Famous English chef Jamie Oliver. Biography of Jamie Oliver

In any job, the main thing is incentive. For eight-year-old Jamie Oliver, his first incentive was to earn money for the coolest trainers around, so on weekends he worked hard in the kitchen of his father's pub in the English village of Clavering, part of Essex. While his classmates were kicking a ball, Jamie was shelling peas, then peeling vegetables, then learning how to use a knife... The benefit was double: money for sneakers, of course, and an early understanding of what his soul was about in life. He recalled that he liked treating his friends since childhood, especially if you fed them something they had never tried in their lives. Therefore, Oliver left school without graduating from the highest level (all the same, he admits, he didn’t get enough points) and went to learn the much more interesting intricacies of kitchen science at the Westminster College of Catering, and then for an internship in France. He was incredibly lucky with his jobs: first he got the position of pastry chef in the kitchen of Antonio Carluccio's Neal Street restaurant, and then ended up at the River Café restaurant with Rose Gray and Ruth Rogers. These two passionate ladies instilled in him a respect for food and taught him to choose the freshest and best. Well, then he was noticed by TV crews who came to film a story about the River Café... the story about how five producers called him the next morning after the program aired, Jamie never tires of retelling to this day! Over the years of fantastic television career he managed to star in many programs, write nine books varying degrees weight and become the idol of the entire democratic (and even not very democratic) part of the world gastronomic community.

Personal life

Social activities

Opened charity restaurants "Fifteen" in London, Amsterdam, Cornwall and Melbourne. In June 2003, Jamie Oliver received an order of knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.

Books published in Russian

  • D. Oliver. Happy days with the Naked Chef. M.: CookBooks, 2005



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  • Jamie is at home. Through the kitchen - to a better life! , Jamie Oliver. “This book is very close to my heart, and it talks about quite important things, in my opinion. Last year I suddenly realized that it is not at all necessary to wander around the world in search of...

Not for fifteen minutes, but endlessly, you can watch how the chef of the whole planet, Jamie Oliver, prepares a home-cooked dinner. He’s like a friend who dropped by for a minute to drink tea and at the same time shared a recipe for lemon pie that cannot be spoiled. Jamie hosts several programs, writes best-selling cookbooks, promotes healthy eating in schools, and helps troubled teenagers socialize. That's why we all love him. And having learned that he has five children, we cannot hold back tears of tenderness (well, almost!).

About having many children

The chef once told reporters that four children was “more than enough.” “I'm so tired. Four children is really hard work,” he said.

And he joked that his wife Jules, 41, told him not to have a vasectomy because he loves children so much. When the family's fifth child was born, Jamie Oliver was incredibly happy and proudly told fans that the newborn weighed as much as "16 sticks of butter."

Family values ​​are the main thing in life for Jamie and his wife and, despite the fact that they already have full house children, Jules once said that she would consider having another child in the future. "I'm getting older, but I'd definitely do it again if I can."

About baby names

Jamie's family has a tradition of naming their children unusual names. He gave his girls flower names. Their names are: Poppy Honey Rosie, Daisy Boo Pamela and Petal Blossom Rainbow. When he named his fourth child Buddy Bear Maurice, everyone was surprised. The happy dad replied that he had run out of names for girls. After the birth of the fifth child, an intrigue arose - what name would he get? Jamie hinted that, according to tradition, the newborn will have unusual name“something floral or from the natural world.” This was confirmed: the child received the name River Rocket - (River Rocket).

About the family

About raising children

Since Poppy (Jamie and Jules' first child) was born, my day starts at five in the morning and ends at ten at night, Monday to Friday. I have my own elaborate holidays and weekends and I try to be a good boss and good dad. Another tip on how to juggle work and play. If you want to do a lot of things, surround yourself with amazing women, that’s the secret!”

About succession

Jamie Oliver believes that his seven-year-old son Buddy has all the prerequisites to follow in the footsteps of his famous father and become a real chef. This also leads to conflicts with his son, who feels that his father does not allow him to be in charge in the kitchen. “He’s seven years old and we’re in trouble. He thinks I don't let him cook - that's not true. Complains to my mom that I need to work more, letting him cook at home.”

About social networks

Jamie Oliver active user social networks. He happily posts photos of the whole family. Favorite network is Instagram. This platform gives Jamie the things he needs: communication and sharing positive emotions. “My subscribers are decent people, I rarely get negativity from communicating on social networks.” Therefore, he even posted a photo of his newborn son taken in a hospital room, providing it with the comment: “Guys, this just happened! It's a boy! The whole Oliver family is surprised and very happy. The birth went well."

