How to get rid of the psychology of poverty? “The psychology of the poor” is the attitude of Russians towards wealth.

Smart and rich without money(proverb)

If necessary, he will always get them, and if he doesn’t have them, it means he already has everything that others are only trying to buy with money.

Domestic and foreign experts in the field of economics and psychology have set themselves the task of answering the question “How much money do you need to be happy?”, “Why do some people succeed, while others, despite all their attempts, do not”, “What is the secret of the rich with from the point of view of psychology?” “And what characteristics of people prevent them from getting rich?”, “What can you buy with money and what can’t?” There are already clear answers to these and other questions, confirmed by scientific research.

Among the most significant postulates of the psychology of wealth and poverty is that money is not just a means of exchange, a “transit point” to specific values, but also carries hidden deep meaning. In the pursuit of financial well-being, people tend to forget the fact that money either dominates its owner or serves him...

Parable "Choice".
Talking with the hermit, the merchant claimed that, thanks to his wealth, he was freed from the need to indulge someone else's desires or tastes.
- That's how it is! - he exclaimed. - Well, when you chose a place to camp your caravan today, what was more important: the beauty of the area or the availability of food for the pack animals?
“Of course, the abundance of herbs decided my choice,” answered the merchant.
“It turns out that even though you are rich, you live in such a way that the cattle will like it,” remarked the hermit.

How are incomes and expenses distributed among wealthy people, the middle class and the poor?

People with above-average incomes are most likely to use the get-and-spend strategy cash- “norm”, which assumes that a person really determines his capabilities and needs, earns as much as he plans, spends as much as necessary and makes savings.

People with an average level of income most often use the “plain” strategy, which is characterized by the fact that a person earns exactly as much as he plans and spends everything without a trace. This strategy deprives a person of any forward movement: accumulation, development, growth of his financial well-being.

People with below-average incomes are more likely to use the “hole” strategy. This strategy is used by a person who makes big plans for the money he earns, earns little and spends excessively. The inability and unwillingness to earn money turns over time into constant material subordination, the ability to blindly obey and fulfill all the demands of the person on whom he is dependent.

Researcher and scientist Tang, using a questionnaire he developed to measure attitudes towards money (Money Ethics Scale), found that people with high incomes are more likely to see a connection between money and achievements than people with low incomes.

As income increases, the value of money increases and then decreases, i.e. Money reaches its highest value among people with average incomes. As income increases, people's tendency to conceal their income increases.

A person’s attitude to the following factors does not depend on income: power, prestige, quality, mistrust, anxiety. In other words, the level of happiness and the amount of money are not directly related. The point is that there are other, more significant . Researchers found that leisure makes one feel 42% more satisfied with life, family - 39%, work - 38%, quality of life - 38%, friends - 37%, personal life - 34%, health - 25%.

Attitudes towards money can express various unsatisfied needs of a person and determine his behavior in the sphere of economic relations.

What is the relationship with money?

  • Taboo about money. IN modern society the topic of money is even more taboo than intimacy. The question “How much do you earn?” most often unacceptable.
  • Age, gender Men are more rational in spending money; for women, the lack of opportunity to spend money brings more grief. Those who “know the value of money” spend more rationally.
  • Personal characteristics, such as self-esteem. The lower the higher value attached to money.

Attitudes towards money are formed under the influence of:

  • Experiences early childhood(deprivation, need, poverty, misery)
  • Intergroup rivalry, due to the division of people into rich and poor
  • Requirements of morality, ethics, religious beliefs.
  • Parents' attitudes towards money.

Most people have a familiar “financial corridor” in which they unconsciously strive to be.

A person unconsciously searches for and notices only those facts and circumstances that confirm his beliefs, and ignores information that contradicts it. If you want to succeed, do something you didn’t allow yourself to do before - get out of your comfort zone, which has become a prison.

Valuable, but not solving the problem itself, reasons to get rich are the need for love, security, power and freedom. Many people believe that their failure to meet these needs is due to a lack of money. Therefore, they double their efforts to earn even more, but often do not achieve results. After all, they do not realize that their true goal sounds completely different - a solution to an existential problem.

"Money can buy a bed, but not sleep; food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; a building, but not a home; books, but not intelligence; jewelry, but not beauty; luxury, but not culture; entertainment, but not happiness; religion, but not salvation."

The most popular myths about money:

  • the omnipotence of money (in fact, in this case the problem with the meaning of life has not been solved).
  • money is the criterion social adaptation The more money a person has, the more they value, respect, love, etc.
  • money is evil, it spoils a person (in fact financial well-being enhances the qualities prevailing in a person: it makes the greedy stingy, the evil - aggressive, the good - generous, and the brave - a hero!).
  • You can’t honestly earn a lot of money; every person must work hard for a modest salary until the end of his days.

Reasons for thirst for money:

Safety: Often the desire for wealth is nothing more than the need for emotional security. The desire for wealth among self-made businessmen is often associated with psychological traumas of childhood. Wealth for them is a compensatory mechanism that allows them to regain a sense of security. Money in this case is used as a way to overcome anxiety.

There are 4 types of people for whom money is a symbol of security:

  • Miser. For them, saving money is valuable in itself.
  • Ascetic. They find pleasure in self-denial and ostentatious poverty.
  • Bargain Hunter: Does not part with money until the situation turns out to be as profitable as possible, and then happily spends it. The feeling of triumph often redeems the irrationality of the acquired item.
  • Fanatic collector. Owning objects replaces communication with people and a feeling of deep affection for a loved one.

