The device is the operating principle of bottom mines. Floating mines Underwater mines of the Second World War

Not really usual combination“aviation” and “sea” cause confusion among some, but upon closer examination it turns out to be quite logical and justified, since it most accurately expresses the purpose of the weapon and the means of its use. A sea mine has a fairly long history of development and improvement and is usually defined as “an explosive charge enclosed in a sealed casing, installed at some depression from the surface of the water or on the ground and intended to destroy surface ships and submarines.”

It cannot be said that mines were treated with due respect in aviation; rather, on the contrary, they were openly disliked. This is explained by the fact that the crew did not see the results of using the weapon, and indeed no one could report with sufficient certainty where the mine ultimately went. In addition to everything, the mines, especially the first models, were bulky, significantly spoiled the already not very perfect aerodynamics of the aircraft, and led to a significant increase in take-off weight and changes in alignment. To this should be added a rather complex procedure for preparing mines (delivery from naval arsenals, installation of fuses, urgency devices, multiplicity devices, power sources, etc.).

The sailors, having appreciated the ability of aviation to quickly arrive at the designated mine-laying area and quite covertly lay them, nevertheless had complaints about accuracy, rightly hinting that mines laid by aviation in some cases turn out to be dangerous not only for the enemy. However, the accuracy of laying mines depended not only on the crews, but also on the area, meteorological conditions, aiming method, the degree of perfection of the navigation equipment of our aircraft, etc.

Perhaps these reasons, as well as the low carrying capacity of aircraft, slowed down the creation of aircraft mines. However, with the development of sea mines intended for laying from ships, the situation was no better, and various kinds of statements about the leading role of our country in the creation of such weapons, to put it mildly, do not quite correspond historical truth and the actual state of affairs.

Aircraft mines must meet some specific requirements:

– do not limit the flight characteristics of the aircraft;

– withstand relatively high shock loads during splashdown;

– their parachute system (if provided) should not unmask the deployment;

– in case of contact with land, the deck of the ship and the depth of less than the specified mine must be detonated;

– the safe landing of an aircraft with mines must be ensured.

There are other requirements, but they apply to all mines and therefore are not discussed in the article.

Fulfillment of one of the basic requirements for mines has led to the need to reduce their overloads at the time of splashdown. This is achieved both by taking measures to strengthen the structure and by reducing the splashdown speed. Based on numerous studies, it was concluded that the simplest and cheapest braking device, also applicable on mines, is a parachute.

The mine, equipped with a large parachute, splashes down with a vertical speed of about 15-60 m/s. The parachute method makes it possible to lay mines in shallow water with low dynamic splashdown loads. However, the parachute method is characterized by significant disadvantages and, above all, low accuracy of placement, the impossibility of using bomber sights for aiming, the secrecy of placement is not ensured, since the dirty green parachutes of mines hang in the sky for a long time, there are difficulties with their flooding, and there are great speed restrictions mortar throwing, parachute systems increase the dimensions of the mines.

These shortcomings have necessitated the creation of mines that are close in their ballistic characteristics to aviation bombs. Therefore, there was a desire to reduce the area of ​​mine parachutes or, if possible, get rid of them altogether, which, by the way, ensured increased accuracy of placement (if it was carried out using sighting devices, and not by calculating the time from any landmark) and greater secrecy of placement. Some consider it an advantage to reduce the likelihood of a mine being destroyed in the air part of the trajectory, without thinking about whether mines should be laid in full view of the enemy. Of course, the equipment of parachuteless mines must have increased impact resistance, the body must be equipped with a rigid stabilizer, and the depth of the application site must be limited.

Domestic design organizations took the lead in the idea of ​​​​creating parachuteless aircraft mines, although it was not without some overlaps, since the MAH-1 and MAH-2 mines developed in 1930, intended for deployment from low altitudes without parachutes, never entered service.

In the early 30s, the first VOMIZA aircraft mine was put into service in our country. It was described in detail in No. 7/1999.

The development of mine weapons in the pre-war and war years was influenced by the beginning of the use of proximity fuses in mines, created on the basis of achievements in electrical engineering, electronics and other fields of science. The need for such fuses was caused by the fact that minesweeping contact mines was not difficult.

It is believed that the first non-contact fuse in Russia was proposed in 1909 by Averin. It was a magnetic induction differential fuse designed for anchor mines. The differential circuit provided protection for the fuse from being triggered when the mine rocked.

The use of proximity fuses made it possible to increase the interval between mines in an obstacle, to carry out an explosion under the bottom of a ship, and to use autonomous bottom mines, which have some advantages over anchor mines. However, by the end of the 20s, only the first steps were taken towards the creation of such fuses.

The principle of operation of proximity fuses is based on the use of a signal from one or more physical fields created by a ship: magnetic (increase in the magnitude of the Earth's magnetic field due to the magnetic mass of the ship), induction (the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction), acoustic (conversion of acoustic vibrations into electrical ones), hydrodynamic (conversion changes in pressure into mechanical impulse), combined. There are other types of proximity fuses based on factors of a different nature.

Aviation anchor mine AMG-1 (1939)

1 – ballistic tip, 2 – anchor, 3 – shock absorber, 4 – mine body, 5 – cross-shaped stabilizer, 6 – cables for attaching the stabilizer and fairing to the mine.

Laying the AMG-1 mine

A fuse triggered by an external field is called passive. If it has its own field and its operation is determined by the interaction of its own field and the target, then this type of fuse is active.

The development of domestic proximity fuses for mines and torpedoes began in the mid-20s in a department of the All-Union Energy Institute by a group of scientists led by B.S. Kulebyakina. Subsequently, other organizations continued the work.

The first non-contact mine was the river induction non-contact mine REMIN. Its fuse was put into service in 1932; it ensured that the mine exploded after the primary relay was activated. The receiving part of the fuse was a large coil of insulated copper wire, connected to the frame of a specially designed sensitive galvanometric relay. The mine was intended to be deployed from surface ships. Three years later, the mine was equipped with more reliable equipment, and in 1936, after the hull was strengthened, under the name MIRAB (low-flight induction river mine) they began to be used from aircraft in two versions: as a parachute from medium altitudes and as a non-parachute mine from low-level flight heights ( according to the current documents of this period, flying at altitudes from 5 to 50 m was considered low level. However, the mine was dropped from 100-150 m, which refers to low altitudes).

In 1935, they developed a new magnetic induction fuse and a small non-contact bottom mine, MIRAB, which replaced the first sample. The mine was the first to use a two-pulse functional circuit. The command to detonate the mine was received after the receiving device was activated twice during the operating cycle of the software relay. If the second pulse arrived after a period exceeding the relay cycle time, it was perceived as the primary one, and the mine was put into standby mode. A two-pulse fuse provided more reliable protection of a mine from an explosion with a single impact on its receiving part and produced an explosion at a closer distance from the ship than a single-pulse fuse.

In 1941, MIRAB was once again modified, the design was simplified, and the explosive charge was increased. This version of the mine was used to a very limited extent during World War II.

In 1932, a student at the Naval Academy named after. Voroshilova A.B. In his graduation project, Gayraud proposed a rather interesting technical solution for an aviation non-parachute anchored galvanic impact mine. He was offered to continue working on the project at the Mine and Torpedo Research Institute. A group of specialists from the Central Design Bureau (TsKB-36) was also involved in it. The work was completed successfully, and in 1940 the AMG-1 mine (Gayraud aircraft mine) was adopted by the Navy aviation. Its author was awarded the title of laureate of the Stalin Prize. The mine could be deployed from altitudes from 100 to 6000 m at speeds of 180-215 km/h. Its TNT charge was 250 kg.

During the tests, mines were dropped onto the ice of the Gulf of Finland 70-80 cm thick, they confidently pierced it and were installed at a given depth. Although by and large practical significance this did not matter, since the parachutes remained on the surface of the ice. The mine was tested on DB-3 and Il-4 aircraft.

The AMG-1 mine had a sphero-cylindrical body with five lead galvanic impact caps, inside of which there was a galvanic cell in the form of a glass ampoule with an electrolyte, zinc and carbon electrodes. When the ship hit a mine, the cap was crushed, the ampoule was destroyed, the galvanic element was activated, the resulting electromotive force caused a current in the fuse circuit and an explosion. On sea mines, the lead cap was covered with a cast-iron safety cap, which was removed after the mine was set. On the AMG-1 mine, the galvanic shock caps were recessed and pulled out of the housing sockets by springs after the mine was installed in a given recess.

The mine body was placed on a streamlined anchor with rubber and wooden shock absorption. The mine was equipped with a stabilizer and a ballistic tip, which were separated upon splashdown. The mine was installed on a given recess using a loop method, floating up from the ground.

Work on MIRAB and REMIN mines, as well as experimental work on the creation of induction coils with cores made of materials with high magnetic permeability, carried out on the eve of the Great Patriotic War in Sevastopol, made it possible, in difficult military conditions, despite the relocation of industry and some design organizations, to create incomparably more advanced samples of non-contact bottom mines AMD-500 and AMD-1000 , which entered service with the Navy in 1942 and were successfully used by aviation.

The design team (Matveev, Eigenbord, Budylin, Timakov), testers Skvortsov and Sukhorukov (Navy Mine-Torpedo Research Institute) of these mines were awarded the title of Stalin Prize laureates.

The AMD-500 mine is equipped with a two-channel induction fuse. The sensitivity of the fuse ensured that the mine was triggered under the influence of the ship's residual magnetic field at depths of 30 m. The explosive charge of the mine ensured fairly significant destruction at distances of up to 50 m.

In the same year, the APM-1 parachute aviation floating mine entered service with the mine and torpedo aviation units of the Navy. It was intended for setting on rivers with a setting depth of more than 1.5 m from heights of 500 m or more. Since the APM-1 weighed only 100 kg and 25 kg of explosives, it was quickly removed from service.

