Virtual reality glasses: do they damage your eyes? Virtual reality: benefit or harm.

Information about virtual reality and accessories related to it comes from everywhere. The Internet and the media constantly talk about virtual reality technology and VR glasses in particular. A natural question arises about the safety of using such devices.

Until recently, maximum immersion into a non-existent world remained only a dream for gamers. At the end of March last year, a mass-produced VR device went on sale.

The helmet manages to create an incredibly strong illusion of being in a fictional reality. Previously developed accessories could not even come close to matching it. These do not include special VR systems made for special services and the military.

Virtual reality throughout all previous years it remained outside the consumer sphere and was not on sale. The people who took part in the experiments were constantly monitored by specialists. One of the reasons for this is the enormous cost of equipment.

After VR devices went on sale, buyers began to have certain questions that for some reason remain unanswered. For example, the harm and benefits of virtual reality.

This behavior of manufacturers is understandable, because profit and attracting the maximum number of customers depend on the speed of production. In response to questions from regulatory authorities, suppliers of VR glasses have prepared a saving phrase that formally virtual reality accessories have been produced for more than 10 years and during this period serious problems not found in consumers.

In fact, everything previous versions helmets, virtual reality systems were not in demand on the market. Their maximum circulation was several thousand, and in this case it is impossible to talk about the experience of mass use. Their impact on people cannot even be approximately compared with the new generation of glasses.

When using the device, the brain begins to relate itself to the fictional protagonist. Such an association provokes a number of problems. For example, every owner of a gadget experiences nausea or dizziness. This is only the least of the unpleasant consequences. Long-term use of the device in a violent game can cause mental disorders.

According to neurologists, videos, computer games, books and films have different effects on individual types personality. The time spent in the virtual world also has an impact on players. The most accurate image transmission compared to a PC is undeniable, but this needs to be proven scientifically. The manufacturer's list shows the most likely side effects. This is nausea and dizziness. Much less often (1 case out of 4 thousand) attacks of epilepsy or convulsions may occur.

The user manual for virtual reality gadgets indicates general rules. In particular, when wearing glasses, walking up stairs, approaching an open window, or interacting with sharp objects, there is a high risk of injury. As for harm to health, vague language is used here. Doctors also cannot comment on this point, explaining their unpreparedness by the lack of statistics.

According to information in the manufacturer's instructions published on the official Oculus website, the use of accessories by persons under 13 years of age is strictly prohibited, since their visual system is not fully formed.

Adults should supervise teenagers until they reach adulthood. This is necessary to comply with the regime and take action if side effects caused by the use of the gadget.

Consultation with a doctor is necessary for pregnant women and those users who have visual diseases, mental disorders and cardiovascular diseases.

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What is virtual reality?

Virtual reality is created using technical and software a virtual world transmitted to a person through hearing, as well as vision and, in some cases, touch and smell.

Let's talk in more detail about the most advanced virtual reality system today - the system HTC VIVE.

HTC VIVE system is a helmet game controllers and motion sensors. All this is connected to the computer. Thanks to motion sensors and cameras built into the helmet and game controllers, all the player’s movements are clearly read. This allows you to experience the effect of complete immersion in virtual reality, feeling like you are in the very center of the game, interacting with the virtual environment and moving safely in the gaming area. Speaking in simple language, the user turns his head - the character also turns his head, the person walks in his room - the player moves in interactive reality.

How harmful and dangerous is virtual reality?

Of course, first of all, parents “sound the alarm” by opposing computer games in general, and even more so against virtual reality games. Perhaps, in some individual cases, they are right in protecting their child from this kind of entertainment; let’s talk about this in more detail. Virtual reality has a number of contraindications:

A person suffers from epileptic seizures;

The person is susceptible to seizures;

The person is very tired or sick (in this case the body is weakened);

The person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

In other cases, virtual reality poses absolutely no danger or harm to the player.

Of course, when choosing a game, it is important to take into account age restrictions (these restrictions are set by the game developer), and also, moderation is needed in everything. For example, if a player is 12 years old and plays 18+ games for days, then you can argue about the benefits or harm gameplay. Even the most useful “products”, consumed without measure, slowly destroy our body.

The benefits of virtual reality

Virtual reality has many advantages:

The opportunity to fully immerse yourself in an interactive dimension;

Interaction with games on a new, immersive level.

