Toys are subject to exchange or return. Is it possible to return children's toys to the store if you don't like them? How to get a refund for a radio-controlled toy

The law approved in 1992, which protects the rights of consumers of goods and services, provides for the possibility returning the purchase back to the store within 14 days if it is found to be defective or defective.

It is also possible throughout given period bring the product back and collect money for the purchase, if the product of proper quality, but did not satisfy the buyer due to some characteristics. For example, you didn’t like the color of your clothes or your shoe size didn’t fit.

Products with a warranty period may be returned during this period.. The warranty period can range from several weeks to several years (more often this period is given to household appliances and cars).

Free service under the warranty card is provided only if the product breakdown is not related to the actions of the buyer. You can return the product and take your money back, you can exchange it for the same or similar one, you can ask for a discount on your purchase. But there are product groups that cannot be exchanged or returned.

Do they include children's toys - one of the most popular and sought-after products. They are produced by many manufacturers both in the country and abroad. If you buy a low-quality product, how can you return it to the store?

Such information will be useful for everyone who likes to buy toys for children, give gifts, as well as those who want to know their rights as a consumer. Is it possible to return a toy to the store and how to process a return?

Consumer Protection Law

The approval of the law significantly expanded consumer rights and became an incentive for better work trading establishments. After all, now The buyer can return a product of both good and low quality within 14 days. Can use the guarantee by law for free repair goods or for its return or exchange.

If the seller refuses to accept the item, the consumer may make pre-trial claim the head of a trading establishment. If there is no response, he has the right to contact Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor’s office, and, last but not least, the court.

ATTENTION! The PZPP also allows the return of children's products, with the exception of those that belong to the group of technically complex ones.

Toys are allowed for both return and exchange. It is important to observe the deadline during which toys must be returned, and to keep the payment document issued at the checkout when paying for the purchase (check, receipt). When making a return, the quality of the items and their condition are of primary importance.

Sellers having great experience in trade, they can determine the defect of goods from manufacturers and those caused by the buyer himself. Quality is the main factor considered when returning children's toys:

  • It can be appropriate, in which soft or other toys perform their functions and correspond to the characteristics presented by the seller.
  • Also, the quality may not be adequate. The rules for the sale of any goods prohibit the display of trading floor defective products. But sometimes a defect is discovered only after the purchase; even the seller may not know about it.

If a toy does not meet strict quality standards and is not safe, this is a violation of the law and a reason to return the purchase to the retail establishment.

ATTENTION! Even if the toy, by its appearance, belongs to a group that cannot be returned, the buyer, if a defect is discovered, has the right to return such a children's toy back to the store.


The law of the Russian Federation governing the return of toys identifies several groups of this product that cannot be returned unless they are defective or defective:

  1. There are no returns or exchanges for toys that are considered technically complex.
  2. You also cannot return a soft toy or exchange small soft ones for large ones. In the manufacture of this group of products, textiles are used different types and characteristics. Textile products such as pillows, key chains, and children's handbags are considered soft toys.
  3. Inflatable rubber toys are also not returned. It will not be possible to return or change a children's inflatable ring, swimming mattress, or arm sleeves that are used when learning to swim.

Also, the seller will not accept back other types of children's toys if they show signs of use. The buyer will also be refused to accept the goods from the seller if the warranty period for using the product has expired, or there is a defect in the packaging or the product itself caused by the consumer.

Return process within 14 days

According to the consumer protection law, the buyer who paid for a children's toy has the right to bring it back to the retail establishment, even if the product is of proper quality. It is only important that the toy is not technically complex, is not soft, does not have signs of use or defects that were caused after purchase.

In order to return the product and get your money back, you need to follow a certain procedure established by the trading rules:

  • The return period for quality goods is 14 days. It is important to make the return within this time frame.
  • Product needed return to where the buyer came to buy toys for children.
  • Need to have a receipt or check with you, confirming the fact of purchasing this particular product in this store.
  • A children's toy should be in good condition, without any trace that the child had already played with it.
  • The buyer makes according to the sample application for return or exchange. When exchanging, he can take another toy that suits his characteristics.

Sellers may insist on exchange, since it is not profitable for the profit of a trading establishment to return funds to the buyer. But you can demand both a return and an exchange, depending on your wishes.

A retail establishment has the right to refuse a buyer if the item shows signs of use or defects are discovered that were caused after purchase. And also in the case when the integrity of the packaging is damaged, there is no label or seal. This is the natural right of the store, because such goods, damaged by the buyer, will no longer be able to be sold or sold to another citizen.


