Tales about Baikal invented by children. Script for the theatrical performance “Tales of Grandfather Baikal”

Lyudmila Kuharchik (Timchenko)


based on fairy tales M. Sergeeva "Sibiryachok"

The goal is to consolidate knowledge about Baikal; instilling love for native land; development of creative and artistic abilities of children and adults

Adult performers: Grandfather Baikal, Crow

Children performers: Waves, Sea inhabitants, Forest inhabitants, Baikal breeze, Droplets, Irises, Siberian

Preliminary work:

Educator - Reading a work "Bogatyr- Baikal» G. Kungurov. Views of the video about Baikal. Learning poetry

Music director and speech development teacher - holding a musical and literary quiz "Secrets of the Sacred Lake"; learning songs and dances

Parents - Visit local history museum city, art gallery, photo exhibition "My Baikal»

The zones are designed - urban, sea, forest. In these areas before starting submissions child participants are located in accordance with their role.

Progress of the presentation:

The presenter reads against the background of calm music and splashing. waves:

Under the eternal sky and sun,

In a huge bowl between the rocks,

The planet's favorite pet

Spread bright Baikal!

Nothing compares to him

He's the only one on earth,

God's gift in the palms of lightning

With clear crystal water. N. Markakov

Video demonstration « Baikal expanses»

1 child:

What is this, so blue?

Cold as ice, transparent as glass?

Perhaps the sky is caught in the pine trees,

Did glass roll over the rocks and onto the ground?

2 child:

And what is this, so golden,

Shiny like a mirror, blinding your eyes?

Perhaps this sun went to sleep under the rocks,

Does it lie tiredly, closing its eyes?

3 child:

And what is it like, all the time in restlessness,

Perhaps it was a cloud stuck among the rocks?

And this is not a cloud, and this is not the sky,

And this is not the sun, but a lake Baikal!

Leading: And so, walking importantly, he came into the hall, gray-haired and mighty Grandfather Baikal

"Bogatyr Gate" M. P. Mussorgsky

Grandfather Baikal walks around the entire room.

Grandfather Baikal: I love my Siberia, where there is space and vastness around,

Where the taiga stands like a wall, and the water is a continuous wave.

This is all my Siberia, my Motherland, my world!

Leading: Said Grandfather Baikal and ordered his waves.

Grandfather Baikal: Hey, you waves, go wild, splash wide and far! Wash the rocks and shores, make the old man happy!

Dance composition « Baikal Waltz» trio "Retro-Irkutsk"

Grandfather Baikal: My waters are deep, they are full of fish.

Come on, waves, don’t be lazy - brag to the whole world

1. Pale pink, tender,

She needs water when it's cold.

What kind of small fish is this?

smaller than your mitten?

2. And in the sun the fish melts,

fish oil is running out.

What kind of foreign fish is this?

This fish. (golomyanka)

3. Starts with "O",

oh, and they love him!

They say he lives in Baikal.

Have you by any chance heard? (Omul)

4. They will be born in a snowy lair.

They are not afraid of catching a cold.

When they grow up, they start diving,

change white fur coats.

If you're very lucky -

will live fifty years.

What kind of animal is this with a mustache?

Well, think about it for yourself! (Seal)

5. The whole world likes the beautiful seal

"Aquarium" from the suite "Carnival of Animals" E. Saint-Saens

Dance miniature “Sea inhabitants”

At the end of the dance, the children run up to Grandfather Baikal and ask: Grandfather Baikal, tell us fairy tale, but not a simple one, but a Siberian one.

Grandfather Baikal: I’ve lived for many thousands of years and I’ll tell you everything, and you sit on the bank, yes listen to my story!

Children run away to the Sea Zone, sit on chairs

Grandfather Baikal: In the Siberian kingdom, yes Baikal state, on the high bank there lived an ancient Cedar. This cedar blocked out the white light; there is no one in the world higher than Siberian cedars. The cedar is mighty, the cedar is tall, and there is an animal around it. These are foxes, hares, badgers, bears, moose, chipmunks. They gather under the cedar tree, everyone dances and has fun.

Exit of the beasts "Carousel"(1 verse and chorus)

1 child - Why are we all dancing here, Why are we singing here?

All in unison - Because on Baikal We all live very friendly!

"Dance of the Forest Dwellers" music and poems by E. A. Gomonova

1 child - one-two-three-four-five, I’ll count you all

One, two, three, four-five - I invite you to play

Animal children dance "Carousel"(screensaver from the children's program “Carousel 2 verse and chorus, finish scattered in the hall)

Grandfather Baikal: The north wind flew in and covered the sky with clouds.

“Seasons. Summer. Final" A. Vivaldi

Dance miniature "Breeze"

Breeze: I am northern Barguzin, above Baikal Mr., as soon as bad weather begins for a week, it will be a misfortune for all the inhabitants of the forest.

The wind scares the forest inhabitants, they run away into Forest zone. The breeze remains in the center.

Breeze: above Baikal winds- big family. There is a brother, Kultuk, and a sister, Sarma, they are always ready to help. to raise a storm and place everything around

D.B - What are you talking about, Barguzin, you are enough for us, you scared my animals like that. sent everyone home

Barguzin - The life of my wind is short, but I will return here again (flies away)

Grandfather Baikal: My Barguzin got angry, as soon as the rain started to fall. On the ground, on the waves - there is no peace for us.

Rain children perform "Song of Droplets" poetry and music by E. A. Gomonova

Dance miniature "Rain"

Grandfather Baikal: Only the old crow was hiding on the cedar branches. It was hidden from the wind and rain.

