Secrets of the dog yard. Actor Alexander Inshakov explained the fraud scheme in the canine association Dog shadow business


Two months before the first World Dog Championships were held in Russia, a major scandal broke out in the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF). Breeders and dog handlers of a number of domestic clubs filed claims against RKF President Alexander Inshakov for the misuse of funds collected annually from the million-strong army of dog breeders. Against this background, the Ministry of Internal Affairs opened a criminal case for fraud in the canine federation and placed the executive director of the RKF and the chief accountant under arrest, and the cashier of the federation disappeared in an unknown direction.

What is happening in the domestic canine school? How has the famous actor, stuntman and producer Alexander Inshakov managed the largest Russian public organization for the last ten years? And what are the billions of rubles in cash received from dog breeders, exhibitions and the issuance of all kinds of pedigree documents used for? About all this in special investigation"Top secret".

Many people recognized the actor and producer Alexander Inshakov after the successful TV series “Brigade,” which thundered throughout the country in the early 2000s. But few people knew, except, of course, professional dog breeders and cynologists, that for the last 10 years Inshakov headed the Russian Cynological Federation.

Dogs, our smaller brothers, are loved by most people around the world. Dog breeders are united in clubs, clubs are part of national federations, national federations are united in the International Cynological Federation (FCI). For those who are professionally involved in breeding specific breeds, training, and participating in exhibitions, they need official documents for a pet. The RKF, headed by Alexander Inshakov, is responsible for issuing such documents. Not free, mind you. We'll talk about the financial component of the issue a little later.

RKF has actually become a monopolist in Russia in the preparation of zootechnical documentation for dogs. And only documents with the seal of the RKF are recognized in the international community of dog breeders. But if in all countries of the world national cynological communities are directly included in the International Cynological Federation, then in Russia everything is much more complicated. Professional dog breeders and breeders must first create their own canine organization, then join one of the four specialized federations that are members of the RKF, and the RKF represents their interests within the country and in the international arena. It is impossible for Russian dog handlers to join the FCI directly. Nevertheless, everything looks decent at first glance. But there is one nuance

Of the four federations included in the RKF, two are led by Alexander Inshakov himself. In the All-Russian Federation of Independent Cynologists public associations(OANKOO) Alexander Ivanovich is also president. The head of the Federation of Amateur Dog Breeding (RFLS) is Olga Proskuryakova, who is also the executive director of the RKF. According to the charter of the Russian Canine Federation, the RKF reports on its activities only to its members. Thus, the President of the RKF Inshakov reports, in fact, to himself, being the presidents of two of the four members of the RKF. And the rules, regulations and prices adopted by the RKF apply to all dog breeders in Russia.


And now the numbers and approximate budgets managed by the Russian Canine Federation.

Issuance of pedigrees. A pedigree for a Russian dog breeder usually costs 500 rubles, accelerated mode- 1000. Pedigree on foreign language to export an animal abroad costs 1,750 rubles, and for a foreigner it will cost 4,750. According to dog handlers, at least 200 thousand pedigrees are issued every year. It’s not a tricky calculation and it turns out, by the most conservative standards, to be 40 million rubles annually.

General litter map. A special document issued by RKF to the owner of newborn puppies, where the data of their parents is entered. Cost - 500 rubles. IN professional community dog breeders register about 70,000 litters annually. Total - 35 million rubles.

Champion Diplomas. The document is issued after exhibitions and has several classifications. A diploma issued in the usual manner costs 500 rubles, and urgently - 1000. In total, about 150 thousand diplomas are issued every year. The result is 100 million annually.

Training diplomas. They cost from 500 to 600 rubles. 20 thousand pieces are issued per year. That's another 10 million.

Exhibitions. All exhibitions are held under the auspices of the RKF. The organizer of the exhibition must pay 20 thousand rubles to the parent federation for permission to hold a dog show. Every year, 1.5 - 2 thousand exhibitions are held throughout the country. An easy calculation and here’s another 40 million rubles in the RKF box office.