Before starting the return process, you should make sure that the toy does not meet quality requirements or is defective.

In battery-powered toys, sometimes it is enough just to replace the battery in the control, and the toy will work perfectly and bring joy to the child. When it is definitely established that there is a defect or damage, you can calmly go to the store and demand a refund or exchange for another product of high quality, reliable.

Manufacturers must provide a guarantee for such products. If any defects are found in the product, you can return it, exchange or repair it free of charge not only within 14 days, but throughout the entire warranty period.

IMPORTANT! If the warranty period is not established by the manufacturer, it can be established by the seller.

In the case when he does not want to give a guarantee for his product, the warranty period for service is established in accordance with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If a toy is found to be defective, the consumer should proceed as follows:

  1. Need about go to a shopping establishment with a requirement to accept the goods or exchange them.
  2. Important comply with the warranty period.
  3. The seller checks the products to make sure that defects are a defect of the manufacturer, not the consumer. Sometimes, to establish the cause of a defect, an independent examination is necessary.
  4. When visiting a store, you need to bring not only a defective children's toy, but also check(receipt) confirming the fact of purchase.
  5. If the seller himself or with the help of an expert is convinced that the defect exists due to the fault of the manufacturer, he takes the goods and returns the money to the buyer, makes an exchange, and offers a discount on the purchase. Free repairs are also possible.
  6. The buyer himself chooses the option from those proposed by the seller. He draws up a claim in which he indicates the nature of the breakdown, the defect of the purchased children's toy, and the requirement for a refund (repair, exchange).
  7. Claim drawn up in writing, according to the sample proposed by the store. There are no strict requirements for drafting, but the document must contain information about the store, the buyer, the toy, the circumstances under which the defect was discovered, the consumer’s requirements, and a link to the PLA.

The seller is obliged to accept the defective toy if all the listed conditions are met. A product is also unconditionally accepted if it does not meet quality requirements and is not safe for children.

What children's toys cannot be sold in retail outlets can be read in the laws on trade and consumer protection.

What to do in case of refusal

The buyer contacted the store to return a high-quality toy within 14 days or a low-quality toy during the warranty period, and the retail establishment refused to issue a refund or exchange of goods. What to do in this case? First, you should write a statement to the management of the trade establishment, describe the situation and express your demands.

When this step does not produce results, you need to contact Rospotrebnadzor to protect consumer rights, and the prosecutor’s office with a complaint about the seller’s violation of the law. The most extreme measure is filing statement of claim to the court, but he will need to prove that work has been done to resolve the issue pre-trial.

Often, having bought a toy for a child, an adult realizes that he does not need it (the child does not like the product or he already has such fun). Therefore, you have to think about returning the item. Not all stores are ready to accept a return purchase or exchange one toy for another.

Thus, the client has many questions - is it possible to return the product back, how to refute the actions of the seller, how to make a return correctly from a legal point of view, what documents will be needed for this?

Especially this problem worries the consumer when we're talking about about an expensive thing - a large car, a radio-controlled airplane or helicopter, a doll with a house. Today, not everyone can afford such toys due to their high price. You can easily find answers to all questions in this article.

To begin with, the buyer must remember that a return can always be made if the toy turns out to be defective.

Thus, the client has the right to take the following actions:

  • ask to replace the product with another that meets quality standards;
  • demand the return of part sum of money, which corresponds to the degree of damage to the toy;
  • ask to remove all shortcomings and defects in the product;
  • demand payment for repair services or replacement of a broken part with a new one;
  • write a refusal letter, returning the product back, and ask for a refund of the full amount of money that was paid for the product.

Toys that meet quality standards can also be returned.

However, to carry out such a procedure, the following conditions must be met:

  • no more than two weeks should have passed from the date of purchase;
  • the buyer needs to find a fiscal receipt confirming the reality of the transaction;
  • the toy must not be used for its intended purpose, have a salable appearance, be packed.

Which products from the category in question cannot be returned?

There is a list of children's products that cannot be exchanged or returned.

As for toys, legislators identify only two positions in this list:

  • soft;
  • inflatable made of rubber.

Even if they are in in perfect order, but the baby did not like it, it will be impossible to return the product back. However, if defects or malfunctions are found in the toy, the buyer has the right to make claims and demand a refund of the full amount of money.

How does the process of returning toys back to the point of sale work?

