Glass frog interesting facts. transparent frog

The wonders of the animal world are endless. The more inaccessible the area, the more exotic the inhabitants inhabiting it. Ordinary above, and transparent below, like glass, a tailless amphibian, lives in tropical zones South America.

Features and habitat of the glass frog

In the impenetrable swamps of southern Mexico, northern Paraguay, Argentina, where no man can reach, small glass frog(Centrolenidae) feels comfortable. The banks of rivers and rivulets flowing among heavily rain forests, favorite place for its settlements. The creature itself is like glass; the insides and eggs are visible through the skin.

Most amphibians have a “glass” abdomen, but some have transparent skin on the back or completely translucent paws. Sometimes the limbs are decorated with a kind of fringe. Small, no more than 3 cm in length, light green, bluish in color with multi-colored specks, with unusual eyes, such description and photo of glass frog.

Pictured is a glass frog

Unlike the arboreal amphibian, its eyes look forward rather than to the sides, so its gaze is directed at an angle of 45°, which allows it to accurately track small prey. There is a specific cartilage on the heel.

Ecuadorian subspecies of amphibians (Centrolene) have large parameters up to 7 cm. They have a visible white ventral plate and green bones. The humerus contains a hooked process. The supposed purpose of the spike is as a weapon when sparring for territory or the opposite sex.

Character and lifestyle of the glass frog

It was in Ecuador at the end of the 19th century that the first specimens were found, and until the end of the 20th century such amphibians were divided into 2 genera. Last selected 3rd genus reticulated glass frog(Hyalinobatrachium) is characterized by the presence of white bone, the absence of a light lining, which in other “relatives” covers the view of the heart, intestines, and liver.

These internal organs are clearly visible. The main part of everyone's life takes place on land. Some prefer to live in trees, choosing a mountainous landscape. But procreation is possible only near watercourses.

Leading night look life, during the day they rest on a damp bedding. The amphibians Hyalinobatrachium prefer to hunt during the day. Interesting Glass Frog Facts are the characteristics of behavior among opposite sexes, the distribution of roles when laying eggs.

Males guard them for the first few hours of life, then periodically visit them. “Mesh fathers” protect the clutch from dehydration or insects for a longer period of time (all day). There is a theory that in the future they will take care of the maturing young animals. Females of all species disappear in an unknown direction after spawning.

Glass frog feeding

Among the names of amphibians there is Venezuelan glass frog, given to her on a territorial basis. Like all “transparent” amphibians, it is insatiable and loves to feast on small, soft-bodied arthropods.

At the sight of a potential victim, it opens its mouth and attacks it from a distance of several centimeters. Rainy weather makes it possible to obtain food not only in evening time, but also during daylight hours. Under unnatural living conditions, they are suitable for food.

Buy a glass frog very difficult, although there are scientific centers According to the study of these unusual animals, there are a few amphibian lovers who keep them. The requirements for captive breeding are complex; special high aquaterrariums with a balanced ecosystem will be needed.

Reproduction and lifespan of the glass frog

The reproductive period begins only when wet season. The male, eliminating rivals with a threatening squeak or attack, begins courtship of the female. He makes all sorts of trills, sometimes with a whistle, sometimes in abrupt short ones.

In the photo there is a glass frog with its caviar

Sometimes they meet glass frog photo, where individuals seem to ride on each other. Such mating is called amplexus, in which the partner clasps the female with his paws and does not let go for seconds or hours.

The eggs are laid thoughtfully on the inner leaf plate of plants growing above water. Birds cannot see them, aquatic inhabitants cannot reach them. After the eggs mature, tadpoles appear and immediately enter the water element where danger awaits them.

The lifespan and mortality of amphibians have not been fully studied. There is no accurate method yet for determining the age of animals living in natural environment. But scientists say that in nature their lives are much shorter. Facts of living on the reservation have been preserved:

  • gray toad– 36 years old;
  • tree frog – 22 years;
  • grass frog – 18.

It is unlikely that any of the Centrolenidae species is destined for such long term. Besides environmental problems, threats of deforestation, high probability of pesticides seeping into aquatic environment, where baby tadpoles live. They are food for fish and other fauna, so “transparent” amphibians may well disappear from the animal world.