Power: Money and the power it gives can be seen as an attempt to return to infantile fantasies of omnipotence. Power seekers are very aggressive in pursuing their financial ambitions.

  • Manipulator. Uses money to manipulate and control people, taking advantage of their vanity and greed.
  • Empire Builder. Independent and confident in his abilities. By denying their dependence on others, they try to make others dependent on themselves.
  • Godfather. Uses money for bribes and control, buying loyalty and devotion.

Freedom: Money here acts as a means of liberation from routine, giving you the opportunity to manage your life and freely fulfill your dreams and desires. Such motivation in itself is commendable, the main thing is not to lose a sense of proportion.

  • Freedom buyer. Such people strive, first of all, for freedom; their self-sufficiency is not always clear to those close to them.
  • Freedom fighter. Among them are many political radicals who reject money as a result of the enslavement of other people.

Love: There is a common type of people who consider spending as a condition for receiving the love and devotion of others. We will conditionally call this type “Love Buyer”. By giving gifts to others, a person tries to buy their love, pleasing others with his generosity. In addition, having money in your pockets gives you a feeling of attractiveness to the opposite sex.

Thus, many people make the mistake of combining non-financial goals and financial tasks. For example, to realize your long-time dream of becoming an artist, you don’t need any special expenses: you need a minimum income to “maintain your pants” and paint.

Psychological portrait of a poor man.

To psychologically justify their poverty, many people form their own attitudes that internally reconcile with the lack of money.

  • External locus of control – finding someone to blame, lack of responsibility for oneself, mechanical decision-making, stereotypical thinking.
  • Low self-esteem, low aspirations. Such people agree to see the source of poverty in themselves. They are often tormented by feelings of guilt. Deep inside them is the idea that a person who does not have money is worthy of contempt, even if he is smart and talented, but spending time on painstaking work seems like a waste of time to them. In their understanding, wealth is the ability to spend. They admit that they need to change, but at the same time they constantly complain about their own wastefulness and laziness, which does not allow them to climb out of the financial hole.
  • A strategy for avoiding failure. Still others directly admit their capitulation, claiming that they are unable to change their financial situation. They try to treat money philosophically, readily recognizing the inherent injustice of the world around them, where money is obtained not through hard work, but from parents or as a result of shameful fraud. will always exist" big people”, which from time immemorial determine the price level and profit from the labor of ordinary workers. They view work as a state-guaranteed necessity, and not as an area of ​​personal responsibility for their future destiny.
  • Weak self-control, self-government: inability to postpone current pleasure for the sake of greater satisfaction a little later. They dream about what they will do when they have a lot of money, but they spend money now as if they had a Rockefeller income. Constantly unable to get out of debt, illiterate in financial matters, do not try to analyze their previous mistakes and draw useful conclusions.

What is the secret of the rich, successful and happy?

People who own a lot of money are not engaged in earning it, but in realizing their passion for some type of activity. By creating and producing something in demand, you are guaranteed to be able to exchange it for money. If you did something useful and it brought you income, do it again!

It is unprincipled to believe that you cannot achieve everything that the great masters achieved. Masters are people, and you are also a person. If you know you can become just like them, you're already on your way there.Yamamoto Tsunetomo

Master Ittei said: “Confucius became a sage because he strived for learning from the age of fifteen, and not because he studied in his old age.” This is reminiscent of the Buddhist saying: “If there is intention, there will be insight.”

Formula for financial success.

  • A person who wants to get rich must be passionate about achieving his goal.
  • Wealth is achieved not by hard work, but by active desire.
  • It is necessary to think in terms of success, to look not for limitations, but for opportunities.
  • A person moving towards his goal has an unbending will and perceives mistakes as lessons that provide new experience.
  • Goals and ways to achieve them successful people are moral and contribute to increasing the peace and welfare of people.
  • On the path to success, you should always find enough time for rest and exercise.
  • Helping those in need, love, friendship, creativity are an uninterrupted and stable source of energy.

When a person does not know which pier he is heading towards, not a single wind will be favorable for him. Lucius Annaeus Seneca.

Scientists in once again proved that success is achieved by those who know exactly what they want. The study was conducted among senior students. They were asked: “Do you set clear, written goals for the future?”

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Rich and poor people have completely different ideas about the world. Anyone who thinks in the right way receives everything in abundance.

Each person, born in certain conditions, adopts them from society, supporting his life with traditions, customs, and laws. The psychology of poverty is just one of these laws. The rich and the poor have completely different ideas about the world, it is only in appearance that we all seem to be the same and equally deserve happiness. But “merit” in itself does not create wealth, it is created by the person himself, and this is the essence of attracting money.

If you are born into a poor family, it does not necessarily mean that you will remain poor for the rest of your life. It’s just that others have a certain head start at the initial start. Not everyone is able to move from the mental images of poverty to wealth. This is a whole art and endless self-knowledge.

Look at life as if it were on a big screen, then the psychology of poverty will become more clear to you. Don’t follow how the rich do business, what moves they come up with to make money. This is only the technical aspect of the problem. You need to watch how they think. This is much more important.

