The right topics for conversation - how to interest your interlocutor? How to attract the attention of your interlocutor? How to start a conversation. Simple and effective ways

solutions for this issue.

So, you've finally been connected to a person who accepts

your product (service)? At the beginning of a conversation it is useful to refer to

- I’m calling to discuss our possible cooperation with you.

research in the field...

- Nina Vasilievna advised me to talk to you. She

believes that you may be interested in our equipment

tea programs.

How and where to look for clients

At the very beginning of a conversation, use words and phrases that

express some degree of doubt, for example, “maybe”

“maybe”, “probably”, etc. These phrases will help you show

client that you are ready to listen carefully to him, learn about his

needs. But at the same time, do not overdo it with such words.

you so that they don’t think that you are not confident in yourself and your product.

At the very beginning of the conversation, make sure that it is your

The manager makes decisions on this issue. Don't waste your time

me and eloquence on people on whom nothing depends. Remember

formula of the “three Ps” - need, solvency and authority

making a decision - only if these components of a person are present

The person you are talking to is your potential client.

- As far as I know, you make a decision on the purchase of goods

a moat for an office, right?

And be sure to wait for an answer. If for some reason you were connected

wrong person, find out who you can talk to about this

mu question.

Interesting techniques to arouse interest

client and attract his attention, suggested N. Rysev.

Reception “Client Features”. Any person in general and

a potential client in particular is attracted only by the fact that this or that

otherwise concerns himself. And also its features, what distinguishes it

comes from other people. Because its features, its specificity

This is what makes him stand out in the market, this is what he has achieved.

- I know that your company includes 15 companies.

- I know that you are the only company in Moscow

ve, selling marble sanitary ware.

- I know that you are working in seven areas.

- I know that you work with hotels in Moscow and

St. Petersburg.

Starting a conversation with a client by emphasizing his specific

beauty, his personality, you thereby attract his attention.

Reception “Our Features”. Every company is different

others. Each has its own characteristics and advantages. How can you

attract attention?

- Good afternoon! Elena Obraztsova. I represent a company

"Copiers", existing since 1938.

How and where to look for clients

- Good afternoon! Ivan Zalivaykin, Crocodile company, we

We work with 231 stores in the city.

The more the feature you note satisfies the potential

social need of the client, the higher the likelihood of favorable

th outcome of the conversation.

Reception "Obvious facts". It's easy to make contact if you

You note facts that the client cannot argue with. Ouch-

prominent facts do not cause aggression. We trust more the one with

the more often we meet. Therefore, when you say what the client

obviously, he automatically agrees with her. And it remains for you

just get to the heart of the matter, i.e., to discuss further cooperation


- Good afternoon! Vasily Redkin, Superinterior company.

Each cafe makes sure that its visitors feel comfortable -

but also for them to have a good time.

who your interlocutor knows, this automatically rivets him

attention to you, you become “one of our own”, plus there is work for you -

Technique “If... then...” The essence of this technique is that you concentrate

focus the client’s attention on the main advantages that

provided by your company. You offer the client an immediate

think about what he wants from his business.

- Good afternoon! My name is Nikolay Krylov, I represent

newspaper "What? Where? How much?"

- Hello. What would you like?

-- Semyon Semenovich, if you are interested in considering-

research on the possibilities of increasing the impact on your target audience

audience, then I would like to talk about the ways that

our publication offers.

In other words, you invite the client to make a decision in accordance with

responsive to his needs. The client is forced by your “if...

then..." admit: either he is interested in what you are talking about in the first

parts of the phrase, and, accordingly, he takes into consideration the second

first part, or he is not interested in the same first part. And similar

recognition is problematic for the client.

"New" reception. If you are working with a client for the first time, please

tell him about the new products that you have: “I want to offer

How and where to look for clients

you will receive a new catalog of our products." The word "new" affects

people magically. Have you not noticed that when you consider-

When you look at a store window, the first thing that catches your attention is

attracted by things with a “new” sign. We want something new, original

personal, not like everyone else. In addition, the link to the new assumption

It means that the client is already familiar with old samples and models.

client sources that speak in your favor. It can be

facts or articles in professional journals.

Let's make an appointment

Let's say you finally reach a potential client.

If the conversation goes well, arrange a meeting. Immediately

worry about the exact time. This allows the client to feel

that he is important to you. Offer a specific meeting time with assistance

I will ask for alternative questions.

- When would it be more convenient for you to meet - on Tuesday or

on Friday?

- Is it more convenient for you to meet in the morning or after lunch?

Specify the day of the week and date so that it doesn’t turn out that you

talk about different weeks. Try to be as specific as possible.

Check the address and the most convenient way to get there.

- Very good, Vasily Semenovich, please write it down

me then on Friday, at 15.00. Yes, and just in case

Let me remind you once again: my name is Ivan Toptygin. I'll be waiting for the meeting

chi with you. If something unexpected happens, please

please call me at 123-45-67 and I will call you

nu, if something happens to me.

To summarize the conversation, repeat once again exactly what benefits

you will bring to your client.

Don't call before your first meeting with a client to get

confirmation that it will take place. If a person has such

a convenient opportunity to cancel the meeting, have no doubt: he will cancel it

Part V



Most people are perplexed as to why their speech does not have the effect they expected on the interlocutor. What does it mean when another person shows no interest in your conversation. Maybe this indicates a lack of innate curiosity, which is the main lever of our communication. Perhaps, but if your speaking skills are not producing the desired results, then you simply need to reconsider the basic aspects of the conversation.
Sometimes a few simple phrases can dramatically change a conversation between people. Journalists use such words in their interviews when it is necessary to bring the interlocutor into an open conversation, and at the same time create an atmosphere of friendliness and comfort. It’s all about asking the right question, on which the time of your communication will directly depend.
In a conversation, you need to focus attention not only on yourself, but also be able to listen. Remember that the one who asks questions is the main driver of the conversation, because it is he who selects the topic and builds the chain common interests. This is why it is necessary to observe a number of rules complex rules, which will help you cope with a painful moment of silence, maintain a conversation, make friends with new people and strengthen your position as a sociable person.
1. Avoid clichés and cliched phrases. Such as: why, normal, as usual, not bad, what’s new, how it worked. These words are unlikely to help you open up your interlocutor and force him to give you a meaningful answer. Standard questions force your opponent to give you standard answers.
2. Avoid difficult questions. For example, what would you like to be in the future? or what do you think about the new law? With this you are unlikely to be able to keep your interlocutor.
3. Avoid questions in which you directly want to hear the answer you need. For example, football is the most best view sports, right? Such questions impose your point of view on your interlocutor, which, you see, looks rather unpleasant.
4. Categorical disagreement in a conversation, i.e. When you listen to a conversation between people who share their interests or hobbies with you, do not rush to protest and enter into an argument. First, listen carