Letter combination of English letters with transcription. English transcription: pronunciation of letters and sounds in English

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Phonetic system of many European languages in general, it is of the same type and has a certain structure.

Of course, intonation plays a big role in the pronunciation of vowels in English words. There are certain rules for leading it up and down, as well as for individual turns, for example, there is and there are.

However, in the phonology of the English language the presentation is ordered English letters and their corresponding phonemes properly.

Let's try to process and structure the existing extensive material for compact and easy assimilation, applying the principle of comparative studies - comparison with the phonetics of the Russian language where possible.

There are 6 vowels in English:

If you look closely at the capital and uppercase versions of the same letter, you will notice that vowels such as O and U have identical spellings.

Transcription of vowels in English

Absolutely everyone who has encountered the study of English phonetics experiences difficulties in correctly understanding the transcription of vowel sounds.

The fact is that in the transcriptional embodiment the pronunciation of English vowels is not similar to the pronunciation, for example, of identical Russian vowels. This circumstance is explained primarily by the different history of origin.

Thus, the system of English vowel phonemes goes back to diphthong combinations of sounds.

For reference: diphthong combinations (diphthongs) are a combination of two or more sounds. At the same time, they can have different overtones and are designated by one letter.

Graphically, a transcribed sound is indicated by enclosing it in either square brackets () or slashes (/ /)

Let's look at the transcription of English letters:

Letter Designated sound
— A a
— E e *
—I i
— O o
— U u
— Y y

The sign “:” after a vowel sound denotes the so-called longitude. This means that the sound must be pronounced in a somewhat drawn-out manner.

Rules for reading vowels in English

However, the table above does not yet indicate that all sounds represented by the five English letters are transcribed in the same way.

As you know, there are only six vowel letters, but there are much more sounds that can graphically represent these letters - about 24.

To make it easier to learn the rules for reading such sounds, scientists have come to the conclusion that reading vowels depends on the type of syllable.

There are two types of syllable:

  • open,
  • closed.

Speaking about the openness/closedness of a syllable, it should be understood that this is a uniquely organized phonetic system of phonemes in one word.

A word can have from one to several syllables, and can also contain both open and closed ones. According to statistics, almost all English words end with a closed syllable.

The theory of dividing a word into syllables in almost all languages ​​is based precisely on vowels. When studying our native language, we always say to ourselves or out loud when we have to divide a word into syllables: “The number of vowels in a word, the number of syllables.” This is indeed true and fits well with the division of English words into syllables.

So, to determine the number of syllables in a syllable:

  • find the vowels in the word,
  • Mentally or graphically draw vertical lines after each vowel. How many cut off sectors there are is the number of syllables in a word.

For example, take the word independent:

  • count the vowels: 4 (i, e, e, e)
  • draw perpendicular lines: in-de-pen-dent
  • It also turned out to be 4 segments, therefore 4 syllables containing 4 vowels.

Vowels in an open syllable type

An open syllable is a syllable that either consists of a single vowel or ends with a vowel.

For example: the word bar has only one syllable, the word ru-ler has two syllables, the first of them is an open syllable, since it ends with the vowel u.

Letter Designated sound
— A a
— E e
—I i
— O o
— U u
— Y y

Vowels in a closed syllable type

A closed syllable is a syllable that ends with a consonant.

For example: in the word book there is one syllable, ending with the consonant k, in the word dif-fi-cult there are three syllables, the first and third of them are closed (on f and t), the second is open.

Peculiarities of vowel pronunciation in English

Depending on the type of syllable, vowels are read differently. The letter R r stands out in the reading rules. It greatly affects reading in both syllables.

For example, in an open type of syllable, the sound [r] seems to merge with a diphthong and sounds neutral - [ǝ]. And in closed type so-called short vowels are combined with the semi-consonant sound [r].

The result is the following combination:

  • [a] ,
  • [ɔ] [ɔ:] ,
  • [e], [i], [u][ǝ:] .

That is, short ones turn into long ones.

As for the rules for reading stressed vowels in a syllable, the letters u, a, o acquire the ability to be reduced (that is, become super-short) and even drop out completely. Produces a neutral sound [ǝ].

For example: in words like sofa [‘soufǝ] or today. Letters i,e,y, being reduced, pronounced as sound [i]. For example: enemy [‘enimi].

If the vowel is unstressed, then the corresponding vowel sound may manifest itself in shortening its length. Therefore, you can often observe (especially in colloquial speech), as pronouns she, he, we, me often pronounced not with long , and with a short [i].

Also, the absolute loss of sounds (when it is not heard at all) can be observed in such examples as: lesson [‘lesn], open [‘oupn], pencil [‘pensl].

Short vowels in English, examples

Before characterizing short and long vowels, it should be noted that they differ from each other not only in the time of pronunciation, but in articulation - those means of the oral cavity that are involved in their formation.

