List of dangerous poisons for human life. The most powerful poison: period of action and consequences

Not only potential attackers, but also ordinary Internet users ask about how to poison a person with poison. Today, the pharmaceutical market offers consumers a variety of medications, some of which are available for purchase without a prescription.

There are also toxic substances that allow you to quickly eliminate your opponent or, conversely, provoke chronic illness. Age-old knowledge and modern technologies become dangerous weapon in the hands of competent people.

Potassium cyanide is known to almost everyone; at the beginning of the 20th century, the dangerous powder was a common way to get rid of unwanted persons.

The poison belongs to the group of hydrocyanic acid derivatives and is highly soluble in water. Some sources indicate a specific smell of this substance, however, not all people are able to smell it. Potassium cyanide causes poisoning if ingested, and it is also dangerous to inhale powder particles and solution vapors. The lethal dose of poison is only a few grams, but in most cases it depends on weight and individual characteristics body.

Potassium cyanide can quickly poison a person. Death is affected by the route of entry of the substance into the body, so when particles are inhaled, the effect of the toxin manifests itself instantly, and when it enters the stomach, the poison begins to cause irreversible consequences after 15 minutes.

The victim goes through several stages of intoxication. At first, a sore throat is felt, then nausea and vomiting begins, and possible numbness of the throat. Over time, general weakness increases, a feeling of fear arises, and the pulse slows down. Subsequently, signs such as convulsions and loss of consciousness are noted. As a rule, if a sufficient dose of poison is ingested, a person dies within 4 hours.

With the arrival of new drugs on the pharmaceutical market, people are interested in how to poison a person with pills. Add to list dangerous poisons if used incorrectly, the following medications are included:

  • sleeping pill "Phenazepam";
  • hellebore water;
  • Corvalol drops.

The medicine "Phenazepam" is prescribed by doctors as a remedy against insomnia, panic attacks and stress. It refers to psychotropic medications, and offenders use this drug to poison a person in their sleep.

Like many other drugs, Phenazepam is incompatible with alcohol - this is what criminals take advantage of, since the combined use of these tablets and alcohol leads to respiratory arrest and death. But it is not easy to get the described drug, since it is sold only with a doctor’s prescription.

Hellebore water is freely sold in pharmacies and is used not only in traditional medicine, but also as a remedy against alcohol addiction. However, some cases of intentional intoxication are not taken into account, which is why this medicine is suitable for those who want to poison a person without identifying the poison.

Lethal outcome occurs when ingested for 2 years. raw materials, hellebore water negatively affects heart function and blood pressure. Thus, the oxygen supply to the brain gradually decreases.

As a rule, alcohol accelerates the absorption of poison and signs of intoxication with hellebore water develop within 20 minutes after taking the product. Vomiting begins, and symptoms such as extreme thirst, slow heart rate, and mental disturbances are also noted. Death occurs on average after 8 hours; this medicine allows criminals to poison a person without determining the exact cause of death.

Corvalol drops can be purchased at any pharmacy, which makes them an affordable and effective medicine for poisoning. The lethal dose of the drug depends on the weight and age of the person, on average it is 150 drops.

Intoxication is characterized by prolonged sleep, decreased blood pressure and dilated pupils. The combined use of this drug with alcohol is especially dangerous; in this case, tachycardia appears and the skin turns blue. Poisoning a person slowly using Corvalol drops will most likely not work; death occurs within 24 hours, which is taken advantage of by various asocial elements of society.

Let's start with the “king” of poisons – Arsenic. Until 1832, arsenic poisoning was extremely difficult to diagnose, since the symptoms of poisoning with this poison were similar to those of cholera. This similarity made it possible to mask the use of arsenic and its compounds as deadly poison.

In acute arsenic poisoning, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and central depression are observed. nervous system.

Antidote: aqueous solution of sodium thiosulfate, dimercaprol.


Potassium cyanide, or potassium cyanide, is the most powerful inorganic poison. In appearance it resembles granulated sugar.

When it enters the body, the cells stop absorbing oxygen, resulting in the body dying from interstitial hypoxia. Potassium cyanide is absorbed very quickly and therefore death occurs within 15 minutes.

Sarin gas

Sarin gas is a poisonous substance with a nerve-paralytic effect.

