The beast is a gargle. Interesting facts about raccoons

Many people online say that a raccoon is a bear, and some even classify it as a dog. However, this is completely incorrect information. Of course, the raccoon is a predator that belongs to the raccoon family. Which means a raccoon is a raccoon.

However, the raccoon combines the physiological and behavioral characteristics of many living creatures. Recent research shows that the raccoon's intelligence is similar to the development of a five-year-old child: just as cheerful, playful and overly curious. From foxes, the raccoon received incredible cunning when tracking down prey while hunting. Since raccoons are omnivores, finding food for themselves is not difficult. Raccoons love sweet berries and fruits, and are not averse to stealing homemade chicken, plunder a quail nest, catch a crayfish or profit from caviar on coastline.

The paws are from beavers and primates.

The hands of raccoon paws are very similar to human hands and also have five fingers, few people know, but their paws are very similar to the paws of a beaver. The most dexterous limbs of all animals belong to primates and beavers. In primates, for convenient grip and fine manipulation, it is set aside thumb, and beavers have achieved amazing skill in building dams and lodges thanks to their little finger, which can easily move to the side. Raccoon paws have a combination of both of the above limbs: on their front paws both the little toe and the thumb are separate. Moreover, the hands are so similar to human ones that one of the Indian names of the raccoon is translated as “ little bear With by human hands».

But main feature steel raccoon paws, which help the raccoon navigate under water and in pitch darkness. With the help of vibrissae, the raccoon not only finds food, but also frees its eyes, which allows the raccoon to receive information about the surrounding space from both different sources: vision and vibrissae. Thus, the raccoon can look in one direction and track the approaching danger, and with its paws scan the space under water in search of food.

Swimming - from the otter .

And everything connected with it. The raccoon rinses everything in the water: prey, toys, and even itself. Like otters, raccoons live near water. Raccoons are excellent, albeit lazy, swimmers. The mother raccoon begins to teach the babies to swim in the second month of life, where the babies play on the shoreline in search of snails and frogs. By the way, if there is no lake or reservoir in the forest, then you will never meet a raccoon there. The animals spend about 3 hours a day in water.

Night vision - from a cat.

The raccoon boasts excellent eyesight and acute hearing. Raccoons are nocturnal predators, so this is absolutely necessary for survival and searching for food. Thanks to these cat skills, the raccoon is very active. night look life, for example, a raccoon can reach speeds of up to 24 km/h in complete darkness. Given the hooligan behavior of raccoons, this ability is invaluable.

Hibernation - from the bear.

Despite their thick fur, raccoons are very heat-loving creatures. In some regions, raccoons hibernate for three to five months during cold weather. long winters. The raccoon's hibernation is intermittent and not deep. Often for the winter, raccoons unite in groups of up to 10 individuals. Unlike a bear, an awakened raccoon poses no danger. Since its favorite prey - small rodents and insectivores - sleep soundly in safe places, the raccoon, after wandering, returns back to the hole and falls asleep again.

Climbing - from a squirrel.

Although raccoons are very clumsy in appearance, they are excellent climbers. Developed fingers allow you to tenaciously hold on to even the thinnest branches. The joints of the hind legs turn 180 degrees, thanks to which raccoons can climb in any direction. The reward for dexterity is bird's nests and ripe, juicy wild berries and fruits. Raccoons climb with the help of their claws, which they do not know how to retract inside their paws. Some raccoons sharpen their claws on stones or, conversely, bite off overgrown claws.

Fat - from a groundhog

Since raccoons hibernate, they need to accumulate fat for the winter to survive. Raccoons have a feeling of fullness, but due to the rapidly accumulating subcutaneous tissue, raccoons often become obese at home. By the way, an adult animal, in winter period weight can reach 25 kg.

The ability to freeze - from the opossum

Raccoons, per se, are not conflict animals. In case of danger, the animals prefer to run away, but if there is no way out, then they pretend to be dead. This type of protection is called thanatosis (imaginary death). Thanatosis lasts several minutes, during which time the animal freezes in an unnatural position and almost does not breathe; outwardly the animal is indistinguishable from a corpse. This strategy helps scare away predators that avoid carrion. By the way, domestic raccoons have lost this ability.

Stealth comes from a monkey.