Registration of a kennel with the International Canine Federation will cost 5 thousand rubles. Every year, RKF registers about 1.5 thousand nurseries throughout the country. As you can see, not big, but still 7 million rubles every year.

A separate line is membership fees. Members of cynological associations pay dues to their federations. The federations that became the founders of the RKF transfer small amounts of membership fees to the head office, something like 40 thousand rubles annually, and keep the rest for development. Let us recall that Alexander Inshakov controls two of the four federations. The remaining two - the Federation of Service Dog Breeding (RFSS) and, more recently, the Federation of Hunting Dog Breeding (RFOS) - are completely dependent on the Presidium of the RKF. According to preliminary estimates, there are now about 10 million professional breeders and dog handlers in Russia. If we assume that at least half of them pay an annual contribution of 1.5 thousand rubles to two federations controlled by the president of the RKF, then we get a very significant amount - 7.5 billion annually.

Here you can add charitable contributions and fees from sponsors. Almost 10 billion flow into the circle per year.

According to some reports, the balance in RKF bank accounts is now about a billion rubles.

Now pay attention. RKF is the largest Russian non-profit organization. All cash flows, collected from its members, are not subject to taxes, and according to the charter, they should be spent only on the development of the organization. Where does this colossal money go, because in addition to zootechnical and regulatory documents RKF doesn't produce anything?


In early March of this year, operatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and an investigator came to the head office of the RKF with a search. As part of a criminal case for fraud, the executive director of the federation Proskuryakova, the chief accountant of the RKF Kuznetsova and, according to some reports, even the President of the Canine Federation Alexander Inshakov were detained. They wanted to detain the chief cashier of the RKF, but the woman managed to escape in an unknown direction. However, the Tverskoy Court of Moscow arrested the detained women for two months and placed them in a pre-trial detention center (Proskuryakova was recently transferred to house arrest - editor's note). Alexander Inshakov, after a conversation with the investigator, remained as a witness and was released. As he later officially stated to the media, “Why all these “mask shows” and wiretapping? This is an attempt to disrupt the World Championship, where about 30 thousand participants are already registered. There are tiny sums involved (As follows from the materials of the criminal case, 255 thousand were stolen by the RKF cashier over several years - editor’s note) and such noise.”

Alexander Inshakov has always had a soft spot for four-legged friends

Federation Council member Andrei Klishas disagrees with Inshakov. The senator is the chairman of the Federation of Hunting Dog Breeding, is a member of the RKF and was, in fact, the initiator of the initiation of a criminal case regarding fraud in the Russian Canine Federation. It was Klishas who wrote a statement to law enforcement agencies. “When I sent the next batch of applications to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I did not think that it would end this way,” says Andrei Klishas, ​​“it turned out that they were creating dummy legal entities. For example, there is the RFLS Federation (Federation of Amateur Dog Breeding - editor's note). They took it and created another one legal entity OPRFLS, and told people: “now transfer the money to OPRFLS.” So you draw up, for example, documents, notes, and some money is paid... When investigators started working, we began to help collect payment documents. Across the country, these are hundreds and hundreds, thousands of receipts, huge financial resources! And since 2012, instead of RFLS, this OP RFLS appears. How can this be? There is also a moment of deceiving breeders. They believe that they are members of the Federation, participate in something, pay dues, but their money goes to God knows where. I called a breeder I know who has been a member of the RFLS for a long time. There are neat people who put all payments in folders, because RKF is not to be trifled with - they will later say that you didn’t pay. So he maintains such files. I asked him to look at the receipts and look. And indeed, OPRFLS. That is, people learned from us that they were paying in the wrong place!”

