A blue wallet attracts money. What color of wallet attracts money? What color should a wallet be according to Feng Shui?

A wallet is an important part of every person's life. You need to choose a wallet, focusing not only on its appearance, but also on his ability to “raise money.”

Every person keeps his personal money in the wallet. This is a special accessory that popular and in demand all over the world. In addition, it is so susceptible to superstitions and signs that you even need to buy it for yourself, following the rules. The main rule when choosing a wallet is focus on its ability to “raise money.”

First of all, look at your actual wallet. What is he like? If it is worn out enough, old, has cracks or abrasions, it should be replaced. The energy of a “life-beaten” wallet is weakened and therefore is unable to “attract money.” People believe that only the right wallet can improve financial well-being its owner.

The “money” wallet should be:

  • Purchased during a waxing or full moon
  • Have a “money” color or a color that attracts wealth.
  • Made from natural materials
  • Its shape and color should match your zodiac sign.
  • Have a “money talisman” inside
How to choose a “money” wallet?

One of the basic rules of a wallet that can attract money is: “Your wallet must be in order!”. There is a deal of truth in it. Think about how many “extra” items a person carries in his wallet every day: checks, receipts, photographs, notes, prayers, icons, keys and much more. Human wisdom teaches: “every thing has its place!”

Organize your wallet:

  • Store change only in the coin compartment, and do not allow it to be in the same pocket as bills.
  • Place the bills in your wallet so that they are in it as they increase.
  • All bills must be in the wallet “facing” you.
  • Remove excess payment papers from your wallet.
  • Place the cards in the appropriate holes.
  • Place a talisman in one of the secret pockets: a gold coin, a dollar or something else (talisman of preference).
  • Always carry your wallet closed and avoid any open compartments in your wallet.

How to attract money to your wallet?

Green and red wallet to attract money: what does Feng Shui mean?

Ancient Chinese teaching"Feng Shui" sets a person to live in harmony with environment. It represents a wallet to a person as a “money storehouse” and symbol of prosperity in the future. A serious approach to choosing a wallet guarantees a person prosperity.

"Feng Shui" assures the importance energy exchange between a person and a wallet. It is this advantage that causes the wallet to begin "attract" money. But this does not happen in the literal sense, because nothing happens for nothing. In this case we're talking about that a person will be favored by luck in his labors, as well as fate will protect him from unnecessary waste of money.

According to Feng Shui, a wallet should not only be beautiful for you, it should give you moral pleasure. In addition, it is desirable that it be spacious (the larger the wallet, the more money it contains). You should purchase a new wallet in such a way that it larger than your old wallet(or at least had more departments).

How to choose a wallet according to Feng Shui?

What not to do when purchasing a new wallet according to Feng Shui:

  • Store memories of your loved ones in it (photos, postcards, notes, newspaper clippings, etc.).
  • Keep money found on the street, stolen money and money that was given to you (money received “just like that” does not have positive energy).
  • Try to save money by purchasing a new wallet ( a cheap wallet will not attract money).
  • Choose a small or compact wallet. It must be roomy and such that the bill fits in it in full size. A bent bill has disturbed energy; money should not have creases.

Never leave your wallet empty, don't spend every last penny of your money. There should always be some amount left in it, as they say, “for bait.”

Wallet according to Feng Shui

What Feng Shui advises when purchasing a wallet:

  • Try to purchase a wallet made from genuine leather. Such a product not only looks expensive and stylish, the material “attracts” wealth. If leather or suede is “out of your price range”, try to buy a wallet from another material material: linen, cotton.
  • The teaching advises choosing a wallet of a color that could “attract money. It is believed that the most powerful energy has red. In addition, it serves as a talisman, “driving away” evil forces.
  • Another way to choose the color of your wallet is. Each has a specific element, each element has a specific color.
  • Green color, according to Feng Shui, also has “monetary” energy. It is this shade that the world currency – the dollar – has.
  • In addition to color, the wallet should be distinguished by its monetary amulet. Such a talisman must be hidden from prying eyes and bewitched “for money.”

Can a wallet attract money?

How to charge a new wallet to attract money: rite, ritual

The main ritual in buying a new “money” wallet is do this while growing new moon . It is believed that everything a person does on a waxing Moon contributes to an increase, and on a waning Moon - to losses. It is also considered a good sign to buy a wallet on a new moon, when the Moon has the most powerful energy.

