The red-eyed tree frog is a bright, but non-poisonous beauty. The most dangerous animals in the world: poisonous tree frogs Unusual facts from the life of poisonous tree frogs

Red-eyed tree frog– an unusual amphibian of a rich light green color with a bright, expressive look. The tree frog is nocturnal. It lives in forests in the leaves of trees, but can swim.


This representative of the anuran order is native to Central America and warm areas Mexico.

Prefers damp tropics located in lowlands, although it is found in low foothills.


It has very modest dimensions, the length of the body is from six to eight centimeters. The head is round. Distinctive feature– large red eyes with vertically located pupils.

Leathery upper eyelids and almost transparent lower ones are necessary for protection: while resting, he observes what is happening around him through the membranes. In case of a possible attack, the tree frog's skin folds drop, bright red eyes are scary predator, this makes it possible to escape. Active in the dark.

The tree frog has a scary coloring, but is not poisonous. The skin is smooth. Has a good sense of touch. The size and color depend on temperature, light and other parameters. The body can be either light green or dark. The sides of the tree frog are deep blue, they have stripes:

  • purple
  • brown
  • yellow

They are directed vertically or diagonally, the number of stripes varies among different populations (from 9 to 5-6). The abdomen is pure white or light cream. Her shoulders and hips are blue or orange. The bright orange toes (and pads too) vary to light yellow.

The paws are equipped with suction cups, which is why it climbs more than it stays in ponds. There may be faint whitish spots or dark green lines on the back. Tree frogs change color from greenish (during the day) to brownish-red (at dusk).


The tree frog constantly resides in trees, sleeping and feeding there. Loves warmth (above 20 degrees).

The green frog wakes up at sunset, yawning and stretching, then stays awake. Moves by jumping over an impressive distance. In hot weather it hides in the leaves.


An amphibian is a carnivore, its diet consists of small insects that fit in the mouth (spiders, flies, etc.).


The main danger to the tree frog is snakes (parrot, cat-eyed, etc.), as well as lizards, birds, the bats And small mammals. Eggs are eaten by reptiles, etc.

They suffer from fungal infections. Fish, arachnids, and arthropods can destroy tadpole fry.


The tree frog's rainy season is the most suitable weather for the birth of its offspring. Mating occurs intensively in June and October evenings. Males make different sounds: scaring - for competitors and calling - for future partners. Due to the resonator bags, the sound is loud.

The frog begins to croak intensely before sunset, and the sound intensifies with increasing humidity. Female tree frogs spawn on branches hanging above the water surface; there are 35-45 eggs. They are protected by a gelatinous shell, which makes the eggs inconspicuous. By the time they hatch, each one increases in size by one and a half times. Incubation for the green tree frog is one week.

The tadpoles of the red-eyed frog emerge simultaneously and are washed into the pond. The fry grow up to 40 millimeters. After 2 and a half months they turn into frogs. one of the largest inhabitants of the water element.

Even if a person is not very friendly towards frogs, once he sees them, he will completely change his original opinion. This one is small bright frog with huge red eyes will not leave anyone indifferent and is called the red-eyed tree frog. Photos of these wonderful amphibians are presented in the article. The frog is not big size, its length does not exceed 7.5 cm. Its color is usually bright green, and there are yellow-blue stripes on the sides. The eyes, from which the frog gets its name, can range from orange to ruby. In addition to red eyes, frogs also have bright orange legs with large pads on the toes.

Habitat and lifestyle

Tree frog house

These frogs are arboreal animals, they need space to climb branches, so the red-eyed tree frog prefers to be kept in a spacious terrarium of considerable height. A pair of adult frogs will feel more or less comfortable in a seventy-liter aquarium with a height of 40 cm. But this is already the minimum. It is better to purchase a more spacious aquarium.

To prevent frogs from escaping, the aquarium must be tightly closed. The lid can be solid, but it is better to use a partially mesh one. This will make it easier to maintain the required level of humidity.