"Sonata" No. 4 in A minor Paganini

Crow comes out, improvisational dance

Crow: Thank you, Giant Cedar, you save everyone in such bad weather. My feathers are dry, not a drop of rain on them. And after bad weather - what beauty, above Grandfather Baikal is a rainbow.

Music from the film "Mustachioed Nanny" A. Rybnikov

The rainbow is friends with the sun, illuminated by the sun

How beautifully a rainbow appears in the sky

Dance miniature "Dance with Ribbons"

Crow (turns attention to Cedar): Kar, kar, what do I see, is the giant cedar hiding something from me? (removes the bump, examines it, shows it to the children)

Crow: Kar, kar, the cone is not at all simple, the cedar hid its Siberian secret in it. I will grow the cone, protect it from animals, the cone is magical only for me!

Crow (addresses Grandfather Baikal) : Grandfather Baikal, give me your little white stones, I’ll take care of the cone, I’ll take care of the cone.

Grandfather Baikal: There is a lot of this goodness at the bottom of the sea. Together, we’ll save your little bump, crow.

"Polka" I. Strauss

Dance miniature "White Pebbles"

At the end of the dance, the wave girls place pebbles around the bump and go into the Sea Zone.

Crow (dances around the cone): Kra, kra, beautiful little bump! Pre, pre, beautiful lump, grow, fill up, but don’t fall into the clutches of the beast. And I’ll fly to the city and find something for protection.

He flies to the City Zone, finds two posters, and carries them back.

Grandfather Baikal: Although the crow is old, she is wise; she found posters in the city and brought them to the shore.

Grandfather Baikal: You, crow, put the cone under the cedar, the forest giant will cover it with its paws from bad weather.

The crow carries the cone under the cedar, places posters near the cone, reads:

Everyone, everyone, everyone danger zone, guarded by a crow (sits down)

Crow: Oh, I have no strength, I’m tired, I’ll sleep for at least two hours. And you sing me a lullaby, but not a simple one, but a Siberian one.

Children participants approach the crow, sit down and hum a Siberian lullaby “I’m wavering, I’m wavering”

I ripple and ripple

father went to get fish

mother went to milk the cows

my sister went to wash the diapers.

I ripple and ripple

father went to get fish

grandpa - chopping wood.

yes grandma - cook fish soup

I ripple and ripple

father went to get fish

Let's cook some fish

feed small children.

Grandfather Baikal: Let the crow rest and look after the cone. And I’ll tell you, kids, some clever riddles. Listen, don't yawn - start guessing right away.

1. The large and brown owner of the forest wakes up in the spring (bear)

2. A small animal, a smart guy. He has a hole, and on his back there is a yellow stripe (chipmunk)

3. Looks around and bends down to the grass again, a long-legged cow, a whole bush on her head (Elk)

4. A rope curls, and at the end there is a head (Snake)

5. The Siberian Sea lies among the rocks; anyone who has seen it will not argue that the sea- Baikal

Suddenly there is a roar, a crash, and the crow almost falls.


Grandfather Baikal: The noise spread throughout the entire Siberian region, even animals came running from the forest.

Animals: What a boom, what a noise, guard, guard!

Grandfather Baikal: Even the sea inhabitants did not stand aside, they ran to the shore and screamed loudly.

Sea inhabitants: What a boom, what a noise, guard, guard!

Grandfather Baikal: There was so much running around, they even scared me, an old man!

Opera "Faust" Final C. Gounod

Dance miniature "Excitement"

Grandfather Baikal: Hush, hush, friends, calm down, Look here, the shell has cracked. A boy suddenly appeared from a cedar cone.

Overture to the opera "William Tell. Introduction" D. Rossini

Siberian Boy emerges from behind a tree

Siberian: I am a forest boy, I am a Siberian, light as a feather, strong as a twig. Animals and flowers are all with me "You". Tells me "Hello" every spider!

Crow: A real Siberian, dressed in fur, with boots on his feet, and a bump on his head, our Siberian boy.

They go around the hall together, as if showing everyone the Siberian

Siberian: Hello, Grandfather Baikal, I slept in the bump for a long, long time.

I now live in the forest and do my duty there.

The marvelous beauty of the forest shore.

Come visit, I'm always glad to see you.

I am the younger brother of the grass and trees.

And now I’m ready to start the Siberian dance for you.

"Siberian round dance"[to the melody of R. n. p. “From under the oak]

All the children start singing:

Get ready, people, for the Siberian round dance.

Whoever loves Siberia with his soul dances and sings!

All participating children start a round dance. To lose, Sibiryachok dances in the center of the circle, all the children clap, then dance with him. The Siberian leads all the participants in the performance, and they line up in a semicircle in the center of the hall.

Grandfather Baikal: Be with us, Siberian, little Siberian friend. Don't give cedar any offense, protect my waters! Love fish, seals, be friends with forest animals. Help all the people, glorify the Siberian region!

All the children sing a song "Beloved Land" words by M. Sergeev, music by L. Yankovsky

Children participants read poem:

Crow-. Baikal alone on the entire planet,

There is simply no other option...

We are all yours Baikal is my, children,

And we are destined to live with you!

2. Don’t offend the sea, people!

Baikal because he also wants live:

Play with the wave, arguing with the winds,

And people serve faithfully!

3. Protect Baikal is a sacred thing:

His fate is in our hands!

Nature itself told us

May he live Native Baikal through the ages! M. Mityukov

General dance in a circle "Wider circle" sl. Viktorova, music. D. Lvov-Companies They leave the hall.

