Competitions for Homecoming Evening. Ideas for the holiday script “An Evening of Memories”

Presenters exit. Background

Leading: Good evening, dear graduates!

Presenter : Hello, dear teachers!

Leading : For the umpteenth time, our school has cordially opened its doors to you.

Presenter : We are glad to welcome you to our traditional meeting evening, in our hall, because the school was once your second home. Remember?

Presenter: Let's greet each other with loud applause!
Leading : And now only those who are in a good mood applaud!
Presenter: Those who are happy to meet friends!
Leading : And now stormy, prolonged applause for our teachers and guests of the holiday!
Presenter: In a word, we welcome everyone gathered in this hall


Graduates day today

And we will talk about you here.

But before the holiday.

Friends, let's start

Roll call now

We'll spend it here.


Be careful, shout loudly,

Don't miss your graduation year!

Graduates of 1966 – 50 years!

Graduates of 1971 – 45 years!

Graduates of 1976 – 40 years!

Graduates of 1981 – 35 years!

Graduates of 1986 – 30 years!

Graduates of 1991 – 25 years!

Graduates of 1996 - 20 years!

Graduates of 2001 – 15 years!

Graduates of 2006 – 10 years!

Graduates of 2011 – 5 years!

And the youngest of all are the 2015 graduates!

Leading: We continue the roll call. I ask you questions and you have to answer me“It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

1.Who does not change his roots.

The native village is glorified.

Praise, honor and honor to you

Who settled here?

2. Let's say hello for now,

Those who are here from far away.

Who are our birds?

From near and far abroad?

All in chorus: “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

3.Who built himself a house,

Celebrated a housewarming party in the house,

And now he lives in it,

Having experienced this fun?

4. There is nothing more beautiful in this world

Live in your own apartment.

Who is the owner?

Who's the lucky one? Who's the hero?

All in chorus: “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

5.We will continue about children

Heroic families.

Who knows, not the same.

The large family?

All in chorus: “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

6.Who is still single

Who holds his own tail with a pipe?

Whom should I wish happiness to?

To start a family faster.

All in chorus: “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

7.Live and learn

who has a life like this?

Are there any students among you?

Who is it, stand up now?

All in chorus: “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

8.Who, despite the burden of life,

I found the opportunity, the means, the time

And today I’m very happy

Take many years back?

All in chorus: “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

9. Who is on the site, on the famous one

"Odnoklassniki" lovely

Is he trying to find everyone?

Who hangs up on the network?

All in chorus: “It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

Leading: We start our evening. Go!

Musical interruption

Presenter: 2016 has been named the year of Russian cinema! Therefore, we decided to call our meeting “Chronicles of school life.”

Leading: “I would like to rewind my life like a film 10 years ago...” We invite you, dear friends, to replay the film of your memories of school and again plunge into the atmosphere of fun school days.

Presenter: And we want to support our cinematic theme with a video about the school

Video about the school


Now we invite you to the stage

The one who every day in the morning

He meets us all at the doorstep,

Who takes care of us all at school.

Of course, our director.


The floor for greetings is given to the school director Marina Aleksandrovna Kunakovskaya.

Director's word

Ved 1 . Leafing through an old school album,
I plunge again for a moment
In the days of youth... And like in a silent movie
Frames of past days are flashing... I'm trying

Ved 1 . Restore everything in your memory:
Here is the old porch and school yard,
Here are friends smiling in the shadow of the branches,
The teacher, moderately strict, squints his eyes...

Ved 2 . The last state exam is over,
Unrest is a thing of the past century
Everyone was wondering - what is there ahead?
And how to get a “lucky” ticket to life?..

Presenter: There is a proposal to go back many years.

Leading: But for this we need to greet those without whom the process of your education at school could not take place - our dear teachers - veterans


Presenter: We invite you to the stage.

Leading: Let me ask you a few questions:

— Do you remember all your students?

— How many graduations did you have and how many guys did you graduate?

— Did you have any favorites, who were they?

— What can you wish for teachers who are currently working at school?

Leading: Thank you very much, please take your seats.

Flowers for veteran teachers

Leading: The Anthem of the 29th school is played.

“Anthem of the 29th school” - choir of 5th grade students

Presenter: 1966.

  • The Luna-9 spacecraft, launched on January 31, was the first in the world to land on the surface of the Moon in the Ocean of Storms region and transmitted the first lunar photo panorama
  • The Kosmos-110 satellite is launched with the dogs Veterok and Ugolek on board
  • Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Venera-3" for the first time in the world reached the surface of the planet Venus
  • For the first time, monthly wages were introduced on collective farms.
  • Biggest meteor Rain registered on the night of November 16-17, 1966.

And we invite the class of 1966 – the 50th anniversary celebrants – to the stage. Applause!

Leading: A total of 5 classes graduated - 305 people, of which 11 medalists:

  1. Kursov Dmitry Vasilievich
  2. Bondar Lyubov Ivanovna
  3. Dashko Lyudmila Pavlovna
  4. Logvinenko Evgeniy Ivanovich
  5. Malakhov Alexander Valentinovich
  6. Khodus Nina Grigorievna
  7. Martynyuk Lyudmila Evtikhievna
  8. Semenova Nina Fedorovna
  9. Simonenko Alexandra Ivanovna
  10. Kozak Anatoly Vsevolodovich
  11. Dogadkina Rimma Sergeevna

Class teachers:

  • Vishnevskaya Maria Afanasyevna
  • Masterova Taisiya Alexandrovna

First teachers:

  • Shcherbina Ekaterina Alekseevna
  • Miroshnichenko Alexey Mikhailovich
  • Uncountable Alexandra Petrovna

The graduation was famous for the fact that all students had their own profession, loved sports, and traveled a lot. The activists were: Alexander Kunakovsky, Tatyana Ivanina, Liliya Sulim, Lyudmila Shilova.

This year’s graduates have achieved considerable heights in their professional activities:

  • Simonenko Alexandra Ivanovna Candidate of Mathematical Sciences, taught at Nalchin University;
  • Konovalov Yuri Ivanovich – teacher at the Polytechnic Institute;
  • Usok Galina Savelyevna - worked as a director at school 34;
  • Vdovina Tatyana - worked at the embassy in India;
  • Shcherbakov Vladimir Ivanovich - worked abroad in Belgium;
  • Evgeniy Ivanovich Logvinenko – teacher of oriental languages ​​at Kuban State University;
  • Efremenko Alexander - captain of the navy.

Assignment for the Class of 1966

Leading: Dear graduates! Over to you.

Presenter: And we have prepared a task for you. Since we touched on the topic of cinema today, you need to listen to the phrase and guess the film in which it was heard:

1. They are writing an essay, but they took away my lesson for this task.

Are you sorry?

It's a pity there aren't two.(“We’ll live until Monday.”)

2. Hard at school - easy at work. (Coward. "Operation Y".)

3. An exam is always a holiday for me, professor! (Oak. "Obsession.")

4. He who does not work eats. (Big guy. "Partner".)

5. We will not take Baba Yaga from outside. We will educate you in our team. (Ogurtsov. “Carnival Night.”)

6. Girl, don’t argue with the teacher. The teacher is always right!(Episode: "The Big Break")

7. Don’t interrupt, please, I’ll get confused myself. (Novoseltsev. "Love affair at work".)

8. The main thing is that the suit fits! ( Ivan. "Sorcerers")

Leading: Our graduates did a great job. And in parting, we would like to work with you to compile a congratulatory address for our teachers. Please name a few adjectives.

Farewell autograph of graduates.

Our teachers!
On this _______ day of meeting with school, we want to say only the most _______ words.
During 11 years of _______ school life, we experienced many _______ moments.
We will never forget you, our _______ teachers!
We, your _______ students, wish you _______ health, more _______ minutes in your life, _______ students, and may a _______ smile always shine on your faces.
With love and respect, your _______ children.


Leading: A musical gift for you.

«__________________________» — ________________________

Presenter: 1971.

  • Production of the Zhiguli car began
  • Launch of the first Soviet orbital station"Firework"
  • in the presence of 103,000 spectators, Lev Yashin's farewell match took place
  • American lands on the moon spaceship Apollo 15
  • Greenpeace organization created
  • Motown Records released Michael Jackson's first single, "Got to Be Were," when he was 13 years old.
  • The first landing on the surface of Mars by a Soviet spacecraft lander<Марс-3>

And we invite 45-year-old anniversaries to the stage! Applause!


3 classes graduated, a total of 80 people.

First teachers: Barkova Maria Timofeevna, Morenko Ksenia Terentyevna,Anastasia Nikolaevna

Class teachers:Andryukova Olga Pavlovna, Nishchuk Klavdiya Petrovna, Yulia Petrovna

The classes were very friendly, everyone helped each other.

Class 10 “A” actively participated in the collection of waste paper and scrap metal; this was a kind of tradition of this class. The guys helped veterans, the disabled, and were compassionate.

From the story of a student of class 10 “A”Lydia Yakubovskaya: What the class remembered most was:

  1. Celebrations for the honor of the school
  2. Annual demonstrations
  3. Sports holidays (the class was sports, especially girls)
  4. Hiking
  5. Acceptance of class students first in October, then into the ranks of the Komsomol.

11B class was the most athletic class. Participated in the RSFSR volleyball championshipVyushkin Alexey Viktorovich, Kolomiets Grigory Mikhailovich, Tikhonov Evgeny Yurievich.

This year’s graduates have worked and are working for the benefit of our country:

Komoza Olga Viktorovna-works in the administration of the President of the Russian Federation

Vyushkin Alexey Viktorovich— Worked in ore mines for 23 years. Worked his way up from a simple mechanic to the head of the Eastern mine in Aapatity, Murmansk region, worked in Finland, Germany, Belgium, Holland.

Kashkakha Galina Nikolaevna- employee of the Research Institute of Cosmonautics in Lvov

Fedorov Viktor Alekseevich- talented builder

Assignments for the Class of 1871

Presenter: Let's remember school curriculum. A little quiz. We answer questions. I remind you that you must raise your hand to answer.

  1. In the novel “Destruction” by Fadeev, the following characters participate:

Snow Maiden
Father Frost

  1. Complete the quote: “I go out alone...”

to work
on the road
on the bear

  1. Substances that consist of two elements, one of which is oxygen, are -


  1. What formula actually exists:

What difference does it make to you

  1. Karl Marx wrote...


  1. When adding numbers it turns out

a lot of

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall!

Presenter: 1976.

  • Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak found the Apple Computer Company
  • The XXI Olympic Games took place in Montreal.
  • The first studies have been carried out on the surface of Mars.
  • The comedy film by Eldar Ryazanov “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!” was released on the big screen.

And we invite 40-year-old anniversaries to the stage! Applause!

Leading: In 1976, 3 classes graduated, a total of 81 people. There were no medalists.

10a Total students 26

1 teacher: Fedorova Anisiya Zinovievna; Klimenko Valentina Evgenievna

Class teacher: Khavilov Nikolai Vasilievich.

10b Total students 26

1 teacher: Varvara Petrovna Kovylyanskaya

Class teacher: Dmitrenko Lyubov Viktorovna.