Abundant thinking gives you the understanding that the world is fair and everyone gets what they deserve. He who thinks abundantly receives everything in abundance. A person who thinks in terms of abundance is aware of his personal responsibility for his life; he does not allow himself to be blamed, because... when you blame others, you transfer responsibility and give power in these matters to the people you blame. It’s stupid to give up power, and it’s still unknown to whom.

Here are some comparative aspects of thinking in terms of "abundance" and "scarcity."

1 difference between wealth and poverty

Disadvantage: A person believes that everything in this world is limited and everything can end. He feels a sense of need and realizes that the resources in this world are limited and have already been taken away. Such a person fights with other similar people for these resources. The feeling of lack gives rise to greed and even aggression; a person is afraid of losing what he has and tries to gain more and keep it. The main question is: “What can I take away from this world?”

Abundance: Seeing the world as abundant, full of resources. Feeling of gratitude. You thank the universe and yourself for what you already have and what you will have. You find opportunities to attract as many necessary resources as you want. If resources are not limited, then there is no point in being greedy. Your main question is: “What can I give to the world?”

2 difference between wealth and poverty

Disadvantage: When asking for help, other people sense your need and turn you down. This is very similar to begging: the intention of a person in a state of need is similar to the intention of a group of gypsies begging passers-by for money. People try to avoid such a “beggar” because... his intentions are not sincere.

Abundance: When approaching a person, other people feel that you do not want to take anything away from them. People feel that they can cooperate with you, negotiate, provide assistance, and they and you will benefit from this. It is very pleasant to work with such people, they are not annoying, do not radiate negativity, it is pleasant to communicate with them, etc. Even if you refuse them, they won’t get tense or upset, they’ll just shrug their shoulders in surprise and move on.

3 difference between wealth and poverty

Disadvantage: There is no point in acting, because... There are not enough resources. For example, you want to build a house, but you understand that you still don’t have enough money, and you won’t be able to earn that much either. Why start then? That's right, there's no need. A lot of people think this way. It turns out vicious circle: A person does not act because no resources. But there are no resources, because... the person does nothing. In reality, lack of resources is an illusion of the mind.

Abundance: I am able to find access to the necessary resources for action. A competent person understands that resources appear when you take action. It is enough to ask yourself the right questions: “How can I get the necessary resources to achieve my goal?”, “How can I organize my business in such a way as to obtain the necessary resources?” Lack of resources should never be an obstacle to your actions, long haul starts with the first step; without taking this step, you will never know what treasures (resources) are waiting for you around the next corner.

4 difference between wealth and poverty

Disadvantage: Accumulation of junk. If you carefully observe people, you will be able to notice a clear connection: the poorer and more confused a person is, the more things and various rubbish he has in his house. The owner of an old car accumulates so many spare parts in his garage that he can still assemble three of the same ones. And his wife just as furiously accumulates clothes, shoes and “much needed” household items. The mindset of scarcity gives rise to the principle: “I’ll put it aside just in case it comes in handy.” A person creates a limitation within himself.

Abundance: We use only what is necessary. I advise you to get rid of the accumulation of unnecessary things, these things are conditionally energy vampires. They take away your energy: every thing put aside “just in case” shows your attitude towards the world. By keeping such a thing in your home, you seem to be saying: “I will not be able to afford to buy new things in the future,” i.e. each such thing is a receipt for its worthlessness and insolvency in the future. Do you understand, yes, what you are programming yourself for?

What to do: Give away, sell or throw away all the things you haven't used in more than 1 year. This applies to clothing, various electronics, household utensils, technology, and other “useful and necessary” things that “may come in handy.” Keep for yourself only the most necessary things and those things that, for example, are valuable as heirlooms. Everything else is in the trash, and breathing will become much easier.

5 difference between wealth and poverty

Disadvantage: Haste and negative motivation. “Time is running out - start acting”, “money is running out - start earning it” - these are thoughts coming from a state of lack. To get himself moving, such a person puts himself in an uncomfortable position, he brings things to a crisis, and then, when everything is already bad, he tries to swim out of this pool. It is worth recognizing that negative motivation works, but this is not always the case. the best way out. Running from a red-hot poker all your life is very unpleasant, fatigue accumulates, and health suffers. Negative motivation does not give positive emotions- this is its main drawback.

Abundance: Enjoying our work and acting with intention. In contrast to negative motivation, you can set a positive intention. A person who has a positive intention goes towards his goal with joy, is fully aware of what he wants to get and in what time frame. Action through positive intention allows you to enjoy what you do. Work turns into pleasure, which is absurd for people who operate from a position of lack. In the thinking of a “negative”, work is always evil, and rest is good. It is not surprising that the results for such people leave much to be desired. So, act based on a positive intention, be clearly aware of what you want and in what time frame, your subconscious will help you find shortest path to your goals.

6 difference between wealth and poverty

Disadvantage: Anger, envy, accusations. “Other people took everything for themselves”, “They stole all the money”, “Evil officials stole the people’s money, and now we live in poverty, we need to take it away and divide it” - such phrases can very often be found on the Internet. What's wrong with this? A person who thinks from a state of scarcity thinks that there is not enough money for everyone, that there are not enough resources for everyone, “the budget was cut up, and the money was stolen and hidden,” etc. It would be logical to reason: “If I don’t have the money, then someone else stole it.” In fact, this statement is as absurd as the statement that someone has “breathed out” all the air, and now I can’t breathe. If someone stole money, then this is his problem, and, by the way, such a person also thinks from a state of lack (he cannot earn money honestly, so he steals). So, if someone stole, this does not mean that there is less money; money circulates in the economy, like air in the atmosphere. And no one will be able to “breathe out” all the air. Blaming others for your problems, failures, inability to provide for yourself is an unwillingness to take responsibility for your life.

