Competitions for children for Mother's Day. Competition program for Mother's Day in kindergarten

Scenario for Mother's Day in senior and preparatory group"Come on moms"

Goals and objectives:
Cultivate a sense of respect and love for loved ones.
Promote the development of each child’s abilities and the formation of a children’s team.
Involve parents in preschool activities.
Equipment: computer, presentation, hall decoration.
Celebration progress:
Leading: Mom is the first word a person utters. Mom has kind and gentle hands, they can do everything. Mom has the kindest and true heart, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old a person is, we always need a mother, her affection, her gaze. And the greater our love for our mother, the more joyful and brighter life is.
Today we celebrate the most important, most important day for every person - Mother's Day! After all, it was our mother who gave us life, surrounded us with care and affection, attention and warmth. It is mother who supports us in difficult times of life and rejoices with us in our successes.
Roll call of children:
1. Mother's Day is a worthy good holiday,
Who enters the family like sunshine.
And isn’t it nice for every mother,
When she is rightfully given honor!
2. Today is a solemn day for us,
Day of joy and beauty,
All over the country he gives women
Your smiles and flowers!!!
3. The sun is brighter for me - Mom!
Peace and happiness for me: mom!
The noise of the branches, the flowers of the fields: mother!
Leading: Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Happy is the one who knows mother’s love, affection and care from childhood. And children should respond to her in the same way: love, attention, care.
The song “I love my mommy most of all...”
Host: Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us. Our mothers are very brave, because for your sake they decided to participate in very difficult competitions. And now we invite our mothers of the senior and preparatory groups to our competition program.
Mothers come out to the music and form two teams. Host: You know your child well. Now, for our first competition, we invite four mothers from each team. Children stand in a circle, blindfolded mothers try to recognize their child by his palm. The team that recognizes the children the most wins. Presenter: Mothers try to recognize themselves in the portraits drawn by the children. The team that was most accurate wins.
Leading: And now for our mothers, for ours, we will dance a little.

Performing the dance “Zavalinka”

Leading: And now our mothers will tell you what they affectionately call their children.
And of course they will treat them to candy. Mothers in boxing gloves unwrap the candy and treat their child to it.
Roll call of children:
1. My mother’s hands –
Pair of white swans:
So tender and so beautiful
There is so much love and strength in them!
2. They fly all day long,
It’s as if they don’t know they’re tired.
The house will be made comfortable,
They will sew a new dress,
They will caress you, warm you up -
Mom's hands can do everything!
3. Mom's hair is golden,
And mom has a good laugh.
Ministers also have mothers
But mine is the best!
4. I put forward an idea
Everyone support me:
On a seven day week
Three days off for mothers! Host: Children, what can mothers do?
Children list…………. Now we will check which mothers are housewives. With the help of brooms, mothers carry out balloon ik through obstacles. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.
Presenter: And now, dear mothers, your children have prepared for you a small scene, let's take a look at it.

Mother's Day Scene

Denis: One day, kids gathered in the yard.
6, 7 years old, girls and boys.
They ran around, got tired and sat down to rest.
Timur: - My mother is the best in the world!
Denis: Timur speaks quietly.
Matvey: - And where did you get that from?
Denis: Suddenly Matvey told him.
Timur: - Mom always helps me with everything.
Denis: Timur answers Matvey.
Timur: - She cooks breakfast for me, dresses me for kindergarten,
And then he takes him home from kindergarten.
Stesha: - No! my mommy is the best!
Denis: Stesha says here, frowning.
Stesha: She braids me beautifully,
And reads me bedtime stories,
Buys beautiful clothes
And not when mommy doesn’t scold me.
Matvey: - No, none of you are right.
Denis: Matvey told his friends again.
Matvey: I want to tell you all now that I think my mother is the best!
She cooks, cleans, does laundry, and knows everything, everything, everything in the world!
Tanya and Igor (together): No, Matvey, you’re wrong!
Denis: Tanya and Igor were indignant.
Tanya and Igor (together): Our mother is the best in the world.
Tanya: Mom has two of us, and we have only one.
And yet she copes with both of us.
Igor: She has to wash twice as many clothes.
And twice as many rooms need to be cleaned.
Tanya: Cooking, and ironing too, She needs twice as much.
Igor: So don't argue with us,
Tanya and Igor (together): Otherwise we’ll tell mom everything!
Denis: Wait, don’t swear, friends!
I want to tell you one secret.
Everyone's mother is different.
And for each of you, mom is the best!
Leading: After all, everyone, everyone, everyone needs mothers!
So, dear children,
All girls and boys!
You take care of your mothers,
And always appreciate your mothers!
And you also love your mommy
And for everything, everything, thank her!
All together: Thank you, mom!!! Teams of moms, using colored paper and scissors, make teamwork"Autumn still life"
Leading: Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers.
We are for everything, for everything, dear ones,
We say (all children): “Thank you!” Teams of mothers take turns, answering the leader’s questions, moving forward to the signal mark. They walk around it and pass the baton to the next team members. The team that completes the task faster and more accurately wins. Blindfolded, four mothers from each team collect fruit on cubes. The team that collects the fruit the fastest wins. Cartoon music plays. Moms must guess the cartoon and the name of the song from it. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.
Leading: I would like in the autumn days to take all troubles away from you,
Present a cup of sunny mood to lovely women.
So that your eyes are filled with joy, New freshness for many years
And may your life be brighter than a rainbow and blaze throughout the whole world. Joint competition of mothers and children. Mothers, paired with a child, take turns going through a hoop to a table on which there are glasses of water and two straws. They drink water and return, passing the baton and hoop to the next participants. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.
The jury sums up the results of the competition. The participants are being awarded.
Pasha We are finishing our holiday,
We wish dear mothers.
So that mothers do not grow old,
Younger, prettier.
Andrey We wish our mothers,
Never lose heart.
Every year to be more and more beautiful,
And scold us less.
Together We want, for no reason,
They would give you flowers.
All the men smiled
From your wonderful beauty.
Leading: Our holiday is already over,
What else can we say?
Let me say goodbye and wish you good health!
Be cheerful and healthy. Give good light to everyone!
Come visit again and live to be a hundred years old!
At the end of the holiday, the song “Mom” sounds and the children leave the hall.