For soil, you can use special moistened foam rubber or coconut fiber. If necessary, even a paper towel moistened with water, folded in layers, will do. This option would be very appropriate for keeping young frogs or frogs in quarantine. You can equip the terrarium with real soil with living plants. True, the complexity of caring for such a terrarium increases significantly, but its beauty and naturalness completely compensate for the inconvenience. In addition to soil, the terrarium should be equipped with twigs and driftwood for climbing and relaxing. To allow frogs to hide and feel as natural as possible, you can add artificial or even live plants, grottoes and other decorative shelters.

Finally, it is worth paying attention that it is undesirable to use small pebbles and crushed bark to decorate the terrarium, since this material may harm the frog if it accidentally ingests it.

First of all, you need to remember that the red-eyed tree frog is native to the jungle, tropical part of Central America. Based on the data climatic features, humidity and temperature must be appropriate. Temperatures up to 28 degrees during the day and up to 24 at night. Humidity can range from 80 to 100 percent. Very good decision To maintain the required temperature, a small infrared lamp will be used. By the way, in its light you can observe the frog at night, when it is most active.

To maintain the required humidity, you can simply spray the terrarium 2-3 times a day. You also need to remember the need for constant availability clean water in the drinking bowl. It is not recommended to use tap water. Bottled ones are better suited for this purpose.


The red-eyed tree frog, like most other frogs, feeds on insects and other invertebrates. They are fed with crickets, moths, small silkworms, and wax moth larvae. Flying insects and moths - hawk moths - can also be eaten. The main thing is to collect insects in places where there are no pesticides and herbicides. There are also special minerals designed for reptiles. When feeding adult tree frogs, these minerals are provided every third or fourth feeding. And for young frogs these additives are added to their food all the time. This is done simply by sprinkling the main feed with mineral supplements.

Reproduction of tree frogs in captivity

The red-eyed tree frog reproduces in captivity reluctantly. It happens that you cannot do without special chemical additives called human chorionic gonadotropin. Also, to reproduce, tree frogs must first create the illusion of a tropical winter. Humidity rises from 90%, and temperature drops to 20-22 degrees. After one and a half to two months, it is time to raise the temperature to normal, and transfer the male and female to a terrarium for breeding. This terrarium should be half water. The water should be at a temperature of at least 25-26 degrees. The lifespan of tree frogs in captivity is about ten years.

The red-eyed tree frog (red-eyed tree frog) is considered one of the most popular representatives of the frog world, which exotic lovers keep at home. The tree frog has a light green body shade, on the sides of which there are blue stripes, and there are also white patches. However, the frog tends to change its hue to match the tone of the nature around it. The most noticeable characteristic feature The amphibian's eyes are bright red. It was thanks to them that it acquired its name.

Subject to all necessary nuances keeping frogs, owners do not have any difficulties. Such pets show their activity in evening time days. Because of their ability to change color, watching frogs will be interesting for all residents of the house. Depending on the background, the red-eyed tree frog, the photo of which is presented below, can change its color from green to dark brown at the moment when it hunts for its prey.

The Red-eyed Tree Frog is great for all owners, whether an experienced breeder or a beginner. They first got such a pet in the late 80s. An exotic terrarium inhabitant was brought from Honduras.


Red-Eyed tree frog is related to the average representatives of frogs, the size of which varies from 2.5 to 5 cm. The territory of origin is considered to be tropical forests located in the south of Mexico, as well as Central America. They are most active at night. Tree frogs live only in trees, but during daylight hours they hide in dense vegetation.

The size of adult tree frogs generally ranges from 2.5 to 4 cm in length. The sex of a frog can be easily determined by the size of the individual, since females have longer length and weight.

Life expectancy in their natural habitat is not yet thoroughly known, but in captivity they are quite hardy pets. Average duration The lifespan of a red-eyed tree frog in a terrarium is 10 years, but provided all the necessary nuances are provided, such pets can please their owners a little longer.

Features of the terrarium

The red-eyed tree frog, whose maintenance does not require special conditions, will thrive in an ordinary glass terrarium intended for reptiles. Special terrariums for frogs can be purchased at pet stores; they are very easy to clean, have excellent thermal conductivity, and maintain humidity at the desired level.

