Who is Chernyavsky now? Sedokova's ex-husband Maxim Chernyavsky turned out to be not who he said he was

Our today's hero is a real ideal man! Tall, handsome, smart and a professional in his field - he will definitely not leave you indifferent. Meet me! Rank eligible bachelor this week receives (29) – a successful entrepreneur, whom you could also see in the project "Bachelor" on TNT last year. He has a great understanding of people, adores his daughter and cannot imagine life without a piece of chocolate cake. Today Maxim will tell you how a girl can win his heart, who inspires him and in which city he feels most comfortable living. Read his interview - maybe he is looking for you! Jacket, Castello D’Oro (Shopping Center Hymen), trousers, shirt and tie, Debenhams, shoes, Santoni

ABOUT MYSELF I was born in Kyiv. My mother is Russian (originally from Novosibirsk), and my father is Ukrainian, we have always been the most an ordinary family. My parents divorced when I was one year old, and each of them started their own families. Our main ideological and business engine is my grandmother, who took over my upbringing when I was still eight years old, and I moved to live with her. She didn't just influence me, she was the person who put her soul into me. Despite the fact that she always had a business, we did not live luxuriously and could not afford any excesses. We had huge loans, without which no business could develop. That's why I didn't grow up in any luxury. As a child, I had neither consoles nor sneakers Nike or Adidas. In our family, we have always had the position that all money should be invested in business and it needs to develop. I am very grateful to my grandmother for everything life principles that she instilled in me. Now I have a daughter, without whom I cannot imagine my life, a job I love and a wonderful, but, unfortunately, not yet full-fledged family. For me to be happy, the love of my closest people is enough for me, but, of course, I would like to find a person who would be by my side forever.

Suit, Castello D’Oro (Himeney Shopping Center), shirt and tie, Debenhams, sneakers, property of the hero

ABOUT WORK At the age of 16, as soon as I graduated from school, I immediately ran to work in the family business. This was my first job. I wanted to earn my own money. For the first two years, I worked exactly the same as everyone else and lived on the same salary as everyone else in my department. I was not appointed as a manager or director of the store, I did not have any concessions. I worked as a cashier, a warehouse operator, and a salesperson. trading floor. I was told that I had to go through all the steps myself to know how the system works. Then I started working in purchasing manufactured goods and flying to China And Indonesia. A at the age of 19 I created my first real estate company. Then, in 2004-2005, there was an excellent financial climate, and I began to develop properties for foreign financial funds and at the same time build my first residential real estate, which at that time was not yet large and not always elite. This gave me tremendous experience, and the profits in Kyiv at that time were, one might say, cosmic. Then in 2008, I sold my company because I felt that the market was too overheated and this “gold rush” would not end well. In this way I earned start-up capital and after the crisis I began to carefully develop it: partly in Ukraine, but mainly in America. Now I am involved in real estate, but I don’t just trade it, I create it. Development is a business that I like and have long wanted to do. I have always wanted to create beautiful properties the way I see them.

Suit and shirt, Debenhams, tie, BML (Gymeney Shopping Center)

MAXIM'S DAY I always wake up very early, no later than seven. I usually have breakfast with what my daughter eats - it can be oatmeal or an omelet. In general, I like breakfast more than dinner. After breakfast I go to work, construction sites, etc. As a rule, I go to bed no later than midnight. Before going to bed, I first put my daughter to bed, then do some work: check email, make notes, make a schedule for the next day. I find it very amusing that many people who don't know me personally base their opinions on Instagram. They see life without worries and problems and really believe that I am not particularly busy with anything during the day, that money falls from the sky and there is absolutely no need to earn it. It’s easier for people to think this way and thus justify some of their failures, and sometimes they’re just lazy. So I don't even try to convince them.