The opportunity to visit the most beautiful and inaccessible corners of the world without leaving your room. You can sink to the bottom of the ocean, which amazes with its grandeur and immense beauty. Or go on a trip to Ancient Egypt. Fans of action can fight for a new space planet or plunge into the world of the post-apocalypse and, trying to survive, destroy all the zombies.

Receiving new bright, unforgettable and genuine emotions. The events taking place are so realistic that virtual reality can be confused with the real one. Therefore, the emotions and feelings that you will experience will be so strong, and most importantly, genuine and causing a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdelight, admiration and positivity that you will remember them for a long time.

Prevention of stress;

Opportunity for everyone to switch to new level entertainment;

This is a tool that can make the learning process even more interesting;

Good leisure time. After a hard day at school or work, you can immerse yourself in fantasy world, forgetting about all the problems without leaving home.

Development of non-standard thinking, quick reaction, ability to analyze, quickly make decisions and choices. The “gamer” will have to do all this in order to “survive” in the game.

In conclusion, we note once again, if we take into account medical contraindications, observe moderation in games and choose games according to age, virtual reality will bring you only benefits, a lot of positive emotions and new bright and unforgettable emotions.

Do you still doubt whether your acquaintance with virtual reality will take place? Try it, immerse yourself in it for at least a minute and you will want more and more!

“It’s not comfortable or healthy to constantly use a monitor right in front of your eyes.”

This solution provides eye-friendly use of virtual reality technology. It seems to the human eye that we are looking at an image that is at a sufficient distance. The length of this virtual gap may vary for each device. For example, in Oculus Rift DK1 the optical image is infinitely far away. And in Oculus Rift DK2 creates the illusion that it is located approximately 1.4 meters.

This article describes the operation of lenses in ideal conditions. Not all virtual reality devices can provide them. Therefore, sometimes some kind of interference occurs. For example, geometric distortion and chromatic aberration. We'll talk about them next time.


Having been working on the Russian virtual reality market for almost a year, our club has been visited by more than 3000 people, who for the first time tried to immerse themselves and experience all the sensations from helmets, controllers, simulators and virtual reality games. We conducted surveys and tests of VR headsets in focus groups, found out opinions and analyzed the results from large quantity Virtuality Club visitors. Based on our practice, we have concluded that the vast majority of players who try virtual reality leave with positive impressions. Only 15% of total number respondents reported minor discomfort after using Oculus Rift DK2. Most of the negative feelings are inherent in players who use glasses and suffer from vision problems. IN at the moment The DK2 comes with additional lenses for people with slight myopia, but we hope that helmet developers in future versions will come up with a lens mechanism that adapts to people with visual impairments.

Virtual reality glasses are a device that allows you not only to view a picture or video, but also to get into environment by obtaining a 3D image. In addition to the visual effect, the glasses also create an acoustic effect of presence in space.

The device is a box, most often made of plastic, equipped with lenses and a screen with a partition. Using a partition, the image is transmitted separately to each eye. The glasses are equipped with a special gyroscope sensor to track head movements, as a result a person feels “being” in virtual reality.

With their help, you can watch movies and videos, play fully immersive games, take virtual trips, and view 3D photos.

Types and their features

There is a wide range of virtual reality devices, based on their type they are divided into:

  • Virtual reality glasses for smartphones. Using VR glasses is only possible if you have a smartphone. The nature of the image is determined by the quality of the smartphone screen. They do not need a powerful PC. They are portable, allowing you to play, watch movies, photos anywhere. They give you the opportunity to play full-fledged mobile games.
  • Virtual reality glasses for PC. To use them, you must install special programs and applications. They only work in conjunction with a computer, allowing you to view 3D movies next to your PC. Such devices are not portable. Play modern games for such devices it is possible, but only if you have a powerful PC. When using regular games that are not designed for VR glasses, the 3D image will be of poor quality.
  • Autonomous virtual reality glasses. These helmets do not require a smartphone or PC. They have a powerful processor, RAM, battery, flash memory. This device can be used anywhere.
  • Virtual reality glasses for set-top boxes (consoles). Used in conjunction with its attachment. You cannot play regular games that are not designed for VR glasses. Connecting regular games via USB cable to PC will result in poor 3D image quality. Watching movies is only possible next to the console because the glasses are not portable.

When immersed in the virtual world, the user may lose a sense of reality. As a result, a person, and especially a child, may fall or hit an object. Therefore, many manufacturers of VR devices indicate age restrictions of 12 years and above. The use of a helmet by children is undesirable due to their weak vestibular apparatus.

