How to independently cause rain, thunderstorm, lightning and completely control the weather and atmospheric phenomena with the help of magic. Magic technologies for controlling weather elements with descriptions of rituals and spells - Adapted NQN magic

Today we will talk about how to independently cause rain, thunderstorm, lightning and completely control the weather and atmospheric phenomena with the help of magic. We will also consider magical control technologies weather elements with descriptions of rituals and spells

Here, each people had their own way. In White Rus', women plow the river with a plow, while singing ritual songs, which, as scientists have established, were born many centuries ago. In Macedonia today you can see groups of people who, raising their hands and heads to the sky, perform rhythmic incantations. In them they first call for rain, and then describe how it falls to the Earth. In Polesie, peasants gathered at a well, stirred the water with long sticks and called upon the drowned man Makarka to rise from the water and water the earth with his tears. Indian, Altai and other shamans first go into a trance, and then begin to appeal to the spirits, begging them to send life-giving moisture to the Earth.

Folk traditions can be listed endlessly. It’s interesting that many of them are being transformed and adjusted to the realities of our time. One of the most beautiful rituals can sometimes be observed in the villages of the Gagauz and South Slavs. A girl, dressed in a dress made of grapevine, with a wreath on her head, goes around all the village courtyards, and the peasants pour water on her.

There is a ritual of making rain using water. You need to go out into the wasteland (at midnight, of course), and mark a circle around you with water. After undressing, it is recommended to raise your hands to the sky and walk clockwise along the water trail until it dries. Walking should be accompanied by words aimed at asking nature for rain. There is a description of a similar method that is still used by women in Nepal. Many peoples believed that it was impossible to cause rain without sacrifices. The Chechens sacrificed a snake, the Hawaiians - a black rooster.

On the island of Java, during a period of drought, men whipped each other with flexible rods until they bled. It was believed that drops of blood would cause rain. Some experts in magic use the power of runes to call rain. The Isu and Haguz runes are used to freeze fire. How to make rain using “subtle matter”? Some psychics claim that by tuning their body and brain to certain vibrations, they come into contact with the environment, promoting the formation of clouds and the shedding of rain from them.

How to cause bad weather.
Read through the window (window), but you can also read out loud while standing on the street:
“I call 13 winds, 13 whirlwinds here, I call 13 devils to me.
Raise the devils from behind the mountains - whatever I call, bring them here. Blow the winds, twist the whirlwinds, everything is on
stir your way. Buzz, dust, play, don’t let people live in peace.”

How to make it rain.
1.) (The spell calls upon the spirits of water and air, but success depends on the level.)
“Takshamone tizeren ahitare komashan
Sagit tosh valan tisare
Ivodan naach action sarah
Ishatan vair tabul komsare
Shakan em soet var simatah
Eramanan avatan sah
Kovoel asatan sosh tizeren tash
Ovotas omah shaet tasan
Kovosal raet tishan tairdibajit.”
2.) Say: “Esse Irreide Irri!”
3.) This method can always be used, for any purpose, but it is better not to do it for the sake offor fun or for a bet.

So, spit on the ground and, raising your eyes to the sky, say:
“Puff up, drag out, curl up.
Close cloud to cloud.
Spit on the ground, rain on the ground.
I call with a toad's tongue, I call with saliva.
Tighten up, get covered up, cloud up,
let it rain. Amen".
Spit on the ground and look up at the sky and say:
“Waiting for rain here.”
4.) Lyrics: “Impente Dominus Priante!”
1. You need to sit near water (lake, stream, spring, etc.).
2. Sit comfortably (so that nothing interferes, so that the body does not become numb, etc.).
3. We completely relax (don’t fall asleep) and renounce the world (that is, you shouldn’t
worry about the heat and other factors, feel like everything and nothing at the same time)
4. Turn off internal dialogue
5. We feel the coolness coming from the water, try to feel it with both your body and
in spirit... i.e. as if to connect with the elements... as if it were enveloping your body and
is inside
6. Having done step 5, feel that coolness envelops not only your body, but everything around you,imagine that from any direction of the world (for example, at this time for your country
rains come from the west) - a cloud is approaching, feel that there is water in it and that
rain is inevitable. (if you really have rain at this time, only possible from the west
or from another certain part of the world, then you are unlikely to call for example from the east
you can...)

7. “Sit mihi adjuctor non timebo quid faciat mihi homo in vternum,” - vibrate this text
(it’s better to memorize) visualizing the pulsation (as if you are saturated with these words (they
emanate from you into the world like lightning, quickly and brightly, imagine the color of lightning, etc.))),
We additionally imagine and visualize everything related to bad weather (rain,
coolness that gives you goosebumps, clean air, etc.).
We imagine all this so much that we convince ourselves that rain is inevitable....
This is all done within 30-60 minutes. (During this time, if there were no clouds, they will appear if
were, then “black” clouds (rain) will appear, if not, then repeat several times.

Disperse the rain.
Words: “Aizej lietinj ruukdams kaukdams
Atnaac Saukiite spiiguljodama.”

Calling the fog.
Hands in front of you, palms towards the place where the fog is needed, slightly at an angle
to each other. Direct the energy and say several times:
At you terru! (emphasis on the "e")
Ay At toozor! (emphasis on the first "o")

Dispersal of clouds.
Say the words: “On the sea-ocean on the island of Buyan there live three brothers, three winds: ONE
NORTH, ANOTHER EASTERN, A third WESTERN. Listen brothers, me, fly
brothers there, drive away the clouds (spit on your hand and rub (this means clouds) and
point to the clouds.

Calls to the energy and spirits of the Earth.
1.) Place a circle and position yourself in its center. Relax and even out your breathing.
Sit quietly for a moment and then read: “Hummus fecunda tollere saxa de
2.) This call is suitable if you are in nature. Face north and
spread your arms to the sides and say loudly, in a chant: “Sarakos Zipai apptar
latigos! Ashe! Ashe! Ashe!

3.) On the palm of your left hand, write “Zipai” in green or black ink. And on
palms right hand draw a square. Join your palms and say several times
whisper: “Rupes!” This will greatly enhance your inner Earth Power.

Calls on the energy and spirits of Water.
Face west. It is better if you are near a pond or in the rain.
Relax, take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. With another breath
visualize the energy blue which enters you. Keep breathing in
the energy of Water until you feel that it has filled you. Then in a whisper
say: “Aqua Lustralis loko! Aqua pura protinus!”

Calls on the energy and spirits of Fire.
1.) “Fiery word of power”
Light a candle. Look at her and say: “N"omus.” Believe in yourself, and the flame will dance and
will tell you about himself.
2.) “Heavenly Fire”
Flame blue color, does not burn and has a clear boundary, unlike
ordinary flame. And this fire does not burn fuel, it has its own internal source.
After some time, the heavenly fire turns into ordinary fire.
3.) Supreme Fire Spell: “NAUR AN ENDRAJT AMMEN!”
4.) Face South. Relax. Take a few deep breaths.
Say, as if in a chant: “Eum aresum da orap!” Start humming in a whisper
gradually increasing the sound.
5.) Read during rituals with “live” fire (bonfire, candles): “Atesh kaghirma,
Atesh Afet kher erde! Atesh kagirma, Afet Atesh, Yazsin ileride bouyule!”
6.) A slightly masochistic method, but very effective. Burn the tip of the big one
right hand finger. Visualize the pain energy being focused on the spot
burn (it's better if you imagine it as a glowing red dot). Holding this
picture, say: “Burning in the flame, I call on the Force, I conjure with a word, Pain onI’m changing the fire.” Then release the pain energy from your finger into the sky and feel
how the air around you becomes denser and drier. You can visualize around you
ruby color - this will be the element.

A spell to summon wind.
Cast this spell only when the Wind Spirits are truly needed,
and not just make a joke. When saying, visualize the wind rising:
“The wind is mighty!
The wind is strong!
Come to my aid!
Hear me Winged Thinker
Heaven and Earth!
By the power of Thor I conjure you
and at this moment I call you!
So be it!”
If you no longer need the wind, let it go:
“Pacify the Violent Winds!
Calm down, mighty winds!
Go away, Spirits of the Great Space!
May peace and quiet come with your departure.
Let it be so!”

Air spell.
(This spell does not cause wind or anything like that. It is aimed at
attracting air spirits to any action):
“Etash siratam ankhne shat itesh
Jad sar komhare cortish teaseren
Savor tashit em onoblim sonoblima, Vaaran."

Calling the wind.
“Sivushki - burushki
Prophetic crows!
Help, friends, help.
How my grandfather was heard
How they heard my father
Serve me with faith and truth and strong strength!”

Watch the weather control training video:

YouTube Video

To the wind.
Word: "Introviléjt"
Used to cause, redirect or dampen wind flow.
Accompanied by a wide swing of the dominant hand.

Cause a thunderstorm.
Jump on one leg and chant:
»Perkonitis ducinaaja
Visu cauru vasarinj.”

How to summon lightning.
1.) Material component – ​​an amber (ebony, glass) stick and a piece of fur.
You rub, swing at the target and during the swing say: “Lightning bolt.”
2.) During a thunderstorm, you indicate where lightning should strike (it is advisable to visualize
is it blue or green spot) and say: “Fero aglis!”
These words strike a spark....

In Russia, Nikolai Ukolov, who lives in the Tambov village of Mordovo, disperses the clouds. To his unusual ability to manage natural phenomena many locals are skeptical. However, if it starts to rain during a wedding or funeral, everyone runs to Nikolai for help.
Nikolai calls himself a healer and predictor. Unusual abilities opened in him twelve years ago, when he saw the Mother of God in a dream. “She had a baby in her arms, and behind her was a pillar of red light,” says Nikolai. “I immediately realized that this dream was prophetic.” Since then, nature has become subject to Ukolov..

One day the head of the district administration asked him to provide good weather During the harvest, Nikolai kept his promise and received one and a half tons of grain and three bags of sugar for his labors.

The fall before last, Ukolov decided to test his strength in a large space. After Russian weather forecasters reported that warming was coming and the winter would be unusually warm, Nikolai decided to bring frost to the country. “I just didn’t calculate it a little,” the old man apologizes, “it was very cold”...

“My grandmother was still in the years October Revolution I found in the garden a gleam with inscriptions and a figurine of the god Perun, the patron saint of rain and thunderstorms,” rain whisperer Lydia Stepanovna tells reporters from the Ukrainian newspaper Donbass. “After that, she became a real weather master, she could cause snow almost by clapping her hands. Then she passed on her secrets to my aunt and me.”

Rain spell ritual (shamanic).

This ritual is used to call rain. The ritual bowl with spring water should be placed in the open air overnight. During the night, the water will be saturated with energy and acquire special properties.
The next morning, you need to take the cup in both hands, raise it above your head and say:
I call upon the moisture of heavenGet closer to the moisture of the earth,
To make it rain on the ground
And watered the green shoots!
If several girls participate in the ritual, then a small mystery can be held. The assistants should decorate their bodies with fresh leaves and branches and turn to the shaman:
Mother Goddess!
Give us your juice.
Water us with your moisture!
Then the shaman must sprinkle on her assistants from the bowl and from previously prepared buckets. At the end of the ritual, sacrifices must be made to the elemental spirits and suitable incense must be lit. You can also summon rain through an ordinary snail, which is the personification of the Mistress of Rain. Find a snail in the forest, treat it with great respect. Dig a hole in your area towards the shade. Place a plate of water and fresh leaves in it and place the snail on the edge of the plate. At noon, approach the snail with a ritual bowl filled with water. Sprinkle water on the snail and say:
How I splash water on you
So are you, Snail - Mistress of the Rain,
Send long-awaited moisture to the earth!
Repeat this action many times. If it doesn’t rain during the day, then perform the ritual again the next day. Make sure the snail is comfortable in your area. After the rain, take the snail to the place where you took it from. Before leaving, thank the snail again. In the Zhitomir region, people also poured water on each other, saying: “As water pours on you, so that the rain pours on the ground.” This was done by the river or by the well. Sometimes they doused persons who, according to popular belief, had a special magical power: a pregnant woman, symbolizing the earth, a shepherd, as capable of influencing the heavenly “flocks” of clouds, a priest..

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They often went to abandoned springs, cleaned them out, pouring water on each other, causing RAIN. There were walks around the village, fields, prayers at a well or river.In Polesie they often poured poppy into a well, threw money, salt, garlic, blessed herbs, grains of wheat and rye, prosphora, etc., lilies blessed water, scooped up all the water from the well, etc. Sometimes they threw it into the well clay pots, and in many villages of Polesie it was believed that the pot should have been stolen - from neighbors, foreigners or potters.
In the Gomel region they said: “Since there is no rain, we’ll steal a Jewish smoothie somewhere and into a well - bang! And they also say it will rain.” This method turned out to be more effective when the ritual was performed by a widow or when the pot was stolen from the widow. In the Chernihiv region, a pot of borscht was stolen from the oven and thrown into a well. The motif of borscht is characteristic of widespread children's songs about rain: “Doshchiku, doshchiku, I’m making it for the borscht.” Meni porridge, tobi borscht, shcheb ishov thick doshch”; “Go, go, plank, and water the potter.” Sometimes the stolen pots were first broken, and then the shards were thrown into the well.

Close to this method of causing RAIN are the Bulgarian and Serbian methods of protection against “tile magic”: the products of labor or the tools for their production were stolen from the tile tiles and brick makers and they were all thrown into the water. This action was understood as the removal of damage (“blocking the rain”, which was allegedly caused by tile tiles. They, like potters, were considered to be the culprits of the drought due to their involvement in the element of fire (firing pots, tiles) and professional interest in dry weather (for the sake of drying their products).

