How to beat the game soldiers of fortune. Soldier of fortune ii: double helix: guides and walkthroughs

Soldier of Fortune

Tsr1 level.

Some of the people at this level are
civilians and law enforcement officers.
It is categorically not recommended to kill either of them; otherwise
you risk ending the game early. Hostages desirable
remove from the danger zone (approach the shaking man and
click Use), you can ignore the police altogether.

Once in a room with a monitor, you can use
the latter for its intended purpose (come close to the monitor and
click the Use button). Just don't get carried away by the spectacle; these people
are two seconds away from you. Turn around quickly
crouch down and take aim at the door. The fire should be opened
only after the door is knocked down (break it
you can't do it on your own).

It is not necessary to go to the toilet. However, if you're lucky, you
you may find one of the bandits there in a state of
for minor needs. As you can see, villains prefer
pee on the floor.

Once at the booth (Fig. 1), shoot out the glass,
jump onto the counter and get inside. Press the bracket
located on the wall of this room; where to go next, you
They'll show you.

Follow the paths. When you reach the next station, go up
go up and look at the captured terrorists. You can
torture them to your heart's content, even kill them; police officers who are forced
keeping these villains at gunpoint will only breathe a sigh of relief.

After watching the main terrorist ride away on the roof of the train,
follow his example: jump on the carriage and hit the road.
Kill all the bandits, then turn around and take a couple of steps towards
the side from which you came. This is all.

Level Trn1.

It is best to move along the train from the side and/or along
the roofs of his carriages (if you fall inside along the way
one of them, use the door). Don't fight the helicopter;
just avoid his fire.

The barricade of boxes blocking your path must
explode by shooting at a flammable barrel.

You can get inside the penultimate carriage through the door,
located on its left side. When you approach the grate, break
fire the combination lock and approach the warhead (Fig. 2). This
end of the level.

Level Arm1.

After talking with the store seller (his name is Sam), follow
him to the basement, where you talk to your partner named HAWK,
then go to the large closed screen and press Use
and arm yourself.

Level Kos1.

HAWK goes about his business, you go about yours. Run-
climb and crawl wherever you can. When you go up the stairs, you
you will see your partner located on the second floor opposite you
(Fig. 3). Don't jump down!! Look to the left: there is a wheel there.
Rotate it, then watch an interesting movie, after which
Finally, fall down and go into the passage broken by water.

Climb the stairs, then jump down or
go down the other stairs. Next to the truck in the floor there is
a hole into which you must fall. After walking a few steps
water and going up, you see how he tried
Before leaving, the truck is covered with some debris. To your left
there is a long vertical staircase. Climb it
then turn the wheel and watch the consequences. Go to
collapsed pipe and climb with its help to where you have not yet

Pass the parapet and move on. Next pipe, through
which you are supposed to climb suddenly collapses, and you
you find yourself in a new room. Climbing up a small
stairs, you see another pipe with steam coming from the wall.
The pipe in this place turns out to be very fragile, as a result of which
you can get inside and move further along this pipe. On
exiting it you can jump over the debris blocking the entrance
into the tunnel (Fig. 4), and continue the journey.

After passing through the tunnel, go up the stairs and look
interesting movie. This is the end of the level.

Level Kos2.

Once in the square, go to the church and pass it
through. Climb into the destroyed building, then cross
another courtyard and go inside the next building. Pass by
standing truck and go through the door.

You are again in the fresh air, under the road (Fig. 5). Go
forward, then climb up the small inclined ladder and
jump forward and left to the door next to which there is a burning
barrel. Climbing up the wooden stairs and using
the next door, you will again find yourself on the street. Carefully! Soon

Fire will be opened on you from the windows of the building opposite! Having dealt with
enemies, move on and watch how the tank breaks the road along which you are moving with its shot. Now go to the gap and
look down to the left. You see a piece of pipe sticking out of the wall
(Fig.6)? You should go there!

Having climbed the next staircase, you will find yourself in a certain
kind of like a garage. Go forward and up along the tunnel. Another yard with
an exploding truck and a crowd of people eager for your death
people. After going through another door, you will find yourself on the second floor
new yard. Jump down and move on. Left in the gap
a truck with beams lying on it is visible. Climb up
onto these beams and follow them to the window, then break the glass,
jump down to big gun and kill those guarding it
people. After enjoying the next episode of the film, you will finish

Level Kos3.

After going up the stairs, press the button; thereby you
open the gate. Climb onto the box and climb into the hole, after which
go along the pipe and go up the stairs again. Once in
courtyard, go to the booth, pull the switch there and then go to
the opened door. On the second floor of the room in which you
you get there, there is another switch, which, however, does not
pressed. Using the door located directly below
this switch will take you to a large hangar, in the center of which
there is an equally large barn. Go left to the control room
with all these facilities (Fig. 7), then go to the located
there is a door on the side of this cabin and watch an interesting movie. Go
further, press the switch and go into the door that is located
next to the vertical stairs.

You are in the control room. Press the button, then look at the couple
monitors located here, then return to the hangar
(it’s better to climb the vertical stairs to the 2nd floor and
then jump over to the roof of the barn (Fig. 8); it's very convenient from there
fire). Having dealt with the enemies, go through the door located
opposite the wheelhouse. People keep exploding there. Move on.

In the next room there is another cabin with a button.
By pressing this button, you will move the drawer behind which at floor level
there is a grate. Break the grate and climb, then climb up
up the stairs and open the two gates here. Close to
the gate leads you to a familiar room with a moving box,
distant ones - into the yard with a truck. Go to this courtyard and further to
the doors that will be on your right.

Climbing the inclined staircase onto the lattice overpass,
go through the door, then kill a couple of enemies and watch the movie. From
in this series you will find out what your valiant partner discovered
the required doors, while turning on all the sirens available on the base.
Inspired good news, you continue on your way.

Returning to the yard with the truck, go to the opened
opposite the door. Once again in the large hangar, go to one
from the two side doors of the central barn and go inside this
structures, where you kill the enemies located there, after which
watch a movie. This is the end of the level.

Level Sib1.

Go forward, following the curves of the road, killing enemies and
suppressing automatic machine guns. Aggressively behaving tank
must be killed; The easiest way to do this is to hide from him behind
the nearest column. Passing between two automatic
machine guns, you will find yourself inside the base.

There are tanks to your left, boxes to your right. Go to
a small door located behind the tanks, then go up
take the vertical stairs to the 2nd floor and go through the door again. IN
there is a button in the glass room that you need
press. Do not rush to run to the one that opened next to the one you killed
tank hatch. Just for fun, go up to the 3rd floor and kill
existing enemies there, destroy a couple of quad machine guns,
then press the button again, and now run quickly
to where you need it (45 seconds is more than enough for this).

And again the pipe you are crawling through breaks, and you
you find yourself in the snow. Run further to the ditch.

In front of you is a deep ditch, on the opposite bank
which contains some kind of fortress. Looking into this ditch, you
you will see two pipes there (Fig. 9). Jump on the pipes, break one of them
them, from which the park is coming, then climb inside and crawl into
side of the fortress. Once in the yard with tanks, find
hole hidden behind the leftmost car. This is the transition to
next level.

Level Sib2.

I believe that you, dear reader, are fluent in
modern Russian language. And therefore the inscription #Terrible Entrance#
cannot leave you indifferent (Fig. 10). Having finished
laugh, continue to perform the task entrusted to you
saving the world.

Climbing up the vertical stairs, move the grate,
then cross the courtyard and enter the door, then follow the
bridge to the next door. By the way, if you still don’t have
get yourself a small machine gun (Super SMG), this is your chance: throw it away
shotgun or regular machine gun, and finally take it into your own hands
normal weapon. Move on. Finding yourself in yet another
room with a bridge, go down the inclined stairs and
come in the door. Don't fight the kamikaze helicopter; hide
somewhere and calmly wait for him to call.

Matvey Kumbi

There are wars, there are soldiers. Wars end sooner or later, and soldiers go home, but some of them remain soldiers forever. War is their job, death is their livelihood, an assault rifle is their Stakhanovite hammer. A deeply secret government organization codenamed “The Store” is recruiting just such living death machines. People who do not ask questions, but perfectly perform the assigned combat mission. John Mullins, one of the best agents of the “Shop,” began asking questions and trying to understand the meaning of what was happening, for which he paid with the lives of his best friends. Sabotage, reconnaissance operations and endless killings of especially dangerous state enemies - all this mixed into one big performance with a thousand unnecessary deaths. A play where they play the leading roles - soldiers of fortune.


Soldier of Fortune 2- the long-awaited continuation of the famous 3D first-person shooter. If you have played games of this genre or have already dealt with the first part of the game, then the general game concept will not be a secret to you, and mastering the interface and controls will not cause any special problems.


The game interface consists of the following main segments:

1. The game screen on which the main events take place.

2. Menu for selecting weapons and special equipment. Using keys 1 to 7, you select various weapons: knives, pistols, shotguns, machine guns and rifles, 8 - grenades, 9 - special equipment and 0 - empty hands (you shouldn’t walk around with a machine gun at the ready in “peaceful” missions).

3. Information about the current weapon. Large numbers indicate the number of cartridges in the magazine, small numbers indicate the total supply of ammunition of this type. Below the ammo count indicator is the current firing mode: Single - single shots, Burst - short bursts, and Auto - automatic mode. Some machine guns have an additional indicator of the amount of ammunition for an under-barrel grenade launcher to the left of the main indicator.

4. Noise indicator and a line of the current state of armor and vital energy. The noise indicator is designed to provide a visual representation of the noise you make while walking, shooting, and running. The higher the noise scale, the greater your chances of being heard by the enemy during "stealth" missions. To the right are the red status bar of the current vital energy and, slightly higher, the status bar of the wearable armor. Life energy is replenished with the help of first aid kits found on the level, and armor is replenished with body armor taken from defeated enemies.

5. All additional messages received during the game are displayed using captions at the top or bottom of the screen.



If you are out of ammo and the battle is taking place in a confined space, then a knife is an excellent tool for wasteful fighters. In addition, in the alternative mode, the knife can be thrown, thereby silently removing sentries and quietly destroying enemy patrols.


Starting pistol from the standard weapon set American army. Moderately fast, moderately lethal. If you take away a second barrel of the same type from the enemy, you can fire with both hands at once. In the alternative shooting mode, the pistol can be used as a melee weapon - hitting an enemy who gets close with the butt.


Tactical special forces pistol. Before starting a mission, in the weapon selection menu, you can equip SOCOM with a tactical flashlight, a laser sight, and even a silencer, indispensable during “covert” operations. As with the M1911F1, once a second pistol of the same type is found, they can be used two-handed. An alternative mode is a butt strike.

Micro UZI

Submachine gun, best weapon to quickly destroy the enemy at close ranges. It uses up ammo extremely quickly, but also reloads quite quickly. As with other pistols, you can take one Uzi in each hand.


The assault shotgun is an excellent weapon for indoor combat. Not too wide range of fire and excellent stopping power. The main drawback is the extremely slow reload speed and only nine rounds in the magazine.


An even more powerful shotgun, but also not very fast to fire and reload. Ten rounds in the magazine and a significant spread of shot.


An ordinary military machine gun is the standard weapon of all American infantry. It has no adjustment of the firing mode, but is distinguished by its fast speed, short reload time and its overall versatility. Suitable for almost any battle.

AK 74

A good old late model Kalashnikov assault rifle. Excellent speed, acceptable spread and three shooting modes. The main advantage of the AK 74 is that during missions you will not experience any shortage of ammunition: almost all terrorists in the world use the Kalash, which has been tested more than once in battle. An alternative mode is a strike with a bayonet, which, however, first needs to be taken from the warehouse before starting the next mission.


The weapon you will have to use more often than others. Excellent destructive power, three firing modes, small dispersion, no shortage of ammunition and, most importantly, an under-barrel grenade launcher that fires a grenade in an alternative mode. The best tool for both clearing confined spaces and outdoor battles.


The whole team is assembled - it's time to start the operation.

A sniper rifle is a great thing for eliminating an enemy from a safe distance. Small magazine (only four rounds), extremely long reload time, but unprecedented stopping power and a powerful optical sight. An indispensable item during protracted positional battles in open areas.


Army belt machine gun. Absorbs bullets with lightning speed, but has monstrous crushing power. An excellent help during showdowns with superior enemy forces in well-covered territory.


Grenade launcher. Ineffective and practically useless weapon in the game. Long reload speed, rare charges and not too long range.


Soviet hand-held single-shot anti-tank grenade launcher. Also ineffective and useless. There are no techniques in the game, and the chances of covering an entire enemy group with a successful shot are almost zero.


A weapon found in the very later stages of the game. A multi-mode army machine gun, combined with a grenade launcher, equipped with an optical sight and simply stuffed with all kinds of electronics. There is little practical benefit from such versatility, but a precisely tuned grenade launcher will be a good help when “smoking out” the enemy from fortified positions.

Heavy machine guns

Russian Degtyarev machine gun and an easel model of the American M60. Heavy machine guns are often found throughout the game and are usually installed in crowded areas of the enemy. During shooting, special care should be taken, since the machine gunner is practically unprotected from the rear and is especially vulnerable to enemy grenades.

Hand grenades

Couldn't find any in the game useful application various gas, lighting, shock and fire hand grenades. The enemy reacts too quickly to the “gift” thrown at him and usually manages to take a convenient position before the grenade deigns to go off. The only worthy use was found for the usual army “lemon” - the M67 grenade, which is ubiquitous in the game.

Special equipment

Before the start of each mission, you are free to choose one of several special devices that will make life on the battlefield much easier. These include:


Allows you to assess the tactical situation from a safe distance. However, if you have a sniper rifle with an optical sight, then you can forget about binoculars.

Night vision device

An excellent device for night missions. Allows excellent vision in the dark and good orientation during “secret” operations.

Thermal imager

An optical device that responds to heat emitted by the human body. It has proven itself to be excellent in missions taking place in conditions of limited visibility - rain, snow and the like.

Your main character constantly carries with him a complete technical kit for defusing explosives, picking locks and hacking electronic equipment. If an icon for one or another action appears on the screen (“tweezers”, “nippers”, “electronic card”), press and hold the “use” key for a while, and Mullins will automatically perform all the necessary operations for hacking, neutralizing, etc.

The most cunning enemies are trained to intercept your grenades and throw them in the opposite direction. Before throwing a grenade, hold it in your hand for a while so that it instantly explodes immediately after hitting the target.

Wherever possible, use “silent” means of fighting - a pistol with a silencer, throwing knives and the like. Also, in unfamiliar territory, try to navigate exclusively step - this way you will attract much less attention to yourself.

Remember that killing (even accidentally) any civilian immediately leads to the failure of the entire operation.

Try to explore all the rooms along the way to look for additional ammunition, first aid kits and armor. Also, do not miss a single box you encounter during the game - they often contain ammunition that is so valuable in battle.

And one last thing. Make use of all natural and artificial cover at all times. Never rush headlong into battle, peek around corners, fire while hiding behind some obstacle, and move in short dashes under fire. Your opponents, even at low difficulty levels, are endowed with remarkable intelligence, so practice your skills in “random missions”, improvise and never solve all problems “on the fly”.


Difficulty level

This walkthrough is written for the difficulty level Guns for Hire, optimal for players who already have experience in FPS games. If this is your first time playing Soldier of Fortune 2, then set a higher difficulty level highly not recommended- already intelligent opponents will show miracles of intelligence, throw grenades much more accurately and shoot with virtually no misses. First, practice at simpler levels, and only then switch to something more serious. Additionally, as the difficulty level increases, you have fewer and fewer “record slots” available to save your current game state.

Saved games

As I progressed through the game, I kept saving the game at the beginning of each mission. Save files are attached to the article (if you are reading the walkthrough on the Mania CD, then look for them in the “By the Magazine” section, and if on the website - via this link).

To use saved games, unzip the file archive and copy all its contents to a subdirectory \base\save in the directory with installed Soldier of Fortune 2. You can load saved games from the Load game sub-item in the main game menu. Have fun!

Opposing parties and main characters of the game

"Shop"- a deeply secretive paramilitary government organization dealing with issues of foreign policy, intelligence and conducting covert military operations on the territory of other states. The organization is completely independent of the FBI, CIA, Army Intelligence and other official agencies, but sometimes provides overall leadership.

"Prometheans"- a secret terrorist society with unknown but powerful funding channels, an extensive intelligence network and a secret control center. The terrorists' plans include rapid enrichment by levying a "tax on the right to life of presidents" from the states of the free world.

John Mullins- our main character. One of the best agents of the “Magazine”, an experienced warrior and a born soldier with considerable military experience behind him.

Madeleine Taylor- John's partner, navigator and excellent battle friend. Madeleine will coordinate all our actions during combat missions and personally bring us up to date after each successful mission.

Sam Gladstone- Mullins's old comrade in arms, owner of the "Shop" weapons arsenal in the center of New York, disguised as a bookstore.

Wilson- First Deputy Director of the "Shop". A very dark personality who plays a significant role in all the events unfolding in the game.

Alexey Naprad- ex-KGB general, who, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, retrained as an international terrorist. He has great power and harbors insidious plans to take hostage the presidents of the free world at an upcoming international summit, followed by a ransom demand.

Manuel Vergara- Colombian arms dealer, pawn in big game invisible leadership of the "Prometheans".

Doctor Ivanovich- an old acquaintance of Mullins, a high-ranking US spy and secret agent of many intelligence services around the world. He will be the first to sound the alarm about the emergence of a new biological virus.

Doctor Sestrogor- the inventor of that very dangerous biological virus that infects people and does not react in any way to other living organisms. For some time now he has been working forcibly for the “Prometheans”. He is the only one who knows the formula for the antidote to the infection, but he keeps it a deep secret.

Mission 1: Prague

Level 1

John Mullins, beginner secret agent, heads to Prague for a secret meeting with an informant. After the taxi successfully passes all the checkpoints and John receives a secret suitcase and an initial combat kit (a pistol and several clips), we find ourselves on a rainy Prague street.

Walk forward a little and listen to the conversation between the two guards. Carefully look around the corner and, seizing the moment when the villains turn to the wall, shoot to kill. Take the Kalashnikov from the corpses, reload the clip and continue moving along the street, keeping to the right wall. Every now and then they will fire at you from behind the boxes, do not rush into battle, carefully hide behind natural cover, look around the corners and try to shoot single shots - this way, firstly, you will save ammo, and secondly, with an accurate hit to the head, any enemy will give his soul to God after a single shot.

When you reach large containers, be careful - well-armed reptiles are hiding inside. After getting rid of them, go into the building with the spotlight at the top. Climb the stairs to the second floor (there may be several weakly armed guards along the way) and go out onto the balcony. Turn left and take a running jump from the balcony to the ledge, and from there down to the patio. At the bottom, move towards a building near the road with many cars parked near it. Do not try to make your way to the heavy machine gun on the right; it is better to take a comfortable position behind some vehicle and wait for the angry guards to arrive. Destroy suitable opponents one by one, sometimes inspecting the rear - an insidious enemy can unnoticed approach from behind from a dark gateway behind the facade.

When the last guard collapses lifelessly to the ground, continue along the road and turn into the alley on the left. After fighting off the next attack, wait for a truck to appear ahead, and climb the fire escape at the right wall of the house to the very top. Now the most difficult part of the mission - you have to carefully make your way back along the narrow ledge along the wall of the house. If you missed one of the enemies along the way, then be prepared for massive fire from below. Having passed the cornice to the end, jump off onto the new balcony, go inside the room and, once in a wide room, jump into the hatch located on the floor.

Level 2

So, we found ourselves inside the Prague Hotel. There are two doors ahead - behind one there is a storage room, and behind the second there is an exit to the corridor. Exit through the second door and, without turning the corner, listen to the conversation of the guards. As soon as one of the enemy soldiers turns away and goes to the post, break out from behind the cover and shoot all the adversaries with a machine gun. Ignoring the doors to the rooms, run along the corridor until you reach the stairs. To be sure, throw down a couple fragmentation grenades, go down and finish off all the survivors.

There are many doors in the hall, but most of them are locked; the ones that are open will eventually lead you to the kitchen. Carefully breaking through enemy barriers, hiding behind shelves and crawling under tables, exit through the opposite kitchen door, go up the stairs and go through the left door. The suspicious guy in the room will raise the alarm, finish him off to be sure and get ready to repel the attack of a new wave of guards running out of the door in the left corner of the room. After going through a series of corridors through rooms, you will eventually find yourself in a wide hallway with an entire platoon of guards inside. Having dealt with all the enemies, head straight to the end of the corridor and open the right door.

The person for whom we came to the hotel is already waiting for us outside the door - Mr. Ivanovich (by the way, this is a surname, not a patronymic). After discussing the escape plan with him, sweep out of the room into the corridor and kill the guard who happens to be right in front of you. Another wave of enemy soldiers will pour out of the door on the right side of the corridor; run ahead of Ivanovich and do not expose him to bullets - if he dies, the mission will fail. Once in a square room, let Ivanovich go ahead, and shoot back at the enemies behind you.

Continue the marathon around the hotel until Ivanovich blocks the next door with his closet. Having delayed your pursuers for a while, walk a little along the corridor and, following Ivanovich, jump into the ventilation pipe against the wall.

Level 3

So, we urgently need to get out of the hotel. Run up to a truck standing on the road and take a place in the back behind the heavy machine gun. While Ivanovich is fiddling with the ignition, a vigilant guard will appear on the fire escape to the left. Shoot him with a machine gun, the alarm will be raised, and hordes of enemy agents will rush in your direction from behind the opposite gate. Don't let any of them near the truck, shooting the reptiles from a distance.

When Ivanovich turns on the ignition and the truck starts moving, turn the machine gun to the right side and get ready to fire from the machine gunners hiding behind the columns. After driving through a small street, your truck will stop in the corner. Deploy the machine gun again, destroy all the enemies hiding behind the boxes, and then fire a couple of bursts into the transformer booths to the left of the gate. After a strong explosion, the gate will fly off its hinges and the truck will move on.

Level 4

The truck drove onto a country road, and now our task is to get rid of the pursuit. You will be alternately chased by trucks with shooters in the back and high-speed armored bulldozer cars. Try to shoot the shooters in the backs before the cars begin to approach to ram. Ivanovich is a good driver, but be careful when turning - dangerous encounters with enemy machine gunners are possible. When the truck stops on the side of the road near the checkpoint, turn the machine gun to the left and shoot the fuel tank. The explosion will demolish the gate and clear the way forward. Continue shooting at the pursuing trucks until helicopter blades begin to rumble somewhere above. Raise your machine gun and try to drive away the annoying iron bird with several bursts fired straight at the windshield. In the end, when the main enemy group is left behind, we will break away from pursuit and roar straight towards new adventures to the last level of this mission.

Level 5

So, we are at the railway station. Get down from the truck, put the rifle away and calmly walk straight to the wide door with the sentry. Talk to the guard, then go left and enter the door, opposite which Ivanovich is already waiting for you.

Once in the station toilet, talk to the messenger, take the suitcase next to one of the booths and return to the sentry. Show him your documents, go through the opened door and find yourself on the platform. Take out your machine gun and open fire on the soldiers cruising along the platform. Be careful, some of them will try to hide behind the boxes at the beginning of the mess and then sneak up on you from behind. Having gotten rid of all your enemies, go into the doors of the open carriage and discuss the plan for further action with Ivanovich. We'll have to find a way to escape from enemy territory on this train.

Get out of the car, walk along the platform, open the wide gate on the right and enter the station building. Several guards are already waiting for you inside, get rid of them and go up the stairs. On the top floor, take a comfortable position and shoot all the soldiers rushing towards you, then go down another staircase into a wide storage room. At the end of the warehouse, go up the next staircase, throw a grenade into the room behind the door and go inside. Carefully jump through the open window onto the roof of the carriage, walk a little to the right and jump over the iron fence, trying to fall onto the wooden boxes.

Climb up the stairs to the control room, deal with several guards inside and press the huge lever near the window. The gate below will open, and the train will move smoothly. Fly like a bullet from the control room, go down the stairs and, opening the iron gate, slip into the opened gap between the cars... Well, Mr. Mullins, now you have passed your baptism of fire.

Headquarters of the "Shop"

Ten years have passed since the Prague events. John Mullins is now one of the most experienced employees of a certain secret government organization codenamed “The Shop”. The company's management is faced with another insoluble problem and hastily calls its best agent for a new task. So, once inside the bunker, talk to the guard holding assault rifle, and go through the central door. Behind it, talk to the next guard of public order, turn right, go through the door and follow the moving path into the corridor and open the door straight ahead.

Keeping to the left wall, move forward until you notice the wide elevator doors. Go inside and go to the second floor. At the top, without turning, go straight to the end of the corridor and go through the large door to the right. Two guards will simultaneously open the massive door, and we will find ourselves in the meeting room.

All the bosses are already here. After listening to a long briefing from the very aged Ivanovich and having a good argument with his colleagues, leave the hall and go along the corridor to the elevator with a guard. Take the elevator up and, once on the take-off pad, board the helicopter waiting for you.

Mission 2: Colombia

Level 1

Our helicopter flies over the Colombian jungle. Somewhere below there is a guerrilla war, and our detachment needs to support with all its might a small peacekeeping camp in the very rear of the enemy. After listening to a short briefing and meeting the helicopter crew, you disembark at the camp. Look around, wander through the tents and collect any ownerless ammunition - it will come in handy later.

For further instructions, contact the sergeant near the far tent (the sergeant wears a camouflage hat instead of a helmet). In mid-sentence, the sergeant will be cut off by an enemy bullet, and the partisans will begin massive shelling of the camp from all sides. It’s better not to try to join the defense, but to get away as quickly as possible - run behind the tent near which the sergeant was standing, jump over the burning jeep and run along the small crevice without turning. Along the way, be careful - enemy fighters are hiding behind the ruins, do not run forward headlong, but organize a positional fight. Having suppressed resistance, continue moving along the crevasse to the next level.


Level 2

Moving forward along the chasm, we will reach ruins simply infested with terrorists. Don't skimp on grenades, sit behind natural cover, and never walk around a corner without first looking to the other side. Be extremely careful - somewhere in the ruins there are several enemy snipers hiding, they do not shoot very accurately, so by eliminating them from afar, we will take possession of an excellent rifle with an optical sight.