You can return products of appropriate quality back to the seller, subject to certain conditions:

  • the buyer must make sure that the product has no signs of use;
  • It is necessary to take care of the sales receipt, which was received at the time of the transaction. If there is no such document, it is allowed to present testimony. Sometimes consumers resort to using the data found on the cash register tape. This is where all information about purchases made throughout the month is stored;
  • the client must come to the store and return the packaged toy. Also, do not forget about documents. First you need to make demands verbally.

The ideal option is when the consumer makes a return or exchange from the same retailer from whom the toy was purchased. This will make it easier for the consumer to prove that he is right.

In any case, the seller is obliged to pick up the goods and ask the buyer to fill out an appropriate statement, which indicates the reason for the client’s dissatisfaction, the condition of the toy - whether it meets quality standards or not.

This document can be written according to the example provided by the administration shopping center. If there is no such form, the text is compiled in any form. The consumer must take with him a document confirming the identity of the citizen, since the application must indicate passport data.

Thus, the buyer must receive the appropriate amount or a new product. Defective goods must be sent for inspection.


If the toy is of high quality, the money must be returned to the consumer immediately, or a new similar product must be issued on the same day. If the product has defects, it will first be sent to an expert center, and only based on the results of the inspection will it be carried out necessary actions. If the goods were paid for by non-cash method, the amount for it can only be returned to a bank card.

If the seller refuses to return

The consumer has the right to turn to the services of specialists from the consumer rights protection service, to an independent expert center, to ask for advice from a lawyer, or to file a lawsuit.

Consumers often ask the question: “Is it possible to exchange a purchased product if you don’t like it or don’t like it?” Moreover, we mean goods of proper quality, that is, not defective or expired. If such problems arise, you need to know which Law can be referred to when contacting the seller (manufacturer).

Currently, stores offer a wide range of children's products, and in order not to regret the useless purchased product and to please your child, we advise you to take into account the following.

We offer a table that shows the most commonly used children's products, information on the possibility of their exchange or return, as well as in accordance with which paragraph of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" dated 02/07/1992 N 2300-1, and sections of GOST 17037-85 "Sewing and knitted products. Terms and definitions." they cannot be exchanged or returned.

Product name
Is the product subject to exchange/return?

Disposable and reusable diapers, disposable panties, disposable diapers

Cannot be returned/exchanged (applies to hygiene items made from textiles and other materials)

clauses 1, 5 “List of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration” (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 1998 N 1222, dated February 6, 2002 N 81)

Children's cosmetics, cosmetics for mothers

Cannot be exchanged/returned

clause 3 of the “List of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration” (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 1998 N 1222, dated February 6, 2002 N 81 )

Household chemicals for children

Cannot be exchanged/returned

clause 7 “List of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of another size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration” (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 1998 N 1222, dated February 6, 2002 N 81)

Children's household appliances, lamps and night lights, electric fumigators

Cannot be exchanged/returned

clause 11 of the “List of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration” (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 1998 N 1222, dated February 6, 2002 N 81 )

Feeding accessories

Cannot be exchanged/returned

clause 6 of the “List of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration” (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 1998 N 1222, dated February 6, 2002 N 81 )

Bathing accessories

Cannot be exchanged/returned

Thermometers for water and air

Cannot be exchanged/returned

clause 11 of the “List of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration” (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 1998 N 1222, dated February 6, 2002 N 81)

Baths, potties and toilet seats

Cannot be exchanged/returned

clauses 1, 2 “List of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of another size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration” (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 1998 N 1222, dated February 6, 2002 N 81)

Pillows for newborns, feeding, pregnant women, children bed sheets, blankets, diapers

Cannot be exchanged/returned

According to GOST 17037-85, they are included in the “Linen product” series, therefore clause 5 of the “List of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration” (ed. Government Resolutions RF dated October 20, 1998 N 1222, dated February 6, 2002 N 81)

Children's bedding and hosiery (socks, stockings, leg warmers, tights)

Cannot be exchanged/returned

According to GOST 17037-85, they are included in the series “Linen product” and “ Hosiery", therefore, clause 5 of the “List of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration” (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 20, 1998 N 1222, dated 06.02. 2002 N 81)

Children's clothing other than linen and hosiery

Children's toys

Subject to exchange, return within 14 days

Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" (law on consumer rights) dated 02/07/1992 N 2300-1

CD for children, cartoons on DVD

Cannot be exchanged/returned

Children's books

Cannot be exchanged/returned

clause 14 of the “List of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of another size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration” (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 1998 N 1222, dated February 6, 2002 N 81 )

Gifts for newborns

Subject to exchange, return within 14 days

Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" (law on consumer rights) dated 02/07/1992 N 2300-1

