Scenario for celebrating the New Year for adults (with jokes, games and toasts). New Year's scenarios for adults

Scenario New Year's performance with interesting competitions.

Competition program for New Year for a friendly company

The curtain opens. "Round dance". At the finale of the dance, Sergei and Galina appear in the costumes of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, the Presenter.

Sergey (Father Frost): Do you even understand what you are saying! Every day is scheduled not by the hour, but by... the minute! I don't have a second for your events!

Galya(Snow Maiden): We thought we needed to congratulate someone here, but in fact... Your proposal is simply indecent! You wasted our time!

Leading: My friends, calm down, listen to me to the end, and you will understand that the time you spend will pay off a hundredfold!

Sergei and Galya take off their suits and hang them on hangers standing on the proscenium.

Leading: Of course, you are very busy before the New Year, there are so many orders and congratulations, but how would you feel if you had assistants...

Sergey: That is?

Leading: In general, the situation is like this: we put out a call - who wants to try themselves in the role of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and... just imagine, there were those willing!

Galya: What are you saying? They don't know what they're doing...

Leading: In fact, they all take part in new program“People's Couple”, and we invited you as the main experts on this issue, as honored performers of these difficult roles. Your opinion will greatly help the artistic council choose best couple and correctly evaluate all applicants. In a word, I ask you to go into the hall and join the artistic council, which today is also far from new.

The composition of the Arts Council is announced.

Leading: We wish you to work productively. Well, the audience and fans should support the program participants as actively as possible, because you have never seen them in such a role before.

Light into the center of the auditorium, where members of the artistic council are sitting at tables. The Arts Council is, in some way, one of the actors in the program. They work as if in “online” mode. When they speak, the light turns to the center of the hall, where the scene of action temporarily moves. We will call them: Chairman, First, Second, as well as Sergei (Father Frost) and Galya (Snow Maiden).

Chairman: I think we'll start with casting. Let's look at them all at once.

First: Let everyone introduce themselves and perform something...

Galya: And I wonder what criteria they used to choose a mate? Well, why did this participant choose this particular partner for himself, and not another, and vice versa...

Leading: Let's find out from them themselves. So, attention, is everyone ready? I invite the participants of the program “People's Couple: Father Frost and Snow Maiden” to the stage and wish them the best of luck!


(Phonogram. Participants go on stage, wave to the audience and position themselves on a snow slide, which is located at the back of the stage as an element of decoration. Casting takes place in this way: each participant in turn goes to the microphone, says his name and speaks. The Arts Council comments on what is happening: thanks, invites the next one, perhaps asks some questions, but without delaying the process, there should be “live” communication, like at a real casting)

Chairman: Thank you everyone, everyone is free for now. (Participants go backstage)

Second: In my opinion, all the candidates are very interesting, what do you think?

Sergey: It may very well be... Although what we have seen is not yet an indicator. The hardest part begins when you start working in pairs. A good partner is like a real combat friend

Galya: Yeah... He'll take you out of the battlefield in time... Host: Let me interrupt you and invite the spectators and fans to try to make pairs, by the way, you can also take part in this. Moreover, the participants will need a little time to prepare for the next stage of the competition. I need 6 people. Four of you will help me complete the design of the stage, giving the proper appearance to the main symbols of our program. And two of you will play one well-known game, which is called “Make a Pair.”

The stand is lowered. The props are rolled out. Start tasks. The four are split into two pairs. At both ends of the stage they are rolled out a mannequin of a man and a woman and a basket with various clothes. Their task: to complete the scene with the figures of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, to the best of their imagination.

The remaining pair, having the numbers of the participants in hand, makes pairs of them, you can consult with the audience. Prizes for everyone's participation.

Leading: On the right are numbers from 1 to 7, which correspond to the numbers of the participants, on the left are numbers from 8 to 14, which correspond to the numbers of the participants. So, let's see how well the viewers' opinions coincide with the pairings the program participants themselves made. This is exactly what you will see now; I advise you to celebrate each coincidence with loud applause! (Addressing the artistic council) Each couple has prepared a New Year's song for your consideration. Perhaps they are destined to become real hits at the upcoming New Year's Eve parties!

Chairman: Let's see.

First: Songs are very interesting!


The Arts Council comments, but without “pulling the blanket.”

Leading: Dear artistic council! You have listened to 7 New Year's songs. You have to evaluate them.

Sergey: Songs are, of course, good... What about congratulations? So that at any time, in any place and fully armed?

Galya: You can’t even imagine the kind of requests that sometimes come in... Recently we went to the bathhouse... in fur coats, can you imagine?

Sergey: Yes, we have a list here for the next 2 days: should we read it out?

Leading(walks into the hall and takes the list from him): Excuse me! So, what do we have here? Congratulations to hens and roosters... original... Congratulations to kindergarten... well, that's understandable... Congratulations to the signs of the Zodiac... curious, congratulations to Akron employees... very relevant... Congratulations to the army... this is serious, congratulations to new Russians and amateur gardeners... Yes, a set, however... That's it, let's offer this entire list to our participants and see what comes of it!

The Arts Council agrees.


Leading: What do you say, dear members of the artistic council?

Everyone or some answer selectively. They comment and express their opinions.

Host: And I need to tell you and our dear viewers that the newly-made couples just have to prove themselves in the last test, which we called “New Year's dance floor.” Each couple prepared a dance fragment from Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, whose image they created. This dance reflects more Christmas mood participants, this is their joke, some kind of fantasy on the topic, a gift to us - the audience. However, what am I explaining - see for yourself!


Several concert numbers while the artistic council sums up the results.


Leading: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! (Next invites participants, calling them by name)

Leading(addressing the audience): Please tell me, what, in your opinion, is missing from Father Frost and the Snow Maiden to logically, so to speak, complete the New Year’s composition? (Options from the audience) That's right - Christmas trees. Let's ask Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens to get themselves a Christmas tree, at a minimum, especially since here, on stage, they are growing in suitable quantities.

Participants “collect” Christmas trees. All program participants will be given a Christmas tree, an artificial one, of course. Until this moment, the trees simply stand on the stage as stage decoration.

The Arts Council enters the stage in full force. Announcement of results. Each member of the artistic council gives a symbolic souvenir to each couple, except the winners. Says something good about every couple.

Special prize for the winning couple.

(At the appointed hour, all guests enter the hall and are seated at tables.)

PHONOGRAM No. 1 sounds - the chimes ring three times.

The presenter comes out.

HOST. Good evening, friends! Good for everyone New Year's Eve! Another year has flown by and rustled outside the windows of our house. Soon we will spend it - some with sadness, and some with relief: it was different for different people. And life goes on. This means that there will be new joys, new sorrows, everything will be in our lives. But what more is up to you and me. But in the old days there was a belief: in whatever mood you celebrate the New Year, that’s how it will be. So let him be happy for all of us! Smile more often! And then there will be goodness in your home, love will come to you and happiness will settle! Happy New Year to all of you! Let's open our hearts to the future and smile with a kind, radiant smile!

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I invite fun to our cozy hall,
And I publicly declare:
We start the ball with a toast!
Says a TOAST:

A magical holiday is on the doorstep -
With frost, Christmas tree, tinsel,
With magnificent lights
Cheerful, noisy, mischievous!
He will knock on the door today,
And the New Year will burst into the house!
Let him be a little kinder
Without unnecessary vain worries,
May he give us health,
And it will bring success in everything,
Will fill life with new breath,
Will warm you with quivering warmth!
Leave your worries behind
Resentment, pain, fatigue, sadness,
Breathe with a pure soul,
And let peace settle in your heart!

I suggest we raise our glasses and drink to everything that has been said.
For fulfilling your wishes!

PHONOGRAM No. 2 – light music.

Table break 5-7 minutes.