Crawl through the thick grass until you reach the cliff - this way you will be least visible to the enemy. Having reached the cliff, pick up a sniper rifle and carefully clear enemy bunkers straight ahead. As soon as the cover is clear, immediately occupy the bunker and begin systematically shooting at the enemies appearing in the rear. Once the fighting subsides, continue along the crevasse until several wooden houses loom ahead. Spray all the surrounding areas with grenades (the houses are well guarded, and there are many militants lying in ambush around), and if you wish, go inside to collect first aid kits and additional ammunition.

Having reached a large pile of ruins along the crevice, get ready for a massive attack from two sides at once. Submachine gunners will try to come to your rear, and there will be continuous sniper fire in front. Change positions after using the sniper rifle, don't skimp on grenades and go up the stairs. An excellent view opens up from the top - finish off the Colombians swarming below, get down and, continuing along the crevice below, run into the next part of the jungle.

Level 3

After enjoying the view from the cliff, turn right and carefully move along the ruins. Having eliminated two chattering militants in the ruins, throw up your sniper rifle and begin systematically shooting at the enemies moving in your direction. The enemies here are noticeably more cunning - they skillfully hide in the grass and are in no hurry to poke their heads out from behind natural shelters. Be patient and you will be rewarded.

In a small area in front of a small camp, be extremely careful - somewhere here among the grass there is an anti-personnel mine equipped with a tripwire hidden. Slowly move forward, and as soon as a special icon appears on the screen, defuse the mine and run to the entrance to the cave.

A platoon of Colombians is already sitting in the cave, and from the rear, on top of everything else, they are supported by a helicopter. Throw a good grenade from a grenade launcher right into the thick of the enemies and hide from the helicopter in the ruins. At the exit from the cave, another mine with a tripwire awaits us; neutralize it and run into the enemy camp with a machine gun at the ready. Take a comfortable position around the corner of a house and, with well-aimed single shots, shoot down all the enemies popping out from behind the wall. When everything around has calmed down a bit, look around and notice special attention for a large brick house with a wooden outbuilding. Fire several bursts into a barrel of fuel near the wall, the extension will collapse, and we need to go into the destroyed house and turn the large lever on a mechanism with a strange purpose. Nothing happened? Go into the brick part of the house, go up to the second floor (be careful! surviving militants may be hiding on the stairs) and activate the big red button near the control panel. Outside, a helicopter accidentally flying past will explode, and we will have no choice but to run back into the collapsed extension, press the lever again and run through the opened gate to the next level.

Level 4

Twilight, fire, waterfall... However, we have no time for romance now. Carefully crawl along the grass to the enemy camp opposite the waterfall, eliminating a double patrol of Colombians along the way. The militants at the fire will be alarmed - eliminate these, and then several more on the hill near the camp. Once you have cleared the enemy presence, move straight through the camp until you reach the bridge. Wow! And here the battle is already in full swing - our people are desperately firing back at the Colombians crossing the bridge. Try to help your allies as much as you can, and after a short conversation with the squad leader, quickly run across the bridge - it is about to fly into the air.

Once on the other side, take a good sniper position and begin systematically shooting at the rebels dug in near the truck. Pay special attention to snipers who accurately shoot through the area from an observation tower. When all the villains are defeated, move forward until you reach a small clearing with a platoon of enemy soldiers. Spray the clearing with grenades and, going around another observation tower, run towards new adventures.

Level 5

While we were fooling around behind enemy lines, the peacekeeping forces had already begun an operation to clear the main militant camp. The main thing here is not to lag behind the main forces of the allies and in no case interfere with the houses until all the streets of the village are completely cleared of Colombians. Move behind your squad, sometimes helping your colleagues with bayonet fire and covering the rear. After one of the soldiers takes aim at the door of a large house with steps and asks you to “check the situation inside,” get ready for a desperate assault. Keeping your machine gun at the ready, open the door and begin shredding the militants holed up inside with heavy fire.

Carefully inspect all areas of the house. There are some records of terrorists on the table in the office, examine them carefully and go outside. With the support of your comrades, having suppressed the next enemy offensive, go into the opposite building and again begin systematically clearing each room. Having discovered another table with secret plans, carefully study all the documents and go out onto the street from the back side.

Now you need to free the prisoner from the bamboo cage next to the gate. Approach the cage and carefully disarm the explosives on the grate door. After the prisoner is free, go to the camp gates and install the resulting explosives on them. Bang! That's it, the main Colombian outpost has been destroyed, and our squad can only quickly escape through the destroyed gate.

Level 6

You have to escape through swamps infested with militants. In this mission, your main task is not to get ahead of the squad and not to be too heroic. Move at the end of the chain and actively use a sniper rifle if vile enemy faces appear ahead. Having turned right with the squad and eliminated the patrolman, continue to move waist-deep in water to the suspension bridge. Having eliminated several militants who had settled on it from afar, we continue our journey to the mouth of a small swampy river. In the end, you will come across a small rise on the left side of the swamp, climb it after the squad and, breaking through the barrage of militants holed up in the ruins, reach the opposite end of the camp, sneak into a small passage on the left side and continue moving in the only possible direction .

Also slowly moving through the thickets, we will eventually reach a clearing with helicopters. As fast as you can, rush to the nearest helicopter, jump inside and take a place behind the heavy machine gun. While our colleagues are sitting comfortably on their seats, fire a few farewell bursts at the militants popping out from behind the bushes and fly away.

Level 7

Now, finding ourselves behind the machine gun of an attack helicopter, we will get even with the damned Colombians. This mission is a kind of rest after all the trials in the jungle. The helicopter is piloted by an experienced pilot, so all you can do is shoot accurately at the populated areas below. First of all, always try to destroy those targets that the navigator tells you about - machine gun points, weapons depots and systems air defense. Pay special attention to the barrels of fuel that are abundantly scattered throughout the enemy camps. Having released two or three such barrels into the air, you no longer have to worry about the enemy’s manpower.

Level 8

So, our war in Colombia is over, but John Mullins had to stay for a while at the head camp of the peacekeeping forces. After a short conversation with the sentry, go past the jeep behind the barrier along the road track to a large truck. Climb the ladder, open the door and go inside. You can put the weapon away - you won’t have to shoot here anyway.

Oh, what a meeting. Our partner, Taylor, is already hard at work with a new virus that was released over a Colombian village. The village has been quarantined, so all new visitors to the camp undergo chemical treatment. After a short briefing, take the protective suit from the closet opposite the computer and follow Taylor along the wide fiberglass corridor, listening along the way to a nightmarish story about the atrocities of some powerful terrorist organization and new developments in the field of bacteriological weapons. Along with the story, your mission will end.

Mission 3: Vergara Estate

Level 1

The only lead that can somehow lead to the mysterious organization is arms dealer Manuel Vergara, whom Mullins learned about from documents found in a Colombian camp. Well, you'll have to have a thorough conversation with your friend. Having dashingly jumped over the fence of a huge estate, look around and assess the situation.

Breaking through the main entrance is useless; Vergara has too many security guards. Therefore, arm yourself with a pistol with a silencer and turn left into the alley. Keeping to the wall, walk forward a little and carefully turn right. Eliminate the sluggish sentry near the utility room and, avoiding the security cameras, hide between the two houses. Hiding in the shadows, carefully eliminate several more guards, and if the Rottweiler comes running at the noise, then the annoying dog. Moving along the ivy-covered fence, you will eventually come out to the pool. Arm yourself with a machine gun and break forward with a battle cry. The approaches to the pool are well guarded, and you need to act quickly before massive reinforcements come running to help the guards. After killing all the enemies, go around the pool on the left side and climb along the lattice wall near the facade onto the wide balcony. Shoot the sniper at the top, and then get rid of the guards who ran out of the doors below.

A narrow cornice stretches along the roof from the balcony. Carefully jump onto it and run to the opposite wall. Once on the roof, crawl to the small locked window in the attic and pick the lock. Climb into the attic, go to the exact same window at the opposite end of the room and quickly squeeze inside.

Level 2

So, we are in the attic of the estate. Trying not to stomp too much (otherwise the guards on the lower floors will suspect something is wrong), go around the entire attic and collect all kinds of ammunition, body armor and first aid kits from the racks. When you finish your walk around, get out of the attic through the open hatch in the narrow corridor.

Once in a small space between the rooms, open the door to the left and arrange a vendetta with those conveniently located in gym Vergara's bodyguards. The alarm will be raised in the building, confusion and indiscriminate shooting will begin. Here you need to seize the moment and, without running around the top floor in vain, quickly fly into the corridor and run down the long staircase. There is a complete chaos going on in the basement - the guards are trying to block the approaches to the lower level, taking positions behind the cabinets and trying to scare away the unexpected guest with indirect fire. Without sparing grenades, break through until you find yourself in a room with a crowd of guards. Get rid of the villains with a well-aimed grenade fired from a grenade launcher and carefully inspect all the surrounding rooms.

One of them, with a massive safe in the corner, is the office of the owner of the estate. Hack the safe and take all its contents. So, now we have the most valuable documents in our hands - all that remains is to find and interrogate their owner. Exit the office through the opposite door, get rid of the few guards inside and through the door opposite the fireplace go down to the basement of the house.

Level 3

Once downstairs we found ourselves in a bowling alley with a small bar and a good collection of wines. Be sure to look through the door behind the bar - there is a small ammunition storage area and several first aid kits. Return to the bowling alley and go through the door next to the basement stairs into the next room. A small shower room, a sauna, and behind it a utility room, smoothly flowing into the warehouse. At the warehouse, everything is already ready for our meeting - the enemy is using smoke grenades, so the best tactic here is to quickly crawl from box to box and shoot the enemy at lightning speed from behind cover. Having cleared the entire room, go to the stairs under the ceiling and climb up into the ventilation shaft.

Crawl down the shaft to the end, ignoring the first ventilation grate in the floor. Stop near the second one and prepare a grenade. Shoot through the grate and throw the cocked gift down. Fuck-bang! Now you can jump down with a pure soul. In the corridor at the exit from this room, there will be a lot of guards - break forward until you reach a barred room with paper targets - a shooting gallery. Pay attention to the huge cast-iron doors next to the weapons rack - if you pick the lock on them, then inside you can profit from a lot of things useful in battle.

Exit the shooting range and open the wide wooden doors at the entrance. Continue downhill and eventually you will reach the wine cellar. They are already waiting for you inside, so use the same tactics as during the disassembly in the warehouse near the sauna. Run from barrel to barrel, hide behind shelves, and if the enemy starts using smoke bombs, temporarily retreat back and try to attack again immediately after the smoke clears. In one of the corners of the huge cellar there is a desk. Stand on it and lift the adjacent chair up, jump to the top of the resulting structure and make your way through the opened wooden window into the next room. Having suppressed the next wave of resistance inside, go down the narrow stairs into the underground bunker.

Level 4

So, we are at the lowest level of the hated Vergara's estate. The enemy is already somewhere very close. Prepare your grenades and exit through the only door. All rooms of the bunker are literally teeming with guards, so don’t skimp on grenades, explosives, and the use of the grenade launcher of your machine gun. Inside a large warehouse, literally behind every box there is a militant hiding - so exercise maximum caution, or better yet, do not poke your head out from behind your cover until the enemy is the first to go looking for you.

Having suppressed all resistance, go down the stairs, and, having passed another warehouse full of guards, go down even lower. Once in the corridor, notice how someone slams the metal door in front of your nose. This is Sanchez, Vergara's security chief, but we will meet him later. Having opened the ill-fated door, turn right and wait until a small explosion blocks the passage forward. Racks and cabinets have been knocked over, so you'll have to look for workarounds. Turn left and go through the narrow door. When breaking through a mass of monotonous rooms with one entrance and one exit, try to look back more often - it is possible that one of the opponents whom you missed while going down to the basement will try to come to your rear.

Once you find yourself in the next corridor, follow straight to a room littered with all sorts of garbage, fragments of fittings and overturned shelves. In the left corner of the room, behind the sandbags, the same Sanchez was hiding. It’s almost impossible to kill him in a fair fight, so we’ll use cunning. Sanchez stands ankle-deep in water, and an electrical panel sparkles to his left. An unfortunate safety violation. Seize the moment when he stops firing his machine gun for a moment, fly around the corner and fire a burst in the direction of the shield. When Sanchez gives his soul to God, take the red access card from his body, return to the corridor and use the card to open the door with the glowing panel.

Talking to Vergara will only confuse the situation further. How does the terrorist know about the “Store”? Who is the poor merchant so afraid of that, as soon as Mullins crosses his gun, he chooses to commit suicide? Riddles, riddles...

Mission 4: "Star of the Seas"

Level 1

Well, we’ll have to look for other clues to the mystery of the mysterious “organization.” Our next target is the battleship Star of the Seas, on board of which, according to preliminary information, several boxes with a dangerous virus are hidden.

After talking with Taylor, go along the narrow cable to the stern of the Star of the Seas and hide behind the boxes. Carefully eavesdrop on the conversation between two guards nearby - it contains the key to our further plans. Wait some more time behind the boxes, and after making sure that the sentries have left, come out of your hiding place and take a pistol with a silencer at the ready. Go to the left deck of the ship and wait until a lone patrolman looms on the horizon. Quietly get rid of him, switch to automatic and go into the only unlocked door. Once in the galley, send to the next world all the militants hanging around the kitchen, grab the red access card from the dining table and go through the nearest door into the living compartments of the ship.

Suppressing the weak resistance of the terrorists, go along the system of corridors, opening all the wooden doors to the cabins you meet along the way. In one of the cabins, the captain’s assistant is sleeping on a couch, hugging an Uzi. Shoot him, take the second red access card from the table near the computer, use it to open the door locked in the corridor and get out to the upper deck. Once you find yourself at the bow of the ship, look for a small cargo crane. Activate the lever next to it, the crane will lift a large container and open the hatch in the bow of the ship. However, the hatch is still blocked for now.

Shooting back at the guards you meet along the way, go up to the uppermost deck and use the second access card to open the door to the captain's bridge (a large glassed-in room). Once on the bridge, shoot the sailors who have settled there and go through the locked door into the radio room (near the entrance there is a headphone symbol). In the radio room, go a little to the left and activate the large lever in the new room. The bow hatch lock is unlocked, return to the containers on the bow of the ship and jump through the opened passage into the hold.

Level 2

There are so many boxes around! You'll have to find a way out of the cargo compartment - get out of the pile of boxes onto the platform and exit through the armored door into the next room. There are several sailors wandering on the walkway here, shoot them from afar and boldly jump down. Jumping from container to container, reach the floor of the warehouse and try to find the yellow forklift car. Activate the lifting mechanism, some of the containers will rise up, and now, returning to the top and climbing them like steps, climb higher and jump onto the platform.

Open the powerful door and get rid of the scoundrels accumulated inside the control room. Move along the corridor until you come out into the engine room - a huge room with giant working mechanisms. The engine room is literally filled with bandits, so get ready to spend several valuable grenades on them. Having passed the hall with the mechanisms, we find ourselves in a small open room with a staircase leading down. Go down the stairs, follow the corridor to the right and turn the gas valve. Return back to the stairs, turn left and, jumping over the pipe, rush forward along the corridor. Angry terrorists will jump out towards you in small groups - don’t focus your attention on them, they act uncoordinated and generally fight like an amateur.

Run along the corridor until another cast iron door opens ahead. Kill the guard behind her and go into the secret compartment of the hold. Wow! Yes, there are not one or two containers with a virus, but a real military arsenal! Taylor will radio that the best way out from the current situation will be to send containers with the virus to the bottom of the Atlantic along with the Star of the Seas. No sooner said than done, we proceed to implement the new plan. After the next forklift moves to the side, a crowd of angry militants will pour out from behind the boxes. Quickly send your adversaries to the best of worlds, walk a little along the corridor and go down the stairs near the wall.

After destroying the guards on the lower deck, go through the door to the right of the stairs. In the next room, pay attention to the stairs leading down, above which there is a sign with the number “1” hanging on the wall. Going down this ladder, plant explosives at the fittings directly ahead. In total, there are five such numbered compartments to be found on the lower deck. The next one is at the exit from the corridor, in the next room, in the area highlighted in red. The third is at the exit from a room with numerous electronic devices. The fourth is straight and to the left along the corridor from the third point, and, finally, the fifth is across the corridor, behind the door, hidden behind a pile of boxes. After all the explosives are installed, our mission ends, and the “Star of the Seas” with dangerous cargo on board slowly sinks into the depths of the sea...

Arsenal of the "Shop"

While we were putting things in order on the ocean freighter, our colleagues from the Center unearthed some new information regarding the secret organization. John Mullins arrives in New York to meet with his old friend, the owner of a “bookstore” (but in fact a carefully disguised weapons arsenal) - Sam. After getting out of the car, approach the house on the right side of the street and click the intercom button. Sam isn't very friendly today. Activate the intercom again and, having given the password, go inside. We go down after Sam and it is unknown how Taylor ended up here in the basement of the arsenal; we have a long conversation ahead of us about new clues in the complicated case of the “organization”, which, by the way, has a name - “Prometheans”. Also, during the investigation, two new characters in this story appeared - ex-KGB general Alexei Naprad and a certain mysterious person hiding under the online pseudonym Deviant1. Well, let's start with the last one.

Mission 4: Hong Kong

Level 1

On board a small Chinese junk, we are scheduled to meet with an informant who is ready to provide some useful information about Deviant1, but the informant is captured by Yakuza fighters from nowhere, and Mullins finds himself locked in the hold of a Chinese sailing ship. So, having got out of cover, immediately shoot at the Chinese appearing from behind the doors, and when everything calms down, go out through the door and go up the stairs to the upper deck. Having suppressed the next, not very active resistance of the militant mafiosi, reload the shotgun and go through the upper door to fresh air.

Level 2

Something is foggy in Hong Kong today... Walk forward a little and climb up the stairs to the stern. After eliminating several bandits at the top, have a good run around the deck and jump down onto the pier of the pier. While shooting back at the mafiosi on the pier, run through the huge gates to another part of the port. Find good cover behind numerous containers and start one by one shooting at all the Chinese that appear in your visibility zone with an Uzi. When things get quieter, run to the right side of the docks and dive into the narrow alley. Without turning, run to the end until you see a house with a large window ahead. After breaking the window, get inside and, having smoked out all the hostile mafiosi from behind the walls, open the wide double door and run to the next level.

Level 3

We continue our escape from the stirred up hornet's nest. Go along the corridor to the boarded-up window, get rid of the boards and carefully examine the opened space. Ahead is a huge dock sector, locked on all sides. The exit is straight ahead, but to get to it you will have to make your way through a kind of labyrinth of boxes and containers. Jump down through the window and begin to slowly move between the containers, periodically shooting at the Chinese popping out from behind cover. In principle, there is nothing complicated about this. In such confined conditions, it is better to refrain from using grenades and actively use all types of artificial shelters.

Finally, when you reach the exit from the docks, activate the automatic forklift on the right side of the locked gate. Having climbed the makeshift staircase made of boxes to the very top, jump behind the wall and get away from the inhospitable port.


Level 4

However, our adventures in China are just beginning. As soon as you find yourself on the streets of Hong Kong, reach an intersection and carefully assess the combat situation. Ahead is a street literally swarming with ferocious Yakuza. The Chinese stand along the houses, machine gunners are hiding in the alleys, and snipers are sitting on the upper floors. You will have to move along the street, being extremely careful, but also without slowing down - eastern militants are well trained in throwing grenades, so if you only linger for a second in an open place, a “lemon” will immediately fall at your feet. While shooting at the militants, reach the end of the street and turn left. Having gone around the house closest to the fork, turn into an alley and, finding yourself at a dead end, break the boards on the boarded up window and get inside the room.

Once inside the building, we begin a smooth ascent to the top. The house is filled to capacity with warlike Chinese, so don’t skimp on grenades and in rare moments of calm don’t forget to reload your double Uzis. Beware of going out onto balconies or standing near open windows for a long time - you will be subjected to massive sniper fire from the roof of a neighboring building. Once you find yourself on the third floor, climb onto the balcony and, crouching with a sniper rifle in your hands, begin to shoot all the enemies in the house opposite, one by one. After climbing onto the blue poster from the balcony, jump over to the balcony of the cleared house on the other side of the street. In another house, you need to exactly repeat the entire acrobatic trick, climb to the third floor and from there take a running leap onto the sign hanging in front. Go down the stairs to the road.

Once you find yourself on the street again, run straight, and before turning, get ready to repel a very serious attack by Yakuza fighters running out of the gateway. Having launched a grenade from a grenade launcher into the thick of the enemy, run into the gateway to the right and jump onto the wall along the boxes, and from there quickly fall down.

Level 5

So, the persecution seems to have stopped, but there is still a whole city ahead, flooded with fearless fighters of the Chinese mafia. Move forward, suppressing weak enemy resistance, and enter the open space. Wow! A real oriental market! Only instead of merchants, for some reason it is filled with angry Yakuza. But these are details - having dealt with the enemy, turn into the gateway to the right and, having passed it to the end, go out onto the pedestrian street.

Be careful - there are several snipers sitting in a house on the right side of the street. There is no point in destroying them; it is better to quickly run along the wall of the houses and sneak through the wide open gates straight ahead. Once you find yourself in the warehouse, have grenades ready and start bombing the Chinese who are holed up on the lower level. After the resistance is suppressed, go up to the upper level and, after walking along the corridor, activate the control panel near the stairs. Now go down to the level where you bombed the Chinese. Approach the forklift and, after passing through the opened passage, get into the elevator.

Level 6

Once you find yourself on the lower level of the warehouse, eliminate the sentry and thoroughly search all the shelves in search of the coveted first aid kits, armor and ammunition. Go forward, turn right at the intersection and open the lattice door. Inside, everything is ready for a worthy meeting - it falls on us heavy fire literally from all sides. The best tactic here would be to switch the machine gun to single shooting mode and, momentarily leaning out from behind the cover, use well-aimed shots to sting your enemies and again hide behind safe corners.

After getting rid of the local yakuza, climb onto the iron walkways and walk along them through the door to the next warehouse. Don’t go down, don’t shoot back at the Chinese below, but, without slowing down, move up along the walkways. Finding yourself at the end of the path in a room with a computer, quickly approach it, try to hack it, and...

Level 7

Yeah, that was a pretty big blow to the head. Mullins woke up in a barred cell, surrounded by ferocious Chinese and one lovely person who introduced herself as... Deviant1. Well, here's the ending complicated story. After a long and not very pleasant conversation, we are left to think about the future in our cell. When Deviant1, accompanied by guards, disappears behind the door of the cell block... a completely unexpected event will happen. The prisoner from the cell opposite will stab the guard with a shiv, open the cell bars, and at the same time free you. After a short introduction, he will shoot another guard, and all you have to do is take his Uzi and from the table on the opposite edge of the hall take the disk with incriminating evidence that was taken from you before imprisonment.

Our new friend will advise you to look for a more powerful weapon, for which it would be a good idea to break open the door on the left wall of the room. Take his advice, break down the door and collect all the machine guns from the display case and the ammunition for them in the armory. When the alarmed guards arrive, you will be fully prepared. Having killed all the guards who came running, run with your friend through the double doors to the exit from the prison complex. The complex itself consists of three monotonous rooms with glass rooms along the walls and double lattice doors connecting one part of the complex to the other. Clearing the rooms and moving from door to door (they will have to be broken into, so watch the rear at this time), you will eventually reach the exit and break free...

Arsenal of the "Shop"

Now that another piece of the global puzzle has been solved, it's time for another visit to the armory with Sam and Taylor. Leaving your car on the side of the road, walk a little towards the familiar sign, and... “Sam's Bookstore” explodes from the inside! As fast as you can, rush to the hole in the wall, jump into the room, turn left and, after running through the door that has collapsed in the toilet, jump into the elevator shaft. Without wasting a second, get out on the back side of the shaft - the cable is about to break and the elevator will fall down!

Carefully climb up the collapsed fittings, go around the stream of steam and go into the nearest room. The wounded Sam tries to tell John something, but he is already too weak. After the ventilation grille comes off its hinges, jump inside, go down the stairs and make your way down through the hatch. Turn the valve on the wall and return to the place where, not far from the room with dying Sam, a stream of hot steam blocked the road. Jump a little on the piece of reinforcement sticking out of the rubble - a new passage will open. Return to the room with Sam, put the poor fellow on your shoulder and carry him through the passage that opened behind the rubble to the street to the ambulance...

Mission 5: New York

Level 1

So Sam ended up in the hospital, and we need to keep a close eye on him. Walk down the hall to the left and talk to the secretary at the counter. Having learned the purpose of your visit, she will open the door and you can calmly take the elevator and go up to the hospital rooms.

Level 2

Wow! That's how it goes - the police guard upstairs was killed. Take his gun and rush left along the corridor to Sam's room (it's the last one, with the door open). Taylor is already on duty near his bed, Mullins just has time to enter the room, when suddenly... The dashing mercenary who broke the window kills Taylor with direct fire and is already aiming at us. Unload the entire clip of the police pistol into the villain, take his rifle and run back into the hospital corridor. A group of “Prometheans” is already rushing towards you, knock the wind out of them with well-aimed shots, pick up ammunition and get ready to deal with another special forces group hidden behind the glass at the right wall of the corridor.

Run forward along the corridor, shoot another squad of “Prometheans” from behind the glass and return to the room in which Sam lies. Another platoon of scoundrels is running towards you from the opened door, unload a grenade launcher at them and rush further in the only possible direction. Eventually you will reach a large hall with a group of terrorists inside. Shoot the bandits from behind cover, run up the stairs to the second level of the hall and get ready to perform a simple acrobatic stunt. Do you see hanging lamps under the ceiling? Take a good run and jump from the balcony first to one, from it to the second, and from there to the opposite side of the upper tier. Go a little to the left, open the elevator and go upstairs.

