Swimming in the Canary Islands in April. Holidays in the Canary Islands in April

The Canary archipelago is called islands for a reason eternal spring. There is never unbearable heat or piercing cold here. Each season of the year on the islands is good in its own way. In summer it's warm ocean And gentle sun, in winter - an opportunity to take a break from the annoying cold and endless dampness among lush greenery south of Europe.

The Canary Islands in April are a unique opportunity to bring the long-awaited spring closer. At this time, everything on the islands blooms and breathes freshness, but it rarely rains, small quantity, and often after half an hour there is no trace left of them. So this spring is unlike Russian: it is sunny, bright and warm.

The weather in April in the Canaries is favorable for travel, boat trips and various excursions. In the southern and central part of Tenerife, daytime temperatures range from +17 to +25 degrees, at night it drops to 15-20 degrees Celsius. IN northern regions the islands are a little cooler. The days are sunny and even if the sky is overcast in the morning, by the middle of the day it becomes absolutely clear.

The Canaries in April are good for cycling, walking tours to Mount Teide or jeep safaris in other mountainous areas. The island of Tenerife is also worth visiting and seeing its wonderful animal shows, visiting the Eagle Park and the Monkey Park.

Traveling to the Canary Islands in April may coincide with Holy Week and Easter, which are celebrated in different days spring, depending on lunar calendar. Like many other religious events on the islands, these are also folk festivals with traditional processions and concerts, which provide an excellent opportunity to get to know the life of the Canarians, get to know their music and dances better.

Holidays in the Canaries in April mean cobblestone streets shrouded in a lilac haze of blooming jacarandas, mountain slopes covered with fresh greenery, soft sun and a light breeze bringing freshness from the ocean. The water in the ocean may be cool and not always suitable for swimming, but a variety of sea excursions on yachts and sailboats will allow you to get acquainted with the nature of the different islands of the archipelago. An ocean cruise on a sports catamaran will give the whole family a lot of joy from meeting dolphins, who, while playing, rub against the side, and sometimes swim so close that you can stroke them with your hands.

A cruise trip to the Canary Islands in April is suitable for youth groups, for parents with children, and for romantic couples. At this time there are not many tourists, but numerous natural parks, museums and other attractions operate the same as in summer. The days are warm and clear, the southern trees are blooming with colorful colors, and only the snow-capped peak of the Teide volcano reminds of winter.

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Lovers active recreation gather in the Canary Islands in March. This is not surprising, because the weather is still quite comfortable for long walks. Biking along mountain serpentines is also quite popular at this time. In general, a lot of active entertainment!

While holidaying in the Canary Islands, do not forget to visit Tenerife. It’s worth doing at least to see the magnificent Teide volcano with your own eyes. Better yet, don’t just look at the top while standing at the foot, but go up there by cable car.

A cruise to Spain is not only a “fashion show” along the coast of the country along Mediterranean Sea, this is also an opportunity to see the Canary Islands. They are far from Spain, but still are an integral part of it. Once you are there, you will understand everything yourself.

This is one of the most delightful corners of our blue-eyed planet! The Canary Islands are the jewel of the Castilian crown in the past and the pride of modern Spain. A paradise for tourists, where the gentle sun always shines, and the sea (that is, invites you to plunge into transparent waves. It’s not for nothing that tourists from all over the world dream of coming here, at least for a short time. After all, the Canary Islands are beautiful at any time of the year (the weather is practically different).

Canary archipelago: composition

Islands lost in the waves Atlantic Ocean, are of volcanic origin. But nevertheless, they amaze with their unique beauty and unique climate, recognized as the best on Earth. The archipelago includes thirteen islands different sizes. The main seven are: Gran Canaria, La Gomera, Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Hierro, La Palma and Lanzarote. Six more islands are small pieces of land with unique landscapes. These are Graciosa, Roque del Este, Alegranza, Lobos, Montaña Clara, Roque del Oeste.

Toponymy of the islands

The first names of the Canaries reflected people's attitude towards this divine place. Greek and Roman manuscripts, compiled by the greatest minds of the time, called them the Happy Isles, the Garden of the Hesperides, Atlantis. At that time, the Guanches tribes lived here - tall, white-skinned people, whose small settlements were hidden in caves and rocky shores. Residents of the round houses fiercely resisted the Spanish colonialists in 1496.