For many years they fought between Pravda and Krivda. There were such fights between them that they bled, and none of them could gain the upper hand. So they fought, the world did not accept them. The truth did not want to put up with Krivda, each of them had their own paths. Nobody knew who would beat whom. At first, Pravda had little Strength, but Krivda...

Fairy tale: The Key of Happiness - Baikal Tales

There were times when the sun did not illuminate the earth, there was no summer, and greenery did not adorn either the slopes of the mountains or the valleys.

In those days, across the Baikal Sea, on the slope of Mount Barkhan, lived the steppe dweller Aidarkhan. Aidarkhan had no cattle to walk across the steppe, no dog to bark. He tended herds of noyons on the best pastures, and had only a miserable hut. That's all the wealth...

Fairy tale: How people came out of the darkness - Baikal Tales

Once upon a time, in one land it was always night. It was so dark that there weren’t even stars in the sky. And only white people lived there. They didn’t live, they suffered. And they had one hero. He had a dream: he seemed to be walking along the road. He meets a giant man and asks him:

Where are you going?

People should seek happiness.

Fairy tale: How old current Evenki reconciled - Baikal Tales

There lived three poor Evenki shepherds. They lived amicably: they went to visit each other, helped each other out in trouble.

Each Evenk had ten deer. Each deer had its own tamga. They grazed deer in different valleys. They come together and everyone praises their reindeer.

One night, someone drove the Evenki reindeer into one valley and put the same tamga on everyone.

Fairy tale: Who gave the Evenks the sun - Baikal Tales

It was a long time ago. It was in the taiga. The Evenks lived in the taiga. They lived and lived and hunted animals. The Evenks from the Turuyagir clan will come to the Chalchigir people - there will be a big holiday. Evenks from the Malyukchen clan will come to the Kindygirs - there will be a big holiday. There is a hook hanging above the fireplace in the tent, and a cauldron is hanging on the hook. The meat of musk deer, elk, or wild boar is cooked in a cauldron. Evenki loves to hunt...

Fairy tale: Man on a red deer - Baikal Tales

In the old days, the masters of the Evenks were two hairy giants. From sunrise to sunset those giants fought among themselves. One shouted:

I will be the master of the taiga! My Evenks!

No, I will be the master of the taiga! My Evenks! - answered the other.

And the Evenks brought the best prey to the hairy giants.

The hairy ones devoured everything and threatened:

Fairy tale: Lenin's Tamga - Baikal Tales

The Evenks spent the night in the taiga. Uchan, Atan, Umun. They hunted the beast well. But they were always hungry. They lived in ragged tents. The evil owner took everything from them.

It was bad for the Evenks. Children were dying. Deer and dogs fell. The Evenks cried bitterly. They complained about a bad life.

One day Uchan, Atan and Umun came together. They began to argue about who is the happiest on earth.

Wuchang says:

Fairy Tale: Happiness and Sorrow - Baikal Tales

One farm laborer worked all his life for a rich man. It is known what life a farm laborer has - it is one torment. One day the owner calls him to his place and says:

Go to the mountain tomorrow and break stones, I will build a stone pen for cattle. For your work you will receive a bucket of arsa.

The farm laborer went to the mountain and let's break the stones. He worked day and night, cut himself...

Fairy tale: Farmhand - Baikal Tales

The rich man had a worker. One spring he was chopping wood in the forest. A cuckoo flew in from the east and sat on a tree. The second cuckoo flew in from the south side and sat down next to the first. A third one flew up to them from the western side. They sat down side by side and began to crow, and they cuckooed so much that the forest trembled.

The cuckoo on the eastern side crowed that in the distant eastern...

Fairy tale: Fool - Baikal Tales

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. They say they had three sons. The eldest and middle took it with their intelligence and posture, but the youngest did not take it at all. They took him for a fool. That’s why they didn’t feed him meat. Sometimes they would pour him some empty broth from the meat, but he would be full.

There was an attack in that region. A man-eating bear has appeared in the forests. Either he will drag away a woman and a child, then...

Fairy tale: Two bags - Baikal tales

A long time ago, a poor man lived in the free steppe. One day he agreed with a rich man to cultivate his land for a quarter of a tithe of grain. He began to work for this rich man and worked until late autumn. When the harvest time approached, a large amount of frost fell and froze the poor man's share of the bread. It turned out that the poor man had worked all year for nothing.

The next year he went to the same...

Fairy Tale: The Herder and the Khansha - Baikal Tale

A very good and renowned herdmaster served one khan. He was famous not only for his ability to raise hardy, beautiful and fleet-footed horses, but also for his honesty and directness. He was a brave man and told everyone only the truth. He also spoke the truth to the khan’s noyons, condemning them for their cruel and dishonest attitude towards the common people. He did not hesitate to tell the truth about...

Fairy tale: Naran Sesek - Baikal Tales

A long time ago, in one ulus there lived an old man named Naran Gerelte - Sunshine. He had an only daughter, so smart and beautiful, her name was Naran Sesek, which means Sunny Flower.

Not far from the old man lived a lama monk. He fell in love with the old man's daughter, and he wanted to marry her. He began to woo Naran Sesek for himself, but she refused him. The Lama began to persuade and beg...

Fairy Tale: Wise Daughter

They also say that a long time ago, in the old days, there lived a khan with his son. And the Khan's son was like a piece raw meat- he was so stupid. “I'm getting old. My son will not be able to rule the Khanate. How can I find him a smart and honest adviser, so that he can always help me,” the khan once thought.

The khan gathered everyone who knew how to draw in his khanate, and...