Level 3

So, we won’t get far by elevator - someone very kind turned off the power to the elevators, so we’ll have to get to the door to the roof of the hospital on our own two feet. It is difficult to give any specific advice on this level. The direction is always the same - forward and only forward, and in each room new forces of “Prometheans” will be waiting for you. They are armed with American weapons - an assault rifle with an under-barrel grenade launcher, so you don’t have to save grenades and deal with large concentrations of the enemy (more than one terrorist) in such a brutal way. After passing through each of the four floors, you will need to climb up the stairs. On the third floor, having reached a dead end, break the window near the smoking rubble and move along the ledge to the room in the next chamber. Be careful, do not rush headlong into the enemy crowd, and before entering an unfamiliar room, be sure to throw a grenade or two in front of you. There will be plenty of them here anyway.

Level 4

When you finally get out onto the roof, first of all pay attention to the helicopter circling above the hospital. He periodically shoots at us, but if you don't stay in one place for a long time, the helicopter won't cause much trouble... yet. So, first, shoot at the two tall yellow tanks on the right side of the wire grate. They will fly into the air and open the way to the other side of the roof. There, hiding behind a hill in the center, one by one shoot all the “Prometheans” frolicking above.

When the last enemy falls, take over the helicopter. Do you see the long pipes that fell from the explosion and broke through the grate on the left side of the roof? Climb over them beyond the space fenced with a mesh and, near the small utility room, take a machine gun and full ammunition for it. Now we have something to oppose to the infernal machine. Hide behind the utility room during helicopter raids and stick out from behind it when it turns or maneuvers. To shoot down a helicopter, you need to destroy each of its two engines with blades in turn. Shoot accurately at the engine until it starts smoking and then lights up with a bright flame. As soon as both engines of the damned miracle of technology are disabled, the blades will stop and the helicopter will fall down like a stone...

Headquarters of the "Shop"

Follow the familiar corridors to the conference room to meet with your superiors. The guards will stop you near the office door and tell you that they wanted to see you in the armory. The weapons room is located on the same floor as the conference room, in sector 7-G. By activating the panel, open the large door of the sector and follow the signs hanging on the walls to look for the weapons room - Firing Range. Once at the shooting range, talk to the scientist, who will give you the OICW mega-gun and conduct short course user manuals. Having learned to wield this terrible weapon, say goodbye to the scientist and go to a meeting with the management of the “Shop”.

Here's the twist - it turns out that Taylor was a traitor, so the ill-fated "mole" in the "Magazin" department is finally exposed, and we receive the last task - to free the prominent scientist Doctor Sestrogor from the captivity of the "Prometheans", who is now hidden in a secret Kamchatka base under the supervision of terrorist No. 1, ex-KGB general Alexei Naprad... Just before leaving for the mission, do not forget to take your new miracle gun with you. It will still be very useful...

Mission 6: Kamchatka

Level 1

So, the snowy deserts of Kamchatka. The spy plane parachutes Mullins down, and as he falls we have good opportunity explore the location of the enemy base below. Once on the ground, turn on the thermal imager and slowly make your way to the building straight ahead. There are two sentries sitting in the guardhouse - eliminate them without much noise, search the house for additional ammunition, go out into the street and go up the slope.

Because of the snowstorm, visibility here is terrible - try not to have long shootouts with the guards, but, using a thermal imager, eliminate the villains from afar - it’s not for nothing that you have an OICW sniper scope! Along the fence you will notice a gap leading to the road. Exit through it and follow the road to a huge metal gate. Here you will finally receive strong resistance - do not rush into battle, but rather retreat back and from cover shoot all the enemies rushing after you. Near the locked gate there is another break in the fence. Go there and again fight off the powerful attack of Russian militants.

Despite the serious wound to his hand, this guy is still clutching the machine gun tightly. Special forces, to be sure.

Look around the area - all the gates are locked, the entrances to the base are blocked, and an insurmountable wall looms in front of us. Take a close look at the towers at the base. Near one of them there is a barrel of fuel, fire a couple of bursts from a machine gun at this barrel, the tower will break and collapse onto the ice. Climb into the hatch, jump into the resulting hole and quickly swim behind the wall. Once you find yourself on the other side, immediately lie down and look for shelter - they are already waiting for you, so they will not even allow you to go ashore. After fighting off the attack of the bandits, take a close look at the house with a protruding balcony. Climb to the high ground next to the balcony and take a running jump straight onto it. Inside the building, press the lever near the control panel, the gate to the base will open - and the end of the level awaits us behind it.

Level 2

Don’t rush to run forward along the road - there are a lot of enemies lurking in front and along the sides, so it’s better to move in short dashes from tree to tree, from cover to cover, shooting all enemies that appear in your line of sight. Pay special attention to the guard dogs, which have an unpleasant habit of silently coming from behind and clinging to superspy Mullins in the most indecent places with a death grip.

Once at the fork in the road, climb the engineering tower straight ahead. Once you've climbed up, move along the long platform to the left until you see a lever ahead. Press the lever, a passage into the sewer will open nearby, jump down and slowly begin to move in the only possible direction. When you go out into the fresh air, get ready to shoot back at a small group of Russian soldiers holed up in some ruins. Move straight between the ruins until you notice the entrance to another tunnel. Jump inside and run to the exit.

Level 3

Go down the tunnel and go out into nature. After destroying several patrolmen, run straight into the impenetrable darkness, towards the blizzard. Once you reach the massive metal structure, get ready to storm the security booth below. There are several fierce guards sitting inside, so don't skimp on grenades and, having won the guard box from the Russians, sit inside and wait for reinforcements to appear. Having gotten rid of all the enemies, go around the reinforcement from the back side and climb up the stairs to the metal platform. Follow it to the left, open the door and take the fight.

When the last guard gives up the ghost, go up the stairs and go outside. Once you find yourself on the road (the asphalt is heavily covered with snow, but the yellow markings can still be seen), shoot several particularly arrogant soldiers from afar, turn right and move towards the closed metal gate. There is a cunning machine gunner perched above the gate, adjust your thermal imager and eliminate the villain from a safe distance using a sniper rifle. Near the gate, turn right and follow the narrow path over the abyss towards the fence. After going a little further to the right, you will notice a gap in the fence - jump into it and with a few well-aimed shots from a grenade launcher, scatter all the local guards along the walls.

Move forward between the walls. Hmm... well, what a mess is going on at the secret Russian base - there is another breach in the wall ahead. Jumping into it, we will find ourselves on the railway tracks. There are many enemy soldiers roaming around in the vicinity, but do not waste time on them, shooting only those standing between the carriages. Run along the railway line to the yellow diesel locomotive. Climb the ladder on the right into the cabin, press the lever near the control panel and jump out. The diesel locomotive pushed the cars forward, so our task is to run in the opposite direction along the railway track and jump into the last, open car. In the carriage, jumping on the boxes, climb up to the very ceiling and climb out through the hatch in the ceiling onto the roof of the carriage. Move to the opposite edge of the car and, having jumped well, climb onto the stone cornice of the neighboring building. From the cornice, crawl into the narrow window of the ventilation shaft and then move along it to the exit from the level...

Level 4

Here we are, finally, at the enemy base. Moving quietly through the ventilation, jump into the room and shoot all the soldiers who came running at the noise. After shooting off the first wave of the offensive, do not rush to leave - a second detachment of militants will soon come running to the sound of gunfire. Go through the door onto the platform, turn right and quickly run along the carriages, trying not to get involved in a showdown with the guards. Having reached the locked door, open it and get ready to shoot back from a massive group of Russian soldiers, accompanied by ferocious watchdogs.

After the bridge, turn left and climb up the tall metal tower near the platform. Having reached the window in the booth, have a good run and jump onto the roof of the opposite building. On the roof, open the ventilation hatch and jump into the opened tunnel. Crawl along the tunnel to the end, jump down and open the grate into the next room. With a couple of well-aimed grenades, get rid of the soldiers in the next room and press the lever opposite the grate. The ventilation fans have stopped, so we can go back upstairs. Jump back into the ventilation and move in the opposite direction. Get to the fans that recently blocked the road, and crawl under the stopped blades...

Level 5

From the room we found ourselves in after climbing through the fan, open the door and go straight along the corridor. Behind the next door is a dead-end line with a lot of empty cars. Turn left and send a group of cheeky soldiers to the best of all worlds. Begin to slowly move behind the carriages. There will be an abundance of enemies here, so take your time and conduct targeted fire, not forgetting to hide behind cover in time. After passing through the passage in the wall, look for the instrument panel near the opposite wall. Click the three switches on the control panel. Bang!

Hmmm, now everything is getting serious. Return to the carriages and climb along the collapsed structures to the roof of the nearest house. At the top, climb into the ventilation tunnel and follow it to the end. Once again in the fresh air, take on the furious Russian soldiers and move forward along the only path. Once near the diesel locomotive with wagons, use grenades to scatter all the militants who have accumulated in the area. The villains behave rather cunningly and prefer not to leave their convenient hiding places - so you will have to smoke them out from afar. Go around the diesel locomotive and disconnect it from the tail of the cars at the coupling point. Climb into the control cabin and activate the dashboard near the window. Hurray, our locomotive is flying forward! Forward and only forward!

Level 6

At the exit of the diesel locomotive, get ready to throw a grenade at the very center of the group of people greeting you on the platform. When only scraps remain of the delegation, go up the steps and go through the door. From the room, go to the opposite exit and go outside.

Hide outside so that you can see everything that happens near the cars. From time to time, enemy soldiers will appear there - shoot them one by one, but do not poke your head out from behind cover until you destroy every single one. Look carefully at the upper levels - there are snipers sitting there. Grenades will be thrown at you from the lower levels. Hide in the corners and fire preemptively. After entering the building, go up the stairs to the second level and go outside again. The enemies below will open massive fire on you - crawl to the machine gun nest, take a place behind the heavy machine gun and get even with the damned terrorists.

When the last enemy falls without signs of life, get into the elevator near the machine gun and go down. Once on the lower level, run forward without looking back, sometimes throwing a grenade or two at the faces of enemies appearing from around the corners. There is only one path here, so sooner or later you will reach the end of the level.

Level 7

Our marathon of death continues. Still rush forward headlong, without getting too involved in firefights, but also not allowing the insidious special forces to get behind the rear. At the end of the corridor there will be a door, and behind it - a room with a small portion of Russian soldiers inside. Having killed everyone, go into the door opposite the entrance, behind it is another one, and only after that - the stairs.

A platoon of guards is on duty on the stairs, so before descending, carefully spray them with grenades from a grenade launcher. When the path is clear, move past the gratings to the hatch and go down the attached ladder. Before descending, don’t forget to throw a few “lemons” down and, after jumping from the stairs, carefully treat all suspicious corners with a couple of bursts from a machine gun. Go up the stairs below, walk along the platform to a huge mechanism - an energy generator. Click the toggle switch on the generator control panel, then go back a little and activate the lever on the console on the right side. The electric lights went out, and the secret base was enveloped in impenetrable darkness...

Level 8

Now we need to run back in the dark. Be extremely careful - in the darkness several platoons of Russian thugs are already prowling for your soul. Sneak along the walls, crawl up the stairs - and perhaps you will be able to sneak past many enemies unnoticed. Move until you find yourself in a glassed room, in which one scientist, in a fit of rage, will knock down the glass of the laboratory. Jump into the resulting opening, and, once in a new room, fall through the hatch into the ventilation.

After a short flight through the ventilation tunnel, we find ourselves in a long corridor, where a whole cloud of enemy fighters awaits us. Fire a grenade launcher straight ahead a couple of times and, while the enemy comes to his senses, run to the end of the corridor and go up the stairs. In the new corridor, not paying attention to the strong fire directed in your direction, quickly sneak through the right door, rush headlong through the laboratory until you come across a small group of soldiers. Hide behind the counters and mow down all your enemies with scattered bursts of machine gun fire. After the last enemy falls, go a little forward and exit through the small corridor on the right.

Level 9

Carefully, by touch, move along the right wall until you notice a door. Sooner or later, the emergency lighting should turn on, but in the meantime, break the lock on the door and launch a grenade from a grenade launcher into the opened passage. Hmm, a nice meeting awaited us here. Follow the corridor to the door on the right, go inside and go up the stairs. After getting rid of the next wave of attackers, go along the corridor to the right and go until you see the glowing elevator buttons. Climb up the stairs, pick the lock on the hatch and make your way to the roof of the elevator. Well, now is the time to play Tarzan. Cling to the elevator cable and crawl up all the way.

Once you find yourself in the old place, get rid of all the militants circling around and jump onto the lower platform on the left side. On the platform, forcefully pull the control switch and, after a sudden explosion demolishes the adjacent grate, jump down and move in the only possible direction. When you see a gap in the boards ahead, turn there and move along the corridor to the very end of the level.


Level 10

The most vulnerable spot all living opponents. Jokes aside!

Finally, at least some premises that were not affected by the destruction. Move straight to the fork and turn left along the corridor. At the next turn, take a right and get ready to repel a powerful attack from the militants. There will be a lot of soldiers, even too many, so after shooting a little indoors, feel free to retreat and continue eliminating enemies on the way out, hiding behind the door frame. When all the villains go to the best of worlds, jump through the broken glass and run along the corridor to the locked door. After breaking the lock, go into the room and go up several stairs. This area is simply teeming with assorted militants, so do not spare grenades and move only in short dashes from cover to cover.

Once on the upper level, move to the end of the corridor until you notice a broken window facing the street. Feel free to jump into it and, once on the ground, climb into the small utility room next to where you landed. Dead end? No matter how it is! Turn the water valve on the wall and go through the blockage into the vacated passage. Now - just straight ahead. After suppressing the resistance of several more enemies, move to the exit in the only possible direction.

Level 11

And now the lights are turned on - you can finally look around. So, go forward and go through the right door. The laboratory room is already full of enemy special forces - act quickly and decisively, while not forgetting to take cover behind the shelves. Don't throw grenades too much - the room is quite closed, so the shock wave can cause you much more damage than enemies. Having dealt with your enemies, go to the front door and place explosives under the large light cone opposite the door. Well, well, while we were hardening ourselves in the ice hole, hexogen became damp, so we will have to look for new explosive packages.

Exit back out of the laboratory and head through the opposite door. In the corridor, turn right and go out into the fresh air. Here a warm welcome awaits us - the damned special forces are firing, hiding behind the car. Disperse the soldiers with a grenade launcher and proceed to the platform with the control lever on the control panel. Click the lever twice and a platform with explosives will arrive. Take the explosive packages, return to the laboratory and blow up the ill-fated cone. After the explosion demolishes a good half of the wall, enter the resulting gap and move in the only possible direction, along the way shooting back from hordes of weakly armed, but nevertheless dangerous guards. When you reach the stairs, go up, and once on the second level, mine the second cone.

After the explosion, go back and jump into the fissure through the broken window near the stairs. Once on the other side, carefully crawl along the ledge and at the end of the path, break through the door leading to the ventilation shaft. Crawl forward and break through the next ventilation door at the end of the tunnel. Climb into the resulting passage and smoothly move on. When you finally go out into the open, get ready to shoot back at enemy soldiers. These are much more armed than their counterparts from the second level, so you shouldn’t skimp on grenades - the enemy is really tough. Having fought off the villains, mine the next high cone and, after the explosion, shoot the crowd of soldiers rushing towards you from behind the closed door. After the battle subsides, collect the spoils and go through this door to the next stage of our lengthy Kamchatka adventure.

Level 12

The goal is already close - Doctor Sestrogor is somewhere nearby. Open the door straight ahead and enter a room full of enemy guards. The soldiers are armed with everything possible - from simple pistols to rifles and machine guns, so we are facing serious battles at the entire laboratory level. When you fight your way to the closed door, go around it through the room on the right and turn the lever on the long control panel. Continue through a complex of small rooms separated from each other by locked doors that can be opened by control panels.

Going down the stairs into the spacious hall, pay attention to the strange glazed closet in the middle - inside it, under an impenetrable metal shield, there is the last generator cone that needs to be destroyed. Activate the panel next to the closet, go inside, install explosives and quickly run back to a safe distance. After the explosion, destroy the new batch of soldiers who came running in response to the noise and climb onto the walkway on the second level of the hall. Did you notice that the platform mechanism that previously held the metal shield began to move up and down? Carefully approach it along the walkway and jump onto the platform when it is below. Having climbed up, jump forward and crawl straight through the ventilation. Somewhere in the middle of the path, overhear a conversation between two guards who are warning about something... Dr. Sestrogor! So here he is, our insidious genius. Crawl through the ventilation until the floor below collapses and you find yourself in an unknown room. There is no time to think - immediately raise the machine gun and start pouring lead on the two guards. Do not use grenades under any circumstances - if the blast wave hits the doctor, the entire mission will fail.

When the danger has passed, go to Sestrogor and begin a long and very instructive conversation, during which it turns out that Taylor was not at all the notorious “mole” in the management of the “Shop”, that General Naprad is preparing cylinders with a new virus to assassinate the leaders of the free world at the upcoming summit in Switzerland, and that the recipe for the antidote is known only to Sestrogor. Well, now we have to rescue the doctor from captivity. Wait for Sestrogor to open the door from the laboratory and run forward - the Russians must under no circumstances injure or kill the doctor. Once on the street, start throwing grenades from a grenade launcher at the entire lower tier, and finish off all survivors or shell-shocked people with well-aimed machine gun fire. When the battle subsides, do not go down, but, being on the upper level, go a little to the right and use the lever to call the overhead elevator trolley. Go inside with the doctor and activate the panel on the left wall. During the journey, desperately shoot back from the angry soldiers and cover the doctor with your own body - at all costs he must reach the end of your route alive...

Mission 7: Switzerland

Level 1

There's not much hiding on the roof, so you'll have to maneuver.

So, Doctor Sestrogor is saved, and Naprad will no longer be able to blackmail the leaders of the free world countries, demanding a ransom for the antidote to the virus. Now all that remains is to find the villain himself and neutralize him once and for all. So, get out of the metro car and go to the terminal counter to talk with the police. Listen carefully to all their advice and understand the situation: the airport has been captured by terrorists who are holding a lot of hostages. NO civilians should be harmed during your assault. This mission is the most difficult in the entire game, because terrorists shoot without looking and willingly use grenades, and accidentally killing a hostage means immediate failure of the mission and the end of the game. Move with extreme caution, switch the machine gun to single-round shooting mode and forever forget about the existence of an under-barrel grenade launcher. Remember: one mistake and you’ll have to start all over again.

After listening to the police, go up the stairs and begin systematically shooting at the “Prometheans” from behind cover. Having reached the escalator, arm yourself with a pistol and, quickly peeking from behind the path, eliminate the terrorists one by one with targeted shots. On the second level, follow the corridor to the end. When you hear a scream ahead, wait a while. Go around the corner ONLY after the hostages run past you. A terrorist is waiting for you at the end of the corridor, from whom you need to take the red access card. Go downstairs, shoot back from the scoundrels who have come running at the noise and open the door with the red console.

Once in a new room, slowly move forward. As soon as you see hostages running, immediately retreat and hide around the corner. When civilians run past, lean around the corner and also destroy the bandits one by one with targeted shots. One of the dead will have another access card - expropriate it, open the locked door and go into the complex of corridors. Be sure to look into all the side rooms, otherwise the terrorists hiding there will certainly hit you in the rear after a while. Using extreme caution, continue to run in the only possible direction until the next corridor leads you to the next level.

Level 2

Turn the corner and wait for the terrorists to go down the escalator. Having brutally gotten rid of your enemies, sit down on the moving path yourself and go upstairs. Along the way, change your machine gun to a pistol - a whole group of “Prometheans” will already be waiting for you at the top, and among them crazy civilians will be running around randomly. When the battle subsides, straighten your shoulders and move towards the next escalator on the way, running down. Go around it and, having reached the turn, arm yourself with a rifle again and begin systematically shooting at all the enemies appearing around the corner. Do not change your position under any circumstances - the terrorists who are holed up at the top are hiding behind a couple of hostages. If they hear shots below, they will forget about their human shields and run to investigate.

Go down and continue forward. Let the civilian pass by and, as soon as he runs, jump around the corner and smash the bandits pursuing him to smithereens. Enter the passage and, having replaced the machine gun with a pistol, shoot the next platoon of enemies hiding behind civilians. Then the mission is more like an obstacle course. There is only one road forward, and you need to run through it as quickly as possible. After the metal detector arch, rush along the corridor, without turning or looking into the side rooms. Shoot back at the terrorists who appear right ahead, and just before the end of the corridor, quickly switch to your pistol, turn the corner and destroy the last squad of Prometheans. Once the fight is over, exit through the last door on the right side of the corridor.

Level 3

That's it, stop being careful now! Arm yourself with your favorite machine gun and feel free to use grenades. Go down and sit on the moving conveyor belt just after the stairs. Drive forward along the tape until you reach a room with a squad of “Prometheans” inside. Launch a grenade from a grenade launcher inside, open the locked door and move forward along the corridor. There is another strong resistance in the corridor - the enemy does not want to give up the positions they have conquered. Get rid of special forces groups with grenades, there will be no shortage of them at this level - the enemy is armed exactly the same as you.

Having reached the stairs, go up, walk a little forward and fire a couple of bursts at the fuel tanks. The grate will fly to the side, jump over it and fall onto the conveyor belt. Hack the barred door and, continuously moving forward, go out into the street. Here it is - freedom for tactical maneuver! Ahead there is a whole warehouse of all kinds of luggage. Hide behind boxes and containers, throw grenades at hidden enemies from afar and gradually move towards the large hangar building in this area. Once inside, shoot all the guards and climb the ladder provided to the wing of the plane. From the wing there is a small ledge leading to an emergency hatch, through which you can get inside the cabin. Carefully walk along the ledge, break open the hatch door and jump inside.

Level 4

So we're in the air. Naprad and his henchmen have already boarded the ship, and we need to quickly neutralize the entire enemy gang. You are at the very bottom of the plane, on the lower deck. Climb up the stairs, destroy the two guards (don't be afraid to use grenades - the plane seems to be armored from the inside, so nothing will happen to it). Go forward and, once at the tail of the plane, tear apart a group of “Prometheans” at a dead end. Turn one hundred and eighty degrees and walk into the passenger compartment. Having suppressed the weak resistance of the terrorists, carefully inspect the tables - there should be a red access card on one of them. Follow the plane further (it’s generally quite difficult to get lost here) until you see a locked door. Use the access card on it and get inside.

And here is our dear Naprad! The terrorist does not want to repent and promises to take cruel revenge on the entire “Store.” On his orders, the Prometheans are about to begin an assault on the Shop's headquarters in Texas. A vaccine for the virus will never be found, and... it’s enough to listen to these nonsense of a sick person. After Mullins shoots Naprad in cold blood, move into the cockpit and flip the switch on the dashboard. A short radio conversation with the “Magazin” will be interrupted by the sounds of gunfire - the general was right. The headquarters is under attack by the enemy, and action must be taken without delay. Go down to the lowest deck and go to the bow of the cargo compartment. On the left, hack the autopilot dashboard, and then return to the place where you started the level. Remember the jeep you used to see through the window? Take a parachute next to him, have a good running start and...

Mission 8: Attack on the "Shop"

Level 1

The headquarters of the "Magazine" is captured by terrorists. Most of the employees have been killed, and protracted positional battles are taking place at the upper levels. The situation needs to be corrected as soon as possible. The main lighting seems to have been turned off, so it would be very useful to use a night vision device during voyages along the familiar corridors of the lower level of the “Shop”. Follow the familiar path to the elevator, shooting at the “Prometheans” you come across along the way. The bandits are armed with the same rifles as you, so don’t skimp on grenades from your grenade launcher and thoroughly clear all the rooms you come across along the way. Don't wander too much along the corridors; your task is the elevator to the second floor. Finally, when you reach it, sit inside and go up to the next level.

Level 2

Continue on the long-learned path. Pay special attention to the terrorists hiding behind the glass of the side offices, and even better, as a preventive measure, fire a grenade into every window you encounter along the way. Go straight to the meeting room where you used to have briefings, and from there to sector 7G, where we tested the new gun at the shooting range during our last visit. Having opened the heavy door of the sector premises, turn right along the corridor and rush as fast as you can to the doors of the elevator, which was previously blocked. Jump inside, activate the control console and go higher into the secret laboratory.

Level 3

We haven't been here before - go straight out and begin systematically clearing all suspicious corners. Smoke out terrorists from behind doors, shoot from around corners, and make full use of all the skills acquired in past battles. When the battle subsides, go straight along the corridor, turn right and open the metal door with the control console. In the new room, carry out another sweep and through the second exactly the same door go out into the next room. So, a fire has already started at the headquarters. Jump over the rubble and open the third door with the console. In the next room there will be a lot of enemies, at the turn turn right, destroy the reptiles with grenades thrown through the glass, turn left and enter the room. Directly ahead is a powerful metal door, and behind it is a particularly ferocious squad of terrorists. Treat the special forces to a couple of good bursts and, having finished off the last terrorist, turn to the bulletproof glass on the right side of the wall.

Wow! A spectacle worthy of the best action films! Dressed in a pressurized suit, the Store's senior deputy director, Mr. Wilson, is waving a vial of the virus and threatening to kill everyone around him if he is not allowed to leave quietly. So here he is, the same ill-fated “mole” who disrupted all operations and betrayed his comrades! After a short and not very pleasant conversation, Wilson will throw the bottle on the floor, Doctor Sestrogor, who was standing next to him, will give his soul to God, and the traitor will disappear around the corner. We need to turn back, defeat the last remnants of the terrorists, quickly run back along the corridor, turn left and get into the elevator leading to the take-off pad.

Level 4

Well, that's all. Now it's just you and Wilson. One on one. However, a fair fight still won’t work out - the traitor managed to run into the hangar and sit in attack helicopter, like the one you already blew up once on the roof of the hospital while chasing the “Prometheans”. First, before Wilson's helicopter starts spraying missiles at you, carefully look around the area. Ahead is the take-off site, the most unsafe place and subject to fire from all sides. At the rear is a large roof extension. Jump from the landing pad to the observation deck below and run towards the building. Climb the stairs to the very top, onto the platform with the heavy machine gun, and get ready to take on the fight.