Jacket, Debenhams, turtleneck, hero's property

ABOUT THE DAUGHTER Monica is now four years old. And she makes me incredibly happy every day. My daughter lives with me when her mother (Anna Sedokova - Monica’s mother and ex-wife Maxima. – Approx. ed.) is leaving, and if we are both in Los Angeles, my daughter lives half a week either with me or with her mother. Monica's character is an incredible mixture of Anya and me.(Laughs.) At the same time, she is incredibly sweet and loves it when everything is done the way she needs it, she always gets what she wants. FAVORITE CITY Los Angeles – this is a city that I like, I like it very much. I realized this when I first arrived there in 2009. And since 2011 he stayed to live there. I also really like it Moscow. I come here often and I have a lot of friends here. However, I still feel more comfortable in Los Angeles.

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE What I eat is very important to me, because I lose shape very quickly. However, there is one small problem - it's sweet. Cars and sweets are my weakness! I can hold on and eat right for a long time, but one day I realize that life is meaningless without chocolate cake, and I break down. I can go to a cafe in broad daylight and replenish my blood sugar reserves, because otherwise I will have neither the mood nor the desire to do anything. As for sports, I, of course, keep myself in shape. Los Angeles in this sense, it is a unique city, because almost everyone here goes to the gym five or six times a week. Such a way of life.

ABOUT THE BACHELOR PROJECT ON TNT When I was first offered to participate in the project, I did not take this idea seriously at all. And there wasn’t much time. Then at some point, when I was in Kyiv in the summer, a film crew from Moscow to talk to me and do the first interview. I met them and I really liked them. Afterwards we continued negotiations, and I thought, why not? In the end, I was right. These were the most vivid impressions! Filming usually lasted 20 hours a day, and we barely slept, but it was worth it. These are some unreal emotions that in ordinary life you cannot experience even in five years. Regarding Masha (Maria Drigola(25) – winner of the second season of the show “The Bachelor”. – Approx. ed.), then everything was for real with us. We really wanted this relationship. After the project, she even flew to me in Los Angeles when you no longer had to prove anything to anyone. It’s just that at some point we realized that maintaining a long-distance relationship is extremely difficult. And she couldn’t move in with me, because she values ​​her family very much.

ADVANTAGES It’s kind of difficult to talk about yourself. America has made me a stable person. If I used to be explosive, now it’s very difficult to get me angry. DISADVANTAGES I'm not exactly vindictive, but I have one special feature: If a person has done something wrong towards me, I simply stop communicating with him. WHAT CAN TOUCH YOU Only my daughter Monica can touch me, and she does this regularly. Monica just does and says everything from pure heart, and it touches. WHAT YOU NEVER REGRET I never regret anything. It was and was. I may still regret some business opportunities. For example, once I could buy an asset that today costs many times more. But I don’t want to regret anything else.

WHAT YOU NEVER WORRY ABOUT MONEY AND TIME For travel. I love getting to know the world. I definitely take vacations in May, summer, August and January, and the rest is business trips. WHO INSPIRES Monica! Looking at her, I understand that I want to give her so much, give her the whole world! And for this, you need to do a lot while she is growing. WHAT APPRECIATES IN PEOPLE Honest and frank people command respect. Nowadays, the most difficult thing is to meet a person without some kind of double bottom. There are very few honest and sincere people who communicate with you not because of material interest, but because of the kind of person you are. I have such friends whom I value very much. I know that they are ready to go to great lengths for me.

ABOUT MACHINES I really love cars. This is my big weakness, and it is very difficult to resist it. PERSONAL LIFE Now I just don't focus on it. I believe that if the right moment comes, this person will appear on his own. And praying every day that I get a girlfriend soon is not my style. My marriage with Anna Sedokova, the mother of my child, lasted four years. Now we have a great relationship and we remain friends. GIRL OF DREAMS The problem is that I perceive a person not so much by appearance, but by inner sensations, it is important for me that there is attraction between me and the girl. If nothing shoots inside, then no matter how beautiful she is, I will have absolutely no desire to continue communicating with her. I can pay attention to a completely ordinary girl if we have some kind of spark when we meet. Of course, a girl should respect her parents, appreciate family values and traditions. It is important to be neat and clean. She should have goals in life and her own job. I don't understand girls who just want to marry a rich man, sit at home, do online shopping and spend their days in the beauty salon, thinking that their life is good. According to my zodiac sign Virgo. I have a lot of personal characteristics that coincide with what a Virgo man should be. HOW TO GET TO KNOW HIM I'm somehow in lately I rarely meet girls on the street or anywhere else, this is not in my rules. Usually acquaintance occurs in a company. As for social networks, I am not active there at all because I don’t have time for it. I am only in