Under stress, vowel sounds are read in a truncated form, that is, they are closely adjacent to the consonant sound that follows them.

Short sounds (otherwise reduced sounds) may differ in quality and quantity. They mainly manifest themselves in prepositions and other service units speech.

There they are usually unstressed, so theoretically they cannot take on longitude. But depending on the pronunciation situation, they can be pronounced drawn out or when emphasized in a rhythmic manner (phrase stress).

Qualitative reduction is a weakening of a vowel, accompanied by a change in its quality and transformation into a sound of a neutral type.

Quantitative reduction is accompanied by a reduction in the duration of the vowel sound.

There is also a zero (complete) reduction, when the vowel is completely dropped.

Thus, all reduced forms can be called weak.

For example:

weak forms - you, at [әt].

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  • Download the dictionary in PDF and MP3 formats, educational tables and audio recordings of all phrases

Long vowels in English, examples

There are much more long vowel sounds in the language. For the most part, they are pronounced in monophthongs - the articulation does not change throughout the entire duration of the sound.

As already mentioned, in transcription such vowels are indicated by the sign “:”.

For example:

  • Good
  • Arduous
  • Green

Diphthongs in English, examples

Diphthongs (or two-vowel sounds) are not peculiar to the Russian language, so it is not so easy to learn them.

They are complex (composite) sounds that consist of two vowel sounds that must be pronounced as closely as possible. It turns out that two sounds simply merge into one.

The stressed and syllabic sound is the first of the sounds to be merged. This is the nucleus of a diphthong. The second vowel in a diphthong is called a glide. It complements the core, making the combination more harmonious and easy to pronounce.

Due to the fact that the core is a long sound, and the glide is a short sound, the pronunciation of a diphthong in terms of the degree of pronunciation effort and duration is approximately equal to the classic English monophthong. Although in general we can say that diphthongs are not pronounced long, but drawn out.

Affects the pronunciation of the diphthong and its position in the word in relation to the consonants. So, before voiced consonants it is pronounced briefly, and if the consonant is voiceless, then very briefly

For example: sofa (affected by the voiceless consonant f).

Table of English Diphthongs

So, there are 8 diphthongs: [ͻi] [ʊə] [əʊ].

They read more than clearly - as in the above transcription. However, there are words, for example, dear (dear) and deer (deer), in which the combinations of vowels ea and ee are pronounced the same way - .

Such cases must be remembered. Thus, we see that phonemic difficulties in the English language lie in wait for the student at every turn.

There can only be one piece of advice: compiling a “cheat sheet” for yourself with tables of English vowels, as well as tireless practice in pronouncing sounds. This can be achieved by reading texts out loud.

It is best to consult an experienced tutor about the correct pronunciation of certain vowels or diphthongs, who will carefully and painstakingly show how certain sounds are pronounced in various types syllables.

Vowel sounds in English are classified as monophthong, diphthong or triphthong.. These are sounds that consist of 1, 2, 3 parts. Vowel sounds are also divided into short and long sounding. They are designated like this: [i:], [ɔ:].

They are also divided into articulatory. Thus, vowel sounds are front-lingual, middle-lingual, back-lingual, closed, open, half-open. Accordingly, their names speak directly about the position of the lips and tongue during pronunciation.

For example, front-lingual- sounds are formed through the front of the tongue, etc.

Transcription icons and their pronunciation

Pronunciation of all vowels

It can be understood using the following examples:

[i:] - the sound is similar to our “i” in the word “hurry”, etc. Pronounced confidently and for a long time.

[i] - the sound is similar to our “and” in the word “at”. It is pronounced briefly, not drawn out.

[еi] - the sound is similar to our “e” in the word “tin”. It takes a long time to pronounce.

[æ] - a sound similar to the previous one. It is also pronounced for a long time, but with the mouth wide open.

[a:] - the sound is similar to our “a” in the word “beam” in the first case.

[ɔ] - the sound is similar to our “o” in the word “complicated”. Pronounced briefly.

[ɔ:] - the sound is similar to our “o” in the word “school”. Pronounced for a long time with the mouth wide open.

[u] - the sound is similar to our “u” in the word “ear”. Pronounced briefly.

[u:] - a sound similar to the previous one. In the word "rooster" you can see exactly how it is pronounced.

[Λ] - the sound is similar to our “o” and “a” in the words “yours”, “gardens”. Always appears in words with emphasis.

[ə] - the sound is similar to our “ё” and “o” together in the word “iod”.

[iə] - the sound is similar to our “i” and “e”, sounding together.

[ai] - the sound is similar to our “ai”.

[aiə] - the sound is similar to our “ai”, pronounced for a long time.

Consonants in English


  • for bows and shels;
  • on labial, dental;
  • anterior lingual, middle lingual, posterior lingual.

Consonants are also voiced and voiceless.

The last voiceless consonants are characterized by powerful articulation; a significant decrease in articulation is characteristic of sonorous consonants.