Fairy Tale: Winter and Summer

They say that a fat horse is considered good, and a rich man is considered wise... I don’t remember who came up with this proverb. And my father doesn’t remember. And my father's father doesn't remember. And my grandfather’s grandfather, they say, did not remember. One thing is clear - this proverb was invented by the rich people of Noyon. They say, look, we are rich because we are born smart, and poor shepherds are stupid from birth, that’s why they work for...

Tale: Smart coachman

There was a time of rule of cunning lamas. In one datsan lived three monks, rumors of whose wisdom spread throughout the steppe. In truth, the cunning lamas spread good rumors about themselves in order to appear to be something other than what they were.

It’s interesting to experience the wisdom of these lamas,” one smart old shepherd once said to his odnoulusniks.

No matter how it turns out the other way around...

Tale: The Stingy Priest and the Worker

The priest and the worker went to the taiga.

Father, we should take more food. The taiga is big, we might get lost.

No need, let's not get lost!

The worker took a loaf of bread and hid it in his bosom, but the stingy priest did not take anything. Let's go. A storm arose and they got lost. The worker wanted to eat, pulled out a loaf of bread, wrapped it in hay and ate it. Pop...

Fairy tale: How the grandson saved his grandfather

Once upon a time there lived a man. He had an old father and a little son. And in their village they didn’t keep old people. As soon as he gets old, he stops going out into the fields, he is taken to the remote taiga, and there he is left for the animals to eat - why, they say, is it a waste of bread!

This guy needs to take his father to the forest. He harnessed the horse, threw a piece of leaf bark onto the cart, onto this...

Tale: Anyutka

In one village, grandfather Ivan and grandmother Marya lived in an old hut. And they had a granddaughter Anyutka. The sprout is small, but it is fast and efficient. Nose covered in hemp. And the eyes are amazing: on a clear day they are light and blue, in bad weather they are dark and gray. And Anyutka goes into the forest - look, they are already green.

Fairy tale: Soldier and his daughter

There lived a guy in the same city. He loved the girl and soon married her. They had a child. And he himself was just hired. When he was drafted into the army, she wrote to him: “We have nothing to eat.” He answers her: “You sell my suit, but support the child. I'll be on vacation soon."

And in their regiment they announced...

Fairy tale: Tales of Grandfather Ivan

It was a long time ago. At that time I didn’t even know my father and mother. And my grandfather and I were the same age.

They lived together with him. And why should we quarrel? There’s nothing to divide. But we’re up to our necks in work: sometimes we’re playing the fool, sometimes we’re kicking ass all day long.

It used to be that my grandfather and I would go fishing, sit on the river, throw our fishing rods ashore and just make it in time...

Fairy Tale: The Gypsy and the Devil

A gypsy was driving. They drive into one village, knock on the house - no one answers. He knocks on another house - no one answers. What's taco? I walked around the whole village, there was no one in the huts.

At the edge of the village there was a small hut, a gypsy went into it. He sees an old man and an old woman sitting on the stove, trembling with fear and curled up. Gypsies ask:

Fairy tale: How the shepherd Tarkhas taught Khan the slacker a lesson

One day, yawning with nothing to do, the narrow-minded and wide-arsed Khan Olzoy notified his subjects.

“About Baikal” is a fairy tale about how the Siberian Lake Baikal came into being. In ancient times, in its place there was a dense forest full of birds and animals. This legend will tell the children about the fight against a huge bird that frightened and tormented people. The hunters could not kill it; they themselves died from the hot rays emitted by the bird. But one day a child was born who grew by leaps and bounds. And he became very strong hero. People asked him to save them from the terrible bird. The hero made a huge bow and arrow for him. And how it all happened, guys, you will find out by reading this old legend.

In ancient times, in the place where Baikal is now, a dense forest grew. There were so many birds and animals in this forest that it was difficult for a person to pass through. Among the birds, one stood out; it was the size of a large sturgeon. Her wings were huge, strong; if she touched a tree, it would fall to the ground with its roots; if she touched a rock, the rock would fly apart.

People were afraid of that bird and could not kill it, because when it flew, such hot rays came from it that the hunters fell dead.
But then one man was born among people. He grew by leaps and bounds. Soon he grew up to be a hero and was not afraid of any force. The people went to him to ask him to save everyone from trouble and kill that fiery bird. The hero obeyed. He made a bow out of a hundred trees, hewed an arrow out of two hundred trees and went hunting. Soon the whole earth shook.

That bird fell from a well-aimed shot, the fire started so hot that the sky was hot. The people dispersed from this taiga into the mountains and saw columns of water breaking through the flames. So the sea became in that place.
When the earth and taiga were burning, the people kept shouting: “Baikal, Baikal!” When the sea disappeared, the name Baikal remained behind that place from century to century. Is it a fire? big people called it Baikal, or that’s what they called that bird, or maybe this word meant “a lot of water”... People just remembered that this place is called Baikal.

In ancient times, in the place where Baikal is now, a dense forest grew. There were so many birds and animals in this forest that it was difficult for a person to pass through. Among the birds, one stood out; it was the size of a large sturgeon. Her wings were huge, strong; if she touched a tree, it would fall to the ground with its roots; if she touched a rock, the rock would fly apart. People were afraid of that bird and could not kill it, because when it flew, such hot rays came from it that the hunters fell dead. But then one man was born among people. He grew by leaps and bounds.