Until 1939, mine and torpedo weapons were filled mainly with TNT, and recipes for more powerful explosive compounds were sought. In the Navy, work was carried out by several organizations. In 1938, a mixture of GG (a mixture of 60% TNT and 40% RDX) was tested. The explosive power of the composition exceeded TNT by 25%. Field tests also showed positive results, and on this basis, at the end of 1939, a government decision was made to use the new GT substance for loading torpedoes and mines. However, by this time it became clear that the introduction of aluminum powder into the composition increases the explosion power by 45-50% compared to TNT. This effect was explained by the fact that during an explosion, aluminum powder is converted into aluminum oxide with the release of heat. Laboratory tests have shown that the optimal formulation is one containing 60% TNT, 34% hexogen and 16% aluminum powder. The mixture was named TGA.

All research work on the creation and implementation in our country of ammunition for equipping mine and torpedo weapons was carried out by a group of Navy specialists under the leadership of P.P. Savelyeva.

During the war, the combat charging compartments of torpedoes and proximity induction mines were equipped only with a mixture of TGA. It was precisely this mixture that was used to equip AMD mines. To ensure an explosion under the most vital parts of the ship, the mines were equipped with a special device that delayed the explosion for 4 seconds from the moment the software relay started operating. The mine's six-cell battery powered the entire electrical circuit, had output voltages of 4.5 or 9 volts, and its capacity was 6 ampere-hours.

Bottom mine AMD-500

Bottom mine AMD-500 suspended under IL-4

IL-4 bomber is preparing to fly with an AMG-1 mine

The mine's parachute system consisted of a main parachute with an area of ​​29 m², a brake (with an area of ​​2 m²) and a stabilizing one, a release mechanism for attaching and separating the parachute from the mine, a KAP-3 device (a clock mechanism and an aneroid for separating the stabilizing parachute from the mine and opening the parachutes at a given height).

In 1942, a new version of the AMD-2-500 mine with a two-channel fuse was developed. To save the capacity of power supplies, an amplifier was turned on between the induction coil and the galvanometric relay, which came into operation only when a signal was received from the duty acoustic channel, indicating the appearance of a signal from the ship. Such a scheme excluded the possibility of the induction fuse, which had high sensitivity, being triggered under the influence magnetic storms because it was de-energized.

The AMD-2-500 mine was already equipped with urgency and frequency devices. The first was intended to bring the mine into combat condition after a certain time, and the second device made it possible to set it to detonate a mine after a certain number of missed targets or at the first target after the mine came into working condition. The urgency and frequency settings were made when preparing mines for use and could not be changed in the air.

Similar devices were used on A-IV and A-V mines arriving from England. The main difference between the electrical circuit mines A-V from the A-IV mine was that it had a two-pulse operation of the circuit and the multiplicity device was replaced by an urgency device. The two-pulse nature of the circuit was ensured not by electromechanical means, but by introducing a two-pulse capacitor into the circuit. After 10-15 seconds, the mine became ready to fire from the second impulse. The shelf life of the mine was determined by the fact that the urgency device was periodically connected to the battery every 2-6 minutes. The shelf life of the mine was 6-12 months.

Urgency and multiplicity devices significantly increased the anti-mine resistance of mines, while simultaneously protecting them from single explosions and series. The protective channel, triggered by the shock experienced by the mine body during a nearby explosion, disconnected the acoustic and induction channels from the circuit, and the mine did not react.

The AMD-2 mine was tested in the Caspian Sea from December 1942 to July 1943 and, after some modifications, was put into service in the AMD-2-500 and AMD-2-1000 variants in January 1945. For some reasons they were considered the best, but in Patriotic War were not used. For the development of mines, Skvortsov, Budylin and others were awarded State Prizes.

Work on further improvement of proximity mines continued, and efforts were made to use them with various combinations of fuses.

It is of undoubted interest to compare the developments of the US Navy of this period with domestic ones. The most famous are two samples of mines: Mk.KhSh and Mk.HI mod. 1.

The first mine is parachuteless, non-contact, induction, bottom. Has a body with an inseparable stabilizer. Mine weight 455-480 kg, explosive - 300-310 g. Body diameter - 0.5 m, length - 1.75 m. Maximum drop height - up to 425 m, permissible speed - 230 km/h. The fuse circuit is two-pulse with the possibility of increasing to 9, multiplicity - up to 8 cycles.

What is unusual is that the mine can also be used as a bomb. In this case, there are no restrictions on the height of the drop. And another original solution - the mine’s induction coil is shock-absorbed and not connected to its body. The electrical circuit does not use capacitors. After two tablets melt in the splashed down mine, two hydrostats are activated (setting depth 4.6-27.5 m). The first one starts the clock of the safety device, and the second one sends the ignition cartridge into the ignition glass. After some time, the electrical circuit was powered up and the mine was brought into combat condition.

The Mk.XM mine was developed for submarines, and its modification Mk.HI mod. 1 - for airplanes. Reference non-contact parachute mine 3.3 m long, 0.755 m in diameter, weighing 755 kg, explosive charge (TNT) - 515 kg, minimum height application - 91.5 m. Noteworthy features: the Americans decided not to waste time on research and made the most of German developments. The design widely uses clockwork mechanisms to quickly initiate an explosive charge, the detonators were placed across it, the mine was equipped with reliable rubber shock absorption, which caused complaints due to the high consumption of rubber. The mine turned out to be extremely expensive to produce and cost $2,600 (the cost of the Mk.XSh was $269). And one more important feature of the mine: it was universal and could be used both from submarines and aircraft. This was achieved by the fact that the parachute was an independent part and was attached to the mine with bolts. The mine's parachute was round, 28 m² in area, with a pole hole, and was equipped with a pilot chute. It was placed in a cylindrical box, attached with a German-style parachute lock.

Section of an AMD-2M mine prepared for internal suspension under an aircraft

Section of an IGDM mine prepared for internal suspension under an aircraft

1 – body; 2 – pot; 3 – parachute casing; 4 – tie belt; 5 – parachute system; 6 – induction coil; 7 – hydrodynamic receiver; 8 – battery pack; 9 – relay device; 10 – safety device; 11 – parachute lock; 12 – ignition glass; 13 – ignition cartridge; 14 – additional detonator-15 – parachute automatic gun KAP-3; 16 – dehumidifiers; 17 – yokes; 18 – exhaust cable; 19 – “explosion-non-explosion” cable

After the end of the war, work on mine weapons continued, existing models were improved and new ones were created.

In May 1950, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, induction hydrodynamic mines AMD-4-500 and AMD-4-1000 (Chief Designer Zhavoronkov) were adopted into service with ships and aircraft. They differed from their predecessors in their increased resistance to mine sweeping. Using a German captured hydrodynamic receiver in 1954, the design bureau of plant No. 215 subsequently developed the AMD-2M aircraft parachute bottom mine, which was made in the dimensions of the FAB-1500 bomb (diameter - 0.63 m, length of the combat mine with internal suspension under the aircraft) - 2.85 m, with external - 3.13 m, mine weight -1100-1150 g).

The AMD-2M mine, as the name suggests, is an improvement on the AMD-2 mine. At the same time, the hull design, bowler and parachute system were completely changed. The shock-hydrostatic and hydrostatic devices were replaced with one universal safety device, the relay device was improved, and the fuse circuit was supplemented with an anti-mine lock. The mine fuse is two-channel, acoustic-induction. A mine explosion or testing of one multiplicity (on a mine, you can set the number of idle operations of the multiplicity device from 0 to 20) occurs only when the mine receivers are exposed to the acoustic and magnetic fields of the ship.

The new parachute system made it possible to use mines at flight speeds of up to 750 km/h and consisted of eight parachutes: a stabilizing one with an area of ​​2 m², a braking one with an area of ​​4 m², and six main ones with an area of ​​4 m² each. The mine descent speed on a stabilizing parachute is 110-120 m/s, on the main parachutes – 30-35 m/s. The time for separation of the parachute system from the mine after splashdown is 30-120 minutes (the time of sugar melting).

In 1955, the APM aviation low-parachute floating mine, made in the dimensions of the FAB-1500 bomb, entered service. The mine is an improved version of the PLT-2 anti-submarine floating mine. This is a contact electric shock mine that automatically holds a given depression using a pneumatic floating device, intended for use in sea areas with depths greater than 15 m. The mine is equipped with four contact fuses, ensuring its explosion when it encounters a ship with a speed of at least 0.5 knots . And if at least one of the fuses broke, then the mine exploded. The mine was brought into firing position 3.5-4.0 s after separation from the aircraft and allowed installation on recesses from 2 to 7 m every meter. In the case of a mine equipped with an “explosion-sinking” hydrostat, the minimum depth was set to at least 3 m. In the event of a fall on a non-solid obstacle, shallow water, or when floating to the surface of the sea for 30-90 seconds, the mine was detonated. Safety of handling the mine was ensured by three safety devices: inertial, temporary and hydrostatic. The parachute system consisted of two parachutes: stabilizing and main.

The principle of operation of the mine was as follows. 3.5-4 seconds after separation from the aircraft, the mine was brought into a state of combat readiness. The urgency device was released, and the clock mechanism began to work out the set time. The inertia fuses were prepared to be triggered by the mine hitting the water at the moment of splashdown. At the same time, a stabilizing parachute was extended, which lowered the mine to 1000 m above sea level. At this altitude, KAP-3 was activated, the stabilizing parachute was separated and the main one was put into operation, providing a descent at a speed of 70-80 m/s. If the setting altitude was less than 1000 m, then the main parachute was put into operation 5 s after separation from the aircraft.

When a mine hit the water, the nose cone separated and sank, the inertial lock of the parachute casing was activated and sank along with the parachute, power was supplied from the battery pack to the navigation device.