The consonant sounds of the English language are pronounced more actively than the corresponding sounds of the Russian language. Most of them are pronounced with aspiration (the process of aspiration).

Basic types of vowel readings

  1. All vowels are read as they are usually read in the alphabet. Examples: stake, state, cake.
  2. All vowels are read briefly. You can read about short sounds above. Examples: tree, me, be.
  3. All vowels take a long time to read. You can read about long sounds above. Examples: my, style, why.
  4. All vowels can be doubled in pronunciation. Examples: tune, Tuesday, music.

Basic rules of reading in English

Reading vowels

The most sounds can be found in six vowels. The main rules are associated with them English reading. So, depending on the location, combination with other letters and stress, the reading of vowels in a particular word depends.

Let's look at the rules for reading vowels in combination with other letters, stress and placement.

The vowel “A” is divided into sounds:

  • [еi] - words pan, flat. The sound is read here through our letter “e”;
  • [æ] - the word take. Our sound “e” is read here in a short form.
  • [a:] is the word far. Our sound “a” is read here in a short form.

The vowel “E” is divided into sounds:

  • [i] - words meat. The sound “and” is read briefly.
  • [e] - the word met. Read as a short "e".
  • [ə] - the word very. Reads like a long "e".
  • [iə] - words here, near. The long “i” and “a” are read together

Vowel I is divided into sounds:

  • [ai], [i], [ə] in the corresponding words mine, in, stir, fire

The vowel O is divided into sounds:

  • , [O], , [ə], in the corresponding words refuse, but, fur, lure.

The vowel Y is divided into sounds:

  • , [i], [ə:], in the corresponding words type, gym, myrtle, tire.

If you are tired of learning English for years?

Those who attend even 1 lesson will learn more than in several years! Surprised?

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From the course “ENGLISH BEFORE AUTOMATION” you:

  • Learn to write competent sentences in English without memorizing grammar
  • Learn the secret of a progressive approach, thanks to which you can reduce English learning from 3 years to 15 weeks
  • You will check your answers instantly+ get a thorough analysis of each task
  • Download the dictionary in PDF and MP3 formats, educational tables and audio recordings of all phrases

Reading consonants in English

Features of reading some consonants

There are features in the reading of four consonants:

  • “с” (=k=ck) [k],
  • "qu"
  • "j"
  • "X" .

All these sounds have several reading options depending on location and combination with other letters.

  • The consonant “s” is read as our sound “k” and as our “s”. In ordinary cases, “s” should be read as “k”, but if they come after a consonant “e”, “i”, “u”, then “s” is read like the Russian “s” in the words “sit”.

For example, this is how the words ice, cinema, cycle are read.

  • The consonant “g” is usually read as our “ji” sound or as the “g” sound. It is usually customary to read the sound “g”, but if it comes after a consonant “e”, “i”, “u”, then “g” is read as “ji”.

For example, the words age, gigantic, refrigerator, inginear are read this way. Particular cases of pronunciation are remembered when learning the alphabet.

  • The consonant c in the double form “s” is read as our sound “ks” after “e”, “i”, “y”. But it should be remembered that the doubled form in consonants is not readable, only one letter is read.
  • The consonant “s” is read as our sound “s” and as the sound “z”, depending on the voicing. Vowels add sonority.

Apart from these consonants, others have no features.

All the other sixteen are read as written.

  • Consonant B reads like our “b”. Examples: big, better, bet, biten, brother.
  • The consonant D is read like our “d”. Examples: door, ded, dog, middle, red.
  • Consonant F reads like our “f”. Examples: foot, friend, folse.
  • The consonant G is read like our “g”. Examples: get, egg, giggle, google, gazer.
  • Consonant H reads like our “x”. Examples: him, help, hill, hot.
  • The consonant K is read like our “k”. Examples: kiss, desk, kitten, kitchen.
  • Consonant L reads like our “l”. Examples: live, leave, loosen, lost, little.
  • The consonant M is read like our “m.” Examples: milk, moon, simple, from.
  • Consonant N reads like our “n”. Examples: note, not, near, nonsense, on.
  • The consonant P is read like our “p”. Examples: put, plump, pop, stop.
  • Consonant R reads like our “r”. Examples: rest, roof, berry, bread, rock.
  • The consonant S is read like our “s”. Examples: sit, west, miss, stress, soul.
  • Consonant T read like our "t". Examples: ten, title, test, true, tree.
  • The consonant V is read like our “v”. Examples: very, seven, give, vivid.
  • Consonant W reads like our “v”. Examples: well, twelve, swim, winter.
  • The consonant Z is read like our “z”. Examples: zip, drizzle, fiz, zigzag, zoom.

Silent consonants

Basic Rules.

  • In the letters “g”, “k” you should not read “n” at the beginning and at the end of the word.

Examples: gnat, foreign, knee, knaif, campaign.