Maxim Chernyavsky is a businessman. Known to the Russian television audience thanks to his participation in the show "". The man came to the project in the hope of finding his other half and was very confident that he would immediately spot the fakes and money hunters. Being, by his own admission, a shy person, he doubted that show business was the right place to find a bride.

“And there’s also a lot of work in America, a daughter, friends, hobbies.”

It was Maxim’s friends who persuaded him to accept the invitation, and the producers promised to move part of the filming to the USA so that the entrepreneur’s usual schedule would not change.

Childhood and youth

Maxim Chernyavsky was born in Kyiv, according to the zodiac sign Virgo. At the time of his son’s birth, the father was a military serviceman, and the mother was a student at an economics university, and later began working as the chief accountant of a large enterprise. A few years later, my father decided to found own business, the financial situation in the family went up sharply, but after that the parents decided to divorce.

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Maxim Chernyavsky

Maxim stayed to live with his mother and his grandmother Marina, who took care of the boy most of all. Actually, it was the grandmother who was the head of the family. The woman is the founder and owner of the well-known chain of construction hypermarkets “Maxi” in Kyiv, which she named after her only grandson. In one of these stores back in school age Chernyavsky gained his first work experience working as a cashier. And when he turned 19, his grandmother entrusted the young man with managing the hypermarket.

After graduating from an elite school with a gold medal, Maxim entered the Kiev National Trade and Economic University, from which he graduated with honors. He founded his first company while still a student.

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It was a development company that did not bring in much income, and the company was suspended. After graduating from university, Maxim Chernyavsky returned to the project and began to successfully engage in construction, as well as the sale of luxury real estate.

Later, the young man moved to Los Angeles, where he completed an architecture course at a local college. The man also transferred most of his business to America, as he prefers to build houses in the Art Nouveau style, which is not in demand in post-Soviet states. Nevertheless, Maxim often visits both Ukraine and Russia.

Project "Bachelor"

In 2013, the TNT television channel invited Maxim Chernyavsky to become the main character Russian version romantic reality show "The Bachelor". Since after his divorce from his first wife, Anna Sedokova, the young man was free, and the project, which offered communication with 26 diverse girls, would add to his popularity, Maxim agreed.

Maxim Chernyavsky and participants in the show “The Bachelor” (still from the TV show “The Bachelor”)

In the program, Maxim Chernyavsky is surrounded by attributes luxurious life. In the first episode, a man arrives in a shiny Rolls-Royce and receives guests in an elite home in Los Angeles.

Filming of the project took place in the fall and winter of 2013 in Russia, Ukraine, the USA, Switzerland, Italy and France, and the show appeared on the air in the spring of 2014. 26 girls from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus competed for Chernyavsky’s heart.

The winner of the 2nd season of the show “The Bachelor” was a 23-year-old employee of a law office, whom Maxim Chernyavsky preferred to the other contenders. Explaining his choice, he explained that he believed in the girl’s sincerity, that she was experiencing real feelings. In addition, Masha is smart and loves children, which was important for Maxim.

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Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola

Chernyavsky remained to live in Los Angeles, Drigola - in St. Petersburg, but once a month she flew to her potential groom. According to rumors, the lovers planned a wedding for September 2014; they wanted to register in the bride’s homeland and celebrate the wedding in the Maldives. Maria allegedly had her eye on a dress from Vera Wang, and Maxim ordered Cartier rings.

However, love could not withstand the distance, and the couple broke up. Nevertheless, the project played an important role in the biography of Chernyavsky. And Drigola, who has become prettier and has changed her hairstyle, now travels a lot and does not remember the show, thereby making it clear that she is quite happy with life.


