Geography presentation on the topic "rivers". Presentation for a lesson on the topic: Rivers of Russia There are different sources

    It is about rivers that we will talk today in class. The question arises. What is a river? Think about it. You probably imagine water flowing in a depression on the surface of the land. Right.

    River is a natural water stream flowing in a depleted channel. Every river has a beginning and an end.

    The place where the river originates is called source. The origins are different. The Volga begins on the Valdai Hills where groundwater emerges. The Angara flows out of Lake Baikal. The Ob River is formed at the confluence of the two rivers Biya and Katun. The Terek originates from the glaciers of the Greater Caucasus from the top of Zilga-Khokh.

    That is, we can say that one river flows out of a swamp, another river begins from a spring, a third river originates on the slopes of the mountains, and a fourth river begins from a lake.

    A river flows for hundreds of kilometers and somewhere it flows into the sea, or into a lake, or into another river.

    The place where a river flows into a sea, lake or other river is called mouth.

    The distance from source to mouth is river length.

    Flowing into a river, another river becomes its influx.

    Main river with all tributaries forms river system.

    (Exercise : using the map, determine the river system of the Lena River, determine the source, tributaries, mouth)

    2. River basin:

    Plot earth's surface from which all the water flows into the river is called drainage basin this river.

    Every river, even a small one, has its own pool.

    Most large swimming pool near the Amazon River.

    3. Mountain and lowland rivers.

    According to the nature of the flow, rivers are divided into mountain and plain. So let's think about how lowland rivers differ from mountain rivers.

    Plains the rivers flow calmly in wide valleys. Lowland rivers include the Volga River (its length from source to mouth is 3530 km, average speed current - less than 1 m/s).

    Lowland rivers used for shipping.

    Mountain rivers flow much faster than lowland ones. These rivers have narrow and deep valleys. Many mountain rivers, starting in the mountains, enter the plain and become flat. An example of such a river is the Terek River. To Vladikavkaz it is a mountain river, and from Vladikavkaz it is flat. On the territory of the Republic, the Terek flows for 120 km, the remaining 600 km flows on the territory of other republics. It’s not for nothing that the Terek River is called the River of Friendship.

    The nature of the flow of the Terek River was described in his poem by M.Yu. Lermontov

    The Terek howls, wild and angry.

    Between the rocky masses.

    His cry is like a storm,

    Tears fly in splashes.

    But, running along the steppe,

    He looked crafty

    And, affectionately caressing.

    The Caspian Sea is murmuring...

    4. Rapids and waterfalls.

    Even on the calmest rivers there can be areas where the flow of the river changes. Hard rocks and piles of stones form rapids. Overcoming them, the river foams, splashes fly high, and whirlpools arise.

    Falling from a high ledge, the river forms waterfall. The highest waterfall on Earth - Angel's South America, in the Orinoco River basin. The waterfall was discovered in 1935 by pilot Angel.

    IN North America There is the widest waterfall in the world, Niagara Falls, in Africa - Victoria Falls. There are also waterfalls in the mountainous part of our republic. The tallest of them is Zygelan.

    5. River feeding:

    Guys! You already know. that the amount of water in the river is not the same. Rivers are fed by rainwater, melted snow and ice, groundwater. Changes in its level depend on the feeding of rivers. For example, the Volga River in winter has exclusively underground nutrition; in spring, the main source of water is melted snow water, and in summer, rainwater and underground water. This method of feeding a river is called mixed. That is, the replenishment of a river due to the flow of water into it from various sources is called mixed feeding.

    The Volga overflows in the spring, overflowing its banks, flooding the floodplain, and in the summer it becomes shallow.

    The most deep rivers on Earth the Amazon and the Congo are considered, and the most long river in the world Nile.

    Guys, at what time of year do rivers become shallow?

    What economic importance do rivers have?

    First of all, rivers are carriers fresh water The rivers are used for navigation, fishing, and irrigation; dams and hydroelectric power stations are built on large rivers.

    Guys! There are a lot of power plants on the large rivers of our country, and in our republic we also have hydroelectric power stations - Gizeldonskaya, Vladikavkazskaya, which partially provide energy to our republic. Most recently, the Zaramagskaya hydroelectric power station came into operation.


  • Guys, let's remember what large rivers we met in the lesson.
  • What large waterfalls did we recognize?
  • Which river is the main one water artery our republic?
  • What other rivers flow through the territory of our republic?
  • While studying the topic of Rivers, we became familiar with the terms: river, source, mouth, river system, river basin, waterfall (give definitions)


  1. The longest river in the world

b) Yenisei

c) Orinoco

c) Amazon

a) Niagara

b) Angel

c) Victoria

a) snow, rain

b) underground

b) waterfall

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"Presentation "RIVERS""

The purpose of the lesson:

  • Expand students' knowledge about rivers;
  • Explain the concepts of “river”, “source”, “mouth”,

“river system”, “river basin”, “lowland rivers”, “mountain rivers”, “rapids”, “waterfalls”, “river feeding”.