Presentation on the topic: Mother’s Day in senior and preparatory school groups

Tatiana Rodionova-Yakovleva
Competition and game program for Mother's Day in senior group“My dear mother!”

Progress of the event:


1. Happy holiday today to my mother,

I hug my mother tightly by the neck.

The most beautiful my mommy,

I promise to always be obedient.

2. Mommy, sorry me: I spilled the tablecloth,

And your tulips fell off the table.

And the vase broke, and there was a puddle on the floor...

If you want, mommy, I'll stand in the corner.

3. I take care of my mother’s work and help as much as I can.

Mom made cutlets for lunch today,

And she said: “Listen, help me, eat!”

I ate a little, isn't that a help?

4. He who warms with love succeeds in everything in the world,

Even play a little?

Who will always console you, and wash you, and comb your hair?

He'll kiss you on the cheek - smack! This is how she is always - mine dear mommy!

Leading: In this world there are words that we call holy. And one of these holy, warm, affectionate words - the word - "Mother". The word that the child says most often, and this word is "Mother". Word - "Mother" carries warmth - warmth mother's hands, mother's word, mother soul.

Today, on the eve of the wonderful holiday of the Day mothers, the day itself native people – we have gathered here to congratulate all women. And also in order to get a boost of energy, show off your erudition, and learn a lot of new and interesting things. Today in our competitive game program two teams will participate. Which consist of mothers and their children. Let's welcome the participants.

Leading: We wish you all good luck today! Before we start competition I would like to introduce the members of our jury.

There are good people everywhere.

There are a lot of them, no matter what you say.

This time you will be judged

A hyper-objective jury.

Leading: Five-point system. I think that the jury will appreciate our participants and will award only the most high scores. And I wish for the audience that our holiday brings a lot of joy and happy moments. And, as you understand, we cannot do without your support!

Don't spare your palms

Let the ovation in the group is thundering!

You cheer for our participants -

Let the smiles of the jury convince.

Leading: warm-up competition"Dance".

I ask participants to stand in pairs (mother - child). Now there will be dance music. First, the children perform the dance movements, and mothers, as in a mirror, must repeat all the movements after them. The judges will evaluate the accuracy and beauty of the movements. Then the warm-up participants will switch roles.

(Dance music plays. Children dance, and mothers repeat their movements. Then mothers dance, and children repeat their movements).

Leading: The jury sums up the results of the dance competition, and we continue.

(children read poetry_)

1. Congratulations, mommy, today is your day!

Let lilacs bloom in your soul in honor of the holiday,

The sun is shining brighter, the frost is not in a hurry,

Life will be strewn with rose petals!

2. May your life be full of joy,

There will be sunshine in the soul, spring in the heart,

Day mothers gives warmth and love.

I say thank you again and again!

3. Happy day I congratulate you mother,

Thank you for what life has given you.

I wish you health and bright years.

And remember, I love you very much!

Leading: Relay race "Make your bed" -

There are tables in front of each team, and the ones next to them are in disarray lie: crib, mattress, pillow, sheet, blanket and bedspread. At the signal, the mothers from each team run first and the first thing they do is set up the beds, words. children run and put down a mattress and so on.

Leading: Well done team, but still our jury, who are given the floor, evaluates you.

(word from the jury)

Leading: The jury announced the first results, don’t be upset - everything is just beginning! Our mothers have already shown how wonderful they dance, let's now check how they sing. I announce ditty competition, but these are not just ditties, and mothers will sing to themselves)

(Moms are given prepared ditties. "Ditties about our mothers")

1. Put your ears on top of your head and listen attentively.

We will sing ditties for you just wonderful.

