A story about a living corner. A living corner in your home

Before the end of the lesson, our teacher, Raisa Ivanovna, said:

Well, congratulations to you guys! The school council decided to establish a living corner in our school. Such a small zoo. You will look after and observe the animals yourself...

I just jumped! This is very interesting! I said:

Where will the living corner be located?

“On the third floor,” answered Raisa Ivanovna, “near the teachers’ room.”

But how, I say, will the bison climb to the third floor?

What bison? - asked Raisa Ivanovna,

Shaggy, I said, with horns and a tail.

No,” said Raisa Ivanovna, “we won’t have bison, but we will have small hedgehogs, birds, fish and mice.” And let each of you bring such a small animal to our living corner. Goodbye!

And I went home, and then into the yard, and kept thinking about how to get an elk, a yak, or at least a hippopotamus in our living corner, they are so beautiful...

But then Mishka Slonov came running and shouted:

On Arbat in the pet store they give you white mice!!

I was terribly happy and ran to my mother.

Mom,” I shout to her, “Mom, shout hurray!” On Arbat they give you white mice.

Mom says:

Who gives, to whom, why and why should I shout hurray?

I speak:

At the pet store they give it for living corners, give me money, please!

Mom took her purse and said:

Why do you need white mice for your living corner? Why aren’t simple little gray mice good for you?

Well, mom, - I said, - what comparison can there be? Gray mice are like simple mice, and white mice are like diet mice, you know?

Then my mother slapped me lightly, gave me some money, and I went off to the store.

There are already quite a few people there. Of course, this is understandable, because we know who doesn’t like white mice?! Therefore, there was a crush in the store, and Mishka Slonov began to make sure that more than two mice were not allowed into one hand at the counter. But still I was unlucky! Right before my nose, the mice ran out. After all, this is one disorder! I can’t afford to buy mice at the market; they’ll skin me three times over for them. I tell the saleswoman:

When will there be more mice? And she:

When they send it from the base. In the fourth quarter, I think they will throw it in.

I speak:

You are doing a poor job of supplying the population with essential mice.

And he left. And he began to lose weight from frustration. And my mother, when she saw my expression, clasped her hands and said:

Don't be upset, Denis, about the mice. No and no need! Let's go buy you some fish! The best thing for a first grader is a fish! Which one do you want, huh?

I speak:

Nile crocodile!

What if it's smaller? - says mom.

Then molly! - I say.

Mollies are a small fish, the size of half a match.

And we returned to the store. Mom says:

How much do you buy these mollies? I want to buy a dozen of these little ones for a living corner!

And the saleswoman says:

A ruble and a half little thing! Mom grabbed her head.

“I couldn’t even imagine this,” said my mother! Let's go home, son.

And what about mollies, mom?

We don’t need them,” says mom. - They bite. Let's go, and instead of one such little thing, we'll buy a huge pike perch, or mirror carp, cook it in sour cream, call Misha and we'll feast. And mollies, well, they bite...

But still, tell me, what should I bring to this living corner? There are no more mice, but the fish are biting... It’s just frustrating!

Victor Dragunsky

Living Corner

Before the end of the lesson, our teacher, Raisa Ivanovna, said:

Well, congratulations to you guys! The school council decided to establish a living corner in our school. Such a small zoo. You will look after and observe the animals yourself...

I just jumped! This is very interesting! I said:

Where will the living corner be located?

“On the third floor,” answered Raisa Ivanovna, “near the teachers’ room.”

But how, I say, will the bison climb to the third floor?

What bison? - asked Raisa Ivanovna,

Shaggy, I said, with horns and a tail.

No,” said Raisa Ivanovna, “we won’t have bison, but we will have small hedgehogs, birds, fish and mice.” And let each of you bring such a small animal to our living corner. Goodbye!

And I went home, and then into the yard, and kept thinking about how to get an elk, a yak, or at least a hippopotamus in our living corner, they are so beautiful...

But then Mishka Slonov came running and shouted:

On Arbat in the pet store they give you white mice!!

I was terribly happy and ran to my mother.

Mom,” I shout to her, “Mom, shout hurray!” On Arbat they give you white mice.

Mom says:

Who gives, to whom, why and why should I shout hurray?

I speak:

At the pet store they give it for living corners, give me money, please!

Mom took her purse and said:

Why do you need white mice for your living corner? Why aren’t simple little gray mice good for you?

Well, mom, - I said, - what comparison can there be? Gray mice are like simple mice, and white mice are like diet mice, you know?

Then my mother slapped me lightly, gave me some money, and I went off to the store.

There are already quite a few people there. Of course, this is understandable, because we know who doesn’t like white mice?! Therefore, there was a crush in the store, and Mishka Slonov began to make sure that more than two mice were not allowed into one hand at the counter. But still I was unlucky! Right before my nose, the mice ran out. After all, this is one disorder! I can’t afford to buy mice at the market; they’ll skin me three times over for them. I tell the saleswoman:

When will there be more mice? And she:

When they send it from the base. In the fourth quarter, I think they will throw it in.

