The mouth of the Angara River on the map. The Angara River is the only river flowing from Lake Baikal

Angara - river in Eastern Siberia, the largest of the right tributaries of the Yenisei and the only river, taking Lake Baikal as its source. People who are passionate about it are drawn to this river active recreation, including fishing. It flows through the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of Russia.

Translated from Buryat anga means “gaping”, “open”, “open”, and also “gulley”, “cleft”, “gorge”. IN historical sources The Angara River was first mentioned in the 13th century under the name Ankara-Muren. Initially, the lower reaches of the river from the confluence of the Ilim tributary had a different name - Upper Tunguska.

The area of ​​the Angara basin is 1,040 thousand square meters. km, including without the Lake Baikal basin 468 thousand sq. km. The Angara begins from Baikal as a wide stream as much as 1100 m wide and flows first to the north. Several reservoirs were built on the Angara:

  • from the source to the city of Irkutsk - the Irkutsk Reservoir.
  • in the northwest Irkutsk region On the Angara there is the Bratsk reservoir, on which the famous Bratsk hydroelectric power station stands.
  • after the bend on the Angara, below the Bratsk reservoir, Ust-Ilimskoye is located.

Then the river turns west - into Krasnoyarsk region, where near Lesosibirsk it flows into.

At the confluence of the Yenisei River the Angara twice wider than the great Siberian river flowing into the North Arctic Ocean. But it so happened historically that the water stream was called the Yenisei. Not only is it narrower, but it also has muddy water, but our beauty has the purest water, and every pebble is visible on the river bottom.
After reunification, the single water stream continues to flow - to the right clean water, and on the left it is cloudy. Only after Lesosibirsk do Baikal and Yenisei waters begin to mix, and the border between them blurs. There are no further differences, and the Yenisei, which has spilled into its entire immense expanse, carries mighty waters to the distant North.

Where to swim in the Hangar in winter

After the active intervention into the fantasy of nature by human hands, expressed in the form of the construction of the Irkutsk, Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk hydroelectric power stations, the Angara River below these hydroelectric power stations does not freeze, because the heated summer period The waters in the reservoirs do not have time to cool down in these areas, and there is an influx of thermal energy from the technological equipment from the GSE.

The source of the river also does not freeze, despite the fact that Baikal itself is covered in ice. It’s just that water flows into the Angara not from the very surface of the lake, but from some depth, where the water temperature is of course above 0°C, plus fast current. Apparently, this is why waterfowl fly here for the winter, i.e. For some, the south is on the Angara.

Avian winter cottage on the Angara

Generally in northern Asia This is the only permanent wintering ground for birds. Here they spend the winter mainly:

  • black and white goldeneyes,
  • long-nosed,
  • ordinary mergansers,
  • long-tailed ducks.

In fact, there are not so many birds at the source of the Angara - by the beginning of December 1200 - 1500 birds gather, by the end of the month - at least 2000.

Until 1956, i.e. Before the construction of the Irkutsk hydroelectric power station reservoir, there were several times more birds.

Experts have still not come to a single and confident opinion on the issue of the emergence of the Angara. According to scientific research the river appeared relatively recently, at least by geological standards. It is believed that before the formation of the Angara, the flow from Lake Baikal followed a different path. Some researchers report that the source of the Angara was formed approximately 15-20 thousand years ago, although other experts call a later age. A lot of uncertainty in short. We paid attention to the phrase “the source of the Angara”, i.e. the source somehow formed on its own, and then the river looked for its own path separately.

It is also believed that the Angara was formed due to an earthquake that destroyed earth's crust in the Primorsky Ridge region. Others adhere to the version that Baikal rose - the water had to flow somewhere. An interesting hypothesis is the existence in ancient times of other rivers in the place of the river bed. For example, such rivers could be: the ancient Selenga, Barguzin or Upper Angara. Selenga is called the most suitable option in this hypothesis.

According to an ancient Siberian legend, the Angara fled from the harsh father of Baikal towards the Yenisei. The shaman-stone was thrown by Baikal so that the disobedient daughter would stop. This stone today is located in the very center of the source of the Angara, next to the village.

Shipping on the Angara

The Angara River is navigable in summer months. There is no single waterway from Baikal to the Yenisei. In total there are 4 sections isolated from each other.

  • The first section from Irkutsk to Baikal along the Irkutsk reservoir.
  • The second section from Irkutsk to the Bratsk hydroelectric power station. It is the longest and is 610 km.
  • The third section is the waters of the Ust-Ilimsk reservoir from Bratsk to Ust-Ilimsk. Its length is 290 km.
  • And the last section stretches from the Yenisei River to the Boguchansky rapids. Its length is 440 km.

