Why do you dream about being drafted into the army? Why do you dream about an army according to Nostradamus’ dream book?

The army is a symbol of strength and inevitability.

To see yourself serving in the army in a dream means that in reality you will experience serious difficulties in business; perhaps you will fall under the influence of a very tough and demanding person.

A dream in which you saw a huge armed army means invasion, enslavement.

If in a dream you are called up to serve in the army, this means that you will become a member protracted conflict.

Fighting the enemy army is making a responsible decision.

To see an enemy army defeated in a dream means that in reality you are ready to do anything to achieve the desired results.

If in a dream you command an entire army- this means that you are overcome by the desire to prove to everyone around you that you have not used all your capabilities.

To see in a dream how you are commanded by an army general - in reality you can count on the patronage of an influential person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Nostradamus

Dream Interpretation - Army

An army led by a ruler portends a change of name or extraordinary glory.

An army returning from a campaign portends illness.

Being in an army position is a great happiness and good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from

Military service in a dream reflects various difficulties mostly in the workplace or business. But he predicts success in the love field. The dream book will analyze in detail various options dreams and tell you why they are dreaming.

Miller's opinion

Mr. Miller's dream interpreter assures: if you dreamed of serving in the army, then the embodiment of bold ideas and secret desires is coming.

Change or sadness?

The Dream Interpretation does not agree with this and suggests own interpretation sleep. If you are drafted into the army, then in reality you will become a direct participant in an unpleasant and protracted conflict.

Did you happen to see yourself as a soldier? This means that you are clearly not satisfied with your current situation and there is a possibility that you will soon change your job.

Why do you dream about seeing off to the army? Receive long-awaited news, most likely from children. If you are taken to serve in a dream, then in reality boredom and melancholy will become your life partner. In addition, you will get into debt or make unfulfilled promises.

Get drunk!

Why do you dream former service in the army? The dream book suspects that you are seriously afraid of something or even afraid. However, a meeting with former fellow soldiers in a dream predicts a real drinking session.

Did you dream about hazing? IN real world you will have to submit to the will or demands of an influential and tough person. If the dream service seemed like a burden, then get ready for bad changes.

Don't wait!

Why does a girl dream that she is accompanying her sweetheart to serve? Alas, all her aspirations and expectations will be destroyed. The dream book advises not to wait, but to think about the future, otherwise you will be seriously disappointed.

Did you dream that the girl was about to serve in the army? Get ready for problems at work; your boss is clearly not happy with the way you perform your duties.

Where did you serve?

Did you dream about sudden military service? The dream book advises you to remember exactly which troops you found yourself in in a dream.

  • Tank - make a fatal mistake.
  • Infantry - get help higher powers and others.
  • Landing - troubles, surprises.
  • Communication - there will be doubts about making a decision.
  • Construction battalion - take care of household chores.
  • Exploration is the failure of risky deals and enterprises.

Don't get carried away!

Why dream that you are the commander-in-chief of the army? The Dream Interpretation believes that in real life you will have to defend your opinion, idea or project for a long time and stubbornly.

The same plot in a dream hints: you are not using your own potential to its full potential, but you will have the opportunity to prove it to others.

Seeing you salute is bad. This means that disagreements and troubles are coming, in addition, you will decide to show inflated ambitions in personal relationships.

The army or service in it foreshadows victories in the love field, but at the same time promises troubles in the professional sphere. Sometimes similar dream represents confrontation with an opponent or external circumstances. And in order to specifically find out why you dream about the army, you need to consider the details of the dream.

I'm in the army: the meaning of sleep

    Miller's Dream Book

    Military service in a dream means that in real life the dreamer's secret wishes and dreams will come true. For young people, such a dream is a reflection of fears and internal worries associated with self-realization, with their place in.

    Seeing an army in battle means that It's time for real action that it is time for the dreamer to do what he has long wanted.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    I dreamed that the sleeping person was drafted into the army, regardless of whether he served in reality or not, then this indicates that some familiar person is trying to force the dreamer into a framework, to suppress his nature. Moreover, the influence of a person is so great that the sleeper is unlikely to be able to resist him and can only come to terms with his fate.

    See how they are drafted into the army loved one, friend, then this indicates problems in the personal life of this person.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    The army is symbol of the inevitability of fate, the iron force of fate. Seeing yourself in the army speaks of bad influence from the outside. Seeing a fighting army predicts attacks by enemies on the dreamer and an announcement against a specific person or an entire country.

    Being drafted into the army means that in reality, the sleeper will find himself in the center of an imposed conflict. Fighting in the ranks of the army means that the dreamer is responsible for making any decision and this burdens him and makes him feel uncomfortable.

    Leading an army in a dream indicates that in reality the dreamer is impatient to show his talents and abilities. To defeat the enemy means that in reality the sleeper is ready to go over his head, to do anything to achieve his goal.