I speak:

You are doing a poor job of supplying the population with essential mice.

And he left. And he began to lose weight from frustration. And my mother, when she saw my expression, clasped her hands and said:

Don't be upset, Denis, about the mice. No and no need! Let's go buy you some fish! The best thing for a first grader is a fish! Which one do you want, huh?

I speak:

Nile crocodile!

What if it's smaller? - says mom.

Then molly! - I say.

Mollies are a small fish, the size of half a match.

And we returned to the store. Mom says:

How much do you buy these mollies? I want to buy a dozen of these little ones for a living corner!

And the saleswoman says:

A ruble and a half little thing! Mom grabbed her head.

“I couldn’t even imagine this,” said my mother! Let's go home, son.

And what about mollies, mom?

We don’t need them,” says mom. - They bite. Let's go, and instead of one such little thing, we'll buy a huge pike perch, or mirror carp, cook it in sour cream, call Misha and we'll feast. And mollies, well, they bite...

But still, tell me, what should I bring to this living corner? There are no more mice, but the fish are biting... It’s just frustrating!

With nature. They are less and less often in the forest, in the meadow. It is difficult to hear birdsong over the city noise; it is impossible to observe wild animals among the asphalt. To interest children, schools can set up a small room to house live animals.


It's no secret that every child is looking for a reliable friend. You should not limit it only to communication with classmates. A little attention, care, time spent on feeding and care - and a loyal and reliable friend may appear among your pets: a hamster, rabbit, rat or parrot.

The animals of the living corner serve as wonderful visual aid. Using such exhibits as an example, it is easier to conduct biology classes and thematic seminars. Caring and accustoming to work, developing a sense of responsibility.

During the course of their studies, many begin to study issues of nature in depth. Some prefer photography, others engage in research work. Based on their observations, children begin to systematize and summarize information, and present the results in the form of interesting presentations.


Animals in the living area must be accessible to children and not pose a danger to them. It is assumed that keeping animals should not be an end in itself. The collection is designed to expand the horizons of knowledge and ideas about environment and The participation of children in and care for them are designed to shape the personality and develop socially important properties and functions of the future member of society. In order for the corner to fit organically into the room and not cause discomfort when visiting it, you should take care of cleanliness and sanitary hygiene.

When placing aquariums, terrariums, cages and aviaries indoors, it is advisable to combine them with plant forms that are most suitable for their habitat. The presence of thematic stands (dummies, stuffed animals) on the walls will help children better understand the structure of the body, skeleton, feeding and maintenance features various types. You should not divide the corner into zones for junior and senior students. Shared care stimulates the development of a sense of responsibility.

Children, gradually getting into the swing of things, can take on part of the care of pets. A functional living area in a school requires more effort than would be required to propagate only plant forms. Concerns are added about purchasing and preparing feed, storing it, obtaining permits, maintaining cleanliness and sanitary standards.

Starting with a small area of ​​nature, you can try adding an aquarium and see how interest and attendance changes. At the next stage, you can get snails, frogs, toads, and newts. Inhabit reptiles and small mammals animals are worth it only after understanding that there will be proper support from children, their parents and from the school administration.

Despite the complexity, it is quite possible to set up duty. Now it is possible to provide control of temperature and lighting, and watering and feed distribution on weekends can be automated. In this mode, the corner can be open to visitors up to six days a week.


As a rule, the expansion of a corner of nature begins with the appearance of fish in it. For aquarium keeping Even simple small crucian carp or loaches caught in a pond are quite suitable. They are not particularly demanding in terms of living conditions and food. From decorative species At the initial stage, it is recommended to have guppies, veil tails, and swordtails.

Not only live fish can live in an aquarium. It is quite capable of providing conditions for keeping hydras, swimming beetles, snails, and daphnia. In combination with a variety of aquatic vegetation, you can create some semblance of a natural reservoir. Elodea, pondweed, hornwort and other unpretentious species will make an aquarium interesting object for study and observation.


The peculiarity of these animals is nap. They are ready to be actively awake in the late afternoon. In addition to a place to rest, they should have enough space to walk. The house can have several levels connected by ladders, as well as a running wheel and tunnels so that they don’t get bored while walking in a confined space.

When planning a living area at school, you should remember that it is impossible to house several animals of this species in one cage; they are unlikely to get along together. Optimal temperature regime for them - 20-25 °C. The cage needs a drinking bowl, a bowl for food, for sand, a stone for grinding teeth, and filler for the bottom. The cage is cleaned twice a week.