2. Why doesn’t dad like it when mom puts on makeup?

Because all men immediately like mom!

3. Mom runs away from her family in the morning to go to work.

This mommy He’s just taking a break from us.

4. Mom went on a diet - she gives me all the candy,

If there were no diets, I wouldn’t have seen candy.

5. And who are you born into? -Mom is surprised.

Of course, who can doubt it?

6. The whole family and I played tag on the river.

Dad swam like an axe, Mom swam like a little mermaid.

7. Mom keeps telling me loudly nok: Our dad is a big child!

Musi-pusi-okay. He is grandma's child!

8. All questions and questions, but we have only one answer:

No one asks, there is anyone better than mom!

Presenter: Dear jury, we ask you to give marks for competition of ditties for our mothers. And for the next one competition I need the bravest ones.

(from each team a pair (mother + child, 2 pairs possible.)

Soon New Year and mothers are already thinking about what costume to sew for their child for the matinee. Let’s imagine that tomorrow is the matinee and you urgently need to make a costume for your child from what you have at home. (newspapers, stapler, scissors, tape, satin ribbons, etc.).team representatives can go to another room to create a masterpiece. We wish you good luck, you have 15 minutes! the jury times the time.

(the couples leave and the program continues)

Leading: Meanwhile we will continue. Children, you have all seen how your mothers are getting ready for work. Have you seen it?

What are they doing? They dress beautifully, comb their hair, put makeup on their faces. Do you take a bag with you? (Children's answers)

Contest“Getting Mom ready for work”.on command, the children must get their mother ready for work.

(on the table: scarf, scarf, skirt, jacket (bolero, lipstick)

Leading: Moms are ready, let's walk a little so that the jury can evaluate children's efforts.

(the jury evaluates the result competition“Getting Mom ready for work”.)

Leading: and here are our carnival costumes ready. I ask participants to submit their work.

(Participants pass by the jury.)

While the jury sums up the results, let the children speak

1. Together with autumn, all children

Greetings to dear mothers,

"Mother"- dear word,

There is warmth and light in that word

2. Mom is loved by everyone in the world.

Mother - best friend!

Not only children love their mothers,

Loved by everyone around.

3 Today we invited you,

To be loud and friendly say:

Dear mothers, we congratulate you

And we want to wish you happiness!

Leading: The jury had a difficult job today, but we still ask for the results of the past competitions.

(the jury announces the results)

Leading: we’ve already covered a lot, and we’re a little tired, but I still propose the final relay "Mistress".

First (to mothers) are given: broom and balloon. On mom's signal start and with a broom they drive the balloon to the stand, go around it and, returning, pass the broom to the child. And so in turn - mother and child.

Leading: Let's applaud all participants competition. We ask the jury to evaluate the latter competition and sum up.

1. We are finishing our holiday,

We wish dear mothers,

So that mothers don't were getting old,

Younger, prettier.

2. We wish our mothers,

Never be discouraged

Be more and more beautiful every year

And scold us less.

3. Let adversity and sorrow,

They'll pass you by

So that every day of the week,

It was like a day off for you.

4. We want, for no reason,

They would give you flowers.

All the men smiled

From your wonderful beauty.

(Children give homemade cards to their mothers.)

Leading: Our holiday has come to an end. We thank all participants competition, for attention to children, for the pleasure and festive mood. Let joint preparation for the holidays and your participation in the lives of children kindergarten, will remain forever a good tradition of your family. Thank you for your kind heart, for your desire to be close to children, to give them warmth. We were very pleased to see kind and gentle smiles mommies, happy eyes of their children. For your participation in our holiday and for the fact that you are always with us, for being the best.

Organization: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 125 "Dubok"

Locality: Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary


I developed an entertainment script for Mother's Day.

The most beautiful word on earth is mother. Mom is so short and important word! Without it, life on earth is not possible. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Years pass, mothers grow old, but they remain the most faithful and reliable friends and helpers in their affairs and endeavors. The event script can be used to prepare for Mother's Day. The holiday consists of two parts - a congratulatory and competition program. Helps bring children, parents and teachers closer together.

Target: to instill in schoolchildren love and respect for their mother, a sense of gratitude for her care and love.

Develop relationships between parents and children.

Host: Good afternoon, we are telling you. We are not by chance

gathered today on this November day, in our cozy hall. After all, it is in November that we celebrate such a holiday as Mother’s Day. We greet all mothers and grandmothers who came to our holiday, which we dedicated to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring and, of course, the most beautiful, our mothers.

Child: There are many kind words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more important:

The simple word "mother" is made from two syllables.

And there are no words in the world more valuable than it.

1st child: Do you know moms?

2nd child: Do you know?

3rd child: Do you know?