Virtual trip (Lancerote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria)

Let's take a virtual trip and visit the Canary Islands; the weather by month will be discussed later. So, the first on the way is the island of Lanzarote, whose landscape resembles the surface of the Moon and cosmic panoramas. It is worth visiting if only to realize how rich the imagination of nature is.

Fuerteventura attracts with the longest coastline and proximity to Africa. This is probably why it is so reminiscent of its heat and golden dunes. Gran Canaria, like small continent, collected on his territory vegetation characteristic of both Europe and the Americas. In the central part of the island, granite mountains rise for two kilometers, cut by deep ravines and gorges.

Features of Tenerife

Next, we invite you to visit Tenerife (Canary Islands). The weather here is always wonderful, for which the area is called the island of eternal spring. It is the largest in the archipelago and the most famous. Notable for its majestic mountain range, black sand beaches and a giant extinct volcano. Cañadas del Teide has a height of two thousand meters, and the diameter of the crater is 20 kilometers. Around him is broken national park.

La Gomera, La Palma and Hierro

La Gomera is a mountainous and inaccessible island. Cool steep banks sharply contrast with the ocean surface. In the center, the Garajonay National Park spreads an emerald tent. Hierro is a small little-studied piece of land. But this is where tourists flock who crave have a relaxing holiday away from the bustle. Luxurious tropical nature and a bay of indescribable beauty can be seen from the top of Malpaso, which rises in the middle. The last island is La Palma, which has very steep coastlines, amazing mountain ranges and lush vegetation.

Archipelago climate

More and more tourists are choosing the weather by month, presented in this article, to help you choose the optimal time to travel. The climate here is moderately hot, and the air temperature all year round hovering around twenty degrees Celsius. It is only a little colder high in the mountains in Palma and Tenerife. Winters here are warm and mild, summers are not hot, and precipitation is moderate. As a resort, the Canaries are attractive all year round.

Please note that weather conditions on individual islands vary in the north and south. Take, for example, the Canary Islands). The weather in the north is more comfortable, there is more greenery and rainfall. The southern part is characterized by sunny, dry days. The explanation for this is simple: clouds carrying moisture are heavy, and therefore cannot overcome obstacles in the form of high mountain peaks. So they rain mainly in the north. On the highest peaks of the archipelago, even in summer, despite the high air temperature, you can see a snow cap.

Water temperature

The Canary Islands always allow their guests to swim. The weather by month (air and water) is predicted by experts on the eve of the tourist season. They compile special tables that help you choose the optimal time for vacation.

The water temperature off the coast of the Canary Islands varies. For example, the southern and southwestern coasts of Hierro, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Gomera and Palma warm up better, so the sea here is always several degrees warmer than in the north and northeast. These parts of the land are cooled by the Canary Current and the trade wind. You can pay attention to this circumstance: the closer the island is to the shores of the Black Continent, the warmer the water in the ocean.

Canary Islands in winter

Winter in these places bears little resemblance to snowy season. In December, tourists who want to meet New Year and Christmas in an unusual setting. Indeed, your favorite holidays can be spent not having snowball fights and building a snowman, but on the beach. At this time you can swim (the water warms up to +21°C) and sunbathe. During the day the thermometer shows +23, and at night - +19. But if you are going to go high into the mountains, then you should definitely take warm clothes. It is much colder there, and there is snow on some slopes.

January continues the festive relay race that began in December. The bright Canary sun generously gives tourists a chocolate tan and the warmth that residents miss northern hemisphere. There is snow in the mountains of the archipelago, which will remind you that it is winter outside. Therefore, you should take warm sweaters, jackets and shoes when traveling. The water temperature in the sea stays at +20°C, during the day the air warms up to +23, and at night it cools down to only +18.

Winter - great time to visit the Canary Islands. The weather in February is comfortable, creating a sharp contrast with Russian latitudes, where blizzards, snowdrifts and twenty-degree frost reign. On the Spanish island territory you can breathe fresh air take a full bath, take a sunbath (the temperature rises to +23 °C during the day), take a walk along the shore in the evening (at night the thermometer shows +18 °C). The water in the Atlantic Ocean is, of course, not the same as fresh milk, but +20°C is also not bad.

