Is it possible to eat rotan fish? Rotan is a small and dangerous predator

Rotans and crucian carp are not competitors in nutrition; some consume animal food, others - plant food. And the fact that rotans destroy some of the small crucian carp creates best conditions in the pond for the rest. In lakes and ponds that are overpopulated, like the Lyubvinsky Pond, with fish of the same species, sleeper can perform the function of a “biological reclamation agent,” as an ichthyologist would say.

On that June day when I was fishing on Lyubvinsky Pond, all the other fishermen had a good catch of crucian carp. Almost all the crucian carp caught were obviously of the same age. I thought then that rotans eat up not such a significant part of the fry of one generation. Most remain unharmed and survive safely to the size when such small predator, like rotan, becomes fearless for them.

They say that rotans eat fish eggs, including valuable ones. I have doubts about this. After all, sleeper is a predator and that is why it should not pay attention to motionless eggs; it seems to me that it is only interested in what moves - a fry, a worm, an insect larva. And the rotan’s mouth is so large that it is clear: by nature itself it is intended not for sucking up small eggs, but for capturing much larger (moving) prey. The rotan has numerous small but sharp teeth in order to hold this moving prey and prevent it from slipping out. Caviar is included in the diet of small bottom fish with a good sense of smell, for example, loach, loach, gudgeon.

Rotan reaches quite a large number in ponds. It seems to me that this happens because the survival rate of eggs and the fish themselves is very high. The reason, obviously, is that in their habitats there is little left of the fish that feed on caviar and which were mentioned above (they are eaten in significant quantities by rotan), and also predators such as perch and pike, capable of destroying fry, usually do not live sleeper and adult fish.

It must be assumed that rotan itself regulates the size of its population by eating its own young.

One more observation. Since the mass appearance of rotan in the pond, no loach has been caught on the bait. Obviously, rotans caused significant damage to it, and it became rare in the reservoir. It is more difficult for a small fish to escape from a rotan than for a crucian carp.

For the amateur fisherman, rotan is interesting in many respects. I will try to describe this fish in detail as much as possible and prove that fishermen needlessly neglect it.

I read that rotan reaches 300 grams of weight. To my joy, one day in a pond in the village of Lyubvino I managed to catch almost three hundred gram rotan. Neither I nor the fishermen around me had not only caught such large rotans, but had never seen them.

Regarding the size of rotan, there is information that 300 grams is far from the limit. Reader Olga Laiko sent photos of rotan weighing 1 kilogram 300 grams. Moreover, when defrosting rotan stored in freezer, he comes to life and even floats.

Rotan has a very large head, it is one third of the length of the entire body. The huge mouth, as I already said, is equipped with brushes of small but sharp teeth. It usually swallows the baited hook deeply, and to avoid injuring your hands when removing the hook, the angler should use an extractor.

Rotan has two dorsal fin: the first is small, the second, located closer to the tail, is large. The caudal fin is rounded, like, for example, a loach and a loach. The pelvic fins are very small and narrow.

The body of rotan is covered with scales, its overall color is gray-brown. Despite the fact that rotan is a predator, it is slow in its movements and resists being pulled out rather sluggishly. meat it white, tastes good, but in fish caught in places rich in algae, it has a specific smell (we notice this in both gold and silver crucian carp).

Caught in summer heat and when asleep, rotan survives longer than, for example, silver crucian carp. In terms of its vitality and ability to live for a long time without water in cool times, it is not inferior to crucian carp, it tolerates a lack of oxygen in water well, and in small enclosed reservoirs it can endure a difficult winter, when fish such as pike, perch, and roach die. Therefore, I think that in such reservoirs, only rotan, and not, say, pike or perch, can regulate the number of, for example, crucian carp (so that they do not degenerate into a dwarf form) and play the role of an orderly. This is where I see the value of rotan. How many small lakes we have with dwarf crucian carp! If you introduce rotan into such lakes, then the crucian carp will gradually become larger in them, which will become a desired trophy for the fisherman.

Rotan bites greedily in any weather and almost at any time of the year. I only observed a weak bite at the end of June. For example, on June 23, 1985, in the pond in the village of Lyubvino, I caught only one small rotan, and crucian carp - about three kilograms. Other fishermen had the same picture. I don’t know what this was connected with. After that, I came to Lyubvino for fishing in August. Rotans were caught very well. The solid, 150-250 gram crucian carp also bit well.