Abundance: Awareness of the fairness of the world. “If the world is abundant, then everyone can take what they want and as much as they want” - this is an example of correct thinking. Each person receives what he is tuned to in his subconscious. And that's fair! No one can take anything away from you unless you allow it.

Say right now: “I choose to realize the justice of the world, I create my life myself and bear full responsibility for all my thoughts, actions and subconscious programs. Only I can change myself and my life!”

There are so many banknotes in the world, so why do they stubbornly avoid those who need them most? Psychologists say that the culprit is a reluctance to change your life. What thoughts should you give up so that money stops being afraid of you?

Probably only the oligarchs would not like to improve their financial situation. The rest wouldn't mind having more money. And certainly no one dreams of poverty.

Ideas about the amount at which wealth begins may differ, but remembering how perplexed almost everyone was when Grigory Perelman refused the million-dollar Philosophy Prize, I understand that you need to know how the Universe works in order to commit such an act.

So, we, mere mortals, not geniuses or oligarchs, want to have money. Some chase after them, others simply daydream, lying on the couch. Some people manage to get rich, while others last days resents life. Alas, money does not follow us, we have to get it.

Or maybe we ourselves don’t want to change our lives? Perhaps the centuries-old “wisdom” that an honest person should be poor is so deeply ingrained in our consciousness that we involuntarily avoid money? Let's figure it out together.

How much is time worth?

Even 30 years ago, there was a tradition of meeting and seeing off guests at the train station or airport. Times were different then working hours it really did not cost anything, and people did not hesitate to take time off from work and abandon all their affairs in order to fulfill this duty.

A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then, my free time has noticeably decreased, but the habit has remained. I want to tell you that rich people personally meet only the women they love, parents or very significant people. In other cases, they entrust this procedure to the driver or offer to use a taxi.

Another example. You closely monitor discounts and try to buy everything cheap. The rich also love discounts, or rather, they love money and do not want to part with it, especially when they realize that the price does not correspond to the quality. In this case, the difference between the poor and the rich is that the former do not spare time. They can wait for months for a discount, go to the other end of the city and rejoice at the thousand rubles saved.

It turns out that money is saved in exchange for time. Now divide a thousand rubles by the time spent and get the amount at which the hour is valued. We are not talking about retirees who have more than enough time. If we're talking about In the case of a working person, the value of time decreases each time it is spent on such attempts to save.

Here's an example for clarity: you earn 50,000 rubles at an enterprise by working 192 hours a month (8 x 24 working days). So, you valued your time at 260 rubles. per hour, that is, about 7 dollars. At the level of your own aspirations, you are sure that you are getting too little.

Now let’s see how you yourself are willing to pay for your time in pursuit of discounts. Let’s assume that you spent about eight hours searching for the desired product; the product costs 12,000 rubles. But you made an effort to find the most advantageous offer, went to the store and bought the item of dreams for 10,500 rubles.

For 8 hours of searching and effort, you earned as much as 1,500 rubles. 10500/8 = 187.5 rub. As a result, you reduced your own “value” by 48%. Therefore, you are sure that your time is worth more than $7, but at the same time you are frankly happy when you receive only 4.6 rubles per hour. You can assume that this is your real price. It is quite possible that you will also enjoy a discount of 200 rubles. This is how poor people behave, ready to waste their time for any money.

A rich person with a monthly income of $20,000 also doesn't know how much each hour of his time is worth, but he has an intuitive knowledge of when to look for discounts and when to save time.

It is clear that the poor person will say: “Give me 20 thousand a month, and I will also throw money around.” The fact of the matter is that no one gives anything to anyone, you have to take everything yourself. If you rejoice over small financial achievements, you will be hesitant to take on more even if the opportunity arises. You will probably not pay attention to this opportunity because you will be busy getting “small pieces”.

Income ceiling

Imagine that you are planning to buy a car or a summer house, or a scooter. You can buy some kind of car now, but you like another one, for which you don’t have enough money yet. What will you do? will you choose safety and “stretch your legs over your clothes”?

This is what most people do - they balance their needs with their income. We don’t believe that we can earn more, even though we dream of being rich. Forethought and so-called worldly wisdom do not allow us to make plans for a future in which there will be more money. You could say it's a look down and into the past.

Man ready for material security, also starts from real income, but actively expands the boundaries of possibilities. Yes, there are risks involved, but this gaze is directed upward and forward. Danger forces you to mobilize and overcome obstacles.

Try doing the same by purchasing things that are a little more expensive than what you can afford. You will have to make an effort, but you will definitely be able to earn the missing amount. Take small steps and soon you will find yourself in the segment of good things and decent income.

If you cannot bring yourself to cross this threshold and always try to buy cheaper, you have the mentality of a poor man.

