Which ocean does the hangar flow into? The Angara River is the only river flowing from Lake Baikal

Leaks in Eastern Siberia by territory Irkutsk region and Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The source of the Angara River is located between the villages of Listvyanka and Baikalk in the Irkutsk region. The Angara flows from Lake Baikal along a wide, more than 1 kilometer, gorge channel. The mouth is located near the village of Ust-Angarsk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where the river flows into the Yenisei.

The length of the Angara River is 1,779 kilometers, the drainage basin area is 1,039,000 km 2 . The total fall of the Angara River is 380 meters, the slope is 0.2 m/km.

From the source of the Angara it flows in a northerly direction. The Irkutsk Reservoir was created on the river between Baikal and Irkutsk. In the middle reaches in the north-west of the Irkutsk region, after the construction of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station, the Bratsk reservoir was formed. Below Bratsk, the upper section of the Ust-Ilimsk reservoir begins. At the site of the Boguchansky Reservoir, the Angara turns west towards the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Yenisei.


In the upper reaches on the banks of the Angara there are the cities of Irkutsk, Angarsk, Usolye-Sibirskoye and in the Cheremkhovo region Svirsk.

In the middle reaches the largest settlements— the cities of Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk.

In the lower reaches of the Angara in 1989, the city of Kodinsk was built - the administrative center of the Kezhemsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Read more about settlements located on the banks of the Angara

Islands on the Angara.

There are many large and small islands on the Angara, starting from the city of Irkutsk. Their list from source to mouth is

Access roads.

The main transport hubs on the Angara are Irkutsk, Angarsk, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk. At the source on the shore of Lake Baikal there is Listvyanka. Read more about transport links along the river.

Main tributaries.

More than 500 tributaries flow into the Angara. The longest of them is the right tributary Chadobetz, 647 kilometers long. The second longest is the left tributary of the Oka, 630 kilometers.

The other largest right tributaries of the Angara are the Ilim 589 kilometers, Irkineeva 363 kilometers, Kamenka 313 kilometers.

The left largest tributaries of the Angara are the Irkut 488 kilometers, the Kova 452 kilometers, the Belaya 359 kilometers, the Mura 330 kilometers, the Kitoi 316 kilometers.

More detailed list see the main tributaries of the Angara

Relief and soils.

The Upper Angara region is characterized by a wide strip of calm relief, rich mineral raw materials, mica, coal, marble, gypsum, salt.

The Middle Angara region is located in the southern part of the Central Siberian Plateau. The territory of the Middle Angara region has the outline of a triangle, at the vertices of which are the settlements of Zima, Zheleznogorsk-Ilimsky and Taishet, and in the center is the city of Bratsk. The area is cut by deep valleys of the Angara and its tributaries Oka, Ilim, Chuna. Numerous exits of ladders form rocky gorges and rock rapids.

The main raw material resources in the Middle Angara region are iron ores Angaro-Ilim, Angaro-Chunsky, Angaro-Katsky and Nizhne-Tungussky regions, Beloziminsky apatite and Nizhneudinsky manganese ores, mica, gold and salt deposits.

In its lower reaches, the Angara flows within the Central Siberian Plateau. The relief of the Krasnoyarsk Angara region is very rugged. The eastern and middle parts rise more than 500 meters above sea level.

In the lower part of the Angara basin and many of its tributaries cross the ancient and heavily rugged Yenisei Ridge. Average height the ridge is 800-900 meters, in some places exceeding 1000 meters.

In the Angara basin, soddy-podzolic and soddy-podzolic ferruginous soils predominate. In the upper reaches there are gray forest, mountain soddy and humus-carbonate soils. In the middle reaches there are mountain sod-taiga and mountain podzolic soils.


The vegetation in the Angara basin is represented mainly by middle and southern taiga Central Siberian pine forests with Siberian larch. In the upper reaches below Irkutsk there are South Siberian-Mongolian steppes. In the middle and lower reaches there are dark coniferous South Siberian mountain forests of Siberian spruce and Siberian fir.

Hydrological regime.

Freeze-up on the Angara is usually observed from the first half of November to the second half of May.

The main flow of the Angara is regulated by hydroelectric power stations; the formed reservoirs carry out seasonal and long-term regulation. In summer and autumn, water levels are on average 1.5-2.5 meters lower than in winter.