    Danilova's Dream Interpretation

    If you dreamed that you were in the army - this means the dreamer’s readiness to take active action on the romantic front. Being in the ranks of a victorious army means that the dreamer’s opinion is listened to, his advice and abilities are valued. Those who disdained man's opinion have now changed their position.

    For a girl to see a dream in which her loved one is being drafted into the army, means the unrealizability of her dreams, the collapse of all her plans. The dream indicates that the girl needs to reconsider her plans for life, in particular, think about choosing a life partner.

    Dream Interpretation of Smurov

    Seeing an army in a dream talks about imminent separation from a loved one. Seeing a victorious army portends disappointment, defeat in the business field, and also the fact that opponents will be much stronger than the dreamer.

    Seeing an army that has lost a battle speaks of someone who will greatly disappoint the dreamer, but it will be very difficult to avoid communicating with him. Seeing an army on the move, marching somewhere, foreshadows the onset of some kind of misfortune, catastrophe - it could be a fire, riots in the streets, a plane or car accident, and so on.

    Family dream book

    Seeing yourself in the ranks of the army for the second time indicates that in the future the dreamer will have a conversation that he is trying with all his might to avoid. This also predicts difficulties in the professional sphere, which can only be overcome with the help of a faithful friend.

    Leading an army means that in reality the dreamer is a participant in a protracted, long conflict or dispute. Shooting or training in a dream indicates pointlessly wasted time, a mediocre waste of energy on nonsense.

    Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

    Seeing an army led by a general or king means receiving some kind of favor, privilege from those in power. Commanding an army, giving orders indicates improvement financial situation, moving to a more comfortable home, family happiness.

    See the commander up close portends wealth and happiness, as well as public fame. Seeing an army in motion speaks of the imminent fulfillment of desires, a joyful event. To defeat an enemy in battle indicates success in your career, gaining advantageous offer. Shooting at a person in a dream foretells a quick trip, a journey.

    Wanderer's Dream Book

    Conscription and training in the army mean a person’s painful obligations that he does not want, but must fulfill, debt collection, fulfillment of promises. Watching an army in battle portends imminent conflicts and attacks from others. In some cases, a dream reflects the dreamer's internal contradictions, the problem of choosing between two solutions.

    Modern dream book

    Seeing an army in a dream warns that it is time for the dreamer to think about his future and change something in it. Watch the movement military equipment indicates participation in conflicts, minor troubles associated with the place of work.

    Marching army portends changes in personal life, active social life . Seeing a farewell to the army indicates receiving news or news from afar. Being in the army yourself predicts an improvement in your financial situation, making a profit in a new place.

Interpretation for a guy

For a guy, a dream about an army is a sign of obstacles that have arisen in his way, as well as a warning about getting involved in someone else’s dispute or conflict. Seeing yourself as a soldier indicates that the young man is not happy with what he has and wants to radically change his way of life or way of life.

If a man dreams of his former military service, then this speaks of his unwillingness to put up with life circumstances, as well as about hidden fear of the future. In some cases, such a dream speaks of excitement before meeting old friends and acquaintances.

If in a dream a guy received a summons to the military registration and enlistment office, this means that he will commit some unpredictable act.

See an army fighting means imminent trouble, catastrophe, possibly physical conflict. Being a participant or victim of hazing means that a person has to endure humiliation and insults so as not to lose his job, housing, or something else.

For a girl

An army seen in a dream is also a symbol of some difficulties associated with the professional sphere. Seeing yourself in the army means pressure from parents or superiors, suppression of the girl’s will. To break out of this influence, the dreamer will need to gather her will and make a lot of effort.

Commanding an army herself in a dream speaks of a girl’s strong, domineering character, her ambition and determination. Despite her inner strength, it will not be easy for such a girl to cope with some circumstances in life, so it is worth becoming a little softer.

Seeing an army marching indicates that the girl spends too much time and energy on work and sometimes does not even pay attention to his own needs.

For a girl in a dream to see off her lover to the army, it means that in reality she will be faced with disappointment, the collapse of her plans and dreams. In many cases, the dream indicates unseemly actions of the girl’s lover, a possible separation from him, which, although painful, is necessary for the dreamer’s future.

Call and send-off

Being drafted into the army in a dream indicates major troubles in real life that cannot be avoided. The dream also indicates involvement in someone else's conflict, which is not possible to control. The dreamer needs to be patient and wait out the storm.

Seeing off to the army predicts pleasant, good news, the arrival of welcome guests from afar, as well as the fulfillment of old promises and debts. If you dream about seeing off to a young guy, who will soon have to join the army, this speaks of melancholy and unfulfilled promises.

More negative interpretation dreamed of seeing off to the army is trouble at work and failure to implement any plans. Women dream of farewells if they have a rival on the love front.

