Aquarium catfish keeping. Aquarium catfish photos and names

An aquarium with fish - you can look at it for hours, watching how measuredly life goes on in a small underwater kingdom. On the sandy ground, among growing soft green algae, lies a sea shell, next to which stands a large piece of driftwood surrounded by two flat river stones.. And among this unearthly beauty, arrogantly, as if in no hurry, a variety of very beautiful fish swim, among which are important, as if hurrying to a business meeting, skip along the bottom of a domestic pond - aquarium catfish. By the way, this species is considered the oldest of all representatives of river fauna. Archaeological scientists have found fossil remains that are over 70 million years old.

General information about catfish

All types aquarium catfish, of which there are a huge number in nature, are surprisingly similar in appearance. More than 1,200 thousand different waterfowl variations of this species live in aquariums alone. Otherwise, these fish are called cleaners, because they eat the remains of half-eaten, rotting food lying on the bottom. And many amateurs purchase such “orderlies” precisely because of their accuracy. You can buy such curious specimens at any pet store.

These aquarium fish, instead of scales, have a lamellar covering consisting of bone tissue. This feature distinguishes them from other waterfowl. Catfish mainly live at the bottom of glass reservoirs and are active only at night. They feed on plant foods, but sometimes they do not hesitate to feast on the leftovers “from the master’s bottom table.”

Catfish are very popular among aquarists, so the demand for them is very high. They buy shellfish because they:

  • Quite peaceful;
  • feel excellent in water at temperatures from 18° +25°C;
  • adapted to hard water;
  • They feel confident with its average acidity with plus/minus deviations in different directions.

Nature has endowed catfish with intestinal respiration. Looking out of the aquarium, they swallow air with their mouths, which is then processed into pure oxygen. If a catfish often lingers near the surface of the water, it means that it is difficult for him to breathe.

Aquarium orderlies

Ancistrus catfish are one of the most common species of chainfish. People call them stickers. Catfish can live in any aquarium, as long as there is clean fresh water and well-groomed plants growing there. For their safety, fish look for secluded places, for example, various driftwood, ceramic pipes. They are especially active in the evenings or when the water temperature drops significantly.


Aquarium fish, ancistrus catfish, live for up to 10 months without displaying sexual differences, but upon reaching adulthood, they can change their orientation. For example, if there is no male in the aquarium, then the female takes on this mission with all the ensuing consequences. After all, someone needs to fertilize the eggs.

Well, if both males and females live in the aquarium, then each individual performs its own functions: the female one lays eggs, and the male one fertilizes it.


The aquarium should be filled with settled and acidified water at a temperature of 20-25°C. For good growth and reproduction of algae, bright lighting is provided to the pond. For catfish, such light is an irritant, so they hide in recesses of the sandy bottom, in snags and decorative decorations.

Nature has endowed ancistrus with strong fins, but deprived it of a swim bladder. For this reason, aquarium sticky catfish cannot stay in the water column for a long time, like other fish. They move spasmodically, right along the glass of a home pond. With good care, shellfish live 6-7 years.


Ancistrus catfish look like small flattened torpedoes with chain mail war paint, onto which geometrically shaped bone plates are glued on top. The aquarium fins are decorated with 7 luxurious fins: two pectoral, a pair of abdominal, a large dorsal, anal and adipose. On the elongated lips of the round mouth there are large horn-like suckers, with the help of which the fish stick to snags and feed on green algae. Small eyes gleam on their impressively sized heads.

The size of the catfish depends on the living conditions in a particular aquarium. The length of fish of this species does not exceed 15 cm. Female ancistrus are larger in size than males. The body is decorated with long, sharp fins. Male ancistrus have mustaches growing on their heads, reaching 2 cm.

What do they eat?

Ancistrus catfish feed on dry food. Not everyone knows that the diet of these fish should include lignin and cellulose. These polymer compounds are an excellent means for good digestion of plant foods. It is for this reason that it is advisable to place driftwood purchased in the aquarium in special store, or find a piece of hardwood in the forest.

Not finding food, catfish may begin to gnaw on plants. They chew holes in tender leaves or eat entire greens. But usually they are not picky about food. By finishing the food after the other inhabitants of the aquarium, they thereby clean their home. People call them “aquarium nurses.”

Striped platidoras

The striped aquarium catfish from the armored family will be a decoration for your little pond. In appearance it is a very beautiful fish. She's terribly curious. Platidoras explores his possessions with great interest, sticking his head everywhere where it is not asked. He is brave and does not hide in the crevices of snags or bury himself in the sand.

However, sometimes Platydoras still wants to be alone, and then he looks for a secluded place where he can quietly hide.


Not everyone can boast of such a protective outfit as the platidoras. Nature rewarded him with armor. The black color and white stripes located on the sides resemble war paint. Its pectoral and dorsal fins have very sharp and long spines. In front, like battle armor, there is a strong bone shell. Therefore, if you want to give this miracle to someone or move Platydoras to another aquarium, then do everything carefully, resorting to the help of some kind of vessel. It is not recommended to use a net to catch a small “Rambaud”. IN stressful situation he will straighten his thorns, tear the mesh with his “blades”, and even prick his fingers very painfully.


How long do aquarium platidora catfish live? This completely natural question worries everyone who wants to buy such fish for their aquarium. It turns out that minke whales are considered long-lived, as they live 15 years, growing up to 16 cm. Individuals of this species are very peaceful creatures, especially with those who are much larger in size and cannot fit into their mouth.

What do they eat?

Aquarium platidora catfish eat a lot. Their diet mainly includes protein foods - earthworms and bloodworms. Save the fish from gluttony. They need to have fasting days. During puberty, which occurs at two years, females need to be fed with live bloodworms in order for the pregnancy to be successful. At home, you cannot do without artificial support to stimulate spawning. Typically, drugs such as Bream Pituitary Gland and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin are used.

