Are they educated from each other? Word formation in Russian

How are these words formed (produced)? What is taken from another word in them? What's added?

The stem of a word that is used to form another word is called a generating stem.

What is the productive basis used for?

1. Indicate the productive basis for these words.

Sample reasoning: birch (log) - (log) from birch. This means that the word birch is formed from the word birch, from which the base 6erez- is taken. This is the productive basis for the word birch.

Joyful, reddish, excellent, spruce forest, underwater, earphone, ribbon.

2. For which cognates of the right column are the derived stems of the words in the left column? Why are they not productive stems for other words?

From what words are the remaining words formed? What productive bases are taken for their formation?

3. Indicate the composition of these words. How did these words contain two suffixes and two prefixes? Write down the example of how these words are formed.

Present, greyish, very unpleasant, a shooting range.

4. Identify the roots in related words. Are these words derived from each other? From what words are their generating stems taken?

Birch, birch forest. Currant, currant. Windy, breeze. Forester, forester. Meadow, meadow. Herbal, blade of grass.

Make up sentences with any pair of words, underline the parts of the sentence in them.

5. Several words with the same root can be formed from one productive stem. From these, in turn, other words are formed.

Write down the words given below according to the example.

Edge, outskirts, edge, extreme, extreme. Leaf, leaf, leaf, leaf, leafy, defoliated, leafless. Paper, paper, paper, paper, wallet. House, homeless, house, house, homely.

6. Read the description of a peasant’s hut from the times of serfdom. What impression does she make on us? What impression did it make on the author? Write down the highlighted words; Next, write down the words from which they are derived and indicate the productive stem in them.

Izba forester consisted of one room, smoky, low and empty, without floors and partitions. A tattered sheepskin coat sat on the wall. There was a single-barreled gun on the bench, and a pile of rags lay in the corner; two large bowls stood near stoves. The torch glowed on the table, flashing sadly and going out. In the very middle of the hut there sat a cradle tied to the end of a long pole. The girl pulled the lantern and sat down on the tiny bench and started right hand move the cradle, straighten the splinter with your left hand. I looked around - my heart ached: it’s not fun to enter at night... peasant hut The baby in the cradle... was breathing heavily and quickly. I looked around another time. The hut seemed to me even sadder than before. The hot smell of cooled smoke stifled my breath unpleasantly.

(I. S. Turgenev.)

Name outdated words. Why did they stop being used? ‘

Write down the words with missing letters. Indicate the spelling patterns in them in place of the gaps.

Select and write down words with the same root for the word valyasya, indicate the root in them, put stress in the words, and underline the unstressed vowels.

7. Read. Are there any highlighted words in the language? What words did the children use these words instead of? What words did the children associate them with in meaning?

The child unconsciously demands that the sound has meaning, that the word has a living, tangible image.

His fan is rotator. Spring - mug. Policeman - street man. Excavator - peskovator. Stroganok- this is what they plan. Kopatka- this is what they dig with. beater- this is what they beat with. Mazeline- this is what they smear with.

(According to K.I. Chukovsky.)

8. Write down 15 words each on the topics “Furniture”, “Room”, underline unverifiable unstressed vowels and consonants. Check your entry in a spelling dictionary.

Make 3-5 complex sentences with written words. Emphasize the stems of the sentences.

9. Look at the reproduction of the painting by Yu. P. Kugach “Before the Holiday.” Read the materials for an essay on it. Group these materials according to the following scheme: 1) the room, 2) the furnishings of the room, 3) what the mother, girl and grandmother are doing. Verbally describe what is shown in the picture.

Grandmother near the stove; kneads the dough in a kneading bowl; a towel on a nail near the window; there is a baking tray with a pie on a stool, a mirror on the wall; clean log walls; tear-off calendar and painting; on the right, against the wall, is a large rectangular table; there is oilcloth on it; there is a bench along the entire front wall under the window; on it lies a baking sheet with a pie covered with a clean towel; grandmother bent over the kneading bowl; mother wearing a scarf tied at the back; grandmother tied a scarf in front; a girl in a colorful dress with short sleeves; mother in a skirt and jacket with rolled up sleeves; there is a jug on the bench; there is a plate with filling and ready-made pies on the table; mom rolls out the dough; the girl makes a small pie.


I. Vocabulary and poetic warm-up

1.Read your favorite lines from the poem by heart

2.Underline the two words in the text formed


prefix-suffix way

3.Find epithets and determine their role in the text

My godless Russia,

My sacred country!

Its plains are snowy,

Its gypsies are nomadic,

Oh, isn’t joy given to them?

Her gusts of fire,

Her dreams are advanced

Its writers are alive,

Those who have reached the bottom!

Her thieves are saints,

Her flights are blue,

And our sun and moon!

And these lands are not earthly,

And these riots are daring,

And all of them, all of their depth!

And her nightingales,

And the nights are fiery and icy,

And the mash is ancient, intoxicating

And cups full of wine!

And the threes are wildly steppe,

And these painted knitting needles, and these golden harnesses,

And winged fasteners,

Their necks are swan steep!

And our women are beaten,

Such Russians, dear ones,

And young as spring

And spilling like a wave,

And songs, bursting songs,

How full our chests are,

And all of her, and all of her

My creeping Russia,

My winged country!