The tributaries of the Angara are characterized by pronounced spring floods, which are observed in late April to mid-June. The rise in levels at this time is 4-6 meters. Lente-autumn low levels sometimes rise due to rain floods.

The maximum amplitude of water level fluctuations per year on the Angara River near Boguchan reaches 8.3 meters and near Kamenka - 10 meters. Here, the maximum rises in water levels are caused by ice jams in the spring. On the middle rivers of the basin, water levels fluctuate from 4 to 6 meters, and in areas prone to jams they reach 11 meters.

At the source of the Angara, the average water flow is 1,855 m³/s. Near Bratsk it already reaches 2,814 m³/s (maximum 14,200 m³/s). At the mouth, the average water flow is 4,530 m³/s, which corresponds to approximately 143 km³ per year. In May 1966, the maximum average monthly flow rate was recorded - 12,600 m³/s.

Water quality.

The concentration of industrial enterprises on the banks of the Angara River leads to a deterioration in quality natural waters as a result of discharges of polluted waste water. In terms of volume of insufficiently treated water, the Angara basin is second after the Volga.

The Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk reservoirs suffer the most from wastewater. Angara water is characterized by a high content of mercury, copper, iron, petroleum products, nitrogen, and organic substances.

The amount of pollutants in water, bottom sediments, and fish can exceed tens and sometimes hundreds of maximum permissible concentrations.


There are more than 30 species of fish in the Angara: black grayling, Siberian roach, perch, Siberian dace, taimen, lenok, sterlet, whitefish, tugun, trout, rotan, eastern bream, Baikal omul, Siberian grayling, pike, burbot, gobies, crucian carp, peled

You can read more about the ichthyofauna of the Angara

Tourism and recreation.

Rich enough species composition ichthyofauna makes the Angara and its reservoirs attractive targets for recreational fishing.

On the banks of the Angara there are cities and towns that have historical and tourist significance.

Irkutsk, rich in its history and architecture, can offer city guests many museums, historical buildings, and churches to visit and explore. In 1970, Irkutsk was included in the list of protected areas Russian cities while preserving the ancient buildings and layout.

In Listvyanka there is the Baikal Limnological Museum with an aquarium of the fauna of Lake Baikal, the Baikal Astrophysical Observatory, the Shaman Stone and other objects attractive to tourists.Angara

Length: 1779 km

Basin area: 1,039,000 km²

Pool: Kara Sea

River basin: Yenisei

Water flow: 4530 m³/sec. (at the mouth)

Slope: 0.2‰

Source:Lake Baikal, Listvyanka village, Irkutsk district, Irkutsk region

Altitude: 456 m


Latitude: 51°52′1.43″N

Longitude: 104°49′8.66″E

Mouth:Yenisei river, Ust-Angarsk village, Krasnoyarsk region

Altitude: 76 m


Latitude: 58°6′8.74″N

Longitude: 92°59′59.96″E

One of the most interesting and amazing waterways of our country is the Angara River. It flows through the territory of Eastern Siberia. Like all Siberian rivers, the Angara is wide and deep. It has a huge basin, and its shores are sparsely populated due to the harsh climatic conditions. Despite this, the Angara River is actively used by people for economic needs. In addition to shipping and fishing, people use its features to generate cheap electricity.

Where is the Angara River located?

It is very famous and most major influx Yenisei. The Angara River is the only drainage of Lake Baikal - it flows from it and from high speed flows north through the territory of the Irkutsk region. Its path runs along the Central Siberian Plateau, so its bed is typical of all Siberian rivers. The Angara is fast, with many rapids and rifts and a large difference in heights. After the Irkutsk reservoir, its bed turns sharply to the west and flows through the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Near Lesosibirsk, the Angara River flows into the Yenisei. This river is its deepest tributary and one of the largest rivers in the world.

Characteristics of the Angara water basin

The length of the river itself is more than 1.5 thousand kilometers, and the total length of its tributaries in the Irkutsk region alone is more than 160 thousand. The area of ​​the river basin without Lake Baikal is almost 500 thousand square kilometers. Huge number tributaries flow into it mainly from the left. There are about forty thousand of them in the Irkutsk region alone. The largest of them is Taseyeva.