The mine, due to the bow cut at an angle of 30°, regardless of the height of the drop, went under water to a depth of 15 m. With a dive to a depth of 2.5-4 m, the hydrostatic switch was activated and connected the ignition device to the electrical circuit of the mine. The mine was kept in a given depression by a floating device powered by compressed air and electricity. Compressed air was used for force, and the electric power of a battery pack was used to control the mechanisms that ensure swimming. Supplies of compressed air and sources of electricity ensured that the mine could float in a given depression for at least 10 days. After the expiration of the voyage period established by the urgency device, the mine self-destructed (depending on the installation, it was flooded or exploded).

The mine was equipped with slightly different parachute systems. Until 1957, parachutes reinforced with nylon gaskets were used. Subsequently, the spacers were eliminated, and the mine descent time decreased somewhat.

In 1956-1957 Several more types of aircraft mines were adopted for service: IGDM, “Lira”, “Series”, IGDM-500, RM-1, UDM, MTK-1, etc.

The special aircraft mine IGDM (induction hydrodynamic mine) is made in the dimensions of the FAB-1500 bomb. It can be used from aircraft flying at speeds up to 750 km/h. The combined induction-hydrodynamic fuse, after the mine arrived in the firing position, was transferred to constant readiness to receive a pulse from the ship's magnetic field. The hydrodynamic channel was connected only after receiving a signal of a certain duration from the induction channel. It was believed that such a design gives the mine high anti-mine resistance.

Serpey mine, prepared for suspension under the Tu-14T aircraft

Mine "Lyra"

Section of the aircraft anchor non-contact mine "Lira"

1 – anchor; 2 – drum with minrep; 3 – ballistic tip; 4 – clock mechanism; 5 – electric battery; 6 – proximity fuse; 7 – parachute; 8 – contact fuse; 9 – protective channel receiver; 10 – combat channel receiver; 11 – receiver of the duty channel; 12 – self-destruction device; 13 – explosive charge; 14 – ignition device

Under the influence of EMF induced in the induction coil of a mine when a ship passes over it, a current arises, and electrical diagram prepares to receive an impulse from the ship's hydrodynamic field. If its impulse does not act within the estimated time, then at the end of the work cycle the mine circuitry returns to its original firing position. If the mine received a hydrodynamic field impulse less than the calculated duration, then the circuit returned to its original position; if the impact was long enough, then an idle cycle was worked out or mines were detonated (depending on the settings). The mine was also equipped with an urgency device.

The action of the parachute system of a mine dropped from altitudes exceeding 500 m occurs in the following sequence. After separation from the aircraft, the pin of the KAP-3 parachute automatic machine is pulled out and the stabilizing parachute is pulled out, on which the mine is lowered at a vertical speed of 110-120 m/s to 500 m. At this altitude, the KAP-3 aneroid releases the clock mechanism, after 1-1.5 the parachute with the casing is separated from the mine and at the same time the chamber with the braking and main parachutes is pushed out. The braking parachute opens, the vertical speed of descent of the mine decreases, the clock mechanism comes into operation, and the main parachutes are removed from the covers and deployed. The rate of descent is reduced to 30-35 m/s.

When a mine is deployed from the minimum permissible height, the parachute casing is separated from the mine at a lower altitude, and the entire system operates in the same way as when deployed from high altitudes. The parachute systems of the IGDM and AMD-2M mines are similar in design.

The aircraft anchor non-contact mine "Lira" entered service in 1956. It is made in the dimensions of the FAB-1500 bomb, equipped with a three-channel acoustic proximity fuse, as well as four contact fuses. The proximity fuse had three acoustic vibration receivers. The duty receiver was intended for constant listening and, upon reaching a certain signal value, switched on two other channels; protective and combat. A protective channel with a non-directional acoustic receiver blocked the triggering circuit of proximity fuses. The acoustic receiver of the combat channel had a sharp characteristic directed towards the surface of the water. If the level of the acoustic signal (in terms of current) exceeded the level of the protective channel, the relay closed the circuit of the ignition device, and an explosion occurred.

Proximity fuses of this type were subsequently used in other types of anchor and bottom mines.

The mine could be installed at depths from 2.5 to 25 m, in a given depression from 2 to 25 m, floating up from the ground (loop method).

The bottom non-contact mine "Serpey" (it owes such an unusual name to a typist's error when retyping; the mine should have been called "Perseus") is also made in the dimensions of the FAB-1500 bomb and is intended for deployment by aircraft and ships in sea areas with depths from 8 to 50 m The mine is equipped with an induction-acoustic fuse that uses the magnetic and acoustic fields of a moving ship.

The mine is laid from an airplane using a two-stage parachute system. The stabilizing parachute is extended immediately after separation from the aircraft; upon reaching an altitude of 1500 m, the KAP-Zt automatic machine opens the braking parachute. After splashdown and testing of safety devices, the fuse circuit comes into combat condition.

Aviation mine IGDM-500

1 – hydrodynamic receiver; 2 – parachute system; 3 – clamp; 4 – device for destroying aircraft mines; 5 – ballistic tip; 6 – ignition glass; 7 – capsule M; 8 – body; 9 – induction coil; 10 – rubber band

Aviation rocket-pop-up mine RM-1

1,2 – anchor; 3 – jet engine; 4 – power supply; 5 – hydrostatic sensor; 6 – safety device; 7 – parachute casing; 8 – explosive charge; 9 – drum with minrep

As a result of the work carried out, it was possible to significantly increase the anti-mine resistance of mines.

Chief designer of the mine F.N. Soloviev.

IGDM-500 bottom mine, non-contact, two-channel, induction-hydrodynamic, aircraft and ship-based, small in charge size. The mine is placed from aircraft at depths of 8-30 m. It is designed in the dimensions of the FAB-500 bomb (diameter - 0.45 m, length - 2.9 m).

The installation of the IGDM-500 mine (chief designer of the mine S.P. Vainer) is carried out using a two-stage parachute system, consisting of a stabilizing parachute of the VGP type (rotating cargo parachute) with an area of ​​0.2 m² and the same type of main parachute with an area of ​​0.75 m². Using a stabilizing parachute, the mine is lowered to 750 m – the altitude at which the KAP-3 device operates. The device is triggered and activates the lever system of the parachute casing. The lever system releases the brake parachute cover with the attached stabilizing parachute, separates from the mine and removes the cover from the brake parachute, on which it descends until splashdown. At the moment of splashdown, the braking parachute is torn off by a stream of water and sinks, and the mine sinks to the ground. The detached stabilizing parachute sank when it hit the water.

After the safety devices installed in the mine are triggered, the contacts are closed and all power batteries are connected to the proximity fuse circuit. After 1-3 hours (depending on the depth of the deployment site), the mine becomes dangerous.

Increasing the sensitivity of proximity fuses with a limited explosive charge did not have much effect. Based on this, we came to the idea of ​​​​the need to bring the charge closer to the detected target in order to make full use of its capabilities. Thus, the idea arose of separating the mine from the anchor, on which it was in a waiting position, when a signal about the appearance of a target was received. In order to solve such a problem, it was necessary to ensure that the mine floated into shortest time from the depth at which it is installed. The most suitable for this purpose was a solid propellant rocket engine using NMF-2 nitroglycerin powder, which was installed on the RAT-52 jet torpedo. Weighing only 76 kg, it was activated almost instantly, worked for 6-7 seconds, developing a thrust of 2150 kgf/s in the water. True, at first there were doubts about the reliability of the engine at a depth of 150-200 m, until they were convinced that they were groundless - the engine worked reliably.

The research, which began in 1947, was completed successfully, and the ship version of the KRM pop-up rocket mine entered service with naval ships. The work continued and in 1960 the RM-1 anchor-propelled rocket mine was adopted into service with the Navy aviation. Chief designer of the mine L.P. Matveev. The RM-1 mine was produced in a large series.

The RM-1 mine is made in the dimensions of the FAB-1500 bomb, but its weight is 900 kg with a length of 2855 mm and a charge size of 200 kg.

The start of the mine's engine and its ascent were ensured by a signal from a sonar non-contact separator when a surface ship or submarine passed over the mine. The mine is equipped with a two-stage parachute system, ensuring its use from a height of 500 m and above. After separation from the aircraft, a stabilizing rotating parachute with an area of ​​0.3 m 2 is deployed, and the mine is reduced at a vertical speed of 180 m/s until the KAP-ZM-240 device is activated, which is installed at a height of 750 m. At this altitude, the braking rotating parachute with an area of 1.8 m2, reducing the rate of descent to 50-65 m/s.

Upon entering the water, the parachute system separates and sinks, and the hull connected to the anchor sinks. In this case, the mine can be deployed at depths from 40 to 300 m. If the sea depth in the deployment area is less than 150 m, then the mine occupies a near-bottom position on a mine rope 1-1.5 m long. If the sea depth is 150-300 m, then the mine is installed at a distance from the surface of 150 m. The separation of the mine from the anchor at a sea depth of up to 150 m occurs using a temporary mechanism, at greater depths - when the membrane hydrostat is activated.

After separation from the anchor and installation for deepening, the mine comes into working position to test the urgency device, which allows installation from 1 hour to 20 days. If it was set to zero, then the mine immediately came to a dangerous position. An acoustic transceiver located in the upper part of the mine body periodically sent ultrasonic pulses to the surface, forming a “danger spot” with a diameter of 20 m. The reflected single pulses returned to the receiving part. If any pulse arrived before the one reflected from the surface, paired pulses were returned to the receiving system at intervals equal to the distance difference. After the arrival of three pairs of double pulses, the non-contact separation device started the jet engine. The body of the mine was separated from the anchor, and under the action of the engine it floated up with an average vertical speed of 20-25 m/s. At this stage, the proximity fuse compared the measured distance with the actual depth of the mine and, upon reaching the target level, detonated it.

Modern aircraft bottom mines of the MDM family are equipped with a three-channel fuse, urgency and multiplicity devices, and are characterized by high anti-mine resistance. They are modified according to the type of director.

Naval aviation mine weapons, while remaining stable in their main structural elements, continue to be improved at the level of individual samples. This is achieved through modernization and development of new models, taking into account the changing requirements for this type of weapon.