When the scandal broke, it turned out that there were practically no banking or electronic payments in RKF. Cash money is brought from all over the country in suitcases and bags to the central office of the RKF and handed over to the chief cashier in exchange for a cash order.
“We are in the 21st century! And it is unthinkable that from Vladivostok, in order to complete documents at the RKF, you would have to fly in with a suitcase of papers and a suitcase of money, which then goes to no one knows where, and not even to the RFLS, but also to a certain OPRFLS, which then goes to no one knows where, - Klishas is indignant , - And I can make an assumption, since I really have something to do with the law enforcement system, I am official representative in the Investigative Committee and the General Prosecutor's Office - they are simply trading in cash. It's a whole business! That is, you receive bags of cash from all over the country, without any, in fact, reporting, where do you put it then? Well, you’ll take some of it to the bank, but the rest needs to go somewhere.”

The chairman of the service dog breeding club in Troitsk, Dmitry Terekhov, knows very well where the huge money coming to the RKF should go. He is one of the few who started asking awkward questions management of the RKF. The result is a refusal to register with the International Canine Federation and lifelong disqualification from the RKF. “Today, almost all large training and dog grounds have been liquidated in Moscow,” says Terekhov. “We need to build a large canine center, introduce training programs, support and create new shelters for abandoned dogs. It’s a shame to say, but today there are only four Russian service dogs working in Syria. Why? We simply don’t have enough of them. In Europe, they began to abandon their weak programs for training service dogs and introduce more serious ones. And in our country, while destroying the Soviet canine school, the RKF is forcing the introduction of European standards, which have already proven to be unviable.”


Speaking of European standards. After the transition of Crimea to Russia, the question arose about future fate Crimean dog handlers and breeders. It would seem that everything is simple. On Russian territory the Crimean Cynological Federation should have been automatically accepted into the RKF. It’s hard to believe, but the RKF, represented by President Alexander Inshakov, did not recognize the Crimean dog breeders as its own, citing the fact that Crimea is not recognized by the International Cynological Federation (FCI). The corresponding agreement was signed between the management of the RKF and the FCI during the Milan exhibition last year.
“I sent the materials related to Ukraine to the Ministry of Justice, because in addition to all these economic stories, they also managed to get into such an agreement,” Andrei Klishas, ​​chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation, is amazed. “This agreement was not discussed with anyone in the Presidium. It was signed somewhere there, on the knee before the Milan exhibition, because it turned out that something could be taken away from them there. After all, they considered the World Cup as a way to replenish their own financial resources, and suddenly they sign such an agreement. That is, this decision essentially means the cessation of cynological activities in Crimea, no matter how the RKF tries to cover it up. I tried to explain to Alexander Ivanovich: “Well, okay, you manage finances in the RKF in a specific way, you are not preparing the World Cup, I’m not trying to get involved in your questions, but when I am the chairman of the Federation Council committee, which is responsible for constitutional issues, on the amendment to the Constitution , excuse me, my visa is about the entry of Crimea into Russia, and I report these issues... And when they send me documents from the RKF that Crimea is essentially not part of Russia, what should I do next with this?!


On April 12, at an extraordinary meeting of the founders of the RKF, where the issue of re-election of the president of the federation was to be decided, another scandal occurred. Representatives of one of the founding federations were not allowed to attend the meeting, and the federation itself was later expelled from the RKF. Try to guess which one? The correct answer is the Russian Federation of Hunting Dog Breeding (RFOS), headed by Andrey Klishas. The remaining representatives of the three federations unanimously supported the extension of the powers of Alexander Inshakov.

One of those present at the scandalous event told Top Secret some secret details. "From each federation on constituent assembly There are five people present,” says our informed source. “According to the RKF charter, selected delegates are informed about the meeting a month in advance. Here, some members of the federations learned that they would be participants in the meeting several hours before it began. Security did not even allow representatives of the RFOS and Klishas himself into the building. After Inshakov’s re-election, Revaz Khomasuridze, a well-known specialist in the canine world, an international expert of the RKF-FCI on all dog breeds, was expelled from the RKF Presidium. Nina Kharatishvili, a person with enormous canine merits and the chairman of the qualification commission of judges for the exterior of the RKF, Larisa Galiaskarova, was not allowed to attend the meeting itself. vice president RFSS (Federation of Service Dog Breeding - editor's note), and the chairman of the breeding commission of the RKF. All these people recent months they asked uncomfortable questions to the president of the RKF and apparently got in the way.”

