Experiments in mechanics for children. Entertaining physics experiments at home

Spring break is approaching, and many parents are wondering: what to do with their children? Home experiments in physics - for example, from the book “Experiments of Tom Titus. Amazing Mechanics" is a great pastime for younger students. Especially if the result is such a useful thing as a blowgun, and the laws of pneumatics become clearer.

Sarbakan - blow gun

Air is widely used in various modern technical devices. It is used to operate vacuum cleaners, to inflate car tires, and is also used in blowguns instead of gunpowder.

A blowgun, or sarbakan, is ancient weapons for hunting, which was sometimes used for military purposes. It is a tube 2-2.5 meters long, from which miniature arrows are ejected under the influence of air exhaled by the shooter. IN South America, on the islands of Indonesia and in some other places sarbakan is still used for hunting. You can make a miniature of such a blowgun yourself.

What you will need:

  • plastic, metal or glass tube;
  • needles or sewing pins;
  • drawing or painting brushes;
  • insulating tape;
  • scissors and thread;
  • small feathers;
  • foam;
  • matches.

Experience. The body for the sarbakan will be a plastic, metal or glass tube 20-40 centimeters long and an internal diameter of 10-15 millimeters. A suitable tube can be made from the third leg of a telescopic fishing rod or ski pole. The tube can be rolled out of a sheet of thick paper, wrapped with electrical tape on the outside for strength.

Now one of the ways you need to make arrows.

First way. Take a bunch of hair, for example, from a drawing or paint brush, and tie it tightly with thread at one end. Then insert a needle or pin into the resulting knot. Secure the structure by wrapping it with electrical tape.

Second way. Instead of hair, you can use small feathers, such as those used to stuff pillows. Take several feathers and tape their ends with electrical tape directly to the needle. Using scissors, trim the edges of the feathers to the diameter of the tube.

Third way. The arrow can be made with a shaft from a match, and the “feather” from foam rubber. To do this, insert the end of a match into the center of a foam cube measuring 15-20 millimeters. Then tie the foam rubber to the match shaft by the edge. Using scissors, give a piece of foam rubber the shape of a cone with a diameter equal to the inner diameter of the sarbakan tube. Tape a needle or pin to the opposite end of the match with electrical tape.

Place the arrow in the tube with the point forward, put the tube to your closed lips, and, opening your lips, blow sharply.

Result. The arrow will fly out of the tube and fly 4-5 meters. If you take a longer tube, then after a little practice and picking optimal size and a lot of arrows, you will be able to hit the target from a distance of 10-15 meters.

Explanation. The air you blow out is forced to exit through the narrow channel of the tube. At the same time, the speed of its movement increases greatly. And since there is an arrow in the tube that prevents the free movement of air, it also contracts - energy accumulates in it. Compression and accelerated air movement accelerate the arrow and give it kinetic energy, sufficient to fly some distance. However, due to friction with the air, the energy of the flying arrow is gradually consumed, and it flies.

Pneumatic lift

You've undoubtedly had to lie on an air mattress. The air with which it is filled is compressed and easily supports your weight. Compressed air has great internal energy and exerts pressure on surrounding objects. Any engineer will tell you that air is an excellent worker. It is used to operate conveyors, presses, lifting machines and many other machines. They are called pneumatic. This word comes from the ancient Greek “pneumotikos” - “inflated with air”. You can test the power of compressed air and make a simple pneumatic lift from simple improvised objects.

What you will need:

  • thick plastic bag;
  • two or three heavy books.

Experience. Place two or three heavy books on the table, for example in the shape of the letter “T”, as shown in the picture. Try blowing on them to make them fall or turn over. No matter how hard you try, you are unlikely to succeed. However, the power of your breathing is still enough to solve this seemingly difficult task. We need to call on pneumatic guns for help. To do this, the breathing air must be “caught” and “locked”, that is, it must be compressed.

Place a thick polyethylene bag under the books (it must be intact). Press the open end of the bag to your mouth with your hand and start blowing. Take your time, blow slowly, because the air will not escape from the bag. Watch what happens.

Result. The bag will gradually inflate, lifting the books higher and higher and finally knocking them over.

Explanation. When air is compressed, the number of its particles (molecules) per unit volume increases. Molecules more often hit the walls of the volume in which it is compressed (in this case, a bag). This means that the pressure from the air on the walls increases, and the more, the stronger air compressed Pressure is expressed by the force applied per unit area of ​​the wall. And in this case, the force of air pressure on the walls of the bag becomes greater than the force of gravity acting on the books, and the books rise.

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Comment on the article " Entertaining physics: experiments for children. Pneumatics"

Home experiments for children. Experiments at home: entertaining physics. Experiments with children at home. Entertaining experiments with kids. Popular Science.


We had something like this at our school, only without visiting, they invited a scientist, he showed interesting and spectacular chemical and physical experiments, even the high school students sat with their mouths open. some children were invited to take part in the experiment. By the way, is going to the planetarium not an option? it's very cool and interesting there now

Experiments in physics: Physics in experiments and experiments [link-3] Cool experiments and revelations Igor Beletsky [link-10] Experiments for Simple Home experiments: physics and chemistry for children 6-10 years old. Experiments for children: entertaining science at home.