The first signs of exposure to sarin include nasal discharge, chest congestion, and constriction of the pupils. Soon after this, the victim has difficulty breathing, nausea and increased salivation. The victim then completely loses control over bodily functions. This phase is accompanied by convulsions. Ultimately, the victim falls into a comatose state and suffocates in a fit of convulsive spasms followed by cardiac arrest.

Antidote: Atropine, Pralidoxime, Diazepam, Athens.


Diamphotoxin is the most powerful poison of animal origin on our planet, contained in the blood of the larvae of the South African leaf beetle.

It is capable of reducing the hemoglobin content in the blood by 75% in a short period of time due to the massive destruction of red blood cells.

Antidote: There is no specific antidote.


Ricin is the most powerful poison plant origin, which is obtained from the castor beans of the castor bean plant.

A few grains are enough to kill an adult. Ricin kills cells in the human body, preventing it from producing the proteins it needs, resulting in organ failure. A person can become poisoned by ricin through inhalation or ingestion.

If inhaled, symptoms of poisoning usually appear within 8 hours of exposure and include difficulty breathing, fever, cough, nausea, sweating and chest tightness.

If ingested, symptoms appear in less than 6 hours and include nausea, low blood pressure, hallucinations and seizures. Death can occur within 36-72 hours.

Antidote: There is no specific antidote.

Poison of any origin, chemical, food or natural, has always been a subject of interest from the media mass media, chemical safety and popular writers. Humanity knows hundreds deadly poisons, many of which were practically used as a means of murder, genocide and acts of terrorism. Some of them are presented in our review.

The well-known cyanide is a deadly poison that affects the central nervous system and the heart. Even a small dose, entering the blood, binds iron molecules and blocks the supply of oxygen to vital organs, resulting in death in a matter of minutes. Exist different shapes cyanide, such as hydrogen cyanide, which is considered the most poisonous. This gas kills a person in about 10 minutes. The gas was used during World War I as a chemical weapon and was banned by the Geneva Convention. Today, cyanide is used as a means of murder, suicide and in the plots of books.

This main character events of September 2011, when reports of people receiving disputes in envelopes anthrax, appeared in the news almost every day. As a result, five people died and 17 were injured from exposure to the poison, which caused panic among US citizens. This fear is understandable, since anthrax spores are easily transmitted through the air. After infection, the respiratory system becomes numb and the person begins to choke. Out of 10 people, 9 die within a week of infection.

Sarin is considered a mass murder agent that causes death by asphyxia within 60 seconds. Minute terrible torment and the person dies. Since 1993, the production of this substance has been prohibited, but despite this, in 1995 a massive massacre was committed in Japan. terrorist attack in the metro, as well as in Iraq and Syria, resulting in between 330 and 1,800 deaths.

Amatoxin is a substance found in the world's deadliest mushrooms. When it enters the bloodstream, it affects the cells of the kidneys and liver, resulting in organ failure within a few days. Amatoxin also affects the heart. If a large dose of penicillin is not administered, the person may fall into a coma or die from heart and liver failure.

Strychnine has been used as a pesticide to kill pests, but it can also kill humans. It was discovered in Asia, contained in special varieties of trees, but it can also be obtained in the laboratory (the one who managed to do this received Nobel Prize). Strychnine can enter the body in different ways: injection, inhalation and absorption. After entering the body, muscle convulsions and spasms begin, leading to asphyxia. After the injection, the person dies within half an hour.

Back in school, everyone was warned to be careful with the thermometer. And this is not just like that, but because of a heavy metal called mercury. It is an incredibly toxic metal that enters the body either through inhalation or through skin contact. If mercury comes into contact with the skin, it causes itching, burning, and the skin may even peel off. Mercury can cause memory loss, vision loss, kidney failure and brain cell destruction. The result is death.

A notorious poison found in fugu fish, popular among sushi connoisseurs who are willing to pay a hefty price in the hope that the fish is cooked correctly. The first symptoms appear 30 minutes after consumption poisonous fish. At first, the person feels his mouth paralyzed and it becomes difficult to swallow. Soon there is a violation of coordination of movements and speech. Seizures and convulsions begin, as a result the person may fall into a coma and die. Death occurs after about 6 hours, but cases have been reported fatal outcome after 17 minutes. This poison is considered one of the deadliest on earth.