Based on materials from Mirror, Hello, jamieoliver.com, Guardian, Telegraph

Many viewers, after watching the program “Living Deliciously with Jamie Oliver,” are charged with positivity for the whole day. Possessing a large supply of energy, extraordinary charisma and charm, he cannot leave anyone indifferent. When he takes on any business, Jamie always succeeds because he enjoys what he does. The British chef collected his recipes from the best professionals of his business in different corners planets, so they are unusual and very diverse. Oliver's personal life is as busy as his work: his family has five children growing up, however, his wife would like to have another child.

James was born in 1975 in a village in Essex, England. His parents had a small pub, where the future cook helped his father and mother, while simultaneously mastering the basics of culinary skills. Due to a rare illness, he had difficulty reading, so his performance at school left much to be desired. The young man never completed his studies and soon entered the Westminster College of Catering. His culinary career began in a restaurant where he was assistant chef to Antonio Carluccio.

In 1999, thanks to filming about the establishment where Oliver worked at that time, several producers made him an offer to collaborate. Soon his career as a TV presenter began; in addition, Jamie began writing books about cooking. During his career, the star chef promoted healthy eating, and also opened charity restaurants. In his shows, he talks about how you can prepare food so that it is tasty and healthy. For his work, the TV presenter was awarded the Order British Empire, and also became a TED Prize winner.

In the photo, Jamie Oliver with his family: wife Juliet and children

Meeting model Juliet “Jules” Norton in 1993 became fateful for Oliver. The lovers were in no hurry to start a family, and only in 2000 a joyful event took place in their personal lives - a wedding. The couple dreamed of children, but Jules did not immediately become a mother, as she had health problems. After undergoing hormonal treatment, she was able to carry and give birth healthy child- daughter of Poppy Honey, who was born in 2002. A year later they had a second daughter, Daisy Boo, and six years later a third daughter, Petal Blossom Rainbow. Jamie and his wife also dreamed of adding boys to their family. In 2010, their son Buddy was born, followed six years later by their second son, River Rocket.

Oliver lives with his wife and children in the village of Clavering, in the northwestern part of Essex. Raising children, cleaning and cooking lies with Juliet, so over time she learned to cook well, surprising the TV presenter with a new version of familiar dishes. According to the 42-year-old wife of the star chef, she dreams of having another child, but Jamie believes that five children is quite enough.

See also

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Published 05/27/2017

The chef gained worldwide popularity thanks to his original approach to cooking. He has written many cookbooks, he has participated in television cooking shows, worked on lunches in UK schools. He is the host of the show Naked Chef", thanks to which he received this nickname.

The beginning of the path to success

James Trevor Oliver (pictured) was born on May 27, 1975 in the village of Clavering. At school, little Jamie was a brat and a spoiler; he studied poorly, partly due to lack of interest, partly due to dyslexia. It would seem that his childhood biography is not much different from any hooligan boy, but even in childhood, business acumen can be traced. So, being the son of a bar owner, he could buy sweets at the local cash & carry with a 20% discount. Taking advantage of this, Jamie resold the treats to his classmates.

He began his career as a chef in his parents' pub called "The Cricketers". At the age of 8, he was entrusted with cutting vegetables, and a little later he was allowed to work as a waiter. Already at the age of eleven, he actively participated in culinary competitions along with other pub employees. For this I received large number awards At the age of 16 he began his studies at Westminster Service College, for which he left school. Then he worked in France, gained experience, and came back to London. As a young man, he worked as a pastry chef in a restaurant, where he learned to cook Italian cuisine. He then worked at the River Cafe. He said he learned how to cook healthy food there. A film about this cafe was released in 1997, in which Jamie Oliver can be seen.

Career blossoming

In 1999, he launched his own culinary program, The Naked Chef. James admits that he was unhappy with the name that the producer came up with, but the audience liked the name. The program received this name because of the ease of the recipes presented. Now the program is shown in 40 countries. Then, in 1999, he was lucky enough to cook for the Prime Minister.

In 2002, the restaurant “Fifteen” opened, employing fifteen people who had absolutely no ability to cook before. These were difficult teenagers and people with a criminal record. The restaurant was a charity. Jamie believed that people in the UK are bad at cooking because they have been accustomed to poorly prepared food since childhood, and he opened his own foundation to solve the problem. He began solving the problem with teenagers and children. To open a restaurant, a pledge of his property was required. The idea became quite successful, and so Jamie opened similar establishments in several countries.

In 2003, the chef was awarded the Order of Knighthood. For healthy eating.

In 2005, Jamie created a campaign to encourage UK children to eat healthy foods. The campaign promoted organic food, a culinary educational program designed to improve the way British people eat. The government supported this idea, and then Jamie began actively promoting healthy eating. Oliver later launched a campaign to ban junk food in schools. Jamie also opened his own restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Since 2012 he has been working at the Manchester City club, in charge of food preparation.

In addition to everything, Jamie has published a huge number of books on culinary topics. Wikipedia gives the following list of his most popular works:

« Happy days with the Naked Chef" (2005)

"Jamie's Kitchen" (2007)

"Cooking with Jamie" (2010)

Family happiness

The chef’s personal life developed as follows: in 2000, his wedding took place with Juliet Norton, a former model. They met back in 1993. On at the moment The family has four children, 3 girls and 1 boy (family in the photo).

Jamie notes that his wife also became a good cook, especially after children appeared in the family. She often presents some interesting option already familiar recipe. He also speaks of her as a very good mother.

Jamie Oliver believes that motivation must be present on the path to success; it was this that helped him climb to the top of his career.

Thanks to his professionalism and unusual approach to cooking, he has gained a huge number of fans around the world. He has sold millions of cookbooks, opened a restaurant, appeared in several television shows and revolutionized school lunches in the UK. His constant use of the word "pukka" (read as "pakka"), which can be translated into Russian as "first-class", has become part of the everyday life of many housewives. Thanks to his show of the same name, Jamie earned the nickname "The Naked Chef."


Jamie or James Trevor Oliver born on May 27, 1975 in the southeast of England in the village of Clavering. He learned his first cooking skills in the kitchen of a pub called The Cricketers, owned by his parents Trevor and Sally. At the age of 11, Jamie was no longer much different in professionalism from other employees of this establishment. He began to constantly participate in various culinary fights, for which he received several prizes.

As a young man, Jamie got a job in a restaurant as a pastry chef. Here he first gained experience in cooking Italian cuisine. Gennaro Contaldo became his mentor. Oliver then moved to the River Cafe as sous chef. It was in this place, according to Jamie, that he learned to cook tasty, wholesome and healthy food. Here he was noticed by the BBC channel in 1997, which made a film about this cafe, after which he appeared in documentary film"Christmas at the River Cafe."

At the age of 16 he entered Westminster Catering College. Later he worked in France, where he became immersed in the local culture and gained good experience. Then James will return to London.

"I'm really excited - it's amazing. Does that mean I won't get any more parking tickets? No, seriously, I'm really excited."

Jamie Oliver / At the time of being awarded an MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire)

In 1999 he debuted with his show "The Naked Chef". He later wrote a cookbook that became a bestseller in the UK. That same year, Oliver was invited to cook dinner for then Prime Minister Tony Blair at No. 10 Downing Street!

Jamie Oliver TV show

In 2000, Jamie became the face of the Sainsbury's supermarket chain with a payment of $2 million a year. This partnership lasted 11 years. The last television advertisement was shown at Christmas 2011.

In 2002, he opened a charity restaurant “Fifteen”, which hired fifteen young people with no cooking skills as workers. Among these personnel, some had a criminal record, while others were simply difficult teenagers. This idea received great success and then Jamie decided to open several more such restaurants in other countries of the world.

In 2005, he launched a campaign called Feed Me Better to encourage British schoolchildren to eat healthy food. As a result, the UK government also became involved in this issue. Then Jamie delved into politics to promote healthy eating to the masses. These actions led to people voting him as the "Most Inspiring politician 2005," according to Channel 4 News.

Oliver then launched a formal campaign for a ban junk food in British schools. The chef's efforts led to dramatic changes in the school nutrition system.

Currently, Jamie has signed a contract with Manchester City for a period of 5 years.

In Russia they also have their own restaurants: one in St. Petersburg, the other in Moscow.

Personal life

In July 2000, Oliver married former model Juliet Norton. The couple met in 1993. They now have four children, three of them girls: Poppy Honey Rosie Oliver (born March 18, 2002), Daisy Boo Pamela Oliver (born April 10, 2003), Petal Blossom Rainbow Oliver (born April 3, 2009) and one boy : Buddy Beer Maurice Oliver (born September 15, 2010).