A man is often presented in the media as a “successful millionaire”, the owner of a “large construction company in Los Angeles, which has branches all over the world,” but in 2016, Russian publications repeatedly reported that Chernyavsky was experiencing financial difficulties, and this was not visible behind the haze of fake wealth.

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Businessman Maxim Chernyavsky

Marina Chernyavskaya, Maxim's grandmother, is a successful businesswoman in Ukraine. As Ukrainian journalists report, the development company headed by Maxim is the merit of his grandmother, since she helped develop her grandson’s first project. However, Maxim’s business failed, and 3 months after the start of his activities, the young businessman was left with nothing. But the man managed to purchase real estate in Kyiv and Los Angeles.

In addition, journalists learned that the name of Maxim Chernyavsky’s company is Monaco Development. It does not have an official website, but only a Facebook page. Media representatives reported that at the address indicated on the social network there is a private village house, but not the office of the “construction empire.”

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Anna Sedokova never complained about her second husband Maxim Chernyavsky, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Monica, seven years ago. After the divorce in 2012, the couple peacefully agreed to raise the child together and the baby often flew to her dad in Los Angeles, where he now lives and works.

Therefore, when Sedokova announced that she had not seen her daughter for a long time, and her ex-husband was planning to deprive her of maternal rights, the news came as very unexpected.

Maxim Chernyavsky: Husband wants to deprive Sedokova of parental rights

" For eight months now I have not had the opportunity to communicate normally with her, just to be near her. Her father, a man I trusted, went to war against me. Maxim decided to deprive me of my maternal rights, and I absolutely don’t understand why. I never forbade him to see my daughter or take her. Maxim and his grandmother took Monica to America and went to court,” Sedokova said in an interview with Antenna magazine, noting that now she can see Monica only in the presence of a lawyer and communicate in English.

“When we talk, it’s as if we are communicating in the language of the dumb. We show each other hearts, some gestures, trying to say what we really think... On the phone, my daughter tells me: “Mommy, I really want to go back to the past!” I know that she loves me madly, we have an incredible connection. And this situation only strengthened her,” the singer said with tears in her eyes.

Let us remember that two years ago Chernyavsky’s grandmother, Marina, offered to leave her granddaughter in the USA during the holidays, and the girl would be under supervision, the woman said, because Sedokova was always on tour.

“Anya suggested that Monica live three months in America and three months in Russia. Is this normal? Four times a year a child must spend 12 hours on an airplane... Climate change, time change... Why? The girl studies and lives with her father. Yes, she asks about her mother, she misses her. But - please, take Monica on vacation, come as much as you want, communicate, love your child. Who's stopping? — the woman was indignant.

But it quickly turned out that the child was constantly living with his grandmother.

“Anya lives for social networks, for her image, for photographs, she lives for advertising, but not for children. Children are PR. She has forgotten what love is, but she remembers what money is. If Sedokova changes, it will be at about 70 years old. And even then, it’s unlikely,” Marina Chernyavskaya shared her assumptions then.

Let us remember that Anna Sedokova and Maxim Chernyavsky became the parents of a daughter, who was named Monika, on July 24, 2011. The couple’s marriage broke up in February 2013. This happened after the popular singer found out that her husband was spending time with ex-member of the VIA Gra group Santa Dimopoulos, whom Anya considered her friend. The terrible truth opened thanks to Instagram photos posted by Santa. In addition, according to Anna, Maxim’s many friends also insisted that he leave his wife.

Maxim Chernyavsky: Personal life

In 2009, Maxim Chernyavsky met singer Anna Sedokova, a member of the VIA Gra group. In February 2011, the young people got married. Celebrities played magnificent wedding. From her first marriage to football player Valentin Beelkevich, the woman has a daughter, Alina. In July 2011, Maxim and Anna had a daughter, whom the couple named Monika. This marriage lasted until February 2013, after which the couple divorced, loudly and violently. The daughter stayed to live with her mother, but Maxim spends every weekend with Monica.

Celebrity subscribers admire the man’s attitude towards Alina and Monica. According to social network users, despite the separation from his wife, Chernyavsky is a wonderful father who cares not only about his own daughter.