Home children's "laboratory" "Young Chemist" - very interesting, a booklet with detailed description interesting experiments, chemical elements and reactions, and the chemical elements themselves with cones and various devices.

a bunch of books with detailed descriptions of how to do it and explanations of the essence of the phenomena that I remember: “Useful experiences at school and at home,” “ Big Book experiments" - the most, in my opinion, the best, "we are doing experiments-1", "we are doing experiments-2", "we are doing experiments-3"

Home experiments in physics - for example, from the book “Experiments of Tom Titus. From the sixth grade, my father gave me all sorts of books on entertaining physics to read. Moreover, it is interesting for both children and adults. So we decided to visit it. Physics experiment for children: how to prove rotation...


Glen Vecchione. 100 of the most interesting independent scientific projects. ASTRel Publishing House. Various experiences, there is also a section "Electricity".

I can’t say for sure about electricity, you have to look through it. Sikoruk "Physics for Kids", Galperstein "Entertaining Physics".

Home experiments: physics and chemistry for children 6-10 years old. Experiments for children: entertaining science at home. Chemistry for primary schoolchildren.


School books and school program- it sucks! Good for older students" general chemistry"Glinka, but for the kids...
Since I was 9 years old, mine has been reading children's chemical encyclopedias (Avanta, a couple more, L. Yu. Alikberova " Entertaining chemistry"and other books of hers). There is also a book of home experiments by the same Alikberova.
I think that you can tell children about atoms and electrons with more caution than about “where did I come from,” because This matter is significantly more complex :)) If the mother herself does not really understand how electrons run around in atoms, it is better not to fool the child’s brains at all. But at the level: mixed, dissolved, a precipitate fell, bubbles appeared, etc. - Mom can do it quite well.

06.09.2004 14:32:12, flowerpunk

Home experiments: physics and chemistry for children 6 -10 years old. Simple but impressive chemical experiments- show it to the children! Experiments for children: entertaining science at home.


At the Kolomenskaya Fair I saw entire portable “laboratories” for home use in both chemistry and physics. However, I haven’t bought it myself yet. But there is a tent where I always buy something for my child’s creativity. There is the same saleswoman in the tent all the time (in any case, I end up in the same one). So whatever she advises, everything is interesting. She also spoke very highly of these “laboratories.” So you can believe it. There I also saw some kind of “laboratory” developed by Andrei Bakhmetyev. In my opinion, something in physics too.

From the book "My First Experiences."

Lung volume

For the experience you need:

adult assistant;
large plastic bottle;
washing basin;
plastic hose;

1. How much air can your lungs hold? To find out, you'll need the help of an adult. Fill the bowl and bottle with water. Have an adult hold the bottle upside down under water.

2. Insert a plastic hose into the bottle.

3. Take a deep breath and blow into the hose as hard as you can. Air bubbles will appear in the bottle rising up. Clamp the hose as soon as the air in your lungs runs out.

4. Pull out the hose and ask your assistant, covering the neck of the bottle with his palm, to turn it over to the correct position. To find out how much gas you exhaled, add water to the bottle using a measuring cup. See how much water you need to add.

Make it rain

For the experience you need:

adult assistant;
Electric kettle;
metal spoon;
potholder for hot dishes.

1. Place the metal spoon in the refrigerator for half an hour.

2. Ask an adult to help you do the experiment from beginning to end.

3. Boil a full kettle of water. Place a saucer under the spout of the teapot.

4. Using an oven mitt, carefully move the spoon toward the steam rising from the spout of the kettle. When the steam hits a cold spoon, it condenses and “rains” onto the saucer.

Make a hygrometer

For the experience you need:

2 identical thermometers;
cotton wool;
round rubber bands;
empty yogurt cup;
large cardboard box without lid;

1. Using a knitting needle, poke two holes in the wall of the box at a distance of 10 cm from each other.

2. Wrap two thermometers with the same amount of cotton wool and secure with rubber bands.

3. Tie an elastic band on top of each thermometer and thread the elastic bands into the holes at the top of the box. Insert a knitting needle into the rubber loops as shown in the figure so that the thermometers hang freely.

4. Place a glass of water under one thermometer so that the water wets the cotton wool (but not the thermometer).

5. Compare thermometer readings in different time days. The greater the temperature difference, the lower the air humidity.

Call the cloud

For the experience you need:

transparent glass bottle;
hot water;
ice Cube;
dark blue or black paper.

1. Carefully fill the bottle with hot water.

2. After 3 minutes, pour out the water, leaving a little at the very bottom.

3. Place on top of the neck open bottle ice Cube.

4. Place a sheet of dark paper behind the bottle. Where the hot air rising from the bottom comes into contact with the cooled air at the neck, a white cloud forms. Water vapor in the air condenses, forming a cloud of tiny water droplets.

Under pressure

For the experience you need:

transparent plastic bottle;
large bowl or deep tray;
strip of paper;
adhesive tape.