HOST: I was assigned to lead our evening today. I thought and thought, but I didn’t come up with anything worthwhile. Please forgive me! Just don’t tell anyone about this, otherwise I don’t know what will happen to me... Don’t be upset: we’ll dance, have fun, and go our separate ways in a good way. There is no turning back anyway. I foresaw your reaction and prudently bolted the doors. So... you'll have to be patient! Today we will have to work together - me and the sound engineer. Neither Santa Claus nor Snow Maiden will be there today. I don’t really know what will happen today. Although... Before the evening began, I was given a magic wand, although without explaining how to use it. This is the only remedy I can use. So... You need to read the instructions.
(Takes instructions out of the box and reads:

"Wand. Magical. High quality. Service life – New Year's Eve. Instructions for use: make a wish, wave your wand, say: “Magic wand, help me out, turn your word into action!”
If magical power If the wands weaken and a miracle will not happen, then choose Father Frost and the Snow Maiden through games and competitions from among those guests who will come for the evening...”

Well, shall we try? (Takes out a “magic” wand from the box and casts a spell.)
Magic wand, help me out! Turn your word into action!

(Nothing happens.)

Eh, nothing worked out. Well, oh well! I would like to remind you that very soon, when the hands of the clocks come together, and the chiming clock with the last, 12th strike will herald the coming New Year, do not forget to (bark, crow, etc.), for know that the Year has come (called year to eastern calendar). Year of people born in _____________.
I propose to refill the glasses and raise them for the outgoing year and the coming year. And also for the future heroes of the year, those who were born in the Year of _________________!

PHONOGRAM No. 3 – light music,

HOST. Now that our souls are becoming more joyful every minute, it would be useful to announce the Charter of the New Year's Eve.





Let there not be sad faces,
I invite you to the dance circle!
Let's have fun, friends!
At this wonderful New Year's hour!

While you are participating in the dance marathon, I will try to come up with something interesting.

Round up, friends! Round up, friends!
Music is calling! All friends, all girlfriends
In a noisy round dance!

PHONOGRAM No. 4 - 4-5 dance compositions.
The guests of the evening are dancing.

PHONOGRAM No. 5 – “Cancan”.
Baba Yaga flies into the hall. The music is mixed.

BABA YAGA. FAQ, darlings, weren’t you waiting? And I myself, I appeared myself. Not dusty. Cuckoo, boogers! Are you smiling at me? All-all on clean water I'll get you out! I live, it turns out, in a personal hut. And Ali Baba and the forty thieves still live with me. Forty tenants - and all robbers! First of all, Vasilisa the Beautiful... She is not Beautiful at all! She's a frog, a swamp frog! Just at night she will curl her head with curlers, wash herself with spring water, and in the morning she will be a beauty... Ugh, infection! Now, it turns out, Aladdin. His lamp is magical...

As soon as the lamp is on, the meter stands still, rooted to the spot. And the cat in boots?! Why is he wearing boots? Yes, because he drags home everything that is bad. Oh, what can I say! Ivan and Marya are kissing in the little room. Shame in broad daylight! Ali old Boyan plays the harmonica all day long. There is no peace from him. Again, the public order is being violated... And Ivanushka the Fool? He's no fool! He's on his own! I got ready to fry it, lit the stove, prepared a shovel... And he: “I don’t know how, grandma! I would show you and teach you!” Here I am, an old fool, perched on a shovel, and he, Herod, slammed me into the oven and slammed the damper. She almost gave up the ghost. I got out with grief in half, came to my senses... And he, the fool, was gone... So I’m angry with the whole world. And I’ll ruin your mood.
Evil has been doing evil for centuries,
Evil reigned over the thrones,
And where people were unlucky -
Evil triumphed there!
What fashion, what century?
The person has changed:
Neither on holidays, nor on a visit
Doesn't take anger with him.
Throw some jokes at me!
Invite us to visit immediately!
Otherwise... I'll make you so bored! (Looks closer.)
Oh, yes, you are sitting there because the lemons are sour. And this is on New Year's Eve! What's your FAQ? You can't see either Snow Maiden or Frost?
Nah... Boring! Where is the manager? There must be a microphone! And there are some pieces of paper lying around the microphone... Look, what are the FAQs written on them?
(He picks up and reads the instructions about the magic wand, which the presenter read earlier.)
Soooo... Everything is clear. You'll have to get down to business yourself!

(The presenter comes out.)

HOST. Sorry, but what about me?
BABA YAGA. What about a natural phenomenon, all dressed up?
HOST. I am the leader, only I am alone, and nothing works out for me alone...
BABA YAGA. I see, one is weak, then?
Okay, let's make some money together. Listen, I suggest this FAQ: shouldn’t we arrange a New Year’s KVN? A? Do you agree?
HOST. So we need teams...
BABA YAGA. They will! All ladies are enrolled in the “Snow Maiden” team...
HOST. Exactly! And all the men are in the “Santa Clauses” team.
BABA YAGA. We offer you games, competitions, entertainment...
HOST. And at the end of the evening, with the help of tokens that you will earn by participating in competitions, we will be able to choose Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.
BABA YAGA. Is it coming? Then…
If you don’t want to sit and be bored,
The invitation gives you all
Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful –

PHONOGRAM No. 6 – Musical intro “We are starting KVN...”

BABA YAGA. Well, the mission of the presenters and the competent jury will fall on our fragile female shoulders. Let's get acquainted - Babette Yaginichna, in person!
(to the presenter) What is your name?
HOST. My name is simply...
BABA YAGA. Just Maria?
HOST. Well, why immediately Maria? My name is __________.
BABA YAGA. So we met, here we go... Well, first of all, I propose to fill your glasses, or glasses, that is, and drink to the alternative elections! How often do you stare at me with your eyes?
HOST. (corrects Baba Yaga) Alternative!
BABA YAGA. Let it be your way. For alternative elections Father Frost and Snow Maiden!

PHONOGRAM No. 7 – Light music.
A short break at the table. 5-7 minutes.

HOST. So, we are starting our FIRST COMPETITION -
We will take turns asking questions. And you answer.
Team representatives who quickly and correctly answer receive 1 token equal to one point.

BABA YAGA. Let's go!

New Year's glorious holiday,
He won't be happy without her
And don’t be lazy, owner,
They will force you to buy it,
Otherwise, in the new year,
No one will come to visit!

Answer: vodka

Adults and children know
That sober, at a banquet,
All that remains is

He's covered in snow from head to toe,
Standing in the courtyard near the Christmas tree.
His eyes are black and black
And in the hands of a broom.

What's at the festive banquet,
Jumped, galloped,
And at the very strike of the clock,
It fell under the Christmas tree!

Father Frost

If the firecrackers clap,
The animals came to see you,
If the Christmas tree is a good gnome,
Dragged to your glorious house,
The next one is quite possible
Will be in the house...


The New Year is already coming,
All bottles are opened
Relaxing, having fun,
They clap and frolic together!
Only him, only him -
He's one in a million.
He doesn't go out that night,
And he's raking in the money.
Because it's New Year
She feeds him all year long.
Whose nose is frozen here?
This …

Grandfather Frost

In fairy tales they wrote:
“Nice, good.”
We called her -
Oh, horror! She has arrived.
Wig - two braids,
Make-up - ala vamp.
Oh, give me some water!
Not for the children, but for us!
Nightmare, what kind of fool?
So this is...

Snow Maiden

You've been choosing her for a long time,
We went and measured everything.
Brought home, untied,
They fell quietly from horror.
It also happens that she is bald.
Cover it with white cotton wool.
Hang it with a garland, balloons,
And rejoice with your friends.
It's not all about the needles, after all.
It’s important, it’s in the house...

There's only a minute left
The New Year is about to come.
We need to open it urgently
Pour into glasses.
And out of spite it stuck,
It's a real disaster here.
And they shake him and beat him,
The guests are waiting for the drink to be poured.
Shamanic dances with him,
Open for us...