When buying a wallet, do not save, but rather overpay ( good omen). When the wallet is yours, try to say a simple conspiracy on your own (see “Conspiracy No. 1”). After this, at home, put it in your wallet silver coins(any) and leave the wallet overnight in the moonlight. Read the plot (see “Conspiracy No. 2”).

Conspiracy No. 1

Conspiracy No. 2

What spell to read for a new wallet so that money can be found?

A good talisman for a new wallet that can attract money would be fiat coin(any little thing that you cannot change and spend: one penny, one cent, and so on). It should be put in your wallet on the first night of its purchase. When inserting the talisman, you need to read the plot.

The plot should be read completely alone, in good spirits and only with faith in every word spoken. Only then will you be able to “infuse” your wallet with a charge of positive energy that can attract wealth and prosperity. After you read the plot, put your wallet under your pillow and pick it up only in the morning.

Money plot

How to put money in your wallet correctly?

The wallet “loves order”. This is why you shouldn’t keep money in your wallet “in chaos.” This disrupts the energy of this accessory, leading to a “leakage” of wealth.

Money wallet rules:

  • The first bill you see in your wallet should be a large denomination, and the last one should be the smallest.
  • Try to keep beautiful, even and untorn bills in your wallet (get rid of such money immediately: spend it or exchange it). Wrinkled money is also undesirable.
  • It's good if you have one dollar in your wallet. (This bill is considered a powerful amulet, as it has a printed Masonic sign of wealth).
  • Accept money with your left hand and pay with your right. This rule will help attract wealth.

How to make a wallet “money”?

What to put in your wallet to attract money: money talismans

The following can serve as amulets for your wallet:

  • First self-earned banknote
  • Winning lottery ticket
  • Chinese "lucky" coin
  • Unchangeable bill
  • Fiat coin
  • 1 dollar bill
  • Origami mascot made from a banknote
  • Money spell written in your hand
  • Money rune
  • Coin made of gold or silver

Any “money” amulet must be “felt”. You should choose a talisman for yourself based on your intuition. You can add stones that match your zodiac sign.

Wallet amulets

Mouse in a money wallet, what is it?

This amulet is very popular. It is made in the form miniature mouse. It is customary to put it in any section of your wallet (preferably in one from which it will not fall out).

A mouse is considered a talisman because it is capable (akin to a real mouse) of “settling in” in a wallet. People believe that the mouse is so grateful for the “home” that it tries to thank its owner by attracting money to the wallet.

This mouse should put in a new wallet on the growing Moon, it is advisable to read the plot. Of course, finding such a talisman is very difficult. It must be made of natural material (clay, for example) or noble metal.

Mouse - a talisman for your wallet

Is it possible to buy a black wallet with butterflies?

Modern fashion greatly influences human life. It also extends to accessories for daily use, in particular to a wallet. What to do in this situation? The fact is that designers cannot in any way influence the course of business and somehow limit the “flow of money” into your wallet.

Even black, purple, blue and any other colors of accessories can provide you with financial well-being. Main - you should love your wallet in appearance and not experience any inconvenience in using it. Choose a wallet that looks very attractive to you. The accessory may have embossing or decorative elements: straps, rivets, drawings.

What kind of wallet should it be for attracting money?

Is it possible to buy a used wallet?

Purchase already worn wallet considered a bad sign. During use, the wallet is capable of absorb human energy. That's why when buying used wallet, you are acquiring the “destiny” of someone else. It’s not a fact that she was wealthy.

A new wallet is a must must be completely new. Only such an accessory will help positive changes in your life and attracting money. Only a new wallet can be “accustomed” to the magic of wealth and prosperity. Buy a wallet in any store, market or website. Try to pay for your wallet more money than required. Such a gesture will allow "to be driven by money."

Is it possible to buy an old wallet?

What to do if you are given an empty wallet?

Giving an empty walletbad omen. It is considered that the gift is empty wallet used children contribute to the fact that he “will be empty” in the future. It is necessary to give a wallet as a gift With Not a large number money(or larger, at your discretion).

Even one bill in a donated wallet will be a good talisman for him in the future. It is advisable to put it in your wallet as a gift. banknote in red shades. If your budget is really bad, even one coin will be enough. Choose a beautiful, smooth and new bill. Try not to give a cheap or low-quality wallet; choose a product made of genuine leather.

