4 sentences with homogeneous ones. “Sentences with homogeneous members” (grade 4)

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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“Sentences with homogeneous members” Completed by: teacher primary classes Mushtakova Svetlana Aleksandrovna MBOU Mikhailovskaya high school

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Among the main sections studied in each class are the sections “Sentence” and “Text”. In the 4th grade, children consolidate the features of a sentence, deepen the concept of sentences with homogeneous members, and develop the ability to distinguish a text from a set of sentences, modify and transform them, correlate it with the content and main idea. When working with text, children systematically develop the correct type of reading activity using the same technology as in reading lessons: children learn to independently comprehend the text before reading, during reading and after reading. This ensures a unified approach to working with text and the formation of one of the most important skills - the skill of conscious reading, through the analysis of syntactic models and structures, and means of artistic expression. Sentences with homogeneous members are one of the main components of this process. Children learn to analyze simple and complex sentences. Children become familiar with the fact that parts of a complex sentence and homogeneous members in simple sentences complicated by homogeneous members can be connected using conjunctions and, a, but. The ability to put punctuation marks in them develops. Explanatory note

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1. Relevance common mistakes in the placement of punctuation marks; students' inability to create complex syntactic structures; students' difficulties in mastering this section of syntax; The fundamentality of this topic in preparing students for the State Examination and the Unified State Examination.

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2. Goals and objectives of the section Goal: the formation of linguistic, communicative and cultural competencies in students through the study of sentences with homogeneous members. Objectives: to develop skills in working with text; develop punctuation literacy; learn to use sentences with homogeneous members in speech; develop interest in the native language, cognitive activity, associative thinking; improve skills independent work with text; To cultivate a love for the Russian language, a conscious attitude towards the language as a spiritual value.

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3. Psychological and pedagogical explanation of the specifics of perception and mastery of educational material by students in accordance with age characteristics. This section is designed taking into account age and psychological characteristics children 10 - 11 years old. - During this period, children’s communication skills increase, independence, balance, and self-control appear, but the majority have low motivation and the attitude of executing the demands of their parents and teacher-mentor prevails in their studies. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the motivation of schoolchildren and organize educational activities so that it satisfies their cognitive needs and contributes to their self-realization. - At this age, it is of great importance to recognize their skills and achievements, to contribute to the formation of confidence in the effectiveness of their activities. - During this period of child development, significant changes occur in mental activity. Thinking becomes more consistent, systematized, and a new feature appears - criticality. The child strives to have his own opinion and is prone to arguments and objections. An important role is played by the ideological and scientific content of the educational material, its close connection with life and practice, and the emotional nature of the presentation. - This age is favorable for development creative thinking, independent activity of students increases, a tendency towards evidence-based reasoning and logical justification appears in speech. Therefore, it is appropriate in the work to propose action algorithms that will help solve problematic problems, highlight the main thing, find similar and distinctive features, make generalizations, conclusions. It is best at this age to offer visual educational material, tables, diagrams, use ICT

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4. Expected results of mastering the section of the program To achieve from each student a conscious understanding of the topic (9 people) To teach weak students to see sentences of this type and use them in written and oral speech (3 people) To encourage strong students to constantly enrich their speech through the use of homogeneous members as a means of artistic expression expressiveness. (2 people)

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Students should: Know: the features of homogeneous members of sentences and their distinctive features; unions with homogeneous members; the rule for placing signs between homogeneous members. Be able to: find homogeneous members in a sentence and distinguish between them; observe the intonation of the enumeration; be able to use the rule when placing a comma before the conjunction a, but in a sentence with homogeneous members. establish the dependence of homogeneous members of sentences; compare various homogeneous members and prove; develop the ability to use sentences with homogeneous members in written speech; compose or state sentences with homogeneous members according to schemes;

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6. Knowledge system The knowledge system of this section includes: information about the syntactic structure of speech; knowledge of the construction of complex syntactic structures, the use of sentences with homogeneous members in them; information about the means of communication of homogeneous members and their characteristics; knowledge punctuation standards Russian language.

