Regiment in the Soviet army. How many people are in a company: how the number of military units is formed

Regiment, you need to understand the standard structure of military formations. The primary unit of the army structure is a squad, the number of which can reach 10-16 soldiers. Typically three make up a platoon. A motorized rifle company has three or four platoons, as well as a machine gun crew and a squad, problem solving for protection against enemy tanks.

The company is designed to solve most tactical tasks in combat conditions; its number reaches 150 people.

Several companies are organizationally part of the battalion. This structural unit is precisely followed by a regiment. It is an autonomous and key military formation designed to solve tactical problems, as well as take part in operations and strategic maneuvers. The regiment is usually headed by an officer of fairly high rank - a lieutenant colonel or colonel.

The composition of the regiment and its weapons are not homogeneous. Here you can see the divisions related to the most different types. The name of the regiment usually includes the name of the dominant branch of the army. It should be taken into account that the structure and total strength of the regiment is largely determined by the characteristics of the tasks being solved. In conditions of hostilities, the number of units can be increased.

Regiment as an independent combat unit

A motorized rifle regiment includes two or three motorized rifle battalions, a tank, artillery and anti-aircraft missile battalions, and a medical unit. Additionally, a regiment may have several auxiliary companies, for example, reconnaissance, sapper, repair, and so on. Composition of the regiment in the armies different countries determined by the regulations and wartime needs. As a rule, the strength of a regiment ranges from 900 to 1,500 people, and sometimes more.

What distinguishes the regiment from other units is that it is an organizationally independent combat, economic and administrative unit. Any regiment includes a department called headquarters.

Above a regiment in the military hierarchy is a division commanded by a general. Depending on the goals and objectives solved by this formation, the composition of the division, as well as its name, depends. For example, a division can be missile, tank, airborne, or aviation. The strength of a division is determined by the number of regiments and other auxiliary units included in it.

How many people are in the regiment?

    The regiment has on average from 800 to 2200 people.

    Regiments are different and therefore the number of regiments is also different.

    For example, the most popular regiments, so to speak, are rifle and motorized rifle regiments.

    The tanks behind them are giving way.

    The average number is 1,500 personnel. But everything depends on the type of troops. The structure of the Russian Armed Forces adheres to the classical ternary system.

    A regiment is three battalions. The battalion has three companies. The company consists of three platoons.

    Three regiments are a division. In the landing force, a division consists of two regiments. A brigade is an intermediate tactical formation. E structure is no different from the regimental one. The number of links is greater and that’s it.

    In practice, each subsequent division may consist of two or four lower ones.

    Russian armed forces are grouped according to

    1 Branches

    2 Platoons

    4 Battalions

    6 Brigades

    7 Divisions

    8 Corps

    10 Fronts, this is already the largest military formation, it is not for nothing that we mostly know the commanders, these are Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Suvorov, Georgy Zhukov and many others.

    A regiment is the most important formation and is commanded by a colonel.

    They can be tank, motorized rifle, and others, although the divisions of the clans may differ. But the regiment is named after the genus that has the most numbers in the regiment.

    The number of people in a regiment can range from nine hundred to two thousand.

    I had to turn to my son for an answer, since I myself did not serve in the army. He explained that in the regiment there could be different quantities Human. It all depends on the type of troops. Maybe 800, or maybe more than 2.5 thousand. But on average there are somewhere between 1000 and 2000 thousand soldiers.

    approximately in the area of ​​4,000 to 7,000 people

    A regiment is a large army formation, it includes various units, but the regiment is called by the type of troops that is the most numerous in it. For example, there is a motorized rifle regiment, a tank regiment, and an artillery regiment. The number of regiments varies, but approximately ranges from 1000 to 2500 people.

    A regiment is a structural military unit of the country's armed forces.

    The number of people in a regiment is not the same and depends on the purposes for which the regiment was created.

    Most often, the number of people in a regiment ranges from 900 to 1500 people.

  • Regiment

    The regiments are tank, motorized rifle, pontoon-bridge, communications, infantry, aviation, railway, engineering, etc. The regiment is commanded by a colonel. The regiment consists of units of many branches of the military.