A terrarium with a volume of 75 liters is best suited for an adult. This type of housing can accommodate 3 to 4 red-eyed tree frogs. If you use a smaller terrarium volume, your pets may get injured when they hit the glass when jumping.

Young animals can be placed in a smaller area, but they grow up quite quickly, and, consequently, housing large sizes will be needed very soon.

Lighting and temperature conditions

Red-eyed tree frogs should be kept in a warm place throughout the day. temperature conditions. Where the terrarium is located, the temperature should be no more than + 28 C, best of all it will be in the range from + 25 to + 28 C, and in the dark the value should drop to + 15 C, however, given that tree frogs It is at night that they are more active; it is best to maintain a warmer night temperature.

If you live in warm countries, V summer period time, you can do without additional means of heating the terrarium. However, if the temperature is lower than what is recommended for tree frogs, the best solution is to use additional heat sources.

Heat heaters, incandescent lamps with a power of no more than 60 W, are quite suitable, which will provide the terrarium with softer heat and will not cause drying. Red lamps will also be a good source, which will provide the red-eyed tree frogs with heat for 24 hours.

Red-eyed tree frogs do not need special lighting at home, but a weak ultraviolet lamp will still be useful for pets. Lamps of this type will provide owners best review look after their exotic residents, and also provide the frogs and vegetation with the necessary ultraviolet rays.

Decoration and flooring of the terrarium

Not only should terrarium flooring be easy to clean, but it should also be resistant to mold and mildew. He must also maintain the required level of humidity in the tree frog’s home. Coconut substrates are best suited, namely CocoSoft, EcoEarth and others, in the form of coconut flakes or bricks. As flooring, you can use sphagnum moss and orchid bark, which are sold in special pet stores.

Since red-eyed tree frogs are representatives of arboreal frogs, the terrarium must be arranged in such a way that they can climb various devices. Both living and artificial decorations, vegetation, branches and tree bark should be used. All this will bring red-eyed frogs as close as possible to natural environment a habitat. About the others, be sure to check it out, you might find it interesting!

Preference should be given to vegetation with large and broad leaves that most closely resemble the plants that surround frogs in their natural environment and also provide them with shelter and a place to sleep. If live vegetation is used, the temperature climate and lighting in the terrarium must be taken into account, since without sufficient light, the plant may die.


The red-eyed tree frog's terrarium must have a small dish in which fresh water will always be present. Frogs swim quite rarely, but a large volume of water container is necessary to maintain the required level of humidity, even if the temperature is very high and the frog needs to cool down.

In a room with a terrarium, it is necessary to maintain sufficient high level humidity, but, nevertheless, dampness should not be allowed to appear. Basically, in order to provide the necessary humidity, two sprays of water throughout the day are enough. Water should be sprayed on the decorations or on the flooring in the terrarium. It is quite possible to spray water manually or use automatic devices that will provide the required level of humidity.

Features of feeding

Red-eyed tree frogs prefer insects in their diet, so at home they are quite suitable:

  • grasshoppers,
  • crickets,
  • cockroaches,
  • and other food animals.

Sometimes frogs prefer worms, but in most cases they prefer grasshoppers. You can purchase special food intended for frogs living in a terrarium, which looks like canned grasshoppers, previously dried in a special way. However, if possible, feeding can also be done with live food.

All foods included in the frog's diet must be sprinkled with vitamin D3, as well as calcium. Highest value such supplements are for young individuals during their growing up period. They must use this supplement during each feeding, but adult tree frogs can take it much less frequently.

A multivitamin should also be administered, which reptiles need one to two times a week. You should always carefully study the instructions for vitamins and supplements to avoid overdose.


The red-eyed tree frog, like its closest relatives, in most cases does not tolerate a large number of time with a person. Frogs are harmless and can be handled for short periods of time, but be aware that they are not tame pets. You should know that frogs have sensitive skin and may well absorb toxins coming from our hands, so the animal will experience a lot of stress.

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Agalychnis callidryas

1,500 - 6,000 rub.