  • Name and show on the map the major rivers of the world and Russia.

RiverThis is a natural water flow flowing in a depleted channel.

The place where the river begins

called source.

The origins are different:

- swamp,

- lake,

- The groundwater,

- glacier in the mountains

River structure

River confluence

into the sea, lake or other river is called mouth.

Flowing into a river, another river becomes influx.

Rule for determining right and left inflows

  • Stand facing the mouth rivers (downstream);

2. If the river flows into on right - This right influx .

3. If the river flows in from the left - This left tributary.

4. The main river with all its tributaries forms river system

According to the nature of the river flow




  • Plains The rivers flow calmly in wide valleys.
  • Mountain rivers flow much faster than lowland ones.
  • U mountain rivers have narrow and deep valleys.



1. length 623 km;

2. falls to 5000 m;

3. river drop 5000 m;

4. the current speed is very high;

5. Inconvenient for shipping.



1. length 3530 km;

2. descends 250 m;

3. the river fall is small;

4. flow speed is lower

5. Convenient for shipping.

The Terek howls, wild and angry,

Between the rocky masses,

His cry is like a storm,

Tears fly in splashes.

But, scattering across the steppe,

He looked crafty

And, caressing you warmly,

The Caspian Sea is murmuring...


Even the calmest rivers can have sections

where the flow changes sharply. Hard rocks

and piles of stones form thresholds.

Falling from a high ledge, the river forms a waterfall .





The Volga River in winter has exclusively underground

food, in spring the main source of water is

melted snow waters, in summer - rain and underground waters.

The Volga floods in the spring, overflowing its banks,

flooding the floodplain, and in the summer it becomes shallow.

- river,

- source,

- mouth,

- river system,

- river basin,

- waterfall.

T E S T:

  • The longest river in the world

b) Yenisei

c) Orinoco

2. River with the world's largest pool

c) Amazon

3. The highest waterfall on Earth

a) Niagara

b) Angel

c) Victoria

4. Mixed nutrition is called

a) snow, rain

b) underground

c) replenishment of water in the river from various sources

5. A river, falling from a high ledge, forms:

b) waterfall

c) delta


1.Learn basic definitions of the topic

and the rule for determining the right and left inflows

6th grade

Lesson topic– “Rivers”

The purpose of the lesson: To form an idea of ​​the river and its parts
Lesson type – learning new material

Tasks :

Educational: to form in students an idea of ​​the river and its parts; introduce the concepts: source, mouth, tributaries, river basin, watershed; teach to identify the left and right tributaries of the river.

Educational: develop the ability to work with text; develop the ability to work in groups; develop the ability to work with various cards.

Educational: to instill in students a sense of love for their Motherland, pride in their land and careful attitude to the surrounding world.

Leading concepts of the lesson : source, mouth, tributaries, river basin, watershed.

Equipment : Projector, computer, presentation, Handout, 6th grade atlas.

During the classes


Teacher activities

Student activities

Means of education

Organizing time, 1-3 min

Greeting, checking absentees, checking readiness for the lesson (ready for the lesson, notebooks, pencil cases)

Good afternoon guys!

The teachers are greeted, the headman calls the absent ones

The stage of preparing students for active and conscious learning of new material, 3-8

Learning new material, 8-38 min

The topic of our today's lesson will be geographical feature, about which there are many songs, poems and riddles.
Here is one of them:

“In winter I hide,
I appear in the spring
I have fun in the summer
In the fall I go to bed.
It pours into it, it pours out of it,
She trudges along the ground on her own.
A snake lay down on my way,
It's crawling, but it won't let me pass,
It crawls, remaining in its place.
Do you know what I'm talking about?

“It flows, it flows, it won’t flow;

He runs, he runs, but he won’t run out.

It's not a horse, it's running

It’s not a forest, but it’s noisy.”

What are they talking about?

Right! Today in class we will talk about rivers!
-What do you know about rivers?

What would you like to know?

I think that during the lesson we will find answers to all your questions.

The purpose of our lesson will be to form an understanding of the river and its parts.

Now let’s open our notebooks and write down the topic of our today’s lesson “Rivers”

Let's look at the map. You see many threads blue color. These are all rivers.

There are almost 20 million rivers on earth, but only 53 of them are more than 1000 km long. And in Russia there are more than 200 thousand, large and small rivers.

What is a river?

Let's summarize your answers and conclude that " River- this is the flow of water flowing in the depression it has created,” on maps the direction of the river’s flow is usually shown with an arrow.