Stability comes first

Usually people with the mentality of the poor try to get to work in government agencies– the salary there is small, but it will always be there. The commercial structure is another matter - you can fly out into the street at any moment and be left without a piece of bread. This is how life goes - stable and in constant lack of money.

Change is never good

Anyone who wants to live in poverty all their life is sure of this. Now there is a salary that is not enough, but there may not be such a thing. I’ve already “sat down” at work, they don’t drive me away.

But the person is sure that with his knowledge he will not fit anywhere else. Why get another education, open your own business or move to a new place if you can live anyway? Well, then there’s no one to be offended by.

Nothing will work anyway

Low self-esteem is a direct consequence of the lack vivid impressions, vegetating in an uninteresting job and fear of changing anything in your life. It’s a bleak picture, but the poor man clings to such a life with all his might and is terrified of losing any of its gray shreds.

There is no way to lose a boring job or move out of a small apartment; even on vacation, such people usually go to the same place so as not to take risks. But you can be proud of your patience and endurance. A person psychologically predisposed to poverty refuses to understand that in order to get results it is necessary to act and not be afraid to start all over again.


Water does not flow under a lying stone. The result can only appear as a consequence of actions, moreover, targeted and persistent. If you are not satisfied with the salary, you need to look for a high-paying job. At the same time, you should understand that the range of duties and responsibilities will be completely different, but this is the only way to change your life.

A person who is confident in his inability to cope with complex tasks, who does not try to try himself in a new business, who does not believe in own strength will remain poor forever. Poverty and passivity are sisters.

Waiting for a decent rating

I can do my job, so I should be paid more. This is a utopia that most likely will not come true. You once agreed to work for little money, and perhaps that is why you were hired for the position. So why do you expect your manager to give you a different assessment of your work? Moreover, you never told management that you did not agree with the salary amount.

Saving habit

The poor spend their energy not on making money, but on keeping it. Instead of finding an opportunity to earn more, they may spend a long time shopping, choosing places where they can save a few rubles, or stand in line for hours, filling out documents to reduce utility bills, or spare no time and effort to receive financial assistance.

If you discover the listed traits in yourself, get rid of them immediately. Do not exaggerate the inaccessibility of money - it willingly goes into the hands of those who meet it halfway.

Everyone can realize themselves.

Even in very rich countries there are poor ones.
Even in very poor countries there are rich ones.

Anyone who lives in an emotional deficit, a deficit of ideas, is poor, even if there is money as a resource.

Today we will talk to you at interesting topic, the theme of poverty. But before we start talking about this, let me give some definition of what we mean by poverty today in this conversation.

Today we will not talk about those societies where 99 percent of the population lives below the poverty line and poverty. THOSE. Today we will talk about poverty as a phenomenon in a developed society. Where do ordinary person there is an opportunity to realize oneself.

Although, for sure, even in a very poor society, which we look at from the West as poor and living in poverty, even there there is a division of people into the wealthier and the very poor.

A rich man who has enough and has the mindset of a rich man.

And at the same time, if someone has accumulated large amounts but at the same time lives in a state of eternal scarcity. Internal, emotional deficit, lack of ideas, deficit good mood. The man who continuescondemn someone who uses his financial resources to outdo other people. And this person, in my opinion, is not rich.

This is a poor man who has resources. Because wealth, after all, is a state of consciousness. This is even if you want the state of a person’s soul.

Wealth is an outlook on life.
So what kind of poverty are we going to talk about?

We will talk about poverty, which is determined by a person’s inability to satisfy their basic needs. Those. this man spends his life doing this

- to worry every day about where to get money,
- how to feed yourself,
- to worry about money,
- why be angry about this,
- get upset,
- afraid.

A poor person's life is usually meager in every sense. Because it is this financial unresolved issue that takes all his attention.

A poor person is one who is forced to constantly borrow, lend or borrow.

This is a person who takes money from his parents or takes help from the state. That is, he receives some kind of loan to help.

In today's society there are quite a few people, families, where poverty is considered a certain noble quality, almost beneficial. And such sayings “Poor but honest” or “Poverty is not a vice” are still found quite often.

Let me say right away that there is no nobility in poverty.
If you want, it's a disease!

Disease of consciousness.

Let's make a comparison: if you have some kind of deficiency in your body - heart failure or a deficiency of some important element, mineral or vitamins... You most likely go to the doctor or take vitamins. Because this regular deficiency, a serious deficiency of some element, can soon lead to serious damage to the organs. And in the worst case, the death of the entire organism.

In the same way, you need to treat the lack of resources in your life. Because this deficiency destroys the organism of your entire life.

And if anyone else thinks that the poor are those who lack money, then you are mistaken. Because if you give money to a poor person, a person with a poor mindset, soon he won’t have it again. He will spend them on nothing, lose them, repay the debt, have them cheated out of him, or he won’t even be able to use them.

A poor person is not a person who does not have enough money.

A poor person is one who:

  • lack of self-love
  • there is not enough trust in this world,
  • there is not enough faith that there is enough for him,
  • and that he is worthy to claim something in this world.

Poor but proud...
Poor, but decent...

Sometimes a person almost proudly says phrases like: “I work like a horse, but I get pennies.”I work there harder than anyone else, but I get paid less than everyone else.

Do you think this is how they are being played for pity? Maybe, but if you listen closely, you will almost certainly hear the voice of pride.