In Polesie and adjacent regions of Belarus and Russia, to induce RAIN, they performed the ritual of “plowing the river”: during a drought, they plowed or harrowed a dry river bed, or simply dragged a plow along the bottom. Symbolic plowing could also be done directly in shallow water: in Surazhsky district they “chose beautiful girl at the age of 15, they stripped her naked, hung her with wreaths and forced her to harrow water in this form.” In our time, a similar method of causing rain was noted in the Grodno region: “Old women gathered, stole a plow from the collective farm yard, brought it to the river, just women. Some harnessed themselves, while others drove with a scourge.” Sometimes, instead of a river, they “plowed” a road or dug holes on the road, symbolically “opening” the water (Polesie).

Another way of causing RAIN, which was of a purely magical nature, was the destruction of an anthill. The anthill was raked with a stick, just as they beat water in a well; at the same time, the spreading ants symbolized and magically caused drops of RAIN. This method is known in Polesie and among the southern Slavs. The Serbs, raking out an anthill, uttered a special spell: “As many ants, so many drops!”

Indian religious texts state ancient rite to call rain - a black animal had to be sacrificed. In western Bulgaria and eastern Serbia, a special ritual is known, performed during drought in order to induce RAIN: girls sculpted a clay doll named Herman (a male figure up to 50 cm in size with a hypertrophied phallus) and then, imitating burial, buried the doll on the river bank or thrown into the water, wailing: “Oh. Herman, Herman, Herman died from drought for the sake of rain.” In such mourning rituals, tears were magically likened to RAIN. In the old days, when the villages around Tartu needed rain, three men would climb the tall spruce trees in the sacred grove. One of them, in imitation of thunder, hit a pot or small barrel with a hammer; the second, in imitation of lightning, struck sparks from burning brands, and the third - he was called the “rainmaker” - sprayed water from a vessel in all directions with the help of a bunch of branches.

On the island of Java, when rain was needed, two men began to whip each other with flexible rods and continued this until blood began to flow from their backs: the flowing blood symbolized the rain, which was now expected to spill onto the ground .
The people of the Egghiu tribe, in one of the regions of Abyssinia, in order to cause rain, every time in January entered into bloody fights - with each other, village with village - which lasted for whole week. Emperor Menelik later banned this custom. This ban caused indignation among the people when there was a shortage of rain. The emperor was forced to give in and allowed the bloody battles to resume, but only for two days a year.

In August 2006, in northern Nepal, where rice is traditionally grown, not a drop fell from the sky during the monsoon season. The peasants tried everything: prayers, offerings to the gods, special religious services - but the sky remained deaf to their calls.

“...The tom-toms beat incessantly all night. Ju-ju, a professional miracle worker from a mysterious clan of initiates, sat motionless, facing east, whispering something inaudibly under his breath. Opposite him stood a naked young woman, her face covered with a thick veil. This was a “rainbender” from the neighboring Toma tribe, whom Ju-ju apparently invited to assist him at such an important ceremony. For some time, the spellcaster silently swayed to the beat of the drum. Then she began to conduct the tom-toms herself, sharply throwing up her hands at an ever-accelerating tempo and forcing the drummers to speed up the roll even more.

I looked at the sky and couldn’t believe my eyes: the whitish haze, barely noticeable in the evening, turned into a gray veil, which thickened and became heavier every minute. And the exorcist kept pushing and pushing the tom-toms, which lashed the clouds with machine-gun bursts. And the sky could not withstand such a cruel execution: the long-awaited rain finally poured from the low-hanging clouds.”

This is how the English traveler Hugo Chateris describes a magical rain-making ceremony that he observed in the 50s of the last century in Guinea. The same rituals have existed among many other peoples since time immemorial.

Last August, in northern Nepal, where rice is traditionally grown, not a drop fell from the sky during the monsoon season. There was something to despair about. The peasants tried everything: prayers, offerings to the gods, special religious services - but the sky remained deaf to their calls.

And then the Nepalese women from the Kapilvastu region said that they knew one ancient way, which is used only as a last resort.

After this, about fifty peasant women got up at sunrise and performed an extreme ritual of making rain. They undressed, went out into the rice fields naked and began to cast spells known only to them. To the surprise of the journalists watching the spectacle, by the end of the day it actually rained over the fields of Kapilvastu!

One of the great "rain queens" of the Transvaal was Mujadji, an old woman whom even Rider Haggard had heard of. Many years after she was described in one of the writer's novels, General Smuts spoke of her as a woman who impressed him "by the strength of her character and the elusive manner of authority - a woman who really was a queen."

The practice of making rain in the past existed in two forms. Church, as, for example, in Russia, when they used religious procession and prayer for rain. And sorcery, when rainmakers acted according to ancient pagan rituals.
Pagan methods of causing RAIN, especially rain at wells, were severely condemned by the church.