Humble Shellmen

Aquarium Corydoras catfish are very modest. Using extreme caution, they always swim close to the bottom surface. From the outside, carapaces look like goldfish in an armored robe, with bony plates. Their appearance is captivating with its multifaceted coloring, thanks to which these waterfowl beauties look very impressive on dark ground.

To create living conditions for these fish that are close to natural environment habitat, place driftwood, stones and algae on the sandy bottom of the aquarium. Carapaceans like to spend their time digging in the ground, so the sand in your home pond should be very fine and soft. They like to swim in medium-hard water with a temperature of +20-28°C. These types of aquarium catfish are not afraid of temperature changes, but they can get sick from liquids contaminated with all kinds of nitrates, nitrites and heavy metals, despite their endurance.

The period of sexual maturity in fish begins at 1.5 years of age. During spawning near Corydoras, you should use a special aquarium with a capacity of 60 liters. To remove dirt, place lighting and aeration in it, and to create an environment similar to the previous place, place driftwood and river pebbles on the bottom of the new reservoir. Also add a couple of shells and some broadleaf plants. The water temperature should be slightly lower than normal.

After all the preparations, add a couple of females into the aquarium, which will spawn eggs, and about 5 males to fertilize them. During one spawning, young “mothers” produce up to 1000 eggs. It is better to remove the producers from the reservoir after completion of the process. The eggs in the fertilized state will attach to snags and foliage and develop quietly. In a week, the fry will be born. The young generation that has begun to swim needs to be fed live dust. After about a month, the young can be moved to a regular aquarium. The life span of Corydoras is 15 years.

Water troublemakers

Before buying a representative of this species, think carefully about whether you need an aquarium with constantly cloudy water. The fact is that tarakatum catfish can rummage in the sand for hours, raising a lot of dirt around them. Their fins are very strong - and therefore the effect looks intimidating. But this does not pose any danger to plants. You can, of course, avoid such an incident by pouring large pebbles onto the bottom of your home pond instead of fine soil.

In fact, cockroach catfish are very modest and peaceful. The originality of their appearance captivates aquarium lovers, and they still decide to purchase these innocent creatures. The body shape of the fish is rectangular. They have a disproportionately large head, with a line of bony plates on the sides.

Pride of the cockroach

However, the pride of the cockroach is its two pairs of long antennae pointing up and down. They give the fish a certain comic appearance. The catfish, the photo you can see in the article, demonstrates its wealth in all its glory. The oral muscles are located in such a way that at certain moments they can form something like a human smile.

By the way, the body color of the tarakatum becomes lighter with age, resembling a kind of gray hair. The arrangement of the fins is the same as that of other representatives of this species.

Catfish size

IN mature age their height is 20 cm, so for fish of such an impressive size you need to purchase an aquarium with a volume of 100 cubic meters. liters Where these species are accustomed to living, namely in the overgrown basins of the Amazon, Paraguay, and Guinea, there is a constant lack of oxygen. Other representatives of waterfowl would not have survived in such conditions, but not these. Aquarium catfish-tarakatum are very hardy, so they get along absolutely calmly in new places. Having inherited the second - intestinal - respiration from their ancestors, the fish systematically stick out to the surface to take a breath of air.

Spawning period

Tarakatum fish are very peaceful. They can perfectly coexist with any waterfowl, without paying any attention to them at all. Durable protective plates are a 100% guarantee of their safety. The age when catfish can have offspring begins at 10 months. During spawning, females and males must be moved to another aquarium. In all other respects, spawning occurs in exactly the same way as in other representatives of this species. The female lays eggs, and the male fertilizes them and builds a cozy nest of foam.

Cockroaches live for 12 years.

Together with a friendly flock

Another very interesting species of armored fish is the speckled catfish. Rich freshwater pools South America with lush greenery and amazing water landscapes are their homeland. The height of the female straw shellfish, as the amazingly beautiful fish is also called, is only 7 cm. Imagine how tiny the male will be if he is smaller than his girlfriend by as much as 2 cm! However, its pride is its sharp, triangle-shaped fins. Catfish of this species are pale brown in color. Their body, covered with dark spots, resembles freckles on the face. And the pinkish tint of the belly makes the fish more impressive. Just like other similar representatives, speckled ones have 2 pairs of antennae.

Marbled catfish have a keen sense of collectivism, which is why they always swim in schools. But other fish they meet along the way should not be afraid, because catfish of this species are very peaceful. The speckled species actively spends its time both at night and during the day, but still the peak of greatest mobility occurs at night. They become sexually active at six months of age.

During spawning, create an imitation of rain for the fish in the aquarium to bring them closer to natural conditions. The female produces up to 200 large transparent eggs, which are subsequently fertilized by the males. The incubation period lasts up to 12 days.

Home aquarium: what to look for

Those who want to experience the beauty of the underwater world should know that placing an aquarium with beautiful fish in your apartment is only the beginning of an exciting and very have an interesting journey. So, what do you need to do to ensure that your little waterfowl have a good time in their glass house? To do this you need to decide:

  • What capacity should a home pond have? Calculate everything mathematically, taking into account the dimensions of your room.
  • Question about lighting, which is necessary for plant growth.
  • What type of aeration and filtration do you prefer? Clean water enriched with oxygen is very necessary for fish.
  • Question about the method of heating the reservoir.
  • What greens will grow in a glass container?
  • A question about the design of a home pond, that is, what decorative elements you will decorate it with.
  • What kind of fish do you prefer to see in your home aquarium?

Aquarium catfish: photo gallery

I invite you to enjoy a small photo gallery entitled “Aquarium Catfish: Species”. The photos of the fish shown below clearly reflect the individuality of each species.