Poverty is emotional greed. This is human stinginess. A poor person is often embittered, dissatisfied, and irritable.

Or weak-willed, spineless, always pressing for pity. Who believe that the so-called injustice of this world, he has the right to judge others and does not owe anyone anything good.

Well, of course everyone owes him, because the poor man lives in a state emotional state, an unloved child.

That is, he lives in a state of eternal emotional hunger. Which is characterized by his internal desire to consume, demand, wait and not strive for anything, because supposedly he has no resources.

It is poverty, i.e. psychological poverty, the thinking of a poor person, turns a village man into a drunkard. Who drinks and curses everyone, instead of taking a hammer, fixing a fence, planting a garden, getting a chicken and doing something good. For yourself, for family, for society.

If this same person is in the same conditionsIf he had a mindset of abundance, he would take control of the situation and, to the best of his ability today, would do something and change the situation in better side.

Some of you may fairly and fairly note that poor people are those who can pick up a poor cat on the street, who can do something good because they understand how difficult it is for another creature in the same difficult life situation.

Yes, this happens... But at the same time, let's not forget about the other side, that it is easy for such a person to communicate only with those who are in a more difficult situation than himself. And when life confronts him with a situation where he comes into contact with wealth or wealthy successful people, sucha person is often filled with resentment for himself, filled with pretensions, filled with envy and is often unable to rejoice at the successes of other close people. And at this moment we understand that there is no nobility in poverty. And it definitely doesn’t bring any happiness or satisfaction from life.

There is such a category of people, where there seemed to be no great wealth in the family, but there was an incredible internal intellectual cultural life. For example, a person who is obsessed with science. Often such people devote their lives to science or art; they do not pay attention to the comfort around them. All they need is pasta and cutlets, a glass of jelly, and most importantly, not to be disturbed.

We do not classify such a person as poor for some reasons. Most likely, such a person knows his needs, knows his income and does not go around begging, does not ask for a loan, does not complain that everything is bad. And he arranges his life in such a way that it would be normal for him, that nothing would distract him from his intellectual or creative activity.

Secondly, such a scientist is not afraid to take money from the state to open a laboratory or look for an investor for his project. This means that he is not afraid of money, he is not afraid to create, create in his life. And the implementation of his ideas will probably cost billions. And at the same time he can continue to calmly live his ascetic life.

Once again, poverty is primarily consciousness.

When a person even has money, but he condemns everyone around him, always compares himself to everyone, is always envious of the wealth of others or despises the poverty of those who are poorer than him, such a person is not rich. How much money is in his account? at the moment didn't lie.
Poverty is a mindset.

So why are we so afraid of money?

Firstly, it is promoted. Someone says that a poor person is pleasing to God. You have all read children's fairy tales. And remember that the rich man in fairy tales was a sharply negative character. The positive hero was usually poor or even a beggar like a church rat... But for some reason at the end of the fairy tale, when the poor man defeated the rich man, he received all his money, without creating anything, without doing anything, he simply took it away and received... This is where the fairy tale ended. And we can only guess whether our good poor man has become just as bad and a negative hero.

Many people began to fear wealth after dispossession. And our families chose the path - we’d rather be poor than lose everything. This is, of course, an extremely interesting topic, not unambiguous, and we can talk for some time about why we are afraid of money, why some people are more comfortable being poor.

No matter how strange it may sound, it is more comfortable to be poor than to have money. But I would like to appeal to those people who are striving to change their lives and if they suddenly realized that if they grew up in a family where wealth, abundance or the desire for material things were strongly condemned, condemned, and rich people were called not the most in the best words. Or who suddenly noticed in himself now the signs of thinking of a poor person, but understands that this is not the path he wants to continue to follow.

Since poverty, and therefore wealth, is in our head, in our thinking, then by changing your thinking you will absolutely change your financial reality!

We are not talking about the need to strive for any specific numbers or compete with anyone in this regard. Or there is some kind of bar that will say that this is how rich you are now. No, abundance means that you allow yourself to live the way you sincerely want. Because you are comfortable!

This is individual for each person. And you don’t need to look up to anyone or copy anyone. And listen carefully to yourself and find out day by day what brings you true pleasure, joy from life.

And so, everything is in order.

If you grew up in a family where money was associated with evil, dirt, etc., where earning money was a shame. It was a shame to earn a LOT. Where parents, or even several generations in a row, earned money with great difficulty and exhaustion. And also if suddenly, in your family, you have heard not the most flattering comments about successful, wealthy people. Then on the way to your personal financial abundance you will have to wade through some thorns. There is nothing fatal about this, but you need to know it, and you need to be prepared for it.

What are these thorns?

In short, it is a feeling of shame and guilt.Shame for wanting something that is condemned by your loved ones, your loved ones, considered dirty, objectionable, spoiling a person, etc.

Feelings of guilt, also, for what you want or are already allowing to live easier, better, more joyfully and richer.

Feeling guilty for allowing yourself to make money more joyfully, easily. And also a feeling of guilt for having more than someone else. And not infrequently, a child from a family where the psychology of poverty was dominant, having achieved success in material terms, was ashamed of this. He even hid it. And perhaps some of you have noticed or will notice that sometimes you don’t want to talk about your income.

I’m embarrassed to admit how much these new clothes you’re wearing cost. How much did you spend to buy a new car? How much did you spend to take yourself on vacation?

