A dream in which I pick mushrooms. Collect rotten mushrooms in a dream

Since you can collect not only edible mushrooms, and toadstools, the dreams in which this action took place can have an ambiguous interpretation. To obtain expanded and most accurate information, you need to remember other details of the plot, for example, what mushrooms you collected, how many there were, etc. Great value It also has an emotional component. In addition, dream books recommend drawing an analogy between reality events and the information received.

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms?

If you are collecting good mushrooms- This positive sign, which promises significant profits. Dream where are you long time you pick mushrooms, but the basket remains empty, prophesies large number small matters. A dream where you are picking mushrooms right in your yard indicates the existence of a secret that you cannot trust to anyone. If the mushrooms are in unusual place, it means that the business you have decided to do is quite risky.

Night vision where you collected indicates that in life you are most often guided by the opinions of others. Seeing another person picking mushrooms means that in the near future you should devote time to relatives, as they may have health problems. This can also be taken as a recommendation that you should be more decisive and not rely on the help of loved ones. If you are picking mushrooms in the forest, then prepare for an unexpected turn of events. A dream where you picked mushrooms in the mountains predicts the occurrence of surprises that will strengthen your character. If mushrooms grew near a pond, this is a harbinger of joyful events. Picking mushrooms on the side of the road means that in the future you may commit rash acts.

Why do you dream about wormy mushrooms?

Such a dream promises to receive good news, and you can also expect a new addition to the family. For a woman, a dream in which she collects bad mushrooms warns of humiliation from a close man.

Why do you dream about picking poisonous mushrooms?

If you collected toadstools, this is an indication that you are unsure of your plans for the future. It may also be a symbol that the business for which you have high hopes will ultimately end in complete failure. Gather poisonous mushrooms, which means beware of deception. This dream also warns that you should expect a catch if you hear praise from someone or are offered a new position at work.

Why do you dream about a lot of mushrooms?

A dream where you saw a large number of mushrooms, but you do not collect them, indicates that you will not be able to take advantage of the chance provided by fate.

Why do you dream of a mushroom meadow?

Seeing a clearing where someone else has already cut all the mushrooms before you means that in reality you often show your slowness, which becomes the cause of various problems. This could also be a warning that due to distrust of partners you will miss a great chance to improve financial situation. If you are in a mushroom meadow with a basket, this is a symbol of what will happen after hard work you can count on a decent reward.

Why do you dream about looking for mushrooms?

If you are looking for mushrooms in a place where it is prohibited, it means that in the future you may become the object of gossip. In the future, circumstances may arise that can only be overcome with the support of friends and acquaintances.

Why do you dream of cutting mushrooms?

A dream where you cut indicates the time has come when you can receive a reward for the work done. It could also be a sign of a change in priorities or you will change previously planned plans.

Why do you dream of small mushrooms growing?

If you have seen mushrooms that have not yet grown, then get ready for minor troubles.

A fun activity is picking mushrooms in the fall. This helps to free yourself from heavy thoughts, distract yourself and relax. As if everything unresolved problems remained in the city, but in the forest they seem small and insignificant.

It turns out that you can pick mushrooms not only during the day, but also at night in our dreams. Why do you dream about such a plot, will it bring as much positive emotions, let’s ask famous authors of dream books.

Ancient interpreters personify this activity with difficulty, with family life, health status. More modern authors pay detailed attention to the types and condition of fungi. Poisonous and wormy - in to a greater extent symbolize disappointment, betrayal, deception and poor health.

What does a nighttime hobby promise for women?

Walking through the forest with a close friend - good sign. Your relationships will become more sincere. If the young man is more than a friend, expect a wedding and a happy family life.

If you find toadstools in your bag, expect big troubles in your love affairs. The man you love may betray or humiliate you. If you are single, beware of random, intrusive suitors who will try to lure you out of a large sum money.

Walking through the forest alone with a basket is an unpleasant sign; it indicates that the woman is wasting herself, men do not take such a lady seriously and treat her frivolously.

You come to the forest, and only white legs stick out around you - this indicates your excessive suspicion and wariness towards your partners or subordinates. Fate can play a cruel joke on you. Most likely, it is for this reason that you will not conclude a major deal or will not deliver the project on time, thereby losing a large profit.