When the helicopter fires missiles at you, hide behind the pipes near the extension on the roof, and when the aircraft machine gun comes into action, jump onto the parapet below, run along the railing and return to your original place. The tactics remain the same as during the skirmish on the roof of the hospital - first of all, shoot at the engines with blades and, when they light up, try to aim more accurately through the windshield and eliminate the pilot in the cockpit with a well-aimed shot. Go for it!.. And everything will work out for you. The helicopter will fall like a stone into the abyss, justice will prevail, Agent Taylor will be posthumously rehabilitated, and John, tired of battles, will go on a short vacation... until the next episode. To be continued! After all, how could it be otherwise?

There are wars, there are soldiers. Wars end sooner or later, and soldiers go home, but some of them remain soldiers forever. War is their job, death is their livelihood, an assault rifle is their Stakhanovite hammer. Deeply conspiratorial

Gambling addiction

Guides and walkthroughs

There are wars, there are soldiers. Wars end sooner or later, and soldiers go home, but some of them remain soldiers forever. War is their job, death is their livelihood, an assault rifle is their Stakhanovite hammer. A deeply secret government organization codenamed “Magazin” is recruiting just such living death machines. People who do not ask questions, but perfectly perform the assigned combat mission. John Mullins, one of the best agents of the “Shop,” began asking questions and trying to understand the meaning of what was happening, for which he paid with the lives of his best friends. Sabotage, reconnaissance operations and endless killings of especially dangerous state enemies - all this was mixed into one big show with a thousand unnecessary deaths. A play where they play the leading roles - soldiers of fortune.


Soldier of Fortune 2- the long-awaited continuation of the famous 3D first-person shooter. If you have played games of this genre or have already dealt with the first part of the game, then the general game concept will not be a secret to you, and mastering the interface and controls will not cause any special problems.


The game interface consists of the following main segments:

1. The game screen on which the main events take place.

2. Menu for selecting weapons and special equipment. Using keys 1 to 7, you select various weapons: knives, pistols, shotguns, machine guns and rifles, 8 - grenades, 9 - special equipment and 0 - empty hands (you shouldn’t walk around with a machine gun at the ready in “peaceful” missions).

3. Information about the current weapon. Large numbers indicate the number of cartridges in the magazine, small numbers indicate the total supply of ammunition of this type. Below the ammo count indicator is the current firing mode: Single - single shots, Burst - short bursts, and Auto - automatic mode. Some machine guns have an additional indicator of the amount of ammunition for an under-barrel grenade launcher to the left of the main indicator.

4. Noise indicator and a line of the current state of armor and vital energy. The Noise Meter is designed to provide a visual representation of the noise you make while walking, shooting, and running. The higher the noise scale, the greater your chances of being heard by the enemy during “stealth” missions. To the right are the red status bar of the current vital energy and, slightly higher, the status bar of the wearable armor. Life energy is replenished with the help of first aid kits found at the level, and armor is replenished with body armor taken from defeated enemies.

5. All additional messages received during the game are displayed using captions at the top or bottom of the screen.



If you are out of ammo and the battle is taking place in a confined space, then the knife is an excellent help for wasteful fighters. In addition, in the alternative mode, the knife can be thrown, thereby silently removing sentries and quietly destroying enemy patrols.


The initial pistol from the standard set of weapons of the American army. Moderately fast, moderately lethal. If you take away a second barrel of the same type from the enemy, you can fire with both hands at once. In the alternative shooting mode, the pistol can be used as a melee weapon - hitting an enemy who gets close with the butt.


Tactical special forces pistol. Before starting a mission, in the weapon selection menu, you can equip SOCOM with a tactical flashlight, a laser sight, and even a silencer, indispensable during “covert” operations. As with the M1911F1, once a second pistol of the same type is found, they can be used two-handed. An alternative mode is a butt strike.

Micro UZI

An automatic pistol, the best weapon for quickly destroying the enemy at close ranges. It uses up ammo extremely quickly, but also reloads quite quickly. As with other pistols, you can take one Uzi in each hand.


The assault shotgun is an excellent weapon for indoor combat. Not too wide range of fire and excellent stopping power. The main drawback is the extremely slow reload speed and only nine rounds in the magazine.


An even more powerful shotgun, but also not very fast to fire and reload. Ten rounds in the magazine and a significant spread of shot.


An ordinary military machine gun is the standard weapon of all American infantry. It has no adjustment of the firing mode, but is distinguished by its fast speed, short reload time and its overall versatility. Suitable for almost any battle.

AK 74

A good old late model Kalashnikov assault rifle. Excellent speed, acceptable spread and three shooting modes. The main advantage of the AK 74 is that during missions you will not experience any shortage of ammunition: almost all terrorists in the world use the Kalash, which has been tested more than once in battle. An alternative mode is a strike with a bayonet, which, however, first needs to be taken from the warehouse before the start of the next mission.


The weapon you will have to use more often than others. Excellent destructive power, three firing modes, small dispersion, no shortage of ammunition and, most importantly, an under-barrel grenade launcher that fires a grenade in an alternative mode. The best tool for both clearing confined spaces and outdoor battles.


The whole team is assembled - it's time to start the operation.

A sniper rifle is a great thing for eliminating an enemy from a safe distance. Small magazine (only four rounds), extremely long reload time, but unprecedented stopping power and a powerful optical sight. An indispensable item during protracted positional battles in open areas.


Army belt machine gun. Absorbs bullets with lightning speed, but has monstrous crushing power. An excellent help during showdowns with superior enemy forces in well-covered territory.


Grenade launcher. Ineffective and practically useless weapon in the game. Long reload speed, rare charges and not too long range.


Soviet hand-held single-shot anti-tank grenade launcher. Also ineffective and useless. There are no techniques in the game, and the chances of covering an entire enemy group with a successful shot are almost zero.


A weapon found in the very later stages of the game. A multi-mode army machine gun, combined with a grenade launcher, equipped with an optical sight and simply stuffed with all kinds of electronics. There is little practical benefit from such versatility, but a precisely tuned grenade launcher will prove to be a good help when “smoking out” the enemy from fortified positions.

Heavy machine guns

Russian Degtyarev machine gun and an easel model of the American M60. Heavy machine guns are often found throughout the game and are usually installed in crowded areas of the enemy. During shooting, special care should be taken, since the machine gunner is practically unprotected from the rear and is especially vulnerable to enemy grenades.

Hand grenades

The game did not find any useful use for various gas, lighting, shock and fire hand grenades. The enemy reacts too quickly to the “gift” thrown at him and usually manages to take a convenient position before the grenade deigns to go off. The only worthy use was found for the usual army “lemon” - the M67 grenade, which is ubiquitous in the game.

Special equipment

Before the start of each mission, you are free to choose one of several special devices that make life on the battlefield much easier. These include:


Allows you to assess the tactical situation from a safe distance. However, if you have a sniper rifle with an optical sight, then you can forget about binoculars.

Night vision device

An excellent device for night missions. Allows excellent vision in the dark and good orientation during “secret” operations.

Thermal imager

An optical device that responds to heat emitted by the human body. It has proven itself to be excellent in missions taking place in conditions of limited visibility - rain, snow and the like.

Your main character constantly carries with him a complete technical kit for defusing explosives, picking locks and hacking electronic equipment. If an icon for one or another action appears on the screen (“tweezers”, “nippers”, “electronic card”), press and hold the “use” button for a while, and Mullins will automatically perform all the necessary operations for hacking, neutralizing, etc.

The most cunning enemies are trained to intercept your grenades and throw them in the opposite direction. Before throwing a grenade, hold it in your hand for a while so that it instantly explodes immediately after hitting the target.

Wherever possible, use “silent” means of fighting - a pistol with a silencer, throwing knives and the like. Also, in unfamiliar territory, try to navigate exclusively step - this way you will attract much less attention to yourself.

Remember that killing (even accidentally) any civilian immediately leads to the failure of the entire operation.

Try to explore all the rooms along the way to look for additional ammunition, first aid kits and armor. Also, do not miss a single box you encounter during the game - they often contain ammunition that is so valuable in battle.

And one last thing. Make use of all natural and artificial cover at all times. Never rush headlong into battle, peek around corners, fire while hiding behind some obstacle, and move in short dashes under fire. Your opponents, even at low difficulty levels, are endowed with remarkable intelligence, so practice your skills in “random missions”, improvise and never solve all problems “on the fly”.


Difficulty level

This walkthrough is written for the difficulty level Guns for Hire, optimal for players who already have experience in FPS games. If this is your first time playing Soldier of Fortune 2, then set a higher difficulty level highly not recommended- already intelligent opponents will show miracles of intelligence, throw grenades much more accurately and shoot with virtually no misses. First, practice at simpler levels, and only then switch to something more serious. In addition, as the difficulty level increases, you have fewer and fewer “record slots” available to save the current state of the game.

Saved games

As I progressed through the game, I kept saving the game at the beginning of each mission. Save files are attached to the article (if you are reading the walkthrough on the “Mania” CD, then look for them in the “By the Magazine” section, and if on the website - via this link).

To use saved games, unzip the file archive and copy all its contents to a subdirectory \base\save in the directory with installed Soldier of Fortune 2. You can load saved games from the Load game sub-item in the main game menu. Have fun!

Opposing parties and main characters of the game

"Shop"- a deeply secretive paramilitary government organization dealing with issues of foreign policy, intelligence and conducting covert military operations on the territory of other states. The organization is completely independent of the FBI, CIA, Army Intelligence and other official agencies, but sometimes provides overall leadership.

"Prometheans"- a secret terrorist society with unknown but powerful funding channels, an extensive intelligence network and a secret control center. The terrorists' plans include rapid enrichment by levying a “tax on the right to life of presidents” from the states of the free world.

John Mullins- our main character. One of the best agents of the “Shop”, an experienced warrior and a born soldier with considerable military experience behind him.

Madeleine Taylor- John's partner, navigator and excellent battle friend. Madeleine will coordinate all our actions during combat missions and personally bring us up to date after each successful mission.

Sam Gladstone- an old comrade of Mullins, the holder of the “Store” weapons arsenal in the center of New York, disguised as a bookstore.

Wilson- First Deputy Director of the “Shop”. A very dark personality who plays a significant role in all the events unfolding in the game.

Alexey Naprad- ex-KGB general, who, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, retrained as international terrorists. He has great power and harbors insidious plans to take hostage the presidents of the free world at an upcoming international summit, followed by a ransom demand.

Manuel Vergara- a Colombian arms dealer, a pawn in the big game of the invisible leadership of the “Prometheans”.

Doctor Ivanovich- an old acquaintance of Mullins, a high-ranking US spy and secret agent of many intelligence services around the world. He will be the first to sound the alarm about the emergence of a new biological virus.

Doctor Sestrogor- the inventor of that very dangerous biological virus that infects people and does not react in any way to other living organisms. For some time now he has been working forcibly for the “Prometheans”. He is the only one who knows the formula for the antidote to the infection, but he keeps it a deep secret.

Mission 1: Prague

Level 1

John Mullins, an aspiring secret agent, heads to Prague for a secret meeting with an informant. After the taxi successfully passes all the checkpoints and John receives a secret suitcase and an initial combat kit (a pistol and several clips), we find ourselves on a rainy Prague street.

Walk forward a little and listen to the conversation between the two guards. Carefully look around the corner and, seizing the moment when the villains turn to the wall, shoot to kill. Take the Kalashnikov from the corpses, reload the clip and continue moving along the street, keeping to the right wall. Every now and then they will fire at you from behind the boxes, do not rush into battle, carefully hide behind natural cover, look around the corners and try to shoot single shots - this way, firstly, you will save ammo, and secondly, with an accurate hit to the head, any enemy will give his soul to God after a single shot.

When you reach large containers, be careful - well-armed reptiles are hiding inside. After getting rid of them, go into the building with the spotlight at the top. Climb the stairs to the second floor (there may be several weakly armed guards along the way) and go out onto the balcony. Turn left and take a running jump from the balcony to the ledge, and from there down to the patio. At the bottom, move towards a building near the road with many cars parked near it. Do not try to make your way to the heavy machine gun on the right; it is better to take a comfortable position behind some vehicle and wait for the angry guards to arrive. Destroy suitable opponents one by one, sometimes inspecting the rear - an insidious enemy can unnoticed approach from behind from a dark gateway behind the facade.

When the last guard collapses lifelessly to the ground, continue along the road and turn into the alley on the left. After fighting off the next attack, wait for a truck to appear ahead, and climb the fire escape at the right wall of the house to the very top. Now the most difficult part of the mission - you have to carefully make your way back along the narrow ledge along the wall of the house. If you missed one of the enemies along the way, then be prepared for massive fire from below. Having passed the cornice to the end, jump off onto the new balcony, go inside the room and, once in a wide room, jump into the hatch located on the floor.

Level 2

So, we found ourselves inside the Prague Hotel. There are two doors ahead - behind one is a storage room, and behind the second is an exit to the corridor. Exit through the second door and, without turning the corner, listen to the conversation of the guards. As soon as one of the enemy soldiers turns away and goes to the post, break out from behind the cover and shoot all the adversaries with a machine gun. Ignoring the doors to the rooms, run along the corridor until you reach the stairs. To be sure, throw a couple of fragmentation grenades down, go down and finish off all the survivors.

There are many doors in the hall, but most of them are locked; the ones that are open will eventually lead you to the kitchen. Carefully breaking through enemy barriers, hiding behind shelves and crawling under tables, exit through the opposite kitchen door, go up the stairs and go through the left door. The suspicious guy in the room will raise the alarm, finish him off to be sure and get ready to repel the attack of a new wave of guards running out of the door in the left corner of the room. After going through a series of corridors through rooms, you will eventually find yourself in a wide hallway with an entire platoon of guards inside. Having dealt with all the enemies, head straight to the end of the corridor and open the right door.

The person for whom we came to the hotel is already waiting for us outside the door - Mr. Ivanovich (by the way, this is a surname, not a patronymic). After discussing the escape plan with him, sweep out of the room into the corridor and kill the guard who happens to be right in front of you. Another wave of enemy soldiers will pour out of the door on the right side of the corridor; run ahead of Ivanovich and do not expose him to bullets - if he dies, the mission will fail. Once in a square room, let Ivanovich go ahead, and shoot back at the enemies behind you.

Continue the marathon around the hotel until Ivanovich blocks the next door with his closet. Having delayed your pursuers for a while, walk a little along the corridor and, following Ivanovich, jump into the ventilation pipe against the wall.

Level 3

So, we urgently need to get out of the hotel. Run up to a truck standing on the road and take a place in the back behind the heavy machine gun. While Ivanovich is fiddling with the ignition, a vigilant guard will appear on the fire escape to the left. Shoot him with a machine gun, the alarm will be raised, and hordes of enemy agents will rush in your direction from behind the opposite gate. Don't let any of them near the truck, shooting the reptiles from a distance.

When Ivanovich turns on the ignition and the truck starts moving, turn the machine gun to the right side and get ready to fire from the machine gunners hiding behind the columns. After driving through a small street, your truck will stop in the corner. Deploy the machine gun again, destroy all the enemies hiding behind the boxes, and then fire a couple of bursts into the transformer booths to the left of the gate. After a strong explosion, the gate will fly off its hinges and the truck will move on.

Level 4

The truck drove onto a country road, and now our task is to get rid of the pursuit. You will be alternately chased by trucks with shooters in the back and high-speed armored bulldozer cars. Try to shoot the shooters in the backs before the cars begin to approach to ram. Ivanovich is a good driver, but be careful when turning - dangerous encounters with enemy machine gunners are possible. When the truck stops on the side of the road near the checkpoint, turn the machine gun to the left and shoot the fuel tank. The explosion will demolish the gate and clear the way forward. Continue shooting at the pursuing trucks until helicopter blades begin to rumble somewhere above. Raise your machine gun and try to drive away the annoying iron bird with several bursts fired straight at the windshield. In the end, when the main enemy group is left behind, we will break away from pursuit and roar straight towards new adventures to the last level of this mission.

Level 5

So, we are at the railway station. Get down from the truck, put the rifle away and calmly walk straight to the wide door with the sentry. Talk to the guard, then go left and enter the door, opposite which Ivanovich is already waiting for you.

Once in the station toilet, talk to the messenger, take the suitcase next to one of the booths and return to the sentry. Show him your documents, go through the opened door and find yourself on the platform. Take out your machine gun and open fire on the soldiers cruising along the platform. Be careful, some of them will try to hide behind the boxes at the beginning of the mess and then sneak up on you from behind. Having gotten rid of all your enemies, go into the doors of the open carriage and discuss the plan for further action with Ivanovich. We'll have to find a way to escape from enemy territory on this train.

Get out of the car, walk along the platform, open the wide gate on the right and enter the station building. Several guards are already waiting for you inside, get rid of them and go up the stairs. On the top floor, take a comfortable position and shoot all the soldiers rushing towards you, then go down another staircase into a wide storage room. At the end of the warehouse, go up the next staircase, throw a grenade into the room behind the door and go inside. Carefully jump through the open window onto the roof of the carriage, walk a little to the right and jump over the iron fence, trying to fall onto the wooden boxes.

Climb up the stairs to the control room, deal with several guards inside and press the huge lever near the window. The gate below will open, and the train will move smoothly. Fly like a bullet from the control room, go down the stairs and, opening the iron gate, slip into the opened gap between the cars... Well, Mr. Mullins, now you have passed your baptism of fire.

Headquarters of the “Shop”

Ten years have passed since the Prague events. John Mullins is now one of the most experienced employees of a certain secret government organization codenamed “The Store.” The company's management is faced with another insoluble problem and hastily calls in its best agent for a new assignment. So, once inside the bunker, talk to the guard holding an assault rifle and go through the central door. Behind it, talk to the next guard of public order, turn right, go through the door and follow the moving path into the corridor and open the door straight ahead.

Keeping to the left wall, move forward until you notice the wide elevator doors. Go inside and go to the second floor. At the top, without turning, go straight to the end of the corridor and go through the large door to the right. Two guards will simultaneously open the massive door, and we will find ourselves in the meeting room.

All the bosses are already here. After listening to a long briefing from the very aged Ivanovich and having a good argument with his colleagues, leave the hall and go along the corridor to the elevator with a guard. Take the elevator up and, once on the take-off pad, board the helicopter waiting for you.

Mission 2: Colombia

Level 1

Our helicopter flies over the Colombian jungle. Somewhere below there is a guerrilla war, and our detachment needs to support with all its might a small peacekeeping camp in the very rear of the enemy. After listening to a short briefing and meeting the helicopter crew, you disembark at the camp. Look around, wander through the tents and collect any ownerless ammunition - it will come in handy later.

For further instructions, contact the sergeant near the far tent (the sergeant wears a camouflage hat instead of a helmet). In mid-sentence, the sergeant will be cut off by an enemy bullet, and the partisans will begin massive shelling of the camp from all sides. It’s better not to try to join the defense, but to get away as quickly as possible - run behind the tent near which the sergeant was standing, jump over the burning jeep and run along the small crevice without turning. Along the way, be careful - enemy fighters are hiding behind the ruins, do not run forward headlong, but organize a positional fight. After suppressing resistance, continue moving along the crevasse to the next level.


Level 2

Moving forward along the chasm, we will reach ruins simply infested with terrorists. Don't skimp on grenades, sit behind natural cover, and never walk around a corner without first looking to the other side. Be extremely careful - somewhere in the ruins there are several enemy snipers hiding, they do not shoot very accurately, so by eliminating them from afar, we will take possession of an excellent rifle with an optical sight.

Crawl through the thick grass until you reach the cliff - this way you will be least visible to the enemy. Having reached the cliff, pick up a sniper rifle and carefully clear out enemy bunkers straight ahead. As soon as the cover is clear, immediately occupy the bunker and begin systematically shooting at the enemies appearing in the rear. Once the fighting subsides, continue along the crevasse until several wooden houses loom ahead. Spray all the surrounding areas with grenades (the houses are well guarded, and there are many militants lying in ambush around), and if you wish, go inside to collect first aid kits and additional ammunition.

Having reached a large pile of ruins along the crevice, get ready for a massive attack from two sides at once. Submachine gunners will try to come to your rear, and there will be continuous sniper fire in front. Change positions after using the sniper rifle, don't skimp on grenades and go up the stairs. An excellent view opens up from the top - finish off the Colombians swarming below, get down and, continuing along the crevice below, run into the next part of the jungle.

Level 3

After enjoying the view from the cliff, turn right and carefully move along the ruins. Having eliminated two chattering militants in the ruins, throw up your sniper rifle and begin systematically shooting at the enemies moving in your direction. The enemies here are noticeably more cunning - they skillfully hide in the grass and are in no hurry to stick their heads out from behind natural shelters. Be patient and you will be rewarded.

In a small area in front of a small camp, be extremely careful - somewhere here among the grass there is an anti-personnel mine equipped with a tripwire hidden. Slowly move forward, and as soon as a special icon appears on the screen, defuse the mine and run to the entrance to the cave.

A platoon of Colombians is already sitting in the cave, and from the rear, on top of everything else, they are supported by a helicopter. Throw a good grenade from a grenade launcher right into the thick of the enemies and hide from the helicopter in the ruins. At the exit from the cave, another mine with a “trip” awaits us, neutralize it and run into the enemy camp with a machine gun at the ready. Take a comfortable position around the corner of a house and, with well-aimed single shots, shoot down all the enemies popping out from behind the wall. When everything around you has calmed down a bit, look around and pay special attention to the large brick house with a wooden outbuilding. Fire several bursts into a barrel of fuel near the wall, the extension will collapse, and we need to go into the destroyed house and turn the large lever on a mechanism with a strange purpose. Nothing happened? Go into the brick part of the house, go up to the second floor (be careful! surviving militants may be hiding on the stairs) and activate the big red button near the control panel. Outside, a helicopter accidentally flying past will explode, and we will have no choice but to run back into the collapsed extension, press the lever again and run through the opened gate to the next level.

Level 4

Twilight, fire, waterfall... However, we have no time for romance now. Carefully crawl along the grass to the enemy camp opposite the waterfall, eliminating a double patrol of Colombians along the way. The militants at the fire will be alarmed - eliminate these, and then several more on the hill near the camp. Once you have cleared the enemy presence, move straight through the camp until you reach the bridge. Wow! And here the battle is already in full swing - our people are desperately firing back at the Colombians crossing the bridge. Try to help your allies as much as you can, and after a short conversation with the squad leader, quickly run across the bridge - it is about to fly into the air.

Once on the other side, take a good sniper position and begin systematically shooting at the rebels dug in near the truck. Pay special attention to snipers who accurately shoot through the area from an observation tower. When all the villains are defeated, move forward until you reach a small clearing with a platoon of enemy soldiers. Spray the clearing with grenades and, going around another observation tower, run towards new adventures.

Level 5

While we were fooling around behind enemy lines, the peacekeeping forces had already begun an operation to clear the main militant camp. The main thing here is not to lag behind the main forces of the allies and in no case interfere with the houses until all the streets of the village are completely cleared of Colombians. Move behind your squad, sometimes helping your colleagues with bayonet fire and covering the rear. After one of the soldiers takes aim at the door of a large house with steps and asks you to “check the situation inside,” get ready for a desperate assault. Keeping your machine gun at the ready, open the door and begin shredding the militants holed up inside with heavy fire.

Carefully inspect all areas of the house. There are some records of terrorists on the table in the office, examine them carefully and go outside. With the support of your comrades, having suppressed the next enemy offensive, go into the opposite building and again begin systematically clearing each room. Having discovered another table with secret plans, carefully study all the documents and go out onto the street from the back side.

Now you need to free the prisoner from the bamboo cage next to the gate. Approach the cage and carefully disarm the explosives on the grate door. After the prisoner is free, go to the camp gates and install the resulting explosives on them. Bang! That's it, the main Colombian outpost has been destroyed, and our squad can only quickly escape through the destroyed gate.

Level 6

You have to escape through swamps infested with militants. In this mission, your main task is not to get ahead of the squad and not to be too heroic. Move at the end of the chain and actively use a sniper rifle if vile enemy faces appear ahead. Having turned right with the squad and eliminated the patrolman, continue to move waist-deep in water to the suspension bridge. Having eliminated several militants who had settled on it from afar, we continue our journey to the mouth of a small swampy river. In the end, you will come across a small rise on the left side of the swamp, climb it after the squad and, breaking through the barrage of militants holed up in the ruins, reach the opposite end of the camp, sneak into a small passage on the left side and continue moving in the only possible direction .

Also slowly moving through the thickets, we will eventually reach a clearing with helicopters. As fast as you can, rush to the nearest helicopter, jump inside and take a place behind the heavy machine gun. While our colleagues are comfortably seated on their seats, fire a few farewell bursts at the militants popping out from behind the bushes and fly away.

Level 7

Now, finding ourselves behind the machine gun of an attack helicopter, we will get even with the damned Colombians. This mission is a kind of rest after all the trials in the jungle. The helicopter is piloted by an experienced pilot, so all you can do is shoot accurately at the populated areas below. First of all, always try to destroy those targets that the navigator tells you about - machine gun points, weapons depots and air defense systems. Pay special attention to the barrels of fuel that are abundantly scattered throughout the enemy camps. Having released two or three such barrels into the air, you no longer have to worry about the enemy’s manpower.

Level 8

So, our war in Colombia is over, but John Mullins had to stay for a while at the head camp of the peacekeeping forces. After a short conversation with the sentry, go past the jeep behind the barrier along the road track to a large truck. Climb the ladder, open the door and go inside. You can put the weapon away - you won’t have to shoot here anyway.

Oh, what a meeting. Our partner, Taylor, is already hard at work with a new virus that was released over a Colombian village. The village has been quarantined, so all new visitors to the camp undergo chemical treatment. After a short briefing, take a protective suit from the closet opposite the computer and follow Taylor along a wide fiberglass corridor, listening along the way to a nightmarish story about the atrocities of some powerful terrorist organization and new developments in the field of bacteriological weapons. Along with the story, your mission will end.

Mission 3: Vergara Estate

Level 1

The only lead that can somehow lead to the mysterious organization is arms dealer Manuel Vergara, whom Mullins learned about from documents found in a Colombian camp. Well, you'll have to have a thorough conversation with your friend. Having dashingly jumped over the fence of a huge estate, look around and assess the situation.