Rain making ritual - in many cultures, a ritual performed during drought to bring rain. Often accompanied by ritual dances and songs.

In the magical rites of causing rain among the southern Slavs ritual actions performed by the priestesses of the goddess (six girls aged from 12 to 16 years) - dodolitsy. They are decorated with wreaths, water is poured on them, and bread is offered to them. At the same time, the Dodolians sing, turning to the goddess with a request to send rain. Dodola (character of South Slavic mythology, goddess of rain, wife of the Thunderer)

- I wish I could learn to disperse the clouds! Or at least remove some of them!
- What a strange desire. Why did such luxurious clouds bother you?
— While you are swimming, the sun is shining. Hot. As soon as you get out of the water, some cloud covers the sun, a cool breeze blows in and you immediately feel so uncomfortable.
- Hm. This doesn't bother me at all. After all, clouds do not hang in one place for a long time. Wait a little, and the cloud will disappear on its own or the wind will drive it to another place.
“By the time I wait, I’ll be covered all over with goose bumps.”
“If you are so impatient, then go ahead and wipe the cloud that is bothering you from the sky.”
- But how? I haven't tried anything. The cloud is enchanted. The more I try, the longer it takes to cover the sun.
-Can you hear me? I'm telling you, erase it.
- How to erase? Where am I and where is the cloud?

- I’m showing. You lie down, sunbathe. And then a cloud hovered between you and the sun. Look around. Surely some shaggy blade of grass is growing next to you. Use it to wipe away the cloud. Don’t rush to tear a blade of grass. Sit next to a blade of grass and use it to wipe away the cloud like a brush. Pay attention to the spikelet of grass and how you erase the cloud with this spikelet, like an eraser from the sky.
-Can you show me?
- Look! Here is a suitable spikelet. I find the cloud I need, aim my spikelet at this cloud, squint my eye and begin to shade this cloud.
- Wow! Right before our eyes, the cloud is melting and has disappeared.
- Let me try. It's a pity that the cloud is far away!
- Slow down! Distance doesn't matter. If you can (know how to) erase something at a distance of a few centimeters, you can also erase it at any other distance. To begin with, it is enough for you to see what you are washing and what you are washing with. If you have developed imagination, then you don’t need to see it.
- So then. Here's a spikelet. Here's a cloud. I take aim and begin to erase the cloud with a spike. Wow! It turns out! How fast! Is this some kind of magic?
- Call it what you want. I call this the ability to highlight the main thing.
- Let me try to guess? The main thing in this case is not how far the cloud is from me, but how exactly did I decide to get rid of this cloud?
- Nope. The main thing is your ability to wash something. Do you really believe that it was you who removed this cloud?
- Who? I just did this with my own hands, right?
- You? With my own hands?
- Okay, a spikelet!
- Use your common sense, at least a little! Where are you and where is the cloud? And how big is this spikelet?
- I don't understand.
- The secret is that you were distracted for a while from your strange desire to remove the cloud. You don’t know how to do this, moreover, you don’t even really believe that this is possible in principle. But you know how to wash something. You started erasing, and while you were succeeding in this, the cloud was calmly blown away by the wind...
“Are you saying that if I didn’t do anything, the cloud would still disappear?”
- Exactly!
- But I...?
- You are too passionate about your own person. Your person deigned to sunbathe, and then some kind of cloud appeared! How dare you? And this cloud obscured everything before your eyes. The main thing was the inconvenience, which in fact does not exist. And then, you changed the imaginary main thing with the real main thing. You did something that you can do, and not something that you are kind of dissatisfied with.

- So, erasing was not necessary?
- Of course not! I saw how you draw and how deftly you use an eraser. I didn’t have an eraser at hand, so I suggested replacing the eraser with a spikelet. What happens next is a matter of technique.
“And I thought it was magic.”
— To some extent, this is real magic. For you, until you found out the secret, it was definitely magic. Here is the magician and the spectator. For one a trick, for another an inexplicable miracle. But once you pay attention to the main thing, the trick ceases to be a miracle.
- But there is real magic, too?
— It all depends on what is considered important. Look!
- This can’t be! You can't walk on water! Although? And if you pay attention not to the fact that the water will not hold you, but to...