Ricin is another poison that has become popular, like anthrax, due to being sent through the mail. Actress who starred in the film “ Walking Dead”, was convicted of precisely this crime. Ricin has been found in castor bean seeds. Ricin is an incredibly deadly poison; it binds to proteins in the body, causing death. He was considered as chemical weapons US military and al-Qaeda members.

The most dangerous nerve gas on the planet, formerly a pesticide, has become an excellent target for militaries around the world, despite the ban on the use of weapons mass destruction. Gas has no other use except during war. The gas is so poisonous that one drop of it on the skin can kill a person. When inhaled, the first symptoms of poisoning are similar to the onset of the flu, then paralysis of the respiratory system occurs, which leads to death.

This is the deadliest poison on Earth. A cup of the toxin could kill hundreds of thousands of people by causing the disease botulism, a disease that affects the central nervous system. Surprisingly, this poison has an important practical use- from Botox injection procedures to migraine treatment. It is known that some patients have died after procedures using botulinum toxin. Of those injured as a result of poisoning with this poison, 50% die without treatment. medical care, and those who survive suffer from serious complications for many years. Due to its instability and easy availability in nature, botulinum toxin is the deadliest poison in the world. However, the cosmetic industry often uses

There are many poisons of various natures in the world. Some of them act almost instantly, others can torment the victim of poisoning for years, slowly destroying him from the inside. True, the concept of poison has no clear boundaries. It all depends on concentration. And often the same substance can act both as a deadly poison and as one of the most necessary components for maintaining life. A striking example Vitamins are of such duality - even a slight excess of their concentration can completely destroy health or kill on the spot. Here we propose to take a look at 10 substances that are classified as pure poisons, and are among the most dangerous and fast-acting.

(Total 10 photos)

Cyanides are called quite large group hydrocyanic acid salts. They are all, like the acid itself, extremely poisonous. In the last century, both hydrocyanic acid and cyanogen chloride were used as chemical warfare agents and were responsible for tens of thousands of deaths.

Potassium cyanide is also famous for its extreme toxicity. Just 200-300 mg of this white powder, which resembles granulated sugar in appearance, is enough to kill an adult in just a few seconds. Thanks to such a small dosage and incredibly quick death, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Goering and other Nazis chose this poison to die.

They tried to poison Grigory Rasputin with this poison. True, the poisoners mixed cyanide into sweet wine and cakes, not knowing that sugar is one of the most powerful antidotes for this poison. So in the end they had to use the gun.

2. Bacillus anthrax

Anthrax is a very severe, rapidly developing disease caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis. There are several forms of anthrax. The most “harmless” one is the skin one. Even without treatment, the mortality rate from this form does not exceed 20%. The intestinal form kills about half of those sick, but the pulmonary form is almost certain death. Even with the help the latest techniques modern doctors manage to save no more than 5% of patients.

Sarin was created by German scientists trying to synthesize a powerful pesticide. But this dark glory deadly poison, which causes quick but very painful death, was acquired not in agricultural fields, but as a chemical weapon. Sarin was produced by the ton for military purposes for decades, and it was only in 1993 that its production was banned. But, despite calls for the complete destruction of all reserves of this substance, both terrorists and the military still use it in our time.

4. Amatoxins

Amatoxins are a whole group of protein poisons contained in poisonous mushrooms of the Amanitaceae family, including in the deadly pale grebe. The particular danger of these poisons lies in their “slowness”. Once they enter the human body, they immediately begin their destructive activity, but the victim begins to feel the first discomfort no earlier than 10 hours later, and sometimes several days later, when it is already very difficult for doctors to do anything. Even if such a patient can be saved, he will still suffer for the rest of his life from painful dysfunctions of the liver, kidneys and lungs.

5. Strychnine

Strychnine in large quantities found in nuts tropical tree chilibuha. It was from them that it was obtained in 1818 by the French chemists Pelletier and Cavantou. In small doses, strychnine can be used as a medicine that increases metabolic processes, improves heart function and treats paralysis. It was even actively used as an antidote for barbiturate poisoning.

Nevertheless, it is one of the most powerful poisons. His lethal dose even less than the famous potassium cyanide, but it acts much more slowly. Death from strychnine poisoning occurs after about half an hour of terrible agony and severe convulsions.