After his divorce from Sedokova, Maxim Chernyavsky had a short-term affair with another participant “ VIA Gra" - Santa Demopoulous. Then for several months the man dated Ukrainian supermodel Anna Andres.

The businessman's hobby is cars and auto racing. Maxim is the owner of a car fleet. Of all the brands, Chernyavsky prefers Porsche cars.

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Maxim Chernyavsky - Russian businessman. His greatest popularity came from participating in the TV show “The Bachelor.”

Childhood and youth

Maxim Chernyavsky was born on August 30, 1986 in Kyiv. For a long time his father was a military man, but then became interested in business.

After some time, he managed to become a successful businessman, thanks to which the Chernyavsky family significantly improved their financial situation. Mother worked as an accountant at one of the enterprises.

Soon, frequent quarrels and disagreements began to occur between the spouses, as a result of which they decided to separate. After the divorce, Maxim Chernyavsky stayed to live with his mother and grandmother, who played a significant role in him.

An interesting fact is that the grandmother is the owner of the Maxi chain of construction hypermarkets, named after her beloved grandson.

IN adolescence Maxim Chernyavsky worked as a cashier in one of the hypermarkets. When he reached adulthood, his grandmother gave him one of the stores.

Having graduated with honors from a prestigious school, Maxim successfully passed the exams at the Kiev National Trade and Economic University.

During his studies, he received high marks in all subjects, as a result of which he graduated from the university with honors. After that, he became actively involved in the construction and sale of real estate.

Chernyavsky then went to Los Angeles to receive an architectural education. Having settled in America, he began building houses there in the Art Nouveau style.

Project "Bachelor"

In 2013, Maxim Chernyavsky turned out to be the main character of the reality show “The Bachelor”. IN this project he was trying to find his chosen one.

He liked being surrounded by 26 beautiful girls, each of whom dreamed of becoming Maxim’s bride. Filming of “The Bachelor” took place in several European countries, including in.

According to the results of the show, Chernyavsky liked Maria Drigola the most, with whom he began dating.

However, after the end of the project, their feelings cooled towards each other, as a result of which they decided to break up.

Maxim Chernyavsky and Maria Drigola

Despite this, participation in “The Bachelor” played an important role in the biography of Maxim Chernyavsky. He was able to get to know girls better and understand what they want from men.


Chernyavsky is best known as a successful millionaire and owner of a large construction company in Los Angeles. However, not so long ago, information appeared in the media that the “bachelor” was having serious financial difficulties.

Journalists found out that Maxim's business is on the verge of bankruptcy. Only the purchase of real estate in Los Angeles and the capital of Ukraine saved the guy from complete collapse.

In one of the interviews, Chernyavsky’s grandmother said that neither she nor any other Chernyavsky relatives interfere in Maxim’s business, since they consider him a completely independent person.

Naturally, even under all these circumstances, Maxim Chernyavsky cannot be called a poor man. In addition to real estate in America and Ukraine, he owns a large fleet of vehicles, which gives him a good profit.

Personal life

In 2009, a significant event occurred in Chernyavsky’s biography. He met the famous ex-member of VIA Gra, Anna Sedokova.

Maxim Chernyavsky and Anna Sedokova

The young people liked each other and after 2 years decided to legalize the relationship. An interesting fact is that at that time Sedokova already had a daughter, born from her marriage to Valentin Belkevich.

A few months after the wedding, Maxim and Anna had a girl, Monica.

At first there was complete idyll between the newlyweds, but soon everything changed. The couple began to quarrel frequently and insult each other.

As a result, in 2013 they decided to separate.

The divorce was accompanied loud scandals, which were heatedly discussed in the press and on television. Monica remained to live with her mother, but Maxim regularly meets with his daughter.

After this, Chernyavsky had short affairs with singer Santa Dimopoulous and model Anna Andres. However, none of the girls was able to evoke real feelings in Chernyavsky.

An interesting fact is that one of the main places in Maxim’s biography is occupied by cars and rallies. Of all the brands, he likes Porsche cars the most.