How to give a wallet? Is it possible to give an empty wallet?

Is it possible and how to properly throw away an old wallet?

One more thing important rule when purchasing a new wallet – get rid of the old. This must be done literally. Remove all foreign objects from your wallet: discount cards, old photographs, amulets and receipts ( any information about you).

Mentally (or in words) say goodbye to your old wallet. Thank it for its faithful service life and simply throw it in the trash. It is advisable to do this in the morning or afternoon (not in evening time day and not at night). It's best to throw away your wallet during the waxing of the moon. This way you can “gain” and not “lose.”

Under no circumstances should you keep an old wallet in the house. It will attract the energy of an “empty” wallet and prevent you from achieving financial well-being with the help of a new accessory.

What to do with an old wallet? Is it possible to throw it away?

Is it possible to carry a photo in a wallet: signs

What is the bad omen of carrying photos of loved ones and loved ones in your wallet? The fact is that in addition to the fact that money has good energy, it can carry negativity. Negativity accumulates from those people who held them before you (and hundreds and thousands of individuals did this).

While in the wallet, your loved ones will take on both the good and the bad influence money. This is fraught with bad luck, illness and other “chronic problems”. A wallet is a place only for money and cards containing funds.

Can I store photos in my wallet?

Where to buy a good fashion wallet?

You can buy a wallet anywhere. Every city must have a store or market that sells these accessories. However, they will help you choose the right wallet model in the right color. modern internet resources.

Everyone knows the proverb “Happiness is not in money, but in quantity.” Naturally, money has never been a measure of happiness. However, you must agree: they play a significant role in the life of every person. In the science of Feng Shui, a wallet is considered the most important symbol associated with your financial well-being. Therefore, you need to take his choice seriously. It is through your wallet that your energy and money energy interact. Let's find out what should be the size, shape and color of a wallet that can increase your income? And as a bonus, you will learn about talismans that it is advisable to always carry in your wallet so that there is money in it.

How a properly selected wallet affects the owner’s well-being

Looking through the ancient treatises of Feng Shui, you will not find a single mention of a wallet. But this popular teaching does not stand still and is developing every day, adapting to new trends and realities. Nowadays, it is the wallet that acts as a symbol of prosperity. Your financial condition largely depends on its appearance. A wallet is a “home” for your money. Therefore, it is very important that it is selected according to all the rules.

There is one more factor that will make you take your choice of wallet as seriously as possible. Remember that he is always next to you, so constant energy metabolism inevitable. That is, even your mood and health will depend on what wallet you use.


Red color is very powerful, but no less finicky

According to Feng Shui experts, each person has their own “own” colors. They are determined depending on which element patronizes you. An important role is played by the elements that are adjacent to it in the circle of Destruction.

Useful information: The element can be calculated by the last digit of the year of your birth. True, you need to take into account the year eastern calendar, which is different from ours.

  • 0 or 1. Element – ​​metal, your colors – white, silver, shades of gray.
  • 2 or 3. Element – ​​water, your colors – black, violet, indigo, blue, cyan.
  • 4 or 5. Element – ​​wood, your colors – brown, shades of green.
  • 6 or 7. Element – ​​fire, your colors – burgundy, scarlet, carmine, red, pink.
  • 8 or 9. Element – ​​earth, your colors – yellow, gold, orange, beige.

There are some nuances that must be taken into account when choosing the color of your wallet. People who are under the protection of the element of metal should not choose a wallet gray. But for those who belong to water element, it will be the hardest thing to find the perfect option. The fact is that all tones of blue and black are not suitable for a wallet. They are permeated with water energy, so they will simply “wash” money out of it.

You can approach this issue from the other side. The earth element is responsible for accumulation. Therefore, when choosing a wallet, you can give preference to brown, beige and yellow tones - this way you definitely won’t miss it. In such a wallet, money will accumulate much faster and stay for a longer period of time.

This is interesting: Most often in special stores In Feng Shui, red wallets are found. This color is universal; it has strong energy, which is used for various purposes. For example, to activate some kind of talisman or to enhance the magical influence of symbols and objects. But you should know that red wallets are not only the most “powerful”, but also very finicky. The owner must always keep such a wallet in perfect condition; it must certainly be of high quality and stylish. The ideal material is expensive leather.