Thus, you cannot swim from Irkutsk to Krasnoyarsk by water.

The Angara River occupies special place in art, it can be found in the fairy tales of Vasily Starodumov and in the novel by Valentin Rasputin. Today the Angara River is coming large number tourists to see its natural attractions, as well as listen to the legends and stories associated with it. In its vicinity you can often meet a group of local residents gathered for a picnic.

The Angara River is a mighty Siberian water stream flowing from Lake Baikal and flowing into the Yenisei. His length is 1779 km. This is the most major influx Yenisei. It is part of a water system that is the 5th longest in the world, rivaling the Amazon, Nile, Yangtze and Mississippi.

Taking into account the fact that Baikal is a mountain lake, the river has a large drop, which is 380 meters. This indicates significant energy potential. People took advantage of such favorable natural conditions and built dams on the river, and these, in turn, formed reservoirs. Today there are three of them.

Angara River


The first hydroelectric dam was built right in Irkutsk. This is a regional center with a population of more than 500 thousand people. The reservoir stretches from the city to Lake Baikal and is called Irkutsk reservoir. Its length before it flows into the lake is 55 km with a width of 7 km. The depth in some places reaches 35 meters. It is an important shipping route during the summer months.

At the source of the river there is a rock called Shaman stone. He is the border. On one side the waters of Baikal splash, and on the other the waters of the Irkutsk reservoir begin. This block looks out of the water only 1.5 meters. There was a time when they wanted to blow up the stone. But in this case the water level in the lake would decrease. This could lead to numerous landslides on the banks of the reservoir. Therefore, they did not blow up the rock to avoid unpredictable consequences.

Angara River on the map

After Irkutsk, the river narrows noticeably and flows north past Angarsk and Usolye-Sibirsky. In the city of Bratsk, another hydroelectric dam was built, blocking the river. It forms Bratsk Reservoir. Its length is 570 km and its width reaches 25 km. The depth is 30 meters. Greatest depth reaches 150 meters. This reservoir is considered one of the largest and deepest in the world.. There are storms and hurricanes on it, just like on a real sea.

After Bratsk the waters begin almost immediately Ust-Ilimsk reservoir. It is formed by a hydroelectric dam built in the city of Ust-Ilimsk. The length of this reservoir is 302 km, and the width reaches 12 km. The depth is 30 meters, and the deepest places have a depth of 100 meters. This reservoir is located north of the previous 2, and therefore the climate here is more severe. Average temperature in the reservoir area it is minus 3 degrees Celsius.

In July 2015, the Boguchanskaya HPP was commissioned at full capacity. It is located 12 km from the city of Kodinsk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The distance to Krasnoyarsk is 735 km. Construction of the hydroelectric power station began in 1974 and ended in December 2014. In terms of construction time, this is the most record-breaking facility in the history of hydropower.

River pier in Irkutsk
Passenger ships depart from here to Bratsk


The Angara River is navigable in the summer months. There is no single waterway from Baikal to the Yenisei. In total there are 4 sections isolated from each other.

The first section from Irkutsk to Baikal along the Irkutsk reservoir. The second section from Irkutsk to the Bratsk hydroelectric power station. It is the longest and is 610 km. The third section is the waters of the Ust-Ilimsk reservoir from Bratsk to Ust-Ilimsk. Its length is 290 km. And the last section stretches from the Yenisei River to the Boguchansky rapids. Its length is 440 km. Thus, it is clear that the Angara has nothing in common with the Volga. You can’t swim from Irkutsk to Krasnoyarsk by water.

Bridges over the Angara

There is no railway bridge across the river, as it is located west of the main railway line. But there are 4 road bridges. Three of them are located in Irkutsk. The first bridge was built in the city center back in the 30s of the 20th century. At the end of the 70s, another bridge was built on the outskirts of the city. And already in the 21st century, a third structure was erected. This bridge connected the most densely populated areas regional center. There is another bridge in the Boguchansky district. And, of course, hydroelectric dams. Highways were built on them, along which cars move from one bank of the river to the other.

Bird's eye view of the bridge over the river on the outskirts of Irkutsk


The Angara River is the only water stream flowing from Lake Baikal. Rivers flow into the Siberian beauty itself average size. In the territory of the city of Irkutsk, this is a left tributary - the Irkut River. Its length reaches 488 km. The left tributaries are also rivers such as Kitoy, Belaya, Oka. The latter reaches a length of 630 km. The Taseeva River is considered the deepest tributary. It flows into the Angara near its mouth. The Yenisei in this place is only 65 km away. One of the right tributaries is the Ilim River. Its length reaches 589 km. This also includes Kamenka and Chadobet.