Alexander Shirokorad

Floating mines

Until now, we have been talking about mines that precisely “know” their place under water, their combat post, and are motionless at this post. But there are also mines that move, float either under water or on the surface of the sea. The use of these mines has its own combat meaning. They do not have minreps, which means they cannot be trawled with conventional trawls. You can never know exactly where and where such mines will come from; this is discovered at the last moment, when the mine has already exploded or appears very close. Finally, such mines, set adrift and entrusted to the sea waves, can “meet” and hit enemy ships on their way far from the place of deployment. If the enemy knows that floating mines have been placed in such and such an area, this hampers the movements of his ships, forces him to take special precautions in advance, and slows down the pace of his operations.

How does a floating mine work?

Any body floats on the surface of the sea if the weight of the volume of water displaced by it more weight the body itself. Such a body is said to have positive buoyancy. If the weight of the volume of displaced water were less, the body would sink, its buoyancy would be negative. And finally, if the weight of a body is equal to the weight of the volume of water it displaces, it will occupy an “indifferent” position at any sea level. This means that it itself will remain at any sea level and will neither rise up nor fall down, but only move at the same level with the current. In such cases, the body is said to have zero buoyancy.

A mine with zero buoyancy would have to remain at the depth to which it was immersed when dropped. But such reasoning is correct only in theory. On. In fact, at sea, the degree of buoyancy of the mine will change.

After all, the composition of water in the sea is not the same in different places, at different depths. In one place there are more salts in it, the water is denser, and in another there are less salts in it, its density is less. The temperature of the water also affects its density. And the water temperature changes at different times of the year and at different hours of the day and at different depths. Therefore, the density of sea water, and with it the degree of buoyancy of the mine, is variable. More dense water will push the mine upward, and in less dense water the mine will go to the bottom. It was necessary to find a way out of this situation, and the miners found this way out. They arranged the floating mines in such a way that their buoyancy only approaches zero, it is zero only for water in a certain place. Inside the mine there is an energy source - an accumulator or battery, or a reservoir with compressed air. This energy source powers the motor that rotates the mine’s propeller.

Floating mine with propeller

1 - screw; 2 - clock mechanism; 3 - camera for battery; 4 - drummer

The mine floats under the current at a certain depth, but then it fell into denser water and was pulled upward. Then, as a result of the change in depth, the hydrostat, which is ubiquitous in mines, begins to work and turns on the motor. The mine's screw rotates in a certain direction and pulls it back to the same level at which it floated before. What would happen if the mine could not stay at this level and went downwards? Then the same hydrostat would force the motor to rotate the screw in the other direction and raise the mine to the depth specified during installation.

Of course, even in a very large floating mine it is impossible to place such an energy source so that its reserve would last for a long time. Therefore, a floating mine “hunts” its enemy - enemy ships - for only a few days. These few days she is “in the waters where enemy ships could collide with her. If a floating mine could stay at a given level for a very long time, it would eventually float into such areas of the sea and at such a time when its ships could get on it.

Therefore, a floating mine not only cannot, but should not serve for long. The miners supply it with a special device equipped with a clock mechanism. As soon as the period for which the clock mechanism is wound has passed, this device drowns the mine.

This is how special floating mines are designed. But any anchor mine can suddenly become floating. Its minerep can break off, fray in the water, rust will corrode the metal, and the mine will float to the surface, where it will rush with the current. Very often, especially during the Second World War, warring countries deliberately laid surface-floating mines on the likely routes of enemy ships. They pose a great danger, especially in poor visibility conditions.

An anchor mine, which has involuntarily turned into a floating mine, can give away the place where the barrier is placed and can become dangerous for its ships. To prevent this from happening, a mechanism is attached to the mine that sinks it as soon as it floats to the surface. It may still happen that the mechanism does not work and the broken mine will swing on the waves for a long time, turning into a serious danger for any ship that collides with it.

If the anchor mine was deliberately turned into a floating one, then in this case it is not allowed to remain dangerous for a long time; it is also equipped with a mechanism that sinks the mine after a certain period of time.

The Germans also tried to use floating mines on the rivers of our country, sending them downstream on rafts. An explosive charge weighing 25 kilograms is placed in a wooden box at the front of the raft. The fuse is designed in such a way that the charge explodes when the raft collides with any obstacle.

Another floating river mine is usually cylindrical in shape. Inside the cylinder is a charging chamber filled with 20 kilograms of explosives. The mine floats underwater at a depth of a quarter of a meter. A rod rises upward from the center of the cylinder. At the upper end of the rod, just at the very surface of the water, there is a float with whiskers sticking out in all directions. The whiskers are connected to a percussion fuse. A long camouflage stem, willow or bamboo, is released from the float onto the surface of the water.

River mines are carefully disguised as objects floating along the river: logs, barrels, boxes, straw, reeds, grass bushes.

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How bottom mines “deceive” Minesweeper ships cope well with anchor mines. But they are powerless against bottom mines, magnetic, acoustic and magnetic-acoustic. After all, these mines do not have mines, there is nothing to grab them and pull them out or hook them. They lie at the bottom and there

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Floating armored vehicles BAD-2 Floating armored vehicle BAD-2A prototype developed and built in 1932 at the Izhora plant under the leadership of chief designer N.Ya. Obukhov based on the chassis of a three-axle Ford-Timken truck. This was the first

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The first “Floating Fortresses” These were narrow and long ships with low sides, 30-40 meters long, and only 4-6 meters wide. The displacement of 1* trireme was only 80-100 tons. Bow warship lengthened, and at the water level or under the water a heavy, iron or

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Chapter VI Floating airfields Battle across hundreds of kilometers Almost in the middle of the sea route from Japan to America Hawaiian Islands. They stretch in a giant chain from west to east. The length of the chain is more than 2500 kilometers. At its eastern end, on the island of Honolulu,

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What kinds of mines are there? We already know about a mine that is installed at an anchor; it is called “anchor”. There are mines that are hidden at the bottom of the sea, at shallow depths. These mines are called bottom mines. Finally, there are also “floating” mines; they are placed on a probable path

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MINES AND COUNTERMINES After people invented gunpowder, the underground mine war became fierce. In 1552, Tsar Ivan the Terrible besieged the city of Kazan. Russian troops captured the Kazan-Ka River, cutting off the Tatars from water. From a defector, the Tsar learned that the Tatars were fetching water in the dungeon to

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BOOBY TRAPS The Nazis love to set traps. There are pocket watches lying in the middle of the road. If you bend down and take them in your hands, it’s an explosion. An excellent bicycle has been forgotten against the wall. If you roll it away, there will be an explosion. A submachine gun and a box of canned food are thrown at the side of the road. Pick them up from the ground - again

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FLOATING TANKS AND ARMORED VEHICLES EXPERIENCED FLOATING TANKS Back in the late 20s, experimental amphibious armored vehicles with a crew of two and a mixed wheeled-tracked drive were built in Japan. In 1934–1935, attempts were made to make light tanks amphibious.

From the author's book

EXPERIENCED FLOATING TANKS Back in the late 20s, experimental amphibious armored vehicles with a crew of two and a mixed wheeled-tracked drive were built in Japan. In 1934–1935, attempts were made to make the “2592” “A-i-go” light tanks amphibious by changing

From the author's book

FLOATING TANKS "TYPE 3" AND "TYPE 5" On the basis of the "Chi-he" in 1943, the amphibious tank "Type 3" ("Ka-chi") with a 47-mm cannon and two machine guns was developed. The shape of the pontoons and the casing above the commander's dome is the same as that of the Ka-mi. The engine exhaust pipes are raised to the roof of the hull. In total there were

As noted in the previous section, the main feature of the classification of modern sea mines is the way they maintain their revenge at sea after being laid. Based on this feature, all existing mines are divided into bottom, anchor and drifting (floating).

From the section on the history of the development of mine weapons, it is known that the first sea mines were bottom mines. But the shortcomings of the first bottom mines, revealed during combat use, forced them to abandon their use for a long time.

Bottom mines were further developed with the advent of NVs that react to FPC. The first serial non-contact bottom mines appeared in the USSR and Germany almost simultaneously in 1942.

As noted earlier, the main feature of all bottom mines is that they have negative buoyancy and, after being set, lie on the ground, maintaining their place throughout the entire period of combat service.

The specific use of bottom mines leaves an imprint on their design. Modern bottom mines against NK are deployed in areas with depths of up to 50 m, against submarines - up to 300 m. These limits are determined by the strength of the mine body, the response radius of the NV and the tactics of the NK and submarine. The main carriers of bottom mines are NK, submarines and aviation.

The design and principle of operation of modern bottom mines can be considered using the example of an abstract synthetic mine, which combines all possible options as much as possible. The combat kit of such a mine includes:

Explosive charge with ignition device:

NV equipment:

Safety and anti-mine devices;

Power supplies;

Elements of an electrical circuit.

The mine body is designed to accommodate all of the listed instruments and devices. Considering that modern bottom mines are installed at depths of up to 300 m, their bodies must be strong enough and withstand the corresponding pressure of the water column. Therefore, the bodies of bottom mines are made of structural steels or aluminum-magnesium alloys.

In the case of laying bottom mines from aviation (laying altitude from 200 to 10,000 m), either a parachute stabilization system or a rigid stabilization system (parachuteless) is additionally attached to the hull. The latter provides for the presence of stabilizers similar to the stabilizers of aircraft bombs.

In addition, the bodies of aircraft bottom mines have a ballistic tip, thanks to which, when splashed down, the mine turns sharply, losing inertia and lies horizontally on the ground.

Due to the fact that bottom mines are mines with a stationary warhead, their radius of destruction depends on the amount of explosives, therefore the ratio of the explosive mass to the mass of the entire mine is quite large and amounts to 0.6...0.75, and in concrete terms - 250...1000 kg . Explosives used in bottom mines have a TNT equivalent of 1.4...1.8.