This is for the most part mountain rivers, so the water temperature in the Angara does not rise above 12 degrees even in summer. The Selenga, which flows into Lake Baikal, can also be considered its tributary. Already at the very source of the Angara it is very wide - more than a kilometer. And at its widest point it reaches 15 kilometers. But sometimes it narrows to 300 meters. The fact that along its entire length the Angara River has a drop of about 400 meters ensures fast current. This is used by humans to obtain cheap electricity. The three hydroelectric power plants built on this river are the most productive in our country.

  1. The name comes from the Buryat word “anga”, which means “cleft”, “gulley”, “opened”.
  2. This the only river, flowing out of Lake Baikal and its only drainage.
  3. There is a beautiful legend that Angara, the daughter of Baikal, ran away from him to the Yenisei. And Baikal, angry, threw a huge rock after her. It is still located in the middle of the very source of the river and is called the Shaman Stone.
  4. There are a lot of rapids, rifts and islands on the river. It flows through a gorge, its valley has rocky shores and many terraces.
  5. There are about six thousand lakes in the river basin.
  6. Unlike other Siberian reservoirs, the Angara is a river that freezes much later - in December-January. This is due to its fast flow and the presence of three large reservoirs.
  7. Until the 20th century, the lower reaches of the river were called Upper Tunguska.

Human use of the river

All water arteries have great value V national economy and human life. But the Angara River for local residents is not only a breadwinner, but also a transport artery and a source of cheap electricity. How is it used by humans?

  1. Despite its active economic use The Angara is a river that is rich in fish. Even rare species have been preserved there.
  2. In the 20th century, after the construction of dams and reservoirs, the river became suitable for navigation. In some places, due to harsh geographical and climatic conditions, this is the only transport artery connecting populated areas.
  3. But the main human use of the river is the construction of hydroelectric power stations. There are three of them on the Angara. They make up the Angarsk cascade of hydroelectric power stations: Irkutsk, Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk. The Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station is still under construction, and it is planned to create a new cascade in the lower reaches of the river.
  4. There are many large cities on the banks of the Angara: Irkutsk, Angarsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk and others. People have lived here for a long time and benefit from the river’s gifts. After all, it is rich in fish and quite clean.

Mouth of the Angara River

It flows into the Yenisei and is its largest tributary. The peculiarity of the mouth is that it is twice as wide as the Yenisei. Therefore, some believe that the Yenisei is a tributary of the Angara, and not vice versa. But since ancient times, it has been customary to consider the Yenisei as the main river.

The clear waters of the Angara River do not immediately mix with the muddy Yenisei water. For some time the water flows like this: on the right there is a clean stream, and on the left there is a dirty one. Then the border between them gradually blurs, and after Lesosibirsk, the overflowing Yenisei carries its waters into the Arctic Ocean.

Environmental issues

Not everyone knows where the Angara River is, and few know that it is one of the few clean bodies of water. But the process of destroying the river, which began with the construction of the hydroelectric power station, continues.

The creation of reservoirs not only changed the topography of the river basin, but also led to the disappearance of many species of animals and fish that had long lived here. Local residents had to forget about sterlet and sturgeon, which were previously very abundant. Now the Angara from a fast river with clear water turned into a chain of reservoirs poisoned by industrial wastewater. The water level rose greatly, which led to the disappearance of many islands and rapids. Was flooded large area, covered with forests. In addition, dams greatly influence the hydrological regime of Lake Baikal, the only drainage of which is the Angara River.

One of the largest and deep rivers Siberia. A powerful water stream more than a kilometer wide flows out of the lake, follows the south of the Central Siberian Plateau and through the Angara Ridge, heads north, but downstream from Ust-Ilimsk turns west. Near the mouth above the city of Yeniseisk, near the village of Strelka, there is the Strelkovsky rapids, popular among watermen. The Angara basin is 1039 thousand km².

Where does the name Angara come from?

One of the ancient Buryat words anga means “open”, “gaping”. Originally in the Middle Ages local peoples called the Ankara-Muren River. Cossacks and Russian settlers called it Upper Tunguska. For a long time Cossacks on the Yenisei believed that the Upper Tunguska and Angara were different rivers. Among some peoples in the Cis-Baikal region, anga means “gorge”, “cleft”.