It is useless to break through the central entrance; Vergara has too many security guards. Therefore, arm yourself with a pistol with a silencer and turn left into the alley. Keeping to the wall, walk forward a little and carefully turn right. Eliminate the slow guard near the utility room and, avoiding security cameras, hide between two houses. Hiding in the shadows, carefully eliminate several more guards, and if the Rottweiler comes running at the noise, then the annoying dog. Moving along the ivy-covered fence, you will eventually come out to the pool. Arm yourself with a machine gun and break forward with a battle cry. The approaches to the pool are well guarded, and you need to act quickly before massive reinforcements come running to help the guards. After killing all the enemies, go around the pool on the left side and climb along the lattice wall near the facade onto the wide balcony. Shoot the sniper at the top, and then get rid of the guards who ran out of the doors below.

A narrow cornice stretches along the roof from the balcony. Carefully jump onto it and run to the opposite wall. Once on the roof, crawl to the small locked window in the attic and pick the lock. Climb into the attic, go to the exact same window at the opposite end of the room and quickly squeeze inside.

Level 2

So, we are in the attic of the estate. Trying not to stomp too much (otherwise the guards on the lower floors will suspect something is wrong), go around the entire attic and collect all kinds of ammunition, body armor and first aid kits from the racks. When you finish your walk around, get out of the attic through the open hatch in the narrow corridor.

Once you find yourself in a small space between the rooms, open the door to the left and arrange a vendetta against Vergara’s bodyguards conveniently located in the gym. The alarm will be raised in the building, confusion and indiscriminate shooting will begin. Here you need to seize the moment and, without running around the top floor in vain, quickly fly into the corridor and run down the long staircase. There is a complete chaos going on in the basement - the guards are trying to block the approaches to the lower level, taking positions behind the cabinets and trying to scare away the unexpected guest with indirect fire. Without sparing grenades, break through until you find yourself in a room with a crowd of guards. Get rid of the villains with a well-aimed grenade fired from a grenade launcher and carefully inspect all the surrounding rooms.

One of them, with a massive safe in the corner, is the office of the owner of the estate. Hack the safe and take all its contents. So, now we have the most valuable documents in our hands - all that remains is to find and interrogate their owner. Leave the office through the opposite door, get rid of the few guards inside and through the door opposite the fireplace go down to the basement of the house.

Level 3

Once downstairs we found ourselves in a bowling alley with a small bar and a good collection of wines. Be sure to look through the door behind the bar - there is a small ammunition storage area and several first aid kits. Return to the bowling alley and go through the door next to the basement stairs into the next room. A small shower room, a sauna, and behind it a utility room, smoothly flowing into the warehouse. At the warehouse, everything is already ready for our meeting - the enemy is using smoke grenades, so the best tactic here would be to quickly crawl from box to box and shoot the enemy at lightning speed from behind cover. Having cleared the entire room, go to the stairs under the ceiling and climb up into the ventilation shaft.

Crawl down the shaft to the end, ignoring the first ventilation grate in the floor. Stop near the second one and prepare a grenade. Shoot through the grate and throw the cocked gift down. Fuck-bang! Now you can jump down with a pure soul. In the corridor at the exit from this room, there will be a lot of guards - break forward until you reach a barred room with paper targets - a shooting gallery. Pay attention to the huge cast-iron doors next to the weapons rack - if you pick the lock on them, then inside you can profit from a lot of things useful in battle.

Exit the shooting range and open the wide wooden doors at the entrance. Continue downhill and eventually you will reach the wine cellar. They are already waiting for you inside, so use the same tactics as during the disassembly in the warehouse near the sauna. Run from barrel to barrel, hide behind shelves, and if the enemy starts using smoke bombs, temporarily retreat back and try to attack again immediately after the smoke clears. In one of the corners of the huge cellar there is a desk. Stand on it and lift the adjacent chair up, jump to the top of the resulting structure and make your way through the opened wooden window into the next room. Having suppressed the next wave of resistance inside, go down the narrow stairs into the underground bunker.

Level 4

So, we are at the lowest level of the hated Vergara's estate. The enemy is already somewhere very close. Prepare the grenades and exit through the only door. All rooms of the bunker are literally teeming with guards, so don’t skimp on grenades, explosives, and using the grenade launcher of your machine gun. Inside a large warehouse, literally behind every box there is a militant hiding - so exercise maximum caution, or better yet, don’t stick your head out from behind your cover until the enemy is the first to go looking for you.

Having suppressed all resistance, go down the stairs, and, having passed another warehouse full of guards, go down even lower. Once in the corridor, notice how someone slams the metal door in front of your nose. This is Sanchez, Vergara's security chief, but we will meet him later. Having opened the ill-fated door, turn right and wait until a small explosion blocks the passage forward. Racks and cabinets have been knocked over, so you'll have to look for workarounds. Turn left and go through the narrow door. When breaking through a mass of monotonous rooms with one entrance and one exit, try to look back more often - it is possible that one of the opponents whom you missed while going down to the basement will try to come to your rear.

Once you find yourself in the next corridor, follow straight to a room littered with all sorts of garbage, fragments of fittings and overturned shelves. In the left corner of the room, behind the sandbags, the same Sanchez was hiding. It’s almost impossible to kill him in a fair fight, so we’ll use cunning. Sanchez stands ankle-deep in water, and an electrical panel sparkles to his left. An unfortunate safety violation. Seize the moment when he stops firing his machine gun for a moment, fly around the corner and fire a burst in the direction of the shield. When Sanchez gives his soul to God, take the red access card from his body, return to the corridor and use the card to open the door with the glowing panel.

Talking to Vergara will only confuse the situation further. How does the terrorist know about the “Store”? Who is the poor merchant so afraid of that, as soon as Mullins crosses his gun, he chooses to commit suicide? Riddles, riddles...

Mission 4: “Star of the Seas”

Level 1

Well, we’ll have to look for other clues to the mystery of the mysterious “organization.” Our next target is the battleship “Star of the Seas”, on board of which, according to preliminary information, several boxes with a dangerous virus are hidden.

After talking with Taylor, go along the narrow cable to the stern of the Star of the Seas and hide behind the boxes. Carefully eavesdrop on the conversation between two guards nearby - it contains the key to our further plans. Wait some more time behind the boxes, and after making sure that the sentries have left, come out of your hiding place and take a pistol with a silencer at the ready. Go to the left deck of the ship and wait until a lone patrolman looms on the horizon. Quietly get rid of him, switch to automatic and go into the only unlocked door. Once in the galley, send to the next world all the militants hanging around the kitchen, grab the red access card from the dining table and go through the nearest door into the living compartments of the ship.

Suppressing the weak resistance of the terrorists, go along the system of corridors, opening all the wooden doors to the cabins you meet along the way. In one of the cabins, the captain’s assistant is sleeping on a couch, hugging an Uzi. Shoot him, take the second red access card from the table near the computer, use it to open the door locked in the corridor and get out to the upper deck. Once you find yourself at the bow of the ship, look for a small cargo crane. Activate the lever next to it, the crane will lift a large container and open the hatch in the bow of the ship. However, the hatch is still blocked for now.

Shooting back at the guards you meet along the way, go up to the uppermost deck and use the second access card to open the door to the captain's bridge (a large glassed-in room). Once on the bridge, shoot the sailors who have settled there and go through the locked door into the radio room (near the entrance there is a headphone symbol). In the radio room, go a little to the left and activate the large lever in the new room. The bow hatch lock is unlocked, return to the containers on the bow of the ship and jump through the opened passage into the hold.

Level 2

There are so many boxes around! You will have to find a way out of the cargo compartment - get out of the pile of boxes onto the platform and exit through the armored door into the next room. There are several sailors wandering on the walkway here, shoot them from afar and boldly jump down. Jumping from container to container, reach the floor of the warehouse and try to find the yellow forklift car. Activate the lifting mechanism, some of the containers will rise up, and now, returning to the top and climbing them like steps, climb higher and jump onto the platform.

Open the powerful door and get rid of the scoundrels accumulated inside the control room. Move along the corridor until you come out into the engine room - a huge room with giant working mechanisms. The engine room is literally filled with bandits, so get ready to spend several valuable grenades on them. Having passed the hall with the mechanisms, we find ourselves in a small open room with a staircase leading down. Go down the stairs, follow the corridor to the right and turn the gas valve. Return back to the stairs, turn left and, jumping over the pipe, rush forward along the corridor. Angry terrorists will jump out towards you in small groups - do not focus your attention on them, they act uncoordinated and generally fight like an amateur.

Run along the corridor until another cast iron door opens ahead. Kill the guard behind her and go into the secret compartment of the hold. Wow! Yes, there are not one or two containers with a virus, but a real military arsenal! Taylor will report on the radio that the best way out of this situation will be to send containers with the virus to the bottom of the Atlantic along with the Star of the Seas. No sooner said than done, we begin to implement the new plan. After the next forklift moves to the side, a crowd of angry militants will pour out from behind the boxes. Quickly send your adversaries to the best of worlds, walk a little along the corridor and go down the stairs near the wall.

After destroying the guards on the lower deck, go through the door to the right of the stairs. In the next room, pay attention to the stairs leading down, above which there is a sign with the number “1” hanging on the wall. Going down this ladder, plant explosives at the fittings directly ahead. In total, there are five such numbered compartments to be found on the lower deck. The next one is at the exit from the corridor, in the next room, in the area highlighted in red. The third is at the exit from a room with numerous electronic devices. The fourth - straight and to the left along the corridor from the third point, and, finally, the fifth - across the corridor, behind the door, hidden behind a pile of boxes. After all the explosives are installed, our mission ends, and the “Star of the Seas” with dangerous cargo on board slowly sinks into the depths of the sea...

Arsenal of the “Shop”

While we were putting things in order on the ocean freighter, our colleagues from the Center unearthed some new information regarding the secret organization. John Mullins arrives in New York to meet with his old friend, the owner of a “bookstore” (but in fact a carefully disguised weapons arsenal) - Sam. After getting out of the car, approach the house on the right side of the street and click the intercom button. Sam isn't very friendly today. Activate the intercom again and, having given the password, go inside. We go down after Sam and it is unknown how Taylor ended up in the basement of the arsenal; we have a long conversation ahead of us about new clues in the complicated case of the “organization”, which, by the way, has a name - “Prometheans”. Also, during the investigation, two new characters in this story appeared - ex-KGB general Alexei Naprad and a certain mysterious person hiding under the online pseudonym Deviant1. Well, let's start with the last one.

Mission 4: Hong Kong

Level 1

On board a small Chinese junk, we are scheduled to meet with an informant who is ready to provide some useful information about Deviant1, but the informant is captured by Yakuza fighters from nowhere, and Mullins finds himself locked in the hold of a Chinese sailing ship. So, having got out of cover, immediately shoot at the Chinese appearing from behind the doors, and when everything calms down, go out through the door and go up the stairs to the upper deck. Having suppressed the next, not very active resistance of the militant mafiosi, reload the shotgun and go through the upper door into the fresh air.

Level 2

Something is foggy in Hong Kong today... Walk a little forward and climb up the stairs to the stern. After eliminating several bandits at the top, have a good run around the deck and jump down onto the pier of the pier. While shooting back at the mafiosi on the pier, run through the huge gates to another part of the port. Find good cover behind numerous containers and start one by one shooting at all the Chinese that appear in your line of sight with your Uzi. When things get quieter, run to the right side of the docks and dive into the narrow alley. Without turning, run to the end until you see a house with a large window ahead. After breaking the window, get inside and, having smoked out all the hostile mafiosi from behind the walls, open the wide double door and run to the next level.

Level 3

We continue our escape from the stirred up hornet's nest. Go along the corridor to a boarded-up window, get rid of the boards and carefully examine the opened space. Ahead is a huge dock sector, locked on all sides. The exit is straight ahead, but to get to it you will have to make your way through a kind of labyrinth of boxes and containers. Jump down through the window and begin to slowly move between the containers, periodically shooting at the Chinese popping out from behind cover. In principle, there is nothing complicated about this. In such confined conditions, it is better to refrain from using grenades and actively use all types of artificial shelters.

Finally, when you reach the exit from the docks, activate the automatic forklift on the right side of the locked gate. Having climbed the makeshift staircase made of boxes to the very top, jump behind the wall and get away from the inhospitable port.


Level 4

However, our adventures in China are just beginning. As soon as you find yourself on the streets of Hong Kong, reach an intersection and carefully assess the combat situation. Ahead is a street literally swarming with ferocious Yakuza. The Chinese stand along the houses, machine gunners are hiding in the alleys, and snipers are sitting on the upper floors. You will have to move along the street, being extremely careful, but also without slowing down - eastern militants are well trained in throwing grenades, so if you only linger for a second in an open place, a “lemon” will immediately fall at your feet. While shooting at the militants, reach the end of the street and turn left. Having gone around the house closest to the fork, turn into an alley and, finding yourself at a dead end, break the boards on the boarded up window and get inside the room.

Once inside the building, we begin a smooth ascent to the top. The house is filled to capacity with warlike Chinese, so don’t skimp on grenades and in rare moments of calm don’t forget to reload your double Uzis. Beware of going out onto balconies or standing near open windows for a long time - massive sniper fire will come at you from the roof of a neighboring building. Once you find yourself on the third floor, climb onto the balcony and, crouching down with a sniper rifle in your hands, begin to shoot all the enemies in the house opposite, one by one. After climbing onto the blue poster from the balcony, jump over to the balcony of the cleared house on the other side of the street. In another house, you need to exactly repeat the entire acrobatic trick, climb to the third floor and from there take a running leap onto the sign hanging in front. Go down the stairs to the road.

Once you find yourself on the street again, run straight, and before turning, get ready to repel a very serious attack from the Yakuza fighters running out of the gateway. Having launched a grenade from a grenade launcher into the thick of the enemy, run into the gateway to the right and jump onto the wall along the boxes, and from there quickly fall down.

Level 5

So, the persecution seems to have stopped, but there is still a whole city ahead, flooded with fearless fighters of the Chinese mafia. Move forward, suppressing weak enemy resistance, and enter the open space. Wow! A real oriental market! Only instead of merchants, for some reason it is filled with angry Yakuza. But these are details - having dealt with the enemy, turn into the gateway to the right and, having passed it to the end, go out onto the pedestrian street.

Be careful - there are several snipers sitting in a house on the right side of the street. There is no point in destroying them; it is better to quickly run along the wall of the houses and sneak through the wide open gates straight ahead. Once you find yourself in the warehouse, have grenades ready and start bombing the Chinese who are holed up on the lower level. After the resistance is suppressed, go up to the upper level and, after walking along the corridor, activate the control panel near the stairs. Now go down to the level where you bombed the Chinese. Approach the forklift and, after passing through the opened passage, get into the elevator.

Level 6

Once you find yourself on the lower level of the warehouse, eliminate the sentry and thoroughly search all the shelves in search of the coveted first aid kits, armor and ammunition. Go forward, turn right at the intersection and open the lattice door. Inside, everything is ready for a worthy meeting - heavy fire is falling on us from literally all sides. The best tactic here would be to switch the machine gun to single shooting mode and, momentarily leaning out from behind the cover, use well-aimed shots to sting your enemies and again hide behind safe corners.

After getting rid of the local yakuza, climb onto the iron walkways and walk along them through the door to the next warehouse. Don’t go down, don’t shoot back at the Chinese below, but, without slowing down, move up along the walkways. Finding yourself at the end of the path in a room with a computer, quickly approach it, try to hack it, and...

Level 7

Yeah, that was a pretty big blow to the head. Mullins woke up in a barred cell, surrounded by ferocious Chinese and one lovely person who introduced herself as... Deviant1. Well, here is the denouement of the confusing story. After a long and not very pleasant conversation, we are left to think about the future in our cell. When Deviant1, accompanied by guards, disappears behind the door of the cell block... a completely unexpected event will happen. The prisoner from the cell opposite will stab the guard with a shiv, open the cell bars, and at the same time free you. After a short introduction, he will shoot another guard, and all you have to do is take his Uzi and from the table on the opposite edge of the hall take the disk with incriminating evidence that was taken from you before imprisonment.

Our new friend will advise you to look for a more powerful weapon, for which it would be a good idea to break open the door on the left wall of the room. Take his advice, break down the door and collect all the machine guns from the display case and the ammunition for them in the armory. When the alarmed guards arrive, you will be fully prepared. Having killed all the guards who came running, run with your friend through the double doors to the exit from the prison complex. The complex itself consists of three monotonous rooms with glass rooms along the walls and double lattice doors connecting one part of the complex to the other. Clearing the rooms and moving from door to door (they will have to be broken into, so watch the rear at this time), you will eventually reach the exit and break free...

Arsenal of the “Shop”

Now that another piece of the global puzzle has been solved, it's time for another visit to the armory with Sam and Taylor. Leaving the car on the side of the road, walk a little towards the familiar sign, and... “Sam's bookstore” explodes from the inside! As fast as you can, rush to the hole in the wall, jump into the room, turn left and, after running through the door that has collapsed in the toilet, jump into the elevator shaft. Without wasting a second, get out on the back side of the shaft - the cable is about to break and the elevator will fall down!

Carefully climb up the collapsed fittings, go around the stream of steam and go into the nearest room. The wounded Sam tries to tell John something, but he is already too weak. After the ventilation grille comes off its hinges, jump inside, go down the stairs and make your way down through the hatch. Turn the valve on the wall and return to the place where, not far from the room with dying Sam, a stream of hot steam blocked the road. Jump a little on the piece of reinforcement sticking out of the rubble - a new passage will open. Return to the room with Sam, put the poor fellow on your shoulder and carry him through the passage that opened behind the rubble to the street to the ambulance...

Mission 5: New York

Level 1

So Sam ended up in the hospital, and we need to keep a close eye on him. Walk down the hall to the left and talk to the secretary at the counter. Having learned the purpose of your visit, she will open the door and you can calmly take the elevator and go up to the hospital wards.

Level 2

Wow! That's how it goes - a police guard was killed upstairs. Take his gun and rush left along the corridor to Sam's room (it's the last one, with the door open). Taylor is already on duty near his bed, Mullins just has time to enter the room, when suddenly... The dashing mercenary who broke the window kills Taylor with direct fire and is already aiming at us. Unload the entire clip of the police pistol into the villain, take his rifle and run back into the hospital corridor. A group of “Prometheans” is already rushing towards you, knock the wind out of them with well-aimed shots, pick up ammunition and get ready to deal with another special forces group hidden behind the glass at the right wall of the corridor.

Run forward along the corridor, shoot another squad of “Prometheans” from behind the glass and return to the room in which Sam lies. Another platoon of scoundrels is running towards you from the opened door, unload a grenade launcher at them and rush further in the only possible direction. Eventually you will reach a large hall with a group of terrorists inside. Shoot the bandits from behind cover, run up the stairs to the second level of the hall and get ready to perform a simple acrobatic stunt. Do you see hanging lamps under the ceiling? Take a good run and jump from the balcony first to one, from it to the second, and from there to the opposite side of the upper tier. Go a little to the left, open the elevator and go upstairs.

Level 3

So, we won’t get far by elevator - someone very kind turned off the power to the elevators, so we’ll have to get to the door to the roof of the hospital on our own two feet. It is difficult to give any specific advice on this level. The direction is always the same - forward and only forward, and in each room new forces of “Prometheans” will be waiting for you. They are armed with American weapons - a machine gun with an under-barrel grenade launcher, so you don’t have to save grenades and deal with large concentrations of the enemy (more than one terrorist) in such a brutal way. After passing through each of the four floors, you will need to climb up the stairs. On the third floor, having reached a dead end, break the window near the smoking rubble and move along the ledge to the room in the next chamber. Be careful, do not rush headlong into the enemy crowd, and before entering an unfamiliar room, be sure to throw a grenade or two in front of you. There will be plenty of them here anyway.

Level 4

When you finally get out onto the roof, first of all pay attention to the helicopter circling above the hospital. He periodically shoots at us, but if you don't stay in one place for a long time, the helicopter won't cause much trouble... yet. So, first, shoot at the two tall yellow tanks on the right side of the wire grate. They will fly into the air and open the way to the other side of the roof. There, hiding behind a hill in the center, one by one shoot all the “Prometheans” frolicking above.

When the last enemy falls, take over the helicopter. Do you see the long pipes that fell from the explosion and broke through the grate on the left side of the roof? Climb over them beyond the space fenced with a mesh and, near the small utility room, take a machine gun and full ammunition for it. Now we have something to oppose to the infernal machine. Hide behind the utility room during helicopter raids and stick out from behind it when it turns or maneuvers. To shoot down a helicopter, you need to destroy each of its two engines with blades in turn. Shoot accurately at the engine until it starts smoking and then lights up with a bright flame. As soon as both engines of the damned miracle of technology are disabled, the blades will stop and the helicopter will fall like a stone...

Headquarters of the “Shop”

Follow the familiar corridors to the conference room to meet with your superiors. The guards will stop you near the office door and tell you that they wanted to see you in the armory. The weapons room is located on the same floor as the conference room, in sector 7-G. By activating the panel, open the large sector door and follow the signs hanging on the walls to look for the weapons room - Firing Range. Once at the shooting range, talk to the scientist who will give you the OICW mega-gun and give you a short course on how to use it. Having learned to wield this terrible weapon, say goodbye to the scientist and go to a meeting with the management of the “Shop”.

Here's the twist - it turns out that Taylor was a traitor, so the ill-fated “mole” in the “Magazin” department is finally exposed, and we receive the last task - to free the prominent scientist Doctor Sestrogor from the captivity of the “Prometheans”, who is now hidden in a secret Kamchatka base under the supervision of terrorist No. 1, ex-KGB general Alexei Naprad... Just before leaving for the mission, do not forget to take your new miracle gun with you. It will still be very useful...

Mission 6: Kamchatka

Level 1

So, the snowy deserts of Kamchatka. The spy plane drops Mullins with a parachute, and while he falls, we have a good opportunity to study the location of the enemy base below. Once on the ground, turn on the thermal imager and slowly make your way to the building straight ahead. There are two sentries sitting in the guardhouse - eliminate them without much noise, search the house for additional ammunition, go out into the street and go up the slope.

Because of the snowstorm, visibility here is disgusting - try not to have long shootouts with the guards, but, using a thermal imager, eliminate the villains from afar - it’s not for nothing that you have an OICW sniper scope! Along the fence you will notice a gap leading to the road. Exit through it and follow the road to a huge metal gate. Here you will finally receive strong resistance - do not rush into battle, but rather retreat back and from cover shoot all the enemies rushing after you. Near the locked gate there is another break in the fence. Go there and again fight off the powerful attack of Russian militants.

Despite the serious wound to his hand, this guy is still clutching the machine gun tightly. Special forces, to be sure.

Look around the area - all the gates are locked, the entrances to the base are blocked, and an insurmountable wall looms in front of us. Take a close look at the towers at the base. Near one of them there is a barrel of fuel, fire a couple of bursts from a machine gun at this barrel, the tower will break and collapse onto the ice. Climb into the hatch, jump into the resulting hole and quickly swim behind the wall. Once you find yourself on the other side, immediately lie down and look for shelter - they are already waiting for you, so they will not even allow you to go ashore. After fighting off the attack of the bandits, take a close look at the house with a protruding balcony. Climb to the high ground next to the balcony and take a running jump straight onto it. Inside the building, press the lever near the control panel, the gate to the base will open - and behind them the end of the level awaits us.

Level 2

Don’t rush to run forward along the road - there are a lot of enemies lurking in front and along the sides, so it’s better to move in short dashes from tree to tree, from cover to cover, shooting all enemies that appear in your line of sight. Pay special attention to the guard dogs, which have an unpleasant habit of silently coming from behind and clinging to superspy Mullins in the most indecent places with a death grip.

Once at the fork in the road, climb the engineering tower straight ahead. Once you've climbed up, move along the long platform to the left until you see a lever ahead. Press the lever, a passage into the sewer will open nearby, jump down and slowly begin to move in the only possible direction. When you go out into the fresh air, get ready to shoot back at a small group of Russian soldiers holed up in some ruins. Move straight between the ruins until you notice the entrance to another tunnel. Jump inside and run to the exit.

Level 3

Go down the tunnel and go out into nature. After destroying several patrolmen, run straight into the impenetrable darkness, towards the blizzard. Once you reach the massive metal structure, get ready to storm the security booth below. There are several fierce guards sitting inside, so don't skimp on grenades and, having won the guard box from the Russians, sit inside and wait for reinforcements to appear. Having gotten rid of all the enemies, go around the reinforcement from the back side and climb up the stairs to the metal platform. Follow it to the left, open the door and take the fight.

When the last guard gives up the ghost, go up the stairs and go outside. Once you find yourself on the road (the asphalt is heavily covered with snow, but the yellow markings can still be seen), shoot several particularly arrogant soldiers from afar, turn right and move towards the closed metal gate. There is a cunning machine gunner perched above the gate, adjust your thermal imager and eliminate the villain from a safe distance using a sniper rifle. Near the gate, turn right and follow the narrow path over the abyss towards the fence. Having walked a little further to the right, you will notice a gap in the fence - jump into it and with a few well-aimed shots from a grenade launcher, scatter all the local guards along the walls.

Move forward between the walls. Hmm... well, what a mess is going on at the secret Russian base - there is another breach in the wall ahead. Jumping into it, we will find ourselves on the railway tracks. There are many enemy soldiers roaming around in the vicinity, but do not waste time on them, shooting only those standing between the carriages. Run along the railway line to the yellow diesel locomotive. Climb the ladder on the right into the cabin, press the lever near the control panel and jump out. The diesel locomotive pushed the cars forward, so our task is to run in the opposite direction along the railway track and jump into the last, open car. In the carriage, jumping on the boxes, climb up to the very ceiling and climb out through the hatch in the ceiling onto the roof of the carriage. Move to the opposite edge of the car and, having jumped well, climb onto the stone cornice of the neighboring building. From the cornice, crawl into the narrow window of the ventilation shaft and then move along it to the exit from the level...

Level 4

Here we are, finally, at the enemy base. Moving quietly through the ventilation, jump into the room and shoot all the soldiers who came running at the noise. After shooting off the first wave of the offensive, do not rush to leave - a second detachment of militants will soon come running to the sound of gunfire. Go through the door onto the platform, turn right and quickly run along the carriages, trying not to get involved in a showdown with the guards. Having reached the locked door, open it and get ready to shoot back from a massive group of Russian soldiers, accompanied by ferocious watchdogs.