You can distinguish the striped thief by his famous black mask. The animals are excellent at opening 8 out of 10 locks (zippers, latches, hooks, etc.), by the way, zoologists conducted tests in which, in 30 minutes, raccoons figured out how to open 10 locks to get a treat. In their ability to open anything, only monkeys are comparable to raccoons. Often raccoons climb into human houses or conduct raids on restaurant kitchens, and raccoons steal not only food, but what they like.

The raccoon is a funny and resourceful animal.

Raccoons get along well both in the forest and next to humans, aggressively and bravely repel almost any enemy, are not afraid of stinging insects and have almost the highest immunity of all animals. The homeland of raccoons is considered North America, in all other countries the animals were introduced either randomly or in a special way. In Russia, the striped raccoon can be found along the entire coastline of the Black Sea (Anapa, Sochi, etc.). Raccoons quickly learn and adapt to new living conditions.

Today it has become popular to have unusual, exotic pets as pets, including raccoons. Due to this, the level of poaching has also increased, where raccoons are caught and sold to unsuspecting people. Do not buy raccoons through advertisements or secondhand, most likely they are scammers or resellers!

You can learn more about domestic raccoons or chat about raccoons in our group

The raccoon is a cunning predatory animal, for a long time neutral regarding family affiliation. They classified him among all kinds of animals: mustelids, dogs, cats. As a result, it was decided to distinguish them into an individual subspecies - raccoons. The raccoon got its name due to its habit rinse everything in water.

Outwardly, these charming creatures are well adapted to any conditions. By nature they are nomads. They cannot live in one territory for a long time. They are attracted to territories where there is a lot of food.

Raccoon raccoon: types, characteristics, description

The family includes 15 representatives, including 4 species of raccoons: striper, crayfish, Cozumel and Guadalupe. They all live in South and North America. Prefer tropical and temperate climate, closer to bodies of water and wetlands.

Where does the striped raccoon live and what does it look like?

A predatory animal, a raccoon, has t: dense build, voluminous tail and short limbs. Approximate height - 34−60 cm, with a weight of no more than 10 kg. The color is predominantly yellow-gray, with darker sides and back. A clear feature in the exterior is the stripes on the tail and muzzle. When moving, it rests on all four paws, but not completely. The entire foot is stepped on when it is in a relaxed state.

Natural distribution area of ​​the main species of raccoons:

They are most active at night, and during the day they sleep in hollows or other people's nests. They do not dig holes on their own. They can navigate well in the absence of light and swim well.

How they eat and what lifestyle they lead

This is an animal that easily adapts to the anthropogenic landscape. Prefers to settle in deciduous thickets with a large number old hollow trees. They are not able to provide themselves with housing on their own, so they constantly change their locations. Sometimes up to 10 animals are crammed into one hollow. At night they go out in search of food. They do not move further than 2 km from their home.

They feel comfortable in complete darkness because they have night vision. They are excellent at climbing tree trunks thanks to their tenacious claws and flexible feet. It is not uncommon to see them hanging upside down or descending from a tree upside down. The only representative of the genus that falls into hibernation. However, sleep is intermittent and short. So, in Canada they fall asleep for 4-5 months, but in the south they may not sleep at all.

The diet of the striped raccoon is quite varied. This includes:

Depending on the season, preferences change. So, in spring and summer he leans on animal food, and closer to autumn he switches to plant food. Feature This species, thoroughly rinse everything you are ready to put in your mouth in water. In captivity, he performs similar manipulations, even with perfectly clean products. When near human habitation, they like to rummage through garbage. They have a well-developed sense of touch, through which they receive most of the information.

The raccoon has strong immunity. Most infectious and invasive diseases do not take it. Capable of giving a worthy rebuff when attacked by enemies. But the real danger they face comes from: wolves, coyotes, crocodiles, lynxes, owls, snakes. If a raccoon sees that it will not be possible to escape, it immediately pretends to be dead. By temperament, this is an inquisitive, cunning, resourceful, intelligent animal. IN lately They began to actively accustom him to home conditions. Life expectancy is no more than 15−20 years.