1. Fill the bowl and bottle halfway with water.

2. Draw a scale on a strip of paper and stick it to the bottle with adhesive tape.

3. Place two or three small stacks of coins in the bottom of the bowl, large enough to fit the neck of the bottle. Thanks to this, the neck of the bottle will not rest against the bottom, and water will be able to freely flow out of the bottle and flow into it.

4. Plug the neck of the bottle with your thumb and carefully place the bottle upside down on the coins.

Your water barometer will allow you to monitor changes in atmospheric pressure. As the pressure increases, the water level in the bottle will rise. When the pressure drops, the water level will drop.

Make an air barometer

For the experience you need:

wide mouth jar;
balloon IR;
rubber band;
drinking straw;
adhesive tape.

1. Cut the balloon and pull it tightly onto the jar. Secure with an elastic band.

2. Sharpen the end of the straw. Glue the other end to the stretched ball with adhesive tape.

3. Draw a scale on a cardboard card and place the cardboard at the end of the arrow. When atmospheric pressure increases, the air in the jar is compressed. When it falls, the air expands. Accordingly, the arrow will move along the scale.

If the pressure rises, the weather will be fine. If it falls, it's bad.

What gases does air consist of?

For the experience you need:

adult assistant;
glass jar;
large glass bowl.

1. Have an adult light a candle and add paraffin to the bottom of the bowl to secure the candle.

2. Carefully fill the bowl with water.

3. Cover the candle with a jar. Place stacks of coins under the jar so that its edges are only slightly below the water level.

4. When all the oxygen in the jar has burned out, the candle will go out. The water will rise, occupying the volume where oxygen used to be. So you can see that there is about 1/5 (20%) oxygen in the air.

Make a battery

For the experience you need:

durable paper towel;
food foil;
copper coins;
two insulated copper wires;
small light bulb.

1. Dissolve a little salt in water.

2. Cut the paper towel and foil into squares slightly larger than coins.

3. Wet the paper squares in salt water.

4. Place on top of each other in a stack: copper coin, a piece of foil, a piece of paper, a coin again, and so on several times. There should be paper on top of the stack and a coin on the bottom.

5. Slide the stripped end of one wire under the stack, and connect the other end to the light bulb. Place one end of the second wire on top of the stack, and also connect the other to the light bulb. What happened?

solar fan

For the experience you need:

food foil;
black paint or marker;
adhesive tape;
large clean glass jar with lid.

1. Cut two strips of foil, each approximately 2.5 x 10 cm in size. Color one side with a black marker or paint. Make slits in the strips and insert them one into the other, bending the ends, as shown in the figure.

2. Using thread and duct tape, attach the solar panels to the lid of the jar. Place the jar in sunny place. The black side of the strips heats up more than the shiny side. Due to the temperature difference, there will be a difference in air pressure and the fan will begin to rotate.

What color is the sky?

For the experience you need:

glass beaker;
tea spoon;
white paper or cardboard;

1. Stir half a teaspoon of flour in a glass of water.

2. Place the glass on white paper and shine a flashlight on it from above. The water appears light blue or gray.

3. Now place the paper behind the glass and shine the light on it from the side. The water appears pale orange or yellowish.

The smallest particles in the air, like flour in water, change the color of light rays. When the light comes from the side (or when the sun is low on the horizon), the blue color is scattered and the eye sees an excess of orange rays.

Make a mini microscope

For the experience you need:

small mirror;
glass beaker;
aluminium foil;
adhesive tape;
drop of oxen;
small flower

1. A microscope uses a glass lens to refract a ray of light. A drop of water can fulfill this role. Place the mirror at an angle on a piece of plasticine and cover it with a glass.

2. Fold the aluminum foil like an accordion to create a multi-layered strip. Carefully make a small hole in the center with a needle.

3. Bend the foil over the glass as shown in the picture. Secure the edges with adhesive tape. Using the tip of your finger or needle, drop water onto the hole.

4. Place a small flower or other small item on the bottom of the glass under the water lens. A homemade microscope can magnify it almost 50 times.

Call the lightning

For experience you need:

metal baking tray;
plastic bag;
metal fork.

1. Press a large piece of plasticine onto a baking sheet to form a handle. Now don't touch the pan itself - just the handle.

2. Holding the baking sheet by the plasticine handle, rub it in a circular motion against the bag. At the same time, static accumulates on the baking sheet. electric charge. The baking sheet should not extend beyond the edges of the bag.

3. Lift the baking sheet slightly above the bag (still holding onto the plasticine handle) and bring the tines of a fork to one corner. A spark will jump from the baking sheet to the fork. This is how lightning jumps from a cloud to a lightning rod.

Physics surrounds us absolutely everywhere: in everyday life, on the street, on the road... Sometimes parents should draw the attention of their children to some interesting, still unknown moments. Early acquaintance with this school subject will allow some children to overcome fear, and for others to become seriously interested in this science and, perhaps, for some it will become destiny.

Today we propose to get acquainted with some simple experiments that can be done at home.

PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: See if the shape of an object affects its strength.
MATERIALS: three sheets of paper, tape, books (weighing up to half a kilogram), assistant.


    Fold the pieces of paper into three different shapes: Form A- fold the sheet in thirds and glue the ends together, Form B- fold the sheet of paper in four and glue the ends together, Form B- Roll the paper into a cylinder shape and glue the ends together.