You can add fruits, vegetables, lettuce, and fresh herbs to grain feed mixtures. They will eat carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, persimmons, pears and apples. Females expecting offspring should be additionally fed with low-fat cottage cheese, boiled egg yolk or chicken meat.


Fans of these intelligent reptiles claim that they are very easy to get attached to. It is believed that turtles enjoy having their shells stroked. At proper care pets can live for a long time in a living area, delighting visitors with their silent and funny movements.

They cannot live in a box. The minimum size of a terrarium is from 60 cm in length and up to 40 cm in width and height. Land turtles undemanding to care. For the soil, sawdust, hay, wood chips, shell rock mixed with coarse washed sand, and large pebbles are used. A heating lamp and ultraviolet light are required. Plants in a terrarium with a turtle do not live long: she eats them. You can feed her fruits and berries, vegetables and fresh herbs (clover, dandelion).

Caring for turtles is not a hassle if you properly arrange its habitat. Experts advise using an absorbent film for the bottom layer in the terrarium, and a rubber perforated mat on top. You can already place soil on it. A bowl should be used for feeding. It is necessary to ensure that pets do not eat the soil or its substitute. If this happens, you should think about replacing it and review your diet by adding vitamins and minerals.


These creatures prefer to stay awake at night. It is difficult to see them during the day. It will not be possible to tame it enough to pick it up. During the winter, hedgehogs completely hibernate. Since the end of autumn, they prepare a nest for themselves from all kinds of garbage (threads, newspapers, rags). As winter approaches, they become lethargic and only come out when they are hungry. A sleeping hedgehog should not be awakened. He becomes vulnerable to disease and will not be able to lead a normal life until spring. His enclosure with the nest needs to be moved to a cool place protected from precipitation.

A hedgehog needs more to live free space. In the area as close as possible to natural environment habitat, there must be various rubbish present, which he will gradually collect to build a nest. Hedgehogs, like living animals, are not picky. It is best to purchase special food for hedgehogs. But if necessary, you can replace it with meat, sometimes offer milk with crumbled bread, cottage cheese and apples. But since hedgehogs are insectivores, they need various beetles or grasshoppers for the proper functioning of their digestive organs. If you don't give them at all, the hedgehog will get sick. You can store this food in dried form for future use to feed your pets in spring and autumn.

Semi-finished products, products with preservatives (sausage, smoked meats), dry food for dogs or cats should not be offered to them. Release in wildlife a hedgehog born in captivity or for a long time living in an artificial environment is impossible: he will die.

Other inhabitants of the living corner

In addition to the above pets, you can keep lizards, snakes, white mice, rats, squirrels, and rabbits. Guinea pigs also easily take root in captivity. They eat everything they give (hay, bran, vegetables), but are picky about their living conditions. These rodents will not survive in damp or drafty areas as they are prone to disease.

Among the birds, parrots are a good choice. These are beautiful pets, they can live in school corner a decade or more, they tolerate captivity well and quickly get used to the conditions. Their friendly chirping, attempts to imitate speech, as well as curiosity and intelligence will delight children.

Safety precautions

Animals in nature must be constantly examined by a veterinarian. At the slightest suspicion of disease, quarantine conditions should be provided. This possibility should be foreseen in advance and suitable premises should be available.

No matter how carefully a corner of wildlife is organized, it should be remembered that this is still a place increased danger. Animals should be handled with caution. When moving pets prone to aggression, you should use protective clothing and gloves.

When allowing students to operate potentially dangerous equipment, detailed instruction is required. Strict compliance with safety regulations will minimize the risk of possible emergency situations. And constant compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in the room where the living corner is located will make visiting it pleasant and comfortable.

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What is a living corner? Is it that a corner of the room suddenly came to life? He hid under the bed and looked out from there with sparkling eyes. Of course not. A living corner is created when various living creatures are collected in a corner, in a room, in a house. They collected her and began to look after her together.

What kind of living creature is this? Maybe the living creatures were when they collected three Natashas, ​​one Sveta, Pavlik, Valera and two Alyoshas? They collected them, began to watch and care for them. No, this is probably not a living corner either. Most likely, it's just a group of guys. If they are passionate about the same thing and do it together, then this is a circle. They draw together - drawing, dance together - dance. Of course, they are alive and can be called living creatures. They still won’t make a living corner.

It is not people who are gathered in the living corner. It consists of other living beings. These are all kinds of animals and plants. People in such a corner are busy caring for their pets. They feed the animals, clean the cages, water and feed the plants. That’s why the corner becomes alive, everything grows there, blooms, runs around the enclosures, sings songs. The workers in this corner are children. They are called young naturalists or abbreviated as young naturalists. They must know well the needs of their pets, feel when things are bad, and know how they can help them.