(Agalychnis callidryas)

Class - Amphibians

Squad - Tailless

Family – Tree frogs

Genus – Bright-eyed tree frogs


Small brightly colored animals with large bright red eyes with vertical pupils. The body length of females is up to 7.7 cm, males up to 5.9 cm. The color is from light to dark green, the sides are dark blue with purple or brownish and yellow or cream vertical and diagonal stripes, the belly is white. The shoulders and hips are blue or orange, the fingers (except the outer ones) along with the pads are orange. Sometimes there are faint dark green lines on the back (especially in individuals from Nicaragua and Costa Rica) or small white spots. The average number of stripes on the sides of frogs of different populations increases from north to south from 5 in Mexico to 9 in Panama.


Distributed in southern Mexico (Yucatan) and Central America, up to Panama. There is one known meeting in botanical garden in northern Colombia. Lives in humid tropical forests, mainly in the lowlands, but sometimes in the foothills up to an altitude of 1,250 m.

In nature

Leads a nocturnal lifestyle. Red-eyed tree frogs can swim and have parabolic vision and a good sense of touch. During the day, frogs sleep on the undersides of green leaves, hiding from predators.

During rest, their eyes are covered with a translucent membrane, which does not interfere with the frogs' vision. If a red-eyed tree frog is attacked by a predator, it sharply opens its eyes and their bright red color confuses the attacker. The moment the predator freezes, the frog runs away.

When night falls, tree frogs wake up, yawn and stretch.

Despite their bright, frightening color, red-eyed tree frogs are not poisonous, but their skin contains a large amount of active peptides (tachykinin, bradykinin, caerulein and demorphin).


They breed during the rainy season (from late May to November). Mating occurs throughout the season, but is especially frequent in June and October. At this time, males emit aggressive calls to distance other males and calling calls to attract females. The dominant frequency of emitted sounds ranges from 1.5-2.5 kHz. Vocalization begins at dusk and is especially intensified during rain. The clutch consists of about 40 green eggs, each of which is surrounded by a transparent mucous membrane. The size of the eggs varies from 3.7 mm at hatching to 5.2 mm before hatching. The total body length of tadpoles is late stages development is about 4.8 cm.

Red-eyed tree frogs are easy to keep and are suitable for beginners.

Type - vertical, covered with a mesh lid on top.

Dimensions: from 80 l (for a pair of adult tree frogs), at least 60x30x40 cm.

Backing (): coconut fiber, paper towels or soil (with top layer live moss, because dry moss rots easily, which creates conditions for development pathogenic bacteria). If soil is used as a substrate, its thickness should be 10-15 cm.

The terrarium is inspected and cleaned every day. Once every 2-3 weeks, all decorative items are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

Temperature: daytime - 24-26"C, nighttime - 20-22"C.

: using a heating pad with a thermostat.

: Red-eyed tree frogs do not like bright lights, especially white lights. Because These are nocturnal animals, so they are used for lighting at night fluorescent lamps LB.

Humidity: not lower than 75%. One to three times a day, plants and substrate are sprayed with fresh water.

Plants: The terrarium should contain a variety of living plants, such as non-thorny bromeliads, vines, tropical ferns, philodendrons and epipremnums.

In addition to plants, driftwood, branches, vines, stones, waterfalls, and hollow pipes for climbing are placed in the terrarium. Make sure that decorative items do not have sharp edges. The background of the back wall is made dark.

Pond: a bowl of water (5-7 cm deep) where tree frogs will swim. The water is changed every day.

For a red-eyed tree frog, you can give any soft invertebrates that will fit in its mouth: cockroaches, crickets, fruit flies, flies, beetles and their larvae, earthworms, wax moth larvae, small silkworms, springtails, locusts, moths. Adults can eat newborn mice, small reptiles and amphibians.

The frogs are fed in the dark, the food is placed on a saucer.

Feeding frequency: adults - 3-6 insects every two to three days, young (growing) - every day.

Water should be spring or bottled. Changes every day.

Mineral supplements/vitamins: for adult frogs, insects are sprinkled with calcium and vitamins every 2-4 feedings, for young frogs - 2-3 times a week.

You can keep up to five red-eyed tree frogs in one terrarium.

Males are not aggressive except during the breeding season.