    Place all the figures you have made on the table.

    Together with an assistant, place books on them one at a time and watch when the structures collapse.

    Remember how many books each figure can hold.

RESULTS: The cylinder can withstand the most big number books.
WHY? Gravity (attraction towards the center of the Earth) pulls the books down, but the paper supports do not let them go. If gravity is more power resistance of the support, the weight of the book will crush it. The open paper cylinder turned out to be the strongest of all the figures, because the weight of the books that lay on it was evenly distributed along its walls.


PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: Charge an object with static electricity.
MATERIALS: scissors, napkin, ruler, comb.


    Measure and cut a strip of paper from the napkin (7cm x 25cm).

    Cut long thin strips on the paper, LEAVING the edge untouched (according to the drawing).

    Comb your hair quickly. Your hair should be clean and dry. Bring the comb closer to the paper strips, but do not touch them.

RESULTS: Paper strips are drawn to the comb.
WHY?“Static” means motionless. Static electricity is negative particles called electrons gathered together. Matter consists of atoms, where electrons rotate around a positive center - the nucleus. When we comb our hair, the electrons seem to be erased from the hair and end up on the comb .The half of the comb that touched your hair received a negative charge. The paper strip is made up of atoms. We bring the comb to it, causing the positive part of the atoms to be attracted to the comb. negative particles enough to lift the paper strips up.


PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: Find the position of the center of gravity.
MATERIALS: plasticine, two metal forks, a toothpick, a tall glass or a wide-necked jar.


    Roll a ball of plasticine about 4 cm in diameter.

    Insert a fork into the ball.

    Insert the second fork into the ball at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the first fork.

    Insert a toothpick into the ball between the forks.

    Place the end of the toothpick on the edge of the glass and move it towards the center of the glass until equilibrium is achieved.

NOTE: If balance cannot be achieved, reduce the angle between them.
RESULTS: At a certain position, the toothpicks of the fork are balanced.
WHY? Since the forks are located at an angle to each other, their weight seems to be concentrated at a certain point on the stick located between them. This point is called the center of gravity.


PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: Compare the speed of sound in solids and in air.
MATERIALS: plastic cup, ring-shaped rubber band.


    Place the rubber ring on the glass as shown in the picture.

    Place the glass upside down to your ear.

    String the stretched rubber band like a string.

RESULTS: A loud sound is heard.
WHY? An object sounds when it vibrates. While oscillating, he hits the air or another object if it is nearby. The vibrations begin to spread through the air filling everything around, their energy affects the ears, and we hear sound. Vibrations travel much more slowly through air—gas—than through solids or liquids. The vibrations of the rubber band are transmitted to both the air and the body of the glass, but the sound is heard louder when it comes to the ear directly from the walls of the glass.


PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: Find out whether temperature affects the jumping ability of a rubber ball.
MATERIALS: tennis ball, meter stick, freezer.


    Place the bar vertically and, holding it with one hand, place the ball on its top end with the other hand.

    Release the ball and see how high it jumps when it hits the floor. Repeat this three times and estimate average height jump.

    Place the ball in the freezer for half an hour.

    Measure your jump height again by releasing the ball from the top end of the pole.

RESULTS: After the freezer, the ball does not bounce as high.
WHY? Rubber is made up of a myriad of molecules in the form of chains. When warm, these chains easily move and move away from one another, and thanks to this, the rubber becomes elastic. When cooled, these chains become rigid. When the chains are elastic, the ball bounces well. Playing tennis in cold weather, you need to take into account that the ball will not be so bouncy.


PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: See how the image appears in the mirror.
MATERIALS: mirror, 4 books, pencil, paper.


    Place books in a stack and lean a mirror against it.

    Place a piece of paper under the edge of the mirror.

    Put left hand in front of a sheet of paper, and place your chin on your hand so that you can look in the mirror, but not see the sheet on which you have to write.

    Looking only in the mirror, not at the paper, write your name on it.

    Look what you wrote.

RESULTS: Most, and maybe even all, of the letters were upside down.
WHY? Because you wrote while looking in the mirror, where they looked normal, but on the paper they were upside down. Most of the letters will be upside down, and only symmetrical letters (H, O, E, B) will be written correctly. They look the same in the mirror and on paper, although the image in the mirror is upside down.


Experiment 2 Amazing candlestick Equipment and materials: candle, nail, glass, matches, water. Stages of the experiment Weight the end of the candle with a nail. Calculate the size of the nail so that the entire candle is immersed in water, only the wick and the very tip of the paraffin should protrude above the water. Light the wick. “Let me,” they will tell you, “after all, in a minute the candle will burn down to the water and go out!” “That’s just the point,” you will answer, “that the candle is getting shorter every minute.” And if it’s shorter, it means it’s easier. If it’s easier, it means it will float up. And, true, the candle will float up little by little, and the water-cooled paraffin at the edge of the candle will melt more slowly than the paraffin surrounding the wick. Therefore, a rather deep funnel is formed around the wick. This emptiness, in turn, makes the candle lighter, which is why our candle will burn out to the end. Isn't it an amazing candlestick - a glass of water? And this candlestick is not bad at all.

