Russian folk tale has a similar plot. And it's called "". But there the little animals settled in the mansion, and here in mitten. And fairy tales end differently. In “Teremka” a bear destroyed a house, and the animals ran away from the mitten when they heard a dog barking.

It’s a wonderful fairy tale, but it’s just a little incomprehensible... What kind of mitten should this be so that animals can fit in it? Either the animals are very tiny, or the mitten belonged to a giant... Well, okay, it’s not that important, that’s why it’s a fairy tale, that anything can happen in it!


The grandfather was walking through the forest, and the dog was running after him. The grandfather walked and walked and dropped his mitten. Here is a mouse running, got into this mitten and says:

- This is where I will live.

And at this time the frog - jump-jump! - asks:

- Who, who lives in a mitten?

- The mouse is a scratcher. And who are you?

- And I’m a frog - a jumping frog. Let me go too!

There are already two of them. The bunny is running. He ran up to the mitten and asked:

- Who, who lives in a mitten?

- A mouse is a scratcher, a frog is a jumper. And who are you?

- And I’m a little bunny, a little runner. Let me in too!

There are already three of them. The fox runs:

- Who, who lives in a mitten?

- The mouse is a scratcher, the frog is a jumper, and the bunny is a runner. And who are you?

- And I am a fox-sister. Let me in too!

There are already four of them sitting there. Lo and behold, the top runs - and also towards the mitten, and asks:

- Who, who lives in a mitten?

- The mouse is a scratcher, the frog is a jumper, the bunny is a little runner and the little fox-sister. And who are you?

- And I am a top - a gray barrel. Let me in too!

- So go!

This one got in too. There are already five of them. Out of nowhere, a boar wanders:

- Hro-hro-hro, who lives in a mitten?

- A mouse is a scratcher, a frog is a jumper, a bunny is a little runner, a little fox-sister and a top is a gray barrel. And who are you?

- And I am a boar - a fang. Let me in too!

Here's the problem, everyone's gotta play it safe.

- You won’t fit in!

- I’ll get in somehow, let me in!

- Well, what can you do with you, get in!

This one got in too. There are already six of them. And they are so cramped that they can’t turn around! And then the branches began to crack: a bear crawls out and also approaches the mitten and roars:

- Who, who lives in a mitten?

- A mouse is a scratcher, a frog is a jumper, a bunny is a runner, a little fox-sister, a top is a gray barrel and a boar is a fang. And who are you?

- Gu-gu-gu, there are too many of you here! And I'm a bear - father. Let me in too!

- How can we let you in? It's already cramped.

- Yes, somehow!

- Well, go ahead, just from the edge!

This one got in too. There were seven of us, and it was so crowded that the mitten was about to tear.

Meanwhile, the grandfather missed it - there was no mitten. He then returned to look for her. And the dog ran forward. She ran and ran and looked - the mitten was lying there and moving. The dog then:

- Woof woof woof!

The animals got scared, broke out of the mitten - and scattered through the forest. And grandfather came and took the mitten.

Currently, one of the areas of art therapy is practiced in working with preschoolers - fairy tale therapy. Every day fairy tale therapy is becoming more and more popular, because a fairy tale in a symbolic form teaches to overcome difficulties, value friendship, build relationships with parents and children, and forgive. Folk tales about animals best convey life experience and basic human values ​​to young children.



Fairy tale "Mitten" in middle group

Target: education of value orientations in children through fairy tales.


Develop children's ideas about what friendship is, what qualities friends should have;

Develop a friendly attitude towards others, the ability to empathize and empathize.

Enrich tactile sensations;

Develop fine motor skills;

Develop creative abilities.

Materials: silhouette of the sun from yellow cardboard, silhouettes sun rays from multi-colored cardboard; a bell, gloves with animal figures sewn on them, a table covered with white padding polyester, Christmas trees for decoration, padding polyester balls, rice in a cup, a large mitten.


Teacher-psychologist: I suggest you touch all the rays, and for this you need to exchange them, as much as possible, with big amount Guys.

To the accompaniment of calm music, children exchange rays with each other.

Teacher-psychologist: Guys, do you feel how the sun united us all and made us friends?

Teacher-psychologist: Tell me, guys, who are friends?

The children answer.

Teacher-psychologist: That's right, guys. Friends always help each other, play together, share toys. Do you think animals can be friends?

The children answer.

Educational psychologist: I suggest you listen to the fairy tale “The Mitten.”

Reading the fairy tale "Mitten"

Teacher-psychologist: Guys, did you like the fairy tale? Would you like to visit it?

The children answer.

The teacher-psychologist invites the children to the prepared mini-scene. The bell rings.

Educational psychologist. So we found ourselves in a fairy tale. Look at the magical snow that greets us. Pet him. (Children touch and stroke the “snow”).

A teacher-psychologist hands out “snowballs” to children and asks them to crush them in their hands and roll them.

Teacher-psychologist: So it started snowing. (Invites the children to take a pinch of rice and sprinkle it on top of the snowy meadow).

Children follow the example of a teacher-psychologist.

Teacher-psychologist: And now I suggest you turn into fairy-tale animals.

A teacher-psychologist gives gloves to children fairy-tale characters and helps to put it on your hands.

Teacher-psychologist: The grandfather was walking through the forest, and a dog was running after him. The grandfather walked and walked and dropped his mitten. Here is a mouse running, got into this mitten and says:

This is where I will live.

And at this time the frog is jumping and jumping! - asks:

Child - Frog: Who, who lives in a mitten?

Child - Mouse: The mouse is a scratcher. And who are you?

Child – Frog: And I’m a jumping frog. Let me go too!