Breeding is difficult and stimulation often requires Charonic Gonadotropin.

To stimulate reproduction, an artificial winter is arranged, with an increase in humidity to 70-90% and a decrease in temperature to 21-23 "C. After 1-2 months, the temperature begins to gradually rise. The male and female are moved to a breeding terrarium. Amplexus can occur within 2- 3 days.

The breeding terrarium is divided into two halves: water (a reservoir up to 13 cm deep with an internal filter; there should be a gentle exit from the reservoir to land) and land (with big amount living plants hanging over the water). Water temperature 25.5-26.7 "C. Since the tadpoles of the red-eyed tree frog are carnivorous, as they grow, they are sorted and kept separately or in small groups.

When infected with Oodinium, gray dots appear on the tree frog's body. In this case, the tree frog is placed in distilled water for some time, and the terrarium is washed and disinfected. If this does not help, bathe the tree frog in weak chamomile tea for an hour.

Red-eyed tree frogs must be examined for various injuries and skin damage. If they are detected, they are treated with a solution of dioxidine and sprinkled with powdered streptocide.

Life expectancy in captivity is up to 10 years.

Tree frog or tree frog (timber) is a frog that belongs to the phylum Chordata, class Amphibians (amphibians), order Tailless, tree frog family (Hylidae).

The family received its Latin name due to its unusual colorful appearance. The first researchers compared these unusual animals with beautiful tree nymphs, which is reflected in its verbal definition. Russian concept“Frog” appeared, apparently, because of the characteristic loud voice of the amphibian.

Tree frog (tree frog) - description, structure, characteristics

Due to the fact that the tree frog family includes a huge number of species, appearance These amphibians are very diverse. Some tree frogs are characterized by a flattened body structure with legs similar to knotty twigs, while other tree frogs have external resemblance with small frogs, and still others have a flabby torso, as if slightly blurred. However, a characteristic feature common to almost all species is the presence of peculiar suction disks on the tips of the fingers, covered with a thin layer of mucus.

Thanks to the vacuum that forms under the surface of the disks as a result of the displacement of air from under them, the tailless tree frog easily moves not only along the trunks, branches and leaves of plants, but also along any smooth surface, including vertical ones.

Large woodies can help themselves with the moist skin of their abdomen or throat when moving along steep planes. However, there are species of tree frogs with poorly developed suction ability. It is compensated by the special structure of the fingers on the hind and forelimbs, reminiscent of a human hand with an extended thumb. Such frogs slowly climb trees, one at a time grabbing branches.

The color of tree frogs depends on the species and can be very diverse. Most of them are characterized by camouflage coloring in green or brownish tones with various stains, which helps the frog to easily hide among twigs and leaves.

However, there are species of tree frogs that are brightly colored with contrasting stripes or spots.

The eyes of tree frogs are large and protrude slightly forward, thanks to this they achieve binocular coverage of the surrounding environment, allowing them to successfully hunt and jump from branch to branch.

Most amphibians are characterized by horizontal pupils, although there are species in which they are located vertically.

Sexual dimorphism in woodworts is manifested in differences in the sizes of male and female individuals, which are much larger than males, and sometimes in color.

In addition, the male tree frog has a special organ called the throat sac, which, when inflated, makes sounds.

Where does the tree frog (tree frog) live?

The distribution range of tree frogs is fascinating temperate zone Europe, including Poland, the Netherlands, Norway and Lithuania, Belarus and Romania, the central part of Russia and Moldova, as well as Ukraine. Numerous species of tree frogs live in North and South America, China and Korea, Morocco, Tunisia, Sudan and Egypt, Turkey, Japan, Primorye and Australia. The habitat of these amphibians is tropical and subtropical rainforests, deciduous and mixed plantations, as well as the coasts of reservoirs or slow rivers, wetlands and overgrown ravines.

What do tree frogs (frogs) eat?

The food of tree frogs is varied: tree frogs feed on various, and, as well as and. Amphibians usually go hunting at night. They wait in ambush for prey and catch it using the properties of their vision and a long sticky tongue.