Experiment 3 Candle behind a bottle Equipment and materials: candle, bottle, matches Stages of conducting the experiment Place a lit candle behind the bottle, and stand so that your face is an inch away from the bottle. Now blow on it, and the candle will go out, as if there were no one between you and the candle no barrier. Explanation of the experiment The candle goes out because the bottle is flowing around with air: the stream of air is broken by the bottle into two streams; one flows around it on the right, and the other on the left; and they meet approximately where the candle flame stands.

Experiment 4 Spinning snake Equipment and materials: thick paper, candle, scissors. Stages of the experiment 1. Cut a spiral from thick paper, stretch it a little and place it on the end of a curved wire. 2. Hold this spiral above the candle in the rising air flow, the snake will rotate. Explanation of the experiment The snake rotates because... air expands under the influence of heat and warm energy is converted into movement.

Experiment 5 Eruption of Vesuvius Equipment and materials: glass vessel, vial, stopper, alcohol ink, water. Stages of the experiment Place a bottle of alcohol ink in a wide glass vessel filled with water. There should be a small hole in the bottle cap. Explanation of the experiment Water has a higher density than alcohol; it will gradually enter the bottle, displacing the mascara from there. Red, blue or black liquid will rise upward from the bubble in a thin stream.

Experiment 6 Fifteen matches on one Equipment and materials: 15 matches. Stages of the experiment Place one match on the table, and 14 matches across it so that their heads stick up and their ends touch the table. How to lift the first match, holding it by one end, and all the other matches along with it? Explanation of the experiment To do this, you just need to put another fifteenth match on top of all the matches, in the hollow between them

Experiment 8 Paraffin motor Equipment and materials: candle, knitting needle, 2 glasses, 2 plates, matches. Stages of the experiment To make this motor, we do not need either electricity or gasoline. For this we only need... a candle. 1. Heat a knitting needle and stick it with their heads into the candle. This will be the axis of our engine. 2. Place a candle with a knitting needle on the edges of two glasses and balance. 3. Light the candle at both ends. Explanation of the experiment A drop of paraffin will fall into one of the plates placed under the ends of the candle. The balance will be disrupted, the other end of the candle will tighten and fall; at the same time, a few drops of paraffin will drain from it, and it will become lighter than the first end; it rises to the top, the first end will go down, drop a drop, it will become lighter, and our motor will start working with all its might; gradually the candle's vibrations will increase more and more.

Experience 9 Free exchange of liquids Equipment and materials: orange, glass, red wine or milk, water, 2 toothpicks. Stages of the experiment Carefully cut the orange in half, peel so that the peel is removed in one piece. Poke two holes side by side in the bottom of this cup and place it in a glass. The diameter of the cup should be slightly larger than the diameter of the central part of the glass, then the cup will stay on the walls without falling to the bottom. Lower the orange cup into the vessel to one third of the height. Pour red wine or colored alcohol into the orange peel. It will pass through the hole until the wine level reaches the bottom of the cup. Then pour water almost to the edge. You can see how the stream of wine rises through one of the holes to the water level, while the heavier water passes through the other hole and begins to sink to the bottom of the glass. In a few moments the wine will be at the top and the water at the bottom.

Diffusion of liquids and gases Diffusion (from the Latin diflusio - spreading, spreading, scattering), the transfer of particles of different nature, caused by the chaotic thermal movement of molecules (atoms). They distinguish between diffusion in liquids, gases and solids Demonstration experiment “Observation of diffusion” Equipment and materials: cotton wool, ammonia, phenolphthalein, installation for observing diffusion. Stages of the experiment Let's take two pieces of cotton wool. We moisten one piece of cotton wool with phenolphthalein, the other with ammonia. Let's bring the branches into contact. The fleeces are stained in pink color due to the phenomenon of diffusion.

Thick air We live thanks to the air we breathe. If you don't think that's magical enough, try this experiment to find out what other magic air can do. Props Safety glasses Pine board 0.3 x 2.5 x 60 cm (can be purchased at any lumber store) Newspaper Ruler Preparation Lay out everything you need on the table Let's start the scientific magic! Wear safety glasses. Announce to the audience: “There are two types of air in the world. One of them is skinny and the other is fat. Now I will perform magic with the help of fatty air.” Place the board on the table so that about 6 inches (15 cm) extends over the edge of the table. Say: “Thick air, sit on the plank.” Hit the end of the board that protrudes beyond the edge of the table. The plank will jump into the air. Tell the audience that there must be thin air sitting on the board. Again, place the board on the table as in step 2. Place a sheet of newspaper on the board, as shown in the figure, so that the board is in the middle of the sheet. Flatten the newspaper so that there is no air between it and the table. Say again: “Thick air, sit on the plank.” Hit the protruding end with the edge of your palm. Result When you hit the board for the first time, it bounces. But if you hit the board on which the newspaper is lying, the board breaks. Explanation When you smooth out a newspaper, you remove almost all the air from underneath it. At the same time a large number of air from above the newspaper presses on it with great strength. When you hit the board, it breaks because the air pressure on the newspaper prevents the board from rising up in response to the force you apply.