  • American catfish. Can live in any water conditions. Contaminated water does not frighten him, although he does not have auxiliary breathing.
  • Otocinclus catfish. Has the ability to adapt breathing.
  • Hoplosternum catfish. Because of its endurance, it resembles a mustachioed cockroach, brown and indestructible.
  • Loricaria catfish. Looks like goldfish. Very cute, does not conflict with other waterfowl.
  • What unites armored catfish

    When you watch the armored catfish, how they flounder on the sand or move along the walls of the aquarium, you feel such strong tenderness and a kind of love for these truly beautiful, extraordinary and very cute fish. All types of aquarium catfish share qualities that are worthy of our attention:

    • absolute peacefulness;
    • unusual appearance;
    • very beautiful, long mustache;
    • the armor covering the body is of a nondescript color, similar to the color of a pebble;
    • impeccable cleanliness.

Aquarium catfish act as a natural filter, eating the mucus secreted by other inhabitants of the aquarium. By picking up various remains from the bottom, these fish raise strong turbidity, so the tank must be equipped with a powerful filter. Many aquarium catfish lead night look life, hiding during the day in various shelters. Maintaining them is relatively easy, you just need to stick to them. certain rules care

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    According to the description, aquarium catfish are prominent representatives of the catfish order, which includes several families. In some species, instead of scales, the entire body is covered with bony plates. But most representatives have a torso covered with skin. A characteristic feature of the fish is the presence of whiskers, of which there can be one pair or several. Some individuals can reach a length of more than a meter.

    The color of catfish varies - from dark gray to speckled brownish, but there are exceptions. For example, there may be species with brighter colors - silver-gray or yellow. Aquarium catfish most often have a protective, camouflage color. They live at the bottom of the reservoir, leading an active lifestyle in the twilight and dark. During the day they most often rest, and at nightfall they go out in search of food.

    Catfish can be predatory or omnivorous. This point must be taken into account when keeping such pets. Fish live in an artificial reservoir for an average of 5–10 years.


    Aquarium catfish there are various types. The most popular fish to keep at home:

    View Description
    Armored, or callichthous
    Includes approximately 150 varieties. The most common representatives include Corydoras (speckled or spotted catfish, golden catfish and about 30 other species) and Hoplosternum (beige catfish, tarakatum). They are classified as omnivores. This family gets along well with other aquatic inhabitants, ignoring their presence
    These fish don't really like to swim. They have a sucker-shaped mouth, which is why they are often called sticky catfish or sucker catfish. This is a peaceful aquarium inhabitant that gets along well with many fish. Sticky catfish are phytophages that feed on plant foods. Representatives of this species are Ancistrus dark, ordinary, star-shaped
    Otocinclus affinis is best suited for keeping in an aquarium - a small-sized catfish that grows only up to 2-3 cm. The back of the fish is light gray, the belly is white, and there are pronounced black stripes on the sides along the body.
    The most interesting representative of catfish. He looks unusual - you can see his bones and entrails through his skin. It is 4–10 cm long. The surface of the body is scaleless, transparent and slightly pearlescent. A characteristic feature is two antennae above the top of the mouth. These catfish have very fragile health. They should be fed live food.
    Very shy fish. They grow to a large size, so they require a spacious aquarium. It is advisable to cover the bottom with large pebbles or stones. It is not recommended to add other shy fish to them, as this will only increase their fear
    The species belongs to the catfish family. Another name for the fish is catfish because of its whiskered muzzle. She is unpretentious in food, but the quality of water is very important to her.

    Content Features

    Aquarium catfish do not require special care, but you must adhere to the following maintenance rules:

    • Aquarium size. The volume of the tank is chosen taking into account the size of adult fish. The best option is a 200 liter aquarium.
    • Priming. Catfish feed on food that settles on the top soil layer. To prevent the water in the aquarium from becoming cloudy, fine-grained soil should not be placed on the bottom. It is not recommended to use large gravel for these purposes, otherwise the fish may be injured by its sharp edges. It is best to fill the tank with medium-sized soil of a light shade.
    • Plants. You need to plant as much vegetation as possible in an aquarium with fish. They choose species that have hard foliage, because catfish like to feed on soft leaves. The bottom can also be decorated with decorative elements - grottoes, snags, etc. It is recommended to plant vegetation in special pots, since some types of fish can damage the roots while digging in the ground.
    • Water quality. The optimal water temperature in the aquarium is +22…+26 degrees. The acidity of the aquatic environment should be neutral, and the hardness should be in the range of 6–12.
    • Equipment. A compressor must be installed in the fish tank to saturate the water with oxygen. Small catfish can also breathe air, so access to it cannot be limited. Vegetation should not cover the entire surface.


    Feeding catfish is very easy. They feed on the remains of food lying on the bottom that other fish have not eaten, thus cleaning the bottom of the tank.

    Almost everyone eats catfish:

    • bloodworm;
    • frozen food;
    • shrimp;
    • tubifex;
    • lean meat;
    • black bread;
    • Daphnia;
    • cyclops;
    • dry food.

    For adequate nutrition, it is recommended to feed catfishspirulina in tablets for herbivorous fish. Many species happily eat food plant origin. Catfish love to eat rotten places on snags, polishing them to a shine. They use their antennae to search for food.


    Catfish reproduce very easily. To breed them, you will need an aquarium with a volume of 30–70 liters, called a spawning tank. It is equipped with plants and driftwood. The lighting is made twilight, dim and provides the tank with enhanced aeration.

    The spawning ground may have no soil or plants at all and may have natural light.

    The water should be within +17...+25 degrees, clean and neutral acidity. One female and 2-3 males are introduced into the aquarium.

    To stimulate spawning, perform the following actions:

    • change the temperature regime in the spawning area, decreasing or increasing the temperature by 2–3 degrees per day;
    • change the water daily by 50% of the total volume of liquid in the aquarium for 2–3 days;
    • enhance aeration.

    The courtship period lasts 7–10 days, during which the male arouses the female’s interest by circling around her and continuously following her. Spawning is carried out as follows: the male holds the antennae of the female with his body and pectoral fins, and she spawns eggs in her pelvic fins, while collecting milk in her mouth. Then she begins to look for a place for spawning, cleans it and carefully lays out the eggs, lubricating them with milk.