Types of tree frogs (tree frogs) - photos and names

The large tree frog family is divided into 3 subfamilies, which include more than 900 species. The most famous and interesting of them:

Subfamily Hylinae:

  • Clicking tree frog ( Acris crepitans)

widespread on the coasts of small bodies of water or slow-moving rivers, in flooded ditches and wetlands of the United States of America, Canada and Mexico. The size of an adult male tree frog does not exceed 1.9 cm, and females - 3.8 cm. The skin of the back and sides, covered with warts, is colored gray-brown with yellowish-green hues and dark spots indeterminate form. The abdomen of the tree frog is decorated with bright green or brown stripes, and the elongated muzzle is clearly visible dark spot in the form of a triangle, located between the eyes. The hind limbs of the amphibian are relatively short with long toes connected by a swimming membrane. The sounds of the male tree frog during the breeding season resemble the sound of small stones knocking against each other. These amphibians lead an active daily lifestyle. In case of danger, they can jump up to 0.9 m in height.

  • Cricket frog (Acris gryllus )

lives on the territory North America near small reservoirs, wet ravines overgrown with dense grassy vegetation, as well as swampy streams and river sources. The skin of the tree frog, devoid of warts, is colored brown or gray-brown with dark, almost black spots, which are bordered by a light green rim. In females, a white spot on the throat is clearly visible. Distinctive feature This type of tree frog is able to change color, adapting to the environment. The toes of the frog's long hind limbs are connected to each other by a swimming membrane. The body length of adult females can reach 33 mm, and males - 29 mm. The lifespan of a cricket tree frog in natural conditions rarely exceeds 1 year. Woodworts lead a solitary lifestyle, gathering in large aggregations only during the breeding season. Due to the similarity of the frog's voice with the roulades of crickets, the name “cricket tree frog” appeared.

  • Piebald tree frog ( Dendropsophus leucophyllatus)

lives in tropical rainforests South America, included in the ecological system of the Amazon basin. These frogs can be found in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Suriname, Peru, Guiana, as well as Ecuador and Bolivia. The size of female individuals of this species of frogs can be 5 cm, but males have more modest dimensions. The frog's head with large bulging eyes is slightly expanded compared to its elongated, narrow body. The long fingers on the hind and forelimbs end in well-developed suckers. Coloring skin The back and sides of the pinto tree frog are quite varied and can range from greenish-brown to red with a brown tint. On the main tone, patterns of white spots or stripes are clearly visible, creating characteristic mesh patterns. The belly of piebald tree frogs is bright red-orange. Solitary individuals spend the main part of their lives in trees, descending from them only during the breeding season. Piebald tree frogs are most active during twilight and night hours.

  • Hyla arborea)

lives in the forests and forest-steppes of Poland, the Netherlands, Belarus, Norway, Lithuania and Ukraine, the USA, Korea, Turkey and Japan, the states of northwestern Africa, China and Primorye. The size of adult female frogs reaches 53 mm, males are slightly smaller. The grass-green, brown, bluish or dark gray coloration of the tree frog's back and sides can easily change in accordance with the basic color of the surrounding environment or due to the physiological state of the animal. The belly of the common tree frog is colored white or yellowish. The coloration of the back and abdomen is clearly separated by a dark stripe running along the sides of the body and head. Tree frogs usually spend daytime hours among the foliage of bushes or trees, and at dusk and at night they hunt insects. IN natural conditions these frogs live no more than 12 years.

  • Shepherd's tree frog ( Hyla cinerea)

widespread in southern North America. Prefers tree or shrub thickets along the coast of natural and artificial reservoirs, as well as wet ravines or wetlands. The frog's body is slender, with a triangular head. Its length in adult females can reach 60 mm. The frog's eyes are medium-sized, slightly convex, golden brown in color, with vertical pupils. The smooth skin of the back is colored in a grass-like green color and are separated from the beige belly by a thin white stripe. At the ends of the fingers of the frog's hind and forelimbs there are suction cups, with the help of which the tree frog easily moves not only along branches and leaves, but also along the surface of the ground. The amphibian leads a solitary lifestyle, gathering in large communities only during mating. It is active at night. The lifespan of a frog in natural conditions can reach 6 years.