After the bridge, turn left and climb up the tall metal tower near the platform. Having reached the window in the booth, have a good run and jump onto the roof of the opposite building. On the roof, open the ventilation hatch and jump into the opened tunnel. Crawl along the tunnel to the end, jump down and open the grate into the next room. With a couple of well-aimed grenades, get rid of the soldiers in the next room and press the lever opposite the grate. The ventilation fans have stopped, so we can go back upstairs. Jump back into the ventilation and move in the opposite direction. Get to the fans that recently blocked the road, and crawl under the stopped blades...

Level 5

From the room we found ourselves in after climbing through the fan, open the door and go straight along the corridor. Behind the next door is a dead-end line with a lot of empty cars. Turn left and send a group of cheeky soldiers to the best of all worlds. Begin to slowly move behind the carriages. There will be an abundance of enemies here, so take your time and conduct targeted fire, not forgetting to hide behind cover in time. After passing through the passage in the wall, look for the dashboard near the opposite wall. Click the three switches on the control panel. Bang!

Hmmm, now everything is getting serious. Return to the carriages and climb along the collapsed structures to the roof of the nearest house. At the top, climb into the ventilation tunnel and follow it to the end. Once again in the fresh air, take on the furious Russian soldiers and move forward along the only path. Once you find yourself near a diesel locomotive with wagons, use grenades to scatter all the militants who have accumulated in the area. The villains behave rather cunningly and prefer not to leave their convenient hiding places - so you will have to smoke them out from afar. Go around the diesel locomotive and disconnect it from the tail of the cars at the coupling point. Climb into the control cabin and activate the dashboard near the window. Hurray, our locomotive is flying forward! Forward and only forward!

Level 6

At the exit of the diesel locomotive, get ready to throw a grenade at the very center of the group of people greeting you on the platform. When only scraps remain of the delegation, go up the steps and go through the door. From the room, go to the opposite exit and go outside.

Hide outside so that you can see everything that happens near the cars. From time to time, enemy soldiers will appear there - shoot them one by one, but do not lean out from behind cover until you destroy every single one. Look carefully at the upper levels - there are snipers sitting there. Grenades will be thrown at you from the lower levels. Hide in the corners and fire preemptively. After entering the building, go up the stairs to the second level and go outside again. The enemies below will open massive fire on you - crawl to the machine gun nest, take a place behind the heavy machine gun and get even with the damned terrorists.

When the last enemy falls without signs of life, get into the elevator near the machine gun and go down. Once on the lower level, run forward without looking back, sometimes throwing a grenade or two at the faces of enemies appearing from around the corners. There is only one path here, so sooner or later you will reach the end of the level.

Level 7

Our marathon of death continues. Still rush forward headlong, without getting too involved in firefights, but also not allowing the insidious special forces to get behind the rear. At the end of the corridor there will be a door, and behind it - a room with a small portion of Russian soldiers inside. Having killed everyone, go into the door opposite the entrance, behind it is another one, and only after that - the stairs.

A platoon of guards is on duty on the stairs, so before descending, carefully spray them with grenades from a grenade launcher. When the path is clear, move past the gratings to the hatch and go down the attached ladder. Before descending, do not forget to throw down a few “lemons” and, after jumping from the stairs, carefully treat all suspicious corners with a couple of bursts from a machine gun. Go up the stairs below, walk along the platform to a huge mechanism - an energy generator. Click the toggle switch on the generator control panel, then go back a little and activate the lever on the console on the right side. The electric lights went out, and the secret base was enveloped in impenetrable darkness...

Level 8

Now we need to run back in the dark. Be extremely careful - in the darkness several platoons of Russian thugs are already prowling for your soul. Sneak along the walls, crawl up the stairs - and perhaps you will be able to sneak past many enemies unnoticed. Move until you find yourself in a glassed room, in which one scientist, in a fit of rage, will knock down the glass of the laboratory. Jump into the opening that has formed, and, once in a new room, fall through the hatch into the ventilation.

After a short flight through the ventilation tunnel, we find ourselves in a long corridor, where a whole cloud of enemy fighters awaits us. Fire a grenade launcher straight ahead a couple of times and, while the enemy comes to his senses, run to the end of the corridor and go up the stairs. In the new corridor, not paying attention to the strong fire directed in your direction, quickly sneak through the right door, rush headlong through the laboratory until you come across a small group of soldiers. Hide behind the counters and mow down all your enemies with scattered bursts of machine gun fire. After the last enemy falls, go a little forward and exit through the small corridor on the right.

Level 9

Carefully, by touch, move along the right wall until you notice a door. Sooner or later, the emergency lighting should turn on, but in the meantime, break the lock on the door and launch a grenade from a grenade launcher into the opened passage. Hmm, a nice meeting awaited us here. Follow the corridor to the door on the right, go inside and go up the stairs. After getting rid of the next wave of attackers, go along the corridor to the right and go until you see the glowing elevator buttons. Climb up the stairs, pick the lock on the hatch and make your way to the roof of the elevator. Well, now is the time to play Tarzan. Cling to the elevator cable and crawl up all the way.

Once you find yourself in the old place, get rid of all the militants circling around and jump onto the lower platform on the left side. On the platform, forcefully pull the control switch and, after a sudden explosion demolishes the adjacent grate, jump down and move in the only possible direction. When you see a gap in the boards ahead, turn there and move along the corridor to the very end of the level.


Level 10

The most vulnerable spot for all living opponents. Jokes aside!

Finally, at least some premises that were not affected by the destruction. Move straight to the fork and turn left along the corridor. At the next turn, take a right and get ready to repel a powerful attack from the militants. There will be a lot of soldiers, even too many, so after shooting a little indoors, feel free to retreat and continue eliminating enemies on the way out, hiding behind the door frame. When all the villains go to the best of worlds, jump through the broken glass and run along the corridor to the locked door. After breaking the lock, go into the room and go up several stairs. This area is simply teeming with assorted militants, so do not spare grenades and move only in short dashes from cover to cover.

Once on the upper level, move to the end of the corridor until you notice a broken window facing the street. Feel free to jump into it and, once on the ground, climb into the small utility room next to where you landed. Dead end? No matter how it is! Turn the water valve on the wall and go through the blockage into the vacated passage. Now - just straight ahead. After suppressing the resistance of several more enemies, move to the exit in the only possible direction.

Level 11

And now the lights are turned on - you can finally look around. So, go forward and go through the right door. The laboratory room is already full of enemy special forces - act quickly and decisively, while not forgetting to take cover behind the shelves. Don't throw grenades too much - the room is quite closed, so the shock wave can cause you much more damage than enemies. Having dealt with the enemies, go to the front door and plant explosives under the large light cone opposite the door. Well, well, while we were hardening in the ice hole, hexogen became damp, so we will have to look for new explosive packages.

Exit back out of the laboratory and head through the opposite door. In the corridor, turn right and go out into the fresh air. Here a warm welcome awaits us - the damned special forces are firing, hiding behind the car. Disperse the soldiers with a grenade launcher and proceed to the platform with the control lever on the control panel. Click the lever twice - a platform with explosives will arrive. Take the explosive packages, return to the laboratory and blow up the ill-fated cone. After the explosion demolishes a good half of the wall, enter the resulting gap and move in the only possible direction, along the way shooting back from hordes of weakly armed, but nevertheless dangerous guards. When you reach the stairs, go up, and once on the second level, mine the second cone.

After the explosion, go back and jump into the fissure through the broken window near the stairs. Once on the other side, carefully crawl along the ledge and at the end of the path, break through the door leading to the ventilation shaft. Crawl forward and break through the next ventilation door at the end of the tunnel. Climb into the resulting passage and smoothly move on. When you finally go out into the open, get ready to shoot back at enemy soldiers. These are much more armed than their counterparts from the second level, so you shouldn’t skimp on grenades - the enemy is really tough. Having fought off the villains, mine the next high cone and, after the explosion, shoot the crowd of soldiers rushing towards you from behind the closed door. After the battle subsides, collect the spoils and go through this door to the next stage of our lengthy Kamchatka adventure.

Level 12

The goal is already close - Doctor Sestrogor is somewhere nearby. Open the door straight ahead and enter a room full of enemy guards. The soldiers are armed with everything possible - from simple pistols to rifles and machine guns, so serious battles await us at the entire laboratory level. When you fight your way to the closed door, go around it through the room on the right and turn the lever on the long control panel. Continue through a complex of small rooms separated from each other by locked doors that can be opened by control panels.

Going down the stairs into the spacious hall, pay attention to the strange glazed closet in the middle - inside it, under an impenetrable metal shield, there is the last generator cone that needs to be demolished. Activate the panel next to the closet, go inside, install explosives and quickly run back to a safe distance. After the explosion, destroy the new batch of soldiers who came running in response to the noise and climb onto the walkway on the second level of the hall. Did you notice that the platform mechanism that previously held the metal shield began to move up and down? Carefully approach it along the walkway and jump onto the platform when it is below. Having climbed up, jump forward and crawl straight through the ventilation. Somewhere in the middle of the path, overhear a conversation between two guards who are warning about something... Dr. Sestrogor! So here he is, our insidious genius. Crawl through the ventilation until the floor below collapses and you find yourself in an unknown room. There is no time to think - immediately raise the machine gun and start pouring lead on the two guards. Do not use grenades under any circumstances - if the blast wave hits the doctor, the entire mission will be failed.

When the danger has passed, go to Sestrogor and begin a long and very instructive conversation, during which it turns out that Taylor was not at all the notorious “mole” in the management of the “Store”, that General Naprad is preparing cylinders with a new virus to assassinate the leaders of the free world at the upcoming summit in Switzerland, and that the recipe for the antidote is known only to Sestrogor. Well, now we have to rescue the doctor from captivity. Wait until Sestrogor opens the door from the laboratory and run forward - the Russians must under no circumstances injure or kill the doctor. Once on the street, start throwing grenades from a grenade launcher at the entire lower tier, and finish off all survivors or shell-shocked people with well-aimed machine gun fire. When the battle subsides, do not go down, but, being on the upper level, go a little to the right and use the lever to call the overhead elevator trolley. Go inside with the doctor and activate the panel on the left wall. During the journey, desperately shoot back from the angry soldiers and cover the doctor with your own body - at all costs he must reach the end of your route alive...

Mission 7: Switzerland

Level 1

There's not much hiding on the roof, so you'll have to maneuver.

So, Doctor Sestrogor is saved, and Naprad will no longer be able to blackmail the leaders of the free world countries, demanding a ransom for the antidote to the virus. Now all that remains is to find the villain himself and neutralize him once and for all. So, get out of the metro car and go to the terminal counter to talk with the police. Listen carefully to all their advice and understand the situation: the airport has been captured by terrorists who are holding a lot of hostages. NO civilians should be harmed during your assault. This mission is the most difficult in the entire game, because terrorists shoot without looking and willingly use grenades, and an accidentally killed hostage means immediate failure of the mission and the end of the game. Move extremely carefully, switch the machine gun to single-round shooting mode and forever forget about the existence of an under-barrel grenade launcher. Remember: one mistake and you'll have to start all over again.

After listening to the police, go up the stairs and begin systematically shooting at the “Prometheans” from behind cover. Having reached the escalator, arm yourself with a pistol and, quickly peeking from behind the path, eliminate the terrorists one by one with targeted shots. On the second level, follow the corridor to the end. When you hear a scream ahead, wait a while. Go around the corner ONLY after the hostages run past you. A terrorist is waiting for you at the end of the corridor, from whom you need to take the red access card. Go downstairs, shoot back from the scoundrels who have come running at the noise and open the door with the red console.

Once in a new room, slowly move forward. As soon as you see the hostages running, immediately retreat and hide around the corner. When civilians run past, lean around the corner and also destroy the bandits one by one with targeted shots. One of the dead will have another access card - expropriate it, open the locked door and go into the complex of corridors. Be sure to look into all the side rooms, otherwise the terrorists hiding there will certainly strike you in the rear after a while. Using extreme caution, continue to run in the only possible direction until the next corridor leads you to the next level.

Level 2

Turn the corner and wait for the terrorists to go down the escalator. Having brutally gotten rid of your enemies, sit down on the moving path yourself and go upstairs. Along the way, change your machine gun to a pistol - a whole group of “Prometheans” will be waiting for you at the top, and crazed civilians will be running around randomly among them. When the battle subsides, straighten your shoulders and move towards the next escalator on the way, running down. Go around it and, having reached the turn, arm yourself with a rifle again and begin systematically shooting at all the enemies appearing around the corner. Do not change your position under any circumstances - the terrorists who are holed up at the top are hiding behind a couple of hostages. If they hear shots below, they will forget about their human shields and run to investigate.

Go down and continue forward. Let the civilian pass by and, as soon as he runs, jump around the corner and smash the bandits pursuing him to smithereens. Enter the passage and, having replaced the machine gun with a pistol, shoot the next platoon of enemies hiding behind civilians. Then the mission is more like an obstacle course. There is only one road forward, and you need to run through it as quickly as possible. After the metal detector arch, rush along the corridor, without turning or looking into the side rooms. Shoot back at the terrorists who appear right ahead, and just before the end of the corridor, quickly switch to your pistol, turn the corner and destroy the last squad of “Prometheans”. Once the fight is over, exit through the last door on the right side of the corridor.

Level 3

That's it, stop being careful now! Arm yourself with your favorite machine gun and feel free to use grenades. Go down and sit on the moving conveyor belt just after the stairs. Drive forward along the tape until you reach a room with a squad of “Prometheans” inside. Launch a grenade from a grenade launcher inside, open the locked door and move forward along the corridor. There is another strong resistance in the corridor - the enemy does not want to give up the positions they have conquered. Get rid of special forces groups with grenades, there will be no shortage of them at this level - the enemy is armed exactly the same as you.

Having reached the stairs, go up, walk a little forward and fire a couple of bursts at the fuel tanks. The grate will fly to the side, jump over it and fall onto the conveyor belt. Hack the barred door and, continuously moving forward, go out into the street. Here it is - freedom for tactical maneuver! Ahead there is a whole warehouse of all kinds of luggage. Hide behind boxes and containers, throw grenades at hidden enemies from afar and gradually move towards the large hangar building in this area. Once inside, shoot all the guards and climb the ladder provided to the wing of the plane. From the wing there is a small ledge leading to an emergency hatch, through which you can get inside the cabin. Carefully walk along the ledge, break open the hatch door and jump inside.

Level 4

So we're in the air. Naprad and his henchmen have already boarded the ship, and we need to quickly neutralize the entire enemy gang. You are at the very bottom of the plane, on the lower deck. Climb up the stairs, destroy the two guards (don't be afraid to use grenades - the plane seems to be armored from the inside, so nothing will happen to it). Go forward and, once at the tail of the plane, tear apart a group of “Prometheans” at a dead end. Turn one hundred and eighty degrees and walk into the passenger compartment. Having suppressed the weak resistance of the terrorists, carefully inspect the tables - there should be a red access card on one of them. Follow the plane further (it’s generally quite difficult to get lost here) until you see a locked door. Use the access card on it and get inside.

And here is our dear Naprad! The terrorist does not want to repent and promises to take cruel revenge on the entire “Store”. On his orders, the “Prometheans” are about to begin an assault on the “Shop” headquarters in Texas. A vaccine for the virus will never be found, and... it’s enough to listen to these nonsense of a sick person. After Mullins shoots Naprad in cold blood, move into the cockpit and flip the switch on the dashboard. A short radio conversation with “Magazin” will be interrupted by the sounds of gunfire - the general was right. The headquarters is under attack by the enemy, and action must be taken without delay. Go down to the lowest deck and go to the bow of the cargo compartment. On the left, hack the autopilot dashboard, and then return to the place where you started the level. Remember the jeep you used to see through the window? Take a parachute next to him, have a good running start and...

Mission 8: Attack on the “Store”

Level 1

The headquarters of the “Shop” is captured by terrorists. Most of the employees have been killed, and protracted positional battles are taking place at the upper levels. The situation needs to be corrected as soon as possible. The main lighting seems to have been turned off, so it would be very useful to use a night vision device during voyages along the familiar corridors of the lower level of the “Shop”. Follow the familiar path to the elevator, shooting at the “Prometheans” you come across along the way. The bandits are armed with the same rifles as you, so don’t skimp on grenades from your grenade launcher and thoroughly clear all the rooms you come across along the way. Don't wander too much along the corridors, your task is the elevator to the second floor. Finally, when you reach it, sit inside and go up to the next level.

Level 2

Continue on the long-learned path. Pay special attention to the terrorists hiding behind the glass of the side offices, and even better, as a preventative measure, fire a grenade into every window you encounter along the way. Go straight to the meeting room where you used to have briefings, and from there to sector 7G, where we tested the new gun at the shooting range during our last visit. Having opened the heavy door of the sector premises, turn right along the corridor and rush as fast as you can to the doors of the elevator, which was previously blocked. Jump inside, activate the control console and go higher into the secret laboratory.

Level 3

We haven't been here before - go straight out and begin systematically clearing all suspicious corners. Smoke out terrorists from behind doors, shoot around corners, and use all the skills you've learned in past battles to the fullest. When the battle subsides, go straight along the corridor, turn right and open the metal door with the control console. In the new room, carry out another sweep and through the second exactly the same door go out into the next room. So, a fire has already started at the headquarters. Jump over the rubble and open the third door with the console. In the next room there will be a lot of enemies, at the turn turn right, destroy the reptiles with grenades thrown through the glass, turn left and enter the room. Directly ahead is a powerful metal door, and behind it is a particularly ferocious squad of terrorists. Treat the special forces to a couple of good bursts and, having finished off the last terrorist, turn to the bulletproof glass on the right side of the wall.

Wow! A spectacle worthy of the best action films! Dressed in a pressurized suit, the senior deputy director of the “Shop,” Mr. Wilson, is waving a vial of the virus and threatening to kill everyone around him if he is not allowed to leave quietly. So here he is, the same ill-fated “mole” who disrupted all operations and betrayed his comrades! After a short and not very pleasant conversation, Wilson will throw the bottle on the floor, Doctor Sestrogor, who was standing next to him, will give his soul to God, and the traitor will disappear around the corner. We need to turn back, defeat the last remnants of the terrorists, quickly run back along the corridor, turn left and get into the elevator leading to the take-off pad.

Level 4

Well, that's all. Now it's just you and Wilson. One on one. However, a fair fight still won’t work out - the traitor managed to run into the hangar and board an attack helicopter, like the one you already blew up once on the roof of the hospital, chasing the “Prometheans”. First, before Wilson's helicopter starts spraying missiles at you, carefully look around the area. Ahead is the take-off site, the most unsafe place and subject to fire from all sides. At the rear there is a large roof extension. Jump from the landing pad to the observation deck below and run towards the building. Climb the stairs to the very top, onto the platform with the heavy machine gun, and get ready to take on the fight.

When the helicopter fires missiles at you, hide behind the pipes near the extension on the roof, and when the aircraft machine gun comes into action, jump onto the parapet below, run along the railing and return to your original place. The tactics remain the same as during the skirmish on the roof of the hospital - first of all, shoot at the engines with blades and, when they light up, try to aim more accurately through the windshield and eliminate the pilot in the cockpit with a well-aimed shot. Go for it!.. And everything will work out for you. The helicopter will fall like a stone into the abyss, justice will prevail, Agent Taylor will be posthumously rehabilitated, and John, tired of battles, will go on a short vacation... until the next episode. To be continued! After all, how could it be otherwise?

1 2 3 4 All

Soldier of Fortune 2

The walkthrough was written with the "Soldier of Fortune" difficulty level. I tried
reflect the key and main points of the game.
Before starting the game, do not forget to go to the "Blocking Blood" option, and
enable the options you need (or better yet, all). Enter your password. Install
control options, graphics, sound and other things that suit you.
Use it wisely, and remember: the higher the difficulty level, the less
the amount of ammunition you can carry, the less number of barrels you can have
simultaneously. To raise another trunk, you need to get rid of one of the
available. It is impossible to fire in a "lying" position - only "standing"
and "crouching". So, weapons.
(Alternate mode - right mouse button):
· Knife. There are 7 pieces in stock. An alternative mode is throw.
· Pistols (alternative mode - strike with the handle):
o US SOCOM - lethal pistol weapons (has a silencer,
tactical flashlight, laser target designator; you can take one of these
in the Store - accessory)
o Dual US SOCOM - double option
o M1911F1 - a weaker type of pistol
o Dual M1911A1 - double version
· Shotguns
o USAS-12 - ten rounds and very lethal
o M590 - nine round, an excellent weapon in narrow corridors and
small rooms
· Machine guns without adjustable firing mode:
o Micro Uzi is a good automatic weapon (there is a mode
switching "automatic-queue"), but weak
o Dual Micro Uzi is an excellent and lethal option against
few opponents
o M3A1 - accurate, effective weapon at the first levels of the game
· Machines
o M4+M203 (with under-barrel grenade launcher) - very effective and
useful weapon. Excellent and efficient. Its ammunition is scattered around
all levels.
o AK-74 - - domestic assault rifle, often found in the game,
good and valuable weapon. Alternative mode - strike with a bayonet (a bayonet can
pick up only in the Store).
o OICW (with optical sight) - bulky, multifunctional
and not an operational weapon.
· MSG90A1 sniper rifle is an indispensable item in the game
· Heavy weapons
o The M60 machine gun is a powerful and sometimes extremely useful weapon.
Especially against helicopters. But the ammunition must be spent very
prudently - limited ammunition.
o MM1 grenade launcher - a multi-charge grenade launcher with limited
radius of application. Sometimes found in the game, but rarely. Their opponents are not
o RPG-7 grenade launcher - single-shot grenade launcher with medium radius
action and accelerated projectile departure. Almost never seen in the game
(no need). Only available through the Store.
· Grenades (alternative throw - from bottom to top):
o M-67, M-84, ANM-14, M-15, F-1, L2A2, MDN-11, SMOHG-92 - conventional,
lighting, smoke, etc. But we must keep in mind: our enemies are not fools, and
They immediately rush to return any of the grenades back to us. Therefore, before
throw a grenade, hold it in your hand (holding the mouse button) for several
seconds And only then do we quit.
· Special items
o Binoculars
o Thermal vision
o Night vision
· Empty hands
PRAGUE: STREET (Map pra2.)
We take a pistol in our hands (there is nothing more significant), crouch down, and
We carefully come around the corner to listen to the conversation of the guards (they are from
us on the left hand). Or you don’t have to wait: we fly out with a pistol drawn, and
We quickly put them both in. The first is in your head, the second, as it turns out.
We select AK-74. Now our path lies to the corner on the left. From him the reference point:
right wall. We will go along it to the door. This is so as not to get lost among
containers. And among this chaos of boxes there are a lot of soldiers, and the soldiers are on
towers. The containers contain first aid kits and armor. It is better to turn off the floodlights on the towers
single shots: they blind. We break through to the door for containers.
We open it and go up the stairs: there are soldiers here too.
From the balcony we jump to the left onto a wide cornice. We walk along it and jump into
yard There's a door immediately on our right. If you go to the car, they will start from behind the bars
fire. And in the room behind the door there is armor and cartridges. We go out onto the road with
cars. There are soldiers hiding here, and ahead on the left there is a machine gun point.
You need to try to get through to it in order to stand behind the bipod of the machine gun: they will come running
more soldiers. The machine gun has first aid kits. Let's figure it out here and go down the road
further behind the truck, not forgetting to look around: they can shoot from anywhere.
We reach the balcony overhead; a truck ahead will block the road. Mullins
will mark: "Fire escape." We go up along it, and there, on a narrow cornice along
walls. We reach the balcony along the cornice. We bring down the soldiers below from around the corner, and
We go through the door on the balcony. Well, from there it’s just a stone’s throw to the end of the level. Let's jump into
hatch in the floor.

Behind the left door, break the boxes and take the armor. Through the second door
we go out into the corridor. We go to the left: there are already soldiers there, and more will come running. We put it in
neat stack. On this floor you can roam around the rooms, although there
There are soldiers, but in the rooms there are first aid kits, ammunition, and armor. Don't be afraid
shoot at the boxes, setting the shooting mode to "single": there is
armor, first aid kits.
Let's find the stairs down and go down. There are soldiers here. We fight our way through
rooms. Let's go through the room with the fireplace and go out into the kitchen.
We jump over the tables to the open door on the other side. We fight, we fight,
We are at war. We go up the wide stairs. Behind the left door is the first one
civilian type. This is not Pyotr Ivanovich. I'll shoot him, I'll snitch! Let's move on.
We search the rooms - there is a lot of useful stuff in them. Let's go out into a wide corridor with
sofas and an overturned chest of drawers in the middle. And there will be soldiers. Before
we have two doors, and on the left at the end of the corridor there is another door (another door is not
significant). Behind the right door is Pyotr Ivanovich, but first we will go to
left door: there is a first aid kit and armor in the adjacent room. Now to Ivanovich.
The conversation started, and we immediately jumped out into the corridor: the door is on the left
opens, we run there and put the soldiers. In general, we try to be ahead
Pyotr Ivanovich so that he would not block our line of fire. Some
hits are not scary for him. Let's run with Ivanovich to the door that he
will be blocked by the chest of drawers. We take first aid kits, armor, and jump after Ivanovich in
garbage chute

Everything is very simple here: we go to the truck and stand next to the machine gun. Getting ready
for battle. While Ivanovich digs, we will have to fight back.
The first soldier will appear on the balcony at the top left. The alarm will be raised.
A truck will arrive, and soldiers will begin to climb out everywhere: from above the arch,
to the right and left because of the boxes. We fight back while Ivanovich starts the car.
Let's go!
Now we turn the barrel as we go. As soon as the car slowed down,
we shoot at the transformers on the left: the gate will explode and we will move on.
After the transformers you can fight off a bunch of soldiers. Here and the level

We immediately shoot at the car chasing us: first, at the shooters in the back,
and then we hit the engine (it is in front of the cabin). The car will explode. Also
We also deal with all the cars that follow us. Except
armored with bulldozer knives in front: these only have soldiers in the back
we hit.
As soon as we get to the checkpoint, and Ivanovich turns to the side of the road (or better yet, in advance),
we shoot at the large, light tank on the right and the barrels on the left: everything is there
will explode and we will move on. We also hit the helicopter with a machine gun. He
It can explode and come loose.
So we will fight our way through.