And the area of ​​the earth's surface from which all the water flows into the river is called the drainage basin of this river.
River basin – this is a piece of land from which all the water flows into the river

The slide shows the river basin yellow.

The boundary separating neighboring river basins is called a watershed - for example, mountains.

Watershed – boundary separating river basins.

Indeed, on one side of the watershed, water flows into one river, and on the other, into another. In the mountains, the watershed runs along the crests of the ridges, on the plains - along their most elevated part; on the slide, the watershed is shown with a dotted line.

And now guys, we will study the structure of the river.

In the last lesson, you and I, in our notebooks, drew a table that we will all fill out together today.

Also, in the last lesson you divided into groups and chose captains. Each group is responsible for its part of the river: 1st group - Source, 2nd group - Mouth and 3rd group - Tributaries.

Each group has the following items on the table:
1) Grade 6 atlases

2) A sheet with the number and name of the group, as well as the task that needs to be completed, strictly following the plan written on this sheet. (The table is filled out by the captain and used by him when answering at the board.)

3) The text “Rivers” which you will use to complete tasks and prepare an answer.

4) You will accompany your speech with examples, which are depicted both on your cards that lie on the table and on the presentation slide.

5)You also have a “River Diagram” on your desks, you will work with it at the end of the lesson, so I ask you to put it aside

Each group fills out only its own column in the table; you will fill in the remaining columns as the other group responds.

After the speech of the captain of the 3rd group, each of you should have a completely completed table.

You are given 5 minutes to prepare your answer, and the answer should not exceed 3 minutes.

You will be given grades for your work in class, which will depend on the quality of your performance and activity in class. For violation of discipline in class, the grade will be reduced.

Get started.

The preparation time is over, I ask the captain of the Istok group to make a report.





Oka river-spring
Moscow river-swamp
Angara river - lake
Terek river - from the mountains

Estuary – the place where a river flows

Where might the river flow?

Volga river - into the sea
Selenga river - into the lake
Irtysh river - into the river

What tributaries does the river have?

(right and left)

Thank you, now captain of the Ustye group.




Source - the place where the river begins

Where can a river start from?

(from a spring, from a swamp, from a lake, in the mountains)


Oka river-spring
Moscow river-swamp
Angara river - lake
Terek river - from the mountains

Estuary – the place where a river flows

Where might the river flow?

(into the sea, lake, or other river)

Volga river - into the sea
Selenga river - into the lake
Irtysh river - into the river

Tributary - a river that flows into a larger river

What tributaries does the river have?

(right and left)

How to determine which inflow is right or left?

(Face the current and there will be a right tributary on the right, and a left tributary on the left).

Captain of the "Tributes" group




Source - the place where the river begins

Where can a river start from?

(from a spring, from a swamp, from a lake, in the mountains)


Oka river-spring
Moscow river-swamp
Angara river - lake
Terek river - from the mountains

Estuary – the place where a river flows

Where might the river flow?

(into the sea, lake, or other river)

Volga river - into the sea
Selenga river - into the lake
Irtysh river - into the river

Tributary - a river that flows into a larger river

What tributaries does the river have?

(right and left)

How to determine which inflow is right or left?

(Face the current and there will be a right tributary on the right, and a left tributary on the left).

Thanks to the captains for their performance! You should end up with a completed table like this.

Teachers listen

About rivers!

They are different, deep and shallow, large and small, mountainous and flat.

What is a river, what other types are there?

Open the notebooks and write down the topic in the notebook.

Looking at the map

Teachers listen

Different variants answers

Write down the definition in your notebook

The teacher listens and writes down the definition in a notebook.

Teachers listen

Students read the text and formulate answers to the questions posed.

Messages are answered

Messages are answered

Write down definitions in a notebook

Messages are answered

Write down definitions in a notebook

Consolidation, 38-43 min

Now let's consolidate the knowledge we gained today and complete the task on cards with a river diagram. Your task is to indicate with arrows the correspondence between the numbers on the map and the name of the part of the river.

Let's check what happened. We raise our hand to answer.

Now give your card to your neighbor on the right and let’s conduct mutual control:

5 correct answers and no corrections – great

4 correct answers or one correction – very good

3 correct answers or 2 corrections – it’s worth asking for help

1-2 correct answers – you need to look at the definitions.

Each participant completes the task on the card.

Answer the task

Organizational moment, 43-45 min

So, what did we learn in class today?

What have you learned?


Thank you for the lesson!

We learned what a river is, became familiar with the concepts of source, mouth, tributaries, river basin and watershed, and also learned to identify left and right tributaries.

They come up with diaries for signature, say goodbye to the teacher

If you have time left, you can work with the students on the map.

And now, using the map of Russia, let's call largest rivers Russia!