Hydrological regime of the Angara

Angara water consumption per year is 143 cubic meters. km. At the source of the river the flow rate is 1,855 m³/s, at the confluence with the Yenisei 4,530 m³/s. Observations by specialists at the Tatarka gauging station, not far from the mouth, for 46 years recorded an annual minimum flow of 3,767 m³/s (1964), and a maximum flow of 5,521 m³/s (1995). In 1966, the May flow was a record 12,600 m³/s. Regulation of the main flow is carried out by reservoirs and waterworks.

Tributaries of the Angara

The Angara has numerous tributaries originating in the surrounding mountains. The flow of the entire Lake Baikal passes through the Angara watercourse, so the largest of the tributaries is the Selenga, which flows into deepest lake. The Angara basin contains up to 6 thousand lake reservoirs. The left tributaries are the Kova, Irkut, Iya, Taseyeva, Belaya, Kitoi, Oka, Mura. The right tributaries are the Ilim, Kata, Osa, Kamenka, Ida, Kuda, Irkineeva.

Economic use of the Angara
Angara is an example large river with a water regime regulated by three reservoirs. In the upper reaches there is a 55-kilometer reservoir of the large Irkutsk hydroelectric power station, then a 570-kilometer reservoir of the giant Bratsk power plant, and then a 300-kilometer Ust-Ilimskoye reservoir. Thus, water regime Hangars are more lake than river.
History of human activity along the Angara
Archaeologists discovered parking lots on the Angara primitive people, dating back 50 thousand years ago, ancient household items and petroglyphs. Glaciation 5-6 thousand years ago led to the formation of the Neolithic cave culture, boats, tamed dogs, bows and arrows with jade tips, hunting skis, axes and knives made of stone appeared.

IN Bronze Age During the Glazkov culture, shamanism originated here. The modern peoples of the Angara were formed during a long period of mixing of different ethnic groups. First of all, these are the Turkic and Mongolian indigenous ethnic group, a small number of peoples, and later the Russian Cossacks from the 17th century.
With quite complex natural conditions The population density in the Angara region is lower than the average density in Russia. The overwhelming majority of people living here, up to 80%, are Russians, the rest of the population is represented by Evenks, Buryats, and small nations. From religious beliefs Orthodoxy predominates here, but the indigenous peoples have retained Buddhism and shamanism. Engaged in indigenous people traditional activities of hunting, fishing, reindeer herding.

Settlements on the Angara

More than 70% of the residents of the Angara region live in major cities, Angarsk, Svirsk, Irkutsk, Usolye-Sibirsk, Bratsk, Kodinsk, Ust-Ilimsk, all cities are not millionaires. Large towns and stations railway are Osinovka, Ust-Uda, Balagansk, Meget, Khrebtovy, Zheleznodorozhny, Boguchany, Strelka, Shiversk, Novoangarsk.

Ecology of the Angara

Basic environmental problem for the Angara are industrial wastes with a high concentration of enterprises on its banks. In terms of such flows, the Angarsk basin is right behind the Volga. Recycling water supply for production is rarely used; there are not enough treatment facilities. The river and reservoirs are polluted by oil products, heavy metals, organic substances. According to the ecological classification, the waters of the Angara are moderately polluted, in some places very dirty.

The Angara River is a river in Eastern Siberia, the largest right tributary of the Yenisei, the only river flowing from Lake Baikal. It flows through the territory of the Irkutsk region and Krasnoyarsk region of Russia. Geographical location The area of ​​the basin is 1,040 thousand km 2, including 468 thousand km 2 without the Lake Baikal basin. The Angara starts from Baikal as a stream 1.1 km wide and flows first in a northerly direction. The section from the source to the city of Irkutsk is the Irkutsk Reservoir. In the north-west of the Irkutsk region on the Angara there is the Bratsk reservoir, on which the Bratsk hydroelectric power station stands. After the bend on the Angara, below the Bratsk reservoir, Ust-Ilimskoye is located. Then the river turns west - to the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where near Lesosibirsk it flows into the Yenisei. The origin of the Angara is connected with the nature of the morphology of the river valley at the source, reminiscent of a crevice, a gorge through which the Angara breaks out of Lake Baikal.