Reproduction of raccoons

Males are polygamous, so they are ready to mate in any quantity, no matter with whom. The mating season begins in late winter or early spring when it's still cold. Sometimes it lasts until summer. The female, for one litter, gives up to 4-5 cubs. Pregnancy lasts 9 weeks. For the first 3 weeks, babies are completely helpless and need protection and care. Later they become independent and begin to lead an active lifestyle.

Anyone who wants to have such a pet at home must take into account some difficulties. Due to the fact that the animal is quite curious and hyperactive, there will be no peace from him. It is better to hide all personal and expensive things in inaccessible places. Although, it will not be difficult for him to climb to a height and open any doors.

It is advisable not to let him out of sight, not to leave him alone in the apartment. When the owners are not at home, they lock the animal in a cage. For games and free time, it is recommended to equip a comfortable enclosure. A container of water must be installed there. This is a vital necessity for him. Since in nature they love to climb trees, it is necessary to recreate similar conditions for him as much as possible.

It's better to take a very small raccoon to make it easier to tame. And so they quickly adapt and get used to human proximity. During puberty, character can change dramatically and become aggressive. For this reason, keeping other pets is risky.

If all this doesn’t scare you, then you can safely start it at home. Tireless fun and amusing fuss is the constant state of such representatives. So you won't be bored.

Recently, it has become fashionable among animal lovers to keep exotic pets at home. It seems that no one will be surprised by a neighbor who keeps a tiger cub, crocodile or boa constrictor in his apartment. The leading position in the ranking of the most common exotic “pet” animals is the striped raccoon. This cute fluffy creature gets along quite well both in a metropolis and outside the city. But this is provided that you can provide your unusual pet good conditions for life. Therefore, anyone who decides to purchase a raccoon needs to become familiar with the features of this striped “miracle”.

Why did the striped raccoon get its name?

Even if a raccoon caught its prey directly in an open reservoir, it will definitely rinse it in the water again

The variety of raccoon, which received the funny prefix “gargle”, is widespread in the lands of North America, but this species can be found on European territory and even far away in China. It is the American raccoon (raccoon) that lends itself well to taming and breeding in captivity.

The American raccoon got its famous prefix “rinse” because of its habit of washing and rinsing in water everything that comes into its little tenacious paws. This is especially true for rinsing food.


Because the raccoon has valuable fur, an active hunt is open for him

The North American raccoon belongs to the raccoon family. It reaches about 50–65 centimeters in length as an adult. Its tail can grow up to 25–30 cm. The weight of an adult varies from 6 to 10 kilograms. Striped raccoons are grey-brown in color and have characteristic dark circles on their faces that resemble a kind of mask.

In total, modern zoology identifies 22 subspecies of Procyon lotor (raccoons).

Initially, the raccoon could only be found in America, but then travelers brought this species to Europe

Where does it live?

As already mentioned, the homeland of the striped raccoon is North America. In the thirties of the 20th century, raccoons were brought into the territory Soviet Union, where they first began to observe their adaptation in the environment.

After some time, some adult animals managed to escape from the farms, and some were released into the wild by the people themselves. Over time, raccoons spread to Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, and Azerbaijan. Raccoons usually choose their habitat mixed forests, lowlands or flat areas.

The main thing is that there is a body of water near their habitat.

Raccoons are highly adaptable to the local landscape. Therefore, you can often see them in cities, villages, on the outskirts of fields and even in gardens and orchards.


Tnots are excellent at climbing trees and can also descend from them head first.

Raccoons are nocturnal predators. During the day, they prefer to sleep somewhere in trees or hollows, but at night they begin hunting. Raccoons see perfectly in the dark, and also have the keen sense of smell and hearing characteristic of many nocturnal predators. In case of danger, a raccoon can cheat and pretend to be dead.

The raccoon swims well if necessary, but does not like water. In winter, these animals significantly reduce their activity, and some of them even go into shallow hibernation (this only applies to the northern subspecies of the animal).

What does he eat?

Raccoon raccoons are practically omnivores; the main thing for them is to thoroughly rinse their food in water

The natural diet of a raccoon is very varied. Since raccoons most often settle in places near water bodies, their main diet consists of what they can catch with their dexterous paws along the shoreline. These, for example, can be various crustaceans, insects, reptiles, amphibians, etc. Sometimes a raccoon is not averse to eating mice or turtles.

Among plant foods, stripers prefer berries, nuts, fruits and vegetables (most often stolen from fields or gardens).