  • In the letters “b”, “n” should not be read after the “m” at the end of the word.

Examples: bomb, autumn, thumb, column.

  • The letter “p” should not be read in combinations “pn”, “ps”.

Examples: pneumatic, psychology.

  • The letter “w” should not be read before the “r”.

Examples: wrap, wrong.

In order to learn English, namely to be able to apply it in life, and in addition to achieve a speech that will be understandable to foreigners, you need to know how to pronounce this or that word.

To achieve this level of English you need to use:
  1. Books and manuals for learning English. But not those that say “English in three days” or “English in a few months”, since, naturally, it is impossible to learn and be able to use a language in life in such a short term
  2. Audio and video for learning English. Listening more English speech and music you can quickly achieve the desired result, even in a short time. In addition, pronunciation will improve and foreigners will treat the person as if they are speaking with a person from the same country.
  3. Teacher or tutor. It is advisable that the person has studied abroad or been abroad for several years.
  4. Foreigners. Experience in correct pronunciation and reading is gained directly with practice.

seemed impenetrable jungle from 26 dangerous predators hiding in the wilds. However, now you can probably easily name and place them in in the right order all the letters, and you’ll also show off a few facts that not every philologist knows.

After reading this article, the topic of English transcription and pronunciation will be moved from the room of fear to the room of laughter. Today on the program:

Getting rid of the fear of reading and learning graphic symbols
. acquaintance, memorization and learning of diphthongs, vowels and consonants (classification of sounds), arranged in unique tables
. pause to download and print English transcriptions in pictures
. clear and concise explanation of usage English sounds by comparing them with their Russian relatives
. reinforcement of the material covered with a 10-minute video about English transcription

Are you still afraid? Then we are coming to you!

Graphic transcription symbols in English

Before you plunge headlong into the maelstrom of English reading, we strongly recommend that you listen to the advice of experienced divers. Naturally, a child learns to sit first and then walk, and not vice versa - the same thing awaits us: first learn to read the transcription, and then pronounce it (in the head or out loud). You should not get carried away only by reading, otherwise you risk burying yourself in the wilds of theory and breaking away from practice.

First you need to learn and clarify all the questions regarding each transcription symbol. Then listen online to exactly as many examples as you need to clearly understand how a given symbol sounds in real speech. Learn strictly from examples not of sounds taken out of context (like Rian’s “uh-uh” in the hit “Umbrella”), but from specific letter combinations found in words. Next, listen to each new word first and only then compare what you hear with your ears with the alphabetic dictionary transcription enclosed in square brackets. By the way, about them and other integral companions of transcription:

Square brackets. They signal that what is inside is transcription.
For example, English is a word, and ["ɪŋglɪʃ] is its transcription;

- main emphasis. Placed BEFORE the stressed vowel: around [əˈraʊnd];

, - secondary stress. Placed BEFORE the vowel: ["hæmˌbɜːgə];

: - vowel length.

The proposed option will not seem the fastest at first glance, but the wise man will not go up the mountain - the wise man will go around the mountain. As a result, the time spent is converted into comfortable speech perception: you no longer need to painfully strain your hearing, trying to recognize unfamiliar sounds. And soon the unfamiliar “squiggles” will acquire a meaningful sound. Isn't it magical? This is the secret of not only correct pronunciation, but also ease of listening comprehension.

English Transcription Foundation

Since “it’s great that we’re all here today” about studying transcription, let’s take a closer look at it. Transcription is of two types: phonetic and phonemic. You are mistaken if you think that you have taught/will learn phonetic transcription, which is more familiar to the ear. As a rule, it interests serious linguists; our choice is the study of phonemes (sound linguistic units). Simply put, if two sounds are very similar, but the difference between them can change the meaning of the word, then they form two different phonemes. In Russian this is not so noticeable, because even if you call a cat “kot” or “coooooot”, he will still come, but the meaning of the word will not change. One phoneme for two different sounds. The number will not work in English: “cot”, “caught” and “coat” contain different phonemes. Why so many “smart letters”? Besides the fact that dictionaries contain phonemic transcriptions, remember this and do not allow yourself to be confused:

Pope(dad, papal):
1) is phonetic transcription, it is emphasized here that the first [p], unlike the second, is pronounced with aspiration (aspiration after consonants sounds p,t,k before vowels);
2) is a dictionary (phonemic) transcription.

What else do you need to know about transcription? That there are different syllables in it:

- open
(there is no consonant after the vowel) - New
- closed(after a vowel there is a consonant) - York

- vowel: single - [e], diphthong - [ɔʊ], triphthong - [ɑiə]
- consonant:[d]

Vowel sounds of English (with online pronunciation)

There are fewer vowel sounds in English than consonants, but more than diphthongs. This picture clearly shows the difference, for example, between the sounds [I] and . Anyone who has even heard of the existence of imagination will recognize the words “fish” and “tree”, which, like puzzles, contain the mentioned sounds. You can re-read the rules as much as you like, or you can once study in detail the transcription in pictures, which visualizes examples of the use of sounds. To train your memory, you can download and even print the picture; this option is provided. For auditory learners, it is possible to hear every sound online in a word after clicking on the speaker icon.