I. Severyanin

I. Vocabulary and spelling warm-up

1.Place emphasis on the following words:

anatomist sculpting genesis

apostrophe gastronomy hyphen

being hegemony dispensary

2.Lexico-stylistic warm-up. Determine the lexical meaning of words and make sentences.

gastronomy extraction

hegemony dispensary

3.Remember what words are called that are similar in sound but different in lexical meaning (paronyms).

Discussion - condemnation

Typos - fingerprints

Reproof - exposure

Weapon - weapon

Make sentences with these words.

II. Repetition of what has been learned on the topic “Composition of words”.

1.Theoretical warm-up.

Remember all the significant parts of the word and give them a definition.

In the previous lesson as homework Questions were given to which students had to find answers.

.What is a morpheme, root, cognates, homonymous roots?

2.What is a prefix, suffix, ending, postfix?

.What does each of these service morphemes “serve” for?

(Service morphemes serve to form new words and forms of words)

.Which part of the word contains the lexical meaning?

5.What parts of the word express grammatical meaning?

.What parts of speech do not have an ending?

.Prove that when selecting words with the same root, it is necessary to take into account the meaning of the word.

.Remember, spelling habits that rely on the ability to identify morphemes in words.

At home, students recalled previously studied material and made notes in notebooks.

A stem is a part of a variable word without an ending or the entire unchangeable word. The basis of independent words (nouns, verbs, etc.) can include, in addition to the root, suffixes and prefixes. The basis of a word is its lexical meaning.

The root is the main significant part of the word, which contains general meaning all cognate words.

A suffix is ​​a significant part of a word, which is usually found after the root and serves to form words.

A prefix is ​​a significant part of a word that is located before the root and serves to form words.

Independent words that have the same root form a group of words with the same root. The lexical meaning of each of the same-root words includes the meaning of the root.

2.Word formation is a branch of the science of language that provides answers to two questions:

1) how words are constructed (that is, what parts they consist of);

) how they are formed (that is, from what and with the help of what).

Spelling is a branch of the science of language in which the rules of word hanging are studied.

What ways of forming words do you know?

The main ways of forming words in the Russian language.

Students' answers.

Words in the Russian language are most often formed from other words by adding prefixes and suffixes to them:

v in a prefixed way (using prefixes, for example, to darken from the verb to darken);

v suffixal (using suffixes, for example, avtozavodskoy from avtozavod);

v prefix-suffixal (using the simultaneous addition of a prefix and a suffix, for example, to connect from one);

v without suffix (for example, transition from the verb to pass).

Words can be formed by adding stems (with the help of connecting vowels, for example, icebreaker from ice and chop, or without them, for example, Ivangorod), adding words, for example, sofa bed, transitioning one part of speech to another (for example, factory canteen and dining room room).

Thus, the conclusion is drawn:

To determine the method of word formation, it is necessary to reason as follows: birch (log) - (log) from birch. This means that the word birch is formed from the word birch, from which the base of birches is taken - and to which the suffix -ov- is added; therefore, it is a suffixal mode of formation.

Boletus is a mushroom growing in a birch forest. This means that the word boletus is derived from the word birch, from which the base birch- is taken and to which the prefix pod- and the suffix -ik- are simultaneously added; therefore, the word boletus is formed in a prefix-suffix way.

The teacher pays attention to the spelling of words formed by adding words, roots, parts of words

Write on the board:

Difficult words. Spelling difficult words.

Connecting vowels “O and E” in complex words.

Students recall theoretical material

Words consisting of two (less often three) roots are called complex. Compound words are formed from the stems of the original words (steam, to carry - locomotive), from whole words (sofa, bed - sofa-bed).

When forming complex words, the connecting vowels “O and E”, as well as “I” (six-year-olds) are most often used. Sometimes complex words are formed without connecting vowels: Ivangorod.

The teacher draws attention to the note made on the board.

Consider difficult words. Which connecting vowel is used after hard consonants, and which one is used after soft consonants, sibilants and C:

steeplejack - to climb

oil pipeline - oil, carry out

pedestrian - walking, walking

A compound word consisting of abbreviated stems of the word is called compound abbreviated

Practical five minutes

The teacher asks a question:

What types of correspondents are there?

To answer this question, form words according to the model: children's correspondent - detkor. Make up a sentence with any of the resulting words homogeneous members.

Junior correspondent, special correspondent, own correspondent,

rural correspondent.

Ø During education compound word abbreviated words are taken from:

  1. parts consisting of several sounds: fish (aquatic) farm (yeast) - fish farm;
  2. initial letters: M (Oskovsky) G (state) U (university) - Moscow State University, pronounced [emgou];

3) initial sounds: s(constructive) m(montage) u(rule) - SMU, pronounced [smu].

The conclusion is drawn:

To determine the gender of a compound abbreviated word formed from the names of the initial letters of abbreviated words, reason like this:

RTS has prepared... all the equipment for the hay

Let's decipher the word RTS - repair and technical station. Station is the main word in the phrase, it feminine, so the verb in the past tense must be in feminine: RTS prepared.

Thus, the key concept is derivativeness. The essence of the mechanism of word formation is the ratio of derivatives and generating words. In each derived word, either the entire generating word or its base is materially represented:

dispensary-dispensary-izova-(t); surprised-surprised-o.

In addition, the meaning of the derivative word is determined by the meaning of the producing one: kindergarten “small garden”, volleyball player “one who plays volleyball”. Derivative words in Russian are formed in various ways.