Colorful rain is coming!
The guests' souls sing!
Only the owners are sad
And they stand on the sidelines -
How long will it take for them to take revenge?
Rounds -…


Finally the chimes strike!
We're launching fireworks!
The first one immediately went out,
And the second one is deaf to arson,
The third flew to the neighbors,
And the fourth - right up to the bears.
This is such a miracle - technology


The main guest is on the whole table!
He is in every Russian family!
Are you tired already, monsieur?
Relax in...

This guest is also important to everyone,
Contact with him has already been established.
Gives courage to the timid
And it gives courage to everyone.
For the New Year this is the password -
Everyone is entitled...


If you are on New Year's
They depicted an airplane
Or even a helicopter
Or just a flight.
Just about to take off,
And then forward and forward,
Didn't fit into the turn
The door hit your forehead -
Please attach urgently...

How can we not have fun?
Have fun and dance!
Smile and laugh
Pour and drink!
Everyone has a rest on New Year's Day
And they forget about tomorrow.
The potion is to blame for everything -
It hurts in the morning...


HOST. So, our first competition is completed. The team leading in it is…………………………………….
According to tradition, people celebrate the New Year with Champagne.

PHONOGRAM No. 8 – light music.
Table break – 5-7 minutes.

BABA YAGA. If you are at ease,
And they didn’t come to us for an hour,
I suggest a disco shake
Spend it here, now!
Have fun, don't sit!
Come out and dance!

PHONOGRAM No. 9 – dance break 15-20 minutes.
The guests of the evening are dancing.

BABA YAGA. Well, faq, killer whales, have you warmed up? This means we are ready for the next competition, which is called “NEW YEAR’S STOMP.”
HOST. And the task is unique - New Year's dance.
You are welcome to our hut. 3 representatives from each team.
(Team representatives leave.)
HOST. Each dance group will have time to change clothes and present for everyone the dances that are indicated on these cards.

(To the “Snow Maiden” team - “Lezginka”, to the “Santa Clauses” team - “Dance of the Little Swans”)

You can go get ready!
(Members of both teams leave to get ready.)

HOST. Meanwhile, we are announcing the next competition...

BABA YAGA. It’s called “Toastmaster, give it some heat!”, or “I WILL SAY!”
Each team needs to come up with, and then one representative from the team should say an original toast, so that it contains mystery, festive piquancy and a call to raise glasses. Are there any volunteers? And remember that you have a chance to become Father Frost or Snow Maiden.
(Those who wish come out to prepare for the toast competition.)

HOST. In the meantime, our creators will compose New Year's tirades, music will sound. And if anyone has a desire to dance or drink - please! Such an impulse of the soul is not forbidden!

PHONOGRAM No. 10 – Dance block 15-20 minutes.

Those who want to dance.

BABA YAGA. Well, now it’s time for the participants of the “New Year’s Stomper” competition to shine. The team “Santa Clauses” starts it.


Contestants of the Santa Claus team perform a dance.

HOST. Three dance teams “Snow Maiden” enter the fight.


Contestants of the Snow Maiden team perform a dance.

HOST. Bravo! You can receive well-deserved tokens, as well as transform yourself and go to the festive tables...

The contestants leave to change their clothes.

(A competition is being held. The presenter and Baba Yaga evaluate it, inviting guests to support the speakers and raise their glasses for everything they said. The winner of the competition is awarded a token.)

HOST. Young and old love games
Who isn't happy to play?
We invite you to frolic: to play, to have fun!

(The presenter and Baba Yaga lead the game block.)

The game block includes the following games:
“SYMBOL OF THE YEAR” (teams of 5 people participate)
NEEDED: 2 chairs, 2 blindfolds, 2 markers, 2 sheets of whatman paper in A3 format)
TASK: running up to a sheet of whatman paper one by one, draw in parts, as indicated by the presenters, the symbol of the year, after blindfolding the eyes.)
“WITCHFLIGHT” (2 teams with the same number of participants in each participate.)
NEEDED: 2 sets of skittles, 2 brooms.
TASK: each player on the team, taking turns sitting on a broom, must run a distance around the pins placed on the floor, and returning to the team pass the broom like a relay baton. Who is faster and better.)
“POP THE BALL” (any number of couples participate – (man + woman)
NEED TO: balloons by number of pairs.
TASK: holding the ball between your butts, dance to a fast-sounding melody, trying to burst your ball.
The winner is the pair whose ball popped last.)

BABA YAGA. It's time for everyone to have a drink,
To KVN participants - “Hurray!”
So that you have complete happiness -
Drain the glasses to the bottom!
I propose a toast to the excitement of the KVN GAME!

PHONOGRAM No. 13. – Light music.

A short break at the table.

HOST. We, friends, are having fun these days.
We are waiting for you to join the circle soon - go dance!

PHONOGRAM No. 14 – Dance block 25 minutes.

BABA YAGA. Hey people, welcome! Russian entertainers nicknamed peddlers!

HOST. To make the holiday even more fun -
The New Year's lottery begins.
Hurry up! Hurry up to play the lottery,
Because you can win happiness in the lottery!

(The New Year's Lottery begins. See Appendix.)

BABA YAGA. New Year's KVN continues,
A new competition for teams is announced!
And the competition is not simple – it’s song-filled and mischievous! "LET'S VOTE ON
HOST. Now let each team nominate its delegates to participate in it.
BABA YAGA. 3 people from each team.

(Candidates come forward.)

Go with just Maria, that is, just ____________, she will explain everything to you.
(They leave the hall.)
Oh, I’ll tell you a secret: what’s in store for you! But this is a secret behind seven seals. And so that I don’t spill the beans, I’ll tell you what awaits you in the very near future.
“Gypsy Girl” is waiting for you all, -
Dance from the heart!
Leave the table
Let's dance faster!
I am announcing a competition for the best performance of “Gypsy”. Don't forget that the winners will receive tokens and the prospect of the titles of Father Frost and Snow Maiden!
Everyone dances!

PHONOGRAM No. 15 – “Gypsy girl”.

Those who wish take part in a competition for the best gypsy dance. The winners are awarded tokens.

BABA YAGA. Feet-nuts, Christmas trees-sticks,
A fortune teller appears in the hall!
She will tell everything about everyone,
He will predict the fate of many.

PHONOGRAM No. 16 – “Fashion changes daily...”. The soundtrack is mixed.

A fortune teller appears in the hall. There is a comic fortune telling going on.

BABA YAGA. Chavoy, I wanted to please my ears with a good song. Fathers, I forgot about the contestants! But they announced the competition “Let’s vote in every possible way!”
I’ll tell you my secret: we’ve come to your party...
In general, listen to my riddles. And they contain New Year's wishes from famous people.

We wish you great happiness
Presenter GALKIN and singer PUGACHEVA!

PHONOGRAM No. 17 – The song “This is Love” performed by M. Galkin and Al. Pugacheva.

A parody number is performed.

Bright flowers, like mimosa in spring
They wish Serduchka, and, of course, GluckOZA!

PHONOGRAM No. 18 – The song “I wanted a groom” performed by Verka Serduchka and GlyukoZa.

A parody number is performed.

Live in the New Year without insults and strife
They want Rasputin and Phil Kirkorov.

PHONOGRAM No. 19 – Song “Tea Rose” performed by M. Rasputina and F. Kirkorov.

A parody number is performed.

HOST. I suggest you fill your glasses and drink so that pop stars will be with the people more often, delight us with their art, and their wishes today will certainly come true in the New Year.
PHONOGRAM No. 20 – Light music. 3 minutes.

A short break at the table

BABA YAGA. We have fun, laugh, relax,
We entertain guests with jokes.
And now we invite you with a smile
Get to the disco soon!