In September and October I went to Lyubvino several times, and always, in any weather, rotans were caught, and crucian carp - only in warm weather.

It is rare in which body of water to catch crucian carp in winter; in the Morshansky region, we know only two ponds where silver crucian carp bite in winter. Rotan takes it everywhere in winter too.

I caught rotans only with a worm; I haven’t tried fishing with live bait or any other bait. The best bite was observed close to the shore, in the clearings between the thickets of cattails and reeds. Rotan also pecked far from the shore (on a donka with a rubber shock absorber), but worse.

His bite is phlegmatic: he slowly moves and lowers the float, very rarely slightly drags it to the side. This is how the rotan bite differs from the crucian carp: the crucian carp, having moved the float, as a rule, smoothly moves it to the side.

It seems to me that it’s time to part with the prejudice towards rotan. For an angler, fishing for rotan can be quite interesting. As for the presence of this predator in water bodies, a differentiated, strictly scientific approach is probably needed here.

A. Tsurikov


Rotan– predatory freshwater fish with a memorable appearance. It has a short, oblong body covered with medium-sized scales. The head is large with a large mouth filled with several rows of sharp, small teeth. Depending on the habitat, the color of the fish can vary from grayish-greenish to brown, and during spawning it becomes completely black.


Rotan adapts perfectly to any living conditions, even the most difficult ones. He feels quite normal in winter during periods of severe frost. When reservoirs freeze completely, fish burrow into the mud. It also survives the partial drying up of reservoirs in summer time. Other predators are not able to survive in such conditions. In large reservoirs, the main competitors of rotan are perch, pike perch and pike.

Rotan habitats

This fish prefers reservoirs with stagnant water, while it does not favor rivers with fast and medium currents. Rotana can mainly be found in ponds, overgrown lakes, swampy reservoirs and oxbow lakes.

The most promising places for fishing are the coastal zone, especially where bushes grow, there is underwater vegetation, and thickets of water lilies. This fish can also be found near trees that have fallen into the pond. Rotan hunts, as befits a real predator - hiding in ambush, it waits for prey.


Despite the fact that rotan is a relatively small fish, it is quite voracious and almost omnivorous. The fry feed on zooplankton, and as they grow older, the diet becomes more varied. Leeches, fish eggs, tadpoles, and fry can serve as food. In reservoirs with a shortage of food, rotan can eat fry of its own species.

Development and spawning

Rotan grows up to 25 cm in length. favorable conditions habitat can gain weight up to 800 g, but such specimens are very rare. Basically, this fish weighs between 250-300 g. And it lives on average about 4-5 years, although some individuals live up to 7-8 years of age.

Rotan is ready for reproductive activity at two years old. Spawning begins in May-June, when the water warms up to 15-20 o C. One female is capable of sweeping up to 1000 eggs, which she deposits on underwater vegetation, plant roots, driftwood, etc. And the male’s task, in addition to fertilization, includes protecting the clutch.

Photo of rotan fish

Fishing for rotan

Various gear is suitable for fishing for rotan: a spinning rod, a nod for summer fishing, a float rod, you can even just tie a hook with an attachment to the line. The fish actively bite from spring until the first ice, then the bite becomes weaker, but does not stop at all.

Rotan very actively attacks the bait and almost immediately swallows it along with the hook. Thanks to this activity, the fish almost never leaves, but the angler must have with him a device with which he can get the hook.

Regardless of the time of day, rotan tries to find any shelter (grass, mound, snag, etc.) and hide there. Because this predatory fish, then it is preferable to use moving baits to catch it.

Catching rotan with a jig

In summer, good results can be achieved by using jig tackle. In this case, it is advisable to choose a heavier jig, and a line with a diameter of 0.14-0.16 mm. For fishing with this bait in the best possible way A rod 3-4 m long is suitable. And at the end at a right angle there should be a guard.

The technique of fishing with a jig is not complicated. You need to lower the bait to the bottom, and then begin to smoothly lift the tip of the rod up and at the same time shake it slightly. If the rotan bites, the guard will react, although the bite will be transmitted even along the rod. It is at this moment that you need to hook.

Catching rotan with a float rod

You can use any flywheel model, fishing line with a diameter of 0.1-0.15 and a float with any weight. Since rotan is not shy in terms of thick line, you can do without a leash. Bait can be a dung or earthworm, maggot, any meat, or chicken skin.