10в Total students 29

1 teacher: Dmitrieva Ekaterina Dmitrievna

Class teacher: Vishnevskaya Maria Afanasyevna

Assignments for the Class of 1976

Presenter: We invite you to guess and sing good old songs about school verse by verse:(phonograms with songs and slides with words)

school years

- taught at school

When we leave the school yard

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall

Presenter: 1981.

  • The premiere of the musical “Juno” and “Avos” took place at Lenkom.
  • Debut of the MTV music channel. Exactly six years later he began working in Europe.
  • Scientists first reported the threat global warming on the ground.
  • The world's largest opened in Alberta (Canada) shopping mall with an area of ​​483 thousand square meters. meters.
  • December 11 - Big Ben stops due to cold at 12:27

And we invite 35-year-old anniversaries to the stage! Applause!


This year 90 people graduated from the school. First teachers: Kostyuk Maria Alexandrovna, Morenko Ksenia Terentyevna. Class teachers: Nikolay Vasilievich Khavilov, Svetlana Viktorovna Nazarenko, Vera Viktorovna Belik.

Certificates of honor were awarded to: Sergey Valentinovich Glebov (NVP), Pavel Anatolyevich Sinyansky (NVP), Irina Vladimirovna Masletsova (biology), Natalya Nikolaevna Ponamareva (history)

Among the graduates are medical workers, military personnel, economists, accountants, cultural figures, entrepreneurs and just many others. good people. The parallel classes are very friendly. The leader at the school was Natalya Vladimirovna Senik.

Assignment for the class of 1981

Presenter: You left school a long time ago and haven’t seen each other for many years. During this time, a lot has changed for all of us. But if everyone talks about their lives, then we will be “stuck” here for a month. And for this case we have a magic bell that will help us find out everything about everyone

Game "Magic Bell"

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall!

Presenter: Looking through footage of school days, it’s hard not to remember loved ones who are no longer with us.

Leading: Many teachers who gave you their warmth and shared their knowledge have left our ranks. Let's honor their memory with a minute of silence.

  1. Minute of silence

Presenter: These are difficult times for our country today. But Russia has always remained strong. One of bright examples the demonstration of the strength of Russian character was the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, whose 70th anniversary we celebrated last year.

Leading: Every year in February our school hosts a month of military work. This year it is called “For Faith, Kuban and Fatherland!” We try to instill in our students a love for their Motherland and a sense of patriotism. We dedicate the next issue to this.

«_________________________» — ____________________________

Presenter: 1986.

  • Soviet orbital station Mir launched
  • An accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
  • Mike Tyson won the WBC heavyweight title, becoming the youngest world champion in boxing history.
  • Queen became the first group after Louis Armstrong to break through the Iron Curtain - Budapest, Live Magic concert.

And we ask for a 30th anniversary release on stage! Applause!


In 1986, 2nd class graduated. Total 73 students

10 "A" class. The first teacher is Ekaterina Dmitrievna Dmitrieva.

Class teacher - Dzhurko Vera Nikolaevna.

10 "B" class. The first teacher is Tatyana Sergeevna Zgurko.

Class teacher - Tomara Petrovna Domashenko.

Among them: sports, friendly classes. Teachers, doctors, cosmetologists, businessmen.

Their children studied and are studying in our 29th school.

Assignment for the class of 1986

Presenter: Many of you must have been pioneers. That's why we have prepared a simple task for you. Break into pairs. Hug your partner with one arm as if you were Siamese twins. And secondly, try to tie one of you a pioneer tie.

"In the fight for the cause Communist Party be ready!"

Must answer “Always ready!”

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall! This musical gift is for you

“Let the fires fly” - pioneer class

Presenter: 1991

  • Alla Pugacheva received the title “Honored Artist of the USSR”
  • In a referendum, Leningrad residents voted to return the city to its original name - St. Petersburg, and Sverdlovsk again became Yekaterinburg.
  • July 3 — Premiere of the film “Terminator 2: Judgment Day.”
  • heir Russian throne Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich, cousin of Nicholas II, flew to St. Petersburg, visiting Russia for the first time.
  • abolition of the USSR and creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

We ask for a 25th anniversary release on stage! Applause!


This year there were three graduating classes: 11A; 11B; 11B. A total of 77 students.

First teachers: Barabash Maria Timofeevna, Shpatak Alla Grigorievna, Shinkarenko Natalya Nikolaevna

Class teachers: Yaroshenko Valentina Fedorovna, Bashmakova Alla Semenovna,

Many of the guys had a sense of humor.

The guys from this graduating class became teachers, economists, medical workers, and farmers.

Assignments for the class of 1991

Presenter: A simple task. Before you are two abbreviations (OBZH, VUZ), your task is to come up with as many as possible various options decoding these abbreviations.

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall!

Presenter: 1996.

  • the first chess match between the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue and Garry Kasparov (G. Kasparov won with a score of 4-2)
  • Russian presidential elections. Boris Yeltsin was elected President of the Russian Federation for a second term.
  • July 19 — The XXVI Olympic Games began in Atlanta

And we ask 25-year-old anniversaries to take the stage! Applause!


IN In 1996, four 11th grade students graduated. A total of 89 students.

In 11B medalists: Puchok K., Klitinskaya I. (gold); Gomagan A., Kanakaeva M. (silver).

Class teacher Kotova E.V.

In 11A medalist Batulova A.A.

Class teacher Knysh T.S.

Kolomeets Galina. Graduated from Kuban State University by profession a lawyer, currently works as a legal consultant at the Federal State institution"Office of Federal highways“Black Sea” Federal Road Agency” by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin dated December 26, 2014. awarded a diploma and medal for her significant contribution to the preparation and holding of 22 Olympic Games winter games and the 21st Paralympic Games 2014 in Sochi.

Klitinskaya Irina graduated medical academy, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Puchok Tatyana graduated from the Moscow University of Commerce and Economics, Faculty of Accounting and Finance - economist, works as an accountant in the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Krasnodar Territory.

Shulga Peter graduated from the rocket school, Moscow military academy, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Assignment for the class of 1996

Presenter: Which song or poem begins with the following? question words(options are possible)?

Where? (“...childhood is leaving”)

Who? (“...invented you”)

How? (“...this all happened”)

Where? ("…It was")

When? (“…let’s leave the school yard”)

What? (“ look greedily at the road”)

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall! A musical gift for you

«___________________________» — _______________________

Presenter: 2001.

  • first release of Wikipedia
  • flooding of the Mir orbital station in the southern part Pacific Ocean, near the Fiji Islands
  • Flight of the first space tourist Dennis Tito
  • The World Carnival Parade took place in Moscow, opening the “Square Theaters of the World” program as part of the International Theater Olympiad.
  • The XXVII Summer Olympic Games opened in Sydney.

And we invite the 15-year-old graduate to the stage! Applause!


In 2001 it was released 6 eleventh grade. They studied 132 students.

Two people received a gold medal:

Elena Klitinskaya (11 B) and Elena Kupatadze (11 D).

Six people received a silver medal:

Svetlana Medvedeva (11 A), Olesya Sokolova (11 A), Victoria Tereshchenko (11 B), Olesya Lee (11 G), Dmitry Melnik (11 G) and Nikolay Drozhd (11 D).

Certificates of commendation received:

Antonenko Anton in biology;

Vasilchenko Andrey in physical education;

Zyazina Natalya in chemistry.

Tyapchenko Oleg in English.

Melnik Dmitry in algebra.

Klimtsev Sergey in computer science

V 11 A There were 21 people in the class.

Class teacher Krasnyak Yuri Grigorievich

First teacher Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Seredova.

B 11 B There were 20 people in the class.

Class teacher Maya Evdokimovna Golubitskaya.

First teacher Garmasheva Natalya Anatolyevna.

V 11 V There were 23 people in the class.

Class teacher Galina Petrovna Khikhlovskaya.

The first teacher is Dzgurko Tatyana Sergeevna.

In 11 G There were 24 people in the class.

Class teacher Tatyana Viktorovna Silchenko.

First teacher Chesebieva Natalya Nikolaevna.

B 11 D There were 22 people in the class.

Class teacher Lyudmila Georgievna Nesterenko.

First teacher: (mixed class) Romanets Svetlana Ivanovna and Dmitrieva Ekaterina Dmitrievna and others, the rest could not be identified

At 11 E There were 22 people in the class.

Class teacher Alla Semenovna Bashmakova.

First teacher: (mixed class) Chesebieva Natalya Nikolaevna and others, it was not possible to identify the rest.

Assignment for class of 2001

Presenter: I will tell you phrases in which each word is “inverted” to its opposite meaning. You need to decipher the shifters.

For example, the correct answer for the shapeshifter “A girl is like a house” would be “A little boy.”

  • Kikimora under a watermelon (Princess and the Pea)
  • dog without sandals (Puss in Boots)
  • clothed beggar (Naked King)
  • copper chicken (golden goose)
  • Rubik's cube (Kolobok)
  • stupid Vasily (Vasilisa the Wise)
  • green shoe (Little Red Riding Hood)
  • rusty lock (Golden key)
  • gray bush (Scarlet flower)

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall!

«_______________________» — ________________________

Presenter: 2006

  • The XX Winter Olympic Games were held in Turin (Italy).
  • At the International Congress of Mathematicians in Madrid, the King of Spain was to present the St. Petersburg mathematician G. Perelman with the Fields Medal. This highest award in the mathematical world, equal in importance Nobel Prize, he was awarded for his proof of the Poincaré conjecture. For 100 years, no one succeeded in doing this. But Perelman refused the award
  • September 12 — As part of the Confessions Tour, singer Madonna visited Russia for the first time in history, performing in Moscow at the Luzhniki Stadium

And we invite the 10th anniversary edition to the stage! Applause!


In 2006, 84 graduates graduated from the school. The school director is Galina Fedorovna Kovtun. Head teachers - Vera Nikolaevna Varenik, Evgenia Pavlovna Yozhikova, Valentina Grigorievna Pronchatova.

First teachers:

1A Masletsova Olga Viktorovna,

1B – Shpatak Alla Grgorievna,

1B – Simonova Elena Vladimirovna,

1D – Chilingaryan Marina Romanovna,

1D – Starichkova Irina Olegovna,

1E – Tarasenko Nadezhda Anatolyevna,

1F – Sanamyan Sofya Khachaturovna.

Class teachers:

Polyakova Evgenia Mikhailovna, Kolesnichenko Lyubov Nikolaevna, Nishchuk Klavdiya Petrovna, Bedenko Irina Evgenievna.

Grade 11A - Sinyanskaya Margarita received a diploma for success in studying geography. Class activists: Anna Medvedeva, Lusine Javadyan, Irina Tokiy.

11B grade – Denis Redkin and Evgenia Bikova received gold and silver medals. Class active: Evgenia Bikova, who was the leader of the school, Alla Voskovskaya, Olga Popova.

11 B class – 3 silver medals. They were received by Alena Makhonina, Igor Morozov, Inna Son.

11th grade -. Nikolay Domashenko received a gold medal, Ekaterina Omekha received a certificate for success in learning English.