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8. Fragment of calendar-thematic planning No. Lesson topic Number of hours Characteristics of student activities or types educational activities Types of control, meters 1 Homogeneous members of the proposal 2 Homogeneous members of the sentence. Punctuation marks at the end of sentences (period, interrogative, exclamation marks). Comma in sentences with homogeneous members Current. Vocabulary dictation 2 Exercises in recognizing homogeneous members of a sentence. Comma in a sentence with homogeneous members without conjunctions 1 Homogeneous members of the sentence. Comma in sentences with homogeneous members Current. Frontal survey 3 Homogeneous members of a sentence with conjunctions 1 Homogeneous members of a sentence. Comma in sentences with homogeneous members. Unions, their role in speech Current. Frontal survey 4 Homogeneous members of a sentence connected by the conjunctions I, A, BUT 1 5 Exercise in correct construction proposals with homogeneous members 2 Current Frontal survey

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Estimates Preliminary Control Essay Test work Administrative dictation Test “5” 1 2 3 “4” 3 3 2 2 “3” 4 4 5 4 “2” 2 1 - - Quality of knowledge 33% 44% 44% 55%

Test in the Russian language Homogeneous members of a sentence. Simple and complex sentences grade 4 with answers. The test includes 9 back.

1. Fill in the missing letters and punctuation marks.

In the wet sky there are geese running away to the south. The trees bow after them and wave their branches. Red and yellow leaves fall from the branches and fly after the geese. Along with the leaves, flocks of finches and jabbers fly.

How many sentences with homogeneous predicates are there in this text? Mark ✓ the correct answer.

1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4

2. Read, insert the missing letters. Circle the numbers of sentences in which there are homogeneous members connected only by enumerative intonation.

1) The little teacher stood by the bed and carefully watched the kids.
2) In one second, the girl found herself near the baby, squatted down, took him by the hand, and quietly and affectionately began to walk.
3) The boys’ shirts and the girls’ blouses sparkled brilliantly.
4) Carved nuts, bolts, washers shine with polished edges.
5) M_ryak visited Vietnam and Indonesia, saw tropical trees, monkeys, parrots.

Write out a sentence in which there are both main homogeneous members of the sentence and secondary homogeneous members of the sentence. Emphasize them.

3. Fill in the missing letters. Place punctuation marks.

1) The hot hour has arrived and the snow is melting imperceptibly, and in the forest thicket the woodpecker is tapping evenly on the tree trunk.
2) The deep flock unfolded over the land and its villages and towns.
3) The helicopter worked in_ntami in different sides l_tel p_juice.
4) So the soldier sat down by the stream, took the violin and began to play softly.
5) There is a hut and Baba Yaga lives in it - a stone nigga.
6) Little baby started crying, turned back and started clicking on the page.

Write down the technical numbers simple sentences, in which homogeneous members are connected using unions.

4. Read the text. Fill in the missing letters and necessary punctuation marks.

Sashka went out into the yard, but there were no guys in the door. He grabbed the mouth and that’s when this story happened. Just at that time, an old lady was walking down the street. Sashka let her get closer and it came out of the woodwork. St_rushka shuddered and stopped. She shook her finger, crossed the road and disappeared into the alley.
(According to N. Nosov)

Find and write down a sentence in which homogeneous members correspond to the scheme: =, = and =.

Underline the main and minor members.

5. Read the sentences with homogeneous members and write in the conjunctions: and, a, but. Place commas where necessary. Underline the homogeneous secondary members of the sentence.

1) Ducks were flying along the rivers and lakes _____ swamps.
2) The old man and the old woman disagreed for a long time _____ they let the Snow Maiden go to pick the berries.
3) Burgundy yellow _____ red leaves appeared on the trees.
4) Galya _____ Katya walked down the street ______ smiled.
5) The teacher’s voice sounded quietly _____ insistently.
6) The kitten was trembling not from the cold _____ from fear.
7) The flower _____ grew slowly and now suddenly stretched out.

6. Place punctuation marks in sentences.

1) The girlfriends gathered to pick berries and came to invite the Snow Maiden with them.
2) The trees parted and a small beach opened up.
3) The water gently splashes into the sand and some bird is noisily fiddling around in the bushes.
4) The girl felt someone’s gaze on her and turned around.
5) The wind blew and leaves fell into the dark water.
6) Katya sighed heavily and slowly walked further, waving her briefcase.
7) The door creaked quietly and someone’s hand stuck through the crack.

Distribute the sentence numbers into groups, taking into account the role of the conjunction and.

Union And connects parts of a complex sentence:

Union And connects homogeneous members of a sentence:

7. Make up a complex sentence from each pair of simple sentences. Use appropriate conjunctions (and, but, a, yes). Write down the resulting sentences.

1) Tanya touched the rough stem with her hand. A drop of dew from a flower fell on her face.

2) Spring was shining in the sky. The forest was covered with snow.

3) Vocabulary words are remembered quickly. Putting punctuation marks still causes difficulties.

8. Place punctuation marks in sentences.

1) The buds open and a transparent light drop hangs on each green beak. (E. Charushin)
2) Thin trunks bent down to the ground and are waiting from hour to hour for release. (M. Prishvin)
3) Tits and crossbills sing in clear voices. (M. Prishvin)
4) Katya fed the rabbit carrots, hay, oats and crackers. (E. Charushin)
5) The hot hour came and in complete silence a fir branch moved.

Write down the numbers of sentences that meet the following characteristics.

A simple sentence with homogeneous predicates connected by a conjunction And: _____

A complex sentence whose parts are joined by a conjunction And: _____

A simple sentence with homogeneous subjects joined by a conjunction And: _____

A simple sentence with homogeneous minor members connected by enumerative intonation and a conjunction And: _____

9. Place punctuation marks.

1) There was an old car in the yard with the doors open and a yellow lantern burning above the porch.
2) Feet stomped down the stairs and a disheveled baby ran into the room.
3) Before cold weather The finch does not sing but creaks anxiously.
4) The old woman rattled her keys but was in no hurry to open the door.
5) Voices echoed dully from the spacious and cold walls.
6) They were still standing warm days but autumn was already reminding us of itself with spots of yellow leaves and browned grass.

Mark ✓ the numbers of sentences in which the conjunctions a, but, and connect parts of a complex sentence.

1) 2, 4, 5
2) 1, 2, 6
3) 1, 3, 6

ANSWERS - Test in the Russian language Homogeneous members of a sentence. Simple and complex sentences grade 4
Geese flying south scream in the wet sky. The trees bow after them and wave their branches. Red and yellow leaves and fly after the geese. Flocks of finches and larks fly along with the leaves. (The text contains 2 sentences with homogeneous predicates.)
1) The young teacher stood at the window and carefully watched the children.
2) In one second, the girl found herself near the baby, squatted down, took his hand, and spoke quietly and affectionately.
3) The boys’ shirts and the girls’ blouses sparkled white.
4) Carved nuts, bolts, washers shine with polished edges.
5) The sailor visited Vietnam and Indonesia, saw tropical trees, monkeys, parrots.
1) The hot hour has come, and the snow is melting imperceptibly, and in the silence of the forest the woodpecker evenly taps the blows on the trunk.
2) A flock of pigeons unfolded over the earth, its fields, villages, and cities.
3) The helicopter was rotating, sand was flying in different directions.
4) So the soldier sat down by the stream and took the violin And began to play quietly.
5) There is a hut, and Baba Yaga lives in it - a bone leg.
6) The little goat cried and turned back And began to call my sister.
4, 6
Sashka went out into the yard, but there were no guys in the yard. He ran out the gate, and that’s when this story happened. Just at that time an old woman was walking down the street. Sashka let her get closer and the gun went off. The old woman shuddered and stopped.
She shook her finger, crossed the road and disappeared into the alley. (=, = and =)
1) Along rivers, lakes And ducks were flying in the swamps.
2) The old man and the old woman disagreed for a long time, But They released the Snow Maiden to pick berries.
3) Burgundy, yellow And red leaves appeared on the trees.
4) Galya And Katya walked down the street and smiled.
5) Quiet, But The teacher's voice sounded insistent.
6) The kitten was not shaking from the cold, A out of fear.
7) The flower grew slowly, A now he suddenly stretched out.
Union And connects parts of a complex sentence: 2, 3, 5, 7.
Union And connects homogeneous parts of a sentence: 1, 4, 6.
1) Tanya touched the rough stem with her hand, And a drop of dew from the flower fell on her face.
2) Spring was shining in the sky, But the forest was covered with snow.
3) Dictionary words are memorized quickly, but punctuation marks still cause difficulties.
A simple sentence with homogeneous predicates connected by a conjunction And: 2.
A complex sentence whose parts are joined by a conjunction And: 1, 5.
A simple sentence with homogeneous subjects joined by a conjunction And: 3.
A simple sentence with homogeneous minor members connected by enumerative intonation and conjunction And: 4.
Unions A, But, And connect parts of complex sentences 1, 2, 6.