Fishing for rotan using a spinning rod

Any spinning rod is suitable for fishing for rotan. Optimal length 3 m. Of course, you can choose longer or shorter models. But with a shorter rod, it will be more difficult to fish coastal windows. And if you use a spinning rod that is too long, it will be much more difficult to get into small clearings. When choosing a reel, you can give preference to any ultralight model, and instead of fishing line, it is advisable to use braided line.

The range of spinning baits is quite diverse, but for rotan fishing best choice rubber baits in the form of twisters, silicone worms, etc. will become available. Their use will make spinning fishing for rotan much more effective and efficient.

Fishing for rotan in winter

It is best to catch winter rotan by first and the last ice. The fishing rod can be of any design, the main thing is that the rod on which the winter reel is mounted is sufficiently elastic. The diameter of the scaffold can vary between 0.15-0.2 mm. When using large jigs and winter spinners, you need to choose a harder nod.

The fishing technique is as follows: you need to lower the spoon into the hole, wait until it reaches the bottom, and then lift it a little. Then do a few oscillatory movements and make a sharp swing of 30-40 cm. Then a pause of up to 5 seconds, after which minor fluctuations follow and everything starts from the very beginning, that is, the spoon must be lowered to the bottom, etc.

As additional bait, you can use pieces of meat or chicken skin.

Video of catching rotan

Rotan in cooking

From this fish, like any other, you can cook a lot delicious dishes. In addition, rotan meat contains vitamin PP and minerals beneficial to the human body: zinc, fluorine and others.

Rotan cutlets

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • Rotan carcasses (without entrails, fins and head) – 1 kg;
  • Onion – 2 pcs.;
  • Boiled egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Raw egg – 1 pc.;
  • Semolina – 2 tbsp.

Fish, onions and boiled eggs grind in a meat grinder, add raw egg, semolina, salt and pepper. Mix everything well, form cutlets from the resulting minced meat and roll them in flour. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and after it is well heated, put the cutlets in the frying pan and fry them on both sides until cooked.

If desired, the cutlets can be stewed in sauce, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • Sautéed onion vegetable oil– 2 pcs.;
  • Tomato paste – 6 tbsp;
  • Water – 1 tbsp.;
  • Sugar – 1 tsp;
  • Spices.

Place the cutlets in a saucepan, add sauce and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

Stewed rotan

Wash the fish, clean it, remove the entrails and heads. Place the carcasses in a deep frying pan, alternating layers of fish with vegetables (carrots, onions and tomatoes). Add a little water, sunflower oil, bay leaf, salt and pepper and simmer until done. The dish is considered ready when the bones become soft.


To prepare this dish, you will need large rotans. Initially, you need to clean, gut, wash the fish and separate the fillet, which should amount to 600 g. Cut it into pieces, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil. Place the finished fish on a plate and pour over the sauce. It turns out to be a very tasty and original dish.

To prepare the sauce you need:

  • Garlic – a few cloves;
  • Walnuts– 150 g;
  • Wine vinegar – 2 tbsp;
  • Dill/parsley;
  • Salt/pepper.

Grind the garlic and nuts in a meat grinder, add cooled boiled water, finely chopped herbs, vinegar, salt and pepper and mix well.

Rotan is a bony fish of the goby family. This fish has a short, dense body. The scales are medium in size.

The color of rotan is dull, mainly green-gray and brown colors. Stripes and spots scattered across the body irregular shape. The belly is most often gray. During spawning, rotan turns black.

The head is big, the mouth is full sharp teeth, located in several rows. The fins are soft and do not have sharp spines. The gill covers are directed backwards. There are two dorsal fins, with the back one being longer than the front one. The anal fin is small. The caudal fin is rounded.

By appearance rotan is similar to other representatives of fish gobies. The main feature is the ventral fins: in rotans, paired fins are located close to the head and are very small in size, while in gobies, two fins fuse into one, and in appearance they look like a sucker.

The average body length varies between 14-25 centimeters. The size of rotans depends on living conditions, but large individuals are not common.

Rotans live for about 7 years, but most often their life expectancy is 4-5 years.

Puberty in rotans occurs at 2 years. Rotans spawn in May-July. One female brings about 1 thousand eggs. The eggs stick to the plants. The clutch is guarded by the male.

The most suitable habitat for rotans is standing water bodies with abundant aquatic vegetation. These fish are able to tolerate partial drying out of the reservoir. In addition, they survive if the reservoir freezes completely.