Chernyavsky's condition

As of 2018, Maxim Chernyavsky owns a luxurious mansion in Kyiv, an apartment in California and land plot in Hollywood. In addition, it has car parking.

Maxim Chernyavsky today

During his biography, Maxim Chernyavsky repeatedly changed his image. He prefers to buy his things in brand stores. Chernyavsky’s favorite sports brand is Nike.

Not long ago, journalists asked the guy about his financial situation, hinting at bankruptcy. Maxim stated that all the rumors that he allegedly went bankrupt are fake.

Today, Chernyavsky maintains a page on Instagram, thanks to which his fans can see how Maxim lives and what he does. Perhaps soon we will see the famous bachelor in some new interesting show.

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Maxim is a young Ukrainian businessman, until recently known to the media only as the ex-husband of singer Anna Sedokova. A new round of interest in Maxim arose after he agreed to participate in the second season of the TV show “The Bachelor” on the TNT channel, as a result of which the young dandy became the most desirable TV groom in Russia.

Maxim is a native of a family quite well known in Ukrainian business. His grandmother is the creator of the first trading network building materials stores in Ukraine. Maxim’s father is also a successful businessman, whose name is carefully hidden. It would seem like childhood young man it should have been very comfortable. However, in reality everything was different.

In an interview, the mother “of eligible groom Russia” said that at the time when Maxim was born, prosperity was only in dreams. She herself was a student - she was studying to become an accountant, and Maxim's father was a military man. So the young family with the baby had to live in a one-room apartment and follow dad around towns and villages. When financial life The family began to improve, Maxim’s parents divorced. The boy stayed with his mother and grew up with her. True, his father and grandmother, a businesswoman, continued to take part in his life. Maxim also spent a lot of time in his grandmother’s office, which determined his future interests in life - he also decided to become a businessman.

First steps to future profession Maxim did the same with the help of his grandmother, getting a job in one of her hypermarkets, where he quickly made a career from cashier to director. The image of a successful businessman was completed with a diploma from the Kyiv Trade and Economic University.

After 2005, under the strict guidance of his grandmother, the newly minted entrepreneur embarked on the path of big business, starting to build luxury real estate. One of the first objects that he built at the age of 20 was his own three-story house in the Frunze Park of Kyiv.

Well, then, the image of the desired groom is shrouded in mystery. What is known is that his business is connected with luxury real estate. At the same time, the guy also has his own real estate in America and Australia, and quite large sums are concentrated in Maxim’s accounts.

Perhaps we would have continued to know nothing about another young Ukrainian entrepreneur, but in 2011 he had to become a public figure. And this is not surprising, because a man who marries Ukrainian singer Anna Sedokova, could not help but get on the front pages of the tabloids.

Anna - active socialite. The romance of the young people developed literally before the eyes of the amazed public. And soon it turned into a very beautiful wedding, illuminated in every possible gloss, and a daughter, Monica, whom Anna gave to Maxim in 2011, in addition to the daughter Alina already from a previous marriage, whom Maxim also accepted as his own.

After the fairytale wedding, the newlyweds never ceased to delight the audience with their beautiful life, constantly shown in glossy magazines, and then... in 2013, Maxim filed for divorce.

It would seem that after this, only Anna, for whom publicity is a job, should remain in the public eye. However, it turned out differently. Already in 2014, Maxim’s name again beat all view ratings in Yandex. This happened after he agreed to take part in the Russian adaptation of a popular television project - the reality show “The Bachelor” on TNT.

According to the plot, 25 beautiful girls fight for one, but very enviable groom. Russia watched the battle for the rich and handsome Maxim Chernyavsky with great interest, rooting for various contenders. It became even more interesting at the end, when there was a complete feeling that Maxim really fell in love with his chosen one, Maria Drigola.

According to rumors, Maxim and Maria continue to live together, and things are really moving towards a wedding.


  • Maxim’s grandmother is a major Ukrainian businesswoman who owns the country’s first chain of construction supermarkets, “Maxi,” named after her grandson.
  • Maxim is fond of auto racing, prefers Porshe and Mercedes brands