Raccoons do not strive to have a partner and are quite capable of doing without a mate.

IN natural environment raccoons are considered loners. The only exceptions are mating seasons. Gargles are neutral towards their relatives. They can easily hibernate in a shelter with ten other brothers and sisters. They are also neutral towards those individuals who cross the boundaries of their “personal” territory.

But as for other species, you need to take into account that raccoons are very aggressive by nature. This is because they are also prey for more large predators, and this forces them to learn to protect themselves at an early age.

Already at 3 months, a baby raccoon, finding itself in a dangerous situation, can rush at the offender, growl and try to bite him.

Raccoons can make different sounds depending on the situation. They can growl, purr, snort and even whine in their own way.


The striped raccoon has an extremely strong immune system. IN wildlife they practically do not get sick, maintaining a high survival rate. The exception is fatal diseases such as distemper or rabies, as well as other dangerous diseases carried by cats or dogs. Therefore, before bringing a raccoon into your home, take care of the appropriate vaccinations.


There can be from 3 to 7 puppies in a litter

The mating season for stripers begins around February - March. Males aged 2 years and older and females aged 1 year and older are considered “ripe” to have offspring. The female carries her offspring for about 60 days. Raccoons are mammals, so the cubs feed on their mother's milk in the first months of life.

Puppies reach independence at the age of 6 months. By this time, baby stripers should already be able to hunt on their own, get their own food and defend themselves.

An offspring from one female occurs only once a year.

How long does he live?

“Domestic” raccoons live on average 20 years. In nature, this figure is usually much less. A healthy individual lives in nature up to 10–13 years.

Before you bring a raccoon into your home, think about whether you can cope with a wild animal

For those who decide to keep this difficult exotic animal at home, there are several tips given by more experienced breeders.

Pros and cons

Like any other animal, the striped raccoon has its advantages and disadvantages in quality. pet.


  • The animals are unpretentious in food. A domesticated raccoon is able to feed quite successfully natural products(similar to what he eats in nature), as well as dry food. The main thing is to consult with a breeder specialist on this issue.
  • Raccoons are very smart and resourceful animals.. This animal will never let you get bored, it will copy the habits of its household members and amuse you.
  • They are curious and sociable. Sociability concerns only those at home, strangers and the guests do not delight the raccoon, the animal may sense danger and begin to defend itself. For household members, the raccoon will become an object of endless affection and fun. He will be ready to play with you almost any time.
  • Raccoons are very clean. Many raccoon owners claim that raccoons have virtually no odor and constantly look after themselves.


  • The striper is a nocturnal animal. Raccoons are active at night, so if you plan to sleep soundly after purchasing this animal, you will be disappointed.
  • Rinse. Remember that this is not just a cute prefix to the animal’s species, it is its full-fledged way of life. All objects that fall into the hands of a raccoon will fly into the water - equipment, valuables, clothes, etc.
  • Difficult to train. You need to understand that a gargle is neither a cat nor a dog. This is a wild beast. Therefore, you will not be able to eradicate his natural habits and instincts.
  • Animals can show aggression even in play. Raccoons are quite aggressive; they can bite and scratch painfully even their owner, even during play.
  • Doesn't understand the word "no". The gargle himself knows what is best for him, he does not understand prohibitions or refusals and does only what he wants.
  • Difficult puberty. During puberty, the striper becomes three times more aggressive. The slightest action that does not suit him in any way, and this cute animal will attack you.
  • Doesn't get along with other animals. This applies to small pets - rodents, birds, kittens. The striper is a predator, so such “trifles” are food for it.

What to feed

The main advantage of keeping a raccoon at home is its omnivorous nature.

The gargle is convenient because it is practically omnivorous. You can feed him natural food, close to what the animal eats in the wild. For example, dairy products (cottage cheese), meat (preferably poultry), fish, seafood, eggs, various cereals, vegetables and fruits are suitable for him. The raccoon will also not refuse nuts and berries (raspberries, strawberries, cherries or currants). Sometimes you can pamper your baby with homemade cookies (without additives or icing).

You can also use dry food made for cats or dogs. In this case, it is better to consult with a specialist and choose the most vitamin-rich food.

The animal should be fed 3-4 times a day.