This is a predatory fish. The fry initially eat plankton and then move on to small invertebrates. Adults feed on fish fry, eggs, leeches, tadpoles, and newts. Cannibalism is widespread among these fish; they often eat smaller relatives.

Another name for rotan is grass.

In small bodies of water, rotans multiply quickly, so much so that they can almost completely destroy other living creatures. And in large bodies of water their numbers are regulated by predators such as catfish, pike and perch.

Habitat of rotans

These fish live in the Far East, northern China, and North Korea. They are mainly found in the Amur River basins. In the 20th century, rotan entered Lake Baikal; scientists perceived this phenomenon as pollution of the lake.

In 1916, these fish were introduced into the reservoirs of St. Petersburg. Over time, they spread to numerous rivers in Northern Eurasia. Rotans live in most of our country and in many European countries.

Today, these fish live in the Dnieper, Volga, Dniester, Don and Danube. The spread of rotans is facilitated by birds, which carry their eggs on their paws.

Among biologists, the sleeper sleeper has become notorious. A small fish, kept as an aquarium fish, was released into an area where it had never lived before. The results turned out to be stunning: rapid adaptation to new vast spaces, complete displacement of other fish and even newts from small stagnant bodies of water.

This fish serves good example, how the range of an animal during artificial resettlement can greatly exceed the original one. Small swampy reservoirs overgrown with aquatic plants characteristic of the Amur basin in its middle and lower reaches, as well as Primorye and adjacent regions of the North and Korea - that’s what it was natural area habitat of the species.


In 1912, the St. Petersburg naturalist I. Zalevsky, for some reason, released fish from his aquarium into a garden pond. The released rotans successfully survived the winter and gave birth to numerous offspring in the spring, marking the beginning of settlement in nearby St. Petersburg ponds and rivers. Later, in the 1930s, rotans were sold en masse at poultry markets in Moscow and other big cities. Soviet Union. Many fanciers then released their annoying pets into local bodies of water. Nowadays the area of ​​settlement of the sleeper sleeper covers vast areas Eastern Europe, Southern Urals and south Western Siberia. Now the species is actively spreading to the west, in European countries, including the Balkan Peninsula. Vast isolated pockets of habitat arose in the basin of the Amu Darya and Syr Darya ( and ) rivers. And in recent years it was also discovered, which is extremely undesirable, even in the Lake Baikal basin!


Calculations show that the firebrand captures new water areas at a speed of approximately 10-14 km per year, primarily developing oxbow lakes, floodplain reservoirs, shallow bays and lakes overgrown with reeds. In small closed reservoirs, rotan gradually displaces other fish. This is facilitated not only by its exceptional vitality, but also by other features of biology. Protection of egg laying, gluttony, and indiscriminate eating increase competitive advantages species, and direct predation on juvenile fish of any species leads to a steady decrease in the number of not only other small fish, but also newts.


Rotan rotan is often confused with a real rotan goby. In fact, these fish belong to different families. In representatives of the family of true gobies, the pelvic fins are close together and function as a suction cup, allowing the fish to anchor itself to the bottom or an underwater object. In the firebrand, like in other eleotrids, the pelvic fins are very small and cannot serve as a sucker.


Amur sleepers become adults at 3-4 years of age. Spawning begins when, at the end of spring, the water warms up to a temperature of +15 °C. The fertility of a female does not exceed 1000 eggs. The laid eggs, as well as the hatched larvae, are guarded by the male, which contributes to their increased survival.

Already on the second day after birth, firebrand larvae begin to feed on the smallest zooplankton: protozoa, rotifers, nauplii, etc. They grow very quickly and soon switch to feeding on planktonic crustaceans and aquatic insect larvae. Young individuals, having reached a length of about 10 mm, begin to be predatory, attacking fry of any species of fish and amphibian larvae. Rotan swims poorly, so it lies in wait for its prey somewhere in dense thickets of aquatic plants. If suitable prey approaches, it immediately attacks it in a short throw. It has been noted that the firebrand can eat any small dead animals (even decaying ones!), acting as a food competitor to crayfish.


In turn, rotan fry can be attacked by dragonfly larvae and swimming beetles, as well as water bugs. In some places they serve as prey for the crested newt, marsh turtle and a water snake.

