George clooney wife age. Star romance: George Clooney and Amal Alamuddin

Last Saturday, one of the most desirable bachelors on the planet, George Clooney, married Julian Assange's lawyer Amal Alamuddin. The wedding took place in the strictest secrecy: while pictures of a happy Clooney, captured a few minutes before the wedding, circulated in all the tabloids, the journalists were never able to see the bride. Style wedding dress Amal remained a mystery to everyone, as did the name of the designer who made it. But the next day, the newly minted Mr. and Mrs. Clooney did not hide from photographers and appeared in public for the first time as husband and wife.

The couple left the doors of the seven-star Aman Hotel, where the newlyweds celebrated their wedding and where they spent their wedding night, and went for a walk. Amal wore a charming lace dress from Giambattista Valli with a very short skirt revealing stunning long legs. Looking at the actor’s wife, it is obvious that she captivated the confirmed bachelor not only with her sharp mind, but also with her unusual appearance. The oriental beauty (Amal is half British, half Lebanese) with her magnificent figure, luxuriant hair and angelic face will give odds to many Hollywood stars. For wedding celebrations in Venice, stylists selected outfits from the best designers for George’s chosen one, carefully considering her every appearance in public. As a result, the newly minted Mrs. Clooney always looks flawless.

The couple boarded the boat waiting for them at the pier and happily posed for the cameras. The photographers managed to capture the newlyweds' rings - made of white gold, George's was a little wider, Amal's was thin and elegant. The newlyweds took a ride along the Grand Canal and landed at the five-star Cipriani Hotel, where the rest of the wedding guests were staying.

Meanwhile, the guests present at the wedding shared with US Weekly some details of the ceremony. According to sources, George and Amal exchanged vows at the altar, under an arch decorated with white roses. As the bride made her speech, the groom took her hand. The ceremony lasted about twenty minutes, then the guests were treated to a wedding banquet with five courses of Italian cuisine. Dinner proceeded to the sounds of a small string orchestra. The guests joked, laughed and raised toasts to the health of the newlyweds. Amal's father Ramzi Alamuddin, for example, hinted to the newlyweds: “It's time for grandchildren!” During dinner, the newlyweds presented the ceremony participants with memorable black and white photographs: in a funny photo, taken in a retro style, George bites Amal's hat, and she laughs cheerfully. In the photo, Clooney and his fiancee left a thank you note to all the guests for what they did long haul and shared this day with them.

Let us recall that Clooney and Alamuddin became husband and wife, the actor’s representative Stan Rosenfeld told the agency on Saturday, without going into details of the ceremony. However, the whole city was watching the whole flotilla of boats delivering guests to the wedding: when else will you see so many world celebrities in festive outfits at the same time! The wedding took place at sunset, at eight o'clock in the evening, the participants began arriving at 6.30. Friends and relatives traveled by speedboat to the luxurious Aman Hotel, located on the Grand Canal. The wedding took place in a narrow circle of friends and family. Cindy Crawford and her husband Randy Gerber came to the wedding of Clooney and his fiancee - the supermodel's husband became the newlywed's best man, the star of the comedy "Groundhog Day" Bill Murray, George's longtime friend actor Matt Damon and his wife Luciana Barroso, actress Emily Blunt, U2 lead singer Bono, editor-in-chief American Vogue magazine Anna Wintour, former mayor of Rome Walter Veltroni and other celebrities. I also received an invitation to the wedding. close friend Clooney Sandra Bullock, but she could not come, and only sent the newlyweds a gift and congratulations.

It was previously reported that the actor's wedding was scheduled for Monday, September 29 - it was assumed that the couple would get married in the ancient 14th-century Farsetti Palazzo, located on the Grand Canal and owned by the city hall. An official from the municipality of Venice, who wished to remain anonymous, told the Associated Press about this. He also said that all paths and streets adjacent to the palace will be closed from 12 to 2 o'clock in the afternoon so that crowds of fans do not interfere with the celebration and create a security threat. Now everyone is wondering whether this was a distraction for the press or whether the newlyweds really plan to hold two weddings: one on Saturday in a narrow circle of friends and relatives, the other, a civil ceremony, on Monday at the city hall.

The American magazine Vogue bought the exclusive rights to photograph and cover the wedding - this explains the presence of the publication's editor-in-chief Anna Wintour at the wedding. The transaction amount is not disclosed, according to some sources it is several million dollars. The bride and groom plan to transfer this money to one of charitable foundations. Clooney and his fiancee asked guests to come to the celebration without mobile phones so that not a single frame is leaked to the Internet or to the press.