Note that scarlet, burgundy, purple and garnet shades also have powerful energy in terms of attracting money.


The wallet should be rectangular, and the bills in it should be stored unfolded

For paper bills, it is better to choose a rectangular wallet. It is important that the bills are stored in it entirely in an unfolded position. Wallets that fold halfway are considered not very good from a feng shui point of view. They suppress monetary energy and prevent the improvement of your material condition. If you have a separate wallet for coins, it should also be rectangular, but small in size. Put it in paper bills undesirable.


If you don’t have such a ruler, it doesn’t matter, you can use a regular one

A few thousand years ago the great chinese emperors learned all the secrets of symbols and numbers. This secret knowledge enriched the people who kept it and helped them be more successful and happy. Today you can also positively influence your own destiny and attract the capricious Lady Luck to your side.

Start by applying your knowledge of the so-called imperial sizes. They are measured with a special ruler 43.2 centimeters long. This ruler is divided into eight equal parts, each of them is subdivided into four smaller sections. Each segment contains useful information.

It is no secret that all the things around us are characterized not only by shape and color, but also by certain sizes. So: it’s enough to make sure that they are favorable from the point of view of Feng Shui. This will help you change the state of affairs in important aspects of life for the better. Of course, you shouldn't measure every object around you. It is enough to limit yourself to the things that play a truly important role in your life. In this case, a wallet.

Before we look at an example, let's learn about the meanings of all the Imperial sizes.

So, the first imperial size ranges from 0 to 5.4 cm.

  • 1 segment: 0-1.35 cm. Brings good luck in money matters.
  • 2 segment: 1.35-2.7 cm. Provides security and wealth.
  • 3rd segment: 2.7-4.05 cm. Gives you “six types of luck” at the same time.
  • 4 segment: 4.05-5.4 cm. Attracts absolute happiness into your life.

The second imperial size is from 5.4 to 10.8 cm.

  • 1 segment: 5.4-6.75 cm. Attracts monetary losses.
  • 2 segment: 6.75-8.1 cm. Guarantees problems with the law and government.
  • 3 segment: 8.1-9.45 cm. Threatens with imprisonment.
  • 4 segment: 9.45-10.8 cm. Indicates imminent death one of the spouses.

The third imperial size is from 10.8 to 16.2 cm.

  • 1 segment: 10.8-12.15 cm. It is a container of problems and failures.
  • 2 segment: 12.15-13.5 cm. Brings loss or taking away money.
  • 3 segment: 13.5-14.85 cm. Attracts meetings with unreliable people who can deceive you.
  • 4th segment: 14.85-16.2 cm. Everything you value will be lost or lost.

The fourth imperial size is from 16.2 to 21.5 cm.

  • 1 segment: 16.2-17.55 cm. Guarantees good heirs.
  • 2 segment: 17.55-18.9 cm. Attracts additional income from quite unexpected sources.
  • 3rd segment: 18.9-20.25 cm. Symbolizes a very successful son.
  • 4th segment: 20.25-21.5 cm. Brings good luck and prosperity.

The fifth imperial size is from 21.5 to 27 cm.

  • 1 segment: 21.5-22.95 cm. Allows you to easily pass exams.
  • 2 segment: 22.95-24.3 cm. Provides good luck in lotteries, various gambling games and in intermediary transactions.
  • 3 segment: 24.3-25.65 cm. Improves income.
  • 4 segment: 25.65-27 cm. Gives success, power and honor to the whole family.

The sixth imperial size is from 27 to 32.4 cm.

  • 1 segment: 27-28.35 cm. Promises death and separation.
  • 2 segment: 28.35-29.7 cm. Deprives everyone of their livelihood.
  • 3 segment: 29.7-31.05 cm. Increases the likelihood that a person can be expelled with shame from close society.
  • 4 segment: 31.05-32.4 cm. Promises a quick loss of all money.

Seventh imperial size - from 32.4 to 37.5 cm.

  • 1 segment: 32.4-33.7 cm. Symbolizes the approaching disaster.
  • 2 segment: 33.7-34.9 cm. Brings death.
  • 3 segment: 34.9-36.25 cm. Attracts diseases and worsens health.
  • 4 segment: 36.25-37.5 cm. Attracts scandals, disagreements and quarrels.

Eighth imperial size - from 37.5 to 43.2 cm.