Paradise Archipelago in spring

March is a good reason to visit the Canary Islands with your other half. Every lady will be delighted with such a gift for the International women's day. This month, like all others, the sun does not skimp on warmth. Snowy peaks mostly get rid of the snow cap. But it’s still cool in the mountainous regions of the archipelago, so seasoned travelers They advise you to stock up on warm clothes. The ocean attracts with transparent waves heated to +20°C. The air temperature during the day is +24, at night - +19.

The Canary Islands come to life and transform in spring. The weather in April is still wonderful. But tourists flock here for another reason. Airlines are starting their discount season, so travel is very cheap. Gorgeous beaches are filled with vacationers, as the temperature rises by several degrees. What kind of atmosphere awaits those who visit the Canary Islands? The weather in April is fresh and clean air mixed with the scent of flowers and salty breeze. It is +25°C during the day and +20 at night. So pack your bags and hit the road!

The end of spring is the ideal time to travel to the Canary Islands. The weather here in May is unusual. Visitors to the archipelago may think that the famous were created just to visit this piece of paradise. Cleanest air filled with the intoxicating aroma of herbs and flowers and the salty taste of the sea. There is no sweltering heat: during the day the thermometer shows +26°C, at night - +22. The water in the ocean warms up to +21.

Summer in the Canaries

This is the time for a measured and calm rest. That is why people who crave a relaxing pastime choose the Canary Islands. The weather in June will give you the opportunity to get a fashionable bronze tan on fashionable beaches with white and black sand. After all, the temperature here during the day reaches +28°C, and at night drops only to +22. It’s interesting that when you come here, you don’t have to use burn creams - the sun here is not dangerous and doesn’t burn you at all. The turquoise waves of the ocean warm up to +23°C.

In July the Canary Islands are quite hot weather. But still it is comfortable and pleasant. Even Fuerteventura - an island that is very close to the African Sahara - will not tire of the desert climate. Its dunes and dunes, formed due to the hot wind from the Dark Continent, are cooled by underwater ocean currents. The water still warms up to +23°C, during the day the air temperature is +29°C, at night - +24.

The peak holiday season, which lasts all year round, occurs at the end of summer. This is the hottest time to visit the Canary Islands. The weather in August, despite high temperatures air (daytime +31°C, night +25) remains comfortable. This sets the archipelago apart from the arid ones in given time Turkey, Greece and other southern states. The Atlantic Ocean warms up to +24°C off the coast.

Golden autumn

The beginning of autumn is not a reason to ignore the Canary Islands. The weather in September differs little from summer or spring, except for the change in temperature. The thermometer drops to +27°C during the day and +22°C at night. The water warms up to +23°C. Towards the end of the month it gets colder, but it will still be enough for a tourist to take light clothes with him: T-shirts, shorts, skirts.

October will delight you with warm sunshine and truly summer days. Indeed, at the height of the Canarian autumn, the temperature during the day is +26°C, and at night - +21°C. The water is still suitable for swimming (+ 24°C).

In November, tourists come to the Canaries, because it is still warm and sunny here, and the temperature drops only a few degrees (+24°C during the day, +20°C at night). Ocean waves warm up to + 23°C, so you can swim, scuba dive, engage in water sports and have fun to the fullest.

Sights of the islands

When visiting the Canary Archipelago, you don't have to worry about cultural and entertainment program. Besides lazily lying on sea ​​coast, there is an opportunity to go to exciting excursions and boat trips, scuba dive and visit the mountains, study the history of the islands through the architectural masterpieces of the past. Natural wonders in the form national parks, nature reserves, picturesque gorges and small canyons will not leave anyone indifferent. You should definitely visit the Cliffs of the Giants and Mount Anaga, Hell's Gorge and Teide Park, Loro Park and Timanfaya. The pyramids in Guimara, the water park, the El Diablo restaurant on a sleeping volcano, and the Cactus Garden are also worthy of your attention.

Visit the Canary Islands, treat yourself to a real fairy tale!

Tenerife– the warmest Spanish resort, located in the Atlantic Ocean in the Canaries. Its vast expanses have pleasant weather all year round, and the air and water temperatures allow you to spend your entire vacation on the coast. The weather in Tenerife in April will pamper holidaymakers with pleasant conditions.

What is the weather like in April in Tenerife?

It’s not for nothing that Tenerife is considered a great holiday destination. This month there is fabulous weather on the coast - the air gradually begins to warm up to slightly higher temperatures.