In the Amur basin, the firebrand is a common catch for the common snakehead and the Far Eastern soft shell turtle. Everywhere, adult individuals feed on pike, burbot and large perch. Of the birds, they are regularly caught by all types of herons, including great and little bitterns, and less often kingfishers.

The otter will neglect such trifles, but European and American minks willingly catch them from time to time. Occasionally, black polecat, stoat and weasel are caught in the overgrown shallow waters of firebrands. In some places, rotan serves as a common food for the water shrew, the shrew.


The resilience of this fish is simply amazing! It can survive complete drying of a reservoir in the summer heat, burying itself in semi-liquid silt, and complete freezing to the bottom in winter.


Class: ray-finned fish.
Order: Perciformes.
Family: Firebrand, or Eleotraceae.
Genus: rotan.
Type: Amur sleeper.
Latin name: Perccottus glenii.
Color: variable, often greenish-brown, with stripes and spots of irregular shape.
Size: the body length of an adult usually does not exceed 7-14 cm, but in exceptional cases can reach 25 cm.
Life expectancy of sleeper sleeper: does not exceed 4-7 years.

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Fishing for rotan is found in lately All more admirers. The army of firebrand hunters on the first ice is especially numerous. There are fishermen who generally go in winter only for this fish, not recognizing any other.

The change in the situation with the Far Eastern monster, which was recently neglected by everyone, can be explained by the following factors:

  • fishermen tasted the taste of fish;
  • catching rotan is very exciting and exciting;
  • large rotan is a rare and desirable catch.



Rotan, or firebrand, is a fish of the firebrand family, the only representative of this genus. The homeland of this beast is Far East Russia, Amur River basin. It is also common in the north of the Korean Peninsula and northeast China.

Contrary to the popular belief that it was brought to the European part of Russia by aquarists in the sixties and seventies of the last century, this is far from the case.

The first specimens of this fish were delivered to St. Petersburg even before the revolution, in 1916, and from there they began to slowly spread throughout the country’s water bodies.

Rotan looks a little scary. Its body is dense and round, the head occupies up to a third of the total size of the fish, hence one of its names. The color of the fish depends entirely on the bottom of the reservoir in which it lives and varies from light brown to dark gray.

Rotan reaches 25 centimeters in length and weighs up to three hundred grams. The usual size that satisfies the angler is two hundred gram specimens. On the Internet there is a mention of caught specimens weighing more than a kilogram, although, according to the network, the maximum specimen cannot weigh more than half a kilogram.

Place of residence

Weight gain depends entirely on the food supply in the reservoir. It has been noticed that small firebrands predominate in small ponds and toad fields. Large sleepers live in large flowing bodies of water with the presence of other predators that regulate their numbers.

Rotan fish are excellent live bait when fishing for pike, perch and pike perch. They don’t fall asleep on the hook for a long time and don’t try to hide in the grass thickets!

Although the Far Eastern guest has spread to almost all fresh water bodies, fishing for rotan is most promising in the following water bodies:

  • oxbow lakes of large and medium-sized rivers, flooded during floods
  • dams on small rivers;
  • large collective farm ponds.

In this case, the following factors must take place:

  • running water or springs;
  • presence of a predator;
  • depth of at least two meters;
  • abundant aquatic vegetation.

Lifespan and reproduction

The life expectancy of the firebrand is short, up to 6-7 years. Rotan begins to spawn at the age of two. Spawning occurs in fairly warm water, 18-20 degrees, around the end of May - beginning of June.

Spawning among rotans occurs quite quietly compared to neighboring crucian carp and other inhabitants of reservoirs. At least there are no jumps, splashes or other noise visible on the pond. The female spawns eggs on the stems of aquatic plants; the number of eggs exceeds a thousand, after which one of the males guards the clutch for some time.


Rotan is a typical predator. The barely hatched rotan feeds on zooplankton, and as it grows, it switches to other animal food. The diet of firebrands is:

  • shellfish;
  • fish and frog caviar;
  • fry;
  • tadpoles;
  • insects and their larvae;
  • worms

Cannibalism is developed among firebrands. This is partly why large specimens never swim in schools, unlike their small relatives.


A separate chapter of rotan life is their fantastic vitality. Unlike crucian carp, they do not bury themselves in silt during severe frosts and freezing of the reservoir, but clump into balls. Here they are enveloped in mucus, so that a positive temperature is maintained inside their cluster. In this state, the firebrands overwinter, even being frozen into the ice.

