Where does the tarsier live? Philippine tarsier: interesting facts, photos

A look like no other animal, super long fingers, velvety fur, good reflexes to catch insects or even birds - tarsiers are an unusual genus of primates! Here are a few facts that make tarsier an absolutely amazing animal.

Main distinguishing feature Tarsier is their eyes. They have the most big eyes relative to body size among mammals. The diameter of each eyeball is about 16 mm and is larger than the brain, but large eyes are very important for tarsiers, since they are nocturnal animals. The eyes are so large that they are unable to turn them, but instead this work performed by the neck. Tarsiers can turn their necks a full 180 degrees in each direction, like the owls or tarsier in the photo below:

They use this ability to silently wait for prey. Tarsiers are completely carnivorous primates. Taste preferences depend on the species, but all have one common feature: They do not eat plant foods at all. Tarsiers hunt insects, reptiles (lizards and snakes), frogs, birds and even bats. Despite the fact that they are small and cute, they are quite ferocious predators that can wait for hours for their prey and catch birds during the flight.

Photo: Khoroshunova Olga/Shutterstock

Tarsiers get their name because of their extremely long hind limbs, which help them climb trees well. They have quite long tail, and the hind legs are doubled longer than head. Tarsiers can jump up to 40 times their body length, flying more than 4 meters in a single jump.

Photo: Ekaterina Pokrovsky/Shutterstock

They don't jump around the treetops as you might expect. Instead, they tend to live 1-2 meters above the ground. Tarsiers need large quantities leaf cover, especially for sleeping, as in the photo below:

All tarsier species are vulnerable and endangered due to habitat loss and fragmentation. Without significant efforts to conserve their habitat, they are undoubtedly at risk of extinction. The tarsier's special needs for both habitat and food production make captive breeding programs nearly impossible. Only about 50 percent of tarsiers survive in captivity. Preserving their habitat is their only hope for salvation.

Tarsier (Tarsier, lat. Tarsius) is a small mammal from the order of primates, the very specific appearance of which has created a somewhat ominous aura around this small animal weighing up to one hundred and sixty grams.

So, indigenous people Indonesia and the Philippine Islands associated the absurd appearance of the tarsier with the tricks of evil spirits. However, many of our contemporaries, who see the tarsier for the first time in its native habitat, remain amazed by its non-standard appearance.

Particularly impressionable tourists even say that the first time they see huge shining eyes looking at them without blinking, and the next moment the animal turns its head almost 360 degrees and you look straight at the back of its head, you feel, to put it mildly, uneasy. By the way, local aborigines still believe that the head tarsier exists separately from the body. Well, this is all speculation, of course, but the facts are obvious!

They have been known as a separate species for a long time, but previously they were mistakenly classified as a suborder of prosimians, although in given time Based on a number of characteristics, they are classified as dry-nosed monkeys. The ancestors of tarsiers are called mammals from the family Omomyidae, which, however, did not exist for so long and became extinct in the Oligocene.

There are about eight species of tarsier. The most common are the Bankan and Philippine tarsier, as well as a separate species - the ghost tarsier. These mammals live in the territory Southeast Asia, the islands of Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi and the Philippines, as well as in surrounding areas.

Philippine tarsier(Tarsius syrichta) - holder the biggest eyes(in proportion to body size) among mammals, listed for this in Guinness Book of Records. This is a small animal of brown or brown-gray color, depending on the area of ​​distribution. The body length is from 10 to 15 centimeters, which is comparable to a child’s hand. The weight of a male is about 134 grams, a female is about 117 grams

The tarsier's limbs are long and thin, they are equipped with claws, some of which resemble fingers. When moving, they usually do not use four limbs at once, although they can jump perfectly. The hind legs are strong, which is why tarsiers can cover considerable distances in a jump.

In nature, tarsiers live in pairs or small groups of eight to ten individuals. Lead night look life, and feed exclusively on food of animal origin - insects and small vertebrates.

The gestation period for tarsiers is quite long (about 6 months); the baby is born in a well-developed state. First, it attaches itself to the mother's stomach, or she carries it by taking it by the scruff of the neck with her teeth. After seven weeks he moves from milk to meat food. Puberty young tarsiers reach the age of one year. The oldest known tarsier had a lifespan of 13 years (in captivity).

The main threat to tarsiers is the destruction of their living environment. Additionally, they are still hunted for their meat. Attempts to tame tarsiers and make them into pets are not successful and usually lead to the death of the animal through short time. Tarsiers cannot get used to captivity; in attempts to escape, they often break their heads on the bars of their cages.

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Features and habitat of the tarsier

Monkey tarsier belong to the genus Primates, and they differ from all their relatives in their exotic appearance. Thanks to unusual appearance they became heroes of many films and cartoons. Even by photo it's clear that tarsier, a very small animal whose body weight may not exceed 160 grams.

Males have more weight than females. They are about 10-16 cm tall and can easily fit in your hand. In addition, these small animals have a tail of 30 cm and long paws, with the help of which they repel. On all limbs they have long, adapted fingers with thickening at the tips, which allow such animals to easily move through the trees.