PHONOGRAM No. 21 – Dance break 20 minutes.

HOST. After the dance there is a blush on the cheeks,
The dance warmed you up and excited you.
It's not time to rest yet:
Waiting for the dance, of course, is a game!



HOST. Dear friends! Time is so fleeting... Now the hands of the clock are inexorably striving to come together, heralding the onset of the New, ____ year. Let's fill the glasses with Champagne.

PHONOGRAM No. 22 – “Song about five minutes”

EXACTLY AT 24-00 PHONOGRAM No. 23 “CHIME FIGHT” SOUNDS. The soundtrack is slightly mixed so that the text can be heard.

HOST. The chimes are striking. Moments
They measure their run.
Like notches in time
A year adds up to a century.
So a runner in a relay race
Tremblingly awaiting his turn.
This is how time is divided:
Summer heat, winter ice.
The chimes strike and the stars
Wisdom whispers from heaven:
The earthly step is short,
The earthly trace is forever.
The chimes strike, piercing
The sound of the air of the country.
We wish for earthly blessings
All friends and family!
So that time flies
Fast, like in a turn,
To make the song ring
In every good soul!

HOST. Now we will part with you exactly on……
and we’ll meet here at …….. o’clock, ……. Minutes to hold alternative elections for Father Frost and Snow Maiden and continue the New Year's fun.

(Guests can go outside, set off fireworks, those who wish can dance, chat with friends, congratulate them on the New Year, perhaps someone will want to watch the New Year’s address to the citizens of Russia from the President of Russia on TV.
Once again, the guests of the holiday gather in the hall at the time agreed by the presenters.)

HOST. Attention! Attention! Don't miss it! Coming important point– elections of Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Let's calculate who was able to earn how many tokens, and which team can be called the winner. Although this is not the main thing tonight. The main thing is that you are in a good New Year's mood.
So, the honorary Father Frost is recognized... Applause!
And his charming companion, Snegurochka, is recognized...
We ask you to dress appropriately and be prepared
make a toast and organize a round dance near the beautiful Christmas tree.

(The chosen ones for the role of Father Frost and Snow Maiden leave to change clothes.)
BABA YAGA. Well, faq, killer whales, was it fun? That's it... It's time for me to celebrate the New Year in my hut. Even though I sometimes grumble about my robbers, my guests are tired of waiting for me.
Happy New Year everyone! Bye bye, darlings!

(Baba Yaga “flies away” from the hall.)

HOST. Friends! On this wonderful evening I want to make one more toast. I ask you to raise your glasses to tomorrow's economic paradise, in spite of today's price hell, to the future genius of your children, to your beloved wives, in spite of television beauty contests, to your husbands. Despite the fact that they are not very similar to Schwarzenegger and Alain Delon. Despite adversity, despite worries - smile! Not to survive, but to live! Just live! Just believe! Just love!

(The guests drink to the proposed toast.)

HOST. The snow is spinning, the snow is flying, a light breeze is blowing,
It’s already 12 o’clock on the planet, it’s New Year.
Happy New Year! Happy New Happiness!
May it make you dizzy today
This one is kind, this one is gentle
New Year's Snow Waltz!

PHONOGRAM No. 24 _ — “Waltz” by G. Sviridov
Those who want to dance.

HOST. Here Yaga taught me little wisdom. I'll try.

Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather,
Three on the side, none of yours.
Ace of diamonds, pine coffin,
Grandfather show up with your granddaughter!

(Waves his magic wand).

Magic wand, help us: turn words into deeds!

PHONOGRAM No. 25 – Exit of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall and pronounce the text of congratulations (pre-prepared and beautifully decorated scrolls).

Through storms, blizzards and blizzards
My granddaughter and I flew to the holiday,
So that the paths in the world are brighter,
So that everyone finds what they would like to find.

New meetings are already on the doorstep,
New adventures await you,
Joy, peace, prosperity, health,
We wish you all the best in the New Year!
May life always be happy,
You decorate her with smiles...

Let the familiar words ring out:


HOST. Have fun, honest people,
Sadness - well, not a little bit!
Let's start a round dance
“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”!

PHONOGRAM No. 26 – Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

All participants in the evening dance around the Christmas tree.

FATHER FROST. It's a pity, but it's time for us to say goodbye...
SNOW MAIDEN. We are leaving to meet again.
HOST. Let's finally raise our glasses
For hope, faith, love!

We say goodbye to you, and our evening continues with the rhythms of the New Year's disco!

(The presenter, Santa Claus, and Snow Maiden leave. The disco continues until the end of the evening.)

→ New Year>" url="">

17.02.2019 | Looked at the script 22 person

The grandmothers enter and immediately go to the tree.
Matryona in the Snowflake costume, Flower - Squirrel.

Matryona: Well, you see, Little Flower, the tree is real, and you were deceived, deceived...
Flower: Yeah!.. She’s just like in childhood, wow! That's all I...

Scenario for New Year's corporate party for presenters

14.11.2018 | Looked at the script 14603 person

Well, all the guests are at the table!
New Year is like a snowball!
It grows every moment!
Brings us joy and happiness!
So let's congratulate each other!
Have a nice time everyone!

Eat and drink, gentlemen!
Years are not a problem!
There is no reason for...

Cool entertainment for the New Year “Well, you give it!”

13.11.2018 | Looked at the script 115598 Human

Phrases of the participating heroes:
New Year - Come on!
Santa Claus - Why don't you drink?
Snow Maiden - Both-on!
Old ladies - Wow!
Leshy - Well, good luck!
Waitress - Where are the empty plates?
Guests - Happy New Year!

On the eve of the New Year...

Scenario for the New Year's holiday for adults “Two boots - a pair”

12.11.2018 | Looked at the script 21971 Human

From behind the scenes the song “I got drunk and drunk” is heard. Baba Yaga and Kashchei are hiding behind the Christmas tree. Staggering, the shabby Snow Maiden enters without a belt, wearing only a mitten. He looks around at the guests and exclaims joyfully:

SNOW MAID: Oops! How many men are there! ...

Comic horoscope for women for the New Year

12.11.2018 | Looked at the script 14556 Human

Ladies who are CAPRICORN, don't be too strict!
You can drink - but not much!

I dare to assure you of this - love will overtake AQUARIUS!

For FISHES I will give the following forecast: Bouquets of scarlet roses await you!

For ARIES I will say in verse: there will be no problems with...

New Year celebration scenario for adults

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 20485 Human

The Snow Maiden enters after the presenter’s introduction:
We have opened the doors to our beautiful hall,
And everyone saw the forest guest!
Tall, beautiful, green, slender,
It glows with different lights!
Isn't she a beauty?
Do we all like the Christmas tree?

There are quite a few...

New Year's skit for adults “Snowman”

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 15680 Human

I'm a very strange snowman
I had a freak out!
I slipped on the ice
And I forgot where I was going.

I've been on the road for 7 days already,
My legs rolled away.
Only one carrot sticks out,
The nobles stuck it in cleverly!

This head injury
I ruined everything, alas!
I woke up on...

New Year's musical script for adults for the year of the pig

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 22519 Human

KHRUMEO AND KHRULIETTA. New Year's OORK-OPERA for the year of the pig.

A funny “pig” parody musical performance in verse. New Year's parody of the classics, dedicated to the Year of the Pig and Boar.

OVCHITA (with indignation):
What are you talking about?! Senora...

A scene from a New Year's fairy tale for adults

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 13332 person

Music. MARIA SERGEEVNA, aka the Hostess, appears on the club stage
New Year's ball.

MARIA SERGEEVNA. Dear friends! It's time to call Santa Claus and his granddaughter. Let's get three or four together! Grandfather Frost!.. Once again! Grandfather Frost!..

On stage...