4th child: Then only the children will be calm and happy,

When you laugh

And you don’t scold us,

When you hug

And you promise -

Always love us

Forgive for mistakes

We are allowed to play pranks and play pranks.

Read to us when it’s night outside the window

And stroke it gently with a soft palm.

We don't ask for much -

Love us, mothers,

How we love you -

The only ones!

Song "Congratulations Song"

Host: There are many proverbs and sayings about mothers. We will now check whether our mothers know them. You need to complete the proverb.

Competition 1. Warm-up - mental gymnastics.

It's warm in the sun, it's warm in mother's presence.../good/

Maternal care does not burn in fire, and does not drown in water...

The bird is happy about spring, and the child.../mother/

There is no sweeter friend than... / dear mother /

Mother's caress has no end.../knows/

For a mother, a child is up to a hundred years old.../child/

Host: I think everyone in the room will be interested to know how well mothers know their children.

Competition "Find your child"

5-7 children line up, opposite their mothers. One of the mothers is blindfolded. Patting the children on the head, she looks for her own.

Host: Now let’s check whether the children recognize their mother’s voice.

Mothers, according to the leader’s sign, one at a time, take turns calling the child, but not by name, but “son” or “daughter”. The child, who recognizes the voice of his mother, must turn around

Child: If the sun hid in the clouds, the birds fell silent.

If mom is upset, where can I have fun?

So let the sun always shine on people, sparkling.

We will never upset you, dear.

Host: We all know that mom knows and can do almost everything. However, she cannot do without helpers.


1. Our dear mothers, we will sing ditties for you,

Congratulations to you warmly and hello huge helmet.

2. I am a helper, no matter where I go, cleaning is nonsense to me,

I looked into the vacuum cleaner and my nose was sucked into the tube.

3. I took out the food processor and started chopping the potatoes.

I only remembered when I turned it on that I forgot to clean it

Chorus: Oh-ma, tru-la-la, that’s how my mother is.

4. So that the evil alarm clock does not wake up your mother for work,

I unscrewed two parts for him tonight.

Chorus: Oh-ma, tru-la-la, that’s how my mother is.

5. We all sang a little, we tried for you.

Clap your hands if you liked it

Host: And now, I want to invite the mothers of our boys. The competition "Tie a bow" is announced

Competition "Tie a Bow"

- A jump rope is brought out, in the center of which a large, bright bow is tied. Untied ribbons are attached to the sides of the bow on the jump rope. One girl is tying bows on the left, another on the right. The large bow in the center is the border. Two boys or adults are holding a jump rope.

Children come out in a semicircle

Child: Mommy is like a butterfly, cheerful, beautiful,

Affectionate, kind - the most beloved.

Mommy plays with me and reads fairy tales.

There is nothing more important to her than me – blue eyes.

Child: Mom, I love you very, very much.

I love it so much that I can’t sleep in the dark at night.

I peer into the darkness, I hurry the morning

I love you all the time, mommy.

Child: I will kiss my mother deeply and hug her dear one.

I love her very much, my mother is my sunshine.

Song "Tender Song"

Host: A woman must know how to do everything: wash, iron, darn, cook. Mothers and grandmothers know how to do this. Here's a thread, here's a button, you need to work hard,

I know our mothers, great craftsmen.

Competition "Who can sew a button faster"

Two mothers are given beautiful, specially sewn, double cloths; large bright buttons made of thick cardboard; needle and thread.

Host: It’s still too early for children to sew on buttons, but I think they can make beads for their mother.

Competition "Make Beads for Mom"

3 mothers sit on chairs. Her child stands next to the chair. Each mother is given a cord of a certain color (red, yellow, green). On the floor in a hoop there are five rings from a pyramid of the same color. According to the count “1,2,3”, children take one bead of the color of the lace and bring it to their mother, stringing it onto the cord. The couple with beads on their mother's neck wins.

Host: Dear mothers, as dear to us.

Tirelessly today, we will talk about you,

1 child: We wish to be the same as before,

But just a little more fun.

We wish that your hopes come true,

As early and quickly as possible

2nd child: So that daily worries,

The smile was not removed from his face.

So that you come home from work,

Without a shadow of sadness and sadness.

3 child: So that the autumn breeze,

I blew away the sediment from my heart of sorrow,

Only by laughing did he disturb the order.

4th child: Mothers beloved, kind and beautiful

We will now congratulate you and give you this dance.

Polka dance

Host: I propose to hold a competition that will help test the erudition of our mothers, grandmothers and children in the field of poetry and fairy tales.

Competition "Find a mistake and give birth correctly"

*They dropped the bunny on the floor and tore off the bunny’s paw.

I won’t leave him anyway, because he’s good.

*Sailor's hat, rope in hand,

I'm pulling a basket along a fast river.

And the kittens are jumping on my heels,

And they ask me: “Ride, captain!”