III. We make a table “Word Formation Methods” and write it down in a notebook.

1.The children were able to remember all types of morphological methods of formation. We will focus on the affix-free (suffix-free) method. This is the formation of new words without adding a suffix:

wide-width, deep-depth, water-watering, exit-exit

2.The morphological-syntactic method is the emergence of new words as a result of the transition of one part of speech to another. When used as another part of speech, the word changes its lexical meaning and grammatical features. In modern Russian there is:

3.Transition of adjectives and participles into nouns (substantivation):

sick person (adj.) - accepts a sick person (noun),

wounded fighter (adj.) - brought the wounded (noun)

4.Transition of numerals into adjectives:

first bell (number) - first mathematician in class (adj.)

5.Conversion of participles into adjectives:

scattered seeds (adj.) - absent-minded glance (adj.),

refined money (adj.) - refined manners (adj.)

6.Transition of gerunds into adverbs:

standing on one leg (adverb) - ride standing (adv.),

sitting on the ground (adverb) - talk while sitting (adv.)

7.Transition of nouns into adverbs:

jogging (noun) - not catching up by running (adv.)

admire the spring (noun) - return in the spring (adv.)

8.Lexical-syntactic method - merging the components of phrases into one word:

today - today,

crazy - crazy;

9.Lexico-semantic method - the emergence of new words as a result of decay polysemantic word for homonyms:

wine strength - old fortress,

pick berries - type text

state of health - accumulate a fortune

word formation Russian linguistic orthographic

Practical work 1

Analysis of the word by composition and word-formation analysis of the word.

Parsing a word by composition is isolating the parts that make up the word, for example, the listener. When analyzing a word by composition, all the parts of which it consists are indicated. Derivational analysis of a word is finding out how it is formed given word, that is, from what and with the help of what it was formed.

For example: listener - listen

During word-formation analysis, only those parts with the help of which it is formed are indicated in a word.

The teacher asks the class a question:

How does word-formation analysis differ from word analysis by composition?

A corresponding entry is made in the notebook.

Plan for analyzing a word by composition: Plan for word-formation analysis: 1) Give an interpretation of the lexical meaning of the word (a listener is someone who listens to someone, something). 1) ending 2) stem 3) suffix (suffixes) 2) compare the composition of a given word with the same root (listener - listen); 4) prefix (prefixes) identify the part (or parts) of the word from which it is formed (-tel). 5) root 3) Determine from what the base is formed (from listener - from the word listener). Listener listener - listen

Writing in a notebook

Plan for parsing words by composition

1.Give an interpretation of the lexical meaning of the word

2.Find the word (combination of words) from which it is derived, highlight the generating stem

.Identify the morpheme with which it is formed

.Build a word chain

.Determine the method of word formation. Give examples of words formed in the same way using the same morphemes

Practical work 2

Let's work with the word "INCRIPTION".

1.The noun inscription means “short text on something.”

2.Derived from the verb to inscribe. The productive basis is inscriptions.

.Formed by cutting off the suffix - a - (according to another point of view, using a zero derivational suffix).

.Write - inscribe - inscription.

.The word is formed in a suffixless way (according to another point of view - in the way of zero suffixation) (recording, output, mowing).

Training exercises

1. Select 2-3 nouns, adjectives and verbs for each way of forming words. Add the words below according to how they are formed.




Addition (word stems or whole words)

Addition of abbreviated stems

Transition from one part of speech to another

Pilot, parachutist, electric locomotive, inaccessible, strange (act), present, junior correspondent, Youth Theater, camping trip, poultry farm, teacher's room, Moscow State University, stand up, employee, chair-bed, savings bank.

2. Complete the lists of words with 3-4 examples of each way of forming complex words. Make up a sentence with the compound word astronaut; Underline the main members in it.

1. Addition of two whole words: launch vehicle, cosmonaut.

Adding a part of a word to a whole word: physical education, drama club.

Addition complete basics using connecting vowels o, e: steeplejack, field guide, black-eyed, rocket launcher.

Addition of abbreviated basics: trade union committee, Youth Theater, university.

a) Determine from what and with what help these words are formed.

Sample: birch - birch

fuel truck - transport gasoline

Joyful, reddish, excellent, spruce forest, nuclear-powered ship, sunrise, underwater, ribbon(?)ka, binder, bakery, break.

Are the words birch and birch forest, currant and currant, forester and forestry formed from each other? meadow and meadow; herbal and blade of grass? What words are they derived from?

b) How are these words formed?

Example: diver - water, climb; diver - diver.

Leaf fall, steamboat, forest-steppe, nasopharynx, water supply, forest park, reinforced concrete, launch vehicle, samovar, diesel locomotive, launch vehicle, swim.

  1. prefix,
  2. suffixal,

3) prefix-suffix methods.

Indicate in writing the method of their formation.

Sample: honey fungus - stump

Ø Which words have alternating sounds?

Ø Indicate the conditions for selecting inserted spellings.

touch..touch, g..mature,, r..drain, wipe..wipe, rider..nick, grow..stitch, bind..keep, revive..vit, insensible, be..windy, re..chik, teacher.

Ø With the sequential formation of words from each other, a chain of words with the same root is created: gray - grayish - grayish; pleasant - unpleasant - very unpleasant.

d) Arrange words with the same root, taking into account the sequence of their formation from each other.



Edge, outskirts, edge, extreme, extreme. Leaf, leaf, leaf, leaf, leafy, defoliated, leafless. Paper, paper, paper, paper, wallet.

Linguistic game on the topic “Word Formation”.


1. Read the pairs of words. Please note that the initial parts are the same in their spelling. Is the morphemic composition of the beginnings of words in each pair the same?