The length of their jump can be a couple of meters due to the special structure of their legs. Compared to the whole body, the head of these animals has much larger size than the whole body. It is also connected to the spine vertically, which allows you to turn your head almost 360˚. Usually Philippine tarsier has big ears, which are capable of hearing sounds with frequencies up to 90 kHz. The ears and tail are not covered with hair, but the rest of the body is covered.

There are facial muscles on its face that enable the animal to change its facial expression. These animals have lived on Earth for 45 million years and are the oldest animal species in the Philippine Islands. At one time they could be found in Europe and North America. But now their population has greatly decreased and they can only be seen in remote corners of the planet.

Unique feature What this animal has is its large eyes. Their diameter can be up to 16 mm. In the dark they glow and allow him to see perfectly. The entire body of the animal is covered with short, dark hair. It is precisely because of their peculiarity that many people want to purchase such animals for themselves.

To tarsier buy, you need to go to their habitats, where local guides and hunters can offer a suitable option. The habitat of such animals is Southeast Asia, and more specifically Sumatra and the Philippine Islands.

Character and lifestyle of the tarsier

Most often they live in dense forests, in trees. It is on the tree that they spend most of their time. These animals are very shy, so during the day they hide in dense foliage. But at night they become dexterous hunters who go out hunting to make money.

They move through trees by jumping, but in this case their tail serves as balancing. They lead a solitary lifestyle and are nocturnal in their lifestyle. Tarsiers very rarely descend to the ground and are constantly found on tree branches. In a day, this small animal can cover up to 500 meters, bypassing the place where it lives. When morning comes, they hide in a tree and sleep.

If this animal is unhappy with something, it can emit a very thin squeak, which a person cannot always hear. With his voice, he informs other individuals that he is there. He can also communicate with other individuals using ultrasound at a frequency of 70 kHz. But the human ear can only perceive 20 kHz.

Tarsier food

As a rule, pygmy tarsier feeds on small vertebrates and insects. Unlike all other relatives of monkeys, they eat only animal food, but do not eat plants. While hunting they for a long time are in a wait-and-see position until the prey approaches it itself or is at a distance of one jump.

With their hands, a tarsier can hold a lizard, a grasshopper and any other insect, which they immediately eat, decapitating them with their teeth. They also consume water by lapping it up like a dog. In a day, a tarsier can eat approximately 10% of its weight in food. In addition, he has many natural enemies, which may include birds of prey(owls). The greatest damage is caused to them by people and feral cats.

People have tried many times to tame this animal, but an animal born in captivity wants space, which is why tarsiers have repeatedly attempted to escape. They are very freedom-loving animals, but people try to take that away from them. Usually price on tarsier It depends on the animal itself and the place where it will be purchased. The lowest price will be in close proximity to their habitat.

Reproduction and lifespan of the tarsier

Tarsiers are considered loners and can only be seen in pairs during the breeding season. According to some sources, a male can date several females at the same time, as a result of which only one baby can be born.

On average, a female's pregnancy lasts about six months, and the child is immediately born as a very developed animal. He grabs his mother's stomach and moves through the trees with her. During the first seven weeks of life, he drinks mother's milk, and later switches to animal food.

Today these animals are in great danger. After all, man not only destroys the forests where they live, but also tries to make tarsier lemur pets. Very often they succeed in doing this, but in captivity the animals quickly die.

The female tarsier has several nipples, but when feeding her baby she uses only the breast pair. After a month, after birth, the cub can jump in trees. The father does not take any part in raising the child. Tarsiers do not make nests for their babies, since the mother constantly carries the child with her.

The animal reaches sexual maturity after one year of life. After one year they leave their mother and begin to live independently. On average, goggle-eyed tarsier has a lifespan of about 10 years.

The life record for this animal in captivity was 13.5 years. They are the size of an adult's palm and spend most of their time sleeping. Every year their number decreases, which is why this animal is protected in order to save this unusual species.

Tarsiers (Tarsiidae) are small creatures from the order of primates. Previously, tarsiers were classified as an outdated suborder of prosimians; today they are considered part of the dry-nosed monkeys (Haplorhini).

Biologists disagree about the number of species in the tarsier family. Depending on your point of view, there are from three to seven species of tarsier. While four of them can be considered subspecies, the following have undisputed species status:

  • Bancan tarsier (Tarsius bancanus)
  • ghost tarsier (Tarsius spectrum)

They are found in Southeast Asia, with each species localized to certain islands.

For example, the Philippine tarsier, or sirichta, lives in Mindanao, Samar, Leyte, and Bohol. It was first described by Catholic missionaries at the beginning of the 18th century. and named the “tiny Luzon monkey.” Carl Linnaeus did not agree with this name, giving his own - “Syrichta monkey”, the general generic name Tarsius syrichta, i.e. "tarsier of siricht" was appropriated later, and local residents call it differently: "mawmag", "mamag", "mago", "magau", "maomag", "malmag" and "magatilok-iok".

Bankan tarsier (Tarsius bancanus) found in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Banka, Serasan. The ghost tarsier (Tarsius spectrum or Tarsius tarsier) has chosen Sulawesi, Salayar, Greater Sangihi and Pelenge.