    The concept of a complex sentence

    Sentences with homogeneous members

    Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

    Generalizing words for homogeneous sentence members

1. The concept of a complex sentence

Complex sentences include those sentences in which there are relatively independent syntactic constructions and phrases: isolated members of the sentence, homogeneous members, introductory constructions, inserted constructions, addresses, comparative phrases. Complex sentences on the transitivity scale occupy the transition zone between simple and complex sentences. The complicating part of the sentence contains a semi-predicative element that complements the main predicative core of the sentence. Thus, semi-predicativeness is a message additional to the main statement about the relevance of what is being expressed to reality.

  1. Sentences with homogeneous members

Homogeneous members of the sentence these are members of the same name, connected to each other by a coordinating connection and performing the same syntactic function in a sentence, i.e. united by the same relationship to the same member of the sentence. Homogeneous members are connected or can be connected coordinating conjunctions and are pronounced with the intonation of enumeration. In the absence of conjunctions or when they are repeated, homogeneous members are also connected by connecting pauses. The separation of homogeneous components is based on three leading characteristics:

1. single-functionality;

2. subordinating connection with a common / subordinate or subordinate / word;

3. a coordinating connection between them, marked by intonation or coordinating conjunctions.

For example: A fairy tale is needed not onlychildren , but alsoadults /K.Paustovsky/ – in this sentence, homogeneous indirect objects are equally subordinate to the predicate needed and are in a relationship of comparison with each other, realized by a coordinating conjunction. Homogeneous subjects, unlike all other homogeneous members, do not obey, but subordinate to themselves the member of the sentence associated with them - the predicate: Neither power nor life amuses me/A. Pushkin/.

The main members of one-part sentences are not covered by all three parameters, therefore their syntactic structure is not recognized or is called into question: They didn’t knock, didn’t shout, didn’t bother with questions/A. Chekhov/: Night, street, lantern, pharmacy/A.Blok/.

Both main and secondary members of a sentence can be homogeneous, for example: Gardenerfell silent, shoved a tube behind the boot top (P.S.) - homogeneous predicates; We walked past Dunyashkacaps and scarves, overcoats Andoveralls (E.N.) – homogeneous subjects; Vasya drew on the corners of album sheetsbirds, animals Andangels (P.S.) – homogeneous additions.

Homogeneous members may have the same morphological expression, but can be expressed by different parts of speech: Spokehe is calm, without sadness, without complaint in the voice andSo , as if he himself was listening carefully to his speech, checking it mentally(Bitter).

Homogeneous members of a sentence are characterized by the following signs:

    Take the position of one member of the sentence;

    Associated with the same member of the sentence by a subordinating connection;

    Connected together by a coordinating connection;

    Often have the same morphological expression;

    Usually they express similar concepts.

The presence of homogeneous members of a sentence is not considered in the following cases:

    When repeating the same words in order to emphasize the duration of an action, a multitude of persons or objects, an enhanced manifestation of a characteristic, etc., for example: I'm going, I'm going in an open field (P.); Here is a dark, dark garden (N.).Drink and drink , and the water from the ground flows and flows/IN. Peskov/.

    In complete phraseological expressions: both day and night; both old and young; neither this nor that; neither give nor take; neither back nor forward, etc.

    When two verbs are combined in the same form, acting as a single predicate (in the meaning of an action and its purpose, an unexpected or arbitrary action, etc.), for example, I'll go have a look class schedule;took it and did it vice versa, etc.

    Members of a sentence connected by explicative/clarifying-explanatory/ relations are not homogeneous: Now, in mid-April, the oak was black and gloomy/IN. Krutilin/.

    This phenomenon also does not provide syntactic homogeneity modern language, as an indication of an object in its relation to another object: Tolstoy and his contemporaries: readers and the book: student and perestroika. The presence of an alleged coordinating connection does not indicate homogeneity, but a stylistic predicament: We will drink tea with sugar and with dad/K.Simonov/.