Advanced - entrust

Move - move

Depict - isolate

Window sill - plantain

Subject - Milker

Wall - simple

Called - prize

Detach - shake off

Gateway - courtyard

Restore the word-formation chain by writing the missing words on sheets of paper, and line up with these sheets in a row so that each participant holding a sheet with a word can name the way in which his word was formed from the previous one.

1st team: judging is reckless

I am the command: dry - aridity

judge (prefixal) judge (suffixal) - reason (prefixal-suffixal) - reckless (suffixal) - recklessly;

dry (suffixless) - dry (prefixal) - dry up (suffixless) - drought (suffixal) - arid (suffixal) - aridity

Everyone has probably had to guess charades more than once, for example:

My root is in price,

In the essay, find the prefix for me,

Everyone saw my suffix in the notebook,

All the same - I am in the diary and in the magazine.


Compose your own poetic charade.

Suffixes, like words, can have multiple meanings. Choose one word with the suffix - nick - with the meaning of the name

  1. occupations, professions boss
  2. item, fixture teapot

day of the week Monday

6. Name the word from which this word was formed and the method of word formation.

Free, passer-by, machine operator, Urals, new settler, early evening, criticize, catering department, blue, four hundred.

Give examples of complex words in which the prefix comes after the root, for example: crazy.

One of the interesting artistic techniques, used in literature, and especially in poetry, is word creation. The famous 20th century poet Velimir Khlebnikov has the following poem:

Spell of laughter

Oh, laugh, you laughers!

Oh, laugh, you laughers!

That they laugh with laughter,

that they laugh laughingly,

Oh, laugh merrily!

making people laugh - laughter

funny laughers!

Oh, laugh laughingly, laughter

ridiculous laughers!

Smeyevo, Smeyevo,

Laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh,

Laughers, laughers!

Oh, laugh, you laughers!

Oh, laugh, you laughers!

Compose your poem using the technique of word creation.

IV. Exercises for consolidation are given by the teacher at his discretion

Execute the block training exercises

Copy the text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks

In his works, the poet Konstantin Skvortsov talks about the fate of Russia and individual people about the fate of the world. He has a deep historical memory, a bold (un)expected interpretation of historical events, everything that was characteristic of Russian dramatic poetry. But K. Skvortsov has his own path to (s, s)ku (s, se) your view of the world, the poet continues the traditions of Russian literature, but he is original (not, not) like anyone else. The depth and acuity of feelings, holiness, loyalty to oneself, admiration for a woman, morality, honor, height of spirit, this is what distinguishes his lyric. “I will inherit the sky...” is the credo of the poet and man Konstantin Skvortsov.

Define the text style:

) scientific; 2) journalistic; 3) artistic.

Identify the main idea of ​​the passage and write it down.

Write out a noun from the text that does not have an ending.

Find the wrong statement:

) the ending forms the forms of the word;

) the ending is not part of the stem of the word;

) all words in Russian have endings.

Indicate the numbers of words with zero endings:

) burned; 2) building; 3) thinner; 4) swimming; 5) home; 6) carried away;

) Well done; 8) comment; 9) proud; 10) amazing.

Indicate the numbers of words with a prefix times:

1)break; 2) disarm; 3) get offended; 4) disappoint;

) angry; 6) ruin; 7) disunite; 8) disassembled;

) accelerate; 10) open up.

Specify the meaning of the prefix in the word cut:

1) distribution; 2) distribution of action in different sides;

) fragmentation; 4) division into parts.

8. Indicate the meaning of the prefix in the word ponder:

) direction of movement or action inward;

) concentration and intensity of action;

) upward direction of movement.

Write out the word(s) from the text in which(s) is not a prefix.

Indicate the numbers of words that do not have a suffix:

) domina; 8) bridge; 9) fox; 10) two-horned; 11) Moskvorechye.

Indicate the numbers of words that have two suffixes:

) ring; 2) river; 3) high-speed; 4) said; 5) rescuer;

) seen; 7) paper-making; 8) everyday.

Dining room, Unified State Examination, seaworthy, multilingual, reach out, motionless, creaking.

Sort out the words according to their composition:

1) personal; 2) windless; 3) became stubborn; 4) player.

14. Write the words in two columns.

Cognate (related) wordsForms of the same word

Bad, inferior; journalist, journalism; write, I will write; beautiful, more beautiful; I’ll write, write; I, me; entertainer, entertainer; chocolate, chocolate.

Find the “extra” word:

) knife, sheath, hobble, knife;

) nose, spout, bridge of the nose, carrying;

3) lead, lead, conductor, reindeer herder.

16. Which word(s) have the suffix -l-?

) in love; 2) drop; 3) chisel; 4) sailed; 5) frugality;

) porter.

Label the prefixes.

Duvet cover, plantain, trim, sole, tear, milk, chat, alarm, step on, present.

Which words don't have a suffix?

) nightingale; 2) blue; 3) fox; 4) animals; 5) scare away; 6) mother's.

Determine which part of speech the highlighted words belong to.

How are the words good and evil formed?

It's not surprising that Kindman in every man seeks Kind,A wicked- evil.It's amazing what they both find. (Ts. Melamed)

Write out words with subjective evaluation suffixes from K. Rubinsky’s poem. For what purpose does the author use them?

Autumn day

Walking silently with baby Sheptushka,

Autumn yellowed the ears of all the leaves.

Behind her the rains follow a silent path

They carried some water in a transparent basket.