Hygiene and care

You need to wash your animal with shampoo twice a year, no more often.

The rinse is convenient because it can take care of the cleanliness of its fur. Your only task is to select a bath of water that should be left for the raccoon. He himself will bathe in it whenever he wants, the main thing is to monitor the cleanliness and freshness of the water. The same goes for bowls of food and drink.

You should also monitor the cleanliness of the animal’s tray, since it has a habit of “missing” the target.

A small and cramped cage can cause aggression in an animal, since it is very sensitive to personal space

A properly equipped animal’s home is half the success on the path to taming a striper. Be sure to get a tall and spacious cage.

The cage should have several “tiers”, each of which should be filled with toys, swings, etc. The place where the raccoon will sleep should be made soft and comfortable. You should also place an improvised hollow made of some driftwood in the cage, since raccoons hide in such hollows during times of danger in the wild.

The cage itself should be placed in a bright room, but in no case on the balcony or under direct lines. sun rays. The animal may die from the heat (although complete absence sun exposure can lead to the development of rickets, a “golden mean” should be found).

In the “house” place bowls with food and water, a basin with water so that the animal can bathe there and rinse its food. It is advisable to purchase rubber toys, since the raccoon will still constantly rinse them.

At night, it is advisable to lock the striper in a cage, since it is a nocturnal animal and free walks around the apartment without control can lead to undesirable consequences.


Raccoons can be given to new owners as early as 2 months of age.

To breed raccoons, it is not necessary to get a pair at once. The female can quite get by with an invited “gentleman”. The female is considered ready to bear offspring at the age of one year. They are monogamous by nature, so keep that in mind when mating.

Pregnancy in a female lasts about 60 days. There are up to 7 puppies in one litter. A young mother guards her children very jealously, so you should take care of a secluded place where she will feed them in advance.

How long does a striped raccoon live at home?

At home, the striper lives somewhat longer than in the wild. On average, the animal lives up to 15–16 years. There are cases of longer life.

Raccoons are often called thieves because they love to break into houses and chicken coops and take whatever they like.

The striper is not only one of the cutest creatures on the planet, but also very interesting. There are several interesting facts about these animals:

  • The striper's paws are very similar to human hands. One Indian legend says that a raccoon once had a human appearance. He was a cunning thief and rogue and deceived many people around his finger. For such impunity, the Ancient Spirit became angry with him and turned him into a raccoon. But for good behavior in the form of this cute animal, the villain received a kind of gift: his paws became more human-like.
  • Garglers are terrible alcoholics. These cute furry animals have long been addicted to the intoxicating effect of strong drinks, so wild conditions You can often hear stories from people who discovered a raccoon thief in their house who had snuck in in search of alcohol. Raccoons just love beer in cans; their little, tenacious hands can easily open a can and drain it in one sitting. They can get drunk to such an extent that they “pass out” right at the scene of the crime.
  • Raccoons are extremely vindictive and cunning. These animals know exactly how to take revenge on the offender or outwit him. There are known cases when raccoons lured dogs or wolves onto thin ice, where the latter fell through without even having time to come to their senses.

Why were you late for the Stupid Excuses Club meeting?
- You see, a raccoon swallowed my keys, and...
- Don’t continue, it sounds convincing, go ahead.

Have you ever thought about getting yourself a pet raccoon? It’s good if you haven’t done this, after reading the article the desire will definitely not arise. It’s better to get a cat or a bird, but under no circumstances a raccoon, it will make your life unbearable!

All more people want to get a raccoon as a pet. If raccoons are raised from childhood, they make good pets that get along well with humans. Raccoons are very curious and active and require the most careful supervision, otherwise they can get into trouble or cause trouble to others. But despite this, raccoons are so adorable!

Let's find out about his life in the wild and at home.

The animal raccoon can compete with human hands in the agility of its forelimbs - its actions are so dexterous and precise. With its front paws, a raccoon is able to grab any objects, including food, as well as confidently hold them and even wash them. In this, the raccoon’s action is somewhat reminiscent of gargling, which is why one of its varieties received the name “gargle.”

What does a raccoon look like?