Scene. New Year's fairy tale for adults. Koschey and his wife.

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 11911 Human

Baba Yaga:
How are you doing, Koscheyushka?
I haven't seen you for a long time.
You chavoy are out of your mind
There's a pimple on my lip.
Oh, you'll waste your health
On the family path.

Try hare droppings
He is vigorous, he will get through,
He is much more powerful than honey,
Although it doesn't taste like honey.

We bring to your attention a couple of scenario options for the New Year 2018, which are suitable for adult parties. It is quite possible to do without professional showmen and artists, on our own organize a New Year's corporate party, the idea is traditional - the eastern horoscope.

This New Year's scenario meets all the requirements:

  • contains colorful characters;
  • texts on roles in verses;
  • jokes for adults;
  • competitions for adults;
  • games for adults;
  • humor 18+.

For the Year of the Dog, you can supplement this scenario with original thematic competitions, for example: “Find the Pedi Gris.” The point of the competition is that which of the participants will find a bowl of dry dog ​​food faster, but blindfolded.

So let's begin...

The hall is dark. Mysterious, fairy-tale music sounds.
Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall. With a candle in hand, they tiptoe into the center of the hall

Father Frost:

Don't squeak your boots
What if someone hears...
At least I would lubricate my joints
And in general, be more modest

Snow Maiden:

You yourself grumble quietly
Close your mitten
Flu is sweeping the planet
They say he's a pig
By the way, the style is a bummer
One of the main symptoms.

Father Frost:

You idiot, shut up
There is no need to teach me!
I'm a young man
Even with a white beard
Well, I couldn’t sell the snow!
I'm a human too!

Snow Maiden:

You are a sales representative!
Our company has a long history.
All hope is in you
And you don't steer a damn thing!

Father Frost:

Don't talk, get down to business
Yes, untie the bag.
Get the money quickly
Money loves counting these days!

Snow Maiden:

One thousand, two, four, five
Oh, don't share again
I'm four and you
I’ll give you a thousand...
Why are you rolling your eyes?
Don't you trust me?

Father Frost:

I might trust
Only he attacked the wrong one.
She stuffed the papers
I hid it - anywhere!
Will you say that you dreamed again?
The money seemed to have disappeared!
Not Snow Maiden! Shame and disgrace!
Even the underpants have a pocket!

Snow Maiden:

What do you care?
Sew a pocket under your beard!
You can even under a robe...
And in general, don’t sit there!
By the way, you
There are so many secret places!
This is for me with my outfit
You have to be sophisticated somehow.
If I had money, I’ll hide it all!
So that no one will find it!

Father Frost:

Well, you've become greedy...
So that you... be bewitched!
What's that noise?.. I don't understand?
Who's here? (candles go out, lights come on)

In chorus:

My mom!

Snow Maiden:

Why are you standing there with your mouth open?
Smile, people are here!

Father Frost:

We're in trouble
Let's start as soon as possible!
I forgot everything in my fright...
Where the hell is my apokhmelin?

Snow Maiden:

You are such a fool
At banquets or what?
The fool doesn't remember words like that
And he also decided to work!

Father Frost:

Here! Found it!

Snow Maiden:

Go ahead!!!

Father Frost:

Hello honest people!

Snow Maiden:

(in a beautiful intonation)
Through storms and blizzards
We barely got to you...

Father Frost:

(grumbles) Neither ate nor drank
Only the bubble was persuaded

Snow Maiden:

It took a long time to get to you, we were in a hurry

Father Frost:

They didn’t even get hung up...

Snow Maiden:

Through the forest, eight blocks!!!

Father Frost:

I almost threw off my hooves...

Snow Maiden:

Don't let yourself go limp
Follow the plan grandpa
You and I, my dear
You can't go home without money
You don't have a lot in your bag
Earn cabbage!!!

Father Frost:

The tables are laden with food.
It costs thousands!

Snow Maiden:

Yes! The table is full of snacks

Father Frost:

Pass the pickle

Snow Maiden:

And pass the plate
What are you looking at?

Father Frost:

Pour it up!
Today we are “For” fun
“For” a slightly intoxicating potion,
Here's to a happy new year,
May he bring happiness!

Snow Maiden:

Stop! Don't give him a drink!
Five orders ahead!
By the way, how much will they pay us?
We need to show the prices.

Father Frost:

Dear guests, dear
Jokes are expensive these days
One song, two games
Prices are lower than in Moscow
Calling Santa Claus
Cost you eight thousand.
Well, together with the Snow Maiden -
Of course it's already ten

Snow Maiden:

Photo with Frost
Together with the Christmas tree - we ask for three hundred!
Without Frost and without Christmas tree
It'll cost you five!

Father Frost:

Sale!!! Hurry!!!
Get our main prize!!!
When ordering a round dance
Discounts for all people!

Snow Maiden:

Clean white snowball
Dip into it my friend!
Sit in a snowdrift with a friend
Maybe for half a piece.

Father Frost:

Slow with the Snow Maiden
That friend over there ordered it!
You can take me home
But here, friends, is an auction!

Snow Maiden:

We offer exclusive!!!
Erotic motive
Hold grandfather's staff
Worth exactly three lunches

Father Frost:

And hold on to the braid
You can also have sausage!

Snow Maiden:

And how much does the sausage cost?

Father Frost:

Two hundred forty-three rubles!

Snow Maiden:

Yes, my stockings are more expensive!
Manicures are more expensive too
What about the wig? What about boots?
Look at the suit!

Cosmetologist, dermatologist
Ophthalmologist, venereologist - oh!
Yes, you have a beard
Also very expensive

Where did you get these prices?
We are in the Capital, not in the village!
If you count everything here
That's about twenty-five thousand!

We won't justify anything
We'll just waste time!

Father Frost:

Wait, don't get angry,
Calm down, look around
Look at the people, what -
Very expensive
Do you remember the diagram?

Snow Maiden:

Ha! Otherwise!
It's been done for a long time!

Father Frost:

Get your wallets out!
There's no room for sadness here
For the sake of the holiday, friends
We can’t spare money!

Snow Maiden:

Here's a magic chest!
Hold him buddy
Yes, hold it, don’t grab it!!!
Hold it - give it to someone else!

Put a coin here
And you will receive candy
DM. Where are you looking impudently!
No candy for you!

I'm looking at you diamonds
Emeralds and agates...
To avoid losing them, you need to insure them!
Share a ruble with your loved one
I'll pass it on to the insurer.

Father Frost:

Well, why are you sitting?
Don't you want happiness?
Happiness is not enough, there is not enough for everyone
You'll get a ride for a fiver

Snow Maiden:

Well, what about you my dear friend
Are you bored without your friends?
Give me a coin here
And look, there is no end!

(Snow Maiden sits on his lap)

Father Frost:

Modest, quiet, but where are your hands?
Obviously not on the head!

Snow Maiden:

Playful little hands
The girls will stick to you!

Father Frost:

So let's get it
Rubles from my pockets,
We'll give you many years to come!

Snow Maiden:

Let all your troubles turn to ash,
And your budget will improve!

Father Frost:

Be generous, don't be a semaphore
And it will pay off with interest

Snow Maiden:

I gave up a little, so what -
What goes around comes around!

Father Frost:

Where are the authorities?

Snow Maiden:

Oh, here it is
There is nothing cuter than anything.
For the company to prosper
Whatever the crisis, I didn’t know

Father Frost:

May the season be successful
Debit and credit are combined

Snow Maiden:

So that the tax service
Walked around the office together

Father Frost:

So that always and everywhere
You were on top!

Snow Maiden:

Count and write down.
Put it in your right felt boot!

Father Frost:

Stop! The banquet was paid for!
How we forgot!
I wrote it down in my notebook
How could there not be a scandal...
We need to return the money.

Snow Maiden:

Should I give it to the director?