Waterproof paper Props Paper towel Glass Plastic bowl or bucket into which you can pour enough water to completely cover the glass Preparation Lay out everything you need on the table Let's make some scientific magic! Announce to the audience: “Using my magical skill, I can make a piece of paper remain dry.” Wrinkle a paper towel and place it on the bottom of the glass. Turn the glass over and make sure that the wad of paper remains in place. Say something over the glass magic words, For example: " magical powers, protect the paper from water." Then slowly lower the upside down glass into a bowl of water. Try to hold the glass as level as possible until it completely disappears under the water. Take the glass out of the water and shake off the water. Turn the glass upside down and take out the paper. Let the audience touch it and make sure it remains dry. Result The audience finds that the paper towel remains dry. Explanation Air occupies a certain volume. There is air in the glass, no matter what position it is in. When you turn the glass upside down and slowly lower it into the water, air remains in the glass. Water cannot get into the glass due to air. The air pressure turns out to be greater than the pressure of the water trying to penetrate inside the glass. The towel at the bottom of the glass remains dry. If a glass is turned on its side under water, air will come out in the form of bubbles. Then he can get into the glass.

Sticky Glass In this experiment you will learn how air can make objects stick to each other. Props 2 large balloon 2 plastic glasses of 250 ml Assistant Preparation Lay out everything you need on the table Let's start the scientific magic! Call someone from the audience as an assistant. Give him a ball and a glass, and keep the other ball and glass for yourself. Have your assistant inflate your balloon about halfway and tie it. Now ask him to try to stick a cup to the ball. When he fails to do so, it is your turn. Inflate your balloon about a third of the way. Place the cup on the side of the ball. While holding the cup in place, continue to inflate the balloon until it is at least 2/3 full. Now let go of the glass. Tips for a learned wizard Prove to the audience that your glass is not smeared with glue. Release some air from the balloon and the cup falls off. What else can you do? Try attaching 2 cups to the ball at the same time. This will require some practice and the help of an assistant. Ask him to place two cups on the balloon, and then inflate the balloon as described. Result When you inflate the balloon, the cup will “stick” to it. Explanation When you put the cup on the balloon and inflate it, the wall of the balloon becomes flat around the edge of the cup. In this case, the volume of air inside the cup increases slightly, but the number of air molecules remains the same, so the air pressure inside the cup decreases. Consequently, the atmospheric pressure inside the cup becomes slightly less than outside. Thanks to this difference in pressure, the cup is held in place.

Resistant funnel Can a funnel “refuse” to let water into the bottle? Check it out for yourself! Props 2 funnels Two identical, clean, dry plastic bottles of 1 liter each Plasticine Jug of water Preparation Insert a funnel into each bottle. Cover the neck of one of the bottles around the funnel with plasticine so that there is no gap left. Cover the neck of one of the bottles around the funnel with plasticine so that there is no gap left. Let's begin the scientific magic! Announce to the audience: “I have a magic funnel that doesn’t let water into the bottle.” Announce to the audience: “I have a magic funnel that doesn’t let water into the bottle.” Take a bottle without plasticine and pour some water into it through the funnel. Explain to the audience: “This is how most funnels behave.” Take a bottle without plasticine and pour some water into it through the funnel. Explain to the audience: “This is how most funnels behave.” Place a funnel with plasticine on the table. Pour water into the funnel to the top. See what happens. Result A few drops of water will flow from the funnel into the bottle, and then it will stop flowing completely. Explanation This is another example of the action of atmospheric pressure. Water flows freely into the first bottle. Water flowing through the funnel into the bottle replaces the air in it, which escapes through the gaps between the neck and the funnel. A bottle sealed with plasticine also contains air, which has its own pressure. The water in the funnel also has pressure, which arises due to the force of gravity pulling the water down. However, the force of air pressure in the bottle exceeds the force of gravity acting on the water. Therefore, water cannot get into the bottle. If there is even a small hole in the bottle or plasticine, air can escape through it. Because of this, its pressure in the bottle will drop, and water will be able to flow into it.

Destroyer As you should already know from previous experiences, a true wizard can use the power of air pressure in his amazing tricks. In this experiment you will learn how air can crush a tin can. Please note: this experiment requires a gas or electric stove and adult assistance. Props Baking pan Tap water Ruler Gas or electric lamp (only to be used by an adult assistant) Empty tin can Tongs Adult assistant Preparation Pour about 2.5 cm of water into the pan. Place it next to the stove. Pour some water into an empty soda can, just enough to cover the bottom. After this, your adult assistant should heat the jar on the stove. The water should boil vigorously for about a minute, so that steam comes out of the jar. Let's begin the scientific magic! Announce to the audience that you will now crush the tin can without touching it. Have an adult assistant hold the jar with tongs and quickly turn it into a pan of water. See what happens. Tips for a Learned Wizard Before your assistant turns the jar over, say some magic words. Stretch your hands over the can and say: “Tin, I order you to flatten yourself as soon as the water touches you!” » What else can you do Try repeating the experiment with a jar bigger size, for example, with liter jar from under tomato juice. When opening the jar, make only small holes in the lid. Before carrying out the experiment, pour the contents out of the jar and wash it, but do not open the lid completely. Is it as easy to crush a can as a soda can? Result When your assistant lowers the upside down jar into a mold of water, the jar will immediately flatten. Explanation The can collapses due to the change in air pressure. You create a low pressure inside her, and then more high pressure crushes it. An unheated jar contains water and air. When water boils, it evaporates—it turns from a liquid into hot water vapor. Hot steam replaces air in the can. When your assistant lowers the upside down can, the air can't get back into it. Cold water in the mold cools the steam remaining in the jar. It condenses - turns from gas back into water. The steam that occupied the entire volume of the jar turns into just a few drops of water, which takes up significantly less space than steam. There remains a large empty space in the jar, practically not filled with air, so the pressure there is much lower than the atmospheric pressure outside. The air presses on the outside of the can, and it collapses.