    After spawning, the parent catfish are placed in a common tank, and in the spawning tank the water temperature is maintained within +19…+21 degrees. The emergence of larvae from eggs occurs after 8–12 days. It is recommended to give the fry special dry food or ciliates. After 7–10 days, the diet is expanded by adding brine shrimp, nematodes, bloodworms, and tubifex.


    Catfish are peace-loving fish that never fight with other species. But they have conflicts with each other, which happens relatively rarely. Not all aquatic inhabitants can get along with catfish. Neons and guppies are a treat for them, so they need to be kept separately.

    If the aquarium is inhabited predatory fish, then it is recommended to plant large species of catfish that can stand up for themselves.

Common catfish, speckled catfish, corydoras - all these names refer to representatives of the family of callichtidae, or armored catfish. This type inhabits freshwater bodies of dense vegetation in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and other countries of South America. Many of the representatives of the Corydoras species have taken a strong place among experienced aquarists and hobbyists thanks to their interesting behavior, original appearance and unique color scheme.

It is not possible to list all representatives of Corydorus catfish in one article, so we focus only on those who have gained great popularity among aquarists.

Venezuelan (lat. Corydoras aeneus var. venezuelanus orange)

Size: up to 5 cm. Water for keeping this type of catfish should be soft with low acidity, with a constant temperature of 25 to 27 ° C. To obtain maximum color saturation of the fish, most of the aquarium must be densely planted with plants.

Catfish avoid open space and do not like bright lighting, as well as increased attention, and hide, so it is better to feed them in twilight lighting, in the evening.

When the water changes with a decrease in temperature, spawning is stimulated. Each female lays 30-40 eggs, which hatch after four days and after another three days the fry can be fed.

Venezuelan corridors.

Golden (lat. Corydoras aeneus)

Size: up to 6 cm. This species should be kept in soft water (up to 10 parts of calcium oxide) at a temperature range from 23 to 25°C.

The armored catfish is very mobile and active during the day, unpretentious to water quality and gets along well with its neighbors.

Easily propagated in general aquarium. Spawning often occurs at night. The female is very productive and lays up to 500 eggs, from which larvae emerge after three days. After another three days, the fry can be switched to feeding with cultivated microorganisms. Known various options the color of these catfish and it has not yet been determined whether they can be classified as a species of golden corydoras.

Golden Corridor.

Axelrod (lat. Corydoras axelrodi)

Size: up to 5 cm. They feel most comfortable in soft water with a temperature of 24 to 26°C. Axelrod's catfish is well known and common among aquarists. Care is not difficult; acclimatized catfish spend their days searching for food, for which there are no special requirements.

With abundant and regular feeding, females quickly go to spawn. The number of eggs in a clutch is about 40, but cases of spawning up to 100 eggs are known. The eggs are small, 1.5 mm in diameter, and are attached by the female to the underside of plant leaves. The hatching of the fry from the eggs occurs after four days, and after three days of its formation, feeding with brine shrimp is recommended.

Axelrod's corridor.

Spotted tail (lat. Corydoras caudimaculatus)

Size: up to 6 cm. Recommended water temperature for spotted-tailed catfish is from 20 to 26°C. Catfish preferring soft clear water with low acidity, as well as without nitrates and weekly replacement of up to 30% of the total volume of the aquarium.

With a varied diet, they spawn very willingly and regularly without lowering the water temperature. The eggs are about 2 mm in size, mature for three days, after which the larvae emerge, which feed on the yolk sac for three days, and after another two days they successfully cope with the planktonic organism - ciliates. The growth of this species is most noticeable in the first two months after hatching, and when the size reaches 2 cm, the growth rate slows down.

Gossie (lat. Corydoras gossei)

Size: up to 6 cm. For keeping this type of catfish, soft water with a temperature of 24 to 26°C is preferred. After mastering its permanent habitat, it is not too demanding in maintenance, so it is suitable even for not very experienced aquarists. In darkened aquariums with big amount plants acquire a contrasting color, which is characteristic even of fry.

Female gossy catfish are very productive and, depending on size, age and condition, can lay between 80 and 300 eggs. Three days after maturation, larvae emerge from the eggs, which, after two days of adaptation, successfully eat Artemia nauplii and enchyteria worms.

Corridoras gossi.

Diagonally striped (lat. Corydoras melini)

Size: up to 6 cm. It should be kept in soft water, the temperature of which is between 20 and 26°C. The soil should be sandy, coarse sand or fine stone without sharp edges.

When breeding, it is recommended to transplant it into a separate aquarium, where the female scatters eggs all over the bottom. The hatching of the larvae occurs after two days, and after they have absorbed the yolk sac (three days), the fry are best fed with Artemia nauplii.

Diagonally striped corridor.

Napo (lat. Corydoras napoensis)

Size: up to 5 cm. The water temperature for maintenance should be in the range from 23 to 25 ° C with a calcium content of up to 10% (soft).

A distinctive feature of this species is the appearance of clear and full color in a darkened aquarium with plants floating on the surface of the water. Unlike other representatives of corydoras with a similar color, napos have black spots on the caudal fin.

These catfish should not be kept with large fish of other species. Spawning takes place in free water, in close proximity to the surface. During the mating season, the sides of males are lilac.

Females lay up to 300 eggs 1 mm in size in and near plant bushes. The ripening of eggs takes four days; three days after the larvae hatch, the fry are ready to eat microscopic worms and ciliates. The growth rate of napo catfish is very slow.

Corridoras napo.

Speckled (lat. Corydoras paleatus)

Size: up to 6 cm. For comfortable maintenance, the water should be soft, with a temperature of 22 to 26°C. Speckled catfish are active during the day and can be kept with most species of peace-loving fish.