But if it’s not people who live in a living corner, then it means they’re not the main ones here. It was not created for their sake. It would be strange to describe the life of a living corner by talking about boys and girls who care for animals and water plants. So, for example, good girl Sveta is working with her beloved hamster Gosha. Which of them is the inhabitant of the living corner? Of course, we are interested to know what Sveta does, what kind of person she is. But what does this have to do with a living corner? After all, its resident is not Sveta at all, but her pet, mysterious to us. He is not at all like us, he has amazing habits. If we can easily understand Sveta, because she is the same as us, then Gosha is much more difficult to understand. He doesn't know how to speak, he can't explain anything. You have to guess for yourself. This will require observation, patience and a lot of intelligence. Moreover, you need to treat the hamster with no less respect than Sveta.

At the same time, when communicating with him you will need even more tact and accuracy. After all, Gosha doesn’t understand us, he’s afraid. We are much larger than him. It will be right if we take care of him and protect him. So the inhabitants of a living corner are those living beings that require the care and attention of people. The people in it: Svetlana, Kolya and Valera are a circle of young naturalists. We talk about the circle, then the main characters of our story are people. We are talking about a living corner - the main characters are animals and plants.

What can you tell if the main characters are animals? They don't think, they don't dream, they don't play musical instruments. They may not be people, but isn’t it interesting what kind of character the parrot has and what kind of relationship he has with the local cat? And who can know how a predatory bug hunts in an aquarium, and what kind of pebble the spiny fish rests behind there? Of course, our aquarium will tell us these amazing and often exciting stories. How can he tell them? And silently. You just need to watch how it all happens in him.

Plants have their own stories. It’s interesting to know what newly sprouted cucumbers need to survive. How they differ in their ability to survive from young pea or tomato plants. They grow in different jars, but on the same windowsill. Here you can observe all this.

And now, if you understand the stories, which heroes are the most important in the life of a living corner, then go ahead! Let's get acquainted with amazing plants and animals. And young naturalists Kolya, Sveta, Pavliki will help us. They won't be offended that they didn't feature in our stories. All the same, these guys will be present in them, because they know well how to care for pets. After all, they were the ones who created our living corner.

Before the end of the lesson, our teacher, Raisa Ivanovna, said:
- Well, congratulations to you guys! The school council decided to establish a living corner in our school. Such a small zoo. You will care for and observe the animals yourself.
I just jumped! This is very interesting! I said:
- Where will the living corner be located?
“On the third floor,” answered Raisa Ivanovna, “near the teachers’ room...
“But how,” I say, “will the bison climb to the third floor?”
- What bison? - asked Raisa Ivanovna.
“Shaggy,” I said, “with horns and a tail.”
“No,” said Raisa Ivanovna, “we won’t have bison, but we will have hedgehogs, birds, fish and mice.” And let each of you bring such a small animal to our living corner. Goodbye!
And I went home, and then into the yard, and kept thinking about how to get an elk, a yak, or at least a hippopotamus in our living corner, they are so beautiful...
But then Mishka Slonov came running and shouted:

On Arbat in the pet store they give you white mice!!
I was terribly happy and ran to my mother.
“Mom,” I shout to her, “Mom, shout “hurray”!” On Arbat they give you white mice.
Mom says:
- Who gives, to whom, why, and why should I shout hurray?
I speak:
- They give it at the pet store, for living corners, give me money, please!
Mom took her purse and said:
- Why do you need white mice for a living corner? Why aren’t simple little gray mice good for you? “Well, what are you talking about, mom,” I said, what comparison can there be? Gray mice are like simple mice, and white mice are like diet mice, you know?
Then my mother gave me a gentle spanking, gave me some money, and I went off to the store.
There are already quite a few people there. Of course, this is understandable, because, as you know, who doesn’t like white mice?! Therefore, there was a crush in the store, and Mishka Slonov began to keep order at the counter. But still I was unlucky! Right before my nose, the mice ran out.
I tell the saleswoman:
- When will there be more mice?
And she:
- When they send it from the base. In the fourth quarter, I think.
I speak:
- You are poorly supplying the population with essential mice.
And he left. And, probably, he began to lose weight out of frustration. And my mother, when she saw my expression, clasped her hands and said:
- Don’t be upset, Denis, because of the mice. No and no need! Let's go buy you some fish! The best thing for a first grader is a fish! Which one do you want, huh?
I speak:
- Nile crocodile!
- What if it’s smaller? - says mom.
- Then molly? - I say. - Mollies are a small fish, the size of half a match.
And we returned to the store. Mom says:
- How much do you buy these mollies? I want to buy a dozen of these little ones for a living corner.
And the saleswoman says:
- A ruble fifty little thing!
Mom grabbed her head.
“This,” said my mother, “I couldn’t even imagine!” Let's go home, son.
- What about mollies, mom?
“We don’t need them,” says mom. - Let's go home. And mollies, well, they... They bite.
But still, tell me, what should I bring to the living corner? The mice are gone, but the fish are biting. One frustration!