In a block of homogeneous members, its parts are interconnected by meaning and grammatical means: intonation, coordinating conjunctions and lexico-grammatical means.

The most significant indicator of homogeneity is coordinating connection.

To connect homogeneous members of a sentence, the following categories of coordinating conjunctions are used:

    Connecting unions: and, yes,(meaning “and”), neither...nor and others. Union And can be single or repeating. A single conjunction shows that the enumeration is exhaustive, for example: Screaming, barking and howling were heard outside (Ars.).

Repetition of the union And before each homogeneous member of the sentence makes the series incomplete and emphasizes the enumerative intonation, for example: And the sling, and the arrow, and the crafty dagger spare the winner years (P.).

Union And can connect homogeneous members in pairs, for example: They came together: wave and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire are not so different from each other (P.).

Repeating conjunction neither...nor used in negative sentences, acting as a conjunction And, For example: Neither the sea nor the sky were visible behind the rain (M. G.)

Union Yes(in the meaning of “and”) is used mainly in colloquial speech; its use in works of art gives the speech a touch of simplicity, for example: And Vaska listens and eats (Kr.); Open the window and sit with me (P.).

Union Yes is also used as a repeating member, but cannot appear before the first homogeneous member, for example: Dog, Man, and Cat, and Falcon once swore to each other eternal friendship(Kr.).

    Opposing alliances: ah, but, yes(meaning “but”), however, etc.

Union A shows that one concept is affirmed and the other is denied: The Tit gave glory, but did not light the sea(Kr.).

In the absence of negation, the union A indicates a contrast: The dog barks at the brave, but bites the cowardly(proverb).

Union But introduces a hint of limitation: On the right bank there are peaceful but still restless villages(L.T.)

Union Yes adds a conversational tone: He who is noble and strong, but not smart, is so bad if he has a good heart(Kr.).

Conjunctions emphasize opposition however And but: I hesitated a little, but sat down (T.).

A connecting conjunction can act as an adversative conjunction And: I wanted to travel around the whole world, but I didn’t travel a hundredth part(Gr.).

    Dividing unions: or, either, whether... whether, then... that, not that... not that, either... or etc.

Union or(single or repeating) indicates the need to select one of the concepts expressed by homogeneous members and excluding or replacing each other: I was allowed to go to the river with Yevseich every day, either in the morning or in the evening (Aks.)

Union or, with the same meaning (usually repeated), has a colloquial character: Gavrila decided that the mute either fled or drowned along with his dog (T.)

Repeating conjunction then... then indicates the alternation of phenomena: The stars blinked with faint light and then disappeared (T.)

Repeating conjunction whether... whether has a separative-enumerative meaning.

Repeating conjunctions not that... not that, or... or indicate the uncertainty of the impression or the difficulty of choice: There is either laziness or tenderness in the heart (T.)

    Comparative(gradational): both – so and; not only – but also; although and – but; if not, then; not that - but (but); not as much - as much as - as much comparisons matter: Although it is simple in appearance, it has a wonderful quality (Kr.).

    Connecting:yes and; a and; but also; and even then; and even then, Also have connecting meaning: I peacefully enjoyed my work, success, fame, as well as the works and successes of my friends (P.)

One sentence may contain several blocks (rows) of homogeneous members. In one composed series, synonyms and antonyms occur, forming additional meanings that explode the external uniformity of the series: Rejoicing and mourning, and dripping with black blood , She looks, looks, looks at youWith both hatred and love (Block).

32. Read it.

  1. In the swamp rumbled frogs. In the swamp purred, croaked frogs.
  2. The sun has illuminated trees. The sun has illuminated trees, bushes, glades.
  3. They were on the table books. They were on the table books, notebooks, pencils.
  • What is the difference between each pair of sentences? What parts of the sentence are the highlighted words?

Pay attention! A sentence can have several clause members that answer the same question and refer to the same word. Such members of a sentence are called homogeneous.

33. Read it.

  1. In the forest lake there were crucian carp, roach, pike, bream.
  2. Autumn leaves flying, spinning, falling to the ground.
  3. Nimble, restless tits fly from tree to tree.
  • Which sentence members are the selected homogeneous sentence members?
  • What question does homogeneous minor terms answer? What word do they refer to?
  • Read the sentences, highlighting homogeneous members with the intonation of enumeration.
  • What punctuation mark separates homogeneous parts of a sentence?