River hydrology Water flow at the source of the Angara is 1,855 m 3 /s, in Padun (Bratsk) - 2,814 (up to 14,200), in Boguchany - 3,515 m 3 /s, at the mouth 4,530 m 3 /s or about 143 km 3 per year. Over 46 years of observations at the Tatarka gauging station near the mouth, the minimum value of the average annual water flow was 3,767 m 3 /s in 1964, the maximum in 1995 - 5,521 m 3 /s. The highest average monthly flow rate was observed in May 1966 and amounted to 12,600 m 3 /s. The main flow is regulated by hydraulic structures on the river, the reservoirs of which carry out seasonal and long-term regulation. Economic use With a relatively short length of 1779 km, the Angara has a significant drop of 380 m and great hydroelectric potential.

Three hydroelectric power stations were built on the river, which form the Angarsk cascade of hydroelectric power stations: in order from the source - Irkutsk, Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk. The fourth stage of the cascade, the Boguchanskaya HPP, is under construction. In the future, it is planned to build the Nizhneangarsky cascade of hydroelectric power stations. Before the construction of the hydroelectric power station, safe navigation was impossible due to rapids on the river, which was a serious obstacle to the development of the region. The passage of ships was possible in the lower reaches from the Yenisei to the Boguchansky rapids, and in the upper reaches from Baikal to the Padunsky rapids. Timber rafting was also carried out on the river. As of 2009, river transportation is possible in four isolated areas: the Angara part of the Irkutsk reservoir without Lake Baikal (52 km); from the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station dam to the Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Station (606 km); Ust-Ilimsk reservoir (292 km); from the Yenisei to the Boguchansky rapids (445 km). Angara in the Boguchansky district After the completion of the Boguchansky hydroelectric power station - with a reservoir 375 km long - it will be possible for ships with low draft to pass along the entire length of the river, provided that the Angara hydroelectric complexes are equipped with locks or ship lifts. The section of the current below the Boguchansky rapids to the mouth remains shallow and inaccessible to river-sea class vessels.

Geographical encyclopedia

A river in Russia, in the southwest of Eastern Siberia, the right, most abundant tributary of the Yenisei. 1779 km, basin area 1040 thousand km2. Flows out of Lake Baikal; from the source along most of its length it has been turned into a cascade of reservoirs. Average water consumption... Encyclopedic Dictionary

ANGARA, a river in Russia, in the southwest of Eastern Siberia, the right, most abundant tributary of the Yenisei. Length 1779 km. Flows out of Lake Baikal; in the upper and middle reaches it has been turned into a cascade of reservoirs. Main tributaries: Irkut, Belaya, Oka, Taseyeva,... ... Modern encyclopedia

River in the southwest East. Siberia, the right, most abundant tributary of the Yenisei. 1779 km, basin area 1040 thousand km². Flows out of the lake. Baikal; from the source along most of its length it has been turned into a cascade of reservoirs. Average water flow at the mouth... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

ANGARA, a river in the southwest of Eastern Siberia, the right, most abundant tributary of the Yenisei. 1779 km, pl. basin 1040 thousand km2. Flows out of the lake. Baikal; from the source to b. hours of stretch has been turned into a cascade of reservoirs. Average water flow at the mouth is 5100... ...Russian history

Noun, number of synonyms: 2 wind (262) river (2073) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Dictionary of synonyms

The main and right tributary of the Yenisei. A distinction is made between the upper A., ​​which flows from the spurs of the Olekminsko-Vitim Mountains and flows into the northern tip of Lake Baikal, and the lower A., ​​the source of Baikal. It is also called Upper Tunguska. When leaving the lake it has... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

"Angara"- ANGARA, a transport converted into a hospital ship and serving as a floating hospital in Port Arthur during the siege. He was in charge of the Red Cross, under the command of Capt. 2 r. Sukhomlina, sank 17 Oct. 1905 in the eastern basin... ... Military encyclopedia

Angara- Angara, a balneological resort on the outskirts of Irkutsk. Located on the high right bank of the Irkut River, 2 km from its confluence with the Angara. It occupies a vast territory of a pine forest park at the foot of Mount Kaiskaya. The main natural healing... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

Angara- river, part of the Yenisei; Irkutsk region, Ust Ordynsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug, Krasnoyarsk Territory. In the name Angara, the base is Anga Evenk, Buryat, animal’s mouth, mouth; the derivative of this hangar base is explained as gaping, open, gaping. It can be considered that... Toponymic dictionary