Flying ball Have you ever seen a man rise into the air during a magician's performance? Try a similar experiment. Please note: This experiment requires a hairdryer and adult assistance. Props Hairdryer (only to be used by an adult assistant) 2 thick books or other heavy objects Ping-pong ball Ruler Adult assistant Preparation Place the hairdryer on the table with the hole facing up where the hot air is blowing. To install it in this position, use books. Make sure that they do not block the hole on the side where air is sucked into the hair dryer. Plug in the hair dryer. Let's begin the scientific magic! Ask one of the adult spectators to become your assistant. Announce to the audience: “Now I will make an ordinary ping-pong ball fly through the air.” Take the ball in your hand and release it so that it falls on the table. Tell the audience: “Oh! I forgot to say the magic words! » Say magic words over the ball. Have your assistant turn on the hair dryer at full power. Carefully place the ball over the hair dryer in the air stream, approximately 45 cm from the blowing hole. Tips for a Learned Wizard Depending on the strength of the blow, you may have to place the ball a little higher or lower than indicated. What else can you do? Try the same with the ball. different sizes and masses. Will the experience be equally good? Result The ball will hover in the air above the hair dryer. Explanation This trick doesn't actually contradict gravity. It demonstrates an important ability of air called Bernoulli's principle. Bernoulli's principle is a law of nature, according to which any pressure of any fluid substance, including air, decreases with increasing speed of its movement. In other words, when the air flow rate is low, it has high pressure. The air coming out of the hair dryer moves very quickly and therefore its pressure is low. The ball becomes surrounded on all sides by an area low pressure, which forms a cone at the hair dryer opening. The air around this cone has a higher pressure, and prevents the ball from falling out of the low pressure zone. The force of gravity pulls it down, and the force of air pulls it up. Thanks to the combined action of these forces, the ball hangs in the air above the hair dryer.

Magic motor In this experiment you can make a piece of paper work like a motor - using air, of course. Props Glue Square piece of wood 2.5 x 2.5 cm Sewing needle Paper square 7.5 x 7.5 cm Preparation Apply a drop of glue in the center of the piece of wood. Place a needle in the glue with the sharp end up, at a right angle (perpendicular) to the piece of wood. Keep it in this position until the glue hardens so much that the needle stands on its own. Fold the paper square diagonally (corner to corner). Unfold and fold along the other diagonal. Unfold the paper again. Where the fold lines intersect is the center of the sheet. The piece of paper should look like a low, flattened pyramid. Let's begin the scientific magic! Announce to the audience: “Now I have Magic power, which will help me start a small paper motor." Place a piece of wood with a needle on the table. Place the paper on the needle so that its center is on the tip of the needle. 4 sides of the pyramid should hang down. Say magic words, for example: “Magic energy, start my engine!” »Rub your palms 5-10 times, then fold them around the pyramid at a distance of about 2.5 cm from the edges of the paper. See what happens. Result The paper will first wobble and then begin to rotate in a circle. Explanation Believe it or not, the heat from your hands will make the paper move. When you rub your palms against each other, friction arises between them - a force that slows down the movement of objects in contact. Friction causes objects to heat up, which means that the friction of your palms produces heat. Warm air always moves away from warm place to cold. The air in contact with your palms heats up. Warm air rises as it expands and becomes less dense, therefore lighter. As the air moves, it comes into contact with the paper pyramid, causing it to move as well. This movement of warm and cold air is called convection. Convection is a process in which heat flows in a liquid or gas.

BOU "Koskovskaya Secondary School"

Kichmengsko-Gorodetsky municipal district

Vologda region

Educational project

"Physical experiment at home"


7th grade students

Koptyaev Artem

Alekseevskaya Ksenia

Alekseevskaya Tanya


Korovkin I.N.




There is nothing better in life than your own experience.

Scott W.

At school and at home we became acquainted with many physical phenomena and we wanted to make homemade devices, equipment and conduct experiments. All the experiments we conduct allow us to gain deeper knowledge the world and in particular physics. We describe the process of manufacturing equipment for the experiment, the principle of operation and the physical law or phenomenon demonstrated by this device. The experiments carried out interested students from other classes.

Target: make a device from available means to demonstrate a physical phenomenon and use it to talk about physical phenomenon.