Mouth of the Angara

At its confluence with the Yenisei, the Angara River is 2 times wider than the great Siberian river flowing into the Arctic Ocean. But it so happened historically that the water stream was called the Yenisei. Not only is it narrower, but it also has muddy water, but our beauty has the purest water, and every pebble is visible on the river bottom. After reunification, a single water stream continues to flow - clear water on the right, and muddy water on the left. Only after Lesosibirsk do Baikal and Yenisei waters begin to mix, and the border between them blurs. There are no further differences, and the Yenisei, which has spilled into its entire immense expanse, carries mighty waters to the distant North.


How much water does the Angara remove from Lake Baikal per year?

On average - about 60 cubic km.

What is the maximum width and depth of the Angara at the source?

Width - about 1 km. The maximum depth is 4-6 m. The Shaman Stone rock in the middle of the riverbed at the source is never covered with water.

What is the speed of the river flow at the source?

Along the fairway from 4 to 8 km/h (1-2 m/s). When Lake Baikal is high, the speed is greater.

How much difference does the Angara have from source to mouth?

The source is located at the level of Lake Baikal, that is, at an altitude of 456 m above sea level. At the confluence with the Yenisei - 76 m. Drop - 380 m.

What flows where - the Angara into the Yenisei or the Yenisei into the Angara?

The Angara at the mouth, at the confluence with the Yenisei, brings 120 cubic km. water per year, and the Yenisei at the site in front of the mouth of the Angara has a flow rate of only 100 cubic meters. km. However, geomorphologically and historically, the Yenisei is the main river, and the Angara is still one of its largest tributaries.

How have hydroelectric dams changed the water quality in the Angara?

The Angara River, fed by the clean waters of Baikal, its fauna, the bulk of which were endemic Baikal species, changed radically. The main factors are a sharp slowdown in flow and pollution coming from industrial centers - Irkutsk, Angarsk, Usolye-Sibirsky, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk, where developed various types industry, including pulp and paper, which especially pollutes the waters of the Angara. The fauna of the Angara has become much poorer, since many Baikal endemics have been replaced by some species that are widespread in eutrophic lakes. In the water column of the reservoir there was a lot of zooplankton, mainly daphnia, the biomass of phytoplankton increased sharply, and blue-green algae appeared in large numbers. The water quality has become significantly worse.

How did the creation of the dam affect the fish of the Angara reservoirs?

Instead of river species - owners of clean rivers - species characteristic of lakes - roach, perch, pike - began to predominate in reservoirs. In order to improve the fishery importance of the Bratsk Reservoir, Baikal omul and bream were introduced there.

Which of the Angara reservoirs is the cleanest?

As studies by the Research Institute of Biology at ISU have shown, in the cascade of reservoirs on the Angara River - Irkutsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk - the cleanest is the high-flowing Irkutsk, which begins at Baikal at the source of the Angara. The Ust-Ilimsk reservoir is heavily polluted, where pollutants from the entire length of the river accumulate. Wastewater from the Bratsk timber industry complex entering the Vikhorevaya River, which flows into the Ust-Ilimsk Reservoir, causes particularly great harm to the quality of its waters

Translated from the Buryat language, the word “anga” means “open”, “gaping” or “revealed”, as well as “cleft” and “gorge”.

In old sources, the Angara River in the 13th century is mentioned under the name Ankara-Muren. Initially, the lower course of the river from the confluence of the tributary of the Ilim River had a different name - Upper Tunguska.


Almost throughout the entire route along the southern section of the Central Siberian Plateau, across the vast expanses of Cisbaikalia and Eastern Siberia, the river flows in a northerly direction, then turns sharply to the west. Just above the city of Yeniseisk, before the confluence with the Yenisei River, there is the Strelkovsky threshold, which is one of the ledges of dense, hard rocks.

The Angara has many tributaries, and they all flow from the left and begin in the mountains, except for the Ilim. The uniqueness of the Angara lies in the fact that the entire Baikal flow passes through it, which means that its main tributary can be considered the Selenga, which flows into Lake Baikal.

About 6,000 lakes are located in the Angara basin. This is a rare example large river, whose water regime almost completely regulated by large reservoirs from Lake Baikal to the very mouth.

Where does the Angara River flow? What is its hydrology? What legends are made about her? You can find out more about this later in the article.


Many sites have been discovered on the banks of the Angara primitive people, products of their vital activity and rock paintings were found.

