US Marines froze during exercises on the border with Russia. They're good guys

Published 05/18/17 10:25

Almost 200 American Marines froze to death during a training exercise near the borders of Russia.

American military personnel experienced discomfort due to insufficiently warm uniforms during March exercises near the Russian-Norwegian border, REGNUM news agency reports, citing Defense News.

Commenting on problems with military clothing during exercises, a manufacturer representative military clothing Torraka (Sweden) Jonas Raidem explained that the uniform is not designed for temperatures down to minus 45 degrees. He noted that everything looked presentable only at the first intkbbach sight.

“They think they'll be warm, but in reality they'll be terribly cold,” he said.

According to him, the manufacturer of uniforms for US military personnel did not count on the fact that moisture generated from heat could freeze in the layers of clothing, RNS notes.

“It’s a matter of humidity. But they didn’t understand this trick,” Raidem added.

He noted that the Torraka's shape is lightweight and designed to trap moisture in the outer layer. The fabrics in the inner layers dry quickly.

The joint exercise Joint Viking 2017 took place in early March in the province of Finnmark (Norway).

The total number of participants exceeded eight thousand, of which 700 were US and British military personnel. Military armored vehicles, aircraft and navy. The area where the military exercises are taking place is located 160-300 km from the border with Russia. Finnmark is the only Norwegian province located entirely within the Arctic Circle.

US Marines froze during a training exercise in Norway, near the Russian border. American media write that the Marines were let down by their Arctic uniform, which cannot withstand temperatures below minus 45 degrees. Exercise Joint Viking 2017 took place in early March. About 200 US military personnel took part in them.

They write that, they say, they did not take into account that in severe frost the moisture coming from the body can freeze in layers of clothing... The zippers did not open, the plastic cracked... Nightmare! I can’t help but want to sing after Vysotsky: “And a rifle for you, and send you into battle...”.

Several questions arise at once. Firstly, by whom and where was military clothing for the Arctic developed and, most importantly, tested? There is a vague suspicion that somewhere in the area of ​​Florida or Hawaii. Secondly, what smart guy came up with the idea of ​​using materials for Arctic realities that a priori cannot withstand super-low temperatures? Of course, they somehow didn’t bother to think about it. Thirdly, the Marines have apparently arrived at the Russian borders with their M-16 automatic rifles. I can say based on personal experience: what kind of M-16?! At abnormal arctic temperatures, lubrication even in our SCS ( self-loading carbine Simonova) is freezing! And it’s ours small arms designed to withstand extremely low temperatures. Fourthly, are the exercises in Norway aimed at Russia? Are they practicing the Arctic blitzkrieg?

Expert: Are US Marines frozen near the borders of the Russian Federation? The Pentagon should burn with shameThe media learned that the Arctic uniform failed the American military during exercises near the borders of Russia. At the same time, as military observer Viktor Baranets noted on Sputnik radio, the Marines had to grossly violate the combat regulations.

I don't want to belittle either American army, nor its weapons, but... If everything is as it is presented in the American media, then the voyage of the Marines to the Arctic clearly looks comical, and for their leadership it is simply a fiasco. What are there combat missions!? Moreover, fulfilling them. They will either freeze there or become easy prey for polar bears. Or both...

However, both Napoleon and Hitler also complained about the cold. They say that they were defeated not by the Russians, but by the notorious “General Moroz.” I won't even comment. Reasonable man looks for the causes of mistakes, and a fool tries to find the culprits.

By the way, I had a chance to read in a foreign historical literature that the Nazis could well have taken Moscow in 1941. They had everything covered. Even fuel that does not freeze at low temperatures. But, as luck would have it, that year the winter was abnormally cold - tanks and other equipment did not start... One feels that this story was composed by Western Jesuit thinking. Somehow they don’t even realize that the loss of Moscow would not have been the end of the war, the victory of Hitler. This means that the front line would run along the Volga, through the Urals, through Siberia, finally! Such Western historians They can’t imagine. Well, how can you use your brains to evaluate the strength of spirit of those whom you do not know, despise and fear at the same time?.. And then. We must still learn to draw conclusions from historical facts, phenomena and their consequences. And they are as follows: Russia for a thousand years sometimes lost some battles, local wars. But this was a temporary phenomenon. And everything always ended with the final defeat of the enemy. This historical fact, and not some “freely poetic” interpretations of history (I would even say “interpretations”). However, this is so, a small lyrical digression.

Well, what about the frozen American Marines? Maybe next time their father-commanders will send them somewhere further south. In Iraq, for example. Or they will be sent to the Arctic more prepared. Or they will send it somewhere else...

Radio Sputnik has an excellent public in

U.S. military infantry uniforms failed an arctic weather test during the March 2017 Joint Viking exercise in Norway.

“They looked like Michelin mascots in their big clothes.” They thought they would be warm, but they were terribly cold,” said a representative of the Swedish company producing winter military clothing Torraka.

He noted that manufacturers of equipment for American soldiers did not take into account the fact that in extreme cold, moisture evaporating from the surface of the body can freeze in layers of clothing. Other problems were also not taken into account: military outerwear tore at the seams in the cold, zippers did not unfasten, boots fell out of ski bindings, and plastic backpacks cracked. Major General Neil Nelson, in a comment to Defense News, said that work on the errors is already underway.

“After 12 years in the desert, we now face different lessons. We have created excellent things for the desert, but they cannot withstand sub-zero temperatures,” admitted the American general.

First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Franz believes that the incident is due to the fact that the Americans “never and under no circumstances really checked or used this uniform.”

“Well, we went to Canada, where the temperature was lower, and when we encountered really severe frost and wind, we got a problem. I think that conclusions will be drawn. Let's not make fun of people, people wear these uniforms. But today Americans are increasingly realizing that they need to stop showing off. They must understand that if their ill-considered military-political agenda leads to any conflicts, then their people will suffer first of all. Are they ready for such difficulties? I’m not sure,” says Klintsevich.

The Joint Viking 2017 exercises took place from March 6 to 15 in northern Norway, in the province of Finnmark, 160-300 km from the border with the Murmansk region.

There were no annual military maneuvers in this province from 1967 to 2015.

In 2015, for the first time since the end of " cold war» The country's armed forces began defense exercises in Finnmark. Previously, Joint Viking was held mainly along the coast: in 2013 - in Hordaland, in 2014 - in the province of Troms, in 2015 - in Finnmark, in 2016 - in Trendelag.

In 2017, at least 8 thousand military personnel were involved in military maneuvers, including 200 American and 500 British troops. Also taking part in the maneuvers were aircraft, ships and submarines. Official representative of the joint operational command The Kingdom's Armed Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Ivar Moen, announced that the Norwegian side notified Russia about these exercises in advance.

The main purpose of the exercise was declared to be preparation for crisis management and the defense of Norway. Among the main tasks that were planned to be solved during the exercises were the development of skills and interaction in harsh arctic conditions, as well as establishing data exchange between various departments.

“Finnmark has complex topographical and climatic conditions Moreover, there are long distances here. This provides an opportunity for the armed forces to practice interaction techniques between different units,”

- noted the Norwegian Armed Forces in official message about the start of the exercises.

The holding of Joint Viking in Finnmark in 2015 was seen as a reaction to the events that took place in the same year. Kola Peninsula Russian maneuvers, in which at least 5 thousand military personnel and about 500 tanks took part.

Then, as part of a surprise check, the Russian Armed Forces were relocated to Crimea, Kaliningrad region and the Arctic. Two reinforced regiments and airborne special forces units went to the latter.