Crossword puzzle on the topic I can do in English. Online crossword creation services

Purpose of the crossword: for high school students.

Announcement: A crossword puzzle is a kind of self-test, an entertaining test. This crossword puzzle can be used in lessons, extracurricular activities as a process of learning and repeating English words.

Target- promote the development of intelligence and associative thinking.


Develop memory and broaden your horizons;

Learn to work with information sources.

1. A place where very sick people are taken. (hospital)

2. A jewel. (diamond)

3. A place where people bathe and wash clothing. (bathroom)

4. A group of people who fight to protect their country. (army)

5. A number. (ten)

6. Woman's decoration for the ears. (earring)

7. A person who has authority and influence in the team. (leader)

8. “How old are you?” what does it mean. (age)

9. A gray animal with four paws and a long tail. It looks like very big mice. (rat)

1. It is an animal. It moves very slowly. (tortoise)

2. A spring month. (April)

3. A school thing. (pen)

4. A place where frogs, mosquitoes and snakes live. People gather berries near it. (marsh)

5. Twelve months. (year)

6. It transports people and things from one city to another. It has different kinds of cars. (train)

7. A kind of metal. (iron)

8. When people cry, they flow from their eyes. (tear)

If you asked a dozen people on the road how they would spend their time on the road, it would be likely that many would prefer to do crossword puzzles. These puzzles are published in almost all periodicals. Solving crossword puzzles is very useful, especially on English. Let's see why they are so popular.

Solving crossword puzzles in English

The term crossword puzzle itself is a translation of the word crossword(intersection of words). A crossword in English is a puzzle presented in the form of a grid of words intersecting each other horizontally and vertically. By answering crossword questions (or descriptive definitions), you get words that you fit into the grid. According to the rules, answers can only be nouns in nominative case And singular. But nowadays, the original crossword puzzle in English has undergone many changes, so you can come across any innovations in this word game.

The right to be considered the founder of the crossword puzzle is disputed by three countries: England, the USA and South Africa. The first creator of a crossword puzzle in English in England is Michael Davis, who published his first work in the Time newspaper at the end of the 19th century. In South Africa, they believe that the first crossword puzzle appeared thanks to Cape Town resident Willie Orville, who is in prison. Well, in the USA, Arthur Wynne is considered the creator of the crossword puzzle in English, who published it in the Sunday issue of the New York World newspaper on December 21, 1913.

Why crosswords in English(and in their native language too) are they so interesting to people? Probably because it's great way occupy yourself in your spare time. Moreover, by solving a crossword puzzle in English, you increase your self-esteem, because in front of you clear example that your knowledge was useful. Scientists consider crosswords in English an excellent training tool. mental abilities. After all, by answering crossword questions in English, you encourage your brain to work, remembering necessary word. Moreover, you will first need to understand the essence of the question (after all, it is in English), and for this you need a good one.

Having guessed the right word, you fit it into the English crossword grid and thereby practice spelling. And visual memory will help you remember this word. Some crosswords in English have tricky questions, answering which will sharpen your intelligence and ingenuity. To solve crosswords in English, you can resort to using reference books that will broaden your horizons and deepen your knowledge. And finally, crosswords in English teach you to be more diligent and patient, because it will take some time to finish what you started.

Where to look for crosswords in English?

Currently, online crossword puzzles in English are very popular, which can be solved directly on websites dedicated to learning English. For example:

  • – level crosswords elementary And upper-intermediate
  • – crosswords in English are divided into categories: anagrams, birds, cities, common

Moreover, there are special programs that create english crosswords any subject and complexity. For example, “Universal crossword generator” on the website. You solve these crossword puzzles in English interactively.

There are plenty of opportunities for creating and solving crossword puzzles in English. Choose a method convenient for you and get started! Your brain will thank you!

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

If you like to solve crosswords in Russian, then we suggest you include this type of activity in classes to improve the English language. We have put together a small selection for you crossword puzzles for learning English. And in this article we will discuss what advantages exist this method learning English.