  • Barking tree frog ( Hyla graceosa)

is a typical inhabitant of the forest thickets of North America. The length of the frog's baggy body can reach 7 cm in females and 5 cm in males. The yellowish belly contrasts with the back, colored green, on which a pattern formed by dark green spots is clearly visible. The finger suckers are quite large. The tree frog gets its name from the barking sounds that male frogs make during mating season. Barking tree frogs spend most of their lives among the branches, high above the ground, but there are individuals that prefer to live near bodies of water. Amphibians are active at night, and during the day they sleep, hiding in a hollow tree or on the ground under fallen bark. Barking tree frogs form short-term pairs only for procreation. Under natural conditions, frogs live 7 years.

  • Hyla versicolor)

lives in mixed or deciduous forests of Mexico, Canada or the USA. Populations of these amphibians are observed near artificial or natural reservoirs and deep damp ravines. The size of frogs does not exceed 51 mm. The color of the wrinkled skin of the back can be either gray with a beige tint or green, and the belly can be white. A pattern in the form of an oblique cross of black stripes, which border barely noticeable spots of an indeterminate shape, clearly appears on the tree frog’s back. It is noteworthy that depending on the temperature environment, humidity and time of year, the color of the changeable tree frog can vary greatly. The average life expectancy of variable tree frogs does not exceed 6 years.

  • Osteopilus septentrionalis )

This is the largest tree frog in the world. It lives in bushes and woody thickets near water bodies. The distribution area includes the Bahamas and Cayman Islands, Cuba and the southern states of the United States. The average size of these frogs ranges from 11.5 to 12.5 cm, but some individuals can reach 15 cm in size, making them the largest tree frogs in the family. The color of the skin of the back, covered with tubercles, is slightly different in males and females. Thus, female tree frogs are characterized by beige or green tones, and males are characterized by brown tones. The tree frog's legs have transverse stripes of a lighter or darker color. Suckers on the fingers are well developed. The Cuban tree frog hunts at night, sleeping during the day among the bushes.

Subfamily Australian tree frogs or litorians (Pelodryadinae):

  • Coral-fingered lithorium or Australian white tree frog (Litoria caerulea )

lives in subtropical forests Australia, New Guinea, and Indonesia. The size of adult females reaches 130 mm, and males rarely exceed 70 mm. The head of the Australian tree frog is short and wide, with large bulging eyes with a horizontal pupil. The frog's skin is colored in various shades of green, but can be chestnut or turquoise, with white or golden spots. The belly is colored pinkish or White color. The inside of a tree frog's legs may have red-brown color. In addition to suction cups, amphibians have small membranes on their toes. The Australian white tree frog is characterized by a nocturnal lifestyle. The lifespan of coral-toed lithoria in natural conditions can reach 20 years.


  • Agalychnis callidryas)

lives on the upper tiers of lowland and foothill humid tropical forests Central and South America. The size of adult males rarely reaches 5.4-5.6 cm, and females do not exceed 7.5 cm. The surface of the skin is smooth. The frog's back is green and its belly is cream or white. The sides and bases of the limbs are blue, with a distinct yellow pattern. The toes of the limbs, adapted for climbing trees, are painted bright orange and have suction pads. Characteristic feature The red-eyed tree frog has red eyes with a vertical pupil. Despite their bright colors, these tree frogs are not poisonous. They are most active at night. The maximum lifespan of the red-eyed tree frog under natural conditions does not exceed 5 years.

The world's largest and smallest tree frog (frog)

The smallest “forest nymphs” are considered to be Litoria microbelos with a body length of up to 16 mm and tree frog Hyla emrichi (Dendropsophus minutus), with a body size of only about 17 mm. It is noteworthy that this baby is capable of jumping up to 0.75 m in length, which is almost 50 times the length of its body.

The largest tree frog in the world is the Cuban tree frog ( Osteopilus septentrionalis), growing up to 150 mm.

In addition to the above types of tree frogs, there are a huge number of varieties of tree frogs, the color of which is simply amazing:

Chak phyllomedusa Phyllomedusa sauvagii