When we get down from the car, we don’t take out our weapons: everything is quiet here. We're passing by
sentry to the toilet door, near which Ivanovich is already standing. Let's go to
toilet, and take the case near the messenger. We chat with him, take the documents.
We leave and go to the sentry. We present the documents (click
"use" key). We go to the platform. This is where you need to get your weapon,
and kill the soldiers until they started shooting at us without even asking our name.
You can forget about Ivanovich. Although you can go with him into the open carriage on the left,
and chat about how the train should be sent ahead of schedule.
We send.
We go out onto the platform and go through the station gates (they are the only ones there, the ones who will
open). There are soldiers there. We go up the stairs. We'll fight our way through
on top. Let's go down the stairs to the warehouse (there are barrels of fuel here, they
explode well). Let's cross the warehouse, take the stairs again from the other one
sides we go up. Let's go straight to the only one open door.
Upstairs there will be soldiers at the window without glass. We kill the soldier, and through the window
we crawl onto the roof of the train. We follow it to the right. Putting soldiers behind bars
with a thorn and behind glass in the control room. We jump over there onto the boxes.
We go up to the control room, press the lever: the train starts moving. Let's run to
Now you can jump onto the train through the gate that opens below, or
jump onto the boxes, from there onto the roof of the train, then onto the platform, and again into
carriage. Or you can cling to the buffer of the last car. Anyway, how
As soon as we find ourselves on the train, the mission is over. Let's watch the extensive
video about the moral torment of Pyotr Ivanovich.

After listening to the chatter of the guard, we go forward and to the right. We open the door.
There's another talkative guard here. Not a secret office, but a mess:
some guards are aware of all the affairs of special agents. Let's open more
one door.
Now turn right. There are two moving walkways. We're on the right.

We open the door ahead and go in. Now you can take it to the left, and along
the corridor ahead to the elevator. Or you can wander around the rooms and listen to the chatter
employees, pestering girls (they don’t care anyway).
We call the elevator, sit in it, click “use” at the panel with
buttons, and go to the next level.

We exit the elevator. Actually, we are strictly straight to the end. But you can
rummage around the floor, poke around in the offices. Let's say we go straight. Past the elevator
with a guard on the right. When we reached the end of the corridor, we entered the door on the right. There
a couple more guards - they will open the next door. Let's go in.
Let's watch the video.
At the end of the video, we go out into the corridor and go to the elevator with a guard: elevator
will take us to the roof. Let's go and get into the helicopter.
Before starting the next mission you will be asked to select a weapon. Choice
I’m not rich right now, but I would still advise taking US SOCOM from
silencer, M4 with underbarrel grenade launcher and M60 machine gun. And also
grenades and binoculars.

Our task here is to meet with Sergeant Andersen. Let's go forward to
group of military men. Here comes the sergeant. While the conversation is going on, you can rummage around
tents But we still have full armor. But the cartridges for the machine gun and the grenade for
will not interfere with the grenade launcher.
Suddenly shooting starts from where we came from. It's better at this moment
already be behind the tents and look at the truck: the armor will start to decrease anyway
during shooting. We run behind the tents: a car will explode there,
we jump over it, and further along the ravine. Now be careful:
terrorists in the ruins. We kill them (you can launch a grenade there from
grenade launcher). There, behind the block, are a couple of first aid kits, and further, behind the stone column
cartridges and armor. We go further along the ravine to finish the level.

We go forward along the ravine. There will be ruins ahead. They are terrorists. Not only
on the right, but also on the side, on the right. Carefully remove them. Or, as it turns out.
We select a weapon - a sniper, and move further along the ravine in combat
constant contact with terrorists hiding in the grass.
Let's get to the boxes. If you quickly rush towards them, and then along the rock,
move forward over the cliff, then all the terrorists will stand in a group - grenade
from the grenade launcher there. Then it will be possible to go to the bunker and a couple from the rear
terrorists with him. In the bunker there is armor, grenades for the grenade launcher, first aid kits. From the rear
More enemies will come. We bring them down from the bunker. You can kill them with a machine gun
drawers: under them is one first aid kit.
We move further along the ravine. We reach the houses. Clearing the space
around them (barrels are explosive). There are three terrorists in the house, but there are also
cartridges, first aid kits.
Along the ravine we reach the ruins of the temple. It is better to immediately take a left from the fire:
there are three or four terrorists there. We put them down, and around the bend we’ll take the armor,
grenades to the grenade launcher # And immediately back: the enemy appeared in our rear.
We kill. And now up the stairs: there is another enemy face.
We go down and can immediately launch a grenade from a grenade launcher at
sweet couple hidden in the grass. Well, continue in the same way Makar
We move along the ravine to the end of the level: we kill everyone who is hiding in the grass.

There are ruins ahead on the right: there are several terrorists there. You can get close to
him, listen to the conversation. And then forward, as God puts it on your soul. But not
think that by quietly killing one, the others will not be alarmed. They'll come running! Yes, even
How! So it’s better to immediately shoot enemies through optics. Or run at them with
automatically. In short, go ahead! There is no point in surviving here!
We move forward, not forgetting to look at our feet: there will be a stretch. How will it appear?
Next to the indicator is a pliers icon, press the “use” button.
Let's remove it. Let's get to the cave. There are a lot of terrorists around, and above the entrance to it
one. A helicopter will arrive: we scare it off with machine gun fire. Let's move on.
Behind the cave there will be another tripwire.
When we come to the first tower on the left, we blow it up through the optics: the barrel is below.
The Latinos will come running, we bring them down through the optics. So we move on, shooting
scabs, collecting weapons, first aid kits, armor.
Let's go out to the gate blocking our road. We blow up the barrel next to
wooden house: there is some kind of mechanism inside, but there is a red light on.
We go to the stone house nearby: a helicopter will fly in immediately. We rise in the house
up the stairs, and press the "FIRE" key on the block in the corner: helicopter
will fly to pieces. Now we go to the mechanism in the wooden house - there is already
The green light is on. We activate the lever and go through the opened gate.

We go along the rock on the left, and not towards the waterfall. Better to sit down and take out a sniper rifle.
There are two patrolling ahead: take them down first. Two more in the distance
fire. And the fifth one in this area is on the hill on the left. Everyone can do it without any problems
remove through optics. Having picked up weapons and other little things, we move on, for
Let's go out to the bridge, where special forces exchange fire with bandits. More on the way
can be removed through the shooter's optics from the tower. We finish, again through optics,
who the special forces did not finish off. They thank us, and we have a few seconds,
to run across the bridge before it was destroyed by aircraft.
On the other side we inspect the tower and go towards the truck: there is already
terrorists. Another one on the tower. We shoot, we kill. And so on, we move along
the ravine until we reach a clearing. The clearing is full of bandits. It's better to take it off
them through optics, and the first is the arrow on the tower. Having dealt with everyone, on this
clearing, and having searched the tower, we go along the ravine behind the tower to finish

Special forces rush to storm the terrorist camp. Our business is small -
be with them. But we have to search all the buildings in this camp. And they are full
You can enter the first small house on the right: there are two bandits here, cartridges
and grenades for the grenade launcher.
Now we fly into the house on stilts, on the left. There are terrorists here right away, in every
corner and room. Plus a dog. It's better to go upstairs first, so as not to
get shot in the back. In a large room there is a table with papers. Near him it is necessary
press the "use" key: Mullins will start talking about terrorists.
We go out, deal with the next batch of terrorists, and go to the house on
stilts nearby. There are also a lot of terrorists here. And on the table in the branch
There is a tablet in the corridor on the right. Here Mullins also discusses
how lucky he is and that he needs to look for Manuel Vergara, an arms dealer. Having cleared
building, we go out and take down several more bandits.
Now we go to the greenish building opposite the tower and the exit gate. Here

Immediately opposite there are a couple of terrorists: a grenade from a grenade launcher between them!
There's another freak upstairs. There is also a horn for a machine gun.
We leave and go to free the prisoner: when approaching the TNT
The checkers will have a "tongs" icon. Having opened the grate, we go to the gate, and through it
on the left side we install explosives. We run back. Explosion. The way is clear.
We go out the gate to finish the level.

There is a boat ahead, and on the left there is a rock and bushes. We immediately go behind these bushes and kill
sentry (even the commander of a special forces detachment can resolve it). We're not going either
right or left along the river, but cross it across to a passage in the rocks on
the other side.
There's a suspension bridge and three or four terrorists on top. We take down the bandits, and
we walk along the river between the rocks, trying not to rush forward too much (commander
special forces, in this case, will constantly yell: “Mullins, whatever you want
fail the operation?").
So we walk along the river, shooting in between the terrorists who
we come across on the way until we see a gentle rise on the rocks on the left. Us
there. Let's go out to the ruins, which are full of bandits. We clean them up. By
diagonally from the entry point into the ruins, on the left, there is an opening through which you can
move on. Let's go. There are also a lot of terrorists here.
We make our way through the ravine in constant combat contact with the enemy. Let's go out to
landed helicopters. We need the first one. We run to the helicopter, and
We stand behind the machine gun in it: we wait for the guys to get into the helicopters.
Then the pursuing terrorists will appear from the thickets: we open fire from
machine gun. This is where the level ends.

There's nothing complicated here: we fly and shoot everything around which it starts
helicopter spinning: Air defense installations, warehouses, bridge # It’s better to shoot at
barrels: they explode and cause maximum damage. And then
shoot people. Everything is simple and effective.
And finally, shoot the boat with the terrorists on the river.

After talking with the soldier, go forward along the rut. You will go out to the truck.
Climb the stairs and go inside the truck. Meet Taylor.
Put on a special suit and follow Taylor. Listen to her, other people.
This way you will reach the end of the level. No need to shoot here.

Taylor made it clear: you can't get through the front door. Gotta get through
garage or roof. So don't rush forward like a bull like some
You can make your way quietly, or you can break through with a fight. Anyway,
you need to go left, into the darkness, behind the barns.
If you're talking quietly, you need to be wary of video cameras - slip past them when
they turn away. And if with a fight, then it’s better to shoot everyone first
those guards who walk in front of you. Then break into the darkness for
sheds. Guards and dogs will also come running there.
In any case, you need to go to the pool. You can also go to
the barn that is located to the left of the passage to the pool: there are guards, cartridges,
grenades, first aid kits. But then still return to the pool. By the way, beware
snipers: one is where you need to climb, and the second is on the tower further.
Behind the pool, on the left, there is a planked wall. We climb along it to the balcony.
Guards will come running from below. Let's remove it. You need to jump from the balcony onto the narrow one
tiled cornice, and walk along it to the attic dormer window.
We open it and climb inside. Do not jump into the garage through
open hatch!!! We go to another dormer window that leads out onto the roof, and
open it. This is where the level ends.

You are in a dark attic. You can crouch and climb on it, or you can make some noise:
shoot the boxes containing a couple of first aid kits and armor, take them from the shelves
cartridges and night vision device (if you don’t have one). Then get into
the opposite end of the attic, and jump out the hatch.
If you make noise, the guards below are already on alert. You can go to the right
door, in the first room there is a first aid kit, and in the second there is a guard and armor in the corner behind
closet... Through the left door we go out into the gym. Behind him is a corridor with
security guards. Even if you take one out by throwing a knife, one devil will rise
anxiety. So let’s not be wise, but let’s go and knock everyone down left and right. On this
there are many open rooms on the floor, so we inspect them along the way: they have a lot
useful things
Now, take either of the two stairs to the first floor. Interrupt again
a bunch of guards, search through the rooms and you will find Vergara's office (Mullins
here he will note that this is an office, and you should look around it). There is a safe in the corner.
Open it, take everything that is in it.
Go through the second door into the next room, take down the guards,
Take grenades and cartridges at the counter. Through the single door opposite the fireplace
go into the small room and go down to the next level.

Let's move forward towards the battle. We put down a couple of thugs. Past the door
on the right we go to the bowling alley. There's a door behind the counter. There is a guard behind the door. We kill him
and in the room we take a lot of useful things, but before that we look around:
A couple more flayers came running.
Now we return to the door by the stairs that we passed by. Let's go to
her. We kill a lot of bad guys in the corridors. Let's go out to the warehouse, where at the end
there is a stepladder. We climb up the ladder into the ventilation. Let's crawl.
We skip the first, rectangular, grate (it leads to the bowling alley). We don't care
ventilation further. Yeah, here it is, a square lattice. We shoot at the guard
under it, and then we shoot into the room with a grenade launcher: there are a lot of bad guys there
We jump out of the ventilation. We walk along the corridors, punishing everyone who is bad to
applies to us. Everyone, in short. Let's go to the shooting range. Here we open the thick ones
armored doors to the armory: there is a lot of ammunition and armor there. Naturally,
our enemies will come. We don’t skimp on grenades from a grenade launcher. Near the shooting range
double doors: us in them.
Let's get to the wine cellars. First we clean the first one, then the second one. At the end
the second cellar has a closed gate, and next to it is a table with a chair. We become
near the chair, and press the “use” key: the chair will tilt and the gate
will open.
We go further to kill all the disobedient, and along the spiral staircase we go down to
to the next level.

They are already waiting for us. As soon as we appear within the door, they will run from behind it
bad people shoot at us. We get offended and open a response (or better
preventive) fire.
Having cleared the room with boxes, we go down the stairs. But before that
It would be a good idea to throw grenades at the bottom of the stairs: there are a lot of militants there. How
We went down, immediately to the left: there were a lot of thugs among the boxes. Having shot them,
we get to the end and go down to the right. We pass along a narrow corridor, and
through the door (we will be prevented from going through it) we will find ourselves in the next narrow
Here we immediately go to the right: there will be a big explosion, and a
there is a blockage, and on the other side the passage will be blocked by fallen shelves. Let's go to
the door is next to the rubble - it's on the left. We bring a lot of militants into the rooms, and
after a few rooms we will find ourselves again in a narrow corridor, but now free
from the racks.
Right in front of us is a passage without a door: we go into it. There's a room full
racks with boxes named Sanchez. He must be killed. Where he stands there is water and
electrical panel. You need to quickly fly there and get into this shield:
Sanchez will die in violent convulsions.
We go out again into the narrow corridor and continue along it. We see the door with
red code. Let's open it. All. Watch the final video from

After watching the introductory video, press the “forward” key (or maybe not
press), and move towards the ship. Having got on it and listened to the conversation
terrorists, we find out that the watchman is sleeping in his cabin, and he has an access card
to the captain's bridge. If you don’t hesitate for a long time, but also don’t rush, then when you get out-
behind the boxes, we will see: there is no one here. One sentry walks along the decks. U
the left and starboard sides are doors leading inside the ship. We head to the left:
the sentry may be there. Through this door we get into the dining room.
Having killed five terrorists here, on the table closest to us on the left, from the very
edge, we can take the red access card to the captain's bridge: now
You don’t have to look for a watchman on the lower, residential decks.
You don’t have to hide and make as much noise as you like: the slightest rustle and we
Let's raise the alarm. The disposition is this: you need to go inside the ship and find the red
card (which is what we did); if you want, go down and search
cabins. The external staircase leads to the bridge, but it is closed, and for now we cannot
needed. There are a lot of terrorists inside the ship, we shoot at them and search them.
cabins, and we find the only one in which the watchman sleeps. After killing him,
on the table we take a red card (another one), and we see that this tramp was playing
computer in DOOM. Your boyfriend!
Now we get out to the second deck (or immediately after acquiring the first
cards): from it we can get to the bow of the ship, where there are a lot of containers. There, behind
containers, there is a crane, and next to it a small bridge on which you need to
lower the lever. This lever will force the crane to lift the container over the huge
hatch. Terrorists are hiding among the containers. We break through to the lever,
lift the container.
Now we need to go back and go up to the control room at the very top
(we got the access card). There is a staircase leading down from the control room, it
behind a closed door, into the radio room. There are also many terrorists there. How do we get there?
into the radio room, immediately to the right: there is another lever. By lowering this lever,
Let's raise the huge doors over the small hole leading inside the ship.

Again we break through back to the containers and jump into the hatch. End of the level.
STARFISH: INSIDE (Map liner2.)
We take a couple of steps forward and look to the left: there is a passage. Let's go there, let's go out
from behind the boxes, we go through the door, the corridor, the door again and wet
terrorist on our side and on the opposite side. Then we hide behind
containers and jump out again: we shoot a couple more that jumped out
because of the containers. Now we need to jump between the containers, and in the very
find the electric car at the bottom, activate it so that it lifts the boxes up.
Shooting back from new terrorists, we do this and jump on
containers up, and then onto the bridge, where the very first terrorist was.
Let's go through the door.
We shoot a few more tramps in the engine room, take
shotgun cartridges. Behind the wheelhouse is a room with shelving. We shoot in it
boxes: there are lemons and grenades for the grenade launcher.
Now we need to break through two engine room compartments, in which
full of terrorists. If you see red gas cylinders, -
shoot them. Behind the engine compartments there is a narrow corridor. There's a hatch on the left
down, and on the right there are racks. There are armor, cartridges, grenades in the boxes.
Let's go down. There is fire on the left, and in the distance ahead on the right there are a couple of terrorists.
Give them a grenade from a grenade launcher! We go to where they were and turn
valve: the fire will go out and we can crawl under the pipe.
Around the bend we shoot another warrior in the distance, jump over
pipe, and we hurry forward: more guys will jump out there, so we put them down too. Through the door
Let's go to the boxes with the virus. At first there will be no passage between them, but then
the electric car will move to the side, and we will find ourselves in the hot embrace of another
teams of armed guys. Having shot them too, we will go out to the hatch leading to
lower deck. Let's dive there.
As we descended, there was a shooter on the left, and then a couple would run out of the corridor on the right
Guys. Having dealt with them, we go through the door on the right. The ship should be blown up
and behind this door is the first explosive installation point (see
one on the wall near the hatch?). We go down and on the cross beam
we set explosives.
We go upstairs, go out the door, and go right, through the door in the bulkhead
left. We bring down everyone who meets, and in this compartment immediately to the right: there is a second
explosive installation point.
We got upstairs, crossed this room, went out the door, and along the corridor
left. There, through the door, to the right, through the door again: there are arrows in the room. Having scored them,
we cross the compartment with the equipment, exit: there is a third point on the right.
We got out and straight along the corridor, then to the left: on the left we will see the fourth point.
They installed it, got out, and immediately through the door next to it. We walked through the corridor,
one door, then left and into the door on the left. Behind the boxes on the right is the fifth point.
Once the fifth charge is installed, a video will play. Let's see.

We go to the nearest door on the right. We activate the intercom. Sam won't want us
let in. Click again. The market will go, then the lock will click. Activate
intercom again, the door will open. We come in, talk, follow
Sam and Taylor until the video starts.
Then we choose a weapon for the next mission.

Mullins was going to talk to his agent, but he had already been taken by the gills.
Therefore, we come out from behind the boxes and knock down the Chinese (otherwise he will be the first to open
fire). From one of the doors, on the right or on the left (it varies), a
another Chinese one. If you wait, another one will come running. We leave through
any of the doors and destroy all the Chinese with a grenade launcher
double door on the other side. We select machine guns and throw a couple
grenade on the upper deck: there are Chinese there too. We fight our way up. On
on the table we take cartridges and grenades and go out the door.

As soon as you take the first step forward, two people on the right will start shooting. And
Mullins has another shooter overhead from behind. Well, the village began to dance!
We run out onto the pier along the boxes and gangway on the right, shoot everyone on this
territories. If you stand in front of the gate, then in the far right corner of this
half of the docks will have a hatch down. There's some ammunition there. And having got out of it,
We'll come under fire again.
Having passed through the gate to the next half, we will again kill to the right and
left. Behind the containers there are cartridges, armor, and first aid kits. Actually we are in
the far right end of this territory: there is an alley. But you can run here
back and forth: armed Chinese will be constantly loaded.
We will go out through the alley to the building. We break the window with shots, jump in there,
We walk through the building, fighting. Let's go out to the double door, here is the level

We're still in the building. We move along the corridor, we will reach a boarded up window in
room. We break it with shots and jump out. Everything here is very
simple: in front and in the center of this territory there are closed gates, and on the
The territory, among the containers, is full of armed Chinese. Also
there are first aid kits and armor. Beware of grenades thrown by the Chinese!
You can only approach the gate by getting lost among the containers. Let's go,
We fight, we go to the gate. To the right of the gate, behind the checkpoint, there is an electric car.
Bandits are hiding there too. We make our way to the electric car, activate it, and
We jump onto the wall with the raised boxes.

On the right we take the armor on the boxes and go to the intersection of the streets on the other side
(a little further, by the door, there are shotgun cartridges). Starts from the intersection
carnage: Chinese Triads both left and right. There are snipers on the balconies. Yes, even
The Chinese are throwing grenades. Shooting them, we walk down the street. We get to
The right road is a bypass, but will lead to the same place. Left street is what
we need it. Behind the first house, in front of the “HERE&NOW” sign, there is an alley:
us into it. At a dead end, we break the boarded up window into the house and jump into it.
Now you need to climb the stairs to the third floor. At the same time it is possible and necessary
shoot the Chinese and ransack the floors. When going out onto balconies, on others
There are snipers at home. On the third floor we go out onto the balcony and jump onto
blue sign "HERE&NOW". We run along it and jump over to the balcony
houses on the other side of the street.
Now in this house you also need to go up to the third floor balcony, and
jump onto the sign protruding above the road. Jump over to the balcony
across the street, and immediately look around: on the second floor of the house from which we
jumped - sniper. We destroy. We run along the balcony, and at the end along the stairs
we go down to the road.
On the same side of the street we go forward: here on the right is an alley that we
needed. Having shot another and not a small portion of the Chinese, we go into this
lane, jump onto boxes, baskets, and then onto the wall. Let's jump down.

We go forward along a narrow alley and shoot all the Chinese we meet.
Let's go to the market square. There are still quite a few Chinese with weapons here. Everyone
we send to heaven.
Now we go to another, the only one here, alley. He's to the right of the one from
which we left. Behind the boxes next to this alley are cartridges and armor.
We also pass through this alley. Let's go out onto the wide street. Let's go to
right side. On the left side of the house, and on the balconies there is a sniper. Here
ahead is an open warehouse gate. Here we go. But you can go further, still
shoot a little.
We are fighting in the warehouse area. Or we go straight to the warehouse door. Or
we pass to the right behind the warehouse, and follow the long path between the warehouse and the fence:
there's armor at the very end.
In general, we find ourselves inside the warehouse. We throw grenades at all the Chinese below.
Where the electric car is, there is a closed grille. We go up the stairs to the second
floor, we destroy five more Chinese, collect cartridges, armor, first aid kits in
warehouse and in the back office (you can also pick up a grenade launcher there if you throw
one of the shotguns). And we activate the panel that is near the window to the warehouse: it immediately
near the stairs. The grate will open.
We go down, go to the open grate, destroy a couple more Chinese.
We call the elevator, go inside, and activate the panel in it.

We exit the descending elevator. We kill the Chinese in the passage on the right. On
We take ammunition from the racks.
At the fork, we actually turn right: there is a shutter door. But you can go
to the left, and at the very end, on the racks, take armor, ammunition, first aid kits. Also
you can check one of the doors one of the doors between these branches:
There are also a lot of useful things there.
We open the shutter door. The warehouse is full of Chinese. Having interrupted them, it is necessary
climb onto the metal walkways and go through the door above that one, through
which we entered. There is another spacious warehouse, which is full of Chinese.
You can run wherever you look, but we need to walk along these second-tier walkways
get to the control room where there is a computer. Hack
him, and we get hit on the head from behind. End of the level.

We calmly stand still. And during a conversation with Deviant1 and two bandits,
and after, when everyone has left.
The guy in the cell opposite will slap the guard, pick up the ultrasound, let us out, and
then he will slap another guard. We select this ultrasound. We run to the table
guards, and break open the door to the armory on the left. More people will come running here
guards, but we will get hold of cartridges and AK-74. We go to the door from where
The guards came running.
In general, we bring down everyone we can and cannot. We look around the rooms
We break open doors and cabinets, select first aid kits and armor. Everything is as usual.
Sooner or later you will get out of here, it's not that difficult. All doors are within reach.
The main thing: kill, kill and kill.

Here we are again in New York, at Sam's. But what is it? Only we make a couple
steps, as Sam's office flies into the air.
We run to the hole. On the left side, along the wall, we jump into the fire, and
we jump out to the toilet. Further along the inclined door. We jump into the elevator shaft, and
We immediately jump into the opening on the other side: the elevator will fall down. Along the beam
crouching down, we go up to the second floor. We walk past the stream of steam into the room, in
where Sam lies (along the way we’ll pick up a pistol without cartridges). Mullins will start
conversation with the wounded Sam. Then the ventilation damper nearby will explode.
We immediately climb into it. Then up the stairs, through the hatch on the other side, at
walls, we go down.
We go towards the steam jet: behind it we will see a valve on the wall. Rotate
him: the steam will overlap. We return to Sam, go to the room where we were before
the path was blocked by a steam jet. There's a blockage on the left. We jump onto the metal one
beam-lever: the blockage will fall apart.
We return immediately to Sam, approach him from the side of his legs, and press
"use" key Mullins will throw Sam on his shoulder. We carry Sam to
cleared passage. Be careful on the street: a wall will collapse ahead, then
will lie more neatly so that you can pass. We carry Sam alone
road to the main road and then to fire, police, ambulance and FBI.
You can stand by the gurney. When everyone there is chatting about the fire, the level
the end will come

Sam must be protected. We don't have any weapons yet. Let's go forward alone
dear, let's go to the closed door. A nurse is sitting behind the counter. Let's approach
it, click “use”. She chats a little and then opens the door.
We go forward to the elevator. We sit down and go upstairs.