And this alarming, tender dampness

They were scattered around the world.

And the yellow leaves were told no jokes

Prepare your parachutes for the wind.

Write out the author's neologisms from K. Rubinsky's poem. How do you rate them?

Words in the Russian language are most often formed from other words by adding morphemes to them:

  • prefix way (using prefixes, for example: darken from darken),
  • suffixal(using suffixes, for example: avtozavodskoy from avtozavod),
  • prefix-suffixal(using the simultaneous addition of a prefix and suffix, for example: connect from one),
  • suffixless(for example, transition from go).

These methods are called morphemic.

Words can be formed laying down the basics(with the help of connecting vowels, for example: icebreaker from ice and prick, or without them, for example: Ivangorod), adding words(for example, a sofa bed), transition one part of speech to another (for example, a factory canteen from a dining room).

To determine the way a word is formed, think like this: birch (log) - (log) from birch. This means that the word birch is derived from the word birch, from which the base is taken birch- and to which the suffix is ​​added -ov-. Therefore, this is a suffixal method of formation.

A fellow student is a student in the same course as someone else. This means that the word fellow student is formed from the word course by simultaneous addition of the prefix co- and suffix -Nick. Consequently, the noun fellow student is formed in a prefix-suffix way.

When using word-formation analysis to determine how a word was formed, one must keep in mind that it is not always able to do this. As already mentioned, the real origin of a word (and even then not always) can be determined by its etymological analysis. This is explained both by the changes that constantly occur in native Russian words, and by the borrowing of foreign words by our language.

123 . Determine from what and with what help these words are formed.

Joyful, reddish, excellent, spruce forest, nuclear-powered ship, sunrise, underwater, ribbon(?)ka, binder, bakery, break.

124 . Are the words birch and birch forest formed from each other? currant and currant; windy and breezey; forester and forester; meadow and meadow; grassy and blade of grass! What words are they derived from?

125 . Write down the words denoting 1) an excessive degree of the characteristic, 2) a moderate degree of the characteristic. Select morphemes that indicate the degree of manifestation of the characteristic.

Weak, rude, greyish, hoarse, very beautiful, cheerful, the best, the highest, the smallest, the most kind, the most lovely, the most excellent, the most unpleasant.

126 . In the left column write down words formed by prefixes and suffixes, in the right column - in other ways. In the written words, indicate the parts of words with which they are formed. What words are formed without a suffix? Keep in mind: the action meaning of nouns is secondary.

Exit, sawdust, grow..sti, tip, gas pipeline, evaporate, laundry, golden, (linen), collar, limit, toiler, eat..sit, swim, clove, sleeveless jacket, samovar, confectionery, raincoat- tent, entrance

127 . How are these words formed?

Leaf fall, steamboat, forest-steppe, nasopharynx, water supply, forest park, reinforced concrete, launch vehicle, samovar, diesel locomotive, launch vehicle, swim.

128 . Write down the words formed: 1) by prefixes, 2) by suffixes, 3) by prefixes and suffixes. Indicate in writing the method of their formation.

Which words have alternating sounds? Indicate the conditions for selecting inserted spellings. Arrange, r..drain, wipe..wipe, rider..nik, grow..stitch, legitimize, revive..vit, insensitive, windless, re..chik, teacher.

With the sequential formation of words from each other, a chain of words with the same root is created: gray → grayish → grayish; pleasant → unpleasant → very unpleasant.

129 . Arrange words with the same root, taking into account the sequence of their formation from each other.

Edge, outskirts, edge, extreme, extreme. Leaf, leaf, leaf, leaf, leafy, defoliated, leafless. Paper, paper, paper, paper, wallet*.


I. Vocabulary and poetic warm-up

1.Read your favorite lines from the poem by heart

2.Underline the two words in the text formed


prefix-suffix way

3.Find epithets and determine their role in the text

My godless Russia,

My sacred country!

Its plains are snowy,

Its gypsies are nomadic,

Oh, isn’t joy given to them?

Her gusts of fire,

Her dreams are advanced

Its writers are alive,

Those who have reached the bottom!

Her thieves are saints,

Her flights are blue,

And our sun and moon!

And these lands are not earthly,

And these riots are daring,

And all of them, all of their depth!

And her nightingales,

And the nights are fiery and icy,

And the mash is ancient, intoxicating

And cups full of wine!

And the threes are wildly steppe,

And these painted knitting needles, and these golden harnesses,

And winged fasteners,

Their necks are swan steep!

And our women are beaten,

Such Russians, dear ones,

And young as spring

And spilling like a wave,

And songs, bursting songs,

How full our chests are,

And all of her, and all of her

My creeping Russia,

My winged country!

I. Severyanin

I. Vocabulary and spelling warm-up

1.Place emphasis on the following words:

anatomist sculpting genesis

apostrophe gastronomy hyphen

being hegemony dispensary

2.Lexico-stylistic warm-up. Determine the lexical meaning of words and make sentences.

gastronomy extraction

hegemony dispensary

3.Remember what words are called that are similar in sound but different in lexical meaning (paronyms).

Discussion - condemnation

Typos - fingerprints

Reproof - exposure

Weapon - weapon

Make sentences with these words.

II. Repetition of what has been learned on the topic “Composition of words”.

1.Theoretical warm-up.

Remember all the significant parts of the word and give them a definition.

In the previous lesson, questions were given as homework for which students had to find answers.

.What is a morpheme, root, cognates, homonymous roots?

