Horoscope metal pig. Relationships and family

No one can say for sure what will happen in the future. Many centuries ago, the eastern sages were the first to try to answer this question; they determined that the location of the stars and their movement affects a person’s fate in the same way as the time and day of his birth. The first horoscopes began to appear. Today they are very common and many people find answers to topics of interest in them.

General horoscope

Astrologers report that 2017 for the Pig will be full of many incidents. Waiting for her large number surprises and unplanned surprises. The Pig will have to try to become more patient and show greater restraint in his actions, because rash decisions can negatively affect his life. The 2017 horoscope for the Pig zodiac sign promises to fill their lives with various feelings. It can be love and hate, joy and sadness. You will need to restrain your excessive energy to avoid unexpected negative emotions.

You talk less, you will be healthier, the Pig will spend the whole year under this motto, because ordinary statements can have a negative impact on her. They may be told a secret that they cannot keep to themselves and thereby provoke conflict situations with your friends. It may drag on for for a long time, which will not be very helpful in solving the problems that should come her way.

They will have additional energy, which the horoscope for 2017 for the Pig advises to direct towards advancement career ladder, instead of creating unnecessary conflicts. Those people who are engaged in creative or scientific activity, have every chance to succeed in their profession, which will further raise their financial status. Do not neglect this advice, because additional income will help make your old dreams come true. If a person works in an office, then he will be able to show his talents, thereby increasing his authority among employees. Everything will be stable with the Pig’s finances. She will receive a constant income and if she manages it correctly and invests it in the right business, then unforgettable success awaits her.

In 2017, the Pig will not have to complain about health problems, because everything should be just fine. But in order for everything to remain in good condition, she will have to refrain from the usual problems that she finds for herself. You will need to increase the number of trips to the gym. Thus, avoid unnecessary health problems and constantly keep yourself in good shape. To avoid unnecessary negative emotions, without which people born during this period simply cannot live, they need to go for walks in the park and forest more often. You can also listen to pleasant, calm music, which will calm irritated nerves.

Women's horoscope

The Pig woman's horoscope for 2017 will show her in a favorable light. Most of their acquaintances perceive them as very kind and gentle; as a rule, they have many friends who speak highly of their friend. in the best possible way. Astrologers advise you to carefully look around and objectively evaluate the people around you, because under the guise of friends and well-wishers, envious people and traitors can actually be hiding. It’s worth thinking about this carefully so that you don’t later experience disappointment in people who have already become close.

It is also necessary to learn to restrain your emotions, because, as you know, women born under the sign of the Pig are very hot-tempered and at the slightest danger they begin to behave very aggressively. They constantly expect care and love from the opposite sex. A woman of this sign will be very faithful and will become a companion for life if you give her the due attention and love that she requires. In relationships, such women show extraordinary tolerance and do not infringe on the freedom of their partner. It is important for them to maintain romantic relationships, but there is one problem: women born under the sign of the Pig are very naive. Men often use this. Therefore, they are constantly susceptible to various manipulations, because they trust people very much.

Men's horoscope

A man of this sign is usually a kind and generous person. For them there is a horoscope for 2017 Pig man, which tells them what they need to do to avoid the problems prepared by the Rooster. Distinctive feature The character of the Pig man is honesty. They rarely lie to the people around them. It is good to take such people as business partners. They do not like to take risks, they are very careful and take their work responsibly. They are very hardworking, and if they set a goal, they will gradually move towards it, despite the problems. Men of this sign cannot be leaders, because because of their honesty and kindness, they are unable to move forward, infringing on the rights of another person.

They have an exceptional sense of humor and can even joke about themselves. With their soulmate, they will only show their best qualities and will never be able to harm her. True, there are problems with the choice of partners for the Pig man. They have to look for a soul mate for a long time, because they expect that she will be able to accept all his qualities. One of the negative personality traits is the tendency to argue often and suddenly become very irritable. True, rancor is not about them. They quickly move away and come to their senses.