The Borovikov family has a full string bag - expect an addition to the family and, as a result, expensive gifts from loved ones.

What does the excitement of men in the forest lead to?

Seeing porcini mushrooms is a great reason to prepare a big deal. Many financial benefits are expected thanks to your work and the right business strategy.

But if you collect them along the road, this is a clear call to stop the pursuit of money. Thirst for excess financial well-being can lead to poverty and ruin.

If the boletus is rotten or crooked in a dream, it means you should pay attention to all the little things in money matters, otherwise danger cannot be avoided.

Looking in the grove for something that is not yet ripe indicates minor difficulties and empty troubles.

If you saw another person in search of the gifts of the forest - this is a signal that you need to be more active, more efficient in life and be able to solve your problems yourself, without relying on the help of others.

Going to look for boletus mushrooms on someone’s trail and seeing that all the caps have been cut off means that you will witness the successes and ups of your colleagues, your merits will not yet be noticed and rewarded.

If you eat without knowing what mushrooms, the dream is a warning, it portends illness or severe dehydration of the body.

Go to your old trusted places for forest harvest and see many beautiful hats - in real life you can safely trust your experience and intuition, they will not let you down.

If you walk through the forest for a long time and the activity tires you, expect a lot of small and unprofitable things to do.

Volnushki - girlfriends friends

Types of mushrooms can tell a dreamer a lot:

  • large and beautiful white - for long life and good luck;
  • many whites - to financial profit;
  • morels promise excellent health or recovery from illness;
  • Russula - to good luck in resolving protracted cases;
  • honey mushrooms - to sadness;
  • fly agarics are a sign that you have lost your way;
  • champignons are a symbol of imitation of other people's tastes and preferences;
  • chanterelles - dubious acquisitions;
  • waves - to a bountiful harvest in the garden, with another interpretation - to the desire to accumulate more money;
  • Kombucha - to mistrust and doubt.

Author's dream books

Gustov Miller

This hobby is personified with a vicious and unhealthy desire for something forbidden. A dream where you are passionate about searching for these forest inhabitants is associated with the presence in your life of a lot of bad habits, addictions and hobbies, possibly contrary to the law.


I dreamed of a clearing with white and perfect beautiful mushrooms- this promises financial profit or large dividends from a recently completed transaction. Collecting them in a basket is an indicator of the correct investment of acquired capital.

But if after a hike you find toadstools, this means betrayal of your partners or close friends.

Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Seeing yourself eating a freshly harvested crop is a good sign, promising longevity and good health. The collection process itself symbolizes hard work, which will definitely be rewarded.

Sigmund Freud

The mushroom represents activity masculinity. Walking along the forest and casually collecting them means that there are absolutely no problems in your sex life. For a girl, such a dream confirms satisfaction with a partner or several partners.

The more food you have in your basket after a walk, the more fans you will have in reality. Your activity and desire for male attention requires a new surge of emotions.

If you dreamed of mushroom pickers walking through a clearing, this denotes your excessive interest in other people’s details of their personal lives.

And if you look for one single big handsome man in the forest, get ready for serious relationship and consistency.


Seeing a royal boletus in a dense thicket foreshadows quick luck and success in reality. To see a lot of beautiful hats in the clearing - they want to mislead you, the dream urges you to be careful and rely only on your own strength in the future.

Wormy boletuses and boletuses speak of the dreamer's imminent illness.

David Loff

Collecting good edible gifts from the taiga in a dream means pleasant surprises and surprises. Putting false toadstools in a bag is a sign that you have brought an insincere and unreliable person closer to you. Try to keep your plans and intentions secret.

Yuri Longo

If you saw white handsome men, it means success in your business, you are on the right path and expect high incomes in the future. But seeing a fly agaric means expecting trouble. But you shouldn’t be too upset, you will successfully get out of this situation.

To intentionally pick poisonous toadstools means to be hostile to people. And gathering at night means unpleasant events in reality.

Who did you pick mushrooms with?

Picking mushrooms with a dead person in a dream ▼

If you dream about picking mushrooms, you will have to go through a lot of trouble and that will lead to instability. emotional state. You should calm down and think everything through carefully.

How many mushrooms did you collect?