Soon he grew up to be a hero and was not afraid of any force. The people went to him to ask him to save everyone from trouble and kill that fiery bird.
The hero obeyed. He made a bow out of a hundred trees, hewed an arrow out of two hundred trees and went hunting. Soon the whole earth shook. That bird fell from a well-aimed shot, and the fire started to such an extent that the sky became hot. The people dispersed from this taiga into the mountains and saw columns of water breaking through the flames. So the sea became in that place. When the earth and taiga were burning, the people kept shouting: “Baikal, Baikal!” When the sea disappeared, the name Baikal remained behind that place from century to century. Either the large people called the fire Baikal, or that bird was called that, or maybe this word meant “a lot of water”... only people remembered that this place is called Baikal.

Bogatyr Baikal

In the old days, mighty Baikal was cheerful and kind. He deeply loved his only daughter Angara. There was no more beautiful woman on earth. During the day it is light - brighter than the sky, at night it is dark - darker than a cloud. And no matter who drove past the Angara, everyone admired it, everyone praised it. Even migratory birds: geese, swans, cranes - descended low, but the Angaras rarely landed on the water. They said:

Is it possible to blacken something light?

Old man Baikal took care of his daughter more than his heart. One day, when Baikal fell asleep, Angara rushed to run to the young man Yenisei. Woke up- Father, I’m dying of thirst, forgive me and give me at least one drop of water... father,splashed angrily in waves. A fierce storm arose, the mountains began to weep, forests fell, the sky turned black with grief, animals scattered in fear all over the earth, fish dived to the very bottom, birds flew away to the sun. Only the wind howled and the sea raged - the hero. The mighty Baikal hit the gray mountain, broke off a rock from it and threw it after the fleeing daughter. The rock fell right on the beauty's throat. The blue-eyed Angara begged, gasping and sobbing, and began to ask:

Baikal shouted angrily:

I can only give you my tears!..

For hundreds of years, the Angara has been flowing into the Yenisei as water - a tear, and the gray, lonely Baikal has become gloomy and scary. The rock that Baikal threw after his daughter was called the shaman's stone. Rich sacrifices were made there to Baikal. People said: “Baikal will be angry, it will tear off the shaman’s stone, the water will gush and flood the whole earth.” Only it was a long time ago, now people are brave and are not afraid of Lake Baikal...

Omul barrel

This happened a long, long time ago. The Russians were already fishing for omul on Lake Baikal and in fishing they were not inferior to the indigenous inhabitants of the Glorious Sea - the Buryats and Evenks.

And the first among the craftsmen - breadwinners was Dedko Savely - it was not for nothing that he spent half his life as a leader and fed on the sea since childhood. The old fisherman knew his business well: finding a suitable place and choosing the right time for fishing - this will not jump out of his hands.

Saveliy traced his family lineage back to the fishermen of the Russian settlement of Kabansk, and who doesn’t know that Kabansk fishermen throughout the Glorious Sea are considered the most important fishermen in the fort!

Grandfather Savely’s favorite hunting ground was the Barguzinsky Bay, where he most often fished seines. This reach is close to Kabansk, but the Baikal fisherman often has to travel further: you can’t stay in one place in search of omul schools.

One morning, after a successful sighting, the fishermen had breakfast with a fat omul ear, drank strong tea and settled down by the sea to rest. And their conversation flowed about this, about that, and more about the same fish, about its habits, about the secrets depths of the sea. And there was a particularly inquisitive guy in this artel, a great eagerness to listen to experienced fishermen from whom you could gain wisdom. Don’t feed the young man bread, and if something has sunk into his soul, let him figure it out, without it he won’t go to sleep, he won’t give himself or others peace. The guy’s name was Garanka, and he was from somewhere far away, that’s why he wanted to know more about the Glorious Sea. It was not for nothing that Grandfather Savely stayed close, and kept trying to find out something from him, pestering him with all sorts of questions, and he was not in the habit of delaying an answer - he would always respect a person.

And this time Garanka sat next to Grandfather Savely and listened to everything he was talking about, and then suddenly asked him:

Is it true that the local winds have power over the fish?

Dedko Savely did not answer this immediately. He looked at Garanka in surprise and asked:

Have you heard about the barrel?

Garanka was even more surprised.
- What kind of barrel? I don't know anything...

There is such a thing... omul. She is special - that barrel. Magic...

Garanka even took his breath away from the words he heard, and he pestered Grandfather Savely:

So tell me about her. Tell me, grandpa!

Dedko Savely did not like to show off. He filled his pipe with tobacco, lit it from the coal and, seeing that not only Garanka, but also all the other fishermen had pricked up their ears, he slowly began:

It happened because of our Baikal fish, but how long ago it was and how it was revealed to the world is unknown to me. The old people say, but they have all the faith. At that time, it must be said, giant winds ruled over the fishing grounds here - Kultuk and Barguzin, who were, at first, good friends.

And both of them were scary - beyond words! Thick hair disheveled, spraying foam over the cleanerpossessed, they will go for a walk on the sea -You won’t see white light! They loved to visit each other - to play and have fun. And for fun they had one wonderful toy between them - an omul barrel. It looked simple, ordinary, the kind our coopers still make today, but it had extraordinary strength: wherever it floated, the omuls would reach out in countless shoals, as if they were asking for the barrel themselves. Well, this amused the giants. Barguzin will fly at Kultuk, make a noise, throw the barrel out of the abyss, and boast:

Look how many fish I caught! Visible and invisible! Try to pull it off!

And Kultuk will wait his time, pick up that barrel on the ridge and send it back with a laugh:

No, you better look at my joints and admire them: tea, there will be more!