At 11:11 a.m. on November 11, all clouds will disappear over Palace Square. They will be dispersed - solely by the power of thought - by the Russian followers of the Japanese Masaru Emoto. The master himself promises to “send his words directly to the sky of St. Petersburg from a distant corner of Asia.” If the action is successful, such energy must be directed in a peaceful direction. For example, to make life easier for city residents in winter - theoretically, the technique of dispersing clouds can also be used to combat bad weather.
No, not on April 1, - on November 11, the sky of St. Petersburg will be cleared of clouds by force of will. Fyodor Zamaleev, the initiator of the Clearing Could Game campaign, kindly informed Fontanka about this. Those who come to Palace Square will mentally order the clouds to disappear, after which they will immediately obey and melt. In addition, according to the organizers, our city will have a chance to get into the Guinness Book of Records - representatives of the International Agency for Record Achievements will be present on the square, who will record the maximum number of people in the world simultaneously dispersing clouds.

The last few days have been surprisingly clear and un-autumn-warm. But on November 11 the weather promises not to let us down. According to the portal, on November 11 in St. Petersburg it will be cloudy and light rain. So the conditions for clearing clouds will be ideal.
Associations with folk proverbs and sayings, as well as ditties on the topic of dispersing clouds are inappropriate - the action will be held strictly scientific basis. “This technology was formulated by the Japanese researcher Masaru Zmoto,” Fyodor Zamaleev told Fontanka. — It is based on the fact that water is the source of all things, and when exposed to information, it perceives information and carries it out. And clouds are also water, so it’s enough just to wish them to be erased, and they will disappear. There is no need to explain why this happens, you just need to accept it as a given.” To make it easier for participants to achieve the right mood. Zamaleev suggests watching a thematic video.

“This will not be an entertainment event,” assures Zamaleev. “This is an attempt to bring together people who understand what is happening. The idea of ​​our event is for everyone to learn about the technique and one day try to do it themselves.” The author of the technology, Mr. Masaru Emoto, is aware of the planned acceleration of clouds and strongly supports this idea. "I am happy to know that in the most beautiful city world, the first in the world, a unique experiment will take place, in which its participants are destined to test the wonderful properties of human consciousness, the wonderful properties of the world around us, from their own experience,” he said on the official website of the Clearing cloud game and promised: “I wish you all good luck and will send my words to the sky of St. Petersburg from a distant corner of Asia on the same day and time.” He did not explain in what form these words will appear, but if hieroglyphs suddenly appear in the sky above the city, we ask readers not to be surprised - everyone has been warned.
“Training to clear the sky of clouds on November 11th has a very great value. And this is only the first chapter of a grandiose process of educating people,” says Masaru Emoto, whom, as Fyodor Zamaleev noted with regret, “the scientific world does not yet recognize. However, the master himself is not embarrassed by the lack of recognition. “All the innovative discoveries of the past, which changed the picture of reality, always caused shock, surprise, misunderstanding of others, nevertheless becoming an indisputable truth scientific knowledge. You are standing at the threshold greatest discovery immutable laws of the Universe. And this experiment will forever go down in the history of mankind, like all brave, sincere discoveries that changed history,” he promises.
The organizers expect to gather at least a hundred people and assure that the action has been agreed upon and even the Hermitage has allowed them to occupy Palace Square. True, in the administration Central region Fontanka was told that the event would be held in the form of a flash mob, for which no permits were required. It is interesting that the district authorities have not heard anything about the impending dispersal of the clouds - according to them, a flash mob is scheduled for 11 a.m. on November 11 on Dvortsovaya in honor of... the end of the world.
Let us remind you that this is not the first attempt to break through to new horizons made in St. Petersburg this year. In February, Sergei Davitaya suggested stepping into the future and forever overcoming Malevich’s square, “which put an end to our painting.” He sought to give people the opportunity to break through "Perelman's Poincaré holes" through the black veil of the twentieth century directly into the third millennium, but faced misunderstanding - members of the conservation board cultural heritage They forbade him to cover the Horse Guards Manege with black fabric. Well, without this measure, the transition to the future could not take place.
In October, Viktor Zotin kindly provided the Fontanka editors with drawings of a perpetual motion machine. He wanted to tell the world in order to rid the world of oil dependence forever. But, judging by oil prices, the idea has not yet been put into practice (if you don’t think worse, this is the machinations of the business community).
As for the technology of dispersing clouds with the power of thought, it can find wide application in St. Petersburg. Theoretically, the interaction with water can be transferred to icicles - upon a mental order, they will begin to disappear by themselves. Moreover, having mastered the technology to perfection, it will probably be possible to deal with roof leaks - the water will only need to be ordered to flow into reverse side. Yes, and snow is also water, and accordingly, it must obey orders. True, Masaru Emoto did not think about such an application of his methodology - apparently, the problems of housing and communal services in Japan are not so acute, but there is no doubt that our compatriots will be able to develop and creatively apply his ideas. But if Vice-Governor Sergei Kozyrev shows himself to be a person capable of sensitively perceiving the achievements of progress, then, without a doubt, he will send all the structures under his control on November 11 to Palace Square for training.
Fontanka did not turn to representatives of science for comments - the action could cause too much resonance, and everyone who wanted to take part would not fit on Dvortsovaya. But Wikipedia found a lot of information about its organizers: Masaru Emoto was born in 1943 in Yokohama. Known for experiments aimed at proving that water supposedly has the ability to “perceive information” from the environment. The main method of "proof" is to "expose" water to spoken and written words and study the crystallization structure of such water, which, he claims, changes depending on the meaning of these words. Since 1999, Emoto has published the book “The Message of Water,” containing photographs of crystals with an explanation of what information was “sent” to the water. He took part in the creation of the film “The Great Mystery of Water”, which in 2006 received the TEFI Award for the best scientific documentary film - despite severe criticism from the scientific community.
As for Masaru Emoto himself, Wikipedia skeptically calls him a “famous pseudoscientist.” And reports that in 2003, James Randi, founder of the James Randi Foundation, publicly stated that he would pay Emoto Masaru a million dollars if his results were confirmed using a double-blind method (in which neither the experimenters nor the subjects are privy to the details of the experiment). For now, the money remains in the fund.