Father Frost:

Here's your down payment on a yacht!

Snow Maiden:

Don't forget to ride!
How much effort and everything is not for me...
I'll call you in February!

Father Frost:

Enough! I have the money.
Work it out, dear!
Let's start writing the script
Not the same as it was in the beginning!

Entertainment and feasts for the New Year 2018, like money, there is never too much. A holiday with family, get-togethers with friends, outings and, of course, a New Year's corporate party 2018. It is advisable to choose a cool scenario, with comic numbers, raffles, funny competitions and funny prizes, so that the team can celebrate the New Year in a warm, friendly atmosphere.

Cool scenario "Corporate casting"

Presenter: "Good evening, dear colleagues! Make yourself comfortable, we are starting..."
At this time, an elegant man enters the door, wearing a brown suit, a yellow shirt, a yellow bow tie or a brown scarf. And with a quick step he goes to the leader.

Guest: “Just a minute, gentlemen! Please excuse me, I’m a little late due to traffic jams.”

Presenter (looks at him in bewilderment): “And who are you, exactly?”

Guest (in a loud whisper): “You ordered an oriental symbol for the New Year, to congratulate the team? Receive and sign.” He takes the invoice out of his pocket and hands the document to the girl.

Presenter (looking the stranger up and down): "Yes, but we thought that..."

Guest: "He'll come running real dog, with a wagging tail, yellow fur, a devoted look, and will read out a solemn speech to you, I beg your pardon, bark. Dogs, you know, are not parrots, they don’t know how to talk. Well, just like children, honestly!” Addressing those present: “Allow me to introduce myself, Ground Dog of the highest category, Chongqing, if in Chinese. I ask you to love and favor.”

Guest (host): “Let's continue the New Year's corporate party 2018, the script is cool, my performance, when does it include? Let me do my work right now and congratulate the audience!”

Presenter: “Well, we just got ready, we never raised our glasses, we didn’t have time to try the salads. We have a long New Year's corporate party, the program is extensive. Wait, I’ll see when you’re leaving.”

Guest (hugging his partner by the shoulders) : “Beautiful, sweet, good, I don’t have time to drink or have a snack, I have a busy schedule, until mid-January there is a continuous New Year’s corporate party, where can I sit here. I sleep 4 hours a day and dream..."

Presenter: “About what, if not a secret?”

Guest: “Find a smart assistant or a pretty, efficient assistant. Together we would be on time everywhere and wouldn’t miss a single New Year’s corporate event from the list. Idea! Let's arrange a casting, like in movies or television. I see there are many suitable candidates in the room. Well, how? Do you agree? Don’t be shy, it will be interesting.”

Presenter: “It’s a tempting offer. How will the tests be conducted?

Guest: “In the form of simple competitions. And so, the first test. The dog is known to bark loudly. Vocal abilities are not particularly important for her, the main thing is the strength of her voice, volume. We stand up, straighten our shoulders, tuck our bellies, stretch our necks. I say the initial lines of the chant, and you say the last phrase in chorus. Each participant tries to drown out their opponents. Let's go!

Glorious New Year holiday,
People are having a blast.
We are seeing off the rooster,
We are celebrating the Year of the Dog (together)

Who is standing behind the door there?
According to Chinese belief,
Zodiac signs circle.
A dog came to visit us!

Our team, no matter where,
We are always there for each other!
And together with the authorities
Let's meet the earth dog!

Screamed from the heart
Look at your neighbor.
Smile - right across your face!
Let's meet a yellow dog!

I will award victory to him,
Who will shout “woof” to the whole country
And a sweet prize for him too.
Glory to the Earth Dog!

Presenter: “It’s time to wet our necks! Fill your glasses! Gentlemen, court the ladies. (Turning to the guest) The dog is so gallant.”

Guest (showing off): “The next competition is announced, for men. Within 3 minutes they must collect as many kisses as possible. Calculation is based on lipstick prints on a napkin. Is everyone ready? Ready, attention, march! (Verka Serduchka's theme song plays).

Presenter: “I decided that all participants, without exception, deserve incentive prizes (chocolate dogs or something similar). And the main award, the souvenir symbol of the year, will go to the most charming and attractive. Accounting department, announce the results!”

Guest: “And in the New Year’s corporate event, the program and I included another competition, a very demonstrative one, for quick wits. I need a savvy partner. As they say, one head is good, but two are better. Let's see which of you can guess the tricky riddles.

She herself is sonorous, her waist is thin,
The chest is wide,
And the bottom is thin. (Glass)

Hey, who knows, people?
Snow woman, where will she come from? (Zimbabwe).

Almost 40 million people do this at night. (“Sitting” on the Internet).

Big, red, with a mustache and hares. What is this? (Trolleybus).

What's on the lady's body?
Does the sly one have something on his mind?
Seen in hockey
And on the chessboard. (Combination)

Guest (with admiration): “You guys surprised me, you are crazy. I admit, this was my first time attending a New Year’s corporate party where, despite how much they drank, people thought so clearly. Okay, your brains have warmed up, now you can show yourself. Test No. 1, balance."
Participants are asked to stand on one leg. The one who manages to hold out longer than the rest wins.

Guest: “Well done! They completed the task perfectly, I present the winner with a gift personally (a lollipop in the shape of a dog or a lollipop). Test No. 2, agility."
IN plastic cups, glassware will not fit, it may break, champagne or other drink is being poured. You need to drink it without using your hands; they are hidden behind your back.

Presenter: “Perhaps the time has come to decide who is suitable for your partner.”

Guest: “What a wonderful New Year’s corporate party 2018 turned out to be, the script is cool, the menu is excellent, the people are open and sincere. It's hard to single out anyone. And today in the hall there are those who were born in the Year of the Dog. Here they are, ours won! The stars favor them. The horoscope also did not deprive other signs of attention, but they cannot compare with smart, beautiful Dogs.”

Presenter: “Applause to the lucky ones, prizes to the studio! Hooray! The party continues, toasts, wishes, dancing until you drop, singing until the morning.”

Good evening, dear guests! We are glad to meet you again in our hall. We see you once a year, but we remember you 365 days a year. A year ago, you and I celebrated the Year of the Horse. And now we will see him off. Yes, everyone was tired, this year was not very kind to us, but we worked, worked and worked again. But so that this noble animal does not take offense at us, let’s leave all insults and sorrows in the past, and remember only the good. This year has rushed by quickly, like a racehorse of pure blood. Let's try to say only good things about the past year on a competitive basis. Are you ready?

1. Who will remember a poem about a horse or lines about it? (“I love my horse...”, “I look, the horse is slowly climbing up the hill...”, “Do you know, isn’t it time for the filly to go sledding...”).
2. Do you know fairy tales about horses? (“Sivka the Burka”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”).
3. Of all the genres, let’s remember songs. (“And three white horses, December, January and February, carry me into the ringing snowy distance...”, “Just whistle in the open field, horses, horses, horses are racing,” “Bought
Konik’s mother, and Konik has no leg”, “On the Berlin pavement the horses walked to a watering place”).
3. We completely forgot about folk wisdom- proverbs and sayings. (A woman with a cart is easier for a mare. Those who are lucky, ride on them. It’s not food for a horse. A wolf is not a horse’s friend).
4. And now we will find out which of you is the best expert on horse breeds. List the breeds of horses. (Heavy truck, Budenovskaya, Donskaya, Terek, Polish, English, Oryol, Percheronskaya, American, Russian).
I think that the Year of the Horse is not offended by us for such knowledge.

The presenter places three chairs with backs in a row.

Leading. I need three brave, dashing men, three brave Cossacks. I think the steppe knights have not disappeared on the Don.

The presenter seats the men on chairs.