And so they enraged each other. It’s not that they needed this fish or for the wealth that they considered it, but they just wanted to spend their time as mischievously as possible. Figure it out in your head, as if it wasn’t such a tempting activity, but they didn’t get tired of it. And to this day, perhaps, they would have been throwing an omul barrel like that, but suddenly this fun took a turn for them. And this is what happened. The heroes fell in love with Sarma, the mountain hero, mistress of the Small Sea. It is called so because Big Sea, Baikal, is separated by the island of Olkhon. But Sarma has laid out her own path along the waves, and if she goes wild at any time, then no good will happen: she has a cooler disposition than Barguzin and Kultuk, and more strength. And who wouldn’t be tempted to have such a powerful wife? This is when Barguzin says to Kultuk:

I want to marry Sarma - I’ll send matchmakers...

It’s a well-known fact that Kultuk’s words didn’t hurt Kultuk’s heart, but he didn’t even show that they touched a nerve. All he said with a grin:

And that’s just how it looks to her. I’m not much worse than you, and I also want her to be my wife. I’ll send my matchmakers, and then we’ll see who Sarma will marry.

That's what they decided on. Without argument or offense, by good agreement. And soon the cormorant, a sea bird, brought an answer from Sarma:

I’m not forced to get married yet, but I need to see my groom. And I like both of you - both prominent and cheerful. However, which of you is better, I will judge later, when I see who is more likely to fulfill my desire. And my desire is this: give me your miracle barrel, I want my Small Sea to be teeming with fish. And whoever I see first is the one I will call my husband!

The bride's whim seemed quite simple to the heroes; all that was needed was to take possession of the barrel, throw it into the Small Sea, and claim victory - you would become the groom.
But that was not the case! In the chaos that the giant winds raised when the cormorant flew away, it was impossible to determine who would overpower whom. As soon as Barguzin grabs the barrel, Kultuk immediately knocks it out and tries to keep it behind him, but a moment later the barrel is again in Barguzin’s hands. They don’t want to give in to each other in any way. They became so frenzied that all over Lake Baikal they could be heard tossing and turning and roaring. And the barrel got it all right - just know, it creaks and flies from place to place.

Finally, the heroes contrived, grabbed the barrel at once, and froze: neither one nor the other could free the barrel, since both had the same strength. And as soon as they started to fight again, lo and behold, the barrel was suddenly gone, it slipped out of their hands and went into the water...

The enraged giant winds tossed and tossed, and then they became quiet, exhausted from the vain searches. We decided to wait until the barrel
will float up. But they hoped in vain: the barrels looked as if they had never happened at all. A day passed, followed by another, then weeks flew by, months, and still no barrel. The heroic winds cannot even understand why this happened? They are exhausted from thoughts and heartache, but they don’t know how to make things easier. Afterwards they learned from Baikal himself that it was he who took the barrel from them and hid it in its depths. This was his gift to the winds, but he saw that because of the wonderful barrel there was discord between them, and that in good conscience they did not want to resolve the matter, he took it away right away.

What does he care that Kultuk and Barguzin lost Sarma because of this. Sarma at first patiently waited to see how the competition would end, and when she found out, she immediately sent her faithful cormorant to tell the heroes that she would not marry any of them. She is not going to marry others either: one is better. And she also reproached: What kind of heroes you are if you couldn’t hold a barrel in your hands! I’m much stronger than you and I’ll somehow get that barrel myself.

Kultuk and Barguzin still don’t know each other - everyone goes their own way. And if according to old habit and they make raids one towards the other, then alternately, each at their own time, so as not to meet: they are ashamed that they once made a mistake with a barrel. And more than that, they walk around to see if a miraculous loss will appear somewhere? And so they parted ways different sides Kultuk, Barguzin and Sarma, and no one knows where the omul barrel is now...

Dedko Savely finished his story and took a breath. Garanka also sighed - as if he had dragged a cart up a mountain. This always happened to him: he listened too much, when someone told something amazing, his face even turned to stone. He never interrupted the narrator, but took everything unclear into memory, so that later he would not skimp on questions. That’s how it happened here.

Or maybe Sarma actually got that barrel? - he asked Grandfather Savely.

Nothing surprising, he replied. - Sarma is the strongest of the giant winds, Baikal itself is afraid of her, and cannot resist her, ready to fulfill her every whim. But Sarma, Garanka, is like this: she’ll pamper and pamper her and suddenly she’ll grow cold towards everything and give up...

From that time on, the thought of a wonderful omul barrel, which Father Baikal hides somewhere in its depths, sank deep into the guy’s head. “If only we could find her and put her to work in our fishing industry,” he often dreamed and kept waiting for such an opportunity to present itself. And so the artel began to take notice in the Barguzin Bay. The fishermen worked together, but this time they were unlucky: the catch turned out to be insignificant. And no matter how much they started the net, they pulled out the fish, making the cat cry.

This won’t work,” Dedko Savely frowned. “There are no fish here.” Yes, it seems that it is not expected.

Shouldn’t we sail to the Small Sea, to the Kurkutskaya Bay, maybe we’ll have some luck there...

The fishermen agreed. They sailed to the Kurkutskaya Bay, set up a hut made of birch bark on the shore and prepared the gear for sweeping. And they loved the stretch so much that it couldn’t be more beautiful, I guess. Here the rocks are mighty and high, and the mother taiga is green, and seagulls and cormorants fly and scream above the water. The azure sun shines from the azure sky and warms tenderly, and the air is so honeyed around that it’s impossible to breathe. However, Dedko Savely, looking at the sky, suddenly frowned.

No luck today. You see, over the gorge, white ring-like clouds have appeared, like fog, and above them, in the clear sky, the same ones stand motionless. Sarma will certainly come with speed. Garanka just froze.

Will you really get to see this hero?