Why do you dream about picking a lot of mushrooms ▼

Why do you dream of picking a lot of mushrooms? There is a large volume of fine work to be done. If the mushrooms were noble - you will enjoy the actions performed, if they were poisonous - the work will not bring satisfaction.

What were the mushrooms you picked in your dream?

I dreamed that redheads were collecting▼

Collecting redheads in a dream - you will experience a furious, indomitable relationship with a representative of the opposite sex. A passing hobby will end as quickly as it began.

I dream that I am collecting saffron milk caps▼

The Felomena dream book describes the collection of saffron milk caps as a useless fuss. The actions you take will not bring any results. Think about using your own efforts more rationally.

Why do you dream about picking boletus mushrooms▼

I dreamed that I was picking boletus mushrooms - a good sign. In reality you will get a good one. Your business will be profitable, do not stop there.

Collect rotten mushrooms in a dream▼

Dreaming of picking rotten mushrooms is a negative sign. For a woman, a dream foreshadows humiliation from the outside. For a man, circumstances will arise at work that can lead to troubles in business.

Where were you in your dream when you were picking mushrooms?

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in a field▼

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms in a field? Your aspirations are aimed at achieving many results. The efforts made will not be in vain, you will receive a reward. Do not doubt the success of the enterprise, act!

Treating dreams as a phenomenon that means nothing to a person is, to say the least, reckless. Many must have been surprised when what they experienced in the kingdom of Morpheus came true in reality, and regretted that they did not take the signal seriously. Did you have to pick mushrooms while traveling at night? The dream book will tell you what such an activity means.

Interpretation in dream books

Various sources agree on one thing: picking mushrooms in a forest dreamed of at night is most often a not very positive sign, promising troubles of various scales or calling on the sleeper to pay attention to the bad traits of his character. But there are still favorable interpretations, depending on the circumstances of the dream.

The seer Vanga's dream book predicts quick profit, if the lord of sleep brought you to a clearing with beautiful boletus mushrooms. But be careful, in fact, if you get into the basket with specimens that have a can of worms: you may be let down by those whom you consider reliable friends.

The philosopher Freud, in his interpretations, regards enthusiastic mushroom picking in a dream as a sign of an intense but disorderly sex life.

Miller's famous dream book associates picking mushrooms with difficulty, followed by reward. You collect beautiful ones in your dreams edible mushrooms, which means that success in your career awaits you in reality. If " silent hunt“dreamed of by young people who are faced with the choice of getting married or refusing, in reality you should not be afraid to join your destiny with your loved one. The family will be happy.

Nostradamus warns that a large clearing completely strewn with mushrooms, seen in a dream, is a clear signal that in reality the dreamer better beware: they want to deceive him.

Loff's dream book warns that filling a basket with toadstools and other inedible mushrooms, in life, be prepared for the fact that one of your family and friends will let you down.

Why do you dream about picking edible mushrooms?

Although edible mushrooms are real life do not cause us fear or bad associations; typing such in a dream is not necessarily a favorable symbol. This could mean:

  • light flirting, pleasant, but fleeting. It won't end in anything serious;
  • Perhaps in reality you are cherishing vain hopes. This means that the dividends received will be insignificant and fleeting;
  • the rich fantasy of the dreamer, in reality divorced from reality and soaring in the clouds;
  • an artificial problem that a person created for himself and is now unsuccessfully trying to solve it;
  • the impossibility of hoping for reciprocal feelings when you went “on mushrooms” in a dream with someone you sympathize with;
  • probably old wise people They gave you good advice in life, but out of stubbornness and stupid contradiction you do not listen to it.

Since the smallest details are important when trying to figure out what you see in a dream, the type of mushroom is of great importance.