Work and horoscope

The Pig horoscope for 2017 in relation to work and career promises the following changes. Many people, already in the first days of 2017, will be forced to turn to their acquaintances or friends who have a certain influence and power. This measure will actually be more than forced. The fact is that such influential friends can help you climb the career ladder or even gain recognition from your colleagues. Astrologers indicate that the actions of people born during this period will have a fairly large scope, with which they will frankly surprise everyone around them.

Some will be able to discern great impudence in their actions, and this may cause conflict at work or in the family. However, it is precisely this behavior that will lead to the fact that in the spring some will be able to comfortably place themselves in the manager’s office, first replacing him, and then completely assuming this position. Most likely, this will happen in the middle of summer. Astrologers also point out that such people can come to power through not entirely honest means, deception, cunning or forgery; for them this year, all means will be good in order to get the desired chair.

Such people will strive to get exactly leadership position, they care about subordinates who will do all the work and look at their leader with fear; such a strategy in terms of self-affirmation cannot brighten up anyone. Before embarking on a revolution at work, as a rule, a person must gather a team of like-minded people; this is the only way his success will be guaranteed.

Health horoscope

By all external signs such people can be called very healthy and hardy. In fact, this is just an appearance and by spring everything can appear chronic diseases and ailments that were previously hidden. Most often, problems will be found in the gastrointestinal tract, possibly a peptic ulcer. If you do nothing, the situation will worsen, so you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

To keep yourself in shape on your own, you can start following a gentle diet that will help normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Oddly enough, in the midst of summer, some may feel complete apathy and depression in relation to everything that is happening around them. Most often, this condition will be triggered by chronic fatigue at work. Some will just need to go on vacation, change their surroundings and be positive. In another case, such symptoms may become the first signals that some serious disease is developing in the body. A comprehensive examination will not be superfluous in any case. If we consider this aspect in general, then if a person treats himself carefully, then nothing catastrophic will happen to him.

Astrologers and horoscopes have existed for a long time and will continue to exist for more than one generation of people. Everyone is curious to know what will happen to us tomorrow. Even realists and pragmatists secretly dream of opening this curtain, but the stars prefer to speak only to a select few.

The horoscope for Pig (Boar) for 2017 promises representatives of the sign stormy life. They will have many plans that they will successfully implement. Life will be in full swing at work and at home. But you should not be overly gullible, because in the coming year everyone strives to grab a bigger piece, and the Pig may come under attack. It is better to surround yourself with trusted people, then you can avoid dangerous adventures.


Despite the good health of the horoscope representatives, during seasonal diseases there is a risk of aggravation. This is due to the habit of Pigs to carry diseases on their legs, which is why the body cannot rest completely and defeat the unfortunate virus. In 2017, give up your usual behavior and lie down at home for a couple of days, this will reduce your health problems significantly. In addition, in the middle of the year, blood pressure may begin to rise. It is worth monitoring this condition and strictly following the doctor’s recommendations. This is especially true for people suffering from excess weight. 2017 is the best time to take care of yourself and get in shape.

Love and relationships

In personal affairs, not everything is simple for Pigs, because there is a risk of getting into love triangle. For single representatives of the sign this will not bring much trouble, but married people may lose their loved one. To prevent this from happening, you should spend more time with your significant other, organize romantic evenings and remember old times. Change personal status Single Pigs will not succeed, although some will undoubtedly try to legitimize the relationship. For the most part, representatives of the horoscope will rush about in relationships, including remembering a past love with whom they will want to resume communication.


For representatives of the sign, the horoscope for 2017 opens all doors. The Pig can reveal his true character traits and act “like a pig” in his work, as a result of which he will receive only incentive bonuses from the patron of the coming year. Right now you can step over other people’s desires and needs on the way to achieving your own goal, because the Fire Rooster will appreciate such impudence. Modest workers are unlikely to receive good dividends from their efforts, but even for them the end of the year can be sweetened with a raise. There is a small chance of starting your own business, but so far it will not bring much income, and you should not expand too much.


The financial sector for Pigs is not characterized by positive dynamics. No matter how hard the representatives of the eastern horoscope work, tangible cash flows there is no need to wait. Of course, you will be able to earn money for basic needs, but don’t even hope to accumulate capital. The Fire Rooster gives a unique opportunity to those Pigs who have a profitable plan for organizing their own business. In this case, you can borrow money from investors and reap the benefits of your own labor and long-awaited success. But if there is a risk of failure, then you shouldn’t even start, because you will have to pay for the mistake for more than one year.