*I sewed a shirt for Grishka,

I'll sew some pants for him.

I need to sew a sock on them

And add some confetti

*What kind of transport did Emelya use? (on a sleigh, in a carriage, on a stove, in a car)

*Where should a bear not sit? (on a bench, on a log, on a stone, on a stump)

*What did Leopold the cat say to the mice? (stop being naughty, come visit, you are my friends, let's live together)

Presenter: We are finishing our holiday,

We wish dear mothers

So that mothers do not grow old,

Younger, prettier

Child: So that the autumn breeze,

I blew away the sediment from my heart of sorrow,

Only by laughing did he disturb the order.

Child: May adversity and sorrow

They'll pass you by

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you.

Child: We are finishing our holiday,

Dear mothers, we invite you to dance.

Dance "Waltz for Moms"

Host: Our festive evening has come to an end, once again accept our congratulations on such a wonderful holiday, and may the smiles, so tender and joyful, never leave your lips.

Competition goals:

  1. Cultivating a feeling of love for your mother and pride in her, a sense of respect for your parents.
  2. Formation of mutual understanding between mother and daughter.
  3. Involving parents in public events.

Progress of the event

(Jasmine’s song “Mom’s Heart” is playing. The hall is decorated with balloons and posters about mom).

Host: Good evening, dear mothers! Hello!

On this holiday
At this festive hour
We are very glad to see you!
Hello, dear guests,
Have fun and joy.
It’s not without reason, friends, that we bow to you,
Using polite words.

We came here to relieve boredom,
We came to have fun, to play,
Sing songs with you in chorus,
Look at the fun, the fun.


There are many good words in the world
But one thing is kinder and gentler than all:
A two-syllable simple word ma - ma
And there are no words dearer than it.

From pure heart, in simple words
Let's talk about mom, friends.
We love her as a reliable friend,
Because she and I have everything together,
Because when things get tough for us,
We can cry at our own shoulder.
We love her because sometimes
The wrinkles in the eyes become stricter,
But it’s worth confessing
The wrinkles will disappear, the storm will pass away.
For always being straightforward and straightforward
We can open our hearts to her.
And simply because she is our mother.
We love her deeply and tenderly.

Host: The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender to everyone in the world. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the kindest and most affectionate hands that can do everything. And in a mother’s faithful and sensitive heart, love never fades, it does not remain indifferent to anything.

Mom... This word is addressed to the one who gave life to you, me, her, him.

Our mothers deserve to have holidays in their honor not only on March 8, but also on November 28. After all, it’s impossible to live in the world without mothers, no! Because mom brings in daily life beauty, tenderness and charm.

And dad complements it with prudence, tact and gallantry.

Who loves you dearly, children?
Who loves you so tenderly?
Doesn't sleep a wink at night, does everything take care of you?

Children: Mom dear!

Who rocks the cradle for you?
Who amuses you with a song?
Who tells the tales?
And gives you toys?

Children: Mom dear!

If you kids are lazy,
Naughty, playful,
As happens sometimes
Who is shedding tears then?

Children: That's all, dear!

And finally, who is the most beautiful woman on earth?

Children: Mom!

Go around the whole world, just know in advance:
You won’t find warmer and more tender hands than your mother’s.
You won’t find gentler, gentler and more stern eyes
Mom is dearer to each of us.
Travel around the world a hundred ways, a hundred roads,
Mom is the best friend better than mom There is not.

Host: So, we invited you today to congratulate you on the wonderful holiday of Mother's Day. We have also prepared for you the “Mom - 2007” competition dedicated to Mother’s Day.

Let me introduce our jury. And you, dear fans, I hope you didn’t forget to bring with you more smiles and applause for the participants of our competition.

Condition of the competition: mothers participate in the competition. Typing more points, you get a chance to win and the title “Mom – 2007”.

Are you ready? Then let's start!

(Sounds “About Mom”)

Competition No. 1. “Rationales”

15 points – 1 attempt

10 points – 2 attempts

5 points – 3rd try

  • This usually happens in a fairy tale, and sometimes in life.
  • This is what they call everything amazing, unusual, magical.
  • When it happens, we always admire and rejoice (miracle).
  • They hide under dirty nails.
  • They are so small that you can't see them.
  • They can make you sick (germs).
  • It happens often and in many places you have to waste time because of it.
  • But if you need something, you have to put up with it.
  • You wait as long as necessary and you get what you want (queue).
  • Every person should have it, but some people have forgotten about it.
  • It helps you become a real person.
  • When you do something wrong or hurt someone in vain, she torments you

Competition No. 2. "Cinderella".

It is necessary to separate the buckwheat from the rice from the cereal mixture. This competition is for a while.

What you need: rice, buckwheat, plates, music.

Competition No. 3 “Riddles” (1 point).