Suitable for reproduction cool water(in warm weather the rate of fertilization sharply decreases). The female lays up to 250 eggs, from which the larvae emerge after four days, and after another two days the fry begin to feed on their own, preferring artemia nauplii in food. The rapid growth rate after 2-3 months gives a high similarity to the parents.

Speckled Corridor.

Panda (lat. Corydoras panda)

Size: up to 5 cm. Soft water with a temperature of 22 to 25°C ensures this species good health and active behavior in the aquarium. Panda catfish need good aeration, filtration and regular water changes, as well as shelter and several places shaded by plants. Pandas have shown the ability to be kept with a variety of small tetras and dwarf cichlids.

Reproduction in panda catfishes is all-season. The female lays up to 20 eggs in fine-feathered plants or Java moss. After four days, larvae emerge and begin feeding on Artemia nauplii after another two days. This species of Corydoras is characterized by a very slow growth rate.

Due to its interesting color and behavior, the panda catfish has firmly established itself among aquarists and has become very widespread.

Panda corridor.

Sterba (lat. Corydoras sterbai)

Size: up to 6 cm. Heat-loving species of catfish that prefers clear water (soft with low acidity) and water temperature from 24 to 28°C. To successfully keep Sterba catfish, good aeration is necessary. A carefully designed diet is important for Corydoras Sterba. This species does not tolerate starvation well, so it needs to be fed frequently and in a timely manner.

Large females of this species can lay up to 200 eggs, if possible attaching them to a substrate located on the current. After four days of ripening the eggs, the larvae hatch, and on the third day they can move freely around the aquarium and eat the starter food.

It is necessary to pay attention that fry react very sensitively to an increase in pH, so the purity and consistency of the water composition in the first three weeks will ensure good survival of the young. At the age of one month, the fry become more resilient and less demanding of water, and their further maintenance does not present serious problems.

Sterba corridor.

Corridors: care and maintenance

The presented species of corydoros should be grouped in groups of 5-20 pieces. The size of a species aquarium for catfish must be at least 54 liters; when keeping the same flock in a common aquarium, the volume must be at least 160 liters, with the exception of panda catfish, which require a smaller volume of the general aquarium - 112 liters.

Females are distinguished by their larger size and wider back. And only two species have other, more pronounced differences - male corydoras are smaller than females and have a clearer pattern, and male speckled catfish are much smaller and more graceful.

The diet for all presented types of corydoras is recommended to consist of dry, frozen and.

Like labyrinths, corydoras can also breathe atmospheric air. They do not have a labyrinth apparatus, so catfish swim to the surface of the water, swallow an air bubble and absorb oxygen through the gastrointestinal tract.

Corydoras do not tolerate well salt water, therefore, it is not recommended to use salt for the treatment and prevention of diseases in an aquarium with them.

Although some species have slight differences in the spawning process, in general it is the same. The incentive is an increase in protein feed in the diet, a decrease in temperature and frequent water changes. Spawning is usually group, males begin to chase females, and they, in turn, choose a male, collect his milt in their mouths and lay eggs in special pockets on the fins. After this, she selects the most attractive surface for laying, lubricates it with the male’s milk and lays the eggs on it.

Parents do not care about their offspring and may even pose a danger to them, so adult fish are removed from the spawning grounds after breeding. If spawning took place in a common aquarium, then the eggs are carefully removed from the surfaces or removed with a blade if the eggs are stuck to the glass.

Dwarf, or the smallest catfish

The most popular among dwarf catfish are:

  • sparrow catfish (eye-tailed catfish, sickle-shaped catfish);
  • pygmy catfish;
  • Habrosus catfish (crumb korydoras).

These representatives are species of armored corydoras found in South America.

It is better to keep the smallest catfish in schools of 10-30 pieces, the volume of the species aquarium is 40 liters, and the total aquarium is 54 liters, and good aeration and water filtration must be ensured.

When creating the interior of an aquarium, it is necessary to plant an abundance of plants, add shelter and driftwood. As a soil, you can use fine-grained stones without sharp edges and coarse sand.

Variety with veil fins.

Pygmy catfish (lat. Corydoras pygmaeus)

The maximum size of the catfish reaches 3 cm. This type of corydoras prefers the middle layers of soft water with a temperature of 20 to 26°C. Many small species of tetras and other types of small fish can be kept with Corydoras pygmy. It is better to add small or finely chopped live or frozen food to the regular diet.

Reproduction in a species aquarium with an abundance of plants is most effective. One female lays up to 50 very small eggs, which are scattered throughout the aquarium. The maturation period lasts four days, after which the larvae appear, which feed on the yolk sac for the first three days, and then the fry successfully eat ciliates or brine shrimp larvae.

The development of young individuals occurs in the first three weeks very fast pace, after which it stops, and then they grow slowly. Pygmy catfish fry are strikingly different from adults.

Pygmy corridor.

Habrosus catfish (lat. Corydoras habrosus)

The size of this species reaches 3 cm. Chabrosus catfish prefers the bottom layers of soft and medium-soft slightly acidic water with a temperature of 20 to 26 ° C and a weekly change of up to 30%.

The difference between a female and a male is its larger size and wider back width.

Habrosus are peaceful and many calm fish with the same character and small size will become their neighbors.

Habrosus catfish feeds from the bottom; it prefers fresh or frozen food; it can be fed with dry food and spirulina tablets.

When breeding, the female lays up to 100 eggs in and around small bushy plants, Java moss. The larvae hatch after three days, the fry after two days begin to move freely around the aquarium and eat artemia. After six weeks, young habrosus begin to acquire adult coloration. The growth rate in the first two months is rapid, and at this age their size reaches 1 cm, and then slows down. Sexual maturity occurs at 10-12 months.

Sparrow catfish (lat. Corydoras hasstatus)

The size of this species does not exceed 3 cm. For comfortable keeping of sparrow catfish in an aquarium, you need soft, clean water with a temperature of 20 to 26°C, with good aeration and filtration.