A raccoon is very easy to recognize by its dark “mask” around its eyes. and the same dark transverse lines on the tail. The body of the raccoon is very dense, stocky, the paws are short, the fur is fluffy and long, grayish-brown in color, the tail is the same tone, very fluffy. The raccoon has rounded ears and a wide head, which gradually turns into a thin, narrow and quite cute muzzle, decorated with a black “mask” with a light fur trim, somewhat reminiscent of sideburns. There is a dark brown spot around the raccoon’s eyes, and a stripe of the same shade runs from the tip of the nose to the forehead. A raccoon's tail usually has 5 to 7 wide black rings.

Where do raccoons live

The raccoon is a typical inhabitant of North and Central America, where it is extremely widespread to the present day, occupying not only wet places (its usual habitat areas), but also suburban areas. In the 20th century, this valuable fur animal was brought to one of the European countries- to Germany, where the “conquest” of the rest of Europe began. Today, the largest concentration of raccoons is in the Netherlands and France, where they have acclimatized well. Then raccoons were transported further east, and now raccoons can be found in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, the North Caucasus, Far East, V Krasnodar region and even on the islands of the West Indies.

Raccoon habitats

The animal raccoon is mainly an inhabitant of wet places., therefore it always settles near fresh water bodies, from which it obtains food. In the wild, as a rule, this is:

  • rivers;
  • swamp;
  • ponds;
  • lakes.

The raccoon does not neglect places near populated areas., since the proximity of human habitation does not bother the raccoon at all - on the contrary, it often visits farms in search of food. In general, the raccoon animal easily adapts to any conditions, populating the outskirts of gardens and fields, forest plantations, squares and abandoned empty buildings. It can also live in attics, basements, and unused chimneys and drainpipes. Loves hollows, where it mainly settles, giving preference to old trees in forests mixed type. It is installed 20-30 meters from ground level. It also inhabits rock crevices and abandoned burrows. The raccoon does this forcedly because it is not able to dig the ground. Spends most of the daytime in trees.

Types of raccoons

The raccoon is part of the genus of mammals, the family of predators. There are two types of this animal:

  1. raccoon;
  2. raccoon-eater

The striped raccoon is the most commonly encountered species of raccoon. It is the most typical representative of the raccoon genus and is the most widespread. A raccoon weighs on average about 6 kilograms, has a height of up to 35 centimeters at the withers, a body length of about 65 centimeters and a tail of 25 centimeters.

Habits of raccoons

Raccoon is a nocturnal animal. During the day he sleeps and at night he goes out in search of food. It does not move far from the home, preferring a distance within a radius of one and a half kilometers. It has excellent ability to see in complete darkness. This provides him with not only well-developed night vision, but also vibrissae, tufts that the raccoon has on the head, on the stomach, on the chest, and on the inside of the limbs, near the claws. Raccoons are also not afraid of water and can swim well.

Before putting food in its mouth, a raccoon always rinses it in water first. Scientists attribute this rather not to the hygienic requirements of the animal, but to curiosity: its actions serve to better study its prey. In general, the animal grabs with its fingers everything it encounters on its way.

IN northern regions Raccoons hibernate in winter, without leaving the hole for weeks until the strong sub-zero temperatures, snowfalls and cold winds recede. At such times, their metabolism slows down, their heart rate and body temperature drop (but only slightly). For example, in the Canadian zone, raccoon hibernation can last up to 4 months, and in regions with more warm climate- several weeks. Animals occupying the southern parts of the range are active year-round.

What do raccoons eat

Raccoons are not picky about food, so they consume everything:
small rodents;
various berries;
fish and so on.

Adult raccoons are especially omnivorous. However, their most traditional foods are grains, fruits and fish. Living within the reach of human habitation, raccoons also rummage through garbage cans and landfills - their dexterous fingers on their front paws easily remove lids from any containers. It happens that adult animals sometimes raid chicken coops and farmland.

The raccoon is the worst pet in the world!

Tell me, do you want trouble? You wake up in the morning and someone ate your toothpaste, your keys are in the trash can and your tube of glue is now all over your clothes, walls and bed...

Do you need broken dishes? The relatives' personal sideboard turned into fragments. And what about scratches, because there is a predator in your house that is not so easy to tame. Scratches will become flowers; it’s better to imagine how a raccoon screaming from hunger marks its territory. The animal leads an active lifestyle at night, while you are sleeping, or rather trying to sleep, it will do whatever it wants.