Anyone who caught rotan in winter noticed that frozen rotan carcasses folded into a bag come to life when thawed and remain mobile even after being cleaned and placed in a frying pan.


Let's move on to a description of what fishing for rotan can be like. You can catch it all year round, but in order to catch fish of a normal, food-sized size, it is best to do this in the fall and winter.

Open water fishing

Fishing for rotan in the fall, as well as in the spring-summer period, is carried out in the following ways:

  • float rod;
  • spinning;
  • a fishing rod with a side nod;
  • winter fishing rod with a nod;
  • winter live bait supply.

They don’t catch a firebrand with a bottom, because rotan mainly lives in coastal zone, where it is easy to reach with a float, in addition, this predator bites better on active bait.

Float fishing rod

The following is used as bait when catching firebrands with a float rod:

  • worms;
  • maggots;
  • fish fry;
  • snails;
  • leeches.

In October and November, before the freeze-up, rotan is excellent at catching the upper surface; the intensity of its bite at this time is comparable to the activity on the first ice.

A rotan float is built according to the usual pattern of a Bolognese fishing rod, but you shouldn’t be delicate with the tackle, this predator can be caught without any special ceremony.

So, let’s assemble a float for catching firebrands:

  1. Telescopic rod 4-5 meters long.
  2. A simple inertia-free reel without any bells and whistles.
  3. A fishing line with a diameter of 0.18-0.22 millimeters.
  4. Float 1-5 grams.
  5. Loading is simple, point or spaced – it doesn’t matter.
  6. Hook large size with a long fore-end, as for catching perch with live bait, according to international classification number 8-10.

Fishing is done in this way:

  1. The depth of the reservoir in the coastal zone is measured.
  2. The required depth is set on the fishing rod: when fishing with a worm, the hook should lie on the bottom, when fishing with live bait - 10-15 centimeters above it.
  3. The tackle is thrown into the water.
  4. When using passive bait, you need to twitch the rod from time to time so that the bait drags along the bottom, tempting the rotan to bite.
  5. When fishing with live bait, a slight movement of the bait is also required, especially if fishing occurs in calm weather and the float does not move to the side.

The cutting of rotan must be done in a timely manner. It is difficult to determine this moment without experience. The fact is that rotan can approach the bait, and, having swallowed it with its wide mouth, stand still and suck it, as they say, to the guts.

On the other hand, when hooking early, you can snatch the bait from the firebrand’s mouth without allowing it to properly catch.


Like any decent predator, rotan can also be caught using a spinning rod. As we noted earlier, and this is used in float fishing, the firebrand responds better to active baits.

Rotan bites especially well on a microjig. Miniature baits such as twisters and slugs are used as baits. For silicone worms, it is better to cut off part of the body so that the firebrand does not cling to the long tail. In this regard, edible rubber will work well, as it can deceive the firebrand with its taste, and it will not spit it out before the time of hooking.

Catching rotan with a spinning rod is carried out either by dragging, or by a very small step, one turn of the reel.

Texas and Carolina rigs work well for rotan, in which the bait is almost weightless and drags along the bottom like a leech or worm.

Side nod and winter fishing rod

Fishing with these two types of gear is similar. In both cases the same equipment and bait are used. These fishing methods differ only in the size of the rod.

The equipment of the nodding fishing rod in both versions is simple:

  • fishing rod;
  • nod;
  • fishing line;
  • spoon;
  • bait.

The spinner in this gear is used to visually attract a predator, and adding bait tempts the sleeper directly to bite. On the one hand, the nod should be noticeable from a distance, and on the other hand, it should provide the bait with a spinner with a smooth, sweeping game.

Used as bait:

  • Lung of birds and domestic animals. It holds the hook well and bleeds well.
  • The liver has a good smell, but does not hold well.
  • Lard, it’s lard in Africa too.
  • Chicken intestines cut into one-centimeter slices, in addition to the smell, attract rotan by swaying on a spoon.
  • Worms. They are better used in summer, but work worse in winter.

Winter live bait

This tackle is a regular winter fishing rod, equipped with the following elements:

  • a bright gatehouse;
  • fishing line with a diameter of 0.18 millimeters;
  • sliding sinker;
  • stopper;
  • large live bait hook.

Put the top on the hook by the back or mouth and release it into the hole so that the distance to the bottom is from ten to twenty-five centimeters.