Educational psychologist: The two of them began to live together. The bunny is running. He ran up to the mitten and asked:

Child - Bunny: Who, who lives in a mitten?

Child - Frog: The frog is a jumper. And who are you?

Child – Bunny: And I’m a little bunny, a little runner. Let me in too!

Teacher-psychologist: There are already three of them. The fox runs:

Child - Fox: Who, who lives in a mitten?

Child - Mouse: The mouse is a scratcher.

Child – Bunny: Bunny is a little runner. And who are you?

Child - Fox: And I am a little fox-sister. Let me in too!

Teacher-psychologist: There are already four of them sitting there. Lo and behold, the top runs - and also towards the mitten, and asks:

Child - Spinning Top: Who, who lives in a mitten?

Child - Mouse: The mouse is a scratcher.

Child - Frog: The frog is a jumper.

Child – Chanterelle: Fox-sister. And who are you?

Child - Top: And I'm a top - a gray barrel. Let me in too!

Teacher-psychologist: Well, go. This one got in too. There are already five of them. Out of nowhere, a boar wanders:

Child - Boar: Who, who lives in a mitten?

Child - Mouse: The mouse is a scratcher.

Child - Frog: The frog is a jumper.

Child – Bunny: Bunny is a little runner.

Child – Spinning top: The spinning top is a gray barrel. And who are you?

Child - Boar: And I am a boar - a fang. Let me in too!

Educational psychologist: This one got in too. There are already six of them. And they are so cramped that they can’t turn around! And then the branches began to crack: a bear crawls out and also approaches the mitten and roars:

Child - Bear: Who, who lives in a mitten?

Child - Mouse: The mouse is a scratcher.

Child - Frog: The frog is a jumper.

Child – Bunny: Bunny is a little runner.

Child – Chanterelle: Fox-sister.

Child – Spinning top: The spinning top is a gray barrel.

Child – Boar: Boar is a fang. And who are you?

Child - Bear: And I am a little bear - father. Let me in too!

Educational psychologist: This one got in too. There were seven of us, and it was so crowded that the mitten was about to tear.

Meanwhile, the grandfather missed it - there was no mitten. He then returned to look for her. And the dog ran forward. She ran and ran and looked - the mitten was lying there and moving. The dog then:

Woof woof woof!

The animals got scared, escaped from the mitten - and scattered through the forest. And grandfather came and took the mitten. So the fairy tale ends.

The teacher-psychologist rings the bell and helps the children take off their character gloves.

Educational psychologist: What do you guys think, can fairy-tale animals be called friends? Why?

The children answer.

Teacher-psychologist: That's right, guys. The fairy-tale animals allowed everyone into the mitten, although it was cramped, they did not refuse anyone.

I suggest you guys draw houses for all the animals so that they can visit each other.

Children draw.

Teacher-psychologist: Today we visited a fairyland, where we learned to be friends and help each other.

One day in winter, my grandfather was walking through the forest. He was walking and accidentally dropped his mitten.

A mouse ran past. She saw that the mitten was lying on its own in the snow and thought that it would make an excellent house. The mouse climbed into the mitten and said:

I will live here now.

Then a frog hopped past, she saw the mitten and said:

What a warm mitten! Who lives here?

I live, a violating mouse. And who are you?

And I'm a jumping frog. Let me live with you, it’s so cold outside!

So go! - answered the mouse.

And the two of them began to live in a mitten. Soon a hare was galloping through the forest. He saw the mitten lying and also ran up to her and asked:

Who, who lives in a mitten?

I'm a mischievous mouse.

And I'm a jumping frog.

And I'm a bouncing bunny. Can I live with you too?

And there were three of them. A fox runs past here. She saw such a warm mitten lying in the middle of the forest, ran up and asked:

Who, who lives in a mitten?

We are living. A violating mouse, a scratching frog and a gray bouncing bunny. And who will you be?

And I am a fox-sister. Can I come to your place?

There are four of them already living, but only one mitten. Lo and behold, a wolf runs past, he also runs up to the mitten and asks:

Who, who lives in a mitten so warm?

We are: the violating mouse, the scratching frog, the gray jumping bunny and the little fox-sister. And who will you be?

And I am a gray top! Let me live with you too!

Well, okay, go!

The wolf also got into the mitten and there were already five of them. Out of nowhere, a wild boar walks past.

Oink-oink-oink, who lives in a mitten? – he also asks.

We: the violating mouse, the scratching frog, the gray jumping bunny, the little fox-sister and the gray-barrel wolf, - they answer him. - And who are you?

And I will be a wild boar. Let me live with you!

But we already have almost no space. How do you get in here?

“I’ll fit in somehow,” answered the boar.

Well, climb up! - they answered from the mitten.

The boar also pushed towards them. There were six of them. The mitten is swollen, can barely stand it, and is already crawling at the seams. But then, as if the branches were crackling, a bear came out of the forest and also went to the mitten.

Who, who lives in a mitten?

A violating mouse, a scratching frog, a gray jumping bunny, a sister fox, a gray barrel wolf and a tusk boar. And who are you?

Oh, how many of you are here! And I am a bear-father, let me in!

But how do you get in here? It's already so crowded here!

I'll try it sometime! - the bear answers.

Well, go, just from the edge.

The bear squeezed in and there were seven of them. But it became just as crowded! Just a moment the mitten will tear.

And by this time the grandfather was missing his loss - one mitten had disappeared! And he went back into the forest to look for her. And there was a dog with him and she ran forward. She was running through the forest and suddenly she saw a mitten lying in the snow and moving! She barks:

Woof woof woof!

The animals got scared, jumped out of the mitten and ran away! Grandfather came and took his mitten.

Illustrations by E. Rachev (restored from a 1953 book)

Mitten Watch

Mitten View