The female is different from the male large size. By nature they are peaceful and get along well with fish of similar nature and size. They are not picky about their diet and consume live, frozen and dry food, as well as various substitutes.

Before spawning, the difference between the male and the female is obvious: the belly is more curved and full, the dorsal fin of the female is rounded, and that of the male is pointed. During spawning, the female lays up to 80 eggs on glass, the underside of plant leaves or another suitable place. The period of maturation of eggs lasts four days, after which larvae appear, which after two days begin to move independently around the aquarium and can successfully eat aquarium plankton (brine shrimp, etc.).

During the first month of life, the growth rate of the fry is rapid (size reaches up to 1 cm), and then decreases. By the age of one year they reach the size of their parents and reach sexual maturity.

And just a little video about speckled catfish and the rules for keeping it:

Catfish family one of the most numerous among waterfowl. The number of species exceeds two thousand. Half of them are suitable for living in an aquarium environment. Their popularity is due to some extent ability to clean water. All the sewage that settles to the bottom is soon eaten up by these cleaners. In the natural environment, they prefer to settle in fresh water bodies. The fish are very remarkable. To keep them at home, you need to know rules of care.

Since in natural water Since catfish live at the very bottom, they are deprived of scaly cover. Typically, they have dense skin or bone plates, which reduces motor energy. The pectoral and dorsal fins are equipped with spines that help them cling in crevices. They also serve as protection. In aquariums, they spend more time in the lower water column and are active at night.

The standard size of catfish is 3–12 cm, although there are also two-meter individuals. You can recognize it by its long paired antennae located near its mouth. In some species they are branched, in others they mutate into labial suckers. They serve as taste buds with which fish look for food at the bottom. Nature has endowed these fish with a non-standard respiratory process, through the intestines. Oxygen is captured by the mouth from the air and then processed. If the catfish's head often peeks above the water, it means he has breathing problems.


Catfish classified as a chainmail species. They can safely exist in any aquarium, as long as it is clean and fresh water. Sticky fish that prefer to stay in secluded places: under snags, vegetation, stones. Passivity weakens in the late afternoon or when the water temperature drops. For aquarium representatives, the optimal temperature mode - 20–25 °C . They are frightened by the bright light and quickly retreat to the shelter.

If powerful fins are given, then there is no swim bladder. Therefore, they do not feel like a fish in water. They are characterized by spasmodic movements on the glass of the aquarium. With proper care, they can live up to 7 years.

The external exterior of the stick is similar to torpedoes, only in miniature. Flat head, with round and shiny eyes. The body is strewn with variegated inclusions, crepe-black color. 7 rich fins look impressive: a pair each on the chest and abdomen, one on the back, anal and adipose. The mouth is large, round, with thick lips. Located in the labial folds horny suckers, with which catfish cling to various objects.


It has another scientific name - common catfish. It began its aquarium existence in the 19th century, so it is the most ancient representative. Its homeland is the waters of South America.

If you look at the photo, you can see the fish’s adaptation to the bottom way of living. With a highly elongated body, the abdomen is absolutely flat. There is a high fin on the back.

Their size is small, on average 4–8 cm, females are larger than males. The surface cover is continuous, consisting of bone plates. The color is an unusual combination: the top is gray-cream with a metallic sheen, the belly is pink-yellow.

Not long ago, speckled albinos were selected. They're completely in pink color and with red eyes. The lifespan of this kind is no more than 8 years.

The aquarium space is equipped with various vegetation: cryptocorynes, echinodorus, vallisneria. You can add sticks, driftwood and other components that will serve as a resting place for catfish.

Striped platidoras

This is a species of catfish, part of the Bronyakov family. In the natural environment it reaches a size of 25 cm, with a lifespan of up to 20 years. Under artificial conditions, it grows no more than 15 cm and lives 5–7 years less.

Unlike other brothers, it has a rounded abdomen. The body is elongated, graceful, with clearly protruding pectoral fins. A ray-shaped pike protrudes from the lower lip, equipped with sharp spikes, with a hook at the end. There are six whiskers on the head. Young animals stand out with a brighter color than older ones.

The first year after birth, they are active at any time of the day. Only in the second year do they begin to lead a secretive lifestyle, crawling out in the evenings. If there is a lack of food, they can eat their smaller brothers.


An ideal option for lovers of large fish in the aquarium. Despite their large dimensions, they are not particularly pretentious about living conditions, are endowed with a peaceful disposition, and easily get along with any representatives, but not predatory ones. You can observe their constant floundering at the bottom, which is associated with cockroach fuss.

At home, they grow up to 16 cm. The body is elongated, with a high ridge and smooth peritoneum. The striking feature of this catfish is the long antennae on the lower and upper lips. Like all fish, males are slimmer and smaller than females. They are distinguished by a red stripe on pectoral fin. The most common color is dark with light washes. Depending on the original natural environment, there are completely different color combinations: spotted, striped, “tiger” and “leopard”.

They are so active that their joint games can be observed around the clock. It is advisable to cover the aquarium so that they do not jump out. These catfish are valued for their friendly behavior, ease of living in any environment, and ease of care.

In addition to the above listed aquarium individuals, several more popular species can be distinguished:

  • Catfish panda - calm schooling fish, capable of getting along even with larger non-aggressive brothers. For maintenance you will need a container with a volume of at least 30 liters. Lead twilight life, hiding from view during the day. They feed only on food, without eating waste.
  • Glass catfish - has a transparent body structure, the skeleton is visible from the outside. The body is elongated and flattened on the sides, 10–12 cm long. A mustache is located on the upper jaw. Survives only in flock keeping. Alone, falls into stressful state, and lose their appetite. Swims in public view, does not hide.
  • Changeling - classified as a fringed catfish. Half of the body is flat, triangular in shape, with spiny pectorals and dorsal fins. It has two pairs of feathery antennae. Since its mouth is from below, it has to turn over to capture insects from the surface. Hence the name.
  • Saccosabranch - common in deep and shallow reservoirs, with standing fresh water. Unlike the standard flat configuration, it is equipped with an eel-shaped body. Only their muzzle is flat, with long bristly whiskers. When moving, it wriggles like a snake. The color is faded, completely unremarkable: dirty gray or cloudy white. In an artificial environment it can stretch up to 45 cm, depending on the size of the aquarium. He has no special preferences in food and eats any food.