Air and water temperature

With the onset of April, things really get busy in Tenerife. spring weather . During the day, tourists enjoy clear skies and high temperatures. Already at the beginning of the month, throughout the island the thermometer rises to +20°C, and in some resorts to +22°C.

The warmest conditions are observed on the southern coast - during the daytime the air warms up to +25 degrees.

It is worth noting that in early April after sunset the air is cooling down up to +17 degrees, but by the end of the month the difference between day and night temperatures is almost unnoticeable. Often after sunset the thermometer drops only 2-4 degrees. The wind during this period almost does not interfere with rest - compared to the previous month, its gusts are not so noticeable.

A little cooler and windier on north coast– during the day, temperatures do not exceed +20°C. But the sky continues to remain clear, allowing tourists to combine walks along the ocean coast, shopping and sightseeing. Average temperature air and water in the sea in April allow you to be outside without worrying about weather conditions.

On resorts Tenerife temperature indicators in April are as follows:

  • La Orotava
  • Candelaria– during the day – +20°C, at night – +17°C;
  • Granadilla de Abona– during the day – +21°C, at night – +17°C;
  • Icod de los Vinos– during the day – +21°C, at night – +17°C;
  • Santa Cruz de la Palma– during the day – +18°C, at night – +17°C;
  • Playa de Las Americas– during the day – +23°C, at night – +18°C;
  • Costa Adeje– during the day – +22°C, at night – +18°C.

Average water temperature in the ocean at the beginning of April it is +18°C, but by the end of the month it warms up to +20°C.

Weather conditions in Gran Canaria

No less pleasant conditions for relaxation can be found on the neighboring island - Gran Canaria(). During this period, the amount of sunshine and clear days reaches 28, and there are only 3 rainy days.

And even though the daytime temperature of +22°C may not seem that hot, it is still quite easy to get sunburned.

At night the air temperature drops to +18°C. This is quite comfortable for those who prefer walking and relaxing in the dark. The water temperature at the beginning of April warms up to +20°C, at the end - up to +22 degrees. Holiday season It will only open at , so getting into the water is not recommended.

Spring holiday

Tenerife is beautiful in April - everything around is blooming and blooming, and the abundance of a wide variety of recreational opportunities makes your holiday as interesting as possible.

How to dress?

The high temperatures observed in the resorts of Tenerife in April give tourists the opportunity to limit themselves light summer clothes and open shoes. If the trip is planned at the beginning of the month, then you should take things with you that will not allow you to freeze in the evenings. At the end of April, a hat will come in handy to protect you from the scorching rays of the sun.

The lack of opportunity to swim in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean does not negate the fact that you can take with you on vacation swimsuit. Many hotels offer guests indoor pools filled with sea or running water.

What fruits ripen?

In local hotels, cafes and restaurants, as a rule, fruits are imported, so to enjoy fruits grown on farms, it is better to go to markets. It is better to visit market places in the morning to see the widest possible selection.

Quite a large part of the island is covered banana and grape plantations, so there is never a shortage of these fruits. Avocados and papaya are grown on the same plantations.

In April you can already enjoy strawberries and nispero, which looks like an ordinary plum, only yellow.

Where is the best place to relax?

To make the most of your holiday in April, you should choose the southern resorts of Tenerife, such as Playa de Las Americas.

This part of the coast is created for unforgettable holiday- on its territory there is large selection a variety of hotels, from budget options to the fashionable luxury category.

In addition, there are many shops and cafes nearby, as well as the resort's iconic attractions.

What to do this month?

Thanks to the wonderful weather - sunny days and the absence of heat, tourists enjoy walks along the coast and beach holidays, as well as many other opportunities that are available during this period.

Beach holiday - is it possible to swim?

The entire coast of Tenerife is luxurious beaches, covered with golden or black volcanic sand. Walking along them is an exceptional pleasure, and the opportunity to tan while sunbathing is quite real.

If the choice fell on Playa de Las Americas, then the lack of water procedures is possible replace for exciting boat trips on yachts or catamarans, deep-sea fishing, extreme jet skiing, and relaxation in water parks.