Consonant sounds of English

Consonant sounds in English are not at all twin brothers to Russian. The articulation of their creation is seriously different. However, we are not here to intimidate with clever words, but rather to make life easier for beginning English lovers, so we colored the voiced consonants purple, and the voiceless consonants blue. During the formation of the same plural nouns it is very important to feel and know the difference. 24 new words serve as a bonus to the learned sounds. We train visual memory and save English transcription in pictures for repeated reference at the first need! Audience learners still click on the speaker icon under each letter to pronounce sounds in online transcription.

Diphthongs (double vowel sounds) of English

And it would be scary to have 8 diphthongs in English if it weren’t for the wonderful pictures, thanks to which learning turns into an entertaining solving of charades. Just look at the picture, hold your gaze, sound the diphthong by pressing the speaker icon under the letter and practice correct pronunciation. Everyone who appreciates the creative approach to business is allowed to download the picture for a long memory!

From theory to practice
Some time will pass, the dictionary will be covered with a thick layer of dust or will be removed from bookmarks (in the electronic version), because the translation of the necessary words is known, the sound is familiar - what other America can you discover there? Believe it or not, it is the clarification of the transcription of words that seem to be well known to you that is the very unplowed field that is worth going over in order to improve the sound of speech.

Let's give an everyday example: the frequently used word “real” has a phonemic transcription a) , b) or c)?
The first option is fictitious and erroneous, the second and third are British and American pronunciation styles. What is the moral of this fable?

So that you do not feel painfully ashamed of your reading, we recommend that you at least briefly familiarize yourself with these tables as follows:
- read the line from left to right;
- listen to the perfect pronunciation of the sound;
- take a mirror in your hand and practice hard (you will probably enjoy practicing [æ] or [ð]).

Table of English sounds similar to Russian
These sounds in English transcription do not have to be explained on your fingers.

[ɑː] car, far, garage It sounds like a long “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” Remember the cartoon about Mowgli, where the wise Kaa was?
[ʌ] up, but, love Short sonorous "a". There is something similar in the Russian “ay”.
[ɔː] more, board, floor Sounds like a long "oo". Act surprised.
[b] book, board, tab Russian energetic "b". When you're walking down a corridor in the dark and suddenly bump into
[g] green, grace, agree Russian "g", but not so energetic.
[f] forest, atmosphere, enough Very energetic Russian "f".
[k] kill, cord, school Russian "k". Before a stressed vowel, it is pronounced aspirated (if you put your hand in front of your lips and say “kil”, your palm should feel your fresh breath)
[m] mother, lamb Russian "m".
[n] nine, note, intrusion Russian "n".
[p] pub, gallop, open Russian energetic "p". Before a stressed vowel - aspirated.
[v] vest, vocal, give Russian "v".

Now let's look at some tricky examples in practice:

subtle - barely perceptible
“Sattle” and only that, no “subtle” with a drum “b” in the middle.

palm - palm
Naturally, everyone wants to be under a palm tree, but there is no smell of it here. Not “palm”, not “po:lm”, but “pa:m”, as in “car” and “path”. In company with a palm they find themselves calm- “calm” and balm- "balm".

halt - stop
Banish the analogy with the German “halt” - the correct pronunciation is “ho:lt”.

won - won, won in the past from “win”
Wonderful if you pronounce "won" like "one" - .

of - preposition of belonging
Only a botanist would think of checking the sound of a two-letter word? Oh well. "Of" and no nails? Remember: "Of" is pronounced with a "v" at the end. Full form- [ɔv], reduced - [əv]. Always.

Table of English sounds that have something in common with Russian
These sounds cause the greatest temptation and at the same time danger: the relative similarity with the usual pronunciation in Russian threatens to sound completely incorrect. Pay enough attention and understand the differences well.