It will happen.

Grandfather Savely said this and ordered everything to be tidied up and hidden in the rocks, and the hut to be demolished - anyway, Sarma will destroy it. And as soon as the fishermen had finished their business, a strong wind suddenly hit from the gloomy mountains and everything around immediately became pitch-dark. The Small Sea roared like a beast, centuries-old trees crackled on its shores, huge stones flew from the cliffs into the water...

Although Garanka felt uneasy from such passion, curiosity still got the better of him, and he carefully leaned out from behind the shelter. He sees a huge woman’s head, as if woven from smoke, hanging over the sea, scary and shaggy. Hair ash color with gray hair, cheeks like jelly, shaking, thick steam pouring out of the mouth, and lips like the bellows of a blacksmith’s forge, the waves swell and rush at each other.

Oh, and the power! - Garanka marveled and quickly crawled back into the shelter. Dedko Savely smiled:

How's Sarma? Did you like it?

Oh, grandpa, I wish I could never see or meet her!

Yes, Garanya, everyone understands beauty in their own way. It’s scary for you, but for Kultuk or, let’s say. Barguzin - you couldn't find a more beautiful one. That's right. The enraged Sarma raged for how long or how short, but finally she calmed down. And when the sun shone over Kurkutskaya Bay again, the fishermen came out of their hiding places and saw: on the coastal sand, near their camp, there was some kind of barrel nailed by the waves, and on that barrel a black cormorant, like a charred firebrand, was sitting. But he did not sit for long, got up and flew away, and a seagull, white-white, sat in his place and began to dig into its wing with its beak. The fishermen, of course, were amazed. And one thought immediately struck everyone’s head: was this the wonderful omul barrel that surfaced that Barguzin and Kultuk lost in a long-standing dispute? But they don’t dare say this - they look at Grandfather Savely and wait for what he will say. Only Garanka lacked patience.

Dedko... she, guess what?

And he himself was dumbfounded, silent and looking at the shore from under his brows. Finally he came to his senses and gave the command:

Follow me!

And he led the fishermen to the sandbank. The seagull, seeing people, flapped its wings, screamed something in its own way, and soared into the air. And here, out of nowhere

Look, other seagulls, and with them the cormorants, flew in, and such darkness appeared that the sky was no longer visible. And they all began to dive into the sea en masse and get fish and devour them.

Good omen! - said the grandfather.

And when he came up and looked at the barrel, he had no doubts either: by all indications, the barrel was made amazingly well, and looked more beautiful than any others, and the spirit emanating from it was so spicy!

Well, Garanka, now we will have luck,” Dedko Savely told the guy and looked at the sea. And there is also a change. Previously, there were different stripes of water: light - warm and dark - cold, not tolerable to fish. And here you are: no stripes or layers, just one flat, smooth surface. This is Dedko Savely for good omen accepted. He turned to the fishermen and said cheerfully:

There will be a rich catch! Here you don’t have to test the water or look for fish food!

But the fishermen have no time for that anymore - they have a different concern: what to do with the barrel, where to put it, how to preserve it?

Let him lie here for now, let’s not waste time,” decided Dedko Savely. And the fishermen got down to business: they loaded the boat with gear and went out to sea to catch the eye. So they swim slowly and little by little they throw the net into the water. And when they threw it out, Dedko Savely shouted to the shore:


He presses the stern oar to his hip with one hand and straightens it, and with the other he smooths his beard and smiles. He smells good luck. Looking at the leader, the rest of the fishermen are almost ready to sing songs, but they restrain themselves: they do not want to show their joy ahead of time. Those remaining on the shore did not sleep either - they began to turn the gates and wind the ends of the net around them in order to pull him ashore. And then the fishermen from the longboat noticed that there was some kind of hitch on the stretch: people stopped.

“No,” they shouted from the shore. “We can’t hold on any longer, we can’t!”

“What a misfortune has happened,” the leader, a local hood, was surprised, and let’s hurry the oarsmen to press on. “We need to help the guys.”

And now the whole artel stood behind the gates.

Well, go! - Dedko Savely commanded.

The guys leaned down and strained themselves. What's happened? The gate is not moving. And the help was of no use. The fishermen were even more surprised and worried.

It’s a poor thing...” the bashlyk sighed, and even scratched the back of his head in frustration. I was not happy that I scooped up so many fish with my lucky net.

You can't get it, guys, apparently. What are we going to do?

What was left for the fishermen? There was only one outcome: cut open the string and release the fish into the wild. No matter how much they judged, no matter how much they tried, they just wasted valuable time, but they still agreed on at least pulling out an empty net. And so they did. We went out to sea at the access point, ripped open the netting of the seine and dragged it ashore. By evening the seine was dried and repaired. And then grandfather Savely, out of his stubbornness, decided to try his luck again - whatever happens. The fishermen did not object.

But the second sweep followed the same pattern. I had to rip the thread open again. With that we spent the night. The next morning, Dedko Savely no longer dared to go out to sea, but became prudent. But something had to be done. Who wants to return empty-handed? We gathered a council. Dedko Savely suggested:

Guys, we need to throw a magic barrel into the sea. Then everything will go as usual again. Do you agree, or what?

Oh, and Garanka burst here! He jumped up and shouted:

Is it really possible to throw such a barrel, old man? Happiness is given into our hands, but we refuse it! After all, no one has ever seen so many fish! Yes, with such a barrel you can fill the whole world with fish! Are we really going to be such fools as to throw it away?