Breast pumps

Cannot be exchanged/returned

clause 1 of the “List of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color or configuration” (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 1998 N 1222, dated February 6, 2002 N 81 )

You will also need to indicate the reason for the return. Next, the buyer must be refunded the cost of the toy or offered a high-quality analogue. When it comes to returning poor quality goods, the item will be sent for examination. If a toy is broken, can I return a broken toy to the store? It is permissible to return the product to the seller throughout the entire warranty period that is established for it. If the buyer does not have the warranty card, as well as other documents confirming the purchase, this is not a reason for refusal. What if the seller insists that the breakdown was not his fault and refuses to return the client’s money? In this case, an examination will be required. This procedure will allow you to identify manufacturing defects, for example, parts do not fit the grooves, components have begun to fall off.

Can children's toys be returned to the store?

  • It is possible to get your money back after this period if the buyer discovers elements of a defect (item poor quality).
  • The purchase can be returned within the warranty period.

The law allows a buyer to file a complaint against a seller who refuses to respect any of the above rights. Toys that cannot be returned Unfortunately, there are products for children for which the buyer will not be able to get his money back if there are no complaints about their quality. Is it possible to return a soft toy to the store? The answer to this question is negative.

For example, if the purchased plush bunny has no obvious defects, which include worn parts, holes, and so on, then the seller will refuse to exchange it or accept it back.

Terms and conditions for returning toys to the store


It could be:

  • Proper - the toy is functional, meets all technical and sanitary standards, has no defects.
  • Inconsistent with the declared and legally established characteristics. This means that the purchase is defective - made poorly or unsuitable for use.

Important: the buyer can always return a low-quality toy, even if it is included in the list of goods not subject to this. This rule is enshrined in law. What toys cannot be returned? According to the law of the Russian Federation, two categories of toys are not subject to exchange or return (even within a period of fourteen days).

  • Soft toys, as well as all types of textile children's products equivalent to them (pillows in the form of animals, soft key chains, plush pencil cases, etc.).
  • Rubber inflatable toys.

Is it possible to return a toy to the store: law and features

Even if such an action does not produce results, all that remains is to file a lawsuit. Video - What to do if you want to return an item to the store? How to file a claim In order for the appeal to be considered properly, it is necessary to correctly file the claim. First, you should familiarize yourself with consumer protection laws or consult with a lawyer.
The claim itself is very simple to make. At the top of the sheet on the right is the name of the seller, address, as well as personal and contact information of the consumer. Next, the title of the document is written in the center of the sheet: “Claim.” The main part follows. Here you need to indicate:

  • name and address of the store where the purchase was made;
  • date and approximate time of acquisition;
  • cost of the toy;
  • the fact of having a document confirming the purchase;
  • reason for return.

Can children's toys be returned to the store? is it possible to return?

  • An item can be returned or exchanged if it has a warranty period;

In addition, the buyer has the right to write a claim or file a written complaint against the seller who refuses to fulfill one of the three buyer rights listed above. Is it possible to return a children's toy? good quality? The following toys of good quality cannot be returned to the store:

  • Soft toys;
  • Inflatable rubber children's toys;

So, for example, if purchased teddy bear does not have obvious defects (torn parts, holes, worn parts, etc.), then the consumer does not have the right to ask the seller to exchange or return the toy because the child simply did not like it.
How to do this correctly? Read in the article. Contents of the article:

  • Consumer Protection Law
  • Is it possible to return a good quality children's toy?
  • What toys can be returned?
  • Return procedure
  • Deadlines
  • If the seller refuses to return

Law on Protection of Consumer Rights According to the Law, the consumer has the following rights:

  • The buyer has the right to return an item of proper quality that he does not like to the store within the first fourteen days (counting starts from the next day after making the purchase), if it does not suit him in shape, dimensions, style, color, size or configuration;
  • The buyer has the legal right to return or exchange the purchased item if it turns out to have defective elements, i.e.

Returning toys to the store

If the examination proves that the item was initially of poor quality, the buyer will receive full compensation for the costs of its acquisition. When it is concluded that the toy was damaged due to the fault of the consumer, he will have to compensate the seller for all expenses for organizing an expert assessment. If the seller refuses to issue a refund, the buyer is initially obliged to send him a written claim, setting out his requirements.
In the absence of any actions aimed at compensating the loss, the consumer has every right to go to court with a demand to recover the required amount forcibly.