This information is confirmed by Andrei Klishas himself on his page on social networks.

The head of the organization, famous actor Alexander Inshakov, in an interview with Business FM explained the searches that took place in the RKF office and at his home as a conflict with the Russian Federation of Hunting Dog Breeding

Alexander Inshakov. Photo: Sergey Bobylev/TASS

The FSB came with searches to the office of the Russian Canine Federation and to the home of its leader, the famous actor and stuntman Alexander Inshakov. He himself told Business FM that there had previously been an attempt to raid the Russian Canine Federation, and he connects the searches with this:

Alexander Inshakovactor, president of the Russian Canine Federation“Almost two years ago there was an attempt to raid the federation. It was headed by Andrei Klishas, ​​a member of the Federation Council, who at that time was president Russian Federation hunting dog breeding. The raider takeover failed. After that, he tried to initiate criminal cases against our federation. Searches began, the search took place in my house, in the federation, mask shows, FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Investigative Committee. They came to me at seven o'clock. The search was very formal. The reasons for the searches were to disrupt the conference and prevent it from taking place. The conference is all-Russian, at it we had to withdraw from the federation headed by Klishas.”

The radio station turned to Senator Andrei Klishas for comment. He himself could not respond promptly because he was at a meeting. Klishas’s position was commented on by his press secretary Mikhail Katarsky:

Mikhail Katarskypress secretary of Andrei Klishas“Andrey Aleksandrovich would like to note that on at the moment He has no formal or actual relationship with the Russian Cynological Federation, because about a year ago he left the governing bodies of this organization, and he learned about what is happening there now directly from the funds mass media. He also knows from the media that the management of RKF has changed several times. Perhaps the problems they are having now are related to this.”

Alexander Inshakov says that the Investigative Committee summoned him for questioning. It's about about a criminal case of fraud in which he is a witness. According to, according to investigators, employees of the Russian Canine Federation did not include membership fees, which dog owners paid to participate in events, in the primary accounting documentation. Cynology teacher Evgeniy Sigelnitsky talks about the situation around the federation:

Evgeny Sigelnitskycynology teacher“I know that there have been a number of criminal cases, that this organization works in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation: tax evasion, many schemes. Therefore, this is a fairly logical continuation of their career. I'm still waiting for it to end somehow. I worked there for many years and left there based on fundamental considerations, at will, because its current leader went there under the slogans that he would invest something, would develop sports, Soviet culture dog breeding, when dogs had to be trained, everything was organized sensibly. And now there are exhibitions, tails are wagging - nothing else happens. Essentially, this is an organization that sells cut paper, people come from all over the country to buy it in cash. At the same time, it set up intermediary structures, so-called federations, between itself and the buyer. All this, as you understand, muddy water, in which someone is fishing."

As the media write, the Russian Cynological Federation is actually a monopolist in Russia in the preparation of zootechnical documentation for dogs. The amount that the organization receives for issuing pedigrees, training diplomas, as membership and charitable contributions can be estimated at almost 10 billion rubles a year.

Published 04/25/17 16:49

Searches were also carried out in the Russian Canine Federation.

In the village of Rasskazovka on Rublevskoye Highway, searches were carried out in the cottage of actor Alexander Inshakov. The events were carried out by FSB officers with the support of SOBR. According to Life, these actions law enforcement agencies associated with fraud in the Russian Canine Federation.

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Previously, a case was opened regarding the misappropriation of membership fees, in which the head of the federation, Inshakov, was a witness.

It is known that documents related to the activities of the organization were confiscated from the house.

Searches were also carried out in the Russian Canine Federation itself. President of the RKF actor intkbbach and producer Alexander Inshakov connects what happened with recent history with a raider takeover and an attempt to destroy the federation.