    The strength of the regiment may be 900 – 2000 people. The number indicated is approximate.

    For example, a rifle regiment reached its greatest strength during the Second World War, when the strength of one of the rifle regiments reached 3,182 people. Number of motorcycles rifle regiment in the 80s of the 20th century it was 2,200 people. The strength of the cavalry regiment during the Second World War was 1,370 people.

For many civilians, words such as squad, platoon, company, regiment and others are known. However, most of them have never thought about the difference between, for example, a squad from a regiment, and a platoon from a company. In fact, the structure of military units is formed based on the number of military personnel. In this article we will look at the size of each military unit and understand in detail the structure of military formations.

Brief description of units and number of military personnel

In order to clearly control military personnel, military units have a specific structure, each unit of which has its own commander or chief. Each division has different numbers military personnel, and is part of a larger unit (a squad is part of a platoon, a platoon is part of a company, etc.). The smallest unit is the squad, it includes from four to ten people, and the largest formation is the front (district), the number of which is difficult to name, since it depends on a number of factors. To have a clearer idea of ​​the size of a military unit, it is necessary to consider each of them, which we will do next.

What is a department and how many people are there?

As noted above, the smallest military unit is a squad that is directly part of a platoon. The squad leader is the direct superior of the squad personnel. In army jargon it is abbreviated as “Chest of Drawers”. Most often, the squad leader has the rank of junior sergeant or sergeant, and the squad itself may consist of ordinary soldiers and corporals. Depending on the type of troops, a department may have a different number of people. Interestingly, the equivalent of a squad in tank units is the tank crew, and in artillery units it is the crew. The picture below shows several examples of the differences between the squad, crew and crew

The picture shows a motorized rifle squad, but in fact battalions have various departments, for example: the battalion commander’s control department (4 people), the reconnaissance department of the control platoon (4 people), the weapons repair department of the repair platoon (3 people), the communications department (8 people) and others.

What is a platoon and how many people are in it?

The next largest number of personnel is the platoon. Most often it includes from three to six departments, respectively, its number ranges from fifteen to sixty people. As a rule, a platoon is commanded by junior officers - junior lieutenant, lieutenant or senior lieutenant.
On the infographic you can see examples of motorized rifle and tank platoons, as well as a fire platoon of a mortar battery

Thus, we see that a motorized rifle platoon consists of a platoon command (platoon commander and deputy) and 3 squads (we looked at the composition of the squads above in the picture). That is, only 29 people.
A tank platoon consists of 3 tank crews. It is important that the commander of a tank platoon is also the commander of the first tank, so there are only 9 people in a tank platoon.
A fire platoon consists of 3-4 crews, each crew consists of 7 people, so the platoon size is 21-28 people.

Also, in addition to the units presented in the example, there are many different platoons in various brigades and regiments. As an example, let's list just a few of them:

  • Platoon control
  • Communications platoon
  • Reconnaissance Platoon
  • Engineer platoon
  • Grenade Platoon
  • Logistics Platoon
  • Medical platoon
  • Anti-aircraft missile platoon
  • Repair platoon, etc.

Company and number of people in it

The third largest military formation is the company. Depending on the type of troops, the size of the company can be from 30 to 150 soldiers, who are part of 2 to 4 platoons. Thus, the strength of a tank company is 31–40 people, and the number of military personnel in a motorized rifle company ranges between 150 people. The company is also a formation of tactical importance, which means that the servicemen who are part of the company, in the event of combat operations, can perform tactical tasks independently, without being part of the battalion. Often the company is commanded by an officer with the rank of captain, and only in some units this position is held by a major. Also, depending on the type of troops, a company may have a different name. For example, an artillery company is called a battery, an aviation company is called an aviation unit, and previously there was also a cavalry company, which was called a squadron.

In the example we have a tank and motorized rifle companies, as well as a mortar battery

Battalion and number of military personnel in it

As in other military units, the size of the battalion depends on the type of troops. The battalion consists of 2 - 4 companies, and has from 250 to 1000 people. As you can see, this military unit already has quite an impressive number, and therefore is considered the main tactical formation, capable of acting independently.