And we invite the class of 2006 to the stage - 10 years! Applause!

Assignments for the class of 2006

Presenter: You, dear friends, have not collected your school bag for a long time, we did it for you. But perhaps there were things in your briefcase that are not related to educational process and your task is to convince those present of the need for these items during school hours. Everyone, taking out one item, shows it to the room and says “I need this for...” or “I need this for...”

Leading: Yes, we are convinced that you are practical people, and every little thing is always necessary for you! Please tell me a few words about the school and teachers? Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall!

Presenter: 2011

  • Russia was divided into 9 time zones and the transition to winter time was canceled
  • Russia and the whole world celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first manned flight into space - Yuri Gagarin
  • On October 30, humanity crossed the 7 billion barrier - UN experts decided to choose the city of Kaliningrad as the birthplace of the seven billionth earthling, where at midnight local time the Nikolaev couple had a son named Peter.

We ask you to come to the stage for 5-year-old anniversaries! Applause!


First teachers: Stenina Lyubov Borisovna, Loschakova Svetlana Ivanovna, Bezzub Vera Serafimovna. Garmasheva Natalya Anatolyevna. Chesebieva Natalya Nikolaevna.

Class teachers:Revazyan Eva Makichevna-11 a. Drovaleva Elena Yakovlevna – 11 b. Drozhd Tamara Nikolaevna – 11th century.

Gold medalists:Kardakova Olga, Prosyanik Ksenia.

Governor's Ball participants:Kardakova Olga, Prosyanik Ksenia, Petrov Nikita, Vlasov Mikhail.

Every year the school's honor was defended at sports competitions:Lived Andrey, Snezhko Denis. Khatkov Nizar, Bugaenko Maria, Petrov Nikita, Ermoshkin Artem, Lyapina Lyubov, Myachina Yulia, Pivneva Yulia, Nogovitsyn Andrey. Mikhail Vlasov is now a candidate for master of sports in handball, Eric Kocharyan, who is a master of sports in Greco-Roman wrestling, a multiple medalist and winner of the championship of the Southern Federal District and Russia.

They actively participated in the life of the class and school, were winners and prize-winners of Olympiads and various creative competitions:Usoltseva Kristina, Kolosova Albina, Yesayan Laura, Mailyan Susanna.

Ponamareva Katerina, Legkikh Nastya, Derkach Angela, Derkach Veronika, Velichkovskaya Lena, Naminova Dasha.

Myachina Yulia, Pivneva Yulia, Beresneva Lyubov.

Participants of the dance group “Inspiration” studied in this episode - multiple diploma winners dance competitions in the Southern Federal District: Prosyanik Ksenia, Kardakova Olga, Surova Anastasia, Yunda Elena.

Assignments for the class of 2011

Presenter: You have received the letters that make up the word “classmates”. I will read out the question, and you must show the answer in letters. That is, you need to guess the answer and rearrange yourself so that you get a word. Anyone who has a letter that is not needed in the word moves away. Are you ready? Let's start!

- Pirates are always after this! (answer - treasure)

- They write on it in class with chalk? (answer - board)

— do you usually experience this feeling in the evening, when you feel like...? (answer - dream)

- we are 11A, and we have a friendly and cheerful...? (answer – class)

- if we are bored in class, then we look at...? (answer - window)

- took popcorn and ran to...? (answer: cinema)

— should we always look for it in equations? (answer - X)

- we are all with you forever...? (answer: classmates).

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall!

Presenter: 2015.

The treaty on the creation of the Eurasian Federation entered into force economic union consisting of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Armenia

Construction has started Kerch Bridge, which will connect the peninsula with the mainland of the country and finally integrate Crimea into Russia.

  • Russia celebrated its anniversary - 70 years of victory in the Second World War, 12 million Russians took part in the “Immortal Regiment” campaign.

Eurovision 2015 Russian representative Polina Gagarina took second place.

Timur and Amur. In the Primorsky Safari Park, the tiger Amur, to everyone’s surprise, did not kill the goat Timur, who was launched towards him to be eaten. And I even became friends with him.

In such a significant year for Russia, the class of 2015 graduated from the school. We ask you to come up on stage! Applause!


One class graduated. In total there were 28 people in the class. Chesibaeva Natalya Nikolaevna, Bezzub Vera Sirafimovna and Stenina Lyubov Borisovna, as the first teachers, directed their students on the right path and accompanied them at the beginning of their education. Then Eva Makichevna Revazyan took her under her wing and graduated from the 11th “A” class, instilling hard work and determination in her students.

6 medalists who won prizes in various Olympiads and NPCs.

Yana Martynenko is a prize-winner of All-Russian festivals and competitions.

Son Anna is a multiple winner of All-Russian tournaments.

Nazaryan Silva is a multiple winner and prize-winner of regional NPKs and Olympiads.

Anna Yatskova is the winner of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiads in Kuban studies, biology and life safety.

Lavelina Vlada is a repeated winner and prize-winner of regional and regional scientific and training courses in geography and law.

Arina Domashnenko is a winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad in Literature. Multiple winner of the regional stage of the English Language Olympiad.

Students also have achievements in sports.

Brovarets Alexey

Sheludko Konstantin

Duluntz Rafael

Kova Evgeniy

Gorskov Dmitry

Out of 11 “A” students, 2 presidents of the school self-government organization of the SYUGR graduated.

Lavelina Vlada

Tsagelnik Sergey

Assignment for Class of 2015

Presenter: Guess the musical puzzles prepared for you.

Leading: Thank you, dear graduates! Come down to the hall!


One hundred years since the last call.

Well, a little less, but it seems like recently.

And memory is a thread: it does not break, no matter how thin.

And remembering is both sad and funny.


I remember everyone with whom my life brought me together,

But for some reason it gets more expensive every day

Those first ones, those school friends.

Will we see each other someday? May be.


Perhaps the hour has already come

When, having given up on all worries,

It will be possible to bring us all together,

Having appointed our main Saturday?

Burn your whole life over low heat!


Without you, friends, is this really life?

I'm waiting to be able to say:

“It’s great that we’re all here!”

This concludes our evening, but we do not say goodbye to you, we say to you “See you again.” See you next year!

“Where does childhood go” - Milena Khachaturyan

The meeting is a memory of school days, friends, teachers. The presenters, high school students, conduct surveys, games, and competitions in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.


Developing students' interest in traditions, creating in them a sense of responsibility and duty.


The stage is being decorated balloons, flowers. You can hang it on the walls school newspapers and photos different years, dedicated to those issues that are being collected.

Required attributes for competitions:

  • Needle and thread, button, fabric;
  • Scissors, sheet of paper;
  • Boots and laces;
  • Sheets and pens for "Burim";
  • Costumes for impromptu theater.


  • Leading
  • Presenter

Progress of the event

The school bell rings and the presenters come out.


A gentle bell is ringing today,
But only unexpectedly and strangely -
He doesn’t call us to a lesson at all,
And it doesn't mean change.


Yes, our bell is ringing for you now,
Graduates, he calls you to gather.
Today, on this day and at this hour
He asks to stay for a moment.

Presenter: Dear graduates of past years, we welcome you to the reunion evening!

Leading: Thank you for coming to this evening and bringing the warmth of your hearts to this hall.

Together: Welcome!

Dance number to the song “School Waltz”.

Presenter: We are pleased to welcome you to our hall today for the alumni reunion evening.

Leading: It's great that we have gathered here today.

Presenter: Is that all?

Leading: This is what we will check now.


Dear graduates, do not be silent,
When you hear your graduation year, shout out loud!

A roll call is being held. The hosts name the years of graduation, and the graduates stand up.

Leading: Today our class of ___ was the friendliest (those who were in the majority). Let's greet them once again with applause! And for all graduates the following song is a gift.

Song "Schoolmates".

Presenter: I wonder why we gather graduates under the roof of our school every year?

Leading: How, why - remember so as not to forget about your native school.

Presenter: What will we remember?

Leading: School friends, first love, first teacher, long-awaited calls...

Presenter: Surely, those bells that announced the end of the lesson were long-awaited.

Leading: Yes, everyone was waiting for the change - both students and teachers!

Presenter: Let's remember how it was!

A “Musical Minute” is held. Students go on stage, show movements, and the audience repeats after them.

Leading: But it wasn't just the changes that were fun. For some, the lessons were interesting, because at this time one could learn so many new and unexpected things...

Presenter: Where the river flows into the sea, or how much is two times two, or how to find the hypotenuse, or...

Leading: Not only. Even during the lesson, you could find out how patient the classmate sitting in front of you is! Imagine, you pull her braids, but she is silent, afraid that the teacher will scold... Or determine how many buttons on the chair the neighbor at the desk can withstand... Or...

Presenter: But still, we gathered not only to remember the pranks, but also to find out who our graduates became, where they work, and how their fate turned out.

Leading: Let's find out what the statistics tell us.

A student makes a presentation about the professions of those who have arrived (at the entrance to the school, it is necessary to conduct a survey of arriving graduates in advance).

Presenter: Yes, we are not afraid today. After all, there are military men among you - they will protect us from dangerous people, doctors will provide first aid medical care if necessary, teachers will teach love and patience, sellers will add an economic note to the nostalgic bouquet.

Leading: And these heroes will now be greeted by the face of our school, the leader of our pedagogical gang, the president of the school community - the director!

Speech by the school principal.


What is school - these are children,
These are books and a trill bell,
These are the happiest days in the world
Farewell to winter, spring drops.


Some studied in one, and some studied in two shifts,
What could unite us all?
That we were all waiting for change,
So you can play!


The fact that we went to the same school
That we cared about her.
Yes, we were students here for a long time,
Many years have passed since then and many days...

Leading: I wonder how much you remember from your school life?

The survey “Let's speak frankly” is being conducted:

  • How often have you run away from class?
  • Did you plant buttons on your classmates or teachers?
  • Hiding around the school corner with a cigarette?
  • Have you copied your homework? What about the tests?
  • Did you bully girls?
  • The best day of my school life.
  • The saddest day at school.
  • What were more - twos or fives?

Presenter: How many interesting things teachers have now learned about their former students. Tell me, dear teachers, did this come as news to you?

Speech by teachers. After this, students show scenes from school life.

Leading: You see, in fact, the teachers were so insightful that they could figure out the instigator of any prank.

Presenter: This is an important quality in the difficult profession of a teacher. Therefore, the next issue is dedicated to you, teachers!

The song “A gentle bell calls you to your desk.”

Leading: I wonder how many of you are dating your classmates? Who doesn’t lose touch and still communicates - The next competition is for you.

The Siamese Twins competition is being held. Couples of willing people come out. They hug each other’s shoulders with one arm so that one right and one left are free in the pair. left hand. Without changing their position, they need to sew on a button, cut out a star from paper and lace up their shoes faster than their opponents. The winners are awarded medals.

Presenter: Many graduates have gathered here today. I wonder if they all think the same?

Leading: This is what we will check now. I invite our graduates to use their brains!

A creative competition “Burime” is being held. Each issue is given a piece of paper and a pen. Their task is to compose a poem, each line of which ends with the words: poppy - cuff - jokes - school. After 5 minutes, all poems are heard and the best is chosen.