How to return a toy if it is not of proper quality? If you find defects in the toy, then you have the right to return it on the basis of paragraph 1 of Article 18 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights. In this case, you come to the seller, explain the situation to him and demand that he accept the goods back and return your money. You also have the right to demand the exchange of goods of inadequate quality for goods of the same brand and model or for a similar product with recalculation of the purchase price up or down.
You either pay the seller extra for the difference in money during the exchange, or he pays you extra. But let’s return to returning the goods, usually if the seller is quite adequate, then the return occurs either immediately or within 10 days.

Is it possible to return children's toys to the store if you don't like them?

First, you need to make demands verbally. The ideal option is when the consumer makes a return or exchange from the same retailer from whom the toy was purchased. This will make it easier for the consumer to prove that he is right. In any case, the seller is obliged to pick up the goods and ask the buyer to fill out an appropriate statement, which indicates the reason for the client’s dissatisfaction, the condition of the toy - whether it meets quality standards or not. This document can be written according to the example provided by the administration of the shopping center.


If there is no such form, the text is compiled in any form. The consumer must take with him a document confirming the identity of the citizen, since the application must indicate passport data. A sample application for returning a defective product to a store can be downloaded here.

Is it possible to return a toy to the store?

Let's assume that the child was given new doll or a typewriter, but he didn’t like this thing at all. Or a purchase made on impulse turns out to be unsatisfactory upon closer inspection. Is it possible to return a toy to the store? What does the law say about this? The answer to these questions is contained in the article.

Letter of the law Is it possible to return a toy to the store that the child did not like or turned out to be of poor quality? The law gives buyers the following rights.

  • An item for which there are no complaints about the quality can be returned to the store if 14 days have not yet expired from the date of purchase. The report is kept from the next day after the purchase of the goods. The item can be returned if the buyer is not satisfied with the packaging, shape, color, style, or dimensions.

Is it possible to return a toy without a receipt?

When buying children's toys, a situation very often arises that the child does not like the new acquisition, or two identical toys were bought and presented for a holiday and the second one is simply not needed. Or, due to other reasons, it becomes necessary to return the toy to the seller. However, not all stores agree to accept the product back or exchange the toy for another with an additional payment or partial refund.
Accordingly, the buyer has a lot of questions: Are children's toys subject to return? Is it possible to challenge the actions of a seller who refuses to accept goods? How to properly process a return, and what documents are needed for this? Moreover, these questions become relevant when an expensive toy is purchased, for example, a radio-controlled car or helicopter, a children’s motorcycle, talking doll etc.

Is it possible to return a toy of poor quality?

These are, first of all, goods intended for swimming and bathing - children's mattresses for the beach, circles, armbands, etc. You cannot return any purchases (including those not included in the specified list) if at least one condition is violated: the deadline, presentation and presentation of proof of purchase. In addition, if the item was damaged intentionally or after purchase, it will not be possible to return it. Procedure for returning By law, returning toys to the store is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The buyer contacts the place where the item was purchased.
  2. After that, he provides the seller with the purchased goods and a cash receipt.
  3. An employee checks the item for safety of packaging and finds out the reasons for the return.
  4. If all conditions are met, the acquiring party is asked to fill out an application in the prescribed form.

It could be:

  • Proper - the toy is functional, meets all technical and sanitary standards, and has no defects.
  • Inconsistent with the declared and legally established characteristics. This means that the purchase is defective - made poorly or unsuitable for use.

Important: the buyer can always return a low-quality toy, even if it is included in the list of goods not subject to this. This rule is enshrined in law. What toys cannot be returned? According to the law of the Russian Federation, two categories of toys are not subject to exchange or return (even within a period of fourteen days). This:

  • Soft toys, as well as all types of textile children's products equivalent to them (pillows in the form of animals, soft key chains, plush pencil cases, etc.).
  • Rubber inflatable toys.

Can children's toys be returned to the store?

How to do this correctly? Read in the article. Contents of the article:

  • Consumer Protection Law
  • Is it possible to return a good quality children's toy?
  • What toys can be returned?
  • Return procedure
  • Deadlines
  • If the seller refuses to return

Law on Protection of Consumer Rights According to the Law, the consumer has the following rights:

  • The buyer has the right to return an item of proper quality that he does not like to the store within the first fourteen days (counting starts from the next day after making the purchase), if it does not suit him in shape, dimensions, style, color, size or configuration;
  • The buyer has the legal right to return or exchange the purchased item if it turns out to have defective elements, i.e.

How can I get a refund for a radio-controlled toy?