[i] fit, bit, symbol The mean between “s” and “i”. It is pronounced very briefly, as at the end of “apchhi”.
cheese, tree, sea What photographers ask us to say on camera. As in the Russian word “syyyr”, but with a touching smile.
[ɒ] hot, body, rock The mean between "o" and "a". That is, in no case is the Vologda “o”.
[u] cook, foot, woman It's similar to the Russian short "u", but it's easier to pronounce and the lips are slightly stretched. It turns out like a “y” with a half smile. No elongated lips.
true, fool, shoes Like the previous sound, but long lasting.
[e] get, bed, head Intelligent "e". As in the Russian word "tin".
[ə] about, until, alias The mean between the unstressed “e” and “a”.
[l] let, laughter, illegal Softened Russian "l". Something between the sound of the word “la” and “la”.
[s] stress, sunday, citizen Muffled Russian "s". He never whistles. Remember the song "Girl" by the Beatles? Now, if their famous inhalation “sssss” is pronounced with an exhalation and briefly, you get a beautiful English [s].
[z] zero, cosmonaut, xenon Everything is the same as about the sound [s], only louder.
[t] tree, trunk, receipt Similar to Russian "t". But the tip of the tongue should be placed not to the teeth, but to the tubercle behind the upper teeth.
[d] drink, ad, diligent Similarly: like the Russian “d”, only the tip of the tongue rests on the tubercle immediately behind the upper teeth.
[ʃ] ship, action, special Between Russian “sh” and “sch”. Doesn't whistle, because... the tongue does not press against the teeth with force, but gently touches them.
[ʒ] pleasure, visual, garage Softened Russian "zh". Doesn't ring or whistle.
jump, jungle, logic Connecting English [d] with [ ʒ ] and get a soft “j”.
inch, chance, catch We connect English [t] with [ ʃ ] and we get something similar to the Russian “ch”. As in the word "kitsch".
[j] yes, yet, you The mean between "th" and "i".
[ɪə] hear, fear, beer It looks like the Russian “ie” with an emphasis on “i”.
air, hair, care Russian "ea" with emphasis on "e".
make, tray, ace Russian "ei" with emphasis on "e". "I" is pronounced very short.
hi, sky, bye Russian "ai" with emphasis on "a". "I" is pronounced very short.
[ɔɪ] boy, joy, coin Russian "oi" with emphasis on "a". "I" is pronounced very short.
how, cow, hour, our Russian "au" with emphasis on "a". "U" is pronounced very short.
fire, wire Russian "aie" with a strong emphasis on the first "a". Pronounced quickly and smoothly.
our, flower Russian "awa" with a strong emphasis on the first "a". Pronounced quickly and smoothly.

were - were
“Were” is not at all the same thing as “where” - . Instead of a diphthong, we use the neutral vowel - , the shortened form - .

debt - debt and doubt - doubt
Fans of the group “No Doubt” have had more than a dozen years to figure out how correct the name of their favorite group sounds. "Debt" and "daubt" are not so easy to pronounce. In English there is no such Russian-language phenomenon as deafening or voicing of a consonant, but throw away the letter of their words for a dear soul: it is pronounced and .

good - good, book - book and look - watch
The double "o" does not turn into a long "u" in these words. Therefore, you should not copy the howl of wolves at the moon - say it correctly with a short vowel - , , .

Table of English sounds that have nothing in common with Russian
Practice pronouncing these sounds well online; at a minimum, your speech apparatus should get used to playing them correctly.

[ɜː] earn, her, first If the Russian “o” wanted to become “e”, it would sound exactly like this. Somewhat similar to the sound when children tease by sticking out their tongues. But you need to achieve this sound without sticking anything out. To do this, silently prepare your mouth to pronounce “е”, and say “oo” out loud.
[əu] go, joke, own Between Russian “ou” and “yo” (without “y”) with emphasis on the first sound. "U" is pronounced very short.
[æ] cat, apple, compact It is very important not to confuse this sound with [e], otherwise instead of “bad” (bad) you will get “bed” (bed). You need to stretch your lips wide, lower your lower jaw and say “eh” from the heart.
[h] hot, head, uphill Every Russian man knows how to pronounce this sound. When you are asked to “come on, breathe,” then all men begin to speak English, because they pronounce [h] exactly as it should: a light exhalation, vaguely reminiscent of “x.”
[r] red, random, orange Russian bears speak English [r] well. Try growling with your tongue up.
[w] well, what, windows Fold your lips into a tube and stretch them sharply. And now the same thing, but with sound.
[ŋ] strong, sing, sink Children are scolded for talking with their mouths full. But if you listen to the sounds made, many consonants sound exactly like [ŋ] . Open your mouth and, without closing it, say “n.”
[θ] thanks, ethical Place your tongue between your teeth and say “s.”
[ð] they, there, other Place your tongue between your teeth and say “z.” Best workout- this is to say the expression “Is this” 100 times. You will never confuse “z” with [ð].

folk - people, folk
The letter “l” has become a victim and is not pronounced at all - .

comb - comb
No “comb” - only “com”. The English “m” and “b” are quite insidious guys who will mess things up more than once. Be on the lookout!

won’t - won’t - short for “will not”
Have you been tormented by the question of how the cunning English distinguish between “want” and “won’t” in spoken language? You just have to pronounce the negation in the future tense correctly - . That's all the magic.

salmon - salmon
Not “salmon” and certainly not “solomon”. Salmon is on your mind - as in “cat” and “apple”.