Presenter: There are a lot of people, but it turns out they all think differently.

Leading: And you doubted it! You see what creative people studied at our school.

Presenter: Real talents! I think they would even be good actors.

Leading: I suggest you relax a little - watch a short play staged by your classmates.

Impromptu theater "Kolobok". Roles: Old Man, Old Woman, Kolobok, Hare, Wolf, Fox.


Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. They lived and did not grieve until they wanted to eat. Yes, yes, you haven’t eaten so much, but suddenly – on you – you want it! Everything would have been fine, but the house was empty - there weren’t even mice. The old man and the old woman searched everything, but nowhere could they find even a crumb of bread. They sat down on a bench and became sad. And suddenly the old man came up with an idea: they went to the barn and found an old chest where flour had been stored a long time ago. They swept it with a broom, scraped up a little flour, and put it in a pot. They added some water, kneaded the dough, baked the bun and put it on the window to cool. And they went to bed, happy. Night. Kolobok woke up, perked up and galloped off into the forest, only he was seen! He runs, and a hare meets him. The hare wanted to catch the bun, but the bun slipped out of his hands and rushed on. The bun is running, and a wolf meets him. He also wanted to catch the kolobok, but he also failed - the kolobok turned out to be more agile. The bun runs further, and a fox runs towards it. She saw the bun, narrowed her eyes, twirled her tail, licked her lips and decided to deceive him. She grabbed her back, sharply bent down and groaned. Kolobok stopped, looked at the fox, felt sorry for him, took his hand, and wanted to help. And the fox opened his mouth and swallowed the bun. And the bun was big, so the fox choked. No matter how she spun, no matter how she spun, she could not swallow the fried lump of dough and died immediately.

The moral of this tale is this: don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf!

Presenter: Our actors did a wonderful job. Let's thank them for their interesting performance with applause.

Leading: Well, now it’s time for our graduates to wish the school prosperity and success.


  1. Greetings
  2. Official part
  3. Primary school - first bell
  4. High school. Russian language lesson
  5. Math lesson
  6. Literature lesson
  7. Labor lesson
  8. Physical education lesson
  9. Games and entertainment for adults.
  10. In between there are toasts and musical breaks.

(If the celebration is held indoors, guests enter solemnly, holding hands, men and women in polonaise style, walk in a circle and sit down)

Q: Dear friends, today we remember our native school. This day is exciting, joyful and sad at the same time. We found ourselves in new school, where there are no textbooks, cheat sheets, teachers, but full of exams. Ask “What kind of school is this?” It’s the “School of Life!”

We can no longer sit at a narrow desk

That's why we're a little sad

The last call remained music for us

And all the words are the last farewell!

We will NOT hide the fact that someone without desire

He doesn’t want to remember that school time...

Is recognition enough to be alone?

We won’t name anyone personally!

Today we will easily and carefreely run down the steps of the school. You came to the first grade completely incompetent with wide-open naive eyes, you had everything ahead of you, the first bell rang.

(Two participants come out with “Ring” and “Participant” tokens. The man is larger and stronger, and the woman is miniature. The man holds the woman on his shoulder, and the woman shouts “Ding, ding, ding.” They walk around the circle)

Q: And now, dear guests, because... Our adult school of life is open, I suggest you listen to the rules of conduct in our premises!

  • If you see that your neighbor is holding a glass for a long time, help them, anyway, they can’t take it anymore.
  • Drink for your health, don’t be distracted, remember: in wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there are bacteria.
  • While dancing, do not fall on the floor - they will trample you.
  • If you have a headache in the morning, your hands are shaking and your mouth is dry, try Snickers and you will understand how much tastier Zhigulevskoe is.
  • Flirt and flirt as much as your body wants, but remember that the only contraceptive is still the word “no.”
  • If you are tired of the chatter of the presenter, seat her at the table, because the fun of the company certainly depends on the busyness of her mouth.
  • Smiles and any manifestations of talent are joyfully accepted, except for obscene language, we remember well that we think about everyone and know what others think about us!

Toast to a smile

Let today, on the day of fun

Happiness overflows

Patch the hole in humor

And play from the heart!

Laugh heartily with your friends,

Give jokes to your loved ones,

Get rid of boring things

And speak with a smile!

Then everything will work out -

Dreams will come true immediately!

After all, with a cheerful person<

Even the difficulties are simple!

Q: Let's not forget that our holiday is a professional one - we are graduates, and this also had to be achieved! Trust me, you are in luck! Let's continue our luck and taste the divine drink "Elixir of Luck" so that once again in 10 years we can be just as satisfied and happy and meet again!

10 school years are left behind...

And ten more quickly passed!

“We’ve got it all, guys, ahead!” —

We have been so brave more than once.

So let's move towards the dream

And don’t whine stupidly in vain...

Approaching the starting line

Shout “I can do it!” to make it clear -

Where is “He who wants to get his way”

Where is “The Opponent of Haste and Boring”...

The main thing, and so it is destined,

Let you start yours from here!

The presenter pointedly points his finger at the poster “School number such and such!” that decorates the hall.

Q: We are starting the awards ceremony. The medal is awarded (full name) for the “best” in the nomination:

  • ...the most cheating...
  • ...the most boring...
  • ...the most frank... etc.

The host names the most interesting comic nominations for all participants of the evening - classmates.

Q: I will be your first and last teacher. First lesson of the Russian language. Do we speak and write correctly? (The presenter says the first word and asks the audience to say the second word)

Convert to plural:

  • arc - arcs;
  • hand - hands;
  • flour - flour;
  • resident - residents;
  • amateur - amateurs;
  • teacher - teachers;
  • Greek - Greeks;
  • Uzbek - Uzbeks;
  • person people;
  • bucket - buckets;
  • thigh - hips;
  • metro - metro;
  • chicken - chickens;
  • keg - barrels;

indefinite form - into a first person verb:

  • dream - dream;
  • shine - shine;
  • whistle - whistle;
  • throw - throw;
  • to shred - I shred;
  • bite - I bite;
  • write - I write;

verbs - into nouns:

  • know - knowledge;
  • shine - radiance;
  • walk - walking;
  • sleep - sleep;
  • shoot - firing;
  • pray - prayer;
  • thresh - threshing;
  • praise - praise.

plural - to singular:

  • singers - singer;
  • crowns - crown;
  • ends - end;
  • tongs - tongs;
  • nuts - nut;
  • success - success;
  • armor - armor;

masculine to feminine:

  • cook - cook;
  • tailor - dressmaker;
  • merchant - merchant's wife;
  • brave - brave.

adjective to noun:

  • severe - severity;
  • new - news;
  • pine - pine;
  • black - blackness;
  • frozen - permafrost;
  • red - redness;
  • clear - clarity;
  • full - completeness;

verbs - into gerunds:

  • break - breaking;
  • remember - remembering;
  • walk - walking;
  • crush - me;

feminine to masculine:

  • reaper - reaper;
  • priestess - priest;
  • reader - reader;
  • lioness - lion;
  • goat - goat;
  • wasp - bumblebee.

Q: As one student complained: “The Russian language teacher is turning brown by leaps and bounds. Yesterday she said that I don’t know Russian at all and wrote some number in my diary!” So let's drink so that we always know our worth! (TOAST)

Q: Next math lesson! The players' task is to guess how many items are in this bag! (Guessing game - counting). For the exact number - a prize.

Q: From a student’s diary: “Yesterday I finally got an A in geometry. After classes, I sat down and calculated my average score - it still turned out to be 1.88 for the quarter... Something needs to be done. Father is no longer impressed by an argument like “Geometry is nonsense”... Let’s drink to the fact that we always have a convincing argument in stock. (TOAST)

Q: Next literature lesson. Let's act out a little scene in the faces of "One Night". (The presenter reads the text, the characters perform movements according to the text)

Tonight I was woken up by an persistent and drunken voice, heart-rendingly coming from the street. “Yanaaaaah! Yanaaaaa! Where are you?!" - and so on ten times, without stopping. It was hot and stuffy outside, so there was no desire to close the window. But another desire awoke - to go out and knock young Romeo on the head. Nervously lighting a cigarette, I began to watch the figure darting about under the window, wondering how much I would be able to overcome the laziness to get dressed. “Yanaaaa! Yanaaaaa!” - he continued to scream. Then I hear a thin voice from the next window: “What, dear?” “Yana, I love you!” His voice noticeably perked up. “And I love you, darling! Now go home to sleep, I’ll call you tomorrow.” “Okay!” - With these words, the figure began to quickly move away from the house with a joyful jump. After all, my neighbor is a very resourceful girl. By the way, she is not Yana, she is Natasha.

Q: From the entries in the diary: “We need to grow spiritually, read more!..” I read my father’s phone before going to bed. I thought a lot... So let's drink so that noble thoughts come to our minds before going to bed. For the nobility of thought. (TOAST)

Q: next labor lesson! I want you to work a little while choosing tickets for the comic test: “What is the question, is the answer!” The host approaches the guests one by one and asks them questions. Players take out pre-prepared answer cards at random and read them out loud. Cards can be placed in a hat. For a cheerful and not very sober company, slightly vulgar options are suitable.