These little ones are big-headed and bug-eyed. With a body length of 12-15 centimeters, their eye diameter is up to 16 millimeters. With these proportions transferred to human height, it would be equal to average size apple And the tarsier can rotate its head almost 360 degrees.

Another feature appearance is the uneven distribution of fur. There is almost no tail on the stomach and armpits; the tail, which is longer than the body with the head, is naked and has only a hair brush at the end. It plays a very important role as a balancer and steering wheel. The tarsier, which prefers vertical movement, even leans on it when standing.

The animals lead an arboreal and nocturnal lifestyle, living alone or in pairs, or, in extreme cases, in groups of up to four individuals. They deftly climb trees using the pads on their toes as suction cups. Their pregnancy lasts about six months and a small animal is born, which, within a couple of hours after birth, can, grasping the mother’s fur, make its first journey.

Offspring may appear all year round, but the highest birth rate occurs from November to February. It is noteworthy: having two to three pairs of nipples, the female uses only breasts when feeding.

Tarsiers have amazing jumping ability: up to 160 centimeters in height and more than a meter- in length, and the manner of jumping resembles that of a frog. By jumping, they stun their prey: insects, spiders, small lizards, etc. Eating up to 10 percent of food per day own weight, they fully deserve the title of forest orderlies, especially in terms of absorbing locusts.

Alas, the poor fellows did not receive respect for this among the local population. According to some beliefs, they represent evil gnomes, according to others - enchanted creatures, according to others - they are pets of forest spirits. An encounter with tarsiers is considered dangerous, mainly because of their eyes, which glow in the dark. However, causing harm to them is perceived as bad omen, a harbinger of misfortune.

But for now, only the animals themselves suffer misfortune. In the forest they have few enemies - owls and feral cats, but the destruction of their habitat by humans has already led to the fact that tarsiers have become an endangered species. In captivity, tarsiers do not live - they quickly die, smashing their heads into blood against the bars of the cage. Average duration The lifespan of a tarsier is about ten to thirteen years.

Tarsiers are small animals from the order of primates.

Previously, biologists classified them as prosimians, and then began to consider these animals as representatives of the suborder of dry-nosed monkeys.

The ancestors of tarsiers are considered to be the family Omomyidae. Its representatives lived in North America and Eurasia.

Types of tarsiers and their habitats

The habitat of tarsiers is Southeast Asia. Each of the species, and at least three of them have been identified, is localized on separate islands.

(siritha) lives in Leyte, Samar, Bohol and Mandanao. The first mentions of it were made in the 18th century. Catholic missionaries called him the “tiny Luzon monkey.”

However, the naturalist Carl Linnaeus gave this animal a different name - “Siritha monkey”. The current name “Tarsier” was assigned to him later.

Local residents still call this monkey by their invented names: “mago”, “magatilok-iok”, “maomag”, etc.

The Bankan Tarsier (Tarsiusbancanus) can be found in Sumatra, Serasan, Banka and Kalimantan.

And Tarsiusspectrum, better known as Tarsier - a ghost, settled on Greater Sangihi, Sulawesi, Salayar and Peleng.

Appearance of tarsiers

Tarsiers are small mammals from the order of primates.

The body length of the tarsier is on average 12-15 cm. It has a large head, disproportionate to the body, which the animal can easily rotate 360 ​​degrees, and round, bulging eyes.

The diameter of the eyes can reach up to 16 mm. If you imagine a person with the same proportions as a tarsier, then his eyes would be the size of an apple.

One of the most important parts of this monkey's body is the tail. It helps the animal balance and stick to the desired direction. The tarsier's tail is longer than its body.

When the animal assumes a vertical position, very often the tail begins to serve as a cane on which to lean.

The tarsier's fur does not cover its entire body. The armpits, tail and belly remain practically bare. Only at the tip of the tail there is a small brush.

Lifestyle, nutrition and reproduction of tarsiers

Tarsiers prefer to live alone or in pairs. In very rare cases, you can find a group of these animals consisting of four individuals.

Small monkeys are predominantly nocturnal, constantly staying in trees. Tarsiers are helped to move along them with ease by the pads on their paws, which act as a suction cup.

Also, these animals are simply amazing jumpers. They can jump up to 1.6 m in height and more than 1 m in length. The manner of jumping is somewhat reminiscent of the manner of frogs.

Having noticed the prey, the tarsier makes a sharp jump and overtakes it.

The majority of this little monkey's diet consists of insects and small lizards. Thanks to tarsiers, it is possible to avoid the locust invasion. After all, locusts are one of their favorite delicacies.

The greatest surge in the birth rate of these monkeys occurs in November - February. However, there is no clear connection to any particular month or period, and babies can appear all year round.

The female tarsier usually has 2-3 pairs of nipples. But she only breastfeeds her babies.

Beliefs about tarsiers

Due to their unusual appearance and eyes that glow in the dark, there are many beliefs about these small animals.

Some people believe that they are the pets of forest spirits. Some call them enchanted creatures or evil gnomes.