Independent child: myth or reality? Class hour (1st grade) on the topic: Class hour on the topic "Independence. What does it mean to be independent"

Main sign independence – the ability to make informed decisions and bear responsibility for the consequences. Passport data does not always correspond to a person’s level of personal maturity. Learn to rely on your own strength.

This used to be an independent person that was synonymous with an adult. Nowadays, when boys practically no longer go into the army, and girls are not burdened with housework, it is difficult to meet a truly independent person.

Is this good or bad? You can answer this question diplomatically, without saying yes or no. Because the pros, as well as the cons, are observed for the time being.

Therefore, in the pursuit of independence, you should not sweep away everything in your path, but still, if possible, try to tear yourself away from your mother’s skirt as early as possible.

What traits does an independent person have? First of all, independence includes the concept of self-sufficiency, when a person can provide for himself.

It also implies responsibility for others, more weak people. Such people are always ready to lend their strong shoulder in difficult times. After all, they know firsthand how difficult it can be at times. What difficulties does independent life entail?

Of course, independent people never flaunt their achievements in this regard. You should not confuse youthful rebellious manifestations with independence. What does the rebel want? Show that he is already an adult, force others to take into account their not always correct opinion.

By doing so, the teenager only exposes himself to ridicule. Remember that a sign of independence is more likely to be prudence and responsibility for one’s actions, rather than an ostentatious boorish attitude and rudeness. It probably seems to you that these things don’t fit together. But this is not true at all.

Having learned to make a decision, to see what is behind this or that action. You will become more responsible about your actions. You will also be able to determine what is good and what is bad. Thus, showing that you are ready for an independent life, because you know the answer to the main questions, you know how to understand things and do not succumb to harmful influence from the outside.

Believe me, learning to have such traits is quite possible. You just need to reconsider your behavior. Most likely, you are aware of where you (or maybe your compassionate mother) are going too far. You need to train yourself to deal with problems alone.

And don’t run away and cry because of every misunderstanding or conflict. Of course, this is not really about serious problems, where human life and health are at stake. But still, know the limits of what is acceptable.

And finally, let’s reveal a little secret. To become independent, you need to take care of someone who needs your care. Get yourself a little puppy. Taking care of him every day. Making sure he's not hungry. Due to his age, he was vaccinated against diseases. I was walking on the street. Didn't jump on the bed dirty. All this will help you learn to be independent much faster than long trainings.

By the way, pet It will be a great help for both adults and children. The desire to become independent is the first step on the path to success. Don't give up on your goal. Do not give up under the yoke of the public represented by your loved ones and acquaintances. Your relatives simply do not want to let you leave your cozy home nest; they take care of you in their own way.

When you decide to become independent, don’t act too quickly. Try to find a “golden mean” when no one will limit your personal freedom, but at the same time you will be in fairly close contact with other people. Interacting with others helps us feel even more like we've learned something. Let their praise be your best reward.

By the way, it is very easy to earn it. You need to come up with and do something pleasant and at the same time unexpected. Something that is not typical for you. For example, if you never made your bed before going to school, then make it a habit. And it will be more pleasant for you to return home to a tidy room in the morning, and your parents will notice that you have grown up.

An independent person not only does what he wants. He also has some obligations to his family and society. Think about what you can do. Perhaps you will take on the responsibility of washing the dishes after dinner?

Or do you think it’s right to study well and go to work every day? Help take care of your little sister? the choice is wide. And no matter what you take, it will be easy wonderful solution. It will help you gain independence and respect from other people.

Independence is a highly desirable, but in some cases difficult to achieve quality. How to influence its formation in a child? How to ensure that children grow and develop independently? And when can you start instilling this useful quality in your child?

First of all, it is necessary to clarify what is actually meant by the word “independence”. This is, if you believe explanatory dictionary Ushakova, assumes the following: “existence separately from others, independently.” In addition, independence means determination, the ability to act independently, initiative and lack of fear of mistakes, freedom from the influence of others and the help of strangers.

Very often, parents misinterpret the concept of “independence.” In their opinion, a child will be independent if he unquestioningly does what adults tell him. But in reality, it is rather the ability to follow instructions and directions, that is, obedience. And the independence of a child is, first of all, his “separateness” and autonomy.

The child becomes interested in performing certain actions very early. At seven months he is happy when he manages to get a toy on his own. At one year old, he is happy if he is given the opportunity to sit down on his own, and after that he begins to eat without the help of adults. That is, independence begins to manifest itself early, but at the same time this quality requires development and consolidation.

Techniques for developing independence in a child

To ensure that in the future your baby tries to do everything he can on his own and enjoy it, you need to use the right parenting techniques. Firstly, it is very important to encourage independence in a child. little child will want to perform any action himself only if his efforts yield a positive result. In addition, it is very important for him how the adults around him react to this. The child wants to receive praise and approval from elders. It is for this reason that parents should try to encourage independence in their child.