In reality, you will have to defend your righteousness, honor and dignity - dream books are sure, interpreting why you dream of being called up for military service. To see that a loved one has been drafted into the army in a dream means temporary detachment, coldness between lovers.

What is Miller talking about?

The psychologist compares being called up for military service in a dream with the fears and uncertainty of the sleeping person in his own decisions. If you dreamed that a summons came to your husband, who had long ago repaid his debt to the Motherland, it means that in reality the spouse was bored with the monotonous and monotonous life.

The child has become a man!

The interpretation of a dream in which a guy was drafted into the army for parents heralds the maturity and independence of the child. Hasse's dream book speaks of the son's adult position and his intention to leave his father's house.

Understand and accept your child’s position, and to avoid serious conflicts, try not to put pressure on your son with your authority and life experience.

A young lady, who in a dream has to organize a send-off for her boyfriend into the army, needs to listen to the words of her chosen one and take them seriously. There is no need to reproach your loved one for insolvency and lack of independence.


The dream book for Bitch advises married ladies to take off rose-colored glasses, explaining why she dreams about how her husband was drafted into the army. The dream plot serves as a warning about a possible affair of the faithful. If you do not take decisive measures in time, the consequences may become irreversible.

If a young girl dreams of seeing off her beloved guy, it means that in reality, the dreamer will have to go through a small crisis in her relationship with her chosen one. Perhaps at this moment a spectacular rival will appear on the way, capable of fighting off her lover. Only your cunning and patience can prevent your competitor.

Take the first step!

But if on the eve of such a dream you quarreled with a friend, then take the first step towards reconciliation, the dream book advises for the whole family. Esotericists interpret a little differently what it means to dream of seeing a friend being drafted into the army, hinting at the abundance of problems that have fallen on the shoulders of a comrade.

IN English dream book, you can see the opposite meaning of a dream in which a friend was taken into the army. Sometimes, such a plot heralds the opportunity to turn to a friend for support.

Lend your shoulder!

See the call on military service husband in a dream is identified with difficulties awaiting the spouse in the near future. Perhaps your loved one will have to defend his good name or non-involvement in some unseemly matter. Medea's dream book advises supporting your spouse, casting aside your own doubts and mistrust.

A dream about conscription into the army in the second round for former conscripts in dream books is interpreted as the emergence conflict situation, which can cause a breakdown in relationships with loved ones.

In a dream I saw myself as a military man but never served

To see a dream about wearing shoulder straps for civilians means the emergence of discord with others.

For married people, this dream can jeopardize their family union.

To avoid conflicts, you should be less demanding of your loved ones and take into account their interests.

A girl dreams of an ex-boyfriend who was taken away to serve

A girl's dream in which her once beloved young man drafted into the army, serves as confirmation that the feelings of this couple have cooled and ex-partner you need to let go of yourself, stopping stirring up the past.

Why in a dream does my husband leave at night for the second time to serve even though he is not called up?

A wife's dream about her husband entering military service predicts a situation when her man, in the name of the interests of his family, will have to pacify the aggressive attacks of ill-wishers or commit some other act against his will.

What does it mean if you dreamed of seeing off to the army even though they didn’t take you anywhere?

Seeing someone off to military service is a dream that warns against rash actions that could ruin someone’s life.

Seeing yourself as a conscript means the collapse of plans for the near future.

Dream Interpretation: new conscription and joining the army after the summons

The news of admission and entry into active military service is dreamed of as a hint of wasted time.

This same dream can also be interpreted as a transition to a new, more exhausting, but prestigious job.

For military personnel, a dream about being drafted into the army by summons means appropriation another rank in real life.

You saw in a dream whose son was taken into the army by the colleagues of your beloved man

For a mother to have a dream about her son, who will serve the fatherland, surrounded by military personnel from among the colleagues of his beloved man, is a sign of impending changes in the fate of her child. The dreamed mutual acquaintances will play an important role in these changes.

The possibility of a new job is not excluded, where at first you will have to work almost around the clock and almost for free.

What does it mean if a friend is constantly eager to become a soldier in order to escape from women?

A dream in which a comrade seeks to join the army in order to avoid relationships with women is an allegorical symbol of the fact that the dreamer often abandons the business he has started when the slightest obstacle or difficulty appears.

The same dream can also be interpreted as a change in the status of the friend seen in the dream.

Interpretation of the dream of going to see off someone who is being drafted into the army and he will no longer be able to escape from service

Seeing off a young man who should really be drafted into the army, dreams of the need to change the alignment of his personal life and become more disciplined.

I again dreamed of a brother who joined the army and the war began - this is unfortunate in his personal life and a break in relationships.

If I see a house and again from it I ended up in the army, but already in landing troops– You should check your health often.

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