NVs used in bottom mines are passive type NVs. This is due to the following reasons.

1. Among active type NVs, acoustic ones are most widespread, because they have a longer detection range and better target classification capabilities. But for normal operation of such an NV, precise orientation of the transceiver antenna is necessary. It is technically difficult to ensure this in bottom mines.

2. Bottom mines, as already indicated, refer to mines with a stationary warhead, i.e. the radius of destruction of the target ship depends on the mass of the explosive charge. Calculations have shown that the radius of destruction of modern bottom mines is 50.. 60 m. This condition imposes a limitation on the parameters of the NV response zone, i.e. it should not exceed the parameters of the affected area (otherwise the mine will explode without causing damage to the chain ship). At such short distances, almost all primary FPCs are quite easily detected, i.e. A passive type NV is quite sufficient.

From 1.2.2 it is known that the main disadvantage of passive type NVs is difficulty in isolating a useful signal from a background of interference environment. Therefore, multi-channel (combined) NVs are used in bottom mines. The presence in such an NV of sensing devices that respond to various FPCs simultaneously makes it possible to eliminate the disadvantages inherent in single-channel passive NVs and to increase their selectivity and noise immunity.

The operating principle of a multi-channel NV bottom mine is discussed in the diagram (Fig. 2.1).

Rice. 2.1. Structural diagram of an NV bottom mine

When dropping a mine into the water, the PP (temporary and hydrostatic) are turned on. After they have been worked out, the power sources are connected to the long-term clock mechanism through the relay unit. The DFM ensures that the mine is brought into a dangerous position within a predetermined time after setting (from 1 hour to 360 days). Having worked out its settings, the DFM connects power supplies To NV scheme. the mine goes into firing position.

Initially, the duty channel is turned on, consisting of acoustic and inductive sensing devices and a common (for both) analyzing device.

When a target ship enters the response zone of the duty channel, its magnetic and acoustic fields affect the DC receiving devices (IR induction coil and acoustic receiver - AP). In this case, EMFs are induced in the receiving devices, which are amplified by the corresponding amplifying devices (UIC and UAC) and analyzed by duration and amplitude by the duty channel analyzing device (AUD). If the value of these signals is sufficient and corresponds to the reference one, relay P1 is activated, connecting the combat channel for 20...30 s. The combat channel, accordingly, consists of a hydrodynamic receiver (GDR), an amplifier (UBK) and an analyzing device (AUUBK). its hydrodynamic field affects the sensing devices of the combat channel, a signal is sent to the ignition device and the mine is detonated.

In the event that no useful signal is received at the receiving device of the combat hydrodynamic channel, the analyzing device perceives the signals received from the duty channel as the influence of non-contact trawls and turns off the NV circuit for 20...30 b: after this time, the duty channel is turned on again.

The design and principle of operation of the remaining elements of the combat channel of this mine were discussed earlier.

German aircraft bottom mine LMB
(Luftmine B (LMB))

(Information on the mystery of the death of the battleship "Novorossiysk")


On October 29, 1955, at 1 hour 30 minutes, an explosion occurred in the Sevastopol roadstead, as a result of which the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the battleship Novorossiysk (formerly Italian Giulio Cezare), received a hole in the bow. At 4:15 a.m., the battleship capsized and sank due to the unstoppable flow of water into the hull.

The government commission that investigated the causes of the death of the battleship named the most likely cause an explosion under the bow of the ship of a German sea-bottom non-contact mine of the LMB or RMH type, or simultaneously two mines of one or another brand.

For most researchers who have studied this problem, this version of the cause of the event raises serious doubts. They believe that an LMB or RMH type mine, which could possibly lie at the bottom of the bay (divers in 1951-53 discovered 5 LMB type mines and 19 RMH mines), did not have sufficient power, and its explosive device could not lead to mine to explosion.

However, opponents of the mine version mainly point out that by 1955 the batteries in the mines were completely discharged and therefore the explosive devices could not go off.
In general, this is absolutely true, but usually this thesis is not convincing enough for supporters of the mine version, since opponents do not consider the characteristics of mine devices. Some of the supporters of the mine version believe that for some reason the clock devices in the mines did not work as expected, and on the evening of October 28, being disturbed, they went off again, which led to the explosion. But they also do not prove their point of view by examining the design of the mines.

The author will try to describe as fully as possible today the design of the LMB mine, its characteristics and methods of activation. I hope that this article will bring at least a little clarity to the causes of this tragedy.

WARNING. The author is not an expert in the field of sea mines, and therefore the material below should be treated critically, although it is based on official sources. But what to do if experts in naval mine weapons are in no hurry to introduce people to German naval mines.
A dedicated land traveler had to take on this matter. If any of the maritime specialists deems it necessary and possible to correct me, then I will be sincerely glad to make corrections and clarifications to this article. One request is not to refer to secondary sources (works of fiction, memoirs of veterans, someone's stories, justifications of naval officers involved in the event). Only official literature (instructions, technical descriptions, manuals, memos, service manuals, photographs, diagrams).

German seaborne, aircraft-launched mines of the LM (Luftmine) series were the most common and most frequently used of all non-contact bottom mines. They were represented by five various types mines installed from aircraft.
These types were designated LMA, LMB, LMC, LMD, and LMF.
All these mines were non-contact mines, i.e. for their operation, direct contact of the ship with the target sensor of a given mine was not required.

The LMA and LMB mines were bottom mines, i.e. after being dropped they fell to the bottom.

The LMC, LMD and LMF mines were anchor mines, i.e. Only the mine’s anchor lay on the bottom, and the mine itself was located at a certain depth, like ordinary sea mines of contact action. However, the LMC, LMD and LMF mines were placed at a depth greater than the draft of any ship.

This is due to the fact that bottom mines must be installed at depths not exceeding 35 meters, so that the explosion could cause significant damage to the ship. Thus, the depth of their application was significantly limited.

Non-contact anchor mines could be installed at the same sea depths as conventional contact anchor mines, having the advantage over them that they can be placed not at a depth equal to or less than the drafts of ships, but much deeper and thereby complicate their trawling .

In the Sevastopol Bay, due to its shallow depths (within 16-18 meters to the silt layer), the use of LMC, LMD and LMF mines was impractical, and the LMA mine, as it turned out back in 1939, had an insufficient charge (half as much as in LMB) and its production was discontinued.

Therefore, to mine the bay the Germans used only LMB mines from this series. No other types of mines of this series were found either during the war or in the post-war period.

LMB mine.

The LMB mine was developed by Dr.Hell SVK in 1928-1934 and was adopted by the Luftwaffe in 1938.

There were four main models - LMB I, LMB II, LMB III and LMB IV.

The LMB I, LMB II, LMB III mines were practically indistinguishable from each other in appearance and were very similar to the LMA mine, differing from it in their greater length (298 cm versus 208 cm) and charge weight (690 kg versus 386 kg).

The LMB IV was a further development of the LMB III mine.
First of all, it was distinguished by the fact that the cylindrical part of the mine body, excluding the explosive device compartment, was made of waterproof plasticized pressed paper (press damask). The hemispherical nose of the mine was made of bakelite mastic. This was dictated partly by the characteristics of the experimental explosive device "Wellensonde" (AMT 2), and partly by a shortage of aluminum.

In addition, there was a variant of the LMB mine with the designation LMB/S, which differed from other options in that it did not have a parachute compartment, and this mine was installed from various watercraft (ships, barges). Otherwise, she was no different.

However, only mines with aluminum casings were found in Sevastopol Bay, i.e. LMB I, LMB II or LMB III, which differed from each other only in minor design features.

The following explosive devices could be installed in the LMB mine:
* magnetic M1 (aka E-Bik, SE-Bik);
* acoustic A1;
* acoustic A1st;
* magnetic-acoustic MA1;
* magnetic-acoustic MA1a;
* magnetic-acoustic MA2;
* acoustic with low-tone circuit AT2;
* magnetohydrodynamic DM1;
* acoustic-magnetic with low-tone circuit AMT 1.

The latter was experimental and there is no information about its installation in mines.

Modifications of the above explosive devices could also be installed:
*M 1r, M 1s - modifications of the M1 explosive device, equipped with devices against trawling by magnetic trawls
* magnetic M 4 (aka Fab Va);
* acoustic A 4,
* acoustic A 4st;
* magnetic-acoustic MA 1r, equipped with a device against trawling by magnetic trawls
* modification of MA 1r under the designation MA 1ar;
* magnetic-acoustic MA 3;

Main characteristics of the LMB mine:

Frame -aluminum or pressed damask
Overall dimensions: -diameter 66.04 cm.
- length 298.845 cm.
Total mine weight -986.56 kg.
Weight of explosive charge -690.39 kg.
Type of explosive hexonite
Explosive devices used -M1, M1r, M1s, M4, A1, A1st, A4, A4st, AT1, AT2, MA1, MA1a, Ma1r, MA1ar, MA2, MA3, DM1
Additional devices used -clock mechanism for bringing the mine into firing position types UES II, UES IIa
-timer self-liquidator type VW (may not be installed)
-timer neutralizer type ZE III (may not be installed)
-non-neutralization device type ZUS-40 (may not be installed)
-bomb fuse type LHZ us Z(34)B
Installation methods - parachute drop from an airplane
-dropping from a watercraft (LMB/S mine option)
Mine application depths - from 7 to 35 meters.
Target detection distances -from 5 to 35 meters
Mine use options - unguided bottom mine with a magnetic, acoustic, magnetic-acoustic or magnetic-barometric target sensor,
Time to bring into combat position -from 30 min. up to 6 hours in 15 minutes. intervals or
-from 12 o'clock up to 6 days at 6-hour intervals.
hydrostatic (LiS) - when lifting a mine to a depth of less than 5.18 m.
timer (VW) - in time from 6 hours to 6 days with 6-hour intervals or not
hydrostatic (LHZ us Z(34)B) -if the mine after being dropped did not reach a depth of 4.57m.
Self-neutralizer (ZE III) -after 45-200 days (may not have been installed)
Multiplicity device (ZK II) - from 0 to 6 ships or
- from 0 to 12 ships or
- from 1 to 15 ships
Mine tamper protection -Yes
Combat work time - determined by the serviceability of the batteries. For mines with acoustic explosive devices from 2 to 14 days.