Mercury is extremely dangerous in all its manifestations, but its vapors and soluble compounds cause especially great harm. Even small amounts of mercury entering the body cause severe damage to the nervous system, liver, kidneys and the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Upon entering the body small quantities mercury, the poisoning process is gradual, but inevitable, since this poison is not eliminated, but, on the contrary, accumulates. In ancient times, mercury was widely used for the production of mirrors, as well as felt for hats. Chronic poisoning with mercury vapor, expressed in behavioral disorders up to complete insanity, was at that time called “the old hatter’s disease.”

7. Tetrodotoxin

This extremely strong poison is found in the liver, milk and caviar of the famous puffer fish, as well as in the skin and caviar of some species of tropical frogs, octopuses, crabs and in the caviar of the Californian newt. Europeans first became acquainted with the effects of this poison in 1774, when the crew on James Cook's ship ate an unknown tropical fish, and the slops from dinner were given to the ship's pigs. By morning, all the people were seriously ill, and the pigs died.

Tetrodotoxin poisoning is very serious, and even today doctors manage to save less than half of all those poisoned.

It is interesting to note that the famous Japanese delicacy fugu fish is prepared from fish that contains the most dangerous toxin exceeds lethal doses for humans. Lovers of this treat literally entrust their lives to the art of the cook. But no matter how hard the chefs try, accidents cannot be avoided, and every year several gourmets die after eating gourmet dish.

Ricin is an extremely powerful poison of plant origin. The greatest danger is inhaling its smallest grains. Ricin is about 6 times more powerful a poison than potassium cyanide, but it has not been used as a weapon of mass destruction due to purely technical difficulties. But various intelligence services and terrorists “love” this substance very much. Politicians and public figures with enviable regularity they receive letters stuffed with ricin. True, the case quite rarely ends in death, since the penetration of ricin through the lungs is quite low in efficiency. For a 100% result, ricin must be injected directly into the blood.

9. Vi-Ex (VX)

VX, or, as it is also called, VI gas, belongs to the category of chemical warfare gases that have a nerve-paralytic effect. It was also born as a new pesticide, but soon the military began to use it for their own purposes. Symptoms of poisoning with this gas appear within one minute after inhalation or contact with the skin, and death occurs within 10-15 minutes.

10. Botulism toxin

Botulinum toxin is produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which are the causative agents of the most dangerous disease - botulism. This is the most powerful poison of organic nature and one of the strongest poisons in the world. In the last century, botulinum toxin was part of the arsenals of chemical weapons, but at the same time, active research was conducted regarding its use in medicine. And today a huge number of people who want to at least temporarily restore the smoothness of their skin are influenced by this the most terrible poison, which is part of the most popular medicinal product"Botox", which once again confirms the truth famous saying the great Paracelsus: “Everything is poison, everything is medicine; both are determined by the dose.”

There are many poisons of various natures in the world. Some of them act almost instantly, others can torment the victim of poisoning for years, slowly destroying him from the inside. True, the concept of poison has no clear boundaries. It all depends on concentration. And often the same substance can act both as a deadly poison and as one of the most necessary components for maintaining life. A striking example of such duality are vitamins - even a slight excess of their concentration can completely destroy health or kill on the spot.

Here we propose to take a look at 10 substances that are classified as pure poisons, and are among the most dangerous and fast-acting.


Cyanides are a fairly large group of hydrocyanic acid salts. They are all, like the acid itself, extremely poisonous. In the last century, both hydrocyanic acid and cyanogen chloride were used as chemical warfare agents and were responsible for tens of thousands of deaths.
Potassium cyanide is also famous for its extreme toxicity. Just 200-300 mg of this white powder, which resembles granulated sugar in appearance, is enough to kill an adult in just a few seconds. Thanks to such a small dosage and incredibly quick death, this poison was chosen to kill Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Goering and other Nazis.
They tried to poison Grigory Rasputin with this poison. True, the senders mixed cyanide into sweet wine and cakes, not knowing that sugar is one of the most powerful antidotes for this poison. So in the end they had to use the gun.

Bacillus anthrax

Anthrax is a very serious, rapidly developing disease caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis. There are several forms of anthrax. The most “harmless” one is the skin one. Even without treatment, the mortality rate from this form does not exceed 20%. The intestinal form kills about half of those sick, but the pulmonary form is almost certain death. Even with the help of the latest treatment methods, modern doctors manage to save no more than 5% of patients.