2.What is a prefix, suffix, ending, postfix?

.What does each of these service morphemes “serve” for?

(Service morphemes serve to form new words and forms of words)

.Which part of the word contains the lexical meaning?

5.Which parts of a word express grammatical meaning?

.What parts of speech do not have an ending?

.Prove that when selecting words with the same root, it is necessary to take into account the meaning of the word.

.Remember, spelling habits that rely on the ability to identify morphemes in words.

At home, students recalled previously studied material and made notes in notebooks.

An ending is a variable significant part of a word that forms the form of a word and serves to connect words in a phrase and sentence. Among the endings there are zero endings.

A stem is a part of a variable word without an ending or the entire unchangeable word. The basis of independent words (nouns, verbs, etc.) can include, in addition to the root, suffixes and prefixes. The basis of a word is its lexical meaning.

The root is the main significant part of the word, which contains the general meaning of all words with the same root.

A suffix is ​​a significant part of a word, which is usually found after the root and serves to form words.

A prefix is ​​a significant part of a word that is located before the root and serves to form words.

Independent words that have the same root form a group of words with the same root. The lexical meaning of each of the same-root words includes the meaning of the root.

2.Word formation is a branch of the science of language that provides answers to two questions:

1) how words are constructed (that is, what parts they consist of);

) how they are formed (that is, from what and with the help of what).

Spelling is a branch of the science of language in which the rules of word hanging are studied.

What ways of forming words do you know?

The main ways of forming words in the Russian language.

Students' answers.

Words in the Russian language are most often formed from other words by adding prefixes and suffixes to them:

v in a prefixed way (using prefixes, for example, to darken from the verb to darken);

v suffixal (using suffixes, for example, avtozavodskoy from avtozavod);

v prefix-suffixal (using the simultaneous addition of a prefix and a suffix, for example, to connect from one);

v without suffix (for example, transition from the verb to pass).

Words can be formed by adding stems (with the help of connecting vowels, for example, icebreaker from ice and chop, or without them, for example, Ivangorod), adding words, for example, sofa bed, transitioning one part of speech to another (for example, factory canteen and dining room room).

Thus, the conclusion is drawn:

To determine the method of word formation, it is necessary to reason as follows: birch (log) - (log) from birch. This means that the word birch is formed from the word birch, from which the base of birches is taken - and to which the suffix -ov- is added; therefore, it is a suffixal mode of formation.

Boletus is a mushroom growing in a birch forest. This means that the word boletus is derived from the word birch, from which the base birch- is taken and to which the prefix pod- and the suffix -ik- are simultaneously added; therefore, the word boletus is formed in a prefix-suffix way.

The teacher pays attention to the spelling of words formed by adding words, roots, parts of words

Write on the board:

Difficult words. Spelling difficult words.

Connecting vowels “O and E” in complex words.

Students recall theoretical material

Words consisting of two (less often three) roots are called complex. Compound words are formed from the stems of the original words (steam, to carry - locomotive), from whole words (sofa, bed - sofa-bed).

When forming complex words, the connecting vowels “O and E”, as well as “I” (six-year-olds) are most often used. Sometimes complex words are formed without connecting vowels: Ivangorod.

The teacher draws attention to the note made on the board.

Consider difficult words. Which connecting vowel is used after hard consonants, and which one is used after soft consonants, sibilants and C:

steeplejack - to climb

oil pipeline - oil, carry out

pedestrian - walking, walking

A compound word consisting of abbreviated stems of the word is called compound abbreviated

Practical five minutes

The teacher asks a question:

What types of correspondents are there?

To answer this question, form words according to the model: children's correspondent - detkor. Make up a sentence with homogeneous members with any of the resulting words.

Junior correspondent, special correspondent, own correspondent,

rural correspondent.

Ø When forming a compound abbreviated word, the following is taken from the abbreviated words:

  1. parts consisting of several sounds: fish (aquatic) farm (yeast) - fish farm;
  2. initial letters: M (Oskovsky) G (state) U (university) - Moscow State University, pronounced [emgou];

3) initial sounds: s(constructive) m(montage) u(rule) - SMU, pronounced [smu].

The conclusion is drawn:

To determine the gender of a compound abbreviated word formed from the names of the initial letters of abbreviated words, reason like this:

RTS has prepared... all the equipment for the hay

Let's decipher the word RTS - repair and technical station. Station is the main word in the phrase; it is feminine, so the verb in the past tense must be feminine: RTS prepared.

Thus, the key concept is derivativeness. The essence of the mechanism of word formation is the ratio of derivatives and generating words. In each derived word, either the entire generating word or its base is materially represented:

dispensary-dispensary-izova-(t); surprised-surprised-o.

In addition, the meaning of the derivative word is determined by the meaning of the producing one: kindergarten “small garden”, volleyball player “one who plays volleyball”. Derivative words in Russian are formed in various ways.

III. We make a table “Word Formation Methods” and write it down in a notebook.

1.The children were able to remember all types of morphological methods of formation. We will focus on the affix-free (suffix-free) method. This is the formation of new words without adding a suffix:

wide-width, deep-depth, water-watering, exit-exit

2.The morphological-syntactic method is the emergence of new words as a result of the transition of one part of speech to another. When used as another part of speech, the word changes its lexical meaning and grammatical features. In modern Russian there is:

3.Transition of adjectives and participles into nouns (substantivation):

sick person (adj.) - accepts a sick person (noun),

wounded fighter (adj.) - brought the wounded (noun)

4.Transition of numerals into adjectives:

first bell (number) - first mathematician in class (adj.)