George Clooney married lawyer Yulia Tymoshenko

Hollywood's most eligible bachelor played on Saturday magnificent wedding in Venice [video, photo]

One eligible bachelor things got smaller in Hollywood: George Clooney and human rights lawyer Amal Alamuddin got married Saturday in Venice. The armada of boats of Cluny and his guests blocked the huge cruise ship- the giant had to stop and wait until the newlywed and his team rushed by, freeing the waterway. The guests were followed by photographers in dozens of boats, followed by police boats [

Became parents for the first time. The couple had twins Alexander and Ella. The birth of two children at once took a lot of strength from the parents: despite the fact that the spouses avoid discussing their personal lives, both of them admitted in interviews that it was difficult for them to adapt to the new lifestyle.

However, both George and Amal dote on the twins and try to spend time with them free time, even though both have extremely busy work schedules. So, Clooney works for film set series "", where he simultaneously acts as a director, producer and one of the key actors, as well as. Amal attends events related to her activities as a lawyer. However, yesterday George Clooney's wife and her son Alexander were caught by the paparazzi while walking in New York.

Amal Clooney for the first time in for a long time appeared in public with her grown son

Amal, who was dressed rather flamboyantly - in a bright yellow jacket, carried the grown-up Alexander in her arms. However, as soon as Clooney's wife noticed the paparazzi, she tried to hide from their sight as quickly as possible. Spouse Hollywood star tried to cover her face and hurried to hide in the tinted car.

It is interesting that Alexander’s sister Ella was not captured by reporters this time. Foreign journalists have long noticed that Clooney’s wife prefers to go for a walk with only one of the twins. Some people bet that a young mother cannot cope with two children at once and is forced to resort to the services of a nanny. By the way, almost immediately after the birth of the twins, the couple announced that they did not plan to have any more children: according to Amal, again.

Amal and George Clooney

By the way, at the beginning of this year, Amal admitted that by the time she met George Clooney, she had already resigned herself to the fate of an “old maid.” During a gala dinner held in honor of the actor, lawyer. “I couldn’t sleep when we were apart. Someone told me that when I read his SMS or letters that he secretly put in my bag, I had a special smile and tilt of my head. Five years have passed and nothing has changed. He is a person I admire endlessly and also the one whose smile makes me be the most happy man in the world. My dear, when I met you, I found you greatest love, which I hope will last forever. And seeing you with our children Ella and Alexander is the greatest pleasure in my life. You filled our home with laughter and happiness even before the children knew that dad was Batman, a talking fox and a friend of Mary Poppins,” Amal then said publicly.

It seemed like they had nothing in common. George Clooney, a famous womanizer, promised never to marry after bad experience family life. Amal Alamuddin, a successful international lawyer, was sure that she would not be able to meet her ideal man. However, their meeting forced both to reconsider their views on the future.

In the beginning there was love

George Clooney already had a little experience of family life, which he did not like at all. And he promised never to marry again. However, this did not stop him from starting endless novels. But not a single woman could shake his position as a convinced bachelor.

Amal Alamuddin, who achieved incredible success in law, made too high demands on her future chosen one and understood that her ideal was practically unattainable.

They both did not expect anything special from the charity evening, which they both had to attend in the fall of 2013. But they met at this event to understand that all their beliefs would be overthrown by the power of love.

Already at the beginning of 2014, they began to appear together everywhere. They were seen either leaving a restaurant or vacationing together in the Seychelles. Later they were repeatedly noticed in the company of popular Hollywood actors.

They did not try to hide from the camera flashes and did not hide their happy smiles. It became completely clear that George and Amal were not just having an affair. It was love.

Engagement in the spirit of Charlie Chaplin

Just six months after the start of the relationship, George decided to propose to his beloved, completely forgetting about his desire to remain a bachelor for life. For her return from London he prepared romantic dinner, arranged the candles, played a recording of a beautiful melody and hid the ring in a large box.

But everything went completely differently than he imagined. At first, Amal almost refused to go to him, expressing a desire to have dinner at a restaurant. And just as he was about to say the most important words, the girl suddenly decided to wash the dishes, which she had never done before.

When his beloved returned, the actor, citing the fact that he had accidentally blown out the candle, asked for a lighter from the box. When Amal saw the ring, she was taken aback by surprise and simply froze in place. George said he couldn't imagine life without her. Confused, Amal looked first at the ring, then at her lover, repeating over and over again: “My God! My God! After twenty minutes he couldn't stand it. He told his beloved that, due to his 52 years, he could not stand on one knee for so long, waiting for her consent. Happy Amal was finally able to say “yes” to him.

Double wedding

Amal and George weren't the only ones who were happy. The parents of the bride and groom seemed to be the most happy about the news of the engagement. The actor’s mother claimed that her son’s relationship with this amazing girl was different from all his previous novels. The bride's mother, who fell in love with her future son-in-law literally from the first minutes of their acquaintance, sincerely believed that her daughter had met her ideal man.

It was decided to celebrate the wedding twice: the first in Venice, where the newlyweds' celebrity friends were invited, and the second in Buckinghamshire, where they rejoiced at the creation new family relatives of Amal and George. The newlyweds were happy and full of plans and hopes.