Developing independence in children is a difficult process, and you need to be patient. Don't rush to help your baby, be patient. Try to let him handle it on his own. difficult situation and then praise him. Help only if the child definitely cannot do it on his own, but do not do it instead of him, but act together with him.

Formation of independence in children

Passivity and lack of initiative are the main thing for younger children preschool age. The independence of schoolchildren is formed even when the child is under seven years old. But parents often do not attach importance to this, hoping that the child will simply grow up. Until then, they do everything for him, without waiting for him to take the initiative. But really school age in itself will not become that magical period when the child suddenly begins to show such qualities as responsibility and independence. This is wrong; you need to start fighting a child’s dependence on an adult as early as early age when the baby begins to walk, eat, and so on.

Gradually, the child must independently do what he can do. And parents should not interfere too much in his activities, but are obliged to teach their child to connect his actions with the result obtained, that is, responsibility.

How to teach a child to order

Parents are often upset by the fact that their now grown child does not want to maintain order and take care of self-care issues. He makes his bed only after reminders, things are scattered around the room, and the dishes are not cleared away after eating. How to prevent such a situation from developing? According to most adults, the only thing is putting toys in their places. But experienced teachers assure that it is better to teach a child to order before the age of five. This will be much more difficult to do later. The baby is able to fetch himself a cup, put a plate in the sink and perform many other simple tasks already at one and a half years old, if, of course, you give him such an opportunity. If you do everything for him, then how will he learn to be independent?

Adolescent independence

The question of how to teach a teenager to be independent is very important for parents. This period is a crisis, as it is associated with the child’s awareness of himself as an individual with his own characteristics and character. For him, peer assessment is of great importance, through which the very perception of a teenager is refracted. During this period, he, like a two- or three-year-old child, tries to test the rules for strength in order to form his own moral and ethical code. However, this is only a continuation of the formation of the thinking of an autonomous person, separate from adults, and not the beginning of the development of independence.

Why does a child become dependent on his parents? Mainly because he gets used to his parents deciding and doing everything for him. This reduces his sense of his own competence and forms a dependence on the opinions and tips of others. The child gets older, but at the same time continues to think that he is unable to do or decide anything without the help of adults.

Why is it necessary to develop independence in a child?

This is very important process growing up of a person. At the same time, the goal of developing independence is not only to teach the child to look after himself and clean up after himself. It is important to pay attention to the development of such qualities that accompany independence, such as the formation own opinion, confidence in own strength. The child must learn to make decisions and take responsibility for them, not be afraid of consequences and the desire to take initiative, be able to define goals, achieve them and not be afraid to make mistakes. After all, it is much easier to get down to business if the assessment of others does not have much influence.

What does it mean to be adult and independent? Interesting question. According to the law, an adult in Ukraine is a person who has reached the age of 18. And the age criterion is not the only indicator of maturity. Another indicator of an adult is independence. I understand independence as the ability to make decisions and take full responsibility for them. But, in my opinion, this formulation is also not complete. The fact is that people often need to make decisions on which the fate of other people depends partially, and sometimes completely. A striking example there could be a war here. During hostilities, the fate of soldiers depends on the decisions of the commander, and the fate of nations depends on the decisions of commanders.

Of course, it is not only in war that people need to resolve complex issues. From birth, a person needs the care and protection of his parents. And parents, for their part, must take a very responsible approach to the decision to have a child. But this doesn't always happen. The problem of orphans is acute in our country. In some of them, parents have died and there are no relatives to take care of them. But more and more often there are cases when mothers leave their children in maternity hospitals, citing the refusal as the impossibility of providing for the baby. The question of why a person took a step for which she was not ready remains unanswered in most cases. And the fact remains indisputable: a person who has taken such a step cannot yet be considered an adult. First of all, because having taken a responsible step, she could not bear the responsibility.

Another important aspect of adulthood, in my opinion, is independence. Firstly, because independence is part of self-reliance. If a person depends on someone financially, morally or physically, and these circumstances can influence her decisions, then such a decision, in my opinion, cannot be considered completely independent. Therefore, I believe that the ability to acquire and maintain one's own independence is essential for an adult. After analyzing all of the above, I came to the conclusion that not every adult can call himself an adult. And the fate of a person depends on how growing up proceeds. Or maybe not even one.

When we are self-reliant, we use the blessings and abilities God has given us to take care of ourselves and our families and solve our own problems. By becoming self-reliant, we can also better serve and care for others. The Lord wants us to become independent both spiritually and temporally.