Kira Obukhova

Can a person, with the power of thought or with the help of some magical rituals, influence the weather, cause or tame natural disasters? Facts from ancient and modern history they say that such an impact on nature is quite real, with its help it was possible not only to overcome drought, but also to sink enemy ships.

Dispel the clouds with just the power of thought
On this day there was light rain in Kyiv. Although Albert Venediktovich Ignatenko was going to his next performance in one of the concert halls, the 15 minutes remaining at his disposal was quite enough to conduct a unique experiment, which was documented by a film crew of Ukrainian television. In just a few minutes, concentrating and stretching out his hands with his palms to the sky, Albert Ignatenko dispersed the continuous clouds over October Square, and the sun shone over the astonished television crews... This whole process was filmed.

Back in 1981, when Ignatenko worked as a psychologist at the Olympic base in Lithuania, he first tried to influence the weather. According to him, he managed to maintain sunny weather within a radius of 5-6 km for almost half a month, although it was raining all around at that time.

Can a person, without using any equipment or chemical reagents, influence environment only by the power of your thoughts? Any consistent materialist will, of course, answer this question in the negative, but will he be right? In addition to the unique experiment conducted by Albert Ignatenko, others have been recorded in history. amazing facts, suggesting that a person is quite capable of performing real miracles.

Prayer sends a whole fleet to the bottom
In 1274, Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan, having conquered Northern China and Korea, decides to conquer Japan, which ignored his ultimatum. In November, a gigantic fleet of 900 ships with 40 thousand landing troops approached Japan. The first battle for the Japanese was unsuccessful, despite this, the conquerors still decided to spend the first night on ships. At this time, the Japanese continued to pray to heaven to send down all sorts of disasters and elements on their enemies.

Whether it’s a coincidence or not, the heavens listened to this voice for help, and unexpectedly for the conquerors, strong storm. Kublai Khan's ships were forced to take to the open sea, but even there a fierce storm tossed and sank the ships of the Mongols and their allies. When the storm ended, it turned out that about 200 ships sank, and with them almost 10 thousand people died. The conquest of Japan failed.

Seven years later, Kublai Khan decided to repeat his attempt. This time, by the spring of 1281, a very impressive armada was prepared for the invasion of Japan. Although the Japanese spent the seven years of respite intensively preparing to repel a new attack by the Mongols and built solid fortifications, the forces of the conquerors were so great that the Japanese could only again pray for help from above.

Even the emperor himself and his dignitaries this time joined in the prayers and asked the “divine wind,” as before, to punish the conquerors. It’s already hard to believe in a coincidence - the elements responded to prayers again... The wind blew and such a storm broke out that there was practically nothing left of the Mongol fleet... Some historians believe that about 4 thousand ships sank then, and losses in manpower amounted to up to 100 thousand Human. The Mongols never again posed a serious threat to Japan.

In the twentieth century, a similar story repeated itself again. Only now it was not the Mongols, but the Americans who threatened Japan. In 1944, the US 3rd Fleet headed for the Philippines with a massive landing to put an end to the war with this country. Having no significant forces to prevent the Americans from carrying out their intentions, the Japanese government asked its people to pray and ask the heavens to bring down the sacred Kamikaze wind on the heads of their enemies... When, with the help of intelligence, they found out about this in the US Navy, they literally tore their stomachs from laughter. But, as they say, he who laughs last laughs - a typhoon of unprecedented force hit American ships. Three destroyers immediately capsized and sank, almost 150 aircraft were washed overboard from aircraft carriers, 28 ships were seriously damaged, 800 people were killed, and the entire operation failed...