Amazing transformations

Since the marriage to the actor, incredible changes have occurred. Having broken his promise to remain a bachelor all his life, he soon changed another of his principles: not to have children. It turned out that he was ready to become a father. Before his marriage, not only did he not want to have children, he even asked his friends to come visit without offspring.

They took planning for offspring seriously: George revised his work schedule, and Amal stopped taking on new cases. As it soon became clear, the happy couple were expecting the birth of twins. On June 6, 2017, Ella and Alexander were born.

From the moment the babies were born, George showed himself to be a touching and caring father. While his wife was in the clinic, he not only prepared a nursery for his daughter and son, he managed to hire security for them, re-equipped the alarm system in the house and freed up as much time as possible to spend more time with his wife and children. The couple decisively refused the services of a nanny, intending to raise their children on their own, only occasionally resorting to help.

Happiness lives where there is love

Friends, relatives and acquaintances never cease to be amazed at the extraordinary harmony of this beautiful couple. They try to spend as much time as possible together, despite the busy work schedule of both.

George practically said goodbye to his addiction to alcohol thanks to Amal, who gently limited his frequent gatherings with friends. However, he himself prefers to spend more time with his beloved wife and children. George and Amal Clooney only confirm the fact: true love works wonders.

George and Amal Clooney can't imagine life without each other. They are echoed by those who carefully guard their happiness.


Rumor has it that in some creative circles George Clooney is considered almost a god. I wonder if his personal life is so divine? By the way, this actor was married only once in his life. After this marriage, it seems that now only a selk can drag him down the aisle. George Clooney's first wife was actress Talia Balsam. Their marriage lasted about three years from 1989-1992 and ended in divorce.

On this photo George Clooney's wife is Talia Balsam.

In this photo ex-wife George Clooney - Talia Balsam

After the divorce, George Clooney publicly said that he would never marry again. And his plans have not been broken to this day. And this actor is rumored to be the sexiest man. Apparently, to maintain this reputation, George Clooney often finds himself with a new girlfriend. List of women with whom George Clooney posed for the cameras, as with his potential future wives, for a very long time. Here are some of them.

In this photo, George Clooney and Lisa Snowdon. According to some sources, George Clooney dated this British model for almost five years.

In this photo, George Clooney and Sarah Larson. Their relationship lasted only a year.

In this photo, George Clooney and Elisabetta Canalis. Their relationship lasted barely a year.

In this photo, George Clooney and Stacy Keibler. Their relationship was also limited to a short period of time.

In this photo, George Clooney and Krista Allen. Our actor hung out with this model for six whole years.

In this photo, George Clooney and Renee Zellweger. Their relationship lasted a short time. There are also rumors that George Clooney dated Cindy Crawford. But besides rare photos There is nothing to prove their connection.

In this photo, George Clooney and Celine Balitran. According to some sources, their couple lasted three years.

in this photo, George Clooney and Kelly Preston, their relationship lasted only a couple of years, after which George Clooney got married for a short time.

This is the many-sided wife of George Clooney. I would like to note on my own that, given the busy shooting schedule of the year, Clooney’s short-lived public affairs with models were most likely for show... they say, look, they “give” me the best models... Similar show-off in the West widespread. The fact is that many mass media publications are ready to pay millions of dollars to famous actors who pose with new passions or lovers in front of the cameras and tell something new about their lives.
In conclusion, I would like to add that in Las Vegas in the wax museum there is a special dress for the wife George Clooney, in which any of the fans can pose against the background wax figure the actor himself.

It looks something like the photo is the wife of George Clooney - wax...

In two thousand and fourteen, the celebrity finally decided to become married again and got married to Amal Alamuddin

0 12 September 2017, 14:10

George and Amal Clooney

Being parents is not easy, but the new father and his wife Amal cope with their responsibilities in raising Ella and Alexander. Their secret is simple - they need to do everything together. The 56-year-old actor and director, who presented his film "" (Suburbicon) at the International Film Festival, gave an interview about how he helps his 39-year-old wife.

My wife breastfeeds every three hours. Yes, it's difficult, but it's also fun! At night, I also get up every three hours with Amal. If I don't do this, I feel guilty.

says Clooney.

The Hollywood actor also said that the twins and their mother are now in Los Angeles while he is at the festival.

She and Amal are in Los Angeles now, and I've been on Facetime with them a couple of times. minutes ago,

- said the director.

George Clooney also admitted that he is ready to return to his acting work, because in recent years he mainly acted as a director and producer. But now Clooney has begun looking for new roles:

I think it's time to take up my career after a long break and understand what is best to take on. In fact, I'm looking for diverse roles,

- George admitted.

On last week Amal and George gave their first joint talk, in which they talked about their everyday life as parents. Then the actor’s wife said that George was a “great father,” the actor, in turn, admitted that he still couldn’t believe his happiness:

Now my house is filled with the warm sounds of crying children. You should see the faces of my friends watching me change diapers. They laugh at me. I've been making fun of them myself for so many years, so now I deserve all this,