This is an ordinary inhabitant of the pond and there seems to be nothing surprising about it. However, this is one of the most amazing representatives animal world. Let's find out in more detail about the most unusual species of frogs in the world.

Transparent or glass frog

The length of this small strange frog, found in the Mexican state of Chiapas, is only 2 cm. All the insides are clearly visible through the colorless skin of the abdomen, which is why it is also called glass. This type of amphibian hunts at night, eating small insects. transparent frog lays eggs on the leaves of bushes hanging over the water so that the hatched tadpoles can immediately get into their native element.

Poison frog coca

Another miniature representative of amphibians comes from the jungles of Colombia. Another name for this frog, aptly describing both appearance and lifestyle, is spotted poison dart frog. This strange frog gained a bad reputation thanks to its unusual toxic poison, which is several thousand times stronger than the poison of one of the most dangerous snakes- rattling. Until now, scientists have been unsuccessfully trying to find an antidote to it. The poison is produced in the skin of the frog, in special glands, and is released when touched. The body of just one frog is capable of producing an amount of poison that can kill one and a half thousand people. Well what can I say, be careful in the jungles of Colombia!

Hairy frog

This unusual look frogs were discovered in Gabon, which Central Africa, at the beginning of the twentieth century. The peculiar hair on the back of males is an extension of the skin; blood circulation occurs in them, and nerve endings are also located in them. It is believed that these conditional hairs are a kind of respiratory organs of the male frog, and by increasing the surface of the body, they help to increase metabolism.

Goliath frog

Enough rare species amphibians that live in West Africa. Long body The frog reaches 30 cm and weighs an incomprehensible 3.5 kg. The largest specimen caught in Angola was 40 cm long. This giant among tailless amphibians loves clean running water saturated with oxygen. The goliath's diet consists of small frogs, tadpoles, mice and lizards. Local residents, in turn, happily hunt this amazing frog, which threatens the safety of the species.

bull frog

Living in North America, this large species of frog, although smaller in size than the African Goliath frog, makes a loud statement in another way. In the spring, bullfrogs emit a deafening croaking sound, more reminiscent of the mooing of a herd of cows. The roar of a frog alone can be heard from a distance of 3 kilometers. However, unlike real bulls, the bullfrog is not a vegetarian at all: it feeds on shellfish, insects, as well as chicks and small fish.

Sharp-nosed tree frog

The unusual nose of this species of frog, native to New Guinea, gives it a funny appearance. But this is not just a whim. This nocturnal hunter is forced to hide in crevices during the day, leaving only her thin, curved, hard nose on the surface. It’s not possible to pull a frog out of its hiding place, let alone small predators, but even to a person.

flying frog

This little frog has set a record for long jumps, which are more like flying. Living in humid tropics Southeast Asia, she is capable of jumping as much as 12 meters. This is a huge distance, considering that the size of the frog itself is 10-12 centimeters. The reason for this jumping ability lies in the wide, dark orange membranes between the toes on the frog's legs, flat body and ability to glide.

Many unusual discoveries have been made by frog researchers, and simply concerned naturalists. But these amazing animals still keep many secrets. In anticipation of new discoveries, with respect and love, we will look at our neighbor on the planet - such an ordinary and at the same time extraordinary frog.

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Glass frog- This is a real transparent frog. If you look at it from the outside, the frog is quite normal, brown-green in color. However, the skin of her abdomen is transparent: the heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver and even eggs in females are visible. That's why the frog was called the glass frog.

The frog was first discovered and described in 1872. The first specimen of the glass frog was caught in Ecuador. A little later it became clear that the glass frog lives not only in this country, but throughout the Northwest: in Central America, some places in South America and on the isthmus that unites North and South America, as well as in Mexico.
The historical homeland of the glass frog is South America. According to experts, this is where this species of frog appeared. A little later, the glass frog settled throughout the continent.

In total, about sixty species of glass frogs live on the planet. These amazing frogs are very small: their length ranges from 3 to 7.5 centimeters. Most of them are woody. Glass frogs tend to water only during the breeding season. And the rest of the time they live in mountain forests. Certain species of glass frogs are found in tropical forests and on the coast Amazons.