34. Read it.

1. They work in the fields tractors, combines. 2. Combines mow, thresh wheat, cleanse corn, pour out it into trucks, collect in heaps with... scrap. 3. Tractors plow, loosen soil. 4. The beans have already been removed from the fields birth.., barley, ..weight.

  • Which members of the sentence are the selected homogeneous members? Explain your answer.
  • Write by inserting the missing letters.

To O MBAYN K O MBAYN e r k O mbayner

35. Read it.

1. Swans, geese, ducks got ready for the journey with an important air. 2. The little birds were noisy, fussing, fussing. 3. Old, experienced birds taught the young. 4. On the lake the swans rested, fed, and swam. 5. Tender sun illuminated the forest, grass, river, mountains. 6. Lilies of the valley, violets, and bells grew in the forest.

(D. Mamin-Sibiryak)

  • Prepare to prove that each sentence has homogeneous members.
  • Write the sentences in this order:
    1. with homogeneous subjects;
    2. with homogeneous predicates;
    3. with homogeneous minor members.
  • Find homogeneous minor members in sentences. Underline the word they depend on.
  • Read the written sentences with the intonation of listing homogeneous parts of the sentence.

Pay attention! Homogeneous members are related to each other enumerative intonation and separate from each other comma.

36. Read it.

      The little humpbacked horse shook himself,
      Got up on his paws, perked up,
      He clapped his mane and started snoring.
      And he flew like an arrow.
      (P. Ershov)
  • What parts of the sentence are the highlighted words? Prove it.
  • Write down and underline the main parts of the sentence. Highlight the prefixes in the verbs.
  • Explain the placement of commas in a sentence.

Pay attention! Homogeneous members of a sentence can have with them dependent words:

Homogeneous members of the sentence

Members of the sentence


Example sentences

Homogeneous subjects

Who? What?

River, banks And trees
filled with pink light.

I. Nikitin

Homogeneous predicates

what does it do?

Thunder rolls, rumbles, grumbles, rumbles, shakes land.

K. Paustovsky

Homogeneous secondary members of the sentence (answer the same question and depend on the same word)

which? Where? How?

Cold, heavy clouds rushed over the ground.

A. Chekhov

In the field, in the bushes gray partridges lived.

V. Bianchi

Reluctantly And timidly
The sun looks over the fields.

F. Tyutchev

37. Read the sentences in the table “Homogeneous members of a sentence” with the correct intonation.

  • Use the table to tell which members of a sentence can be homogeneous. How to determine homogeneous subjects in sentences? homogeneous predicates? homogeneous secondary members of the sentence?

38. Read it. Write it down, placing commas where necessary.

1. The pale gray sky became lighter and colder and bluer. (I. Turgenev) 2. The fresh wind smells of mint cornflowers and quinoa. (E. Trutneva) 3. Red-headed boletuses, slippery milk mushrooms, fragrant saffron milk caps grow in the forest. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov) 4. The black grouse have arrived and settled on the birches, pecking at the bitter buds. (M. Prishvin)

  • Explain the placement of commas in sentences. Underline the grammatical basis in each sentence.

Goal: To create the basis for the conscious use of homogeneous members of speech. To develop the ability to correctly use commas in sentences with homogeneous members without conjunctions, to learn to master the intonation of enumeration when reading sentences with homogeneous members. Develop speech and spelling vigilance. Instill respect for the environment.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment and communication of lesson objectives

Hello autumn
Wind Postman
Delivered letters
He blew, he tried,
Sparing no effort.
Colored on foliage
Hello autumn,
Lingering rain
He pours out his answer.
The pond was completely covered
Notes of rain,
The sky is writing a song,
Leaving into autumn.

(Tamara Marshalova)

– Very noticeable phenomena occur in nature. Read the sentences.

The wind tore off the leaves and swirled them around.
The wind tore off the leaves and swirled them around.

– How are these sentences similar? (Word order. They contain homogeneous members of the sentence.)

– How are they different? (The first sentence contains the conjunction I)

– Today in the lesson we will continue to get acquainted with the use of homogeneous members in speech, we will learn to correctly use a comma in a sentence with homogeneous members without conjunctions, practice enumeration intonation when reading sentences with homogeneous members, and repeat the vocabulary words we have learned.