Many have heard the song of the group “Lube” called “Combat”, but not everyone knows what it means. So, the battalion is commanded by the battalion commander, which is abbreviated as “battalion commander”, in whose honor this composition of the same name was written. A battalion commander is the position of a lieutenant colonel, but most often battalion commanders are captains and majors, who have the opportunity to advance in their rank and receive the stars of a lieutenant colonel.

The battalion's activities are coordinated at battalion headquarters. Just like a company, a battalion, depending on the type of troops, may be called differently. For example, in the artillery and anti-aircraft missile forces they are called divisions (artillery division, air defense division).

There are many more specific units in battalions and divisions that were mentioned above. Therefore, we will present the structure in the form of separate infographics

Regiment and its composition

The regiment consists of three to six battalions. The strength of the regiment does not exceed two thousand people. The regiment itself is a directly key tactical formation that is completely autonomous. To command such a formation, you must have the rank of colonel, but in practice, lieutenant colonels are more often appointed as regiment commanders. A regiment may contain several different units. For example, if a regiment has three tank battalions and one motorized rifle battalion, then the regiment will have the name tank. Also, depending on the type of troops, a regiment can perform different tasks: combined arms, anti-aircraft, logistics.

There are also more numerous units that were heard by civilians much less often than the above-mentioned formations. We will try to briefly talk about them in the next part of the article.

Brigade, division, corps, army, front

After the regiment, the next largest in size is the brigade, which usually numbers from two to eight thousand troops. The brigade consists of several battalions (divisions), several auxiliary companies, and sometimes two or even three regiments. An officer with the rank of colonel is appointed brigade commander (abbreviated as brigade commander).

The main operational-tactical formation is a division. It includes several regiments, as well as many auxiliary units various kinds troops. The highest officers with the rank of major general and above are allowed to command the division, since the strength of the division is an impressive 12 - 24 thousand people.

The next military formation is the army corps. It is formed from several divisions, which can reach one hundred thousand people. There is no predominance of any military branches when creating an army corps, since it is a combined arms formation. The corps commander can be a senior military officer - major general and above.

The army as a military unit consists of several corps. The exact number of military personnel can range from two hundred thousand to a million, depending on the structure. The army is commanded by a major general or lieutenant general.

Front, and in peacetime military district is the largest unit of all existing in armed forces. Its number is very difficult to name, since it can change depending on the political situation, military doctrine, region, etc. The position of front commander can be held by a lieutenant general or an army general.

General principles for forming the number of units

From the above, you can build a certain chain that will help to finally clarify general principles formation of the number of units:

  • 5 – 10 people form a department;
  • 3 – 6 squads form a platoon;
  • 3 – 6 platoons create a company;
  • 3 – 4 companies form a battalion;
  • 3 – 6 battalions create a regiment;
  • 2 – 3 battalions form a brigade;
  • several brigades and auxiliary units form a division;
  • 3 – 4 divisions create an army corps;
  • 2 – 10 divisions are capable of forming an army

You also need to remember that the number of military units may depend directly on the type of troops. For example, tank units are always significantly inferior in number to motorized rifle units.

Other tactical terms

In addition to the above-mentioned terms of the number of military units, the following concepts can also be distinguished:

  1. Unit – all military formations that are part of the unit. In other words, military terms such as squad, platoon, company, etc. can be expressed by the word "unit".
  2. A military unit is the main independent unit of the Armed Forces. Most often, the unit consists of a regiment or brigade. Also, individual companies and battalions can be military units. The main features of the part are:
  • availability of open and closed military numbers;
  • military economy;
  • bank account;
  • postal and telegraph address;
  • own office work;
  • official seal of the part;
  • the commander's right to issue written orders.

All these signs indicate that the unit has the autonomy it needs.

  1. Compound. In fact, this term can only describe a division. The word “connection” itself implies the union of several parts. If the composition of the brigade is formed from separate battalions and companies that have the status of units, then in this case the brigade can also be called a formation.
  2. Association. Unites units such as corps, army, front or district.