“This story lasts more than a year and a half. At one time, there was an attempt to raid the RKF federation, but nothing happened. Today at 7 in the morning people came to me for no apparent reason. I tell them: “You’ve already been to me and you know that I have nothing to look for, I don’t deal with finances. “I am the president.” Now I’m going to the Investigative Committee,” RIA Novosti quotes Inshakov as saying.

According to him, a conference of the RKF was supposed to take place on Tuesday, but due to the searches it did not take place.

“Our member of the presidium had a knock on the door of the hotel, he opened the door, they hit him, handcuffed him, and tried to take him somewhere. Well, how can that be? It’s time to end this disgrace. The person who is instigating all this, with manic persistence, wants to destroy the federation,” - the actor added.

The leader of the group, detained for extorting $2 million from a notary's office, said that the crime was organized by the president of the stunt federation

On Wednesday, January 29, representatives of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central District of Moscow announced that they were planning to summon Alexander Inshakov for questioning in the near future - famous actor, film producer and president of the Association of Russian Stuntmen.

As explained by the head of the information department and public relations GUMVD for Moscow Andrey Galiakberov, Inshakov is a witness in a high-profile case of extortion of two million dollars from capital notaries.

It is still unknown on what day the investigative activities with the participation of the actor will take place. Earlier, the police had already conducted a search for the same reason in one of the houses in the elite village on Rublyovka.

The owner of the mansion, according to operational information, is Chechen businessman Umar Dzhabrailov. Not so long ago he was also a member of the Federation Council. The ex-senator himself, as far as is known, does not currently live in this house. However, law enforcement officials noted, it was there that the six suspects could have been hiding before going “on business.”

Another person interrogated in the high-profile case, as journalists found out, should be the current member of the Federation Council, Ralif Safin. He is among richest people RF; in 2011, Forbes experts estimated his fortune at $500 million.

Security Raiders

The crime, which is now being investigated by the Central Administrative District police, occurred in mid-January. Six people came to the office of a notary office located on Sofiyskaya Embankment. They began to threaten employees with a pistol and demand two million dollars from them.

The notaries managed to call the police, and law enforcement officers arrived and detained the suspects on the street, near a minibus and a Toyota car.

“During the inspection of cars and a search at the place of temporary residence of the detainees, the following were confiscated: a traumatic pistol, pistol magazines, as well as two bags of a powdery substance, which were sent for research,” representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported at the end of the operation.

Five of the detainees turned out to be natives North Caucasus, one comes from Tajikistan. All of them, as it turned out, worked as security guards for the famous businessman Umar Dzhabrailov. Now extortionists face up to 15 years in prison.

However, in a conversation between the raiders and investigators, an interesting detail emerged. Caucasians stated that the organizer of the crime was the head of the Federation of Russian Stuntmen, Alexander Inshakov.

How to repay debts

Testimony against the actor, as LifeNews correspondents found out, was personally given by the leader of the group, Rustambek Agayev. He also informed the operatives about Senator Safin’s involvement in the case.

A source in law enforcement agencies explained: it was Inshakov, according to Agaev, who brought their gang together with Safin. The detainee said that a representative of the Federation Council shared a problem with the eminent stuntman in a conversation: one of the capital’s notary offices owes him money, and has not repaid the debt for some time. In response, Inshakov suggested that Safin use the “help” of Dzhabrailov’s guards.

It is known that Inshakov, Safin and Dzhabrailov are neighbors in the elite village of Razdory, located on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway.

Representatives of law enforcement agencies have already noted that Safin’s case will most likely be separated into separate proceedings. Since the senator has a special status, he will be transferred to the Investigative Committee.

Alexander Inshakov is known to viewers from the films “Crusader”, “Moscow Holidays”, “Taxi Blues”, the series “Brigade” and other films shot in the eighties, nineties and two thousand.

For some time now, the artist and producer has been actively interested in politics; he was a member of the Central Council of Party Supporters " United Russia“, then became a member of the All-Russian Popular Front, and in February 2012 he became one of Vladimir Putin’s confidants.