There are so many of them that it is impossible to provide a complete list. Among all the diversity of species, there are different representatives: peaceful, aggressive, herbivores, omnivores, poisonous, crawling and others.

  • Optimum temperature within 20–25 °C, hardness 5–12, acidity - neutral. With a slight deviation, nothing bad will happen.
  • The state of the oxygen environment does not play a special role, since catfish have skin respiration or they transform atmospheric air.
  • Any kind of soil can be added to make the fish comfortable.
  • All kinds of decorative compositions, driftwood, and twigs are thrown inside. It will be convenient for barbels to hide there during the day.
  • Most varieties are herbivorous, so the vegetation won't last long.

Before purchasing these individuals, you should study all the features and style of behavior. Then it will not be difficult to equip the aquarium correctly, depending on the needs of the species you have chosen.

It is important to consider the degree of coexistence with other waterfowl. If you already have fish, it is better to find out in advance what the neighborhood will be like. Neons will also be the best treat for catfish. Rarely do catfish begin to show aggression, although there are internecine fights.

Reproduction and breeding

Catfish reproduce simply, without any complex manipulations. When they are the rightful owners of the territory, there is no need for resettlement. And so, for spawning they prepare a separate container with clean water and dense vegetation. There must be at least three males per female.

To speed up the process, it is recommended to change the water daily, maintaining a temperature of 17–25 °C, with aeration. A few days after spawning, the female is ready to spawn again.

Those who are already breeding these amazing specimens leave only positive reviews. Their ease of care, non-standard appearance and interesting image life, few will leave anyone indifferent. For beginner aquarists, all detailed information can be obtained on the relevant forums. There it will be convenient to ask questions of interest: how much they can cost, what types are better to choose, etc.

The underwater world is a very fascinating environment to watch. It is especially interesting to study the behavior of its inhabitants, who swim unnoticed and lurk at the bottom. Aquarium catfish are probably the most popular fish to keep at home. And there are certain reasons for this.

Catfish are one of the most popular aquarium fish

Reasons for popularity

Aquarium catfish are almost invisible in a home aquarium because they are always on the bottom. Their popularity is due to many factors:

  1. Huge species diversity. It is impossible to find two identical catfish. Scientists number more than one and a half thousand representatives different types. They differ not only appearance, but also by habits, food preferences, shape and size. Among the existing instances, it will not be difficult to find a new resident for home aquarium.

    The reason for the popularity of catfish is the huge variety of species

  2. High level of endurance and unpretentiousness. If a person has not previously kept fish, then the best option for him would be to purchase catfish. But do not forget about aquarium hygiene, since catfish also need clean water, regular feeding and quality care. But they are more tolerant, so they can forgive some mistakes in the content.
  3. Catfish are excellent at cleaning the aquarium of everything unnecessary. Since they swim on the bottom, they eat food that was originally intended for other fish. Catfish also eat algae, preventing them from growing too much in the aquarium.
  4. This type of fish is perfect not only for beginners, but also for experienced aquarists. Catfish will be an excellent addition to other fish species.

    Proper care and maintenance

    For normal living, catfish need to simulate as much as possible the environment in which they lived previously. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the aquarium. You need to choose a container that is as spacious as possible, since catfish can reach 30 centimeters in length.

    The bottom of the aquarium too important stage. It is better to choose sand or soft gravel as a soil. It is necessary to place small stones on it, where the catfish can rest. It is important to build a place where the fish can hide. Small driftwood that should be placed at the bottom is ideal for these purposes.

    Feeding catfish is quite simple. They need to purchase special food in tablet form. Catfish eat only in the lower layers of water. Food in tablet form prevents theft from other fish and allows catfish to eat normally. These fish are omnivores and can be given any food. It is best to carry out the last feeding immediately after sunset, since these fish are active only at night.

    Although catfish are very hardy, they can suffer from various diseases. It is necessary to carefully monitor their condition. The main symptoms that indicate the presence of the disease in pets:

    • sharp deterioration in appetite;
    • enlarged swollen abdomen;
    • pressed fins;
    • the skin is inflamed or discolored.

    If at least one sign is detected, then it’s time to contact a specialist.

    With regular care, catfish will become the best silent inhabitants of a home aquarium. All that remains is to choose the most interesting species of these aquatic inhabitants.

    Catfish only eat at the bottom of the aquarium

    Types of catfish

    There are more than one and a half thousand species of catfish, but not all of them have gained great popularity for keeping in an aquarium. The most favorite species among aquarists include Ancistrus, Corydoras, Otocinclus and some other varieties of catfish. Which fish to choose depends on the preferences of the owner of the artificial pond.

    Ancistrus for beginners

    Ancistrus belongs to the chainmail family. Its Latin name is Ancistrus. But this family also includes about 30 species. Very often its representatives are called stickers, cleaners and suckers. Ancistrus is loved for many reasons:

    1. They clean the aquarium perfectly.
    2. Unpretentious in content.
    3. Their suction cup-shaped mouth gives them the ability to eat small algae that grow on aquarium glass and decorations.
    4. Unique behavior.

    Catfish require certain living conditions. The temperature in an artificial reservoir should be in the region of 20−28 °C, acidity - 6−7.3, and water hardness - up to 10.

    The average life expectancy of Ancistrus representatives does not exceed 7 years. The fish are small. As a rule, their length does not exceed 10 centimeters.

    Catfish can be kept with many other fish, but it is not advisable to house them with cichlids. The latter are very aggressive in nature and can eat catfish fins.

    For several fish you will need an 80 liter aquarium. The bottom should be replete with various shelters - stones, snags and vegetation.