  1. Do you like to play pranks?
  2. Is it true that alcohol makes you do irresponsible things?
  3. Do you often fall in love at first sight?
  4. Do you often admire your reflection?
  5. Have you ever had to hide in a closet?
  6. Is it true that you sing during sex?
  7. Do you often drink at someone else's expense?
  8. Do you like to plot intrigues in a team?
  9. Do you often do things that you later regret?
  10. Is it true that you dream of taking part in the “Itself Perfection” competition?
  11. Is it true that you write obscene expressions on the walls in the entrance?
  12. Do you often cheat on your other half?
  13. Do you like to “play the fool”?
  14. Do you like to gossip?
  15. Is it true that you have a tendency towards sadism?
  16. Do you often stay out at night?
  17. Are you thinking about cutting your hair?
  18. Do you like to “poke your nose” into other people's affairs?
  19. Do you often get blackout drunk?
  20. Do you have a habit of fawning?
  21. Do you often have erotic dreams?
  22. Do you often get rowdy in public places?
  23. Do you take bribes?
  24. Do you allow yourself love over the phone?
  25. Do you like to dance under the moon?
  26. Have you ever swung from a chandelier?
  27. Do you often lie?
  28. Is it true that you like to lecture others?
  29. Do you often wake up in the middle of the night to empty the refrigerator?
  30. Is it true that you have a habit of kissing everyone at banquets?
  31. Are you often overcome by laziness?
  32. Are you tempted to take a photo for Playboy?
  33. Admit it, are you ready to do anything for money?
  34. Do you often find a stranger in your bed?
  35. Do you often visit erotic sites?
  36. Is it true that you throw eggs at passers-by from the window?
  37. Is it true that you like to count other people's money?
  38. Tell me honestly, do you like to dance striptease?
  39. Do you often feel “love fever”?
  40. Do you like to keep track of who ate and drank how much at the holiday table?
  41. Is it true that you visit a nudist beach?
  42. Admit it, do you often lose your underwear?
  43. Do you like to laugh at others?
  44. Do you like to make love in public places?
  45. Is it true that you like to scandalize?
  46. Do you often gloat?
  47. Have you ever woken up in a sobering station?
  48. Is it true that you like to incite your friends into antisocial behavior?
  1. This is the most enjoyable activity in my life!
  2. Yes, yes and yes again!
  3. Yes, and I even had to suffer from it.
  4. No, but I secretly dream about it.
  5. No, such nonsense is not for me!
  6. And I won’t tell you under torture!
  7. I allow myself this pleasure once a day.
  8. Aren’t you ashamed to ask such questions?!
  9. Of course, otherwise it would be no fun to live!
  10. Constantly, and I’m even proud of it!
  11. Unfortunately, I was not taught this as a child.
  12. Let's talk about this without witnesses...
  13. Yes, at every opportunity!
  14. Of course I do this all the time!
  15. Nothing human is alien to me.
  16. Yeah, especially when I'm bored.
  17. Certainly! Don't you like it?
  18. No, I'm interested in other problems.
  19. Unless I have other more important things to do.
  20. Please don't put me in an awkward position!
  21. I can't imagine life without this!
  22. We are not angels, anything can happen...
  23. This is a real pleasure for me!
  24. No, my upbringing is too good.
  25. No, although sometimes I want to try...
  26. Yes, I have no complexes!
  27. Always with great pleasure!
  28. Yes, especially if I have money.
  29. You should first ask how old I am!
  30. I can't imagine my life without this!
  31. Yes, but less often than we would like...
  32. Only if they really ask me about it.
  33. No, I tried it once and didn’t like it.
  34. Oh yeah! I'm doing great at this!
  35. Damn it! How did you find out about this?
  36. Even the thought of it makes me ecstatic!
  37. Only if I am sure that no one will know about it.
  38. I have had a penchant for this since childhood.
  39. I admit, these are the best moments of my life!
  40. Yes, of course - at every convenient opportunity.
  41. Not especially in daylight, but in the dark - with pleasure.
  42. Of course, this is simply the meaning of my life!
  43. I'm afraid that answering this question sincerely will ruin my reputation.
  44. Yes, on Fridays this is sacred to me!
  45. Yes, especially in the company of like-minded people.
  46. Ooh, I'm a pro at this!
  47. Guess for yourself!..
  48. Well, yes, it happens... What's wrong with that?

Q: From the diary entries: Yesterday in labor class we learned how to make rolling papers! So let's drink so that we learn everything that is useful in life. For increasing the number of convolutions per skull volume. (TOAST)

Q: The next lesson is physical education! (Games for adults. All games are accompanied by fun music). Dear men, we ask you to once again prove your love for the fair sex.

Game "Undress for a while." Two men and two women are called and stand opposite each other. At a signal, the man begins to move towards the woman, but not just like that, but gradually undressing and laying his clothes on the floor - along it, like along a path, he will walk to his “beloved”. You cannot step on the floor - only on your clothes.

Q: The next competition is “Real Man”.

(Men push the spoon from one pant leg to the other, starting through the bottom of the pant leg.)

Q: Who is a real man? This is the kind of man who gets out of bed to rest! So let's drink to real men!


Q: It’s always nice to do one thing together if it brings joy and pleasure to both! For this reason, I have a game called “Beer Snack.”

(Several chips are poured into two plates. Two couples compete. The woman takes the chips with her lips and feeds them to the man. Both players have their hands tied behind their backs.

Q: you have a good snack, the only thing missing is beer, but you need to earn it... by unloading a box of empty beer bottles... WITH YOUR FEET! Game "Agile Monkey".

(There are boxes in front of the players - one full of empty bottles, the other empty. From one box to another you need to load the bottles with your feet.)

Q: A competition for the most ambitious men and women. For real housewives and housewives who keep not only their home clean and tidy, but also their clothes. Game "Little".

(The girls lie down on the tables, bread crumbs fall on their dresses. The man must collect all these crumbs with his mouth at speed.)

Q: competition for married couples. The next game is for people with an overabundance of feelings... there is nothing left to do but say to each other: “Eat me!”

(two couples stand opposite each other. They have a thread (5 m) in their mouths. They move towards each other, collecting the thread with their mouths - they met, kissed.

Q: You graduated from school a long time ago,

So they calculated - 10 years...

The people are still cheerful

At least some are bald, and some are gray.

Still laughing loudly

Still full of hope

And the “girls” are charming,

And the “boys” are ready for battle.

We drink to victories, to accomplishments,

For the sun of our new days,

Let's drink to the fulfillment of desires,

For friendship - there is nothing more important! (TOAST)


Q: the sexiest, but economical competition for the endurance of men and the courage of women. The game “Erase to the roots.”

(Two couples. The man sits on a chair and holds an impressively sized carrot between his legs. The women, with a grater in their hands, are now starting to eat these carrots.)

Q: The good old Puzzle game. It's very simple - collect a postcard, and to make it more fun, let's do it in pairs. Two teams of two people assemble a postcard or a light puzzle at speed.

Q: The next game is “Who is the strongest.” Strong men with expensive women in their arms squat as many times as possible; whoever does the most wins!

Q: The next game is "Chappy Bunny". Lemon slices are prepared in advance. Participants, two people, their task is to put a piece of lemon in their mouth and say: “Chappie Bunny!”, then put the piece of lemon in their mouth again, etc., until all the pieces are in their mouth and each time say: “Chappie Bunny!” !

Q: Twenty years have passed now

From the prom

Both lucky and unlucky -

In a word, life was shaking.

Who is immersed in a career?

Someone writes books

Someone is happily in love

Who has children?

I'll raise a glass to you,

Let everything be top class! (TOAST)


Q: Let’s dance a little more. Our program continues with the music competition “Reverse Couples.”

(several couples are called, tie their backs to each other and dance couples dances in this way. Waltz, tango, lambada, etc. are included)

Q: I suggest cooling off your ardor with a sweet and tasty treat - ice cream. Game "Ice cream".

(Couples feed each other ice cream while blindfolded.)

Q: Game "Mr. Rodent". This title is awarded to a man who quickly peels and eats 10 seeds. And women will help him with this!

(Pairs of a man and a woman. The men stand with an important look and wait, and the women peel the seeds and feed them to the men with tweezers at speed. The men are awarded the “Mr. Rodent” medal).

At times our existence is painful, stormy and bitter.

But still, life, friends, is wonderful, let's drink to it! (TOAST)


Q: and again we continue the musical break - the game “Dance in Gas Masks”.

(men are given gas masks, their task is to perform the appropriate rhythmic movements to the beat of the music. The most expressive phonogram is selected: “Handle left, handle right ...”, “Dance of the little ducklings”, disco dancer, etc.)

Q: And now the game is in two actions: a preliminary game for dexterity and attention, and the second half of the game for accuracy. So, let's test ourselves with the game “Look, Believe and Test Yourself”

(The presenter performs movements quite quickly (you yourself need to be very careful) touching certain parts of your body: hand, ear, nose... and completes it all with a clap of your hands. The pace gradually speeds up.)

Q: And now the promised second part of the game is called “The Most Accurate”. This is a rather dangerous game and only the bravest men and desperate women can play it.

(Two teams of two people each. A blanket is laid on the floor, a chair is placed on it. A man lies under the chair, on the blanket, an empty glass is placed on his mouth. The man lies and waits for an egg to fall into his glass. At this time, the woman who sits on the edge of a chair, tries to move the egg with her butt to the opposite edge of the chair so that the egg falls into the man’s glass.)

Q: The next game is “Lizuny” for those who want to enjoy something sweet.

(Teams of two. Women are given a piece of safe glass on which cream or chocolate is spread. The woman holds this piece of glass in front of her, in front of the face of the man opposite. The man, without using his hands, tries to quickly lick all the cream off the glass.)

Q: If only there was time to see each other more often -

There would be reasons to drink a hundred times.

No time! For real friends

There is only one way out - to make up for everything now. (TOAST)


Q: The next competition is announced for men who have “nothing to lose.” Game "Kick in the balls."

(Men are given thick plastic bags with two raw eggs. Men, while listening to music, try to collide the bags with each other and break the opponent’s eggs).

Almost at the end of the evening, many are “ripe” for games, so team and relay games can be held.

Q: The game “Fun Relay Race” is announced.

(Two teams of 6 people each. The first participant is given two pencils, one box and a glass (empty) or with water. The player’s task is to carry to the opposite chair (run around it) and back on two pencils the boxes on which the glass stands).

Q: The game “Get the Boxes” is announced.

(The man lies down on the chairs with his stomach. He must get the box from the floor with his mouth (the box is placed on the floor “on the butt”)).

Q: All paths are now open to you,

So let luck wait impatiently,

Let friends walk side by side,

And your life will always be happy!

I also want him to be faithful,

Your choice of business in this bright life,

Who carefully warmed the light of learning,

He will be devoted in mind to his fatherland! (TOAST)

End of the evening. Dancing.

It’s great that we are all here today! The important thing is that many came from afar and therefore, time must be given for communication. In this material you can find poems, roll call, and comic competitions for mature graduates. Pay attention to the toast at the very beginning of the meeting. And, of course, choose catchy music.



Scenario for the alumni reunion.

(the school bell rings, music background)

Host: So many different people communicate

There will be so much more online

Someone is already dating someone

Someone wants to find me

This school bell is from the past

Touched my soul to tears

We had a good time

And I can’t believe it’s serious

Waited at the desks for the kids

Odnoklassniki dot ru.

All expectations are met

Surprise knows no bounds

My friend lives in Germany

Recognizable from hundreds of faces

And the girl from the next street

With a golden braid to the toes

Now it flaunts in the stands -

State Deputy

I remember the school bell from the past

It's like I watched a movie

I remember all the good things

What happened not so long ago

This school bell was just yesterday

Waited at the desks for the kids

And now we are friends, comrades

Odnoklassniki dot ru.

Don't forget the fun, noisy school

Don't forget the fun, noisy days

Don't forget your friends among them

The years of your adulthood are passing.

Host: Dear friends! Today we will remember our school years together and try to return to this golden time of life. And how many years have passed since then?... And today, 30 years later, graduates of 1981 have gathered here (roll call... 10 “a”, 10 “b”.)


Between then and now

A distance of 30 years.

These years have every intention:

Where from happiness, where from troubles

Let him remain unknown to us

The most important layer in life.

Maturity with a victorious step

Instead of childhood, he enters the classroom.

And the greater the separation,

All the more desirable now

This joy of recognition

Those happy, young ones in us.

Change is inevitable

From such an avalanche of years.

But soul to soul, as before

Will restore the old trail.

It's a pity that time is fleeting.

And life is so short!

But, like in childhood, so careless

Classmate's hand.

Presenter: The evening has already begun, but we have not met yet. I will spend this evening, my name is Galina. And throughout our wonderful evening, a very talented musician, singer Andrei Rubtsov will be with us. Now lift it up. put your right hand on your right shoulder and remember your neighbor’s name, and now raise your left hand and place it on your neighbor’s left knee, remember the name.