Funny thieves, sugar lovers, who cutely eat with two paws and then quickly run away - this is just at first glance, if you take a closer look - the raccoon is the worst pet! When I read the other day the stories of owners of pet raccoons, I wondered: how to survive with such a thing and not go crazy? We invite you on a tour to real life furry hooligans.

Story #1:
When I first bought a wild raccoon, I thought it was a raccoon! He called Martin, after examination it turned out that it was her, well, he didn’t want to come up with a name and called Martin. So, one day, I wake up in the middle of the night from noise in the kitchen, go to see what’s wrong, and there is my Martina sitting on the table and finishing my tea from a mug, just like a person, lifting the cup with two paws. Remnants of food from the refrigerator are scattered all over the kitchen on the floor, and the curtains on the window are torn. This is the feast Martina prepared for herself and then decided to drink tea at the end of the late dinner.

Story #2:
- People! Who knows how to wash your hands from Supermoment glue? What about the raccoon? I got distracted for a couple of seconds and this scoundrel found a tube of glue somewhere. I won’t wash the room - it will be a reminder that you can’t be distracted. I’ll throw things away, but what should I do with my sticky fingers, my daughter’s fingers and the whole raccoon’s face?

The raccoon clearly knows that every can in the store must have a specially trained person to open it. Although the raccoon itself also knows something. Let's watch the video!

How do you imagine yourself in 10-15 years?
“I’ll stop communicating with people and live with a raccoon, and we’ll be damn good together.”

1. The raccoon will constantly demand your attention. Are you ready to devote approximately half of your free time to him, and do you have this free time?

2. Presence of small children under 5-7 years old in the house, or their appearance is planned - a clear contraindication to the presence of a raccoon in the house.

3. If your family members are allergic to animals or on fur, other similar diseases - a serious contraindication to having a raccoon in the house

4. The presence of other animals in the house. Dogs and cats - in principle, you can keep them together with a raccoon, but you need to be able to separate them from the raccoon in different rooms if something happens. Birds and small rodents are definitely not recommended for co-breeding with a raccoon, since they are the natural food of raccoons, and if a raccoon wants something, it will definitely achieve it sooner or later. Houseplants cannot be in the same room with a raccoon.

5. Even at home, a raccoon remains wild beast, so it’s worth considering whether you’re ready to see scars on your hands from bites and scratches, which you almost certainly will have. Typically, raccoons' personalities change for the worse when they reach sexual maturity, especially during the rut.

6. Also, during the rut, a raccoon can mark its territory., are you ready to endure it? Not every raccoon can be trained to use a litter tray. It is quite possible that you will have to clean up after him often, and in the most unexpected places.

7. Are you ready to wake up several times a night? hearing the cries of a “starving” Raccoon and feed him or just entertain him? By nature, the Raccoon is a nocturnal animal. He is active at night, at which time he usually hunts for food, although sometimes the Raccoon adapts to the human schedule.

8. Despite all your efforts, it is not a fact that the raccoon will become “tame”. Are you ready to pay so much attention to the raccoon, and in response, it is quite possible that he may not even allow you to pick him up. Most often, you can get a tame raccoon by adopting it as a small puppy at the age of 1.5 months. When taken by adults, raccoons kept in enclosures practically do not become tame, although they usually take food from hands.

9. Your living conditions. Is it possible to make at least one room in the house “Raccoon-friendly” and “Raccoon-safe”. It is not recommended to install an expensive plasma TV or a priceless Chinese vase from the 15th century in a room with a raccoon. They probably guessed why. There are practically no places in the apartment that are inaccessible to a raccoon. The wires of electrical appliances plugged into a socket are dangerous for the animal; he can chew them, as well as extension cords lying on the floor, as he often wants to mark them. Are you ready to endure how the Raccoon puts its raccoon order in your apartment? You can see what order looks like from a raccoon's point of view in the following video clips.

These charming and interesting creatures are considered one of the most resilient in nature. Environment very favorable to raccoons. As they say in North America, the homeland of the raccoon, raccoons are found where they can chew something edible.

Raccoons are nomadic by nature. Their location directly depends on food supplies, and can change depending on the year’s harvest. Also, raccoon habitats can be determined by soil fertility. Raccoons are always attracted to productive land.