Having analyzed all the above concepts, you can understand on what principles the numerical classification of military units is built. Now, watching films on military topics, or communicating with a military man, having heard most military terms, you will have a clear idea of ​​them. It is worth noting that this article does not pay due attention to the structure of aviation and naval formations, since they do not differ significantly from military ones.

The regiment appears. The size of its composition depends on the type of troops, and its full complement of personnel is one of the factors in ensuring the combat effectiveness of the army. The regiment consists of smaller structural units. Let's find out what a company, regiment, battalion is, the number of these units by main branches of the military. We will pay special attention to the equipment of the artillery regiment.

What is a regiment?

First of all, let's find out. We'll find out the number of personnel in the various branches of the military in this unit later.

A regiment is a combat unit, often commanded by an officer with the rank of colonel, although there are exceptions. Russian Federation the regiment is the main tactical unit on the basis of which it is formed

The regiment includes smaller structural units - battalions. The regiment itself can either be part of a formation or be a separate combat force. It is the regimental command that in most cases makes tactical decisions during a large-scale battle. Although quite often shelves are used as completely separate and independent units.

Number of members

Now let's find out the number of military personnel in the regiment, taking as a basis the composition of the rifle regiment as the most typical. This military unit usually contains from 2000 to 3000 soldiers. Moreover, approximately this number is observed in almost all (except perhaps artillery and some other types of troops) and even in law enforcement agencies. A similar number of military personnel, for example, have infantry regiment, the number of soldiers in which also ranges from two to three thousand people. Although there are exceptions, but minimum number In any case, there cannot be less than 500 military personnel in a regiment.

A typical rifle regiment consists of a headquarters, where major decisions are made, three motorized rifle battalions, communications company, tank battalion. This unit should also include an anti-aircraft division, a reconnaissance company, an anti-tank battery, a communications company, an engineering company, a repair company, a chemical, biological and radiation protection. IN lately more and more important functions performed by the company Although in Soviet era this unit was also very significant. The regiment's composition is supplemented by auxiliary units: a commandant platoon, a medical company and an orchestra. But they are additional only conditionally, since, for example, a medical company performs functions that are much more important, so to speak, than other units. After all, the lives of other soldiers depend on the soldiers of this structural unit.

A typical regiment has approximately this structure. You can see photos of the fighters of this formation above.

Battalion composition

Typically, two to four battalions form a regiment. We will now consider the number of servicemen in the battalion.

The battalion is considered the main tactical unit of ground forces. The range of personnel in this unit generally ranges from 400 to 800 people. It includes several platoons, as well as individual companies.

If we consider artillery, then combat unit, which corresponds to a battalion, is called a division.

As a rule, a battalion is commanded by a soldier with the rank of major. Although, of course, there are exceptions. They can be found especially often during combat operations, when an acute shortage of personnel officers may arise in the armed forces of a country or a separate unit.

Let's look at the structure of a battalion using an example. As a rule, the backbone of this structural unit is three motorized rifle companies. In addition, the battalion includes a mortar battery, a grenade launcher platoon, an anti-tank platoon, and a control platoon. Additional, but no less important units are platoons of material and technical support, as well as a medical center.

Company size

Rota - this smaller one structural unit, part of the battalion. As a rule, it is commanded by a captain, and in some cases a major.

The size of a battalion company varies greatly depending on the specific type of troops. Most of the soldiers are in the companies of construction battalions. There their number reaches 250 people. In motorized rifle units it varies from 60 to 101 servicemen. Slightly fewer personnel in airborne troops. The number of army personnel here does not exceed 80 people. But the fewest soldiers are in tank companies. There are only 31 to 41 military personnel there. In general, depending on the type of troops and the specific state, the number of military personnel in a company can vary from 18 to 280 people.

In addition, in some branches of the military there is no such unit as a company, but at the same time there are analogues. For cavalry this is a squadron, which includes about a hundred people, for artillery - a battery, for border troops - an outpost, for aviation - a link.

The company consists of command personnel and several platoons. Also, a company may include special squads that are not part of platoons.