Excursions and entertainment

For many tourists, Tenerife resembles a tourist country in miniature. The island has everything for an eventful and educational holiday. Excursions are available during the daytime natural:

  1. Volcano Teide;
  2. Sheer cliffs in Los Gigantes;
  3. Laurel forests;
  4. Loro Park.

If you are interested in architectural monuments, you can go to ancient city pyramids Guimar, located in the south of Tenerife, or visit La Orotava - the city that the Spaniards founded here.

In addition, in April, golf, diving, karting, fishing and surfing are available on the island, as well as nightlife entertainment such as casinos, discos and nightclubs.

Holidays and festivals

The main holiday in April in Tenerife, which everyone celebrates, is Easter. To this important event local residents prepare in advance, and on the day of its celebration, religious processions are organized throughout the island.

Watch in this video what the weather is like in Tenerife in April:

Gran Canaria is rightfully considered the pearl of the islands. Our trip took place in mid-April - the height of spring, when it was already warm like summer.) The water is invigorating, but this is the ocean, which in principle does not warm up above 21-22 degrees. It’s good that the hotel had a heated swimming pool, which was very helpful. There was almost always a light breeze. In the early morning and evening, we wore light sweaters, sunbathed comfortably during the day, and swam. The entire holiday without precipitation.)

My husband and I were on holiday in Maspalomas. The beach was very impressive with sand dunes - like desert dunes! Nudists like to relax here, they literally hide among them.) If you want to take a walk along the beach, keep in mind that the city beach is followed by a nudist one, the entrance is patrolled by a policeman. The city itself is large, there is where to walk, what to see, entertainment for every taste and budget. Tourist season not yet high, so prices are affordable.

We rented a car. In 10 days we visited all the sights ourselves! We didn't take any excursions. Along the road crossing the central part, we found the crater of a volcano that was active millions of years ago, climbed to the top of the mountain in a protected forest park, admired the winding mountain rivers. We also met several small but colorful towns. Most impressive:

  • Telde;
  • Arucas;
  • Agaete.

Each of them has a so-called old city that deserves your attention.

Western part very different from the eastern one. The west is much more colorful, the road leads along a high cliff, the views from the observation decks are breathtaking! In the east is the capital - Las Palmas, on the way to which there is nothing interesting, only a highway. The city itself is decent, with an abundance of narrow shopping streets, chic cathedrals, cozy small parks. We devoted the whole day to him.

The climate of the Canary Islands allows you to have a good time here at almost any time of the year. In the Canaries the weather is neither too hot nor too cold.

April on the islands, as in Russia, spring month. True, the weather here is completely different - during the day the air heats up to +25 0 C and above, and in the evening it rarely drops below +21 0 C. During the day it has a quite suitable temperature for swimming +21 0 C. It rains very rarely and does not last long, and after them the sun shines again. So, having arrived in the Canary Islands in April, you can easily walk around the islands in a T-shirt and shorts - such clothes should definitely be in your wardrobe.

April is the season of discounts in the Canaries. They apply to both air tickets and hotel stays. Therefore, an April holiday on the gorgeous Canary beaches will cost you cheaper than ever. And this despite the fact that swimming season can practically be considered open.

In addition to swimming, the April weather on the islands is conducive to a variety of excursions, trips and walks. For example, a bicycle ride along the coast or a walking tour to the Teide volcano, the snow-capped peak of which is perhaps the only reminder that it was winter in the Canaries until recently. You can also go on a jeep safari. include the Park of the Eagles, the Park of the Monkeys and Loro Parque, with its wonderful animal shows.

In addition, Easter is celebrated and Holy Week. And these religious events are also celebrated here as folk holiday, with mass celebrations, processions and concerts, which will provide an excellent opportunity to get better acquainted with local music and dance traditions.

In April, various museums and parks of the Canary Islands operate in exactly the same mode as in the summer. If it is still quite cool, then in April excursions on sailboats and yachts are already in full swing. By booking such an excursion, you can get acquainted with the nature of the different islands of the Canary archipelago. Catamaran trips will be interesting for the whole family, especially if you manage to see dolphins, of which there are quite a lot here

Fishing enthusiasts can take part in the opening of the fishing season and try to catch blue marlin. And those who prefer to look at sea ​​creatures closer, maybe try his hand at scuba diving. But, to be honest, +21 degrees is still a cool temperature for long dives.

So, having visited the Canary Islands in April, you can find the type of entertainment that suits your soul and truly enjoy summer vacation, while in Russia spring is just beginning