As a rule, glass frogs leave their eggs on branches and leaves of trees, as well as on bushes hanging over the water. Some subspecies of glass frogs leave their young on rocks near water.
The tadpoles that are born, without having time to really move, immediately fall into the water from a great height.

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Glass frogs (lat. Centrolenidae) are a family of tailless amphibians.

Mother Nature, in all her diversity, never ceases to amaze us. Another of its inhabitants can be called a real miracle of nature. It would seem that what could be more ordinary than a simple frog? The fact is that glass frogs are transparent. True, it was not for nothing that they were combined into one family, since different types these frogs are transparent in varying degrees. If you look at it from the outside, the frog is quite normal, brown-green in color. However, the skin of her abdomen is so thin that internal organs become visible: the heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver and even eggs in females. That's why the frog was called the glass frog.

In total, the planet is inhabited by 12 genera, including 60 species. These amazing frogs are very small: their length ranges from 3 to 7.5 centimeters. Most of them are woody. The main habitat of these small “glasses” is Ecuador, but it can also be found in the northwestern part of South America, in Central America (on the isthmus between North and South America, all the way to Mexico) and in a number of other areas of South America.

Glass frogs live on trees in tropical and semi-deciduous forests. They move closer to water only during the breeding season.

Glass frogs usually leave their eggs on the leaves of trees or bushes hanging over the water. Although one of original types prefers to leave them on rocks near waterfalls. After maturation and birth, tadpoles have to jump into the water. A feature of glass frog tadpoles is their powerful tail and low fins. That's why they swim well fast water. Thanks to this body structure, the strong current, into whose embrace they immediately fall, is not a serious obstacle for them.

The choice is so unusual place for laying eggs has its advantages. The glass frog thus increases its chances of survival, since before its eggs predatory fish they won't get there. Although, when tadpoles fall into the water, they can also become prey for fish.

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One can only marvel at the ingenuity of nature, which managed to create incredibly funny and original creatures. These include the glass frog, so named because of its absolutely transparent body. By appearance it is completely indistinguishable from its relatives, with the exception of its absolutely transparent abdomen, through which one can see its internal organs - the heart, stomach, liver and even eggs in females.

This amphibian lives in Ecuador, Central and South America, found in Mexico. The largest population of the glass frog is in South America. Currently, scientists have been able to study sixty species of this interesting amphibian. Almost all of them live in tropical and mountain forests. They settle in close proximity to ponds and rivers, which they use only during the breeding season. The rest of the time they live in trees.

The glass frog looks the same as the tree frog. This is a small amphibian, up to 30 millimeters in size, with a slightly flattened body. The back of the frog is brown-green. The abdomen is completely transparent. The long limbs are equipped with suction cups that allow the amphibian to hold on to smooth surfaces, including leaves.

The camouflage color of the body helps the frog protect itself from predators. Even the bones of this amphibian are painted in green. Some types of glass frog are capable of reflecting infrared radiation, which is very important for ensuring normal thermoregulation.

At the beginning of the breeding season, males climb onto a tree branch overhanging the water and start a mating song. They sing strictly in their territory, which they pre-mark and vigilantly guard. When an opponent approaches, the singing male stops singing, emits a threatening whistle and tries to jump on the intruder’s back. As a rule, this works, and the opponent quickly retreats, and the owner of the territory continues to perform his mating aria. Attracted by singing, the female approaches the male. He instantly jumps on her back, wraps his paws around her and begins the mating process called amplexus.

After this, the female glass frog lays eggs on the leaves of trees and shrubs that directly hang over the pond, or on stones that are located near the water itself. There is no secret here. The tadpoles hatching from the eggs fall straight into the water, where their further development. The clutch made by the female is vigilantly guarded by the male. To maintain the eggs' moisture at the required level, he constantly urinates on them. All damaged and spoiled eggs are immediately eaten by them. After the end of the metamorphosis period, the tadpoles turn into frogs, go ashore and never return to the water.

The glass frog is nocturnal. During the day she hides in the dense foliage of trees, and at night she goes out hunting. Feeds on small insects.