Why is it worth solving crosswords in English?

We will never tire of repeating that English classes should be engaging and interesting for students. And crosswords are precisely the type of activity that makes time fly by. In addition, students become motivated to guess all the words.

Sitting down to solve a crossword puzzle is much easier psychologically than starting to read a boring textbook. In addition, you can devote very little time to solving such puzzles (10-15 minutes), but the exercise will still bear fruit.

The main task facing a person solving a crossword puzzle is to remember previously learned words. What is important: when solving crosswords, you have to use not only words from the active vocabulary, but also from the passive one, thereby activating them and helping them to gain a foothold in. It's no secret that many people have just to a greater extent visual (visual) memory is developed. By the way, solving crossword puzzles is a great way to remember the spelling of words. Many students who have been studying English for more than one year, devoting most of their time to speaking practice, complain that they remember the pronunciation of a word, but have doubts when writing it. After completing various crossword puzzles, you will remember the spelling of several hundred words, which will help you not get confused when writing written works.

If you are going to leave for another country for permanent residence, then we advise you to practice spelling - spelling out words. This skill will be very useful to you when you need to dictate your last name or coordinates. We recommend playing crossword puzzles with friends or family members who speak English. You can take as an example the beloved TV show “Field of Miracles”, where you need to name the letters. You can also name the letters while solving crossword puzzles, but in English.

Crossword is a popular puzzle, the essence of which is to guess words based on questions. Researchers claim that the first crosswords were compiled in the 1st-4th centuries AD. Currently, there are many types of crosswords: classic, scanword, Chinaword, fillword, Japanese, etc. It is known that the writer Vladimir Nabokov compiled his own crossword puzzles for a Berlin newspaper; many still remember the author’s crossword puzzles by Oleg Vasiliev in Komsomolskaya Pravda. Now in Russia there are more than 400 specialized periodicals dedicated to various options crosswords*. Nowadays, creating a crossword puzzle is accessible to everyone.
IN educational activities Solving crossword puzzles is usually used at the stage of repetition and generalization of material.

How to make a crossword? Three preparatory stages

Compiling a crossword puzzle online or on paper usually comes down to the following steps:
  • coming up with a set of words that will make up a crossword puzzle;
  • formulation of tasks-questions on which given word will be guessed;
  • compiling the crossword puzzle itself, the arrangement of the letter cells on the sheet.

How to create a crossword puzzle online from a set of words and download it in Word?

If you have a ready-made set of words that should be in a crossword puzzle, use the service for creating an online crossword puzzle from words - CROSS

On the left, enter a set of your words, set the crossword size in cells (default - 25 cells) and click the button Create a crossword.

As a result, you will receive an example of a completed crossword puzzle that you can Download in Word format(blank) or Filled, also in Word.

When the button is pressed Try again a new crossword will be generated.

To use a crossword puzzle in class, you will only need to enter questions into the crossword puzzle template, which is downloaded in Word, print out the required number of copies, and also print out one copy for yourself so that you can easily check.

We create a crossword puzzle online ourselves - Crossword Factory


In this online crossword creation service, you can create a crossword either yourself by entering your words and placing them on the field, or generate a crossword from a list of words.

To enter a new word, use your mouse to highlight the cells in which you plan to place the word.

Next, select a word from the dictionary or enter your word by letter. Click the button Ready.

Next, you can enter a definition for this word or delete it.

To move a word, select it and, while holding down the CTRL button, move it around the field.

You can print this crossword puzzle with words and activities or with blank spaces and activities. To do this, click the Print version button and check the necessary boxes.

You can also provide a link to solve this crossword puzzle online on the Crossword Factory website. To do this, click the Save crossword button.

Crossword - create beautiful crosswords


An interesting service with a nice design for creating and solving crossword puzzles different types. Unfortunately, the Add question function did not work for me. Perhaps it will work out for you.

To create a crossword puzzle, you first need to enter the words from the link Word Editor - Add. Words can be added separated by a space or each new line. After adding words you need to click the button Add.