  • Can lie on a board with nails (yoga).
  • A machine that levels the road (skating rink).
  • The smallest bird (hummingbird).
  • It is glued to the envelope (stamp).
  • A tall post for a sail on a ship (mast).
  • Horse symbol of good luck (horseshoe).
  • It is worn by military personnel, miners, and firefighters (helmet).
  • Shirt made of iron rings (chain mail).
  • Dry stalks of wheat, oats (straw).
  • Strong wind at sea (storm).
  • Deftly rides a horse in the circus (rider).
  • Appears on iron due to dampness (rust).
  • They are used to catch butterflies, dragonflies, and fish (net).
  • Inventor of scuba gear (Cousteau).
  • At night it shows the way for ships (lighthouse).
  • Flat as a plate, lives on the sandy bottom of the sea (flounder).
  • The key to health (cleanliness).
  • What does a carnival mask (face) hide?
  • A requirement to be fulfilled (order).
  • Russian stringed folk instrument (balalaika).
  • A solemn important promise (oath).
  • A very confusing road (labyrinth).

Competition No. 4. “Mom’s hand.” (for spectators).

How many kind, affectionate words have been said about mother’s hands. They wash, cook, do laundry. They also heal, calm, and caress. Will our children be able to recognize the hands of their mothers? Task: with eyes closed recognize mother's hand by touch

What you need: scarves.

Competition No. 5 “Overtaking”.

  • If it is not there, then there is no joy; without it there is no life, but existence.
  • They always wish it to each other, especially in letters.
  • You can't buy it for any money. (health)
  • Every person dreams about him, wants everything to be good in life.
  • But no one knows where to look for him.
  • Eat fairy birds who bring it (happiness)
  • A person brings everything into his home, whether he needs it or not.
  • He doesn't like giving gifts or sharing candy.
  • And it’s better not to ask him for anything, because he won’t give it anyway. (greed)
  • A person is forced to bear responsibility for his bad deed.
  • Adults say that this helps to educate correctly.
  • A person is deprived of something, not allowed to go for a walk because of a bad deed. (punishment)

Competition No. 6. “Warm-up”

Finish the proverbs.

  1. When the sun is warm, ... (and when the mother is good).
  2. The bird rejoices in spring, ... (And the baby is mother).
  3. It’s good at a party... (but at home it’s better).
  4. You don’t need a treasure... (when there is harmony in the family).
  5. The kid's finger will hurt. ... (and the mother has a heart).
  6. There is no better friend... (than my own mother).
  7. The mother feeds the children... (like the land of people).
  8. What’s it like at home - ... (this is what it’s like myself) .

Competition No. 6. “I remember your image thoroughly” (for the audience).

Without turning around, you need to tell everything about your mother: what she is wearing, the color of her eyes, her hair.

Competition No. 7 “Explainers” (mother and children participate)

Host: The kitchen is not only a place where food is prepared, but something more. Here in the evening the whole family gathers at one table and discusses family matters over a cup of tea. It’s impossible to imagine without a kitchen home comfort. Agree, it’s nice to open the door of your apartment and smell fresh pies and hear the melodic noise of a boiling samovar. It has been noted, by the way, that in families where family meals are traditional, there are fewer quarrels, divorces, more respect for each other and mutual understanding. Now we will see how you can understand each other. The task is to explain the name of kitchen utensils without words using gestures. The teams are given envelopes containing tasks: “saucepan”, “refrigerator”, “frying pan”, “microwave oven”, kettle”, “mixer”, etc.

Assignment: mothers describe an object with gestures, and children must guess what it is.
What you need: cards - envelopes with tasks.

Host: And now, our dear mothers, your children have prepared a surprise for you. (Children's performance, concert numbers). And our respected jury will sum up the results at this time.

Dear mothers,
Darlings, there is a concert for you
November, joyful
We'll arrange it now.

The morning begins, mom wakes up.
And my mother’s smile fills the morning
Mom will warm you with her warm palms,
Let sadness be dispelled with kind words.
Why does harmfulness kick into us so often!
“I don’t want, I won’t” – it’s called.
We know, mommy, you're always right
And “please forgive me” - the words sound again.

Our dear mothers, we ourselves admit,
Which of course, we don’t always behave well.
We often upset you because sometimes we don’t notice.
We love you very, very much!
Let's grow kind, and we'll always try,
Behave well.

Listen to our song
Dear Mommy,
Always be healthy
Be always happy!

(The song of the baby mammoth is performed.)

(The scene “Three Mothers” is performed. A table, 3 chairs (and one for the doll) and a tray with 4 cheesecakes are placed.)

Often, children, you are stubborn,
Everyone knows this themselves
Your mothers tell you
But you don’t hear moms.

Host: Tanyusha came from a walk in the evening and asked for the doll...

How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the fidget's table again?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
These daughters are just a disaster!

Go to lunch, spinner.
Cheesecake for lunch today.

Host: Tanya’s mother came home from work and asked Tanya...