And now it's time to drink, but after the words,"We don't mind"

  1. We have a meeting today, should we drink for that?
  2. Did the girls from 10-a look at the guys from 10-b?
  3. Did the boys often accompany the girls home?
  4. Are there any businessmen or entrepreneurs among us?
  5. Are there women among us who have dedicated their entire lives to their beloved man, family, and children?
  6. Are there any grandparents among us?
  7. And today among us:

Irina 2



Valentina 3










Galina 2


(This song sounds for you)

We will now remember all the teachers, all the guys who are not with us today...

Let's keep quiet..

For us they will remain funny,

Serious... and very young...

All those who can no longer turn gray.

Let's keep quiet...

Let's remember the teachers:

Abramov Vladimir Ivanovich

Garmashova Lyudmila Ivanovna

Fursenko Raisa Fedorovna

Svergunov Valery Viktorovich


Gryukov Nikolay

Boyko Andrey

Brusov Sergey

Przyzow Indar

Sharapov Alexey

Assakalov Salbiy

Life goes on in an endless circle

Like a train is moving faster and faster

Where are you now, friends?

My Komsomol youth?

It's been so long since I've seen you!

Our paths did not cross

Let's get together with old friends

How much longer do we have to go alone?

Let's remember the class, tent summer,

And dates in the apple orchard.

Motor ship and scarlet dawns...

Leningrad and swans in the pond.

Graduation... A cheerful sad holiday

And the teacher’s big order:

Having grown up, sometimes you, just once,

Take a look at your own, favorite class!

And today our class teachers are with us, just like 30 years ago.

Nesterenko Lyubov Ivanovna 10 “a”

Fomenko Mikhail Andreevich 10 "b"

And their constant companions and companions...

(word to dear teachers)….

What do you remember about this issue? (comic questions pp. 95-97)…

Thank you, dear teacher,

Over the years, months and days,

Hours, minutes and moments spent with us

For the spirit of goodness and unity

Warmth of the soul, sparkle of the eyes

For shine and wings of inspiration

We thank you with all our hearts!

(The teacher's waltz sounds for you). 2-3 songs..

Now let's go through the pages of school life

The most women's holiday is February 23, and today Tamara Pankratova will help me give congratulations to all men. She was the commander in the lightning

Who did you dream of becoming and did you become? (about yourself).


We invite 3 men here:

Pasha Beloyedov is an entrepreneur, livestock specialist, and grows everything according to science. He has 2 sons and a beautiful wife Irishka.

Andrey Ivanov is an interesting man, a grandfather, works in an ambulance and saves our souls. 2 children and wife - Olyushka.

Sanin Gennady is also a driver, and also the father of 2 sons.

And a competition for you (lollipops)

Valentines are invited for this competition

Buryan Valentina - she knows all the culinary recipes in the world. She not only knows the recipes, but also how to deal with children. She has 4 children and 5 grandchildren.

Soldatenkova Valentina is a laugher, the life of the party. What holiday do you remember?

Khabilevskaya Valentina - hang in there guys! Valentina is an entrepreneur and manages everyone. She has a husband and 2 sons. Was there a secret love at school?

Game "grief" - 3 men gather in grief. Dress up your sultan. Dances 2-3 (at tables)

Ved.: whose husband is a driver?

Who drives the car themselves? driver

2 brave women, 2 men.

Insert the key into the ignition;

We turn it on to the tape recorder, the stove...

Switching the gearbox

Release the pedal

Let's get going!

And now for all drivers this song...2-3 songs

Kisses (jar, leaves)

What's in my pants?

3-4 dances.

  1. Innochka has achieved a lot, has a daughter who was recently married and a son who lives in America - what did you dream about...?

Can you make a diagnosis? (sheet, diagnosis)

  1. Izmailova Nailya - dynasty of teachers. What do you do? Says a toast
  2. Shugusheva Fatima. Graduated from Maikop Phys. mat. family of 3 children. Toast.

This song sounds for our Maikop residents.

All men become knights on this holiday, and then try to forget about everything and go to “Eden”

Scene Adam and Eve.


Gate - Gena,

God-Polezhaeva Sveta,

Zmey- Knyshuk Tanya (did the most push-ups, activist),

Eva - Olga Danilova (our guardian angel).

Sketch, game at the table (pp. 95-97). 3-4 songs.

Rudneva Galina - cultural sector, 2 daughters, grandson.

Mustafaeva Irina - this girl was good with mathematics, so she is now an accountant, drew all the school walls, newspapers, lives in the capital of Kuban. Who is this?

And this Irishka knew from childhood what farming was. Calm, caring, matured too early. This is Mirzha Irina.

Toast to Mustafayeva.

1 game 2 Irina, 4 men, 4 bottles, 2 scarves.

Game 2: We're done. 2 men, 2 women, 2 assistants, 6 balls.

  1. Shtifanova Nina - 2 daughters, son, was friends with Blinova.
  2. Semi-local Elena - 2 daughters, son.

Games: 5 couples: 3 men, 7 women, 6 chairs. Sit in pairs.

Carousel – 3 men, 6 women. 6 balls.



1. Exit of the presenters. Fanfare sounds


The river of time carries you!
It's no secret to anyone here
What's from the last call
Many years have already passed!


Now everyone has their own worries,
Your own business, your own way of life.
Maybe you love your job
And there is no time to rest...

It’s a pity very rarely, - having thrown off the burden
Do you understand "It's time"
Get together, remember the time
With the title “School Time!”

And remember how you all were friends
We fell in love, sometimes quarreled,
How we never lived a day without each other,
We stood up for our friends!

1 - Good evening!
2 - What does it mean?
1 - So the day was off to a good start.
2 - So, the day was lived well.
1 - He will multiply happy days.
2 - He brought us happy news.
1 - Gave us smiles and songs.
2 - We are meeting friends today
1 - We are starting the evening meeting for you!

But before the holiday, friends, we will begin,
Now we will conduct a roll call here.
Be careful, shout loudly,
Don't miss your graduation year!

(The presenters begin the roll call of graduates from the last year of graduation, while noting the anniversary years of graduates)


1985 –

1990 –

1995 –

2000 –

2005 –

Let's greet each other with applause

.First grader

What's going on at our school?!
I can't figure it out!
They say that today they are visiting
Uncles and aunts will come to us.
Their names are so strange
However, sooner or later
I will understand something too.
Here you are, uncle, tell me,
And don’t bend your heart.
Why are you going to school?
What do you expect from this meeting?

Passes the microphone to a graduate in the hall. He answers.

First grader

Give the microphone to that aunt.
You are at school, not at work.
You are direct to my question
Keep your answer simple.
Why are you going to school?
What do you expect from this meeting?

Alumna's response.

I liked the answers
I'll say hello now.
I will grow urgently
To come to school big.

Song “School album, family album)

AT 2 . Some a year, some 2, some 10 years ago,
Having walked his way, he left these walls.
And here the bells are still ringing,
Lessons are going on, changes are rushing.

IN 1. And you came to meet your youth,
To a place where they remember, love and know you.
You have made good friends here,
And, leafing through thick textbooks,

AT 2. You explored the world, learned to live,
Work, relax and have fun:
And we tried to keep it in our hearts
A particle of kindness, warmth and tenderness.

The song "What is school?" (to the music “What is Autumn”)

What is school? This is childhood.
A rosy childhood behind me.
Let us not forget the time where we were always together
Close to home and teachers.


School, school

School bell

School, school

First lesson.

School, how we love you

School is our family...

What is school? This is youth.
First dreams, hopes, tears...
You stood proudly at the threshold of adulthood.
Thinking that everything will be serious.

What is school? This is friendship.
The friendship that bound you forever.
Even though you ran away, you remained friends -
Well, this is not enough in life...


The day of meeting with youth and childhood.

What could be more touching?!

Let me come here, to this place,

We should invite the director now.

Ved.2 The floor is given to the school director Svetlana Anatolyevna Antonova

Student playing the role of director: Wait, wait, Svetlana Anatolyevna, now the floor has been given to me. I am glad to welcome you all to this hall, the place where our finished products are demonstrated. And our school produces high-quality products. There is everyone here: there are no astronauts, there are no Nobel laureates, there are no ministers - in general, we have no sponsors.
But I have connections thanks to my graduates: the district school has its own colleagues, its own head of the village administration, the district hospital has its own doctor, and the district hospital has its own, the regional hospital has its own, even has its own prosecutor. Graduates always give up their seats on the bus... to seats for the disabled. I am glad for each of your finally departed issues, because with each departure I become exactly a year younger. Today, it seems, there are no favorites of mine.

Tanya: When it seems like you need to be baptized!

Alyona: No, I don’t understand - is this a school?

Tanya: Which school? That one, his branch, is called DK - Dmitry Krylov. Just kidding, just kidding - House of Culture. The school is under renovation. It was my grandson who told me that the whole class wanted to go to the dining room through the assembly hall - so the forgery could not stand it.

Alyona: And what kind of Forgery? I don’t remember this one... What subject did you teach?

Tanya: Oh, bad woman, then gender is in Russian.

Alyona: What gender is it - male or female?

Tanya: And what kind of bed they made - that’s how it is.

Alyona: What, already there? Is it time for dinner already?

Tanya: Now, I remember, you used to bring a piece of lard with you, cut it into 3... grades, smell it and wrap it in newspaper again, leave it for tomorrow.

Alyona: School today is not what it used to be: computers, the Internet, CD-ROMs, pagers, computers in the 1st grade.

Tanya: But in our time, there weren’t enough fingers and toes, so we brought counting sticks with us to class - that’s what mathematics is all about. It’s just that they studied before!.. With the same spur they managed to pass both physics and history!... From one leading question, such theories were developed, such theorems were proved!.. What is Fermat? A ... Pythagoras jumped out of his rectangular pants!

Alyona: What are they wearing now? Are skirts really a disgrace? It’s a shame to walk up the stairs in one of these.

Tanya: And also geography, remember? It used to be that in geography you would point to a “boot” on the map... It’s clear to you that this is a shoe: the sock is a cube, the boot is a working street, and the holey heel is a school. What's unclear here? And the teacher has his own: Italy, they say, this is.

Alyona: What geography! You won't remember being drunk! Well, when did we sing to “plywood”? We're only alive. Yes, everyone wanted to be a soloist. Where is Vitas from us? They specially taught us lessons outside so that the whitewash from the ceiling would not fall off and the windows would not burst.

(director speaks)


The school years have flown by,

You have not been schoolchildren for a long time,

But you will never forget school -

Childhood memories are here for all years.


You have left the walls of our school, but the teachers remember you all. And now we would like to see how well you remember school, the subjects that you studied here.