Guilt for the fact that you, like your relatives, spend the summer at the dacha in the tetinure position, and you relax the way you want, allow yourself massages, allow yourself beautiful places. You discover new corners of this world. All this will most likely cloud your enjoyment for some time.

For some this will be a stumbling block. The person may even give up further prosperity and quite likely return to a state of poverty. Or he will be afraid to strive for abundance.

And the one who is stronger, wiser or more persistent, namely persistence and desire for better life, will allow you to develop immunity to such, absolutely irrational feelings. Immunity to guilt and immunity to shame.

Then such a person will allow himself to enjoy his successes, his achievements, and if he wants to go even further. Listen carefully to yourself and if you notice that the attitude of your poor relatives towards you is changing for the worse, do not take it personally.

Because, again, a person with a poor mindset, as a rule, will not be able to rejoice at your successes.

And it’s also not uncommon for people to start showing aggression, or start making claims, or want you to solve their financial problems now, since you’re so rich...

For some people, jokes or phrases such as “You’re rich now, why should we care about you!” will become unpleasant.
It is not a fact that this will happen specifically in your case, because each family is individual and now I am giving examples of, so to speak, advanced cases.

Track your reactions the way you feel when you talk about your successes, when you show up in new clothes, in a new car. When you allow some excesses in life that neither you nor, especially, your family had before.

Carefully monitor how you feel and... allow yourself to rejoice in your achievements!

Rejoice at your successes! Praise yourself! Encourage yourself!

You have the right to do so.This is truly your fault.

Because changing your thinking is a big and not easy job. Again, be careful that you do not judge those people who do not strive for anything. Because this will indicate that abundance thinking has not yet become the norm for you. Let other people live the way they want. Accept their choice. There is no need to drag anyone to heaven, wealth, abundance.

And if suddenly you notice a need:

  • give someone some money urgently,
  • urgently solve problems for someone,
  • help someone start a business without asking them,
  • get a job
  • put everyone somewhere...

Then remember that in this case you have a feeling of guilt. Feeling guilty for what you allow yourself to do, that you are supposedly lucky in life, that you can do it, but other people don’t have it. And here it is important to understand that such a person helps everyone around him not out of his generosity, but, as a rule, out of a feeling of guilt that gnaws at him. And which weakens when he appeases less successful loved ones with his handouts, gifts and help.

And you know such examples when a person, having gained access to finance, begins to treat everyone, invite everyone, distribute money, and lends money to everyone. Such a person, as a rule, soon remains without money and without good relations. Because other people cannot be bought.

If you think that a person with a poor psychology can be appeased and won over by giving him money. You are wrong!

And there is only one way out - just treat everyone equally. With respect, understanding, and if you want, with love. Especially if these are your relatives. And you don’t need to look for or seek favor. Because if you love yourself, you trust yourself, you believe in yourself, you accept yourself, then this location in life will be enough for you.

Listen to your heart and remember that you yourself must allow yourself abundance and joy in this life and everything that you want.

And don’t wait for someone to tell you what you can do.

Because you decide for yourself whether you can or cannot...

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Unfortunately, there are many poor and completely poor people in the world, and much fewer rich people. Question material well-being, from a philosophical point of view, controversial. Folk saying“Money can’t buy happiness” is confirmed by sociological surveys: a person’s level of happiness is influenced by the quality of his personal life, availability loving family, friends, interesting work and health, but not the amount of money. Not every poor person feels unhappy due to lack of adequate money. But what about those who want to get out of poverty and become rich?

Most people associate the level of their material well-being with the family they were lucky enough to be born into, with the opportunity to realize themselves in their chosen work field, with their abilities, intelligence, skills and, in general, with the economic situation in the country. But it is important not only by whom, where and for what material reward a person works (or does not work), but also his attitude towards money.

In addition to social and economic factors influencing well-being, play a significant role psychological. The way a person feels about himself and the world affects his attitude towards money.

Psychological factors in the formation of attitudes towards money:

  • self-esteem and other personal characteristics;
  • experiences and memories from childhood related to money;
  • attitude towards money of parents and other significant people;
  • negative or positive attitudes, stereotypes, ways of thinking;
  • social myths, stereotypes, taboos, demands of society.

Interesting fact: women are more likely to worry, worry and feel bad because of a lack of money, while men are more rational about money and its absence. Attitudes towards money vary not only depending on gender, but also on age, mentality, faith, and so on.

Money was invented by people as a means of exchanging goods and satisfying needs. But the money itself is not as important as its quantity. A person whose income is above average has the opportunity not only to satisfy needs, but also to accumulate wealth. This is the level of well-being that many poor people dream of.

Wealth– an abundance of values ​​and benefits, both material and intangible. Rich people are considered to be those who not only have a significant amount of money (in relation to other members of society), but also personal property, real estate, savings, and the like.

Poverty is a relative phenomenon, it depends on general level life in a particular society. The economic situation of a subject is defined as poverty if he cannot satisfy the minimum range of vital needs.

Why are some people able to achieve the desired level of wealth, while others are not? Psychologists argue that the problem of lack of means of subsistence lies in the prevailing psychology of poverty in the minds of a particular individual and a certain layer of society in which he lives.