5.Conversion of participles into adjectives:

scattered seeds (adj.) - absent-minded glance (adj.),

refined money (adj.) - refined manners (adj.)

6.Transition of gerunds into adverbs:

standing on one leg (adverb) - ride standing (adv.),

sitting on the ground (adverb) - talk while sitting (adv.)

7.Transition of nouns into adverbs:

jogging (noun) - not catching up by running (adv.)

admire the spring (noun) - return in the spring (adv.)

8.Lexical-syntactic method - merging the components of phrases into one word:

today - today,

crazy - crazy;

quickly soluble - instant

9.The lexical-semantic method is the emergence of new words as a result of the breakdown of a polysemantic word into homonyms:

wine strength - old fortress,

pick berries - type text

state of health - accumulate a fortune

word formation Russian linguistic orthographic

Practical work 1

Analysis of the word by composition and word-formation analysis of the word.

Parsing a word by composition is isolating the parts that make up the word, for example, the listener. When analyzing a word by composition, all the parts of which it consists are indicated. Derivational analysis of a word is finding out how a given word is formed, that is, from what and with the help of what it was formed.

For example: listener - listen

During word-formation analysis, only those parts with the help of which it is formed are indicated in a word.

The teacher asks the class a question:

How does word-formation analysis differ from word analysis by composition?

A corresponding entry is made in the notebook.

Plan for analyzing a word by composition: Plan for word-formation analysis: 1) Give an interpretation of the lexical meaning of the word (a listener is someone who listens to someone, something). 1) ending 2) stem 3) suffix (suffixes) 2) compare the composition of a given word with the same root (listener - listen); 4) prefix (prefixes) identify the part (or parts) of the word from which it is formed (-tel). 5) root 3) Determine from what the base is formed (from listener - from the word listener). Listener listener - listen

Writing in a notebook

Plan for parsing words by composition

1.Give an interpretation of the lexical meaning of the word

2.Find the word (combination of words) from which it is derived, highlight the generating stem

.Identify the morpheme with which it is formed

.Build a word chain

.Determine the method of word formation. Give examples of words formed in the same way using the same morphemes

Practical work 2

Let's work with the word "INCRIPTION".

1.The noun inscription means “short text on something.”

2.Derived from the verb to inscribe. The productive basis is inscriptions.

.Formed by cutting off the suffix - a - (according to another point of view, using a zero derivational suffix).

.Write - inscribe - inscription.

.The word is formed in a suffixless way (according to another point of view - in the way of zero suffixation) (recording, output, mowing).

Training exercises

1. Select 2-3 nouns, adjectives and verbs for each way of forming words. Add the words below according to how they are formed.




Addition (word stems or whole words)

Addition of abbreviated stems

Transition from one part of speech to another

Pilot, parachutist, electric locomotive, inaccessible, strange (act), present, junior correspondent, Youth Theater, camping trip, poultry farm, teacher's room, Moscow State University, stand up, employee, chair-bed, savings bank.

2. Complete the lists of words with 3-4 examples of each way of forming complex words. Make up a sentence with the compound word astronaut; Underline the main members in it.

1. Addition of two whole words: launch vehicle, cosmonaut.

Adding a part of a word to a whole word: physical education, drama club.

Addition of complete stems using connecting vowels o, e: steeplejack, field climber, black-eyed, rocket launcher.

Addition of abbreviated basics: trade union committee, Youth Theater, university.

a) Determine from what and with what help these words are formed.

Sample: birch - birch

fuel truck - transport gasoline

Joyful, reddish, excellent, spruce forest, nuclear-powered ship, sunrise, underwater, ribbon(?)ka, binder, bakery, break.

Are the words birch and birch forest, currant and currant, forester and forestry formed from each other? meadow and meadow; herbal and blade of grass? What words are they derived from?

b) How are these words formed?

Example: diver - water, climb; diver - diver.

Leaf fall, steamboat, forest-steppe, nasopharynx, water supply, forest park, reinforced concrete, launch vehicle, samovar, diesel locomotive, launch vehicle, swim.

  1. prefix,
  2. suffixal,

3) prefix-suffix methods.

Indicate in writing the method of their formation.

Sample: honey fungus - stump

Ø Which words have alternating sounds?

Ø Indicate the conditions for selecting inserted spellings.

touch..touch, g..mature,, r..drain, wipe..wipe, rider..nick, grow..stitch, bind..keep, revive..vit, insensible, be..windy, re..chik, teacher.

Ø With the sequential formation of words from each other, a chain of words with the same root is created: gray - grayish - grayish; pleasant - unpleasant - very unpleasant.

d) Arrange words with the same root, taking into account the sequence of their formation from each other.


Edge, outskirts, edge, extreme, extreme. Leaf, leaf, leaf, leaf, leafy, defoliated, leafless. Paper, paper, paper, paper, wallet.

Linguistic game on the topic “Word Formation”.


1. Read the pairs of words. Please note that the initial parts are the same in their spelling. Is the morphemic composition of the beginnings of words in each pair the same?

Advanced - entrust

Move - move

Depict - isolate

Window sill - plantain

Subject - Milker

Wall - simple

Transparent - prosaic

Called - prize

Detach - shake off

Gateway - courtyard

Restore the word-formation chain by writing the missing words on sheets of paper, and line up with these sheets in a row so that each participant holding a sheet with a word can name the way in which his word was formed from the previous one.