Horoscope for the Pig man

The 2017 horoscope advises you to develop cunning and prudence. Boar-man is read as open book, so his career growth may slow down somewhat. The Fire Rooster advises to grab the chances that come to representatives of the sign and move forward, not paying attention to the environment. This is the only way to guarantee success in the coming year. In their personal life, Pigs will enjoy every day, because complete mutual understanding reigns in the family, and lonely representatives of the sign are in the abyss of passions. True, bachelors should be careful with the opposite sex, since there is a risk that the girl will only use you, and this will have a negative impact on psychological well-being.

Horoscope for the Pig woman

The Pig horoscope for 2017 brings many positive events. A woman born under this sign will devote herself to her family. Those who have long dreamed of having a child will finally experience the joy of motherhood. Mothers of adult children should slightly moderate their desire to decide everything for them. In the coming year, all plans for their future will turn out successfully, and without your help. Close attention should be paid to work, as envious people do not sleep. You should not enter into an open conflict with them, because the bosses value Pig women, so they will not only help in resolving disagreements, but also provide financial encouragement.

Horoscope according to zodiac signs for Pig

Pig – Aries

The Pig-Aries will spend 2017 as the clear favorite of the patron of the horoscope, because representatives of the sign will expect pleasant surprises, useful acquaintances and capital gains. The most unexpected changes await in relationships, but all of them will turn out in favor of Aries. Those who dream of a wedding will certainly come to a mutual agreement that coming year– the best time to legitimize the relationship. Those who dream of a baby will definitely be able to conceive a child. Some Aries will experience a break in past relationships and meet a new person, but there is no need to grieve about the past, because with a new partner, representatives of the sign will experience complete mutual understanding and unbridled passion.

Pig – Taurus

The horoscope for 2017 predicts a lot of quarrels with your loved one. The Taurus Pig will resolve conflict after conflict that arises out of nothing, but disrupts the harmony in the relationship. If the disagreements continue, then by the middle of the year there will be a major breakup, which both partners will regret. The Fire Rooster advises representatives of the sign to take control of the situation, because only they can bring romance back into relationships. Having proven that the other half still occupies the main place in the heart, Taurus will experience peace in their souls, which is why they will be able to devote themselves to work and receive tangible material rewards.

Pig - Gemini

You will have to make a lot of effort to get rid of pride - this is what the horoscope for 2017 says. Gemini Pig will be too arrogant, which is why most important decisions will be accepted without proper analysis. This approach will bring additional difficulties, so the first half of the coming years will pass in hustle and bustle and working on mistakes. But from mid-2017, Gemini will be able to reconsider their attitude to business and suppress internal impulses. This is the only way to hope that the situation will return to normal, and by the end of the year, the horoscope representatives will feel satisfied with the work done.

Pig – Cancer

The horoscope for 2017 promises a lull in business. Pig-Cancer will finish the affairs of the past period and succumb to laziness. True, this behavior will persist only until spring. As soon as the drops begin to drip, the activity of the representatives of the sign will manifest itself again, which is why they will solve matters as if cracking nuts. In this case, the main criterion when making decisions will be a complete analysis, which will allow you to succeed. By the middle of the year, so many promising offers will appear in life that Cancers will be confused by such luck. Having gathered their thoughts, they will quickly begin to implement the proposals, which will result in tangible profits.

Pig – Leo

The horoscope promises making serious decisions. Pig-Leo should start the year 2017 by dotting all the i's in his personal life. The main thing is to find words for a serious conversation in order to find out from your partner how he sees further development relationships. It is important for representatives of the sign to understand whether they have a common vision with their chosen one, and if not, then it is better to break up and let each other build a strong and harmonious relationship, but with someone else. In addition, the Fire Rooster will provide many opportunities for unusual entertainment, but you should not neglect work for the sake of new sensations.