NEW YORK: SAM'S ROOM (Map hos2.)
As we left, we saw something unclear: a security guard had been killed. We pick up his gun and run
forward along the corridor. Sam's room is at the very end, on the left. It's open. Will do
video. After him, we need to quickly kill the hired killer.
We pick up his machine gun and go back along the corridor to the fork: on the right because of
they will shoot at the glass, and they will come running from the corridor to the left. Let's go. Then the doors
they will open in front, and behind them there is glass: they will also shoot from there. We collect
cartridges for our machine gun. We jump behind the glass in front and fall again
terrorists. Then we jump back and run to Sam’s room: it opened
the door was at a dead end, and a group of wicked people ran out. Let's deal with them.
Opposite Sam's room closed door. Let's open it. There is armor, first aid kits.
There is another door nearby: behind it are cartridges on the floor.
We go forward again, jump through the glass straight ahead, and move on.
Let's get to the room with the stepladder. We shoot all the terrorists there,
we climb up to the balcony with a stepladder, and from there, using the lamps, we cross
to the other side. We call the elevator.

We get out of the elevator and go kill everyone left and right.
There is only one directory here: the elevators don’t work, you don’t even have to approach them.
The main thing is to climb up the stairs from floor to floor, to the roof.
The militants here are all armed the same as we are - M4. So ammo and grenades
don’t skimp on the grenade launcher: one grenade can cover five or six at once
Human. Only bloody scraps will hang on the walls. And almost everything
terrorists are wearing bulletproof vests, so there will be plenty of armor too. Forward and with
song. We wet them both in toilets and in offices.
When you reach the rubble, you will need to jump out the window and move to the window
on the other side. And there will be no other obstacles. Let's go and destroy everything
that moves. Grenades from a grenade launcher, but wisely: don’t get under your feet
So you will go up the stairs to the door to the roof.

An armored helicopter is patrolling here, having flown in to pick up the terrorists.
Immediately shoot at the tall yellow tanks (there are two of them) ahead on the right: they
They will knock over the grate blocking access to the terrorists. First of all
we need to shoot all the terrorists on the roof. In the buildings in the corners there are first aid kits and
The helicopter will blow up something like a power plant, and knock over the pipes (or maybe not
have time to explode and overturn). Get through these pipes, where are they?
lead: there is an M60 machine gun and cartridges for it, pick up all this stuff.
Once we've dealt with the terrorists, we move on to the helicopter. You have to shoot
only for engines on the wings!!! Don't waste ammo on the body. And better
shoot at them (the engines) when the helicopter is facing you sideways. Shoot sparingly
in short bursts. 150-200 rounds from a machine gun should be enough.
But even if you don’t take a machine gun, but shoot in short, accurate bursts from
machine, then two and a half - three horns are enough. As soon as you set it on fire
the helicopter has both engines, the level will be completed.
And remember: it’s not easy for a helicopter to hit you either. So don't hide too much
but don’t stick around in one place either. Good luck in your first fight with a serious

You've already been here, so follow the familiar path to the elevator to get to
second floor.

This road is also familiar and familiar to you. Go to the secret conference room.
The guards will not let you in, but will send you to the shooting range.
Get out and go straight, and then a little to the left: there is a double door to Sector 7-G.
Open it, come in. Go right or left corridor to the door on that
side, behind the building in the center. Exit to the double door with the sign "Firing
Range". This is the shooting range. Master new weapons in it. As soon as you think that
If you can handle it quite well, you can go back to the conference room to
watch the video of the conversation.

Don't be ridiculous: don't try to control a parachute in flight. Doesn't matter
land where the developers intended.
We go forward to the building that is visible through the frosty haze. There's a couple
sentries. Others are not visible, but they are there. You can take a little to the right and sit down,
to better view the inside of the building and not make noise. Can
shoot from a machine gun: the alarm will only be raised if one of the
the soldier will run away and go up to the road. Well, let it rise: what’s the point?
nothing from this. You go to the top of the nearest hill: there is an opening leading to
road. But you can run around and look for more soldiers in camouflage suits.
Along the road we will come to a closed gate and an opening in the wall. We are in this opening. There
there are still a lot of soldiers. There are a lot of options for action, so I won’t do anything.
advise - figure it out. The main thing here is to blow up the barrel near the last one
tower so that it falls on the ice and breaks through it. Then we're through the hatch in the tower
Let's dive and we can swim further behind the monolithic wall.
As soon as we swim out, we will come under fire. We destroy everyone in this territory,
we jump onto the hill that is at the very end, behind the big and only
buildings, and then we jump from the hill onto the balcony of the house. We activate there
panel with a lever and open the gate ahead. There are a lot of useful things in the house
things. We go through the opened gate, destroying soldiers and dogs along the way.
We open another gate.

So we move forward along the road, following all its twists and increasing levels.
Naturally, along the way, shooting all the soldiers and dogs. And collecting along the way
first aid kits, cartridges, armor, ammunition.
Let's go to a fork: on the right is a closed gate, on the left is the entrance to the tunnel, and ahead
metal structure - platform plus tower. Let's go up there.
You can search the tower, and then walk along the platform towards the tunnel: there
lever. We activate it: the entrance to the sewer will open below us ahead.
We jump down and climb there. We go through the sewer.
Let's go out into the ruins. There are four or five soldiers here. Shoot or
We blow it up. Let's move on and climb into the sewer again. So we'll get to
end of the level.

Let's go ahead. There will be a sentry there, you can notice him through the optics and take him down. IN
In general, forward and forward. Let's go out to the bridge. We'll have to kill a bunch of people
around the bridge, and then along the stairs on the middle truss (it's on the back side
the one from where we came) go up to the bridge. We go left: it opens there
door. We destroy everyone here too.
We climb up the stairs and launch a grenade from a grenade launcher
at those scoundrels who shoot at us from the road. On the road we turn right. But
before this you can go to the left (here, by the way, there is armor on the boxes), and
carefully throw a grenade at three or four villains in a dead end near a closed gate.
There's plenty of useful ammo and some armor.
Now we are going in the right direction. It will be necessary to remove it from the car
machine gunner at the top: he crouched down, and therefore you need to shoot at the bottom of the machine gun, at
the very edge of the board. At the closed gate we are on a narrow ledge above the cliff
to the right: there is a gap in the fence. We kill, kill and kill. We're walking down the road
forward, and through a gap in another, but now brick, fence we will get to
Here you will also have to kill a lot, you can explore the buildings: there are also
soldiers. But actually, we’re further along the tracks, behind the freight cars. It's standing there
yellow diesel-electric locomotive. We jump into it and activate the big lever:
diesel will push the cars. We jump out and run to the gate. Through the open door
We jump into the freight train that is standing right at the gate. By drawers and sunroof
we get out onto the roof of the freight car. We jump over to the ledge above
gate, and crawl into the ventilation. Let's crawl along it.

We crawl through the ventilation. You can be careful, then we won’t raise alarm, and
We can carefully remove the sentry as we leave the room. Well, if you make noise, then
We're already in for a hot meeting.
We jump out into the room, take cartridges, armor, first aid kits. Through the only
passage we will go out onto the platform. You can run, or you can immediately turn left, and
walk steadily along the trains, destroying militants along the way, collecting ammunition,
We will go through the door to the Bridge. We cross it, destroy the dogs and guards.
You can run around the area, but our main directory is right behind the bridge
to the left, and there to a metal platform and a tower on it.
We climb the tower. We jump through the window onto the sloping roof,
adjacent to the tower. We break open the hatch on the roof and dive into the ventilation.
Let's crawl along it. We notice a branch with a fan on the right, but for now we are crawling
Through the fan blades on the left we shoot the soldiers in the room. Let's crawl
to the end, we jump down and open the large grate into the room. We are finishing
soldier, collect ammunition, and activate the lever in the fence opposite the grate
where we came from: the fans will stop.
We jump into the ventilation again and crawl to the branch that we
missed. Through the stopped fan we get to the next one

We select first aid kits and armor in the room, and go out the door. If you go straight
through the next door, then we’ll go out to the carriages. And if you turn left around the corner, then
Let's go out to the crowd of soldiers (Grenades in them!!!). From this place in the wall on the left ahead
you can see the reddening entrance to the ventilation - this is what we need.
But first you need to get behind the carriages: there is a passage in the wall to another
territory. Let's break through there. Having killed a bunch of people, you need to go to the instruments
behind bars on the far wall. We lower two switches: opposite the entrance to
fence and on the other side. And then the third one on the panel between them:
security systems will be disabled and there will be an explosion.
We go out again to the carriages: there is a collapse here. Immediately from the exit opening
we climb onto the collapsed canopy, from it we jump onto the roof of the house, from there to
ventilation, and so on. So we jump to the ventilation we need
holes. We climb along it.
Let's jump into new territory. We destroy everyone and everything, and go alone
possible road here. Let's get to the yellow diesel-electric locomotive with cars.
We clear the space around him from soldiers. We approach the coupling of cars behind
diesel, and lift the cotter pin: the diesel will be disconnected from the cars.
We jump into it, go to the instrument panels in front, and press
"use" button: the diesel will break through the gate and take us to the next one

We are leaving the diesel engine. We immediately bring down the four armed types who
are waiting. We go through the doors on the steps.
We take armor, a first aid kit, and forward, to the street. Near the cars we need to kill more
a crowd of armed guys. They are below, above, and around. Let's make our way to
the other side, we enter the building. We go up to the second floor. Let's go to
fresh air. There is a machine gun here that you can shoot a ton of
enemies below.
Behind the machine gun is an elevator (this is a cabin with a ladder that cannot be climbed, and
a hatch that cannot be opened). We go into it and click “use”
panels. Let's go down. We've arrived.
We make our way forward, the only way here. So we'll get to the end

Forward (there are a lot of enemies, so I’ll only indicate the direction, and let you kill
you'll have to do it yourself). Along the corridor to the door. Let's open it. We cross the room and
Let's go straight through the door. There will be the next door. Straight and straight, then along
stairs down. We jump to the very bottom.
We go behind the bars: there is a hatch in the floor and a long staircase down. How did you get down?
on the right (if you are facing the room) there is a staircase up to the ramp. Let's go along
him. We pass by the lever on the panel on the left. We reach the generator, and
We lower the switch on his panel. Now we return to the lever, past
which we passed, and lower it. End of the level.

The lighting is turned off. Now we have to go all the way back. Remember? By
down the stairs, then up the long one # And the soldiers came running - in abundance.
So, go ahead! On the way back.
Up the stairs, all the way to the room that was once crossed. There
you will see some eccentric scientist using a chair to drop off an armored
glass (that’s how much strength a person has in an extreme situation!). Jump there. IN
That room in the center has a ventilation hatch. Jump out in the corridor with the soldiers.
Down this corridor! Up the stairs. There's a bright opening: on the left
the soldiers will shoot, and on the right there is a door through which to go further.
Cross the laboratory, destroy the fighters ahead, and into the branch
on the right: there is an exit from the level.

What darkness! We go to the door on the right, and the emergency lights turn on
lighting. We open the door. We blow up a group of fighters ahead. Let's move
straight ahead (on the left is the raised elevator shaft). Through the narrow door on the right, and then up the stairs
up. We blow up more soldiers ahead.
We go to the right arm of the corridor: there is an elevator. Let's go into it. Up the stairs
We open the hatch cover and get out onto the elevator roof. Now along the cable to
the very top. Whoops! We're in a familiar place. You can fight here and run
by buildings, but the general directory is as follows: to the platform at the bottom right
(if you stand behind a machine gun), there is a switch.
Having reached the switch, we touch it, and the grate near it shatters
to pieces. We jump down into the resulting opening onto the wooden buildings.
Then into the gap. We go along the long corridor to the next level.

We are closer to our goal than ever.
Let's go ahead. Then go left along the corridor (there is a first aid kit behind the door ahead). For
ramp to the right (the left path is a dead end, but if you want to shoot -
forward). We fight, jump through the window broken by bullets. Let's move on. By
corridor. We open the door where the doctor is running. Up the stairs. By
On our way we send a bunch of armed people to heaven.
Up the corridor to the very end, to the table with cutlery. Through the broken
we jump off the window either onto the extension below, or near it, and then through the window
Let's jump into this extension. Here you need to turn the valve. Water will flow.
She will push out one door, then another, and move the blockage. We go out and jump over
through a shifted rubble. Let's go ahead. We'll fight a little more and then we'll go out to
end of the level.

KAMCHATKA: LABORATORIES 1, 2, 3 (Map kam11.)
The Russians restored the central power supply. Lost in the dark
completed. We go to the door on the right. Let's go to the first laboratory. We remove
guards, and go into the laboratory (door ahead).
We need to blow up the silver column near the wall, opposite the entrance. Let's approach
it (or to the computer to the right of the column), and click “use”.

Mullins will begin to swear that the charges are damp, and they need to find explosives.
We leave the laboratory and go through the door on the left. Behind the door to the right. Let's go out
to the street. Behind the first car in front are four guards. Needed
far platform: there is a lever on the panel. Activate it once: the pallet will arrive
with boxes. We activate the switch again: the second pallet will arrive, - on it
the explosives we need. We take it and return back to the column. will appear
explosive icon. We install explosives on the column and run away
further away: it’s about to explode.
After the explosion we return back to the column and go into the resulting
hole in the wall. Further along the corridor. Along passages and stairs. Shooting
guards in bulletproof vests, but armed mainly with pistols. So
you will exit to the second level. Here you also need to blow up such a silver
column. We install explosives and run back, simultaneously destroying new ones
security guards. We need a stained glass window without glass (narrower) on the left, with a hole in the railing.
There is a cornice next to it. On the other side of the cornice is a closed entrance to the ventilation.
We shoot at the lid - it will fly into pieces. We go along the ledge to the opened
entrance to the ventilation, and crawl into it.
Let's crawl out between the two doors. But on the left side there is another shield:
We break it too, and crawl into the ventilation again. Let's crawl out from the third
level. We shoot the guards and reach another silver column.
We set the charge and run back: after the explosion next to the room with the column
a closed door will open and guards will run out.
We destroy them and go through this open door. So let's move on to the next one

We open the door ahead. It is impossible to get lost here. Let's clear this
territory from security. There will be a closed area separating us from the next territory.
door. Next to this door is a semicircular barrier with a bunch of devices. There is
the lever that opens this door.
Let's move on. We open the sealed doors with the levers nearby. So let's get to
a pencil case at the bottom, which is sealed on the sides with two doors. Inside this pencil case
the fourth silver column we need. But it is covered with a casing. In the room
There is a panel next to the pencil case, on the panel there is a lever that lifts this casing.
We install the explosive charge and run back into the room with the lever. After
explosion, the casing will begin to move up and down. Now we need to go up a little
up, shooting off the running guards along the way in order to jump up
pencil case, and from there to the top of the rising and falling casing. From there
Let's get into the ventilation.
We crawl through the ventilation. The ceiling below us will collapse, and we will find ourselves in a room
with the guards and Doctor Sestrogor. We remove the guards. Mullins will lead
conversation with the doctor. Then the doctor will open the door.
We run ahead of the doctor. As soon as we go outside, we kill the guards below
cars Then we go to the right: there is a panel with a lever - and call the cell
cableway. We sit down there with the doctor, activate the panel in the cage and
let's go.
Now the main thing is to get to the end of the road alive (you can shoot
guards, although this is very problematic). We leave the cell. End of the level.

SWITZERLAND: Checkpoint (Map air1.)
We get out of the car and go talk to the police. Remember: first, they
will warn us about movement ahead, and secondly, the death of one of
civilians (no matter whose bullet or shrapnel), this is a failure of the mission.
Before exiting the stairs, terrorists will appear at the top. Let's shoot.
Then further and up the escalator. At the top you have to reach the end to
take the red access card from the last person killed. Taking it, we go down,
to open the door. This door will lead us further.
The battle tactics are as follows: we light up so that the terrorists see us, and immediately
We retreat behind the nearest shelter. They will run to us themselves. Let's meet them
fire. Well, we take out those who didn’t run with a sniper gun.
After we took the card and opened the door, we move on, forward and forward,
along the way, inspecting the side rooms. We don’t throw grenades too much:
only if there are no civilians within the affected radius.
This way you will reach the end of the level.

We immediately crouch down and come out from around the corner. We keep our eyes on the escalator ahead:
two will go down. We shoot at them as soon as their legs appear.
Still crouching, we go up the escalator. will appear from above
fighters. We shoot one after another. Don't leave the escalator: terrorists
on the right, and among them are a couple of hostages.
Through optics we remove one of them, and immediately switch to automatic: to
everyone else will run to us. We hold our position and knock down those running up
terrorists one after another. Then we go forward to the next escalator,
leading down.
You can walk around it on the left and right. It's better on the left (it's safer). Let's go down.
At the turn we will meet a fighter (there may be two of them). Let's go. We hold our position
at the turn near the partition (very convenient). They will run from both above and below.
Let's meet. Having fired back, we will see the liberated people running above
hostages. Let's go down and further.
But the radios will warn us that there is movement ahead. We bounce around the corner and
We bring down the soldiers running towards us. Then a hostage will run by. Let's move on through
short passage.
We light up from around the corner and run away: there are terrorists and a running
hostage. The guys will throw grenades and the outcome of the mission will not be in our favor.
So we don’t loom, but retreat: they themselves will run to us. We knock everyone down on the corner.
Let's go forward and clear the space. Damn hostages! They run like they do at home
Houses! They climb right into the line of fire, under the barrel. Well at least a few hits
they are not particularly harmed, and that’s okay.
We pass through the metal detector frame. This is where the carnage begins! Our main
directory - forward and forward. But from the side passages (dead-end) there will be
More and more fighters are running up and shooting us in the back. Even if these
clear the passages, they will then load there anyway and materialize.
If you see a hostage running, it means the last gang of terrorists in
at the end of the corridor you can throw grenades. If not, then the hostage is among
them, and these types should be carefully shot through optics from around the corner.
Once you finish clearing this corridor, go to the last door on the right with
"EXIT" sign. We finish the level.

Forward. When was it different?
We go down to the conveyor belts. There are a couple of fighters here. On the left is a door and
stairs down. There are two more below: a grenade there. We go down, we jump on
conveyor belt (it is just opposite the descent from the stairs and is not immediately
visible). We're going into the passage. At the bend of the tape you can jump and pick up the AK-74.
We reach the room with the soldiers. We fight, we bring everyone down. We open the door to
elevation. We don’t stay in the room for long: it will explode soon. Let's go along
corridor, destroying everyone and everything. We go to another battlefield.
We go up the stairs to the platform, explode the tanks in the nook, and
we jump onto the conveyor belt through the opened grate. Let's open it
square lattice on the side. Let's go ahead.
Finally, let's go out into the fresh air. We break through the containers in
the left side of the territory. We don’t regret the pomegranate. There's an entrance to the hangar at the very end.
Let's break through.
Now the plane. We climb up the ladder to the wing. We jump onto the wing and
we go to the plane's body. We walk along the protruding part along the side, and
we jump over to the platform near the entrance hatch. We pick the lock. End

We go up the stairs. Through a narrow passage to the left (closed door on the right
into the cargo compartment). We bring down the guard, the second one. The door to the bow compartment too
closed. So we go up the stairs. As we got up, immediately to the right
If you go forward (as you went up), then there will be a mass of terrorists, and a closed
door. Therefore, it is better to turn around and go to the passenger part of the plane.
You can shoot and throw grenades: this does not threaten the plane. In the second
in the passenger compartment you can (and should) take it on the table (it is hidden between
chairs, and he is not immediately visible) a red card.
Now we fight our way to the opposite end of the plane, to the locked
doors. We clear all the rooms on this tier (so as not to be shot in the back), and
open the door lock. We watch a video with Nashrad. After his death
Let's go to the cockpit. Activate the lever on the right and click "use"
at control devices: Mullins will contact the Store. Then communication
will be interrupted: a traitor has attacked the Store.
We leave the cabin and go down to the lower tier. Let's go to the bow compartment
cargo deck (the door there is now open). There's an autopilot on the top left.
Hack it (a “tweezers” icon will appear). Then we go to the opposite
cargo compartment, to the jeep. To the right of the jeep we take a parachute and go to the end
plane to supposedly jump out. End of the level.

Yes, there has been a brazen attack on the Store, and John Mullins must help.
to your comrades. It may be dark here, but you have been here more than once. Task
the same: go to the same elevator and go up. The only difference is
that this place is full of terrorists, and the doors that were previously closed are now
open - so don’t be afraid to explore them: there are a lot of useful ones in battle
Well, go ahead!

There is also nothing here that is unfamiliar to you.
First of all, you should get to the door "Sector 7-G". Remember there
the road? Well! First on the right side to the secret conference room, and there
this door is nearby. You can, of course, go the other way, rooms
research - I don’t forbid it.
We walked through the door of Sector 7-G. Now you can climb here too. Shortest
your directory from the door: to the right and along the corridor to the elevator to the next
level. But you can also go to the left: there are just a lot of terrorists there. shoot at
them, go to the shooting range, go to the weapons room (which was previously closed). IN
The weapons room has a lot of ammunition, other types of weapons, and armor. Well
then you can go to the elevator. Decide for yourself.
So, we get into the elevator and go to the next level.

TEXAS: STORE LAB (Map shop7.)
We exit the elevator. Directly to us. They will shoot from around the corners to the right and left
terrorists. At that corner we go to the right into a door with squares. But it’s also possible
running around and fighting in this territory is not enough for anyone. And so on: I
I describe the shortest and optimal path, but no one bothers you to deviate from
Then through another door with squares. We get over the rubble on the left.
Another similar door. We go, firing back: forward, right (ahead
elevator, but that comes later - this is the exit from the level), to the left, into the building on the left.
Let's cross it. We exit between two rubbles: on the right and on the left. Ahead
relief door. Let's open it. We'll kill a bunch of terrorists here, and then
through glass we will see Doctor Sestrogor and the traitor Wilson - deputy
Store director.
Mullins and Wilson will have a conversation, after which Wilson will release the virus,
and he will run away.
We go through the door opposite the glass where the conversation took place. There will be more here
one massacre with terrorists. We throw grenades at them, reload our weapons,
We collect ammunition and armor. We call the elevator and go deal with
Wilson, the cat of a bitch.

TEXAS: STORE ROOF (Map shop8.)
Wilson is in the helicopter. We've already dealt with this. The disposition is as follows:
we need to set fire to both engines of the helicopter (as soon as we set fire to the first one, it will start
shoot rockets), and then hit him in the windshield.
At the very top of the roof there is a stationary machine gun. But resort to him
I advise you last: the position is open, and we are very comfortable there
target. It is better to run along the roof and hide behind corners and ledges. Shoot down a helicopter
not so difficult: a hundred or two well-aimed hits in the engines are enough, and
then into the windshield.
If you walk around the superstructure on the roof and open the door on that side, there
There will be armor, a machine gun, a grenade launcher, ammunition, and first aid kits. But the grenade launcher and stuff
The helicopter skillfully ignores throwing weapons.
I wish you a successful completion of the game! I leave you alone with the helicopter.
Then watch the final video at the Cemetery. Madeline Taylor
justified. Sam sent counterintelligence officers to hell. And the virus
continues to spread across the planet. The terrorists are alive.

Game description

Soldier of Fortune: Payback this is the third game in the SoF series.

Gameplay The game presents us with a typical dull first-person shooter, it doesn’t have any special bells and whistles. Before each mission, you are given the opportunity to choose the barrel you like, put a grenade in your pocket, and customize the gun a little. Next, they release the GG under your control into a clean script field. And there, a variety of enemies are already waiting with the same AI for everyone, without exception. That's why the guys like to crowd in groups, lazily but accurately shoot from machine guns and cheerfully throw themselves into the loose grenade. As the proverb says: “The more oak trees in an army, the stronger our defense.” And there really are a lot of enemies, but this does not save them. The only thing that makes them afraid is a melee attack. When approaching the character, the “necessary” trigger is triggered and the enemy silently or screaming rushes at you with the butt thrown back and this blow is terrible, especially at a difficult level. Because GG cannot bear one blow from the butt or any other wound and glues his fins. True, the trigger distance is not always precisely determined; the enemy can rush at you from behind his cover at a respectful distance or, still correctly, from close. The bug is especially annoying when you and the enemy are separated by a thin but long cover and the enemy, trying to reach you, runs around all of it, only for the sake of hitting him with the butt, although in theory he should stand and shoot. But let's move on to the fun part - dismemberment. The SoF series has been famous since its inception ill-treatment with experimental hamster enemies. This part is no exception, and even vice versa - it raised the bar of sadism to a new level. The new engine allows you to show not only a beautiful (in some places, but mostly horrifying) picture, but also carefully divide the enemy into zero pieces. Sometimes you get the impression that the people of the game have more blood than the real ones, because by shooting a crowd (3 minimum) of poor people you can drown the street in it. Or paint the wall of a house, barn, palm tree, carpet... The artificial intelligence of enemies only helps with this. That’s probably what the intention was: to make a game not about a war, but about a slaughterhouse. And in this regard, the game is the fiercest wine. But, unfortunately, this is its only and last plus. Although no, another plus must be given to the weapons, they are excellently made and behave almost like the real thing.

There is also multiplayer for 12 people, but it is standard, and there are not enough maps.

Plot tells us about the mercenary. In general, a soldier of fortune, a consultant, are slang names for the mercenary profession. But this time, it is not John Mullins, the hero of previous games, who falls under our control (in principle, this is correct, grandfather would be over 60), but the new GG. His name is Thomas Mason. True, he, like Mullins, works for the organization “The Shop”. The first mission of our ward is to protect the Chinese rice official. And he successfully fails her, not without the help of his partner, who sold him for food for a lot of money (he’s also a mercenary, after all). But he didn’t manage to get off on Boro-Boro when he tried to make new holes in the GG that were not provided for by nature, the victim was successfully sawed out. Further, according to information from our character’s coordinator, we learn that there is a “mole” in the agency (it seems that the lice check has also been working poorly in this company since the time of the second part, or the developers were too lazy to come up with a new plot and they just tore a couple of pieces out of the old one -_ -). Well, then around the world in 80 days (a few hours in front of the monitor). They will let you visit hot spots and even Mother Russia (cranberry included (no, well, I was too lazy to come up with a new plot -__-")).