If you request a refund the next day or later, the refund is made from the general (main) cash register of the store, and to receive money you will need an identification document, preferably a passport. If the purchase was paid for with plastic by bank card, then the only difference in this case will be that the refund is made not in cash, but by non-cash payments back to the buyer's card.

At the same time, by contacting the store on the day of purchase, you can simply cancel the transaction at the terminal through which the purchase was made. If you want to return goods at the market, then prepare a sales receipt, which the seller must issue if his activities do not include the use of a cash register.

Can children's toys be returned to the store? is it possible to return?

This document indicates the passport details and the reason why the goods are being returned.

  • There is an exchange or return.
  • Deadlines The general period for returning goods is 14 days. It applies to all toys (with the exception of the two previously mentioned types), regardless of their quality.

    If the product was defective, it can be returned after this period has expired. Important Feature: If the warranty period is not indicated on the product (or it is less than one year), it can be returned if manufacturing defects are found within two years.
    This rule is mandatory (not subject to change) and is regulated by the law on the protection of consumer rights. But it is worth considering that this only applies to non-food products, for example, a children's toy sold along with candy cannot be returned.

Topic: radio controlled toy. how to return?


Procedure for returning Procedure for returning Return and exchange of a toy of good quality is possible subject to the following conditions:

  • It is necessary to make sure that the toy has no traces of use, in other words, it has completely retained its marketable appearance;
  • Find the sales receipt or receipt issued by the seller at the time of purchase. If there is no receipt, then you can invite a person to the store who witnessed the purchase of a children's toy;

Even if there is no witness to the purchase, the store can ask you to check the cash register tape, which stores information about all purchases made.

  • Come to the store and present the toy and all documents indicating the reason for the return;

Ideally, if a buyer wants to come to the store and exchange or return a toy, this should be done from the same seller who originally sold the product.

How to return toys to the store?

  • Are they subject to return by law?
  • Which ones cannot be returned?
  • How to return
  • Good quality
  • Poor quality
  • Deadlines

Children are one of the largest consumer groups in the market. Every day, stores present thousands and thousands of different children's products from toys to books and clothing, which are always in demand.


Naturally, who doesn’t want to please, entertain and develop their child, and if there are several of them, going to the toy store becomes as routine as going to work. However, not all purchases please parents and their children. The high cost of toys, hazardous materials in production, or simply the whims of a child can make elders think about returning what they bought to the seller.

Warranty for radio controlled toys

What toys can be returned? What toys can be returned? If the purchased toy does not fall into any of the categories described in the previous section and it was found to be defective upon unpacking, then you can request from the store:

  • Replace the purchased children's product with an analogue, but of adequate quality;
  • Reduce the cost of the purchased toy, taking into account the detected defect;

In this way, you can achieve at least a partial refund of the cost of a defective product, which is especially important if an expensive toy was purchased.

  • Eliminate the defect at the expense of the store itself (send it for examination and then for repair);
  • Provide the amount necessary to eliminate the identified deficiencies;
  • Refund the full cost of the defective toy in exchange for its return;

Thus, toys that are of poor quality are subject to return and exchange.

Is it possible to return a radio-controlled toy to the store?

  • demand reimbursement of costs for repairs or replacement of low-quality spare parts;
  • completely refuse the purchase and demand a refund of the entire amount paid upon purchase.

Among other things, you can return the toy to the store, even if it is of absolutely high quality, subject to the following necessary conditions:

  • no more than 14 days have passed since the date of purchase;
  • there is a document available confirming that you actually purchased this product (cash or sales receipt);
  • The toy has not been used, the integrity and tightness of the packaging has been preserved.

What toys cannot be returned? As for children's toys, the list of goods that are not subject to exchange or return includes only two items, namely:

  • soft toys;
  • inflatable rubber children's toys.

Is it possible to return children's toys to the store if you don't like them?

Refunds are made the next day after purchase. An application for the return of the goods (2 copies) was written read answers (1) Subject: Can I return? I bought a toy at RU WORTH 2500 TR. They didn’t check it for me in the store. When I came home I discovered that the car was not working. Can I return it back?read answers (1) Topic: Receipt You could return the needle construction set back to the store, it did not suit the child.
It turned out to be very difficult. The receipt and box are all there. read answers (1) Topic: How to get it in writing We bought a children's road, but my son didn't like it. 3 days have passed since purchase. He immediately applied all the stickers that were included in the set accordingly. read answers (1) Topic: Returning a toy without a receipt With a friend, I bought a toy at the market, they didn’t give me a receipt, I came home and printed it out and it was broken.