    Catfish get along especially well with cichlids

    Cleaners eat plant foods. They are excellent at eating growing algae from decorations, but they also need to be fed with food, which is sold in large tablets. Catfish are also great at eating scalded spinach and can gnaw on driftwood.

    Catfish corridors

    The fish, which bear the Latin name Corydoras, are considered the most popular. This genus includes a lot of representatives from the smallest specimens to representatives of impressive size. The choice of colors is also quite varied. There are golden, yellow, beige, spotted and purple fish.

    Corydoras catfish are very social and do not like to be alone

    It is not recommended to keep Corydoras alone. These fish are very social. To avoid exposing catfish to loneliness and stress, it is necessary to house them in at least 5 specimens. Catfish are very active. During the daytime, they constantly swim and rest in the thickets. The most popular types of aquarium catfish are:

    1. Golden.
    2. Shterba.
    3. Panda.
    4. Adolf.
    5. Work.
    6. Speckled catfish.

    These are not all the types that can be purchased. There are many more specimens intended for keeping at home.

    Otocinclus babies

    This genus includes many species of catfish, but Otocinclus affinis is most suitable for keeping in an aquarium. Most likely, this is what the store will offer first.

    Fish of the genus Otocinclus are the smallest among all types of aquarium catfish. Their length does not exceed 2-3 centimeters. Most often they have a light back, white belly and clear black stripes on the sides.

    Otocinclus grow no more than 2-3 cm in length

    If there are frequent temperature changes in the water, the catfish may experience severe discomfort and stress. This can subsequently lead to death.

    Catfish feed mainly on algae, including dry algae. For variety, you can add small pieces of zucchini. But you need to make sure your pets eat them. If the catfish have not shown interest in them, then the vegetables must be removed from the bottom, otherwise the water may spoil. Otocinclus go well with other types of fish. They get along well with Corydoras.

    Glass representative of catfish

    The glass catfish is considered the most amazing and... unusual appearance. It is distinguished by a peculiar body that allows you to see its bones and insides. The homeland of catfish is the islands of Borneo. A representative of this species has a body that does not exceed 10 centimeters in length. The skin has no scales, but is colored pearlescent.

    The fish got its name not only for its body, but also for its particularly fragile health. Getting it from the store to the aquarium is already a problem. Catfish often die during transportation. That is why it is necessary to pay careful attention to caring for them.

    Glass catfish have a special body structure

    These pets require high-quality water with moderate acidity and hardness. The temperature should be between 21−26 °C. Fish prefer live food, but they can be accustomed to artificial food. During the retraining process, they need to be given shrimp and insects.

    Representatives of glass catfish are very friendly to other species of fish. They are also very social. To maintain it, you must purchase two or more copies at once. When one of the catfish dies, you need to immediately buy a new one. If the fish is left alone, it may die.

    The aquarium should be replete with plants and various decorations. Without decorative elements, a catfish will not be able to feel completely safe.

    Sinodotis changeling

    The fish got its name for a reason. These types of aquarium catfish swim exclusively in an inverted state, that is, with their belly up.

    Changeling catfish swim belly up

    Representatives of Sinodotis are characterized by a beige color and the presence of two antennae near the mouth. The caudal fin is very similar to a fork.

    For changelings to thrive, the water temperature in the aquarium should be between 22 and 28 °C. The pet's diet should include live and dry food in equal parts. It is advisable to keep these catfish in a group of 4 individuals.

    The requirements for the aquarium are the same: it must be spacious and replete with driftwood, stones and vegetation, where the catfish can hide while resting.

    Representatives of the Sinodotis shifters are the calmest. They can live with any other species of fish. The best neighbors for them are corridors.

    This type of catfish is the most exotic and the most difficult to care for and maintain. The fish is quite impressive in size. Its second name is destroyer. Due to its timid nature, it can begin to rush around the entire artificial reservoir, demolishing everything in its path. Catfish may even be afraid of aquarium maintenance. It is important to always close the lid as Pseudoplatistoma has a habit of jumping out of the water.

    Tiger pseudoplatistoma is a large species of catfish that does not get along well with other species

    Pseudoplatistoma has a brindle coloration and long body. To support an adult pair, you need an aquarium of 1 thousand liters. The bottom of it needs to be covered with stones. Gravel is not suitable in this case, since there is a possibility that the catfish will eat it and clog its stomach. The aquarium should contain driftwood and depressions where the pseudoplatistoma can rest.

    Protein foods are most suitable for catfish

    You can feed catfish with any protein food. Small ones are perfect viviparous fish, but you need to make sure that they look healthy, otherwise there is a risk of infecting your pets with serious diseases. It is best to limit yourself to shrimp, earthworms and krill meat. It is necessary to carefully monitor feeding so that the fish does not become obese.

    Keeping this aquarium spotted catfish is extremely difficult. He can live up to 20 years. Very often, fish are purchased in the hope that in the future they will be transplanted into a larger aquarium. But often this ends with the catfish simply being disposed of. This is also very difficult to do: zoos are full of offers, but ordinary hobbyists simply don’t have such large aquariums. Breeding these specimens is almost impossible at home.

    Transportation methods

    When buying catfish, a person thinks about quality transportation. It needs to be done correctly, otherwise there is a risk that the fish will not survive the trip home. There are two main methods of transportation:

    In order not to be disappointed with your purchase, you need to pay attention to some factors when choosing aquarium pets. The following tips will help you choose the right catfish:

    1. Behavior. For a home aquarium, it is preferable to buy calm and peaceful species.
    2. Neighborhood. For artificial reservoirs that contain small fish, you should not purchase predatory catfish.
    3. Dimensions. It is worth considering that some individuals can reach one meter in length. It is necessary to purchase species that do not grow to such sizes.
    4. Shipping. Containers are used to transport catfish, since the fish have spines on their bodies that can pierce a regular oxygen bag.