1st team: judging is reckless

I am the command: dry - aridity

judge (prefixal) judge (suffixal) - reason (prefixal-suffixal) - reckless (suffixal) - recklessly;

dry (suffixless) - dry (prefixal) - dry up (suffixless) - drought (suffixal) - arid (suffixal) - aridity

Everyone has probably had to guess charades more than once, for example:

My root is in price,

In the essay, find the prefix for me,

Everyone saw my suffix in the notebook,

All the same - I am in the diary and in the magazine.

Compose your own poetic charade.

Suffixes, like words, can have multiple meanings. Choose one word with the suffix - nick - with the meaning of the name

  1. occupations, professions boss
  2. item, fixture teapot

day of the week Monday

6. Name the word from which this word was formed and the method of word formation.

Free, passer-by, machine operator, Urals, new settler, early evening, criticize, catering department, blue, four hundred.

Give examples of complex words in which the prefix comes after the root, for example: crazy.

One of the interesting artistic techniques used in literature, and especially in poetry, is word creation. The famous 20th century poet Velimir Khlebnikov has the following poem:

Spell of laughter

Oh, laugh, you laughers!

Oh, laugh, you laughers!

That they laugh with laughter,

that they laugh laughingly,

Oh, laugh merrily!

making people laugh - laughter

funny laughers!

Oh, laugh laughingly, laughter

ridiculous laughers!

Smeyevo, Smeyevo,

Laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh,

Laughers, laughers!

Oh, laugh, you laughers!

Oh, laugh, you laughers!

Compose your poem using the technique of word creation.

IV. Exercises for consolidation are given by the teacher at his discretion

Perform a block of training exercises

Copy the text, opening brackets, inserting missing letters and punctuation marks

In his works, the poet Konstantin Skvortsov talks about the fate of Russia and individual people about the fate of the world. He has a deep historical memory, a bold (un)expected interpretation of historical events, everything that was characteristic of Russian dramatic poetry. But K. Skvortsov has his own path to (s, s)ku (s, se) your view of the world, the poet continues the traditions of Russian literature, but he is original (not, not) like anyone else. The depth and acuity of feelings, holiness, loyalty to oneself, admiration for a woman, morality, honor, height of spirit, this is what distinguishes his lyric. “I will inherit the sky...” is the credo of the poet and man Konstantin Skvortsov.

Define the text style:

) scientific; 2) journalistic; 3) artistic.

Identify the main idea of ​​the passage and write it down.

Write out a noun from the text that does not have an ending.

Find the wrong statement:

) the ending forms the forms of the word;

) the ending is not part of the stem of the word;

) all words in Russian have endings.

Indicate the numbers of words with zero endings:

) burned; 2) building; 3) thinner; 4) swimming; 5) home; 6) carried away;

) Well done; 8) comment; 9) proud; 10) amazing.

Indicate the numbers of words with a prefix times:

1)break; 2) disarm; 3) get offended; 4) disappoint;

) angry; 6) ruin; 7) disunite; 8) disassembled;

) accelerate; 10) open up.

Specify the meaning of the prefix in the word cut:

1) distribution; 2) distribution of action in different directions;

) fragmentation; 4) division into parts.

8. Indicate the meaning of the prefix in the word ponder:

) direction of movement or action inward;

) concentration and intensity of action;

) upward direction of movement.

Write out the word(s) from the text in which(s) is not a prefix.

Indicate the numbers of words that do not have a suffix:

) domina; 8) bridge; 9) fox; 10) two-horned; 11) Moskvorechye.

Indicate the numbers of words that have two suffixes:

) ring; 2) river; 3) high-speed; 4) said; 5) rescuer;

) seen; 7) paper-making; 8) everyday.

Indicate the word(s) from which the given one(s) is derived. Name the method of word formation.

Dining room, Unified State Examination, seaworthy, multilingual, reach out, motionless, creaking.

Sort out the words according to their composition:

1) personal; 2) windless; 3) became stubborn; 4) player.

14. Write the words in two columns.

Cognate (related) wordsForms of the same word

Bad, inferior; journalist, journalism; write, I will write; beautiful, more beautiful; I’ll write, write; I, me; entertainer, entertainer; chocolate, chocolate.

Find the “extra” word:

) knife, sheath, hobble, knife;

) nose, spout, bridge of the nose, carrying;

3) lead, lead, conductor, reindeer herder.

16. Which word(s) have the suffix -l-?

) in love; 2) drop; 3) chisel; 4) sailed; 5) frugality;

) porter.

Label the prefixes.

Duvet cover, plantain, trim, sole, tear, milk, chat, alarm, step on, present.

Which words don't have a suffix?

) nightingale; 2) blue; 3) fox; 4) animals; 5) scare away; 6) mother's.

Determine which part of speech the highlighted words belong to.

How are the words good and evil formed?

It's not surprising that Kindman in every man seeks Kind,A wicked- evil.It's amazing what they both find. (Ts. Melamed)

Write out words with subjective evaluation suffixes from K. Rubinsky’s poem. For what purpose does the author use them?

Autumn day

Walking silently with baby Sheptushka,

Autumn yellowed the ears of all the leaves.

Behind her the rains follow a silent path

They carried some water in a transparent basket.

And this alarming, tender dampness

They were scattered around the world.

And the yellow leaves were told no jokes

Prepare your parachutes for the wind.

Write out the author's neologisms from K. Rubinsky's poem. How do you rate them?


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