Leading. How is your imagination? In order? Wonderful! Turn the chairs back to front and sit as if on a horse. No. 1 - yours is bay. No. 2 - black. No. 3 - brown. What do you need to say to make the horse go?
(But). How about making the horse stop? (Whoa). Well, then - let's go. Who can ride his horse to the opposite edge faster? (The winners of all competitions are awarded).

Leading. It's time to say goodbye to the Old Year. Toast!
Let's raise our glasses
Here's to the passing year, friends!
Let us raise our eyes, noble couples,
Giving each other smiles.

Leading (in 10 minutes).

For some reason Santa Claus is delayed. Let's call him, shout together: “Grandfather Frost!”
Name: A little puny Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost. Here I am!
Hello friends!
Did you happen to see
Where is my Snow Maiden?

Leading. No, Grandfather Frost. Weren't you two together?

Father Frost. What, what are you saying?
I have become old, hard of hearing,
Where is my Snow Maiden?
Help me friends.
Shout out in unison,
Perhaps she will appear.

Everyone shouts:"Snow Maiden!" The Snow Maiden comes in tall and in a short fur coat, from under which the elastic bands of the stockings are visible. There is a cigarette in his teeth. He approaches Santa Claus and blows smoke at him.

Snow Maiden. Hello old man! Where are we going?

Father Frost(waves away the smoke).
Where are we going?

Snow Maiden. What are you, a parrot?

Father Frost. No, Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden. I don't care who you are. So to you or to me? Think faster, time is money!
(Points to the clock).

Father Frost. Let's go see the guests.

Snow Maiden. Do you know the price?
Father Frost (taken aback).

Snow Maiden. With me this much (lowers the elastic band of a stocking, on the leg there is an inscription of $500), and with guests or in front of guests this much (lowers the elastic band of another stocking, on the other leg there is an inscription $1000).

Father Frost (scratching the back of his head).
What company pays that much?

Snow Maiden."Winter prostitute."

Father Frost (crosses himself).
Holy, holy.

Snow Maiden. So shall we go?

Father Frost. Listen, Snow Maiden, won’t you get me a job in your company? But these people (nods at the guests) pay 300 rubles per hour.

Snow Maiden. And you work for this money?

Father Frost. So will you help?

Snow Maiden. What can you not do for a relative? We have a place in male striptease freed. For the New Year they are wearing a Santa Claus outfit. You're painfully puny. (Walks around Santa Claus). Okay, let's try it.

Father Frost. What should you do?

Snow Maiden. Wow, did you see the shot? Undress slowly to the music. The slower and sexier, the more money the chicks put in their swimming trunks.

Father Frost. Why do chicks need swimming trunks, honey?

Snow Maiden. Are you brain-frozen or what? They will put money in your swimming trunks for work. Maestro, music! Come on, dance and take off your clothes.
Santa Claus dances and takes off his belt and robe (under the robe there is a T-shirt, tie, felt boots, socks, family panties). Music of the group "Freestyle" - "Oh, what a woman."

Snow Maiden(gives instructions).
Slow down! Focus on male power! Movements are sexier. Santa Claus has only his underwear left. He takes hold of the elastic band of his panties, pulls them back, shyly, and slowly begins to lower his panties down, takes them off and throws them away. Underneath are just more panties. (The more panties, the more interesting).

Snow Maiden. Wow, here you go! Very sexy! Let's go, I'll get you settled in now. (Santa Claus packs his things and leaves).

Leading. That's how Grandfather Frost is! What to do? We'll have to call someone else. Competition. (Makes an order on his cell phone.) While Grandfather Frost is traveling, your children want to congratulate you. What are you saying? Do your kids celebrate New Year in restaurants and bars? But these children are small - your illegitimate ones, who were born after celebrating that New Year with us.
Adults come in dressed as children. The teacher carries a potty ahead. He lines up the children. One “girl” comes up to the table and asks the sitting man for candy.

Girl. Daddy, give me some candy!

Educator. Mashenka, first we’ll sing a song, then daddy will give you some candy! (The girl sits on her knees and kisses him on the cheek, then stands back.)

Boy(to the teacher).
Olga Pavlovna, I want to go potty.

Educator. Go faster, Petya!

Boy. I was joking!

Educator. That’s what dad joked a year ago. In the end, you showed up.

Educator. Dear daddies of these children! The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is performed for you.
They sing, someone picks their nose, someone pushes or pulls their hair. After singing the song, the “children” run to different men shouting “dad”, “daddy”, “daddy”.

Educator. Children, it's time to join the group. Your daddies will come to us in a year, and you will have brothers and sisters after this New Year. We won't be bored. Your daddies will provide us with personnel. (They leave).

Leading.On New Year's Eve, all sorts of miracles happen. I am happy for you, dear men. What a joy it is to find your children, whose existence you didn’t even know. Now the gypsy theater “Carmen” will perform in front of you. The gypsy song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is performed.

Gypsies come out, in long skirts, scarves on their hips, tambourines in their hands, and sing to the melody of “Black Eyes.”

Oh, in the forest, no, no,
The Christmas tree gave birth,
And on it, no, no,
One needle, no, no,
Oh, in the forest, no, no,
She gave birth,
Yes she is worth it
All green.

Elements of gypsy dance are danced.

Leading. Dear guests! The “Twice Red Banner Military Ensemble named after Alexandrov” came to our city on tour. Their first performance in our city is in front of you.

The same group comes out. The skirts are squeezed between the legs and pinned at the waist - imitation of trousers, and there are caps on the head. They approach the tree in formation.

Commander. Company! Stand still, one, two! Be equal! Attention! The soldier's song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is performed.
To the tune of the song "Soldiers, let's go."
Hello, dear Marusya,
Sorry I didn't write.
In these two weeks I
Walked half of Europe.
Soldiers, let's go, let's go, let's go!
A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
There is one needle on it.
She grew up in the forest
It was green.
Soldiers - into the forest behind the Christmas tree
And behind her needle.
Goodbye, the trumpet is calling.
Soldiers, march!
They leave, forming a formation under the command of the commander: “Soldiers, go ahead behind the tree!”

Leading. New Year is at the gates. It's time to call Santa Claus. (Name). Let's call the Snow Maiden right away, otherwise something might not happen again. (Name).

The new “normal” Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter.

Father Frost. I am very glad that in this hall
They finally recognized Moroz.
They didn’t forget to invite you to the party
And they decorated the miracle Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden. Yes, the tree is wonderfully decorated,
Very elegant and beautiful.

Father Frost. But I see something wrong with her. Let's say together: “One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!”
They light up the Christmas tree.

Leading. Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden, your journey was not close. Relax a little, watch the performance of our guests from the academic Bolshoi Theater. (Seats them down.) A pas de deux from the ballet “Swan Lake” is being performed - the dance of little swans with black legs.
Coming out fat women in black tights, tutus and dance a fragment of the dance, then lie down on the floor and “die”. Then they raise their heads and say in unison through the “window” from their hands: “Happy New Year!” - they run away.

Father Frost. I saw just a miracle
I will never forget you.
You danced beautifully
They just didn’t read poetry to me.
A competition of poems about the Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, and the New Year is announced. For a poem - candy. Round dance at the Christmas tree with Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden. The guests sang, danced and recited poetry, and it was time to hand out gifts.

Father Frost. That's right, granddaughter, I'll go call the magic bag.
Well, the bag is not in a hurry to come to us,
Maybe he's sleeping under the tree?
I'd better go get him myself
If he's sleeping, I'll wake you up.
Leaves. A bag appears. The legs are inserted into the slots, the head looks out. The bag is tied up to the person's neck.

Bag. I'm really tired of waiting for you,
So I went and took a walk.
You tell me, friends,
Maybe I'm not needed?
Snow Maiden.
We've been waiting for you all holiday,
And now they just called.
You didn’t come to our call,
Frost followed you.
I'll put you here
And I'll go get my grandfather.
Leaves. Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga. A! The bag is already here.