Hexonite is a mixture of hexogen (50%) with nitroglycerin (50%). More powerful than TNT by 38-45%. Hence the mass of the charge in TNT equivalent is 939-1001 kg.

LMB mine design.

Externally, it is an aluminum cylinder with a rounded nose and an open tail.

Structurally, the mine consists of three compartments:

*main charge compartment, which houses the main charge, bomb fuse LHZusZ(34)B, clock for bringing the explosive device into firing position UES with hydrostatic self-destruction device LiS, hydrostatic mechanism for switching on the intermediate detonator and device for inactivating the bomb fuse ZUS-40..
On the outside, this compartment has a yoke for suspension to the aircraft, three hatches for filling the compartment with explosives and hatches for the UES, bomb fuse and mechanism for activating the intermediate detonator.

*explosive device compartment in which the explosive device is located, with a multiplicity device, a timer self-liquidator, a timer neutralizer, a non-neutralization device and a tamper-evident device.

*parachute compartment, which houses the stowed parachute. The terminal devices of some explosive devices (microphones, pressure sensors) go into this compartment.

UES (Uhrwerkseinschalter). The LMB mine used clock mechanisms for bringing the mine into firing position of the UES II or UES IIa types.

The UES II is a hydrostatic clock mechanism that begins timing only if the mine is at a depth of 5.18 m or more. It is turned on by the activation of the hydrostat, which releases the anchor mechanism of the watch. You should know that the UES II clock mechanism will continue to operate even if the mine is removed from the water at this time.
UES IIa is similar to UES II, but stops working if the mine is removed from the water.
The UES II is located under the hatch on the side surface of the mine on the opposite side to the suspension yoke at a distance of 121.02 cm from the nose. The diameter of the hatch is 15.24 cm, secured with a locking ring.

Both types of UES could be equipped with a hydrostatic LiS (Lihtsicherung) anti-recovery device, which short-circuited the battery to an electric detonator and exploded the mine if it was raised and it was at a depth of less than 5.18 m. In this case, the LiS could be connected directly to the UES circuit and was activated after the UES had completed its time, or through a forecontact (Vorkontakt), which activated the LiS 15-20 minutes after the start of the UES operation. LiS ensured that the mine could not be raised to the surface after it was dropped from the craft.

The UES clock mechanism can be preset to the required time to bring the mine into firing position, ranging from 30 minutes to 6 hours at 15-minute intervals. Those. the mine will be brought into firing position after being reset in 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes, 75 minutes,......6 hours.
The second option for UES operation is that the clock mechanism can be pre-set for the time it takes to bring the mine into firing position within the range from 12 hours to 6 days at 6-hour intervals. Those. the mine will be brought into firing position after being reset in 12 hours, 18 hours, 24 hours,......6 days. Simply put, when a mine hits water to a depth of 5.18 m. or deeper, the UES will first work out its delay time and only then will the process of setting up the explosive device begin. Actually, the UES is a safety device that allows its ships to safely move near the mine for a certain time known to them. For example, during ongoing mining work in the water area.

Bomb fuze (Bombenzuender) LMZ us Z(34)B. Its main task is to detonate the mine if it does not reach a depth of 4.57.m. until 19 seconds have elapsed since touching the surface.
The fuse is located on the side surface of the mine at 90 degrees from the suspension yoke at 124.6 cm from the nose. Hatch diameter 7.62cm. secured with a retaining ring.
The fuse design has a clock-type timer mechanism that opens the inertial weight 7 seconds after the safety pin is removed from the fuse (the pin is connected by a thin wire to the aircraft's release device). After the mine touches the surface of the earth or water, the movement of the inertial weight triggers a timer mechanism, which after 19 seconds triggers the fuse and the explosion of the mine, if the hydrostat in the fuse does not stop the timer mechanism until this moment. And the hydrostat will only work if the mine by that moment reaches a depth of at least 4.57 meters.
In fact, this fuse is a mine self-destructor in case it falls on the ground or in shallow water and can be detected by the enemy.

Non-neutralization device (Ausbausperre) ZUS-40. The ZUS-40 non-neutralization device can be located under the fuse. It is intended to The enemy diver was unable to remove the LMZusZ(34)B fuse, and thereby make it possible to lift the mine to the surface.
This device consists of a spring-loaded striker, which is released if you try to remove the LMZ us Z(34)B fuse from the mine.

The device has a firing pin 1, which, under the influence of a spring 6, tends to move to the right and puncture the igniter primer 3. The movement of the firing pin is prevented by a stopper 4, resting on the bottom of a steel ball 5. The non-destructive device is placed in the side ignition cup of the mine under the fuse, the detonator of which fits into the socket of the non-destructive device . The striker is moved to the left, as a result of which the contact between it and the stopper is broken. When a mine hits water or soil, the ball flies out of its socket, and the stopper, under the action of spring 2, falls down, clearing the way for the striker, who is now restrained from puncturing the primer only by the fuse detonator. When the fuse is removed from the mine by more than 1.52 cm, the detonator leaves the liquidator socket and finally releases the striker, which pierces the detonator cap, the explosion of which explodes a special detonator, and from it the main charge of the mine explodes.

From the author. Actually, the ZUS-40 is a standard non-neutralization device used in German aerial bombs. They could be equipped with most high-explosive and fragmentation bombs. Moreover, the ZUS was installed under a fuse and a bomb equipped with it was no different from one that was not equipped with one. In the same way, this device could be present in the LMB mine or not. A few years ago, an LMB mine was discovered in Sevastopol, and when trying to dismantle it, two home-grown deminers were killed by the explosion of the mechanical guard of the explosive device (GE). But only a special kilogram charge worked there, which was designed specifically to shorten excessive curiosity. If they had begun to unscrew the bomb fuse, they would have saved their relatives from having to bury them. Explosion 700 kg. hexonite would simply turn them into dust.

I would like to draw the attention of all those who like to delve into the explosive remnants of war to the fact that yes, most German capacitor-type bomb fuses are no longer dangerous. But keep in mind that under any of them there may be a ZUS-40. And this thing is mechanical and can wait for its victim indefinitely.

Intermediate detonator switch. Placed on the opposite side of the bomb fuse at a distance of 111.7 cm. from the nose. It has a hatch with a diameter of 10.16 cm, secured with a locking ring. The head of its hydrostat protrudes onto the surface of the side of the mine next to the bomb fuse. The hydrostat is locked by a second safety pin, which is connected with a thin wire to the aircraft's release device. The main task of the intermediate detonator switch is to protect against a mine explosion in case of accidental activation of the explosive mechanism before the mine reaches depth. When the mine is on land, the hydrostat does not allow the intermediate detonator to connect to the electric detonator (and the latter is connected by wires to explosive device) and if the explosive device is accidentally triggered, only the electric detonator will explode. When the mine is dropped, simultaneously with the safety pin of the bomb fuse, the safety pin of the intermediate detonator switch is pulled out. Upon reaching a depth of 4.57 meters, the hydrostat will allow the intermediate detonator to connect with the electric detonator.

Thus, after separating the mine from the aircraft, the safety pins of the bomb fuse and the intermediate detonator switch, as well as the parachute pull pin, are removed using tension wires. The parachute cap is dropped, the parachute opens and the mine begins to descend. At this moment (7 seconds after separation from the aircraft), the bomb fuse timer opens its inertial weight.
At the moment the mine touches the surface of the earth or water, the inertial weight due to impact with the surface starts the bomb fuse timer.

If after 19 seconds the mine is not deeper than 4.57 meters, then the bomb fuse detonates the mine.

If the mine has reached a depth of 4.57 m before the expiration of 19 seconds, then the timer of the bomb fuse is stopped and the fuse does not take part in the operation of the mine in the future.

When the mine reaches a depth of 4.57m. The hydrostat of the intermediate detonator switch sends the intermediate detonator into connection with the electric detonator.

When the mine reaches a depth of 5.18 m. The UES hydrostat starts its clockwork and the countdown begins until the explosive device is brought into firing position.

In this case, after 15-20 minutes from the moment the UES clock starts operating, the LiS anti-recovery device may turn on, which will detonate the mine if it is raised to a depth of less than 5.18 m. But depending on the factory presets, LiS may not be turned on 15-20 minutes after starting the UES, but only after the UES has completed its time.

After a predetermined time, the UES will close the explosive circuit to the explosive device, which will begin the process of bringing itself into a firing position.

After the main explosive device has brought itself into a combat position, the mine is in a combat alert position, i.e. waiting for the target ship.

The impact of an enemy ship on the sensitive elements of the mine leads to its explosion.

If the mine is equipped with a timer neutralizer, then depending on the set time in the range from 45 to 200 days, it will separate the power source from the electrical circuit of the mine and the mine will become safe.

If the mine is equipped with a self-liquidator, then, depending on the set time within up to 6 days, it will short-circuit the battery to the electric detonator and the mine will explode.

The mine can be equipped with a device to protect the explosive device from opening. This is a mechanically actuated discharge fuse, which, if an attempt is made to open the explosive device compartment, will detonate a kilogram charge of explosives, which will destroy the explosive device, but will not lead to the explosion of the entire mine.

Let's look at explosive devices that could be installed in an LMB mine. All of them were installed in the explosive device compartment at the factory. Let us immediately note that it is possible to distinguish which device is installed in a given mine only by the markings on the body of the mine.

M1 Magnetic Explosive Device (aka E-Bik and SE-Bik). This is a magnetic non-contact explosive a device that responds to changes in the vertical component of the Earth's magnetic field. Depending on the factory settings, it can respond to changes in the north direction (magnetic lines of force go from the north pole to the south), to changes in the south direction, or to changes in both directions.