Prepare Spiritually

What does independence mean to you personally? How has your independence blessed you and your family?

Why do young men need to learn to be independent? What influences might be holding them back from becoming more independent? How will independence help them get through difficult times? How will she bless their future families?

As you study these scriptures and other resources, seek the guidance of the Spirit to determine how to teach young men the importance of self-reliance.

Matthew 25:1–13 (Parable of the Ten Virgins)

Luke 2:52 (Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men)

1 Timothy 5:8 (men should provide for themselves)

Teach like the Savior

The Savior trusted His disciples, prepared them, and gave them important responsibilities to teach, bless, and serve. His job was to help them convert and strengthen themselves through service to others. Help young men see that their obedience and service will help prepare them to become self-sufficient.

Let young men lead

A member of the quorum presidency (or an assistant bishop in a priests quorum) leads the quorum meeting. He leads the young men in discussing quorum matters together, teaches them priesthood responsibilities (from the scriptures and brochure), encourages them to share their experiences of duty to God, and invites a counselor or other quorum member to teach a gospel lesson. He can prepare by filling out during the presidency meeting.

Start training

Select some of these ideas or come up with your own to review your lesson. last week and introduce this week's lesson:

  • Invite the young men to share, teach, and testify about their experiences as a result of applying what they learned in the previous lesson.
  • Write the word “self-reliance” on the board and ask the young men what they think it means to be self-reliant. Give them time to think about their answer. With a quorum, read the article “” on page 94 of the reference book They are strong in faith. What will they add to their definitions of autonomy based on what they read? Ask young men what they can do now to become more independent when they become husbands and fathers.

Learn together

Each of the activities below will help quorum members learn to become independent. As the Spirit leads you, select one or more activities that will most benefit your quorum:

"Very good teachers do not accept praise for the level of knowledge and growth of those they teach. Like gardeners who plant a garden and tend to its crops, they strive to create the best possible environment for learning. They then give thanks to God by observing the progress of their disciples" ( Teaching - There is no higher calling, page 62).


Invite action

The young man leading the meeting ends it. He can:

Which will help young men apply what they have learned in this lesson.

Cool! 8

Each of us has been familiar with the concept of independence since childhood. But not every person really understands the full meaning of this word; we cannot call everyone independent.

What is independence?

Independence is one of the personality traits that plays a big role in the life of any adult. This is not just the ability to make decisions without the help of other people, it is, first of all, the ability to be responsible for one’s actions and deeds. To be independent means to be able to provide yourself with everything you need in life, to have your own point of view, separate from others, your own worldview and views.

Despite the fact that, from a legal point of view, a person who has reached the age of eighteen is considered an adult, in reality, few people become adults by the age of thirty. Until old age, people are ready to sit on their parents’ necks, living entirely at their expense. They don't want to receive good education and reject any job offer, dreaming of getting big money for their ignorance. Living without doing anything or making decisions is quite normal for them. It's a shame that now almost every third teenager thinks this way. They forget that parents do not last forever, which means that someday they will have to take care of themselves on their own. But how to do this if you don’t know how to do anything?

In our lives, we often see those who have matured too early. Most often these are children from disadvantaged or large families, where everyone has to take care of themselves while helping their parents raise their younger brothers and sisters. Children who have lost their parents and those who live with elderly grandparents grow up early.

In order for a child to grow up on time, parents must teach him to be independent from childhood. 5th grade is the time when a child can wash the dishes after himself or help his mother set the table or clean his room.

Many mothers care too much about their children and, even at eighteen years old, do not let them into the kitchen to cook something or help with cleaning. This attitude only causes harm. It is they who, first of all, become those who are ready to sit on their parents’ necks all their lives. We can say that it is not even their fault that they cannot fry eggs or cook simple soup, wash dishes or wash dirty laundry - they were not taught this in childhood.

It is in childhood that the qualities necessary for any personality are laid in a person. From small child you can “blind yourself” anything, because he listens to everything that is told to him, his character is just beginning to form, and therefore he accepts everything that is put into him. That's why the process proper upbringing and learning independence is so important.

A child looks at the world differently than an adult. As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry rightly noted in his own famous work"The Little Prince", adults think only about numbers and their own benefit, they are not able to see beauty in everything, even in what seems ordinary or ugly. It is children who make our world a better place, which is why it is so important that they grow up in due time.

An independent person is one who can take care of other people, and it does not matter at all whether he is a relative or just a stranger. Independence is closely related to humanity, these are some of the the most important qualities, defining a mature personality, which every person should be. It is very important for any person, which is why at school they often write essays on the topic of independence. The essay allows you to think: “Am I independent?” and perhaps change your point of view on this matter.

Independence is an important part of growing up. I believe that only an independent person can fully call himself an adult, and this is very important.