Bag. You can't handle the bag
Santa Claus conjured
So that no one takes me.

Baba Yaga. Don't contradict me, you impudent one!

Bag. Well, then I ran!

Baba Yaga. Stop! Where! Stop!

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost. Oh, you are an old villain, why did you come here?

Baba Yaga (pulls out a mirror and looks into it).
And not at all old. I just had a facelift for the holiday, shortened my nose, whitened my teeth. (Approaches the sitting man, preens himself and asks flirtatiously). How do I look, honey? Just tell me it’s bad, my teeth are sharp, my nails are long. (Does not pay attention to Santa Claus, approaches the Christmas tree.)
Oh, where did I end up?
What is this wonderful room here?
And people are sitting around,
Yes, he looks at the tree.

Father Frost. What kind of miracle is this? And where did it come from?

Baba Yaga. You yourself are a miracle! I'm a beauty!
Why don't you like my look?
You, dear grandpa,
It would be better if you danced with me.
Dancing "Lady" with Santa Claus. Baba Yaga can't stand it and runs away.

Father Frost. Evil is done away with
It's time to give out gifts. (Give out).

Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost! Will we hold an auction?

Father Frost. Of course, Snow Maiden! I grabbed the second bag.

Santa Claus pulls a thing out of the bag without showing it, the Snow Maiden describes this thing, calls it
the original price, in consultation with Santa Claus.

Auction items:
Erotic aphrodisiac. (Pushpin).
Two-room apartment for a single man. (Family panties).
Two-chamber refrigerator for storing milk. (Brassiere).
Dishwasher. (Mesh for washing dishes).
Vacuum cleaner "Typhoon". (Broom).
Mercedes car. (Children's car).
Cream for agent 007, going on a mission to Africa. (Shoe cream).
An object that makes you want something when you see it. (Beanbag).
Summer version of Reebok sneakers. (Traces).
Cotton garbage bin. (Handkerchief).
Soap "Fool". (Laundry soap).
Hair lightening product. (White).
Hairdryer "Roventa". (Comb).
Food processor. (Knife).

Father Frost. The time has come to say goodbye to us.

Snow Maiden. Health, joy and happiness
We wish you a New Year,
So that no anxiety, no misfortune
There was no guard at the gate.
So that the sun shines tenderly,
Everything that the heart expects came true.
And just to make it gratifying
All your life, like on New Year's Day.

Father Frost. We'll say goodbye to each other
And again we will be separated for a whole year.
And in a year the blizzard will howl again
And Santa Claus will come in winter.

Snow Maiden. Just don't forget us at all,
You wait for us, grandpa and I will come.
And welcome us again with songs and dances,
And we to you best gifts We'll bring it.
They leave.

Leading. Have a nice trip! And we have another guest. Celebrate the New Year's animal.
The "sheep" enters.

Sheep. Happy New Year to everyone! I want to make you happy. This New Year will be successful for everyone. I will introduce you to this year's forecast. This forecast is musical. For good luck to be with you, each sign needs to sing its own song. (The horoscope is read out).

This year will be successful for all people who have the characteristics of this animal in their character, they are:
Your character traits that others don't like will bring you confidence and happiness in the New Year.

They will be extremely busy at work and will be closely involved in career issues. Just don’t butt heads with your boss and you’ll be guaranteed a promotion. The motto of the year is the words of the song by A.B. Pugacheva: There is time for business, yes-yes-yes-yes, And for fun there is an hour.

They will find themselves involved in various love and adventurous situations. There is a risk of getting involved in illegal actions and then sorting things out with law enforcement agencies. It is recommended, in order to avoid getting into such a situation, to remember the words from the song by A.B. Pugacheva: Oh, what a man he was!

This year is not conducive to active career actions. So better do your homework. Gemini's motto for this year is:
Grandmother next to grandfather.
Oh, in vain, auntie, you are taking medicine,
Your husband is a strong family man.

Best time for training or advanced training. In this matter, show not only the stubbornness of a goat, but even better than that of a donkey - and your career is guaranteed. Crayfish motto - lyrics:
We are blacksmiths
And our spirit is young.
We forge the keys to happiness.

You should avoid senseless spending and throwing money away left and right. But in the personal life of Leo, new romantic encounters await. Motto of the year:
The knot will be tied,
The knot will come undone.

Many Virgos will achieve success in business. But be careful about new offers. Many are expecting a salary increase. The motto of the year is words from A. Buinov’s song:
My finances sing romances.

You should be careful about your health. Be patient a little and everything will get better. At the end of the year, luck itself will come to you. The motto of the year is words from the song:
Temper yourself if you want to be healthy.

Some Scorpios will meet their love at the beginning of the year. And some are better off lying low. You should not enter into large contracts, because they may fail. The motto of the year is words from the song:
The most important thing is the weather in the house.

To achieve success in all matters, you need to act carefully, combining will and perseverance with restraint and prudence. Control your every step - and you will achieve success. Motto of the year:
Wait, who's coming?
Wait, who's coming?
And the enemy will not get through,
But the enemy will not pass.

This year is conducive to traveling abroad and establishing contacts with representatives of other countries. You will have to put your personal life aside for a while, because during this period you will have no time for love. The motto of the year is words from the song:
Let me go to the Himalayas.

It's time of reckoning karmic debts and financial obligations. At the end of the year there will be relief - your financial debts will begin to be paid. At the end of the year, go on a trip. The motto of the year is words from the song:
Good riddance, good riddance
Long journey creeps.

In terms of partnerships, the year promises to be very promising. Businessmen, doctors, and teachers will do especially well. But there will be new problems with finances, tie the knot tighter until October, then you can relax. Partnerships may end in marriage civil marriage. The motto of the year is words from A. Derzhavin’s song:
Someone else's wedding, someone else's wedding.
Well, that's it, you're married now!

Congratulations to the sheep
Happy New Year!
I wish you happiness with all my heart!
To get you through this year
Without sadness and worries.
So that you can work successfully,
And have fun on holiday,
And good luck to you in your business,
And smiles on your lips.

Here's to the New Year!

1. Gifts from Santa Claus.
Call 5-6 people. They must illustrate with movement the words of the presenter. The winner is the one who shows all the movements better.
Santa Claus brought gifts to the family.
He gave dad a comb.
Show him with one hand how he combs his hair.
He gave his son skis.
Show him how he skis.
He gave his mother a meat grinder.
Show her how she twists the meat.
He gave his daughter a doll.
She bats her eyelashes and says “Mom.”
And he gave his grandmother a Chinese bobblehead that shakes its head.”
All movements are performed simultaneously.
2. Long arm.
Place the glasses with the drink on the floor at your feet and walk as far as possible. And then get your glass without leaving your place and without touching the floor with your hands and knees.
3. Lady.
Guests are divided into 3 groups. They sing the phrases:
“There are soaked brooms in the bathhouse” (in a low voice).
“The spindles are not crushed” (high).
“But the sponges are not dried” (low).
All: “Mistress, lady, lady-madam.”
4. Whose ball is bigger?
Who will cheat the most big ball, and it doesn’t burst, that’s the winner.
5. Apple.
Each dancing couple holds an apple or a small ball between their foreheads. The musician changes melodies from slow to fast. The dancers' task is to hold the apple. The last one sounds is “Apple”, and you are invited to dance in a squat position.
6. Towel.
Four brave women walk out the door. Place 6 bottles of champagne or other drinks on a long towel. The first woman is invited. They explain that she must go through without knocking over a single bottle, blindfolded. The audience gives commands:
Legs up!
To the left! Directly!
Raise your skirt higher, otherwise you'll knock it down.
More to the right!
Higher, higher leg.
Then the bottles are quickly removed, and the man lies on the towel. The woman is untied and shown who she stepped over.