Smaller units

A platoon consists of several sections, and the number of its personnel varies from 9 to 50 people. As a rule, the platoon commander is a soldier with the rank of lieutenant.

The smallest permanent unit in the army is the squad. The number of military personnel in it ranges from three to sixteen people. In most cases, a soldier with the rank of sergeant or senior sergeant is appointed as the squad commander.

Number of artillery regiments

The time has come to take a closer look at what an artillery regiment is, the number of personnel in this unit and some other parameters.

An artillery regiment is a structural unit of such troops as artillery. Typically it comes in as component to an artillery division, consisting of three or four units.

The size of an artillery regiment is smaller than the corresponding unit in other branches of the military. This indicator depends on how many divisions are included in the regiment. With three divisions, its strength ranges from 1000 to 1200 people. If there are four divisions, then the number of military personnel reaches 1,500 soldiers.

Artillery regiment structure

Like any other military unit, an artillery regiment has its own structure. Let's study it.

The structural elements of an artillery regiment are divided into three main groups: control, rear and combat support, as well as the main striking force itself - linear units.

It is these elements that make up an artillery regiment. A photo of the regiment's structure is located above.

Regimental control composition

In turn, the regiment's management is divided into the following elements: command, headquarters, technical unit and rear.

The command includes the regiment commander (most often with the rank of colonel or lieutenant colonel), his deputy, the chief of physical training and assistant commander for educational work. The last position in Soviet times corresponded to the post of political officer.

The headquarters unit includes the chief of staff, his deputy, as well as the heads of intelligence, topographic service, communications, secret unit, computer department and a combat assistant.

In the rear part of the regiment's command and control there are the deputy commander for logistics, the chiefs of food, clothing, fuels and lubricants and clothing services.

IN technical part The regiment's management includes the deputy for armament, the chiefs of the armored, automobile and missile and artillery services.

In addition, the heads of financial, chemical and medical services report directly to the regiment commander.

Composition of the logistics and combat support unit

The logistics and combat support unit is divided into the following structural elements: medical center, club, repair company, material support company, battery and control battery.

This unit is commanded by the deputy commander of the regiment for rear affairs, who himself is part of the administrative part of the regiment, as mentioned above.

Composition of linear units

It is the linear units that are entrusted with the main function of the existence of an artillery regiment, since they fire directly at the enemy from guns.

The regiment consists of four linear divisions: self-propelled, mixed, howitzer and jet. Sometimes there may be no mixed division. In this case, three units remain the backbone of the regiment.

Each division is divided, as a rule, into three batteries, which, in turn, consist of three to four platoons.

Number and structure of the division

As mentioned above, three or four regiments form an artillery division. The number of personnel in such a unit reaches six thousand people. As a rule, the command of a division is entrusted to a soldier with the rank of major general, but there have been cases when these units were commanded by colonels and even lieutenant colonels.

Two divisions form the largest unit in the artillery - the corps. The number of military personnel in artillery corps can reach 12,000 people. Such a unit is often commanded by a lieutenant general.

General principles for forming the number of units

We studied the size of a division, regiment, company, battalion, division and smaller structural units various genera troops, focusing on artillery. As you can see, the number of military personnel in similar units in different troops can vary significantly. This is due to the direct purpose of the various branches of the armed forces. The basis is the most optimal number of military personnel to perform specific tasks. Each indicator is not only the product of strict scientific calculations, but also the experience of conducting combat operations in practice. That is, each figure is based on the shed blood of the fighters.

Thus, we see that in the army there are both very small units, in which the number of military personnel can be equal to even three people, and the largest units, where total quantity numbered in tens of thousands of military personnel. At the same time, it is also necessary to take into account that in foreign countries the number of similar units may differ significantly from domestic options.

Like everything in this world, the science of warfare is progressing, new technologies and even new types of troops are appearing. For example, in Russia not long ago the Aerospace Forces appeared, which are a product of evolution and development Air Force. With the advent of new types of troops and changes in forms of warfare, it is certainly possible to adjust the number of personnel in units taking into account new conditions.