Mom doctor:

How are you, daughter?
Playing again, probably in the garden?
Have you managed to forget about food again?
“Dinner,” granny shouted more than once, “And you answered “now” and “now.”
Soon you will be as thin as a match,
Well, let's have dinner!
Today for lunch - cheesecake.

Presenter: Then my grandmother - my mother’s mother came and asked my mother.

How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day.
Again there was not a minute to eat,
And in the morning I ate a dry sandwich.
You can't sit all day without lunch.
She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still restless.
These daughters are just a disaster,
Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.
Go to lunch, spinner!
Cheesecake for lunch today!

Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with stubborn daughters?

All three: Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers.

Student: Present

I decided to cook compote
On mom's birthday.
I took raisins, nuts, honey,
A kilogram of jam.
I put everything in the pan,
Stirred, poured water,
I put it on the stove
And he turned up the fire.
To make it tastier,
I won't regret anything!
Two carrots, onion, banana,
Cucumber, glass of flour,
Half a cracker
I added it to my compote.
Everything was boiling, steam was swirling...
Finally, the compote is cooked!
I took the pan to my mother:
Happy birthday, mommy!
Mom was very surprised
Laughed, admired,
I poured compote for her
Let him try it soon!
Mom drank a little
And... she coughed into her palm,
And then she said sadly:
- Miracle - cabbage soup! Thank you! Tasty.
M. Druzhinin.

(A song is sung for mom).

(Sketch performed)

Vitek leaned over the table and squeezed his temples with his hands.
He writes an essay: “how I help my mother.”
Either Vitek will gnaw on his pen, or he will begin to sniffle gloomily.
There is a name, but what next?:
Try it, come up with an idea!
But then from the kitchen the mother suddenly quietly calls out to her son:

Mom: Vityunchik, run to the store, I would like some salt and matches!

Presenter: Vitek jumped up and shouted to his mother:

Vitya: Why, I’m working on my essay, there’s still a lot of work to do!

Mom fell silent, and her son wrote the phrase in his notebook:
“I always run straight away to buy something for my mother...”
Mom opened the door a crack:

Vityunya! I need you
I'm off to the store, peel some potatoes for dinner!

Vitya: What else!

Presenter: Vitek shouted:

I'm sick of even listening!
There’s an essay here, and you’re with some potatoes...

Mom disappeared, and her son summed it up in his notebook:
“Tomorrow I’ll cook lunch and dinner for mom myself!”

Vitya: Five plus!

Host: He is happy.

Holding onto the hard railing, I froze in the circle of guys.
I would adopt them all, adopt them all!
I would warm my thin palms and look into everyone’s eyes.
Trouble is like a ghost in orphanage, stands along the indifferent walls.
Everyone is dressed the same... And how cold I feel:
I rummage through the bag, where the candies lie like shells at the bottom.
Children in this house feel everything more acutely!
They laugh a little quieter, they grow up a little faster.

Host: All their lives these children have been waiting for their mothers, waiting and believing that someday their mothers will come and take them home. And you guys, be grateful to your mothers for everything they do for you. We are in eternal, unpaid debt to our mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives. Therefore, love her dearly, respect her, take care of her, and do not hurt your mother with your words and actions. Thank her for her work and care for you, be kind, sensitive, and responsive to her. Constant care, attention, cordiality, kind words Mom is waiting for you.

When we grow up, we will take care of our mother ourselves.

Let this care always be mutual and pleasant. Let's leave the Planet of Carefree Mothers forever.

For songs and fairy tales, for troubles and affection!
For delicious cheesecakes, for new toys!

Girls and boys! Come with us
Let's say thank you to grandma, thank you to mom.
For books and counting rhymes, for skis and jump ropes!
For sweet jam, for long patience!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Leading: Dear women, the smile on your faces brought a lot of warmth and light to the atmosphere of our holiday. I want you to smile like that always, and not just on holidays.

This concludes our program, and we once again congratulate you on the holiday. And may you not lose patience, which we all need so much now.

May your kindness bring warmth to the hearts of those around you. Let music always sound in your home, the music of love and kindness.

And let them admire your beauty. After all, you are the most beautiful thing there is.

The solemn moment of summing up the results of the competition has come. While the participants performed, the audience watched with pleasure and applauded, our respected jury worked. The jury gives the floor.

There cannot be winners among mothers;
One is strong in mind, the other is strong in beauty.
Each one is dear to us in its own way,
Tender and dearly loved.

(Music sounds. Winners are awarded).

Rewarding with lottery tickets.

We are holding a lottery, we spare no effort
To please friends, all the gathered guests,
For those who have not yet taken a ticket, I hope there are none.
There may not be a car here, but there are some poems.