Bonus for the most patient

The human brain is the eighth wonder of the world, the deep capabilities of which we can only guess at now. Something important for us is now known for sure: the brain has a speech center. Special center There is no one responsible for reading, but there is one for speech. That's why we strongly recommend repeating the words out loud for the hundredth time. Exactly out loud, and not silently, because in this case muscle memory is also involved. Naturally, words can “live and resound” in your head. The main thing is not to get stuck and stop at the stage of decoding transcription symbols, selecting the necessary rule for each sound. In this case, only a snail's speed is guaranteed.

If the language is still alive after previous exercises, then we bring to your attention a video that is better to see once than to hear about it 100 times. The entire phonetic transcription of the English language in 10 minutes. Clear, competent and very visual.

There are 26 letters in the English language. In different combinations and positions they represent 44 sounds.
In the English language, there are 24 consonant sounds, and they are represented in writing by 20 letters: Bb; Cc; Dd; Ff; Gg ; Hh; Jj; Kk; LI; mm; Nn; Pp; Qq; Rr; Ss; Tt; Vv; Ww; Xx; Zz.
In the English language, there are 12 vowel sounds and 8 diphthongs, and they are represented in writing by 6 letters: Aa; Ee; li; Oo; Uu; Yy.


[English language. Beginner course. Maria Rarenko. First educational channel.]

Transcription and stress

Phonetic transcription is international system icons needed to show you exactly how to pronounce words. Each sound is displayed separate icon. These icons are always written in square brackets.
The transcription indicates verbal stress (which syllable in the word the stress falls on). Accent mark [‘] placed before the stressed syllable.

English consonants

    Features of English consonants
  1. English consonants expressed by letters b, f, g, m, s, v, z, are close in pronunciation to the corresponding Russian consonants, but should sound more energetic and intense.
  2. English consonants are not softened.
  3. Voiced consonants are never deafened - neither before voiceless consonants, nor at the end of a word.
  4. Double consonants, that is, two identical consonants next to each other, are always pronounced as one sound.
  5. Some English consonants are pronounced aspirated: the tip of the tongue must be pressed firmly against the alveoli (the tubercles where the teeth are attached to the gums). Then the air between the tongue and teeth will pass with force, and the result will be a noise (explosion), that is, aspiration.

Rules for reading consonant letters in English: ,

Table of pronunciation of English consonants
Phonetic transcription Examples
[b] b ad b ox voiced sound corresponding to Russian [b] in the word b rat
[p] o p en, p et a dull sound corresponding to the Russian [p] in the word P ero, but pronounced aspirated
[d] d i d, d ay a voiced sound similar to Russian [d] in the word d ohm, but more energetic, “sharper”; when pronouncing it, the tip of the tongue rests on the alveoli
[t] t ea, t ake unvoiced sound corresponding to Russian [t] in the word T hermos, but is pronounced aspirated, with the tip of the tongue resting on the alveoli
[v] v oice, v isit voiced sound corresponding to Russian [v] in the word V osk, but more energetic
[f] f ind, f ine a dull sound corresponding to the Russian [f] in the word f inic, but more energetic
[z] z oo, ha s voiced sound corresponding to Russian [z] in the word h ima
[s] s un, s ee a dull sound corresponding to the Russian [s] in the word With silt, but more energetic; when pronouncing, the tip of the tongue is raised towards the alveoli
[g] g ive, g o voiced sound corresponding to Russian [g] in the word G Irya, but pronounced softer
[k] c at, c an a dull sound corresponding to the Russian [k] in the word To mouth, but pronounced more energetically and aspiratedly
[ʒ] vi si on, plea sur e voiced sound corresponding to Russian [zh] in the word and macaw, but pronounced more tense and softer
[ʃ] sh e, Ru ss ia a dull sound corresponding to the Russian [ш] in the word w ina, but pronounced softer, for which you need to raise it to the hard palate middle part dorsum of tongue
[j] y ellow, y ou a sound similar to the Russian sound [th] in a word th od, but pronounced more energetically and intensely
[l] l itt l e, l ike sound similar to Russian [l] in the word l Isa, but you need the tip of the tongue to touch the alveoli
[m] m an m erry sound similar to Russian [m] in the word m ir, but more energetic; when pronouncing it, you need to close your lips more tightly
[n] n o, n ame sound similar to Russian [n] in the word n OS, but when pronouncing it, the tip of the tongue touches the alveoli, and the soft palate is lowered, and air passes through the nose
[ŋ] si ng,fi ng er a sound in which the soft palate is lowered and touches the back of the tongue, and air passes through the nose. Pronounced like Russian [ng] is incorrect; there must be a nasal sound
[r] r ed, r abbit a sound, when pronounced with the raised tip of the tongue, you need to touch the middle part of the palate, above the alveoli; tongue doesn't vibrate
[h] h elp, h ow sound reminiscent of Russian [х] as in the word X aos, but almost silent (barely audible exhalation), for which it is important not to press the tongue to the palate
[w] w et, w inter a sound similar to a very quickly pronounced Russian [ue] in a word Ue ls; in this case, the lips need to be rounded and pushed forward, and then vigorously moved apart
j ust, j ump sound similar to [j] in a Russian loanword j inces, but more energetic and softer. You cannot pronounce [d] and [ʒ] separately
ch eck, mu ch sound similar to Russian [ch] in a word h ac, but harder and more intense. You cannot pronounce [t] and [ʃ] separately
[ð] th is, th ey a ringing sound, when pronounced, the tip of the tongue must be placed between the upper and lower teeth and then quickly removed. Do not clamp the flat tongue between your teeth, but slightly push it into the gap between them. This sound (since it is voiced) is pronounced with the participation vocal cords. Similar to Russian [z] interdental
[θ] th ink, seven th a dull sound that is pronounced in the same way as [ð], but without a voice. Similar to Russian [s] interdental