  • 1 segment: 37.5-38.9 cm. Provides a huge influx of money.
  • 2 segment: 38.9-40.35 cm. Gives good luck in studies and exams.
  • 3 segment: 40.35-41.77 cm. Attracts “gold and jewelry.”
  • 4 segment: 41.77-43.2 cm. Promises success, prosperity and happiness.

How to “adjust” the size to the desired values?

Using the red ribbon, you can “burn” the excess area and adjust the wallet size to the desired value

As you can see, each segment can attract both favorable and, conversely, not very good events into your life. How to correctly apply knowledge about imperial sizes? First of all, measure the dimensions of your wallet (its height, width and thickness). Write down the measurement result and determine the interval within which each indicator falls.

Let's assume that your wallet measures 25 by 14 centimeters (excluding thickness). It turns out that the length value is within the third segment of the fifth imperial size, that is, it improves your income, and the width is within the third segment of the third imperial size, which attracts meetings with unreliable people. Don't worry, the situation can be fixed.

If you can’t just get rid of extra centimeters (however, cutting off part of your wallet is not best solution), take a small piece of fabric or plain paper of any color except red and tape it to the wallet. The final height (including the glued part) should be not 14, but, for example, 17 centimeters. This meaning will give you wonderful heirs. You can simply attach a keychain or any other accessory to your wallet.

Well, with the help of a red tape you can “burn” the excess area, then it can be ignored when measuring the size. By the way, you can use not only fabric, but also a red marker, felt-tip pen or pencil. It will be enough to draw a line with them from one edge of the wallet to the other.

With these tips, you can quickly and easily adjust your wallet to a favorable size.


Leather is the best material for a wallet

Buy only a high-quality, carefully made wallet, the best option available. This does not mean that you should pay extra for a well-known brand, but the wallet must be made perfectly. Smooth stitching lines, high-quality leather, no protruding threads, durable coloring, well-installed working fasteners - these are signs of excellent quality. Probably, every person would like to live in a beautiful, durable and comfortable home. Surprisingly, the same can be said about money.

The best material for a wallet is natural suede or leather. Wallets made of polyethylene, leatherette or plastic - bad choice. They won't improve your financial condition, but, on the contrary, will act as a kind of “reflective screen” for banknotes.

Helpful Tip: If you can't afford to spend on your wallet a large amount, give preference to a fabric product. It won’t hit the owner’s pocket so hard, and such a wallet (if it meets other requirements) will have a lot of benefits.

Remember that money does not like stinginess and greed, but it respects thrifty people. So, if you decide to buy a wallet, it’s better to save up more money and buy a leather wallet. It's stupid to skimp on your well-being.


Carry this talisman in your wallet to significantly improve your financial situation.

Feng Shui masters say that increase cash flow passing through your wallet is very easy. It’s enough just to use special talismans. Let's find out more about them:

  • People often carry the first bill they earn in their wallet. It's good if it's a 1 dollar or 100 dollar bill. These banknotes meet almost all the requirements of Feng Shui - all shades of green are suitable for banknotes. It is better to never exchange or spend a symbolic bill. It can be lightly greased with honey so that other similar bills stick to it like bees.
  • 3 Chinese coins connected by a red ribbon are a real money magnet. They should be carried in one of the wallet compartments.
  • An ordinary bean pod will protect a person from wallet theft and thoughtless spending. If you don't have enough space in your wallet and the pod may cause banknotes to wrinkle, use any picture that shows it.
  • A keychain in the form of an invoice will help you manage your funds correctly and accept right decisions to increase profits. We recommend hanging it directly from your wallet. You can also carry your keychain in the same pocket as your wallet.
  • Feng Shui experts say that the scent of mint attracts money. Just apply a drop essential oil mint on the lining of your wallet, or insert a small plant leaf into it (another option is a bag of mint tea).
  • Don’t be surprised, but in order to stabilize financial income, it is advisable to smear a large banknote with honey. This simple step will attract a powerful cash flow to you.
  • If you want to save up enough money for some purchase or go on vacation abroad, Feng Shui masters advise printing out an image of the desired item and putting it inside your wallet. When you open your wallet, you will always see it, creating positive energy vibrations. Do not doubt: in the near future you will easily accumulate the missing amount.

What should you not keep in your wallet?

It is advisable to exchange such banknotes for new and clean ones.