The last glaciation led to a change in the primitive way of life, and a Neolithic cave culture was formed in the Cis-Baikal region 6-5 thousand years ago. People by that time began to use boats with fishing nets and tamed the dog. They were the first in the whole world to use arrows with jade tips and bows, stone axes and knives, as well as hunting skis.

The current ethnic composition of the population of the Angara region was created thanks to the long-term mixing of the indigenous Turkic-Mongolian population with the Russians (Cossacks), who developed these lands since the 17th century, and the small peoples of Siberia.


Angara is a river located in Eastern Siberia. It is the largest of all the right tributaries of the Yenisei. The source of the Angara is Lake Baikal. This is the only river that originates from this majestic and unique natural reservoir. The Angara flows through the Irkutsk region and Krasnoyarsk region of Russia.

The river basin has an area of ​​1040 thousand square kilometers, and without the lake basin. Baikal area is 468 thousand square kilometers. The Angara begins from Baikal with a vast stream 1100 meters wide and then carries its big waters far to the north. After three reservoirs, the river flows in a westerly direction - towards the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The water in the river is so clean that every stone is visible at the river bottom.

The following cities are located on the banks of the river: Irkutsk, Svirsk, Bratsk, Angarsk, Usolye-Sibirskoye, Kodinsk and Ust-Ilimsk.

Mouth of the Angara

Near Lesosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the river flows into the Yenisei. Surprisingly, at the confluence of the Angara, it is 2 times wider than the Yenisei, which then carries water to the Arctic Ocean. Historically, the powerful water flow began to be called the Yenisei.

Another interesting point is that after the reunification of the flows of the two great rivers, muddy water, and on the right is transparent. The waters begin to mix after Lesosibirsk, and then the boundary between them begins to blur. Further on, the waters of the Yenisei rush in a single powerful stream to more northern regions.


Several reservoirs were built on the Angara River:

  • Irkutsk (length - 55 kilometers from the source to the city of Irkutsk).
  • Bratskoe (length - 570 kilometers in the north-west of the Irkutsk region). The Bratsk hydroelectric power station is also located here.
  • Ust-Ilimskoye (12 kilometers after the bend below the Bratsk Reservoir).


The Angara River is navigable only in summer. There is no single waterway from Baikal to the Yenisei. There are a total of 4 sections isolated from each other:

  • The first section runs along the Irkutsk reservoir from Irkutsk to Lake Baikal.
  • The second, longest section (length - 610 kilometers) runs from Irkutsk to the Bratsk hydroelectric station.
  • The third stretches along the waters of the Ust-Ilimsk reservoir (length - 290 km), from the city of Bratsk to Ust-Ilimsk.
  • The fourth stretches from the Yenisei River to the Boguchansky rapids (length - 440 km).

It turns out that you cannot swim continuously on water from Irkutsk to Krasnoyarsk.


Where the Angara River is located, nature is rich and amazingly beautiful. There are rapids and slow flows in the river, and there are many quiet backwaters and islands. High cliffs and centuries-old taiga approach the shores. After ice drift, sandy islands, sometimes of enormous size, form on the Angara.

In summer, the water in the Angara does not warm up well, so swimming season very short, it lasts only a month (July).


Water flow at the source of the Angara River ranges from 2814 (Bratsk) to 3515 cubic meters per second (Boguchany), and at the mouth - approximately 143 cubic meters. meters. Over the course of 46 years of observations near the river mouth, the minimum annual water flow was in 1964, and the highest in 1995.

The main flow is regulated by hydraulic structures, the reservoirs of which carry out long-term and seasonal regulation.


Once upon a time, Baikal was cheerful and kind. He loved his beautiful daughter Angara very much. He took great care of her and never let her go anywhere. One day Baikal fell asleep, and his daughter decided to run away to her beloved Yenisei. When the father woke up, he angrily splashed his waves. A terrible storm arose, the sky turned black, the animals scattered in all directions, the fish sank to the bottom, and the birds flew away towards the sun. Only the wind howled and the water went wild. The mighty Baikal hit the huge rock with force and threw it after the fleeing daughter. The block fell directly on the beauty's throat. Choking and sobbing, Angara began to beg her father to give at least a drop of water. He answered her that he could only give her his tears. Since then, for a thousand years, the Angara has been running to the Yenisei with the tears of Baikal.

The rock that was thrown by Baikal after her daughter began to be called the Shaman Stone. Rich sacrifices were brought to the great lake. People believed that if Baikal was angry, he would tear off the Shaman Stone and the gushing water would flood the entire Earth.