English vowel sounds

    The reading of each vowel depends on:
  1. from other letters standing next to it, in front of it or behind it;
  2. from being in a shock or non-stress position.

Rules for reading vowels in English: ,

Pronunciation table for simple English vowel sounds
Phonetic transcription Examples Approximate matches in Russian
[æ] c a t,bl a ck a short sound, intermediate between the Russian sounds [a] and [e]. To make this sound, when pronouncing Russian [a], you need to open your mouth wide and place your tongue low. Simply pronouncing Russian [e] is wrong
[ɑ:] ar m, f a ther a long sound, similar to Russian [a], but it is much longer and deeper. When pronouncing it, you need to yawn, but not open your mouth wide, while pulling your tongue back
[ʌ] c u p, r u n a short sound similar to the Russian unstressed [a] in the word With A yes. To make this sound, when pronouncing Russian [a], you need to almost not open your mouth, while slightly stretching your lips and moving your tongue back a little. Simply pronouncing Russian [a] is wrong
[ɒ] n o t, h o t short sound similar to Russian [o] in the word d O m, but when pronouncing it you need to completely relax your lips; for Russian [o] they are slightly tense
[ɔ:] sp o rt, f ou r a long sound, similar to Russian [o], but it is much longer and deeper. When pronouncing it, you need to yawn, as if with your mouth half-open, and your lips tense and rounded
[ə] a bout, a lias a sound that is often found in the Russian language is always in an unstressed position. In English, this sound is also always unstressed. It does not have a clear sound and is referred to as an unclear sound (it cannot be replaced by any clear sound)
[e] m e t, b e d a short sound similar to Russian [e] under stress in words such as uh you, pl e d etc. English consonants before this sound cannot be softened
[ɜː] w or k, l ear n this sound does not exist in the Russian language, and it is very difficult to pronounce. Reminds me of the Russian sound in words m e d, St. e cla, but you need to pull it out much longer and at the same time stretch your lips strongly without opening your mouth (you get a skeptical smile)
[ɪ] i t, p i t a short sound similar to the Russian vowel in a word w And t. You need to pronounce it abruptly
h e, s ee a long sound, similar to Russian [i] under stress, but longer, and they pronounce it as if with a smile, stretching their lips. There is a Russian sound close to it in the word poem ai
[ʊ] l oo k, p u t a short sound that can be compared with the Russian unstressed [u], but it is pronounced energetically and with completely relaxed lips (lips cannot be pulled forward)
bl u e, f oo d a long sound, quite similar to the Russian percussion [u], but still not the same. To make it work, when pronouncing Russian [u], you must not pull your lips into a tube, do not push them forward, but round them and smile slightly. Like other long English vowels, it needs to be drawn out much longer than Russian [u]
Diphthong pronunciation table
Phonetic transcription Examples Approximate matches in Russian
f i ve, ey e diphthong, similar to the combination of sounds in Russian words ah And h ah
[ɔɪ] n oi se, v oi ce somehow. The second element, the sound [ɪ], is very short
br a ve, afr ai d a diphthong similar to a combination of sounds in a Russian word w to her ka. The second element, the sound [ɪ], is very short
t ow n, n ow a diphthong similar to a combination of sounds in a Russian word With aw on. The first element is the same as in ; the second element, the sound [ʊ], is very short
[əʊ] h o me, kn ow a diphthong similar to a combination of sounds in a Russian word cl OU n, if you do not pronounce it deliberately syllable by syllable (in this case, the consonance resembles ew ). Pronouncing this diphthong as a pure Russian consonance [ou] is wrong
[ɪə] d ea r, h e re a diphthong, similar to the combination of sounds in the Russian word such; consists of short sounds [ɪ] and [ə]
wh e re, th e re a diphthong, similar to the combination of sounds in the Russian word dlinnosheye, if you do not pronounce it syllable by syllable. Behind the sound resembling Russian [e] in the word uh That, followed by the second element, an unclear short sound [ə]
[ʊə] t ou r, p oo r a diphthong in which [ʊ] is followed by a second element, an unclear short sound [ə]. When pronouncing [ʊ], lips should not be pulled forward