  1. If you dreamed of porcini mushrooms, this is a sign of wealth and prosperity. It’s especially good when in a dream you collected boletus mushrooms with your whole family. This shows that in reality there will be no shortage. And such a vision, which appears to the owner of a business, promises success in business and numerous material benefits. However, when mushrooms that are slightly twisted or slightly eaten away by worms get into the bucket, check carefully financial condition your company, down to the smallest detail. Such a turn is a sign of danger for the company.
  2. In a dream, your yard is overgrown with honey mushrooms and boletuses, and there is no need to go into the forest to get them. This is good? Only at first glance. The ability to fill your wallet in a dream without practically leaving home indicates that you are tormented by some secret that you are afraid to tell others about.
  3. Do you put champignons in a bucket? When you wake up, think about whether you rely too much on other people's opinions and tastes to the detriment of your own. And if they are mixed with other types of mushrooms, small and wormy, accept it: boring, monotonous work awaits you.
  4. Did you have to collect milk mushrooms in a dream? Prepare for a long-term business trip. It will suck a lot of strength out of you and keep you in suspense, but the return - both monetary and moral - will be unexpectedly high. There is another, not so rosy, explanation - upcoming conflicts and major troubles in the family.
  5. The boletus that I happened to collect is a symbol of the fact that the dreamer is not confident in himself and underestimates himself. There is no need to continue to be tormented by unfinished business. Take a deep breath, be brave and take action. Everything will work out.

Poisonous mushrooms in a dream

Seeing mushrooms in a dream that cannot be eaten should not be regarded as a clearly negative signal from the subconscious. Again, remember that the interpretation of night dreams depends on many factors and nuances.

For example, fly agaric mushrooms. Poisonous, but what beauties! And since you managed to collect a whole basket, you simply must look into yourself. Your enormous potential needs to be released; your remarkable abilities will bring a lot of benefit and well-deserved recognition. At the same time, if you notice that during picking you only see red mushroom caps, life is preparing something sad.

When collecting such loot in a dream, in the morning you need to figure out what it is for? Perhaps then it will be possible to avoid some difficulties. Spoiled mushrooms can mean:

  • the birth of many illegitimate children, since mushrooms are literally swarming with worms;
  • a large number of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren;
  • that there is a disease lurking inside, and it will soon make itself known;
  • that you should not run “ahead of the locomotive”, hastily conclude agreements and sign contracts: there are pitfalls that will work against you;
  • humiliation from loved one.

Almost rotten big mushroom in a dream - this is a dead person who did not tell you something during life or who is pulling you towards him. Dream books advise you to try to control your actions in your dreams; under no circumstances should you pick such mushrooms or even look at them for too long.

But if you dreamed something like this, open your eyes, calm down, forgive yourself, ask for forgiveness from all your friends who died, and say goodbye to them discreetly.

Picking mushrooms in the thicket of the forest, in an open clearing

Do you dream of picking mushrooms in the forest or in an open clearing? You also need to pay attention to this when trying to unravel the dream.

If in a dream you wandered into the forest thicket to pick mushrooms:

  • a carefree and joyful “white streak” will come in life;
  • the dreaming girl is about to get married and will be happy in her family life;
  • a time of great material prosperity will come to a married woman;
  • businessmen should expect success in all matters and bright prospects.

“Silent hunting” in an open clearing or forest edge, and no matter what kind of mushrooms you collect, in real life predicts someone’s treachery. Take a closer look at those who surround you, understand in whose souls envy is seething and evil plans are swarming. This will save you from tragic consequences. “Close friends” with deceitful hypocritical masks on their faces can be especially dangerous.

The gender of the sleeper is also not the least important factor in the interpretation of dreams. Why does a man dream about picking mushrooms?

  1. He is completely satisfied with his sex life, if he walks along the forest edge, every now and then, bumping into beautiful mushrooms.
  2. Watches in a dream how someone picks mushrooms - does not give rest love relationship familiar couple.
  3. If he puts large specimens in the basket, he subconsciously fears impotence. And it doesn’t matter that in reality everything is wonderful in this sense and he has many mistresses.
  4. He is looking for only one mushroom, large, fresh and beautiful - which means he is already ready for a permanent relationship and responsibility for the family.

For a woman, picking mushrooms in night visions is not very good. As a rule, this is a symbol that she is wasting herself in vain, those around her do not take her seriously. Dream books give other explanations:

  • it is necessary to pay attention to health, especially for women;
  • for a young girl there is a risk of getting involved in dubious relationships and ruining her reputation;
  • a young lady in love is threatened by the betrayal of a loved one and disappointment in men;
  • It’s better to beware of unfamiliar guys and boyfriends, so as not to experience humiliation.