Now we will conduct several lessons and test your knowledge in various subjects. It is allowed to shout out answers from your seat, but only by raising your hand:

"Geography lesson"

1) A continent with no rivers. (Antarctica)

2) Between what two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country? (Japan)

3) Which month has 28 days? (In any)

4) I went to the North Pole...
Kim Il Sung

"Music lesson"

1) What notes do sailors use to measure distance? (Mi-la-mi)

2) Which great composer performed his works while deaf? (Beethoven)

3) What two notes grow in the garden? (Beans)

4) Which of the great composers performed in concerts at the age of preschoolers? (Mozart)

"Biology Lesson"

1) What bird breeds chicks in severe frosts? (Crossbill)

2) Birds whose wings are covered with scales. (Penguins)

3) Do migratory birds build nests in the south? (No)

4) Where is it better for a hare to run - uphill or downhill? (Uphill)

5) Which elephant does not have a trunk? (At the chess room)

"Chemistry lesson"

1) Substances that consist of two elements, one of which is oxygen, this is -

2) My boots let me through... (H 2 O)

3) And the sun shines brighter

And the landscape is more joyful

When there is splashing in the stomach... (C 2 H 5 OH)

Ved.2 Our graduates are great, it’s not in vain that the teachers worked. We give a small prize to the best “students”. And for everyone else, please accept the following musical number as a gift.

Song to the tune of “Winged Swings”

Today there are 2 graduate teachers working in our school.

We invite them to the stage and welcome them,
forever young, forever young.
These are the ones who don't know
What is last call
These are the ones for whom happy graduation
School years are not over
Forever young
They rush to class with us every day
Those who graduated from school.
But school was not over for them.

Presenter 2. A combined ensemble of teachers performs a tragic, lyrical confession song, “Am I Guilty.” Performed for the first time

Am I to blame, am I to blame
Am I to blame for loving?
Am I to blame for my hand shaking?
When did you give him a bad grade?

Is it her fault that her hand trembled?
When did you give him a bad grade?

Brought, harrassed, brought, harrassed,
I never learned anything.
But I believed everything, took guarantees,
Because she loved him.

And you believed everything, took bail,
Because she loved him.

Oh, you are my director, oh, you are my director,
Let me go to rest.

With him, life is good, the soul is cheerful,
At least there’s not a sliver of it in the notebooks.

Blame for everything, blame all around,
You still want to justify yourself.
So why, why, did you “stake” him?

Oh, why, why, did you slap him with a stake?
Or I could give it a “five”.


You all graduated from school in different years, but once you were a friendly class, let's remember that time.

On this day the words of the poet come to mind:

On anxious days, on deaf days
We all feel the cruelest
Not nostalgia for the past -
Nostalgia for the present...

Presenter 2. Real love...

Presenter 1. Real friendship...

Presenter 2. True loyalty...

Presenter 1. Real kindness...

Presenter 2. For many of us, it's all about school.

Presenter 1. After all, in every person’s life there was always a lesson in which the teacher managed to ignite in his soul a small spark of love, kindness, hope...

Presenter 2. School! School! What is school!”? How does it begin and how does it end?

(Primary, middle and high school students leave)

1. Clear day. September. Chamomiles.
Bow. Braids. First graders.
Two by two. Primer. Five.
First class cleaning.

2. Pharaohs. Globe. Map.
Painted desk.
Alkali. Pythagoras. Acids.
Lev Tolstoy. Straits. Notes.
Friend, preparing for a test
And in the gym - training.

3. Dancing. Festival. Guitar.
Kiss. For a quarter a couple.
Both the Unified State Exam and the Farewell Ball.
Joy mixed with sadness.
Certificate. Flowers in the window.
Why am I so sad?

Presenter 1. School in our memory is bright classrooms,
Presenter 2. School is a blackboard covered with chalk
Presenter 1. Strict teachers
Presenter 2. A diary lost somewhere
Presenter 1. Parent notations,
Presenter 2. First love...
Presenter 1. And how wonderful the school bell rang from the last lesson! Hooray! Books flew in and out of the briefcase like birds!

Presenter 2. It’s not without reason that they say that you only truly appreciate something when you lose it. And now we will give the floor to school graduates. You probably also want to say something to teachers and future graduates.

Ved.2 We invite representatives of the very first and the latest school graduations, 5 people each, to the stage to conduct music competition


You will have to sing to us in chorus in 3 minutes a song about school. Let's see which class has not forgotten how to complete tasks in a friendly and united manner. (Give out song lyrics to teams).


In the meantime, our teams are preparing for the competition, we invite you to take a little break. In preparation for meeting with you, we looked into the archive and discovered interesting excerpts from essays and answers on various subjects, written by graduates of different years. We will now quote some of them:

    Birds must be protected - they are our four-legged friends.

    Taras Bulba was a free Cossack because he did not work anywhere.

    His boots were up to their ears in mud.

    A sandwich and other school supplies were visible from Vovin’s briefcase.

    Having fallen asleep while sitting on a horse, Sergei merrily sang a song.

    His brother worked as a nurse.


So, our teams are ready. And now we will evaluate which of the issues was better prepared for this competition.

(teams sing songs, both teams are evaluated, souvenirs are awarded)

The first team sings a song(Gurchenko “Smile”):

"Song about a good mood"
If you frown and leave the house,
If you are not happy about the coming day,
Better forget all your troubles
And smile wider to everyone, everyone - who is not too lazy.

Cast away all doubts
Smile at everyone around you.
And good mood
He will come to you as a best friend.

If you are greeted on the threshold of school
Gloomy director, head teacher, teacher,
You will share your smile with them,
Gloomy teachers shouldn't go to class

And a smile, without a doubt
Suddenly he touches kind eyes
And good mood
Will not leave you again

The second team sings (Pugacheva “It will happen again”)

They loaded us, and here they are:
The left eye sees poorly, heads are spinning,
I haven’t been anywhere, I haven’t breathed ozone,
But we got acquainted with the synchrophasotron.

Oh, how difficult it was

Oh, how difficult it was

Oh, how difficult it was

Oh oh oh…

They taught us to write great essays,
We even overtook Tolstoy, Lev and Lenin.
We went to bed only in the morning,
We had nightmares, I thought I would die in my sleep,
This is how we learned...

Oh, how difficult it was

Oh, how difficult it was

Oh, how difficult it was

Oh oh oh…

Ved. 2:
Well done! It is clear that you have developed creative abilities and know how to work in a team.

Ved 1:
For the next competition, we ask four representatives of the anniversary edition of the year to come up on stage. Let's conduct a short survey on a school topic:

1. A place that people don’t like to go out to. (board)
2. Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button)
Z. Flat globe. (Map)
4. Main exercise in mathematics. (Task)
5. Dating club for parents and teachers. (Meeting)
b. Album for parents' autographs. (diary)
7. From two to five. (Ratings)
8. Table with two options. (Desk)
9. Signal for the beginning and end of torment. (Call)
10. School-wide president. (director)


Let's applaud the graduates of the year! They coped with the task, which means they have not yet forgotten their school days

Ved. 1:
Anniversary issue of the year! We ask several representatives of your graduation to come up to the stage.

- Many adults believe that children have unconventional thinking. Of course, you are far from children. Now we will hold an erudition competition. Guess which famous fairy tales we are talking about:

1. A fairy tale about a vegetable farm (Turnip)
2. On the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (The Three Little Pigs)
3. About overcrowding of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (Teremok)
4. About the difficult path of a bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)
5. The tale of how a psychic gave the president a radar device (golden cockerel)
6. About the first victim of a bad investment (Pinocchio)
7. About how love turns a beast into a man (The Scarlet Flower)
8. About a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage three times, but then
I finally found my prince (Thumbelina)

7 people : turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse - give words to the heroes

Grandfather planted a turnip,
I watered it with fertilizers,
The sun began to get hot,
Turnip began to grow up.

So she grew up;
And she said: “Both are on!”
Grandfather took the bit
And I thought: “Wow!”

Grandpa called Grandma here,
The grandmother shouted: “Insolent!”
Turnip again: “Both are on!”
Grandfather replied: “Wow!”

He grabbed the turnip tightly,
He pulled as hard as he could.

But without my grandmother I made a mistake.
She replied: “Insolent!”

I tried, but I couldn’t,
Immediately she called her granddaughter.
She is smart beyond her years:
“I didn’t hire you!”
Turnip is shocked: “Both of them!”
Grandfather too: “Wow!”
Everyone slept with the grandmother,
She barely said: “Insolent!”
The granddaughter doesn’t care about dramas:
“I didn’t hire you!”
They pull - You can’t see the turnips -
They need to call Zhuchka.
The bug is happy to help them -
He answers: “I wouldn’t mind.”
But again it didn’t work out.
This is where the Cat came in handy.
“No problem,” she said
And at the end of the chain it became.
No result to be seen
You need to call the mouse.
The mouse had a simple answer:
“Dudes, there is no market!”
Turnip moans: “Both of them!”
Grandfather in ecstasy: “Wow!”
Almost hit grandma in the eye
She, naturally: “Nasty!”
Super - replica for the ladies:
“I didn’t hire you!”
The poor bug can't bear it anymore,
But through clenched teeth: “I’m not averse.”
The cat says: “No problem,”
He doesn't risk anything.
The mouse pressed a little
And, pleased, she said:
“Dudes, there is no market!” -
Here's Turnip for lunch!

Ved. 1

A round of applause for the release of the year!


Dear graduates, now we invite you all to play the game together.

We will ask you questions, and those who believe that this phrase applies to them should shout loudly: “ It’s me, it’s me, GLAD TO SEE EVERYONE HERE, friends!”

1.Who does not change his roots
glorifies the native village,
Praise, honor and honor to you
Who settled here?

2. Let's say hello for now,
those who are here from afar,
Who are our birds?
From near and far abroad?

3. (To teachers) Well, who is sitting now?
And admires us:
On their graduates
without taking your kind eyes off?

4. Who built himself a house,
celebrated a housewarming party in the house
and now he lives in it,
survived this fun?

5. There is nothing more beautiful in this world
live in your own apartment
Who is the owner?
Who's the lucky one? Who's the hero?

6. You are experienced parents,
Someone with more, to put it bluntly?
Who became mom and dad a little early,
Whose children are older than 5 years old?

7. Let's continue about children,
heroic families
Who, who knows,
The large family?

8. Who is still single,
Who holds his own tail with a pipe?
to whom I wish happiness,
To start a family faster?

9.Live and learn
who has a life like this?
Are there any students among you?
Who is it, stand up now?

10.Who is on the site, on a well-known one
Adorable classmates
Still trying to find it?
Who hangs up on the network?

11.Who, despite the burden of life,
I found the opportunity, the means, the time,
And today I’m very happy
Take many years back?

Ved.1 Let's conduct a short survey among the guests.

– your age according to your passport
- according to my own feelings
- according to others
- for health
- Family status
– Do you have your own car, a dacha, a devoted friend – a dog, a Japanese player, false eyelashes, a wig, false teeth?
– Is there still gunpowder in the flasks?
– Where do you plan to spend it?
– Do you have bad habits of smoking, exercising, arguing with your boss, coming to school on time, passing the exam immediately and without any problems?
– Do you greet your classmates?
– Have you lost your sense of humor?
– Achievements that your graduation could boast of?
– What is your most vivid memory from your school life?
– Have the dreams of your youth come true?

Ved 1:

We learned so many interesting things about our graduates.

Ved. 1:
Today we all remembered the games of our childhood and tried to return a little to this golden time of life. Our program is coming to an end, but it will be incomplete if we do not remember one more game called “Peeping Talkers”.