Virtual reality devices are considered safe for vision when used for a short period of time. Using virtual reality devices intermittently does not have a negative impact on the visual organs. In this case, the recommended time, according to the developers, is no more than half an hour.

Users with various eye diseases should first consult a specialist about their use. People who have undergone laser vision correction also need to consult a specialist to prevent unwanted consequences. For serious diseases of the visual organs, such as astigmatism, the use of virtual reality helmets is not recommended.

You cannot put on VR glasses if there is no smartphone inside, and look through them at a bright light source. This may negatively affect your vision.

Operating principle

A helmet or virtual reality glasses fit well on your head, allowing you to get involved in a game or video in a couple of minutes. Virtual reality devices are a plastic or cardboard case equipped with lenses. In some models, the inner part in contact with the face is made of fabric or rubber. Behind the aspherical lenses there is one or two screens. In models for smartphones, an opening curtain is installed on the front panel, which right moment Effortlessly opens the smartphone camera. In the middle of the body there is a partition that does not allow one eye to view the image prepared for the other eye. Each eye receives its own image and sees it from its own perspective.

The result is a 3D image. To ensure that the 3D image does not remain motionless, a gyroscope is used. It tracks the position of the head and provides the ability to fully look around in depth virtual world. New models are also equipped with other sensors that track the user’s position in space and transmit data via USB to a PC. Using the button, the user can select menu options or perform other actions.

At what age can a child be allowed to use virtual reality glasses and helmets?

Major manufacturers of VR glasses set a limit for children, limiting their age to 12 years. The use of helmets by children is only possible under adult supervision. The visual system of children is formed before this age, and the use of such technologies can be dangerous. Some users of VR glasses may experience blurred vision, dizziness, disorientation, nausea and other annoying sensations while viewing virtual reality content.

Using virtual reality devices for a long time can lead to severe visual strain and the occurrence of various neurological diseases.

If, after using virtual reality devices, a child experiences eye fatigue or headaches, it is necessary to contact a specialist for a vision test. Eye microsurgery specialists do not recommend using VR glasses for children under 6 years of age. For them, they are dangerous and can lead to the development of pathologies of the organs of vision, as well as mental disorders.

Prolonged immersion in virtual space can lead to abnormal refraction of vision. At the same time, there is a risk of developing diseases of the organs of vision, in which the image is formed in front of the retina, and not on it. Children over 16 years old are allowed to wear VR glasses for no more than half an hour. Parents should supervise their children's use of VR devices to avoid negative consequences.

Virtual reality glasses create additional gaming options with clearer effects, with minimal impact on vision. Most problems with the device are related to its effect on nervous system and drawing a person into the world of play and away from real world. Negative Impact on the eyes is created only by excessive use of glasses; if you use them no more than 30 minutes a day, there will be no harm. It is advisable to limit the use of the device to children under 12 years of age.

What are they and how do they work?

VR glasses are a device that allows you to immerse yourself in a game or story using only a smartphone or computer. They are quite light average weight is 300 g. They have elastic straps to soften the load on the head and neck, but long-term wearing harms the neck muscles, puts pressure on the bridge of the nose and strains the eyes. The body is made of plastic or cardboard, the inside is fabric or rubber. They have a screen for one or two eyes (in this case, there is a partition between them). For image mobility, there is a gyroscope or other motion sensors that record the user’s movements.

The first 30 minutes are not noticeable to a person, although they already affect the body and the first signs of fatigue appear after an hour of use. This game is for children and adults, which sends a person to another reality. Doctors note the fact of addiction, especially among adolescents, to such a hobby. They are dangerous for an unformed psyche; a person can get carried away, lose the sense of time, which causes the body to suffer, exhaustion and vision deterioration.

It is worth noting that the effects of the glasses themselves have not been clinically proven. It is often dangerous for children to play certain games that force them to become completely immersed in a world of illusions. Vision suffers from prolonged use of the device.

Benefits and harm to vision

Myopia can be the result of frequent and long-term wearing of such a product.

There is no consensus on the impact of virtual reality glasses. Many parents claim that they damage the eyes and have a bad effect on the child’s psyche. There is no clear statement on this matter. When wearing glasses for a long time (more than 40 minutes a day), severe tension occurs on the eye muscles, they begin to water and swell. The systematic use of VR glasses can cause myopia, glaucoma and other pathologies of the visual system, just like a computer or TV screen.