  1. There is no more practical gain
    How cellophane bag.
  2. Do you like sweets, or not?
    Here you go a handful of sweets
  3. Even if it's small soap
    He always has great strength.
  4. To raise your low tone
    We give tea We are Georgian for you.
  5. There may be a misfire with the light
    Useful on the farm candle.
  6. To have a beautiful hairstyle
    Have it with you comb.
  7. So as not to splash your neighbor.
    Get it from us napkin.
  8. You are not deprived of happiness
    Get it from us loaf.
  9. If tears suddenly run out of your eyes
    Immediately handkerchief right there
    Dry your tears, smile quickly
    Life is beautiful, enjoy it.
  10. Here's this little thing called pen.
  11. you got it pencil, was no one's now he is yours.
  12. Our friend, don't be bored
    And always drink strong tea.
  13. Let's forget everything that was bad
    Let this soap wash away the scale.
  14. You would like a piano, but you got it calendar.
  15. If you don't have meat, soup in a bag just right.
  16. In life you have to hope for the best glue take it if something doesn't stick.
  17. To prevent your teeth from hurting, brush them at least once a week.
  18. To find out your income will be useful for you notebook.
  19. Fortune, however, has not forgotten about you, bag kefir this is power.
  20. There is no better win than cellophane bag.
  21. To always be beautiful makeup hurry up to receive.
  22. Don't get sick, be strong, we give you napkins.
  23. To save beautiful hairstyle we give you comb.
  24. To know the world well, we offer you newspaper read.

Host: Dear mothers, you are happy today. Because you have such wonderful children, and you children are happy that you have such sweet, good, kind and interesting mothers. Take care of your mothers!

Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye.
The noise and thunder of applause will subside,
And we are with you, dear friend,
Let's continue to go our separate ways, each of us.

Let each of you shine like a star for the children.
I can't help but express from women all
Thank you so much for the evening.
May everyone have success in life
And the bird of happiness will hug your shoulders with its wings.

Good evening - we tell you! It was no coincidence that we gathered in this cozy group. After all, it is in November that we celebrate a holiday like Mother's Day. We welcome all mothers and grandmothers, our most sensitive, kind, caring, hardworking, gentle mothers and grandmothers. And today we want to give you a festive mood. Whether today will be fun depends on you, dear mothers. Today we have not just a holiday, but a competition - entertainment program"The most active mother"

1 child: Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Holiday of grandmothers and mothers,
This is the kindest holiday,
Comes to us in the fall.

2nd child: This is a holiday of obedience,
Congratulations and flowers,
Diligence, adoration -
A holiday of the best words!

3rd child: Mom is like a sorceress:
If she smiles, my every wish comes true.

When mom kisses you, bad things are forgotten.
New day, happy day,
It starts right away.

4 child Mom loves and regrets.
Mom understands.
My mom can do everything
He knows everything in the world!

Together: We give our mothers our love,
We will sing a song for them today.

Song: Mommy my sunshine

Video clip “What is my mother like”

Our dear mothers,

We'll sing ditties for you.

Congratulations to you warmly

And hello huge helmet.

Hey little girls laughing

Sing some ditties,

Sing more cheerfully

To please the guests.

Children sing ditties

Now let's check if your mothers know ditties

Moms perform

Dear mothers, and now I propose to remember the time when these children were just born. It was the most enjoyable time. Baby vests, diapers, bottles, pacifiers and not a bit of free time

Competition: Swaddle the baby (3 mothers and 3 children are invited. They are swaddled using toilet paper, from the throat to the heels, put on a cap and pacifier, lift it onto the arms)

Well done. Well done! And now I suggest you remember how you fed your children when they were just babies.

Competition: Feed the child (mom blindfolded sits on a high chair and spoon feeds the child applesauce)

Dear mothers, you all know the cartoon about a baby mammoth who was looking for his mother. After all, all animals, just like children, need her presence nearby; he wants to breathe her smell, hear his mother’s voice, feel the warmth of her body. And he is sure that mommy will always fill him with love and will come at the first call.

Game "Find your child" (a mother with her eyes closed must identify her child by her palms)

Now I invite everyone to dance together, because mothers need to relax and not only work! Let's all dance together

Dance "Heel - Toe"

Let's remember what your children loved and love now (mothers' answers)


I went to visit my grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

The Gray Wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed.

I suggest that the children go to visit their grandmother, and your mothers will be the grandmother.

Competition "Pies for Grandma"

(2 teams, put long ropes on the floor, but not straight, but bend them, making a forest path. The children’s task is to walk along the path without dropping the pie from the spoon)

Guys! Do you know that your mothers are very beautiful and love to dress up. This is true? (children's answers) Let's check!

Competition "Outfit for Mom"

Dear mothers, we want you to always remain so beautiful, cheerful, cheerful and

We wish our mothers

Never lose heart

every year to be more and more beautiful,

and get more rest!

This concludes our program, and we once again congratulate you on the holiday. And may love and patience for your children never leave you!

We invite you to continue our celebration with tea.