Have you ever heard of this game? Its conditions are very simple: you can look at your classmates and talk to your teachers as much as you like.

Ved 1:
The evening of the meeting does not end there.
It continues in your former classes!
Ved 2:
Good teachers are waiting for you there
And old school friends.

Presenters together:
And we say goodbye to all of you:
"See you again, friends,
And goodbye!"

School doesn't say goodbye to you.

Is it possible to forget all this?

Chorus: Through the years, through the distances
On any road, to the side of any
You won't say goodbye to school
School doesn't say goodbye to you.

Song to the tune of “the song doesn’t say goodbye to you”

Again, again we all came to our school,
Here we are gathered again.
On this winter and very cheerful evening
My friends and I came to meet.

Chorus: Through the years, through the distances
On any road, to the side of any
You won't say goodbye to school
School doesn't say goodbye to you.

There were so many different adventures at school,
How much they managed to survive in it...
People remember this, without exception,
Is it possible to forget all this?

Chorus: Through the years, through the distances
On any road, to the side of any
You won't say goodbye to school
School doesn't say goodbye to you.

Competition "Traditional warm-up"

In what year was the new school building built?
- How many classrooms are there in our school?
- What is school happiness? (For example, when I lost my briefcase with a diary, where there are a lot of twos; other original answers are allowed.);
- Which actor was the first to play the role of an auditor in Nikolai Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General”? (There is no such role.);
- What can you cook, but cannot eat? (Lessons.);
- In what popular story was the hero assassinated three times, and only on the fourth did he die? (Kolobok.)

Competition "Memory Test"

Which song or poem begins with the following question words (variants are possible)?
- Where? (“...childhood is leaving”)
- Who? (“...invented you”)
- Where? (“...wood firewood”)
- Where? ("…It was")
- When? (“…let’s leave the school yard”)
- What? (“ look greedily at the road”)

Competition “Integrated Literature and Foreign Language Lesson”

The presenter reads the Russian translation of foreign proverbs, and the participants must name a Russian proverb that is similar in meaning.

Vietnamese: “A leisurely elephant reaches its goal faster than a frisky stallion.” ("The quieter you go, the further you'll get".)
Finnish: “He who asks will not get lost.” (“Language will take you to Kyiv.”)
Indonesian: “The squirrel jumps very briskly, and sometimes breaks down.” (“The horse has four legs, and he stumbles.”)
English: “A lady leaving a car thereby increases its speed.” (“A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare.”)

1. Competitions for meeting classmates “Let’s remember mathematics.”

We ask classmates to name any numbers that come to their mind. Then we enter them in a row into the free spaces of the printed blank. And we get, as it were, funny statistics on various aspects of former school life, which we read to our classmates.

Collective portrait of a classmate.

According to our statistical bureau for the graduation party:

The total amount of cosmetics applied to our girls’ faces was…. (kg.).

The amount of cologne poured on oneself (and sometimes drunk) by boys... (liters).

The weight of the girls' school bags was... (kg.), whereas for boys... (gram).

The speed of movement of thought along the convolutions of the brain was approaching a record permissible... (mm/hour)

The height of raising a hand when asked by a teacher for girls... (cm.), in boys (mm.).

But the speed of movement to the school canteen for boys was... (km/sec), and for girls... (m/min).

Total number of hours spent together......

The number of warm words that I want to say.....

The friction force of the palms during handshakes and applause in honor of the meeting reaches... (newton).

Digital poems.

Presenter: " As they say, “Pushkin, this is our everything,” and now, when all the achievements of culture, one way or another, are digitized. Let’s try to set his brilliant lines to the music of numbers.”

Conditions of the game: divide classmates into teams and for each expressively read a digital version of Pushkin’s lines (one example from the lyrics and one from the fairy tales). They have to guess which lines they are talking about.

(I remember a wonderful moment

You appeared before me

Like a fleeting vision

Like a genius of pure beauty)

1, 16, 7, 3 ,2..

(The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds;
Then, like a beast, she will howl,
He'll cry like a child)

(Three maidens by the window
We spun late in the evening.
“If only I were a queen,”
One girl says: -)

(An old man lived with his old woman

By the bluest sea;

They lived in a dilapidated dugout

Exactly thirty years and three years).

2. An outdoor game for the evening meeting "Let's remember the Russian language."

To remember the Russian language a little, and at the same time give your guests a good workout, you can conduct a wonderful outdoor exercise game for classmates .

Rebuilding. "Classmates"

Props: two sets of letters that appear in a word Classmates.

The essence of the game: The organizer divides the guests into two teams of 11 people, each of them receives one of the letters. Then the presenter asks a riddle, and the teams must line up with letters in their hands so that they can read the answer to it. Game of speed, which team is ahead. If there are few guests, then this game can be played just for fun (without competition).

1. We have dreamed about this for many years,
And for so many years this has been imagined,
We have a large-scale event:
A friendly and beloved CLASS has gathered.

2. And two decades is a long time,
And we often missed each other.
And then the hearts beat in unison,
And here we are together, as if it were a DREAM.

3. Remember how good it was
But time flew by quickly, everything passed,
We were together, we were at one.
We ran to the KINO to the Kolos cinema.

4. Lessons, theorems, Komsomol,
Shooting range, skiing, physical education, basketball.
Sitting for 45 minutes is boring.
And the unwashed...BOARD is waiting for you

5. And first love cannot be forgotten,
At times I even wanted to howl.
And nothing came to mind:
I sat, dreamed, was sad, looked out the WINDOW

6. Let there not be then what is now,
And we didn’t know what sausage was.
Let us not eat Snickers, Mars and Twix,
But they tried to find ICS in the equations.

7. And now everyone has their own life
Work, home and new friends.
But the start was a general, collective takeoff.
And they whispered a code of good luck to everyone.

8. And we all had to solve it,
Let there be no losses, no problems.
Let those who have money, those who are rich in soul,
But each of them found a priceless TREASURE.

9. And looking at each other, we are glad,
Not everyone is here today, alas,
But we are participants in a grandiose meeting.
Hurray, everyone! Dear CLASSMATES!

3. Musical entertainment "Let's remember the music."

Guess and sing. Take the verses of your favorite songs from those years, print them out in large letters, and cut the text into words. Each team member (half the table) is given a word, they must guess what the song is, putting their words into lines, and sing it.

"Magic bell" The game follows the rules of a musical hat that is well known to many, but if you add a nostalgic note to it and select funny cuts from songs, and even specially distribute in advance to whom exactly what to include, so that it is more accurate and funnier, then you will get very funny entertainment.

Props: bell and clips from different songs, computer or stereo system

The summary for the presenter is something like this: “Dear classmates, we have not seen each other for many years, and although now many of us behave as in previous years, in fact, we have changed a lot. I suggest checking how much! Now, with the help of this “school bell”, which, as we know, is completely objective and impartial, we will find out how each of us will behave... for example, after drinking 15 glasses " (He approaches the man, rings a “magic” bell over him, and the DJ or one of his classmates plays a cut from a song, for example, “I’m dancing drunk on the table...” or for a woman - “I’ll build a harem out of...”).

(Ready-made version of the musical design for this game can be downloaded for free from this link ).

4. Artistic competition "Remember the theater club"

Game for the meeting - Fairy Tale. For this instant performance, costumes and words are not required, the main thing is a good mood and the desire to have fun yourself and please the audience - your classmates. One reads the text, and four “artists” simply play out what they heard.
Characters: Grandfather, Woman, Horse, Bull, Goat


“Once upon a time there lived Grandfather and Baba. They had no children, but they had a household: a playful Horse, a mighty Bull, and a playful Goat. Every morning, Grandfather and Grandmother went out into the open field to catch their favorite cattle and stretch their old bones. Grandfather and Grandmother were doing exercises, and Horse, Bull and Goat were running nearby, nibbling grass, and playing with each other. One day, Grandfather bent over, but his back caught and he couldn’t straighten up. Grandma came up, gave him a gentle massage, and then pressed her knee into Grandfather’s back, and he straightened up. To celebrate, Grandfather hugged Grandma and began scratching behind the ears of his pets Horse and Bull. Out of pleasure, the Horse began to neigh loudly and beat its hoof, and the Bull began to spin around and moo invitingly. From these sounds, Grandma began to hiccup, and the Goat began to wink hysterically at everyone, and the Horse and the Bull tried to playfully butt. Grandma, looking at her playful Goat, also decided to remember her youth and lightly pushed Grandfather. So they frolicked, and then decided that it was time to end the fairy tale and leave: Grandmother took on Grandfather, Horse took on Baba, Goat took on Horse, and Bull took on Goat, and, dancing merrily, they went to invite everyone to dance.”

5. Dance competitions "Let's remember physics and rhythm."

Relay 1 September. If you want to arrange a truly active game, then the best option would be any relay race; for greater interest, it is better to give it a “school flavor”

Props: 2 backpacks or 2 briefcases, 2 bows on the headband, school supplies (all in duplicate): pencils, pens, notebooks, textbooks, any stationery.

Conditions of the game: Divide everyone into two teams (stand up like a train), place two tables or chairs at some distance on which to place all this school paraphernalia for each team. On command, the first team members (no matter M. or J.) put on a bow, take the briefcase and quickly run to the chair, run up, take one of the items, put it in the briefcase and run back. They pass the bow and briefcase to the next one, and they themselves stand at the end of the “train”. The second one does the same, and so, which team finishes faster - all participants must run once (the number, of course, is the same)

Dance entertainment. Good music and fiery dancing always brighten up any party. To meet classmates, you should prepare your favorite songs from your school youth, as well as arrange modern dance entertainment, for example, an animation (can be selected on YouTube) or re-dance.

Best suited for such a holiday - "dance show" » between the male and female half of the guests. The essence of the competition is simple: teams (male and female) stand opposite each other, the first cut from a song for girls sounds, they dance beautifully in front of their classmates, moving towards them, then turn and, also dancing beautifully, return to their place. After this, a fragment of a dance tune is played for the male half of the guests, the men show their “defile”. Who is better?!.


You need to select two or three graduates (men) from the audience, take them to another room and tell them that now the audience will ask them questions regarding their hobbies, so let them think about and agree on who and what hobby will be in mind. But the main condition of the game is not to “declassify” your hobby. So young people should not be given direct and monosyllabic answers to all the questions asked.

At this time, the assistant presenter “processes” the audience: he tells the guests that the main hobby of the guys is kissing, the guests are given pre-prepared questions, “tailored” specifically for this most enjoyable activity.

The questions should be something like this:

Who can you call your teacher in this matter?

Does it take up a lot of your time?

Do you do this often enough?

Do you need special conditions for this?

Do you make any sounds when doing this?

Do you need special training for this?

How old were you when you tried this for the first time?

Do I need special training for this?

What time of day is best to do this?

What clothes do you recommend for pursuing your hobby?

Hence the comic effect, because the players will begin to give answers in all seriousness about their specific hobbies, and everyone else will know that they are not asking them about anything, namely about “kissing.” Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether those in the audience guess what the players really mean, it’s just entertainment.