Used tickets, old receipts and checks, unnecessary pieces of paper and business cards - all this is essentially garbage. Their presence in a wallet is highly undesirable.

Useful information: Photos of family and friends, pets, etc. It is prohibited to store it in a wallet. If you go against this rule, you risk harming them and significantly reducing your cash flow.

And the last piece of advice: it is best to exchange torn, dilapidated, worn out and dirty banknotes for new and intact ones.

It is important to understand that the size or color of the wallet is not the most important thing. Feng Shui masters say: first of all, the item you buy must suit you perfectly. You should feel a powerful connection with her on an energetic level. Just like any other item you own, your wallet should be an expression of your personality and individuality. If you notice even minor flaws at first glance, it is better to look for another wallet - one with which you will immediately find a “common language”.

Would you like to have a wallet that would attract money to you? If you believe the money horoscope, then this is quite possible if you choose a wallet in accordance with your Zodiac Sign. So, which wallet will attract wealth to you?


Aries need to choose expensive leather wallets. Such an accessory will emphasize his status and become an excellent talisman for money. Preferred wallet colors: red, gold and crimson.


A modest wallet, but with taste, is suitable for Taurus. Preferably without drawings or inscriptions. Money will be lured by a green and yellow wallet.



A wallet with many compartments and pockets will bring money luck to Cancers. The color of the wallet should be purple, silver, light green.


Leo's wallet should be luxurious. Sequins, stones, inscriptions, drawings, studs and other decorations are welcome. The color of money luck in this case is black, scarlet, purple.


Virgo's wallet, first of all, should be convenient and practical. The colors recommended by the money horoscope are white, green, pale blue.


Libras need to choose a wallet that is stylish and original. The colors of money luck are blue, turquoise.


Only a high-quality and expensive wallet can attract good luck in money to Scorpios. The colors recommended by the horoscope are red, yellow, orange, gold.


Sagittarius needs to choose a large and bright wallet that will become a beacon for money. Lucky colors are blue, green, purple.


The classic version of the wallet will come in handy. Recommended colors: black, blue, brown.


A wallet will bring money luck to Aquarius self made, made by someone close or familiar. Colors: turquoise, blue, ultramarine.


A vintage wallet will bring financial luck to Pisces. Colors - blue, steel, silver, white, color sea ​​wave.

Take advantage of your money luck given to you by your Zodiac Sign! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

A wallet is more than just an accessory. It serves as a depository for money and influences financial situation its owner. Esotericists believe that a wallet can play the role of a talisman that attracts financial luck. To make it work, be sure to consider the color when purchasing. Ideally, it should coincide with the priority color scheme for your zodiac sign.


Aries will suit a bright wallet with gold fittings. The influx of money will be ensured by the red color scheme (from bright red to dark burgundy), as well as crimson, orange and yellow.


Taurus prefer substantial wallets with a large number of compartments in which they can place all their cards and business cards. Matching colors for them: lemon, yellow-green, olive, all shades of green, cinnamon.


Geminis don't like bulky wallets. Their active rhythm of life is more consistent with a small but expensive money clip. Astrologers recommend that they purchase two accessories. One will attract money (orange, yellow, golden), the other will help preserve and increase savings (gray, blue, purple).


Cancers love to save money, and they are great at it. A small but roomy wallet with silver fittings will help them in this endeavor. Recommended colors: silver, light gray, all shades of lilac, white.


Leos prefer high-quality branded accessories. They must like the wallet. This is a rare case when astrologers recommend buying a product with rich decor. Leos are suited to all shades of red and orange, as well as brown and black.


Virgos need a convenient and practical wallet that will last them for many years. A small purse of emerald, gray or turquoise color will help you attract money. Among the most suitable shades are dark blue and dark green.


Libras prefer classic wallets with compartments for bills and small change. At the same time, they more often choose unusual textures and original designs. The following colors will help representatives of this sign attract money: all shades of blue, green, gray.


Picky Scorpios prefer accessories high quality and are ready to spend accordingly. At the same time, they are closer to classics than extravagant models. Astrologers recommend a red-orange palette (especially dark red shades), gold, purple and black colors for Scorpios.


A large purse or wallet with bright multi-colored inserts will suit Sagittarians. It is advisable to choose pure blue, turquoise, bright green, blue-lilac as the main color.