British Isles under the protection of priests
An almost similar story is told about the various attempts to conquer England. In October 1597, a powerful Spanish fleet consisting of 128 well-armed ships with a large landing party left Lisbon and set off to conquer England. The Spaniards' operation failed, more than half of the ships were lost not in a collision with the enemy fleet, but in a severe storm. Between Sligo and Ballyshannon alone, no less than three Spanish ships washed ashore.

One of the officials wrote in his report: “After leaving Sligo, I counted at a distance of five miles one thousand one hundred human bodies, and the residents assured me that there are no less of them and more.” The Spanish fleet no longer posed a threat to England. It is interesting that Napoleon and Hitler at one time abandoned the attempt to land troops on the British Isles. There is an assumption that such reliable protection of England was carried out with the help of special rituals by the Druid priests.

Human aggression and natural disasters
Known from history numerous facts, when, with the help of rituals associated with religion or magic, it was possible to cause rain, which sometimes literally saved entire nations from starvation during a drought.

Even ancient Chinese historians noticed that sudden changes in the destinies of peoples associated with major conflicts are accompanied by a variety of natural disasters. Apparently, nature responds to a simultaneous strong negative outburst of emotions of many people with one or another natural disaster. She reacts negatively to our madness. Here's a concrete example. When there was massacre between Muslims and Hindus in India, Gandhi warned that if the hostility did not stop, there would be strong earthquake. His words were not heeded - an earthquake occurred...

Perhaps the unprecedentedly powerful tornado that once swept over the United States after the refusal to stop the bombing of Yugoslavia for the Easter period was also not an accident?

Albert Ignatenko, who at the end of the twentieth century conducted a unique experiment on influencing the weather, is sure that aggressive thoughts and actions of people are often the cause natural disasters and harm the earth's biosphere.

A lot has been said and written about concentration of attention and the power of thought. And that's right. Everything works and has a direct impact on the life of every person. The only drawback is that these concepts cannot be touched, seen, smelled or tasted. We live in physical reality and perceive best what is also clothed in physical form.

Today I want to give you a practice that will:

1. Your understanding of the power of thought will change forever.
2. You will clearly see the result of your thought process.
3. By doing this practice, you will “pump up the muscles” of your thought power and concentration.

Today we will learn to remove a cloud from the sky.

How to do it

To begin with, we find a small cloud in the sky. We direct all our attention to him. Looking closely at the cloud, we clearly imagine how it becomes a ball of ice. Imagine the ball is small in size, approximately fitting in your two palms. Mentally take this ball and place it over the fire. Naturally, fire is astral, mentally created. For better perception, you can “put” this piece of ice in a container with holes or “hang” it on a hook over the fire. The fire burns, the ice melts - and so on until this ball disappears completely. When the ball disappears, and you clearly feel it, the cloud will disappear, or almost disappear if it was too dense. At the beginning of training, the clouds should be thinner, then later they should be denser and denser. The most important thing is not to aim for huge ones right away. Firstly, it won’t work right away, and secondly, large clouds are essential; if they are in the sky, then they are needed there. There is simply no need to maliciously interfere with the harmony of nature without special need. Subsequently, if necessary, you will be able to move the rain clouds apart. Of course, this requires training.

What does this practice give?

Most importantly, as described above, this practice gives a clear vision of how thought works. And this applies to absolutely all thoughts. Not a single one passes without a trace. It influences what it is aimed at. This is how both negativity and positivity manifest in life. If this practice is done more or less regularly, then the power of concentration can be developed to a very high level. high level. With the help of such practice, the thinking apparatus develops. The level of awareness increases. You can train thought and concentration in many ways, but this one is, so to speak, visible. When you see the result, it is always inspiring.

Of course, you need to understand that clouds can melt on their own, from the wind. For greater persuasiveness, find such clouds that there are others nearby and there is something to compare with. Although at first it is not necessary to cling to the comparison. And then try different things.

This is the practice I suggest you master today. In the process of working on it, you will discover a lot in yourself and in the Universe.

Irina Bantikova

I suggest trying an even simpler version of this practice. But you also need to practice on small, light clouds first.

Try to aim at such a cloud with your eye and the index or middle finger of your active hand (for right-handed people this is the right hand, for left-handed people this is the left hand).

Cut the cloud with your finger at the narrowest point, as if working with a knife, until you notice that a gap forms in this place.

Believe me, you can do it! And if you do it as a group?... Well, you understand!

However, I want to warn you - concentration requires training and experience!

And remember the main thing: Wherever attention is directed, energy flows!

This applies not only to clouds, but to absolutely everything in our lives.