Pig – Virgo

Pig-Virgo 2017 should begin by choosing a priority project on which to work throughout the entire period. If representatives of the sign rush between several goals, there is a high probability that they will quickly become exhausted and will not be able to complete any of the tasks. Such a failure is fraught with serious difficulties in financial sector. The Fire Rooster recommends that Virgos find a suitable sport for themselves that will energize them all year and help them move faster towards their goals.

Pig – Libra

The 2017 horoscope advises taking more care of loved ones. Pig-Libra will achieve success in all areas if peace reigns at home. This can only be achieved if representatives of the sign take control of this issue. In business matters, Virgos should follow exclusively their intuition, because it will tell you how to close a deal profitably and avoid problems. In the middle of the year the Fire Rooster will throw interesting idea for additional income, do not miss this chance.

Pig – Scorpio

The Scorpio Pig will spend 2017 without any problems. All representatives of the sign will have something to brag about, because pleasant changes await them in different areas. In the first half, there is a high probability that a person will appear in life who is destined for an important role. Most likely, he will help in business, but he can show his abilities in other areas. The second part of the year is good for moving abroad. If anyone dreams of starting life over with a new leaf, then 2017 is to a greater extent positioned for a successful start.

Pig – Sagittarius

The Sagittarius Pig must spend 2017 carefully in everything, otherwise there is a huge risk of being left with nothing. You can’t trust anyone, so every word you hear will have to be double-checked. There is no point in chatting too much, especially about your own achievements. The opposite sex will constantly provoke, but all this is just a game in which the gullible Sagittarius is likely to get confused, which is why he will fall into a depressive mood. You should also not give in to your own extravagance. The Fire Rooster advises you to plan your purchases wisely so that by the end of the year you can save a significant amount.

Pig – Capricorn

Pig-Capricorn 2017 will reap the fruits of its own labors. In the career, the first half will be unstable, as problems will constantly fall on the heads of the horned representatives of the sign. Planned actions and an analytical mindset will allow you to cope with all troubles, which is why from the middle of the year Capricorns will feel freedom in business, as well as monetary rewards for past achievements. The Fire Rooster promises single representatives of the horoscope an unexpected offer in their personal lives. It is worth considering what such a step will bring in the future, because what life will become depends on the decision.

Pig – Aquarius

Pig-Aquarius 2017 will enjoy fortune, which will walk side by side with representatives of the sign. The main thing is to be grateful to such luck in personal and business matters, otherwise your nose in the air risks being pecked by the fair Rooster. There is a risk in the coming year serious problems with health, especially in spring. It is worth taking care of the condition of your body in advance and undergoing preventive examinations. In addition, the patron of the horoscope recommends not to throw words to the wind, otherwise you can ruin relationships with loved ones.

Pig – Pisces

The horoscope for 2017 promises pleasant changes in your personal life. Pig-Pisces will prefer to devote themselves to their family, so the most memorable events will be related to relationships. Some will finally have a child, others will decide to get married. In any case, all other areas will fade into the background, because people born under this star will set the right priorities for themselves. Because of this attitude, complete calm is expected in the affairs of workers, which, nevertheless, at the end of 2017 will bring either tangible income or an interesting offer for promotion.

The horoscope for 2017 predicts that the Pig (Pig) will experience many wonderful moments, as well as achieve the desired results in the professional sphere. There will also be plenty of negativity, but you can easily get rid of it if you are optimistic, surround yourself with positive people and look for a night of comedy rather than tragedy. In Pig's personal life, everything is without shocks and sudden changes. But single people will definitely meet their ideal in 2017, and then decide to get married. The Pig horoscope for 2017 advises keeping emotions in check, as well as being less nervous and inventing problems for yourself. Don't hide your talents, but introduce them into creative projects. Suspiciousness will border on stubbornness, which will not bring good results for Pig in 2017. Financial success will come to you only in December, but it will be stunning and significant. Some of the money can be invested in real estate, and the rest can be spent on loved ones and travel.