Sarin was created by German scientists trying to synthesize a powerful pesticide. But this deadly poison, which causes quick but very painful death, acquired its dark fame not in agricultural fields, but as a chemical weapon. Sarin was produced by the ton for military purposes for decades, and it was only in 1993 that its production was banned. But despite calls for the complete destruction of all reserves of this substance, both terrorists and the military still use it in our time.


Amatoxins are a whole group of protein poisons contained in poisonous mushrooms of the amanita family, including the deadly toadstool. The particular danger of these poisons lies in their “slowness”. Once they enter the human body, they immediately begin their destructive activity, but the victim begins to feel the first discomfort no earlier than 10 hours later, and sometimes several days later, when it is already very difficult for doctors to do anything. Even if such a patient can be saved, he will still suffer for the rest of his life from painful dysfunctions of the liver, kidneys and lungs.


Strychnine is found in large quantities in the nuts of the tropical chilibuha tree. It was from them that it was obtained in 1818 by the French chemists Pelletier and Cavantou. In small doses, strychnine can be used as a medicine that increases metabolic processes, improves heart function and treats paralysis. It was even actively used as an antidote for barbiturate poisoning.
However, it is one of the most powerful poisons. Its lethal dose is even less than the famous potassium cyanide, but it acts much more slowly. Death from strychnine poisoning occurs after about half an hour of terrible agony and severe convulsions.


Mercury is extremely dangerous in all its manifestations, but its vapors and soluble compounds cause especially great harm. Even small amounts of mercury entering the body cause severe damage to the nervous system, liver, kidneys and the entire gastrointestinal tract.

When small amounts of mercury enter the body, the process of poisoning occurs gradually, but inevitably, since this poison is not eliminated, but rather accumulates. In ancient times, mercury was widely used for the production of mirrors, as well as felt for hats. Chronic poisoning with mercury vapor, expressed in behavioral disorders up to complete insanity, was at that time called “the old hatter’s disease.”


This extremely strong poison is found in the liver, milk and caviar of the famous puffer fish, as well as in the skin and caviar of some species of tropical frogs, octopuses, crabs and in the caviar of the Californian newt. Europeans first became acquainted with the effects of this poison in 1774, when the crew on James Cook's ship ate an unknown tropical fish, and the slops from the dinner were given to the ship's pigs. By morning, all the people were seriously ill, and the pigs died.
Tetrodotoxin poisoning is very serious, and even today doctors manage to save less than half of all those poisoned.

It is interesting to note that the famous Japanese delicacy fugu fish is prepared from fish in which the content of the most dangerous toxin exceeds lethal doses for humans. Lovers of this treat literally entrust their lives to the art of the cook. But no matter how hard the chefs try, accidents cannot be avoided, and every year several gourmets die after feasting on a delicious dish.


Ricin is an extremely powerful poison of plant origin. The greatest danger is inhaling its smallest grains. Ricin is about 6 times more powerful a poison than potassium cyanide, but it has not been used as a weapon of mass destruction due to purely technical difficulties. But various intelligence services and terrorists “love” this substance very much. Politicians and public figures receive letters filled with ricin with enviable regularity. True, the case quite rarely ends in death, since the penetration of ricin through the lungs is quite low in efficiency. For a 100% result, ricin must be injected directly into the blood.

Vi-Ex (VX)

VX, or, as it is also called, VI gas, belongs to the category of chemical warfare gases that have a nerve-paralytic effect. It was also born as a new pesticide, but soon the military began to use it for their own purposes. Symptoms of poisoning with this gas appear within 1 minute after inhalation or contact with the skin, and death occurs within 10-15 minutes.

Botulism toxin

Botulinum toxin is produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which are the causative agents of the most dangerous disease - botulism. This is the most powerful poison of organic nature and one of the strongest poisons in the world. In the last century, botulinum toxin was part of the arsenals of chemical weapons, but at the same time, active research was conducted regarding its use in medicine. And today, a huge number of people who want to at least temporarily restore the smoothness of their skin are experiencing the influence of this terrible poison, which is part of the popular drug Botox, which once again confirms the validity of the famous saying of the great Paracelsus: “Everything is poison, everything - medicine; both are determined by the dose.”