Closer to Capricorns classic options a wallet with a laconic design, but always of high quality. Their main requirement for accessories is a presentable appearance. Among the preferred colors for Capricorns, it is worth highlighting brown, dark brown, black, and dark blue.


Creative Aquarians love unusual and hand made things. All shades of blue and cyan will help them attract money. It is especially worth paying attention to the shades “ultramarine” and “turquoise”. But to save your savings, it’s better to have another wallet. In this case, black or dark gray is preferred.


Pisces also love unusual piece accessories. They also have a soft spot for vintage items. The following colors will help them ensure financial stability: silver, grey, platinum grey, blue, light blue, aqua, white.

In esoteric teachings, the color of an object is a reflection of its energy component. Different teachings interpret the influence of colors differently. Now we will find out what color a wallet should be to attract money, according to the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui and Western astrology.

Feng Shui selection

It is believed that the energy that works best for a person is the one that corresponds to the element of his birth. This applies to the color of any item: a car that will prevent you from getting into an accident, or a wallet that will attract additional material wealth into your life.

Therefore, before determining what the color of the wallet should be according to Feng Shui, you need to.


This color is always considered as one of the most powerful activators of wealth. It suits people of the Fire element. Not bad for the Earth element.

However, even for those elements for whom red is suitable, it is not always worth purchasing such an accessory. The fact is that red color enhances everything: both bad and good. And if there is a person in life serious problems with money, it can intensify these problems. And finally push away material wealth.

Therefore, if you internally feel some resistance, do not purchase a red accessory. Even if you belong to the element of Fire.


This color is considered a symbol of abundance in many cultures. Not only in the teachings of Feng Shui.

Wallet blue Suitable for people of the elements of Water and Wood. Neutral for the Earth. And completely contraindicated for Fire and Metal.


Black color in Feng Shui is also associated with Water. Therefore, such accessories are again suitable for people of the Elements of Water and Wood.

They are bad for Earth, Fire and Metal.


Earth element color. Also suitable for Wood and sometimes Metal people. Under no circumstances should it be used by Water and Fire.

Beige shades are good only for the Earth.


Great choice for people of the elements of Wood and, oddly enough, Fire.

Also, green items are suitable for all those who are starting something new in their lives, for example, starting a new project, and want to receive additional monetary profit from this enterprise.


Earth element color. Suitable for Metal.

However, be careful. Money comes into yellow wallets easily. But they also leave them easily. Therefore, they should not be used by people prone to thoughtless spending.

The gold option is only suitable for people who already have good money savings and want to increase them.


Corresponds to people of the Metal element. They can also use silver and light gray accessories.

Pure whites are shown to those who are completely confused in financial problems and want to clean and update their money channels. Regardless of the element of birth.

Choice by Zodiac Signs

Astrologically, the color of the wallet is chosen according to the color of the element of one’s zodiac constellation.

Fire Element: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Red, gold, violet (purple, lilac).

Earth Element: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Brown, terracotta, green, black.

Air Element: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

All shades of blue. Light colors work especially well - color summer sky, turquoise.

Water Element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Red and blue-green shades.

It may seem strange that red is associated with Water. But that's true. It represents the power of the depths of the ocean.

Which color should you prefer: a specific one according to Feng Shui or an astrological one?

Feng Shui is believed to work more effectively.

But remember that the final choice is always yours. Be sure to listen to your inner voice. If you feel that the advice of Eastern teachings does not suit you psychologically, then it is not really true for you.

Rules of use according to Feng Shui

  1. Do not put it in your wallet under any circumstances. family photos. It will “confuse” money.
  2. Never leave it empty. There should always be a certain amount of money there, which is not intended for spending, but simply “lives” there. It will be great if you take such a “fixed ruble” from a person who is significantly wealthier than you in the financial world.
  3. Do not use an old, dirty or torn wallet. Once an item shows signs of fading, it should be replaced immediately.
  4. Buy only items made from natural materials. If you cannot afford genuine leather, it is better to buy a fabric accessory than a leather item.
  5. You can’t keep anything in your wallet that reminds you of spending. For example, receipts. Don't put credit cards in there. Since they symbolize the lack of money, and not its abundance. Also, you should not put items that have nothing to do with money, such as identification cards.
  6. Buy wallets only of a size so that bills fit in them freely, without bending.