Psychology of poverty

A person who is convinced that he will not be able to earn a lot of money limits his opportunities and prevents himself from getting rich. Such a person will not be able to become successful until he is able to change his attitude towards money.

A person who has psychology of poverty, have the following features:

  1. Fatalism and envy. An individual thinks that he is doomed if he was born “in the wrong family” or “in the wrong country” and envies rich people. Fatalism is often expressed in the fact that a poor person perceives work as a necessity or a burden, but not as a platform for personal development and the opportunity to become successful.

Envy is expressed in treating rich people as those for whom everything comes easy, undeservedly lucky, or as swindlers who earned money through dishonest means.

  1. Shifting responsibility and the role of “victim”. External locus of control involves looking outside for those to blame and responsible for personal troubles. A person searches and finds someone who can be held responsible for his financial insolvency, constantly complains, gets angry, laments, and is offended. The government, the family, the boss are to blame, but not the poor man himself, he is their “victim”.
  2. Stereotypical thinking. A poor person limits himself to mental frameworks and patterns. Even if in childhood they were convinced that money is an evil that spoils people or that all rich people are bandits and big money You can’t earn money through honest work; as an adult, it’s worth rethinking and changing these negative attitudes to positive ones.
  3. Low self-esteem. An individual with low self-esteem sees those qualities and characteristics of his personality that prevent him from getting rich, but he is too lazy to work on himself and change. Such people blame and complain more about themselves than about others, have low aspirations, and fears about money. Thus, a poor person with low self-esteem may get scared and refuse a high-paying job offered to him, that is, simply miss his chance to get rich.
  4. Passivity and laziness. These are negative qualities that prevent you from being energetic and purposeful. Correct positioning goals motivate and make you active. dream about large quantities money without doing anything about it is a waste of time. Waiting for weather by the sea is the wrong strategy. You need to be able to choose the right direction of development and actively move towards the goal.
  5. Inability to handle money. Poor people often do not know how to control their expenses, are unreasonably wasteful, constantly get into debt, and do not know how to plan a budget and analyze previous mistakes.

Psychology of Wealth

Since the second half of the twentieth century, many books have been written about the psychology of wealth, about how to become rich by changing your way of thinking and lifestyle, but not a single book will contain clear instructions that will help you get rich. To get rid of the psychology of poverty, you need to work on yourself.

Truly rich people are usually all businessmen. These are people who have found a job they love, who have managed to realize their potential in their chosen field of activity and know how to manage money correctly.

Money cannot be an end in itself; the goal is always to achieve the good, not only of one’s own, but also of those around him. If you create something useful (be it a product or service) for everyone, this activity will certainly generate income.

Psychology of Wealth lies in the ability to:

  1. Define life goals . The goal must be written down and formalized according to the rules of goal setting, that is, it must be specific, real, achievable, measurable, and defined in time. But the most important thing is that the goal must be desirable. I always want to work and work for the sake of the desired goal.

If a person has a passion, literally lives with an idea that can bring money, and is actively and confidently pursuing its implementation, he has a chance to become rich.

  1. Think positively and see opportunities, not restrictions. To see opportunities, you need to get rid of negative stereotypes and patterns, think creatively and broadly, not be afraid to make a mistake, but strive for success with self-confidence, show interest in life and take risks. Affirmations help you learn to think positively about money.

Affirmations are short phrases that need to be consciously repeated often and regularly, as a result of which a positive attitude will be formed in the subconscious. For example, there are such affirmations for attracting wealth: “I am a rich person,” “I feel joy from having money,” “I love money, it is my friend,” “I am grateful for the wealth that I have.” Affirmations improve your psycho-emotional background and speed up the process of life change.

  1. Develop and grow above yourself. Learn and learn something new, improve existing skills, develop abilities, believe in yourself and your strengths. Rich people are confident in themselves, do not belittle their merits, have adequate self-esteem and at the same time are engaged in personal growth and development.
  2. Develop moral-volitional and moral qualities personalities. Will and perseverance in achieving a goal must be combined with humanity. Rich people know how to be generous, love to give gifts, and often engage in charity work. In general, rich people easily part with money and do not regret it, because they believe that they will definitely return, having multiplied.

If a person wants to become rich, he needs to stop envying those who are wealthier, in his opinion. It’s better to be happy for people who managed to earn money and get rich and understand that if they succeeded, then anyone can become rich.

  1. Take an example from rich and successful people, do not focus on people who think in terms of poverty (even if they are parents). A striking example differences in the psychology of thinking of a poor and a rich person: a poor person saves money for a “rainy day”, and a rich person saves money to make a dream come true.

Rich people love money and treat it carefully, which is why money “loves” such people.

By adopting the psychology of wealth, you can become rich not only materially, but also spiritually. Confident, purposeful, positive people who develop as individuals are not only rich and successful, but also happy.

About what kind of modern world there are three paths to wealth. You will learn from the article “How to become rich and happy: the path of the Artist, Landlord and Businessman”

  1. N. Hill “Think and Grow Rich”
  2. R. Kiyosaki “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”
  3. P. Sergienko “The Mind of a Millionaire”
  4. D. Trump “How to become rich”
  5. S. Davlatov “Psychology of wealth. Me and money"
  6. J. Ron “Seven Strategies for Wealth and Happiness”
  7. S. Maxwell-Magnus “The Wealth Mentality. Thoughts that will make you rich"