II. Checking homework

(Ex. 86, p. 45, T.G. Ramzaeva. 4th grade)

– Find the sentence with homogeneous members.

– Which parts of the sentence are called cognate?

– How are homogeneous members of a sentence related to each other? Slide 1. Cm. Appendix 1 .

– This incident probably happened in the summer; migratory birds had long since hatched their chicks and set off for warmer climes.

– What sounds can you hear in the forest now?

- Well, today we will work with sounds.....

III. Calligraphy

– How do we convey sounds in writing? (In letters.)

– Tell me what you know about these letters?

– And today we will write a sentence with these letters. Read the proposal?

Os...n is stocky, z...ma is picked up.

- What is this?

– How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

– Write it down, insert the missing letters.

– What letters were inserted, why?

– Write down a word that consists of two syllables, form three words with the same root, and analyze it according to its composition.

(One student at the blackboard.)

– What words are called cognates?

– How are words with the same root formed?

IV. Working on vocabulary words

1. Working with vocabulary words(repetition)

- The proverb says “autumn is a store,” let’s write down what vegetables people pick from their beds in the fall. Select the spelling that you need to check using a dictionary or memorize.

– Garden plant: tomato ( tomato)

– Vegetable, plant with tubers rich in starch ( potato)

– Garden plant with green oblong fruit ( cucumber)

– Leaves of a plant that curl into a head and are used as food ( cabbage)

– Garden plant, root crop with thick orange sweetish root ( carrot)

- Read... what words you wrote down.

– How can you call them in one word? (vegetables)

– We exchanged notebooks and checked with a pencil.

– Raise your hand, who didn’t make mistakes?

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

2. Compiling sentences with homogeneous sentence members

– Using the words that you have just written down, compose and write down for me a sentence with homogeneous members. Underline the homogeneous members and the word to which they refer.

– Which members of the sentence are homogeneous? (subject)

– What other members of a sentence can be homogeneous?

– Make an outline of your proposal (one at the board)

– Ask a question about today’s topic…..

– Not only do people collect the harvest in the fall, make supplies, this wonderful time has inspired and inspires many to write paintings, poems, music, and now we will listen to an excerpt from the Seasons. Autumn Vivaldi and do a little warm-up

V. Physical education minute

(The children have autumn leaves in their hands.) Slide 2.

Leaf fall, leaf fall
Leaves are spinning in the air (leaves swaying)
Naughty here and there
Windshield wipers sweeps leaves
And they're flying again (leaves flew)
Oh, this leaf fall (teacher's words)

VI. Reinforcing the material covered

1. Drawing up proposals according to the scheme

– Make me sentences about autumn leaves so that they match the diagram Slide 3 . – 1st option with homogeneous predicates, 2nd option with homogeneous minor members (one student at the board).

– Analyze your sentences by members and parts of speech.

– Have only the leaves changed color and are spinning in the air with the arrival of autumn, or are there other signs?

2. Compiling sentences with homogeneous members. Title the text. Slide 4.

a) Differentiated approach

The cranes are screaming in alarm. The cranes cry sadly.
The wind blows leaves from the trees. The wind howls at night.
Autumn strips the forest. Autumn chills the water.
Clouds are slowly creeping across the sky. Clouds are slowly creeping across the sky.

b) P.46, exercise 87*

VII. Verification work (test cards)

1. The members of a sentence are called homogeneous if....

1) answer the same question;
2) refer to the same member of the sentence:
3) consist of the same parts of speech;
4) are written with the same spelling.

2. Which members of a sentence are homogeneous?

1) subject;
2) predicates;
3) secondary members.

3. How are homogeneous members of a sentence related to each other?

1) intonation of enumeration;
2) unions;
3) prepositions.

4. Find a sentence with homogeneous members.

1). The swallow feeds on flies, mosquitoes, and midges.
2). Herons live in the swamp.
3). A woodpecker pecks at trees and takes out harmful insects from under the bark.

VIII. Lesson summary

– Now let’s summarize the lesson, look at the picture and write short story with homogeneous members. Slide 5

It has arrived... Water in the river... Sky … . Birch in its… . Rowan dressed up...
Your attitude.

IX. Homework (optional)

P. 47, exercise 88 or compose a short story “Gifts of Nature” with homogeneous members of the sentence.