Work, career and money for the Boar (Pig) for 2017

Pig love horoscope for 2017

The Pig is a romantic by nature, so in 2017 he will fall in love with everyone, trust everyone and offer his hand and heart. Of course, you won’t get far with such childish naivety, but there is a chance for salvation. The main thing is to be at the right time and in the right place, then love will envelop the Pig headlong. In the spring, separation from the person you loved very much is possible. If in 2017 you still don’t stop stepping on the same rake, then they will hit you just as hard in the heart. The horoscope does not advise Pig to open up to everyone who compliments him or smiles. The horoscope for Pig for 2017 has in store a fateful meeting with your soulmate, which will take place on sea ​​coast. Although, perhaps on the next street. The main thing is that the Pig does not overlook anyone and does not miss his love. By the way, if you fall in love, you don’t have to immediately run to the registry office. Live first civil marriage to get to know each other better. The Rooster will not give bad advice to the Pig, keep in mind.

Family horoscope of Pig (Pig) for 2017

The Pig adores his family, so in 2017 he will do everything possible to keep her happy and not fall apart. Although, you don’t need to do much effort. You just have to surround your loved ones with care, say the word “I love” more often and spend more time with them. In spring and autumn there may be conflict situations, but the compliant and soft Pig will be able to settle everything. In 2017, you will have a lot of worries about your teenage children. They don’t want to listen to your advice and ignore your comments. The horoscope for Pig 2017 recommends giving your spouse a second “honeymoon” and also making an unforgettable gift. If the Pig remembers how and where he first met his life partner, he can resume the picture of what happened many years later. In 2017, you will have to complete the renovations you have started, as well as start looking for part-time work. Still, Pig will have to set his family budget on his own.

Health horoscope for 2017 Pig (Pig)

Eastern horoscope for 2017, Kabanu recommends paying more attention to the condition nervous system, how physical health. If you don’t stop self-criticism and being so impressionable, you will definitely get depressed and end up in the hospital. In 2017, you need to take care not only of your body, but also of your mental harmony. The boar will benefit from relaxing treatments, yoga and breathing exercises. If you find time to exercise, choose something not too active. Pig's horoscope for 2017 advises relaxing at sea in the summer, or simply leaving the stuffy city for nature. If you have relatives living in the village, then go to them in 2017. The boar needs to dress for the weather so as not to catch the flu or sore throat. Don't forget about your hat in winter! The Rooster, of course, will not let the Pig be “torn to pieces” by doctors and diseases, but he also does not intend to guard his every step.

Water Pig (Pig) horoscope for 2017

In 2017, the Water Pig will be more concerned with home and family than with their main job and career advancement. Naturally, there is no harm in balancing all this, which she realizes later. Many envious people and competitors will meet on the path of the Water Pig in 2017. Many will try to “tarnish” her reputation and leave her without money. If the Water Pig is too trusting, then by the end of the year he will be dependent on negative people.

Wooden Boar (Pig) horoscope for 2017

The eastern horoscope for 2017 predicts the Wood Pig interesting work related to oratory, literary criticism and journalism. They will listen to you with rapture, listen to every piece of advice and support you in all your endeavors. There will be participation in major events, business trips and conferences. In 2017, the Wooden Pig will not refuse help and support to anyone, so she herself will not be left alone with her problems. The main thing is not to fuss and make decisions calmly.

Fire Pig (Pig) horoscope for 2017

In 2017, the Fire Pig will have to independently solve the problems that have arisen, both in work and in their personal life. There will be many ambiguous situations, but in half of them she will emerge victorious. In the professional field, the Fire Pig needs to show his best qualities and rely on rich experience. In 2017, it is necessary to engage in spiritual education, communicate more with new people and avoid dubious offers. The Fire Pig needs to be economical and careful with finances.

Earth Pig (Pig) horoscope for 2017

In 2017, the Earth Pig will calmly and with a smile accept everything that fate throws at her. Wise decisions and rich potential - all this will help her achieve her goal. The Earth Pig will approach many complex issues philosophically - if this happens, then it is necessary. The horoscope for 2017 predicts recognition of talents, bright events in personal life and the fight against bad habits. By the end of the year, the Earth Pig will be in the rank of winner, which will give her self-confidence and allow her to make a plan for many years to come.

Metal Pig (Pig) horoscope for 2017

The horoscope for 2017 advises the Metal Pig in any difficult situations do not lose optimism and self-control. It is these qualities that will help her stand firmly on her feet, even if problems overcome her from all sides. It is urgent to complete old ones and start new ones, otherwise the creative fuse and energy will quickly dry up. In 2017, the Metal Pig can easily fall into the hands of scammers and adventurers. You should not ignore the advice of friends and acquaintances, especially if it is difficult to get out of trouble on your own. In the summer, a lonely Metal Pig will meet “her” person, with whom she will connect her fate.

Eastern horoscope for 2017 for other zodiac signs:

Svetlana Rozhenko

To please the Rooster, it is better for the Boars not to get into trouble. Patience and a wise wait-and-see attitude sometimes turn out to be much more successful than throwing yourself at the embrasures shouting “Hurray!” Observe, take stock and act only when you are absolutely sure that it is appropriate. What valuable tips can also be gleaned from the horoscope for 2017 for the Rooster for the Pig?

Love and family: horoscope for the Pig in 2017 Rooster

In 2017, Boars, wandering in their own way life path alone, they will not be able to resist the fresh breath of spring and will definitely fall in love. There is, of course, nothing wrong with this, just don’t rush to immediately drag the object of your adoration down the aisle. Apparently, you will be too absorbed in the feeling that has settled in your soul and therefore slightly lose your sense of reality.

Is fate in no hurry to arrange a romantic meeting for you? Take a closer look at those who are nearby almost every day. Perhaps your true affection is hidden in the guise of a modest neighbor staircase or a nice colleague, all day long tapping away at something on her computer keyboard just two desks away from you.

If something doesn’t work out in the life of the family Pig, they can only blame themselves. The rooster gives the pigs carte blanche to establish the closest and romantic relationships with your chosen one. Second honeymoon? Please! Arranging a family nest? Get started now! The birth of a child? Greetings with both paws! The trouble is that the hormones that have rushed to the head and the desire for novelty will begin to push some pigs to cheat. Try to refrain from such blatant disgust towards your soul mate. The stars say it's yours secret connection it will still come out and cause big troubles, even leading to the collapse of the family.

Pig's finances and career during this period

Like any other sign led by the Rooster, Pigs will be able to achieve any noticeable success in 2017 only if they work hard. Be diligent, diligent, take initiative in your work, but by all means avoid clashes with colleagues. If possible, it is better to “release the brakes” on any conflict than to enter into an exhausting confrontation. But, of course, don’t let them sit on your neck!

One more warning. Carefully check all the data you receive before taking it to your superiors: there is a high probability of misinformation. Someone is cheating or deliberately committing a forgery, and it’s up to you to answer!

As for finances, Pigs will not have to experience a shortage of them. The generous Rooster will from time to time guide the Pigs in the right direction and suggest where they should dig harder to get to the sweet acorns. However, you should not take the wealth received lightly - the offended Rooster will instantly “cover up his shop.”

  • In 2017, the health of Boars is threatened by three things: calcium, sweets and injuries. Restore the balance of the first with the help of vitamins so that your teeth do not suffer. Avoid the second one so as not to lose your waist. And from the third, caution on the road, when handling household appliances and while playing sports will save you.
  • At some point, you will be tempted to advance in your career by doing nasty things to your competitor. Don't give in. Rooster, and the moral laws are categorically against cheating.
  • In the middle of the year, children will cause a lot of grief for the family pigs. Be more patient with little Boars, they are unlikely to do this on purpose.

The proverb of the year for Pigs is “Everything will come to the one who knows how to wait.” Be patient and success will find you.

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The pig, as you know, came last when the Buddha gave out control over the years. She apparently let everyone go ahead out of her kindness and naivety. For this the Buddha gave her to own very good year. Pigs are decent and honest to the point of scrupulousness. You can safely trust them, they will be faithful to you to the end. These comrades sincerely believe that everyone around them is as kind as they are. If something completely opposite happens, Pigs fall into severe depression.

The modern world is not for Pigs (Boars). They are completely neither in the village nor in the city. As they say, neither steal nor guard. In business there are absolute zeros. And they don’t show any zeal in their career. What do they live for? And they are drawn to knowledge! They read a lot and about everything that comes to hand. They judge rather superficially. They like to live on a grand scale. At whose expense is the banquet?

Pigs are good subordinates, devoted servants. You can entrust them with any task, and they will not let you down. But they themselves cannot decide for a long time what they should do. However, when the decision is made, they stand their ground.

If there is a smell of frying and the police sirens are wailing, the Boar is gone. He hates all kinds of law enforcement activities. No trouble!

Loyalty to friends, the ability to lend a shoulder to right moment, make any sacrifices, ─ this is what is typical for Boars.

Despite such devotion, the representatives of these years themselves suffer from betrayal, infidelity and disappointment. Women find happiness in children, and men need to strengthen family ties.

In 2017, the dreams of representatives of this sign will begin to come true. Good-natured Jupiter is about to begin a chain of wonderful transformations! Fantasies can become reality, plans can come true, aspirations can come true. Don't miss your chance, and victory will be yours! Move forward boldly and persistently, without doubting your abilities. And then success will surprise you.

Friends will play a special role in 2017. And it’s not so important in what capacity: whether they will keep you company or help you in your career. A lot of money will be spent on yourself, your amusements and parties. Your circle of friends will expand incredibly. But this is good. Today you will help someone, and tomorrow they will help you out. In 2017, it is a friend who will provide you with a unique service, and, quite likely, in material terms. Perhaps this will help solve your financial problems. The more friends you have around you, the more successful 2017 will be. You might want to do charitable activities, and you will help other people. But, in any case, at this time you will receive more than you give.

It is promising to dig in the direction of career heights, paying attention to the quality of work. Things, property, connections ─there is time for everything. Law and Pig will be mutually polite and respectful towards each other. The year will be eventful, even too eventful.

Career matters

Last year many of you were able to expand your career accomplishments. Now it's time to reap the benefits. If you were in the service, your income will increase significantly.

2017 cannot be called calm. Well-fed Hogs never liked surprises and all sorts of force majeure, but they will rain down as if from a cornucopia. The pig will be nervous and hysterical. Control yourself! Remember that the word is not a sparrow!

Inability to lead can have a detrimental effect on your career. IN difficult situations use humor. At least pretend that you are finishing the job. Trust your friends with difficult decisions; this year, one of them will serve you faithfully. You should not rush to make important decisions, otherwise mistakes in work and business are inevitable.

Your position may contradict the generally accepted one. Due to their erudition, boars see perfectly well the absurdity of what is happening, but one in the field is not a warrior! So don't be surprised if you have to stoop to healthy cynicism. The Pig will strive to open his soul to someone, but risks being left alone. Then he will sing and begin to write poetry. Musicians and writers born this year will succeed in their creativity. Passions can be calmed and muffled by appeals to prudence.

In groups and organizations, the Pig will take its rightful place thanks to the fulfillment of its obligations and cordiality.

Sources of income

You will have to earn money through your efforts and abilities. Finance will please representatives of this sign; they can earn extra money at home. Renting, business, renting out an apartment can also take place.

In the second half of the year, do not get involved in financial scams, you may get hurt.

Is this fate?

The problems of the past will slowly begin to disappear, emotional life expected in the family nest. You shouldn’t let things get too high emotionally, everything can be resolved. The dirty laundry from the Pig’s hut will still be washed away, and the smoke will come out like a yoke. It’s better to replace all these things with a trip to the gym.

If the Pig is not yet married, you can advise her to get one. Well, family ones should protect their nest from uninvited intrusions of butterflies or moths flying past. They can disturb family peace and even destroy relationships in a couple. Be on the lookout!

Love connections can arise among long-time friends or remain in dreams and daydreams. Among friends, someone will stand out to whom the Pig will devote a lot of time and effort. Or maybe this is fate?

About what you can't buy...

In the year of the Rooster, representatives of your sign are in good shape. Although illnesses can occur completely unexpectedly. The disease is associated with mental instability, excessive nervousness, and excessive consumption of sweets. Calm down and stop buying candy!

If you think it’s time to change something in your appearance, then the Year of the Rooster is suitable for cosmetic procedures and surgeries.

The Year of the Fire Rooster can be very successful in terms of fulfilling your hopes! Believe in the best and get what you want!

And a little additional information about the sign of the Pig.