From Yu. Martynenko. Depending on where the ship was built, or more precisely, on how the slipway was oriented according to the cardinal points, the ship forever acquires a certain direction of its magnetic field. It may happen that one ship can safely pass over a mine many times, while another is blown up.

Developed by Hartmann & Braun SVK in 1923-25. M1 is powered by an EKT battery with an operating voltage of 15 volts. The sensitivity of the early series device was 20-30 mOe. Later it was increased to 10 mOe, and the latest series had a sensitivity of 5 mOe. Simply put, M1 detects a ship at distances from 5 to 35 meters. After the UES has worked for a specified time, it supplies power to M1, which begins the process of tuning to the magnetic field that is present in a given place at the time the A.L.A (a device built into M1 and designed to determine the characteristics of the magnetic field and accept them for zero value).
The M1 explosive device in its circuit had a vibration sensor (Pendelkontakt), which blocked the operation of the explosive circuit when the mine was exposed to disturbing influences of a non-magnetic nature (impacts, jolts, rolling, shock waves of underwater explosions, strong vibrations from working mechanisms and ship propellers working too closely). This ensured the mine's resistance to many minesweeping measures of the enemy, in particular to minesweeping using bombing, pulling anchors and cables along the bottom.
The M1 explosive device was equipped with a VK clock spring mechanism, which, when assembling the mine at the factory, could be set to work out time intervals from 5 to 38 seconds. It was intended to prevent the detonation of an explosive device if the magnetic influence of a ship passing over a mine stopped before a specified period of time. When the M1 mine's explosive device reacts to a target, it causes the clock solenoid to fire, thus starting the stopwatch. If the magnetic influence is present at the end of the specified time, the stopwatch will close the explosive network and detonate the mine. If the mine is not detonated after approximately 80 VK operations, it is switched off.
With the help of VK, the insensitivity of the mine to small high-speed ships (torpedo boats, etc.) and magnetic trawls installed on aircraft was achieved.
Also inside the explosive device was a multiplicity device (Zahl Kontakt (ZK)), which was included in the electrical circuit of the explosive device, which ensured that the mine exploded not under the first ship passing over the mine, but under a certain one.
The M1 explosive device used multiplicity devices of types ZK I, ZK II, ZK IIa and ZK IIf.
All of them are driven by a clock-type spring drive, the anchors of which are controlled by electromagnets. However, the mine must be brought into firing position before the electromagnet that controls the anchor can begin to operate. Those. the program for bringing the M1 explosive device into firing position must be completed. A mine explosion could occur under the ship only after the multiplicity device had counted the specified number of ship passes.
The ZK I was a six-step mechanical counter. I took into account triggering pulses lasting 40 seconds or more.
Simply put, it could be configured to pass from 0 to 6 ships. In this case, the change in the magnetic field should have lasted 40 seconds or more. This excluded the counting of high-speed targets such as torpedo boats or aircraft with magnetic trawls.
ZK II was a twelve-step mechanical counter. It took into account triggering pulses lasting 2 minutes or more.
ZK IIa was similar to ZK II, except that it took into account triggering pulses lasting not 2, but 4 minutes or more.
ZK IIf was similar to ZK II, except that the time interval was reduced from two minutes to five seconds.
The electrical circuit of the M1 explosive device had a so-called pendulum contact (essentially a vibration sensor), which blocked the operation of the device under any mechanical influences on the mine (moving, rolling, shocks, impacts, blast waves, etc.), which ensured the mine’s resistance to unauthorized influences. Simply put, it ensured that the explosive device was triggered only when the magnetic field was changed by a passing ship.

The M1 explosive device, being brought into firing position, was triggered by an increase or decrease in the vertical component of the magnetic field of a given duration, and the explosion could occur under the first, second,..., twelfth ship, depending on the ZK presets..

Like all other magnetic explosive devices, the M1 in the explosive device compartment was placed in a gimbal suspension, which ensured a strictly defined position of the magnetometer, regardless of the position in which the mine lay on the bottom.

Variants of the M1 explosive device, designated M1r and M1s, had additional circuits in their electrical circuit that provided increased resistance of the explosive device to magnetic mine trawls.

Production of all M1 variants was discontinued in 1940 due to unsatisfactory performance and increased battery power consumption.

Combined explosive device DM1. Represents an M1 magnetic explosive device
, to which a circuit with a hydrodynamic sensor is added that responds to a decrease in pressure. Developed by Hasag SVK in 1942, however, production and installation in mines began only in June 1944. For the first time, mines with DM1 began to be installed in the English Channel in June 1944. Since Sevastopol was liberated in May 1944, the use of DM1 in mines installed in Sevastopol Bay is excluded.

Triggers if within 15 to 40 sec. after M1 has registered the target ship (magnetic sensitivity: 5 mOe), the water pressure decreases by 15-25 mm. water column and remains for 8 seconds. Or vice versa, if the pressure sensor registers a decrease in pressure by 15-25 mm. water column for 8 seconds and at this time the magnetic circuit will register the appearance of the target ship.

The circuit contains a hydrostatic self-destruct device (LiS), which closes the explosive circuit of the mine if the latter is raised to a depth of less than 4.57 meters.

The pressure sensor with its body extended into the parachute compartment and was placed between the resonator tubes, which were used only in the AT2 explosive device, but in general were part of the wall of the explosive device compartment. The power source is the same for the magnetic and barometric circuits - an EKT type battery with an operating voltage of 15 volts.

M4 Magnetic Explosive Device (aka Fab Va). This is a non-contact magnetic explosive device that responds to changes in the vertical component of the Earth's magnetic field, both north and south. Developed by Eumig in Vienna in 1944. It was manufactured and installed in mines in very limited quantities.
Powered by a 9 volt battery. The sensitivity is very high 2.5 mOe. It is put into operation like the M1 through the UES armament watch. Automatically adjusts to the magnetic field level present at the mine release point at the time the UES ends operation.
In its circuit it has a circuit that can be considered a 15-step multiplicity device, which before installing the mine can be configured to pass from 1 to 15 ships.
No additional devices providing non-removal, non-neutralization, periodic interruption of work, or anti-mine properties were built into the M4.
Also, there were no devices that determined the duration of changes in magnetic influence. The M4 triggered immediately when a change in the magnetic field was detected.
At the same time, M4 had high resistance to shock waves of underwater explosions due to the perfect design of the magnetometer, which was insensitive to mechanical influences.
Reliably eliminated by magnetic trawls of all types.

Like all other magnetic explosive devices, the M4 is placed inside a compartment on a gimbal suspension, which ensures the correct position regardless of the position the mine occupies when it falls to the bottom. Correct, i.e. strictly vertical. This is dictated by the fact that magnetic power lines must enter the explosive device either from above (northern direction) or from below (south direction). In a different position, the explosive device will not even be able to adjust correctly, let alone react correctly.

From the author. Obviously, the existence of such an explosive device was dictated by the difficulties industrial production and a sharp weakening of the raw material base during the final period of the war. The Germans at this time needed to produce as many of the simplest and cheapest explosive devices as possible, even neglecting their anti-mine properties.

It is unlikely that LMB mines with an M4 explosive device could have been placed in the Sevastopol Bay. And if they were installed, then they were probably all destroyed by mine trawls during the war.

Acoustic explosive device A1 ship. The A1 explosive device began to be developed in May 1940 by Dr. Hell SVK and in mid-May 1940 the first sample was presented. It was put into service in September 1940.

The device responded to the noise of the ship's propellers increasing to a certain value with a frequency of 200 hertz, lasting more than 3-3.5 seconds.
It was equipped with a multiplicity device (Zahl Kontakt (ZK)) of type ZK II, ZK IIa, ZK IIf. More detailed information about ZK is available in the description of the explosive device M1.

In addition, the A1 explosive device was equipped with a tamper-evident device (Geheimhaltereinrichtung (GE) aka Oefnungsschutz)

The GE consisted of a plunger switch that kept its circuit open when the explosive compartment cover was closed. If you try to remove the cover, the spring plunger is released during the removal process and completes the circuit from the main battery of the explosive device to a special detonator, detonating a small 900-gram explosive charge, which destroys the explosive device, but does not detonate the main charge of the mine. The GE is brought into firing position before the mine is deployed by inserting a safety pin, which completes the GE circuit. This pin is inserted into the body of the mine through a hole located 135° from the top of the mine at 15.24 cm. from the side of the tail hatch. If the GE is installed in an enclosure, this hole will be present on the enclosure, although it will be filled and painted over so as not to be visible.

Explosive device A1 had three batteries. The first is a 9-volt microphone battery, a 15-volt blocking battery, and a 9-volt ignition battery.

The A1 electrical circuit ensured that it did not operate not only from short sounds (shorter than 3-3.5 seconds), but also from too strong sounds, for example, from shock wave depth charge explosions.

The variant of the explosive device under the designation A1st had a reduced sensitivity of the microphone, which ensured that it would not be triggered by the noise of acoustic mine trawls and the noise of the propellers of small ships.

The combat operation time of the A1 explosive device from the moment it is turned on ranges from 50 hours to 14 days, after which the microphone power battery fails due to the exhaustion of its capacity.

From the author. I would like to draw the readers' attention to the fact that the microphone battery and blocking battery are constantly in operation. There is no absolute silence underwater, especially in harbors and ports. The microphone transmits all the sounds it receives to the transformer in the form of alternating electric current, and the blocking battery, through its circuit, blocks all signals that do not meet the specified parameters. The operating current ranges from 10 to 500 milliamps.

Acoustic explosive device A4. This is an acoustic explosive device that responds to the noise of the propellers of a passing ship. It began to be developed in 1944 by Dr.Hell SVK and at the end of the year the first sample was presented. It was adopted for service and began to be installed in mines at the beginning of 1945.

Therefore, encounter A4 in LMB mines. installed in the Sevastopol Bay is impossible.