Raccoon paradise, ideal raccoon habitat

Raccoons are very partial to forests. If there is a river, pond or even a swamp in a wooded area, then you can be 100% sure that this is a place where raccoons are found. Of course, meeting a raccoon during the day is unlikely. These animals lead twilight night image life. During daylight hours, charming cunning creatures with striped tails while away the time in their nests, sleeping off for the upcoming night outing.

In addition, they take root in the steppes, in the mountains, in floodplain river valleys, on islands, etc. The only conditions for raccoons to live are the presence of a reservoir and food. These resources are always where raccoons live in the wild.

Regarding food, raccoons are omnivores. However, these people have certain preferences charming creatures still exist. In late winter, spring and until the onset of summer, raccoons happily gobble up food of animal origin. In summer, autumn and winter, these cute animals eat nuts, vegetables, fruits and berries. If the earth is rich in these gifts of nature, then this is exactly the place where raccoons live.

In winter, raccoons can hibernate, especially striped raccoons, so frost, blizzards and snowfalls are not a threat to this species. A raccoon can hibernate for up to 4-5 months.

Where won't you find raccoons?

Raccoons do not like dry areas. If there are no bodies of water in the region, then you will definitely not find a raccoon in this area.

In addition, they avoid coniferous forests(except walnut forests Central Asia where the raccoon lives). Apparently, the pine needles have a very pungent aroma that these charming masked sneaks cannot get used to.

Also, “striped hooligans” are often exterminated by other predators. The eternal enemies of raccoons are:

  • Alligators
  • Wolves
  • Coyotes
  • Jackals

Besides them, the places where raccoons live are full of hunters who cannot live without the meat and skins of these animals.

Of course, raccoons are natural tacticians and strategists. If the odds are in favor of the raccoons, then the most dangerous predator may receive a worthy rebuff. Raccoons are dangerous fighters. Behind the charming mask and elegant striped tail hides unbridled wild power, which often relies on hefty cunning and excellent ingenuity.

But it also happens that, for example, a flock of jackals or coyotes follows the trail of our animals. The outcome of this confrontation is a foregone conclusion, of course, if the raccoons do not leave the “dangerous” territory in time. This also happens often, because raccoons have well-developed intuition.

Raccoon habitat

If we talk about striped raccoons, the habitats of the “striped hooligans” are North America, from Panama to Canada. In Eurasia, the striper lives in the Far East, in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Caucasus, off the Black Sea coast, in the Donbass, in the south of Belarus, in the Baltic countries, and raccoons also live in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Dagestan and Germany and France.

In Europe, the gargle was introduced artificially. In this area, sneakers do well. The fact is that even before the breakup of the lithospheric plates, when Eurasia and North America were one continent, raccoons successfully migrated from Europe to America. The European raccoon was exterminated by wyverns, but the North American raccoon was luckier; it has survived to this day almost unchanged.

At the beginning of the 20th century, gargle began to be bred artificially. Central Europe is where the raccoon lives in the wild. From the release points, this cunning animal quickly spread to most of Central Europe and became well established in many countries.

The closeness of a raccoon and a person. Where do raccoons live?

Raccoons are ubiquitous. The proximity of a person does not bother these “striped eccentrics” at all.

The habitats of raccoons are city parks and public gardens; this applies to both provincial suburbs and large regional centers or even capitals.

Animal connoisseurs can... For example, in America, cases are often common when a wild “masked bully” turns into a completely tame creature living in a human family. Wild raccoons, of course, are difficult to domesticate, but in the hands of an experienced trainer, the wildest “hooligan” can become a good pet.

Living in populated areas, these animals often love landfills with household waste.
The favorite place for raccoons to live is a hollow tree. Raccoons try to climb higher, into as spacious a hollow as possible. There are cases when up to 10 individuals can live in one hollow.

If the raccoon’s habitat does not include hollow trees, then the raccoon can settle in old buildings, in rock crevices, and in the burrows of other animals. Raccoons do not know how to dig holes, so they willingly use the work of other animals. It can even go so far that the raccoon successfully survives the owner of the hole from his rightful place in order to establish his refuge there. A raccoon can drive a badger or a hare, for example, out of a hole.