Dedko Savely listened to Garanka calmly, and then just as calmly said:

You're an eccentric, Garanka! What kind of happiness is it if there are a lot of fish, but you can’t take them? Let it be better if there is less, so that everything will fall into our hands. Don’t be greedy, soaring, like Sarma was greedy. She herself was tired of it, so the mischievous girl gave us a problem...

But Garanka stands his ground: we’ll get used to it,” he says, “and then we’ll pull it out!” After all, there is a barrel, and there is fish, but no one knows whether it will happen in advance or not. But Dedko Savely didn’t even listen, he said firmly:

Let's go guys!

There is nothing to do - the fishermen got up. Groaning his heart, Garanka also rose up behind them. They stopped near the water, admired the barrel again and pushed it into the sea.

Let him swim all over Baikal, and not in one place,” Dedko Savely waved his hand. “Look, extra fish will go into the Big Sea, and then there will be plenty of it everywhere. And we will always be able to get fish, as long as we still have our hands and skill.

And Garanka became completely despondent when he saw that the waves had picked up the magic omul barrel and carried it into the distance.

And suddenly the azure sea became dark, the sky also darkened, became covered with clouds, and everything around began to hum and tremble. And the waves rose so huge that they covered the barrel.

Dedko Savely frowned.

Barguzin blew, we are not in business even now. Let him pamper...

Garanka heard about Barguzin - where did the offense go! He rushed to Grandfather Savely:

Will you really get to see this hero?

And look at the sea...

Garanka looked and gasped: behind the distant waves, where the sea met the sky, a terrible head with huge dull eyes and disheveled white hair, from which water flowed in snake-like streams, rose. And then strong, sinewy arms stretched out over the water and echoed throughout the sea:


The heroic loud cry caused the sea to become even more agitated, and Garanka felt uneasy.

Oh, and a monster! Although not Sarma, it’s scary...

But he looks at the sea and watches Barguzin. And he again:


And then Garanka noticed that a magical omul barrel appeared in Barguzin’s hands. And before the boy had time to blink an eye, this barrel was thrown away by the hero far, far away. And at that very moment the sea calmed down, the clouds dissipated, and the sun shone over the waters again, and there was no trace of Barguzin. Dedko Savely smiled:

Well, here we have found a magic toy. Kultuk will certainly respond now...

And can we see him? - Garanka opened his mouth.

It seems so.

And as soon as the old hood had time to say these words, the sea turned from azure to dark again, the sky also darkened, became covered with clouds, and everything around began to hum and tremble. And the waves all over the sea rose so huge that at first nothing was visible behind them, but only a minute later the green-haired head of another monster appeared, and a thunderclap echoed across the entire expanse of the sea:


Although I was expecting Kultuk Garanka to appear, I still felt a little scary again. And when I saw the magic omul barrel in Kultuk’s hands and

As he threw it back a minute later, he thought: “Something will happen now!” But nothing happened. Kultuk disappeared, the sea became brighter, the sea calmed down, and everything around was illuminated by the sun’s rays.

That’s great, guys,” said Dedko Savely. “Looks like Barguzin and Kultuk have forgotten their quarrel.” Now the magic barrel will be in use again. And Sarma has enough wealth in the Small Sea without a barrel...

Meanwhile, on the sea surface, different stripes appeared again, light blue - warm, and blue-black - cold. But this change did not discourage Dedka Savely.

“We’ll catch fish the same way we caught fish before,” he said, “we’ll work with honor - we’ll get fish, but if not, we’ll tighten up our belly.” At noon we will notice a net...

And at noon, Dedko Savely led his artel into the sea. They swept out the net and swam back. On the shore, the ends have already begun to pull. Things went well! And what fish were pulled out this time by Grandfather Savely’s artel, you can’t say in words: you have to see! The fishermen cheered up and came to life. Grandfather Savely’s heart also felt lighter. He turned to Garanka, grinned and said:

Well, are you still going to reproach me with a magic barrel?

Garanka smiled cheerfully and said nothing.

Baikal - Lake Fairy Tales

Paintings by artists used:

Alexey Belykh

Jonathon Earl Bowser (CANADA)

Maksimov Olga Vasilievna

Alexander Sheltunov

Fairy tale “How crustaceans saved Baikal”

Once upon a time there lived the crustaceans Epishura in Baikal.
They brought great benefits to Lake Baikal by purifying the water and passing it through themselves. The water in Baikal was clean and transparent.
But suddenly trouble came. Spirogyra algae appeared in the lake.

The crustaceans began to get sick and purify the water less. The water off the coast turned green and fish began to die.
The crustaceans gathered for advice and began to think about how to get rid of Spirogyra. It is long, growing down to forty meters. The crustaceans decided to cut off the long algae and bury them in the hole. The crustaceans worked for a long time and buried a lot of algae. The water became lighter and cleaner. A little time passed, and Spirogyra became even more numerous.
The crustaceans gathered again for advice. We decided to call other animals of Lake Baikal for help. They came up with an idea to make a net of iron and catch all the algae. They made a net and collected all of Spirogyra off the coast.

Time passed, and the shores of Baikal were again covered with algae. The crustaceans were completely desperate. They decided to contact the person. Let the person help them.
They wrote a letter and asked:
“People, clean the shores of Lake Baikal from garbage, because the more garbage, the faster the algae grows;
Build a steamship that sails along Lake Baikal and collects Spirogyra; Come up with a medicine so that the algae will die and the inhabitants of Lake Baikal will recover.”
They sealed the letter in a bottle and sent it to the shore of Lake Baikal. People received the letter and began to think about how to help.
The crustaceans are now waiting and hoping that help will come to them soon. Baikal will again become, as before, the cleanest lake in the world.