The device responded to the noise of the ship's propellers increasing to a certain value with a frequency of 200 hertz, lasting more than 4-8 seconds.

It was equipped with a multiplicity device of type ZK IIb, which could be installed for the passage of ships from 0 to 12. It was protected from the noise of underwater explosions due to the fact that the relays of the device were triggered with a delay, and the noise of the explosion was abrupt. It was protected from simulators of propeller noise installed in the bow of the ship due to the fact that the noise of the propellers had to increase evenly over 4-8 seconds, and the noise of the propellers emanating simultaneously from two points (the noise of real propellers and the noise of the simulator) gave an uneven increase .

The device had three batteries. The first is for powering the circuit with a voltage of 9 volts, the second is for powering the microphone with a voltage of 4.5 volts, and the third is a blocking circuit with a voltage of 1.5 volts. The microphone's quiescent current reached 30-50 milliamps.

From the author. Here too I would like to draw the attention of readers to the fact that the microphone battery and the blocking battery are constantly in operation. There is no absolute silence underwater, especially in harbors and ports. The microphone transmits all the sounds it receives to the transformer in the form of alternating electric current, and the blocking battery, through its circuit, blocks all signals that do not meet the specified parameters.

The A4st explosive device differed from the A4 only in its reduced sensitivity to noise. This ensured that the mine did not detonate against unimportant targets (small, low-noise vessels).

Acoustic explosive device with low-frequency circuit AT2. This is an acoustic explosive device that has two acoustic circuits. The first acoustic circuit reacts to the noise of the ship's propellers at a frequency of 200 hertz, similar to the A1 explosive device. However, the activation of this circuit led to the inclusion of a second acoustic circuit, which responded only to low-frequency sounds (about 25 hertz) coming directly from above. If the low-frequency circuit detected low-frequency noise for more than 2 seconds, then it closed the explosive circuit and an explosion occurred.

AT2 was developed in 1942 by Elac SVK and Eumig. Began use in LMB mines in 1943.

From the author. Official sources do not explain why the second low-frequency circuit was required. The author suggests that in this way a fairly large ship was identified, which, unlike small ones, sent quite strong low-frequency noises into the water from powerful heavy ship engines.

In order to capture low-frequency noise, the explosive device was equipped with resonator tubes that looked similar to the tail of aircraft bombs.
The photograph shows the tail section of an LMB mine with the resonator tubes of the AT1 explosive device extending into the parachute compartment. The parachute compartment cover has been removed to reveal the AT1 with its resonator tubes.

The device had four batteries. The first is for powering the primary circuit microphone with a voltage of 4.5 volts and the electric detonator, the second is with a voltage of 1.5 volts to control the low-frequency circuit transformer, the third is 13.5 volts for the filament circuit of three amplifying radio tubes, the fourth is 96 anode at 96 volts for powering the radio tubes.

It was not equipped with any additional devices such as multiplicity devices (ZK), anti-extraction devices (LiS), tamper-evident devices (GE) and others. Triggered under the first passing ship.

The American reference book on German naval mines OP1673A notes that mines with these explosive devices tended to detonate spontaneously if they found themselves in areas of bottom currents or during strong storms. Due to the constant operation of the normal noise contour microphone (underwater at these depths is quite noisy), the combat operation time of the AT2 explosive device was only 50 hours.

From the author. It is possible that it was precisely these circumstances that predetermined that of the very small number of samples of German naval mines from the Second World War, now stored in museums, the LMB / AT 2 mine is in many. True, it is worth remembering that the LMB mine itself could be equipped with a LiS anti-detachment device and a ZUS-40 anti-neutralization device under the bomb fuse LHZusZ(34)B. It could, but apparently quite a few mines were not equipped with these things.

If the microphone was exposed to the shock wave of an underwater explosion, which is characterized by a very rapid increase and short duration, a special relay responded to the instantly increasing current in the circuit, which blocked the explosive circuit for the duration of the passage of the blast wave.

Magnetic-acoustic explosive device MA1.
This explosive device was developed by Dr. Hell CVK in 1941, and entered service in the same year. The operation is magnetic-acoustic.

After dropping the mine, the process of working out the delay time with the UES clock and adjusting to the magnetic field that exists in a given place is completely similar to that in the M1 explosive device. Actually, MA1 is an M1 explosive device, with the addition of an acoustic circuit. The process of turning on and setting up is specified in the description of turning on and setting up the M1 explosive device.

When a ship is detected by a change in the magnetic field, the ZK IIe multiplicity device counts one pass. The acoustic system does not take part in the operation of the explosive device at this time. And only after the multiplicity device has counted 11 passes and registered the 12th ship, the acoustic system is connected to work.

Now, if within 30-60 seconds after the magnetic detection of the target the acoustic stage registers the noise of the propellers, lasting several seconds, its low-frequency filter will filter out frequencies greater than 200 hertz and the amplification lamp will turn on, which will supply current to the electric detonator. Explosion.
If the acoustic system does not register the noise of the screws, or it turns out to be too weak, then the bimetallic thermal contact will open the circuit and the explosive device will return to the standby position.

Instead of a ZK IIe multiplicity device, an interrupting clock (Pausernuhr (PU)) can be built into the explosive circuit. This is a 15-day electrically controlled on-off clock designed to operate the mine in a firing and safe position on 24-hour cycles. Settings are made in intervals that are multiples of 3 hours, for example, 3 hours on, 21 hours off, 6 hours on, 18 hours off, etc. If the mine does not go off within 15 days, then this clock is taken out of the circuit and the mine will go off during the first passage of the ship.

In addition to the hydrostatic LiS device built into the UES watch, this explosive device is equipped with its own hydrostatic LiS, which is powered by its own 9-volt battery. Thus, a mine equipped with this explosive device is capable of exploding when raised to a depth of less than 5.18 meters from one of the two LiS.

From the author. The amplification tube consumes significant current. Especially for this purpose, the explosive device contains a 160-volt anode battery. The second 15-volt battery powers both the magnetic circuit and the microphone, and the multiplicity device or interrupting clock PU (if installed instead of the ZK). It is unlikely that batteries that are constantly in use will retain their potential for 11 years.

A variant of the MA1 explosive device, called MA1r, included a copper outdoor cable about 50 meters long, in which an electric potential was induced under the influence of a magnetic linear trawl. This potential blocked the operation of the circuit. Thus, MA1r had increased resistance to the action of magnetic trawls.

A variant of the MA1 explosive device, called MA1a, had slightly different characteristics that ensured that the explosive chain was blocked if a decrease in noise level was detected, rather than a steady noise or an increase in it.

A variant of the MA1 explosive device, called MA1ar, combined the features of MA1r and MA1a.

Magnetic-acoustic explosive device MA2.

This explosive device was developed by Dr. Hell CVK in 1942, and entered service in the same year. The operation is magnetic-acoustic.

After dropping the mine, the process of working out the delay time with the UES clock and adjusting to the magnetic field that exists in a given place is completely similar to that in the M1 explosive device. Actually, the magnetic circuit of the MA2 explosive device is borrowed from the M1 explosive device.

When a ship is detected by a change in the magnetic field, the ZK IIe multiplicity device counts one pass. The acoustic system does not take part in the operation of the explosive device at this time. And only after the multiplicity device has counted 11 passes and registered the 12th ship, the acoustic system is connected to work. However, it can be configured for any number of passes from 1 to 12.
Unlike MA1, here, after the magnetic circuit is triggered at the moment the twelfth target ship approaches, the acoustic circuit is adjusted to the noise level available on at the moment, after which the acoustic circuit will issue a command to detonate a mine only if the noise level has risen to a certain level in 30 seconds. The explosive circuitry blocks the explosive circuit if the noise level exceeds a predetermined level and then begins to decrease. This ensured the mine's resistance to trawling by magnetic trawls towed behind a minesweeper.
Those. first, the magnetic circuit registers the change in the magnetic field and turns on the acoustic circuit. The latter registers not just noise, but increasing noise from quiet to threshold value and issues a command to explode. And if a mine is encountered not by a target ship, but by a minesweeper, then since the minesweeper is ahead of the magnetic trawl, at the moment the acoustic circuit is turned on, the noise of its propellers is excessive, and then begins to subside.

From the author. In this fairly simple way, without any computers, the magnetic-acoustic explosive device determined that the source of the magnetic field distortion and the source of the propeller noise did not coincide, i.e. It is not the target ship that is moving, but the minesweeper, pulling a magnetic trawl behind it. Naturally, the minesweepers involved in this work were themselves non-magnetic, so as not to be blown up by a mine. Embedding a propeller noise simulator into a magnetic trawl does not give anything here, because the noise of the minesweeper's propellers overlaps with the noise of the simulator and the normal sound picture is distorted.

The MA2 explosive device in its circuit had a vibration sensor (Pendelkontakt), which blocked the operation of the explosive circuit when the mine was exposed to disturbing influences of a non-magnetic nature (impacts, jolts, rolling, shock waves of underwater explosions, strong vibrations from working mechanisms and ship propellers working too closely). This ensured the mine's resistance to many minesweeping measures of the enemy, in particular to minesweeping using bombing, pulling anchors and cables along the bottom.
The device had two batteries. One of them, with a voltage of 15 volts, fed the magnetic circuit, and the entire electrical explosion circuit. The second 96-volt anode battery powered three amplifying radio tubes of the acoustic circuit

In addition to the hydrostatic LiS device built into the UES watch, this explosive device is equipped with its own hydrostatic LiS, which is powered by the main 15-volt battery. Thus, a mine equipped with this explosive device is capable of exploding when raised to a depth of less than 5.18 meters from one of the two LiS.

The MA 3 explosive device differed from the MA 2 only in that its acoustic circuit was set not for 20, but for 15 seconds.

Acoustic-magnetic explosive device with low-tone circuit AMT 1. It was supposed to be installed in LMB IV mines, but by the time the war ended this explosive device was in the experimental stage. Application of this explosion)