Hypothesis: manufactured devices and demonstrations will help to understand physics more deeply.


Study the literature on conducting experiments yourself.

Watch a video demonstrating the experiments

Make equipment for experiments

Give a demonstration

Describe the physical phenomenon being demonstrated

Improve the material resources of the physicist's office.

EXPERIMENT 1. Fountain model

Target : show the simplest model fountain.

Equipment : plastic bottle, dropper tubes, clamp, balloon, cuvette.

Ready product

Progress of the experiment:

    We will make 2 holes in the cork. Insert the tubes and attach a ball to the end of one.

    Fill the balloon with air and close it with a clamp.

    Pour water into a bottle and place it in a cuvette.

    Let's watch the flow of water.

Result: We observe the formation of a water fountain.

Analysis: works on bottled water compressed air, located in the ball. The more air in the ball, the higher the fountain will be.

EXPERIENCE 2. Carthusian diver

(Pascal's law and Archimedes' force.)

Target: demonstrate Pascal's law and Archimedes' force.

Equipment: plastic bottle,

pipette (vessel closed at one end)

Ready product

Progress of the experiment:

    Take plastic bottle capacity 1.5-2 liters.

    Take a small vessel (pipette) and load it with copper wire.

    Fill the bottle with water.

    Press down on the top of the bottle with your hands.

    Observe the phenomenon.

Result : we observe the pipette sinking and rising when pressing on the plastic bottle..

Analysis : The force compresses the air above the water, the pressure is transferred to the water.

According to Pascal's law, pressure compresses the air in the pipette. As a result, Archimedes' power decreases. The body is drowning. We stop the compression. The body floats up.

EXPERIMENT 3. Pascal's law and communicating vessels.

Target: demonstrate the operation of Pascal's law in hydraulic machines.

Equipment: two syringes of different volumes and a plastic tube from a dropper.

Ready product.

Progress of the experiment:

1.Take two syringes of different sizes and connect them with a dropper tube.

2.Fill with incompressible liquid (water or oil)

3. Press down on the plunger of the smaller syringe. Observe the movement of the plunger of the larger syringe.

4. Press down on the plunger of the larger syringe. Observe the movement of the plunger of the smaller syringe.

Result : We fix the difference in the applied forces.

Analysis : According to Pascal's law, the pressure created by the pistons is the same. Consequently: how many times larger is the piston, the greater is the force it creates.

EXPERIMENT 4. Dry from the water.

Target : show the expansion of heated air and compression of cold air..

Equipment : glass, plate with water, candle, cork.

Ready product.

Progress of the experiment:

1. pour water into a plate and place a coin on the bottom and a float on the water.

2. We invite the audience to take out the coin without getting their hand wet.

3.light the candle and place it in the water.

4. Cover with a heated glass.

Result: We observe the movement of water into the glass..

Analysis: When the air is heated, it expands. When the candle goes out. The air cools and its pressure decreases. Atmosphere pressure will push the water under the glass.

EXPERIENCE 5. Inertia.

Target : show the manifestation of inertia.

Equipment : Wide-neck bottle, cardboard ring, coins.

Ready product.

Progress of the experiment:

1. Place a paper ring on the neck of the bottle.

2. Place coins on the ring.

3. knock out the ring with a sharp blow of a ruler

Result: We watch the coins fall into the bottle.

Analysis: inertia is the ability of a body to maintain its speed. When you hit the ring, the coins do not have time to change speed and fall into the bottle.

EXPERIENCE 6. Upside down.

Target : Show the behavior of a liquid in a rotating bottle.

Equipment : Wide-neck bottle and rope.

Ready product.

Progress of the experiment:

1. We tie a rope to the neck of the bottle.

2. pour water.

3.rotate the bottle over your head.

Result: water does not pour out.

Analysis: At the top point, the water is acted upon by gravity and centrifugal force. If the centrifugal force is greater than the force of gravity, then the water will not flow out.

EXPERIMENT 7. Non-Newtonian liquid.

Target : Show the behavior of a non-Newtonian fluid.

Equipment : bowl.starch. water.

Ready product.

Progress of the experiment:

1. In a bowl, dilute starch and water in equal proportions.

2. demonstrate the unusual properties of the liquid

Result: substance has properties solid and liquids.

Analysis: with a sharp impact, the properties of a solid appear, and with a slow impact, the properties of a liquid appear.


As a result of our work, we:

    conducted experiments proving the existence of atmospheric pressure;

    created home-made devices demonstrating the dependence of liquid pressure on the height of the liquid column, Pascal’s law.

We enjoyed studying pressure, making homemade devices, and conducting experiments. But there is a lot of interesting things in the world that you can still learn, so in the future:

We will continue to study this interesting science

We hope that our classmates will be interested in this problem, and we will try to help them.

In the future we will conduct new experiments.


It is interesting to observe the experiment conducted by the teacher. Carrying it out yourself is doubly more interesting.

And conducting an experiment with a device made and designed by yourself arouses great interest among the whole class. In such experiments it is easy to establish a relationship and draw a conclusion about how this installation works.

Carrying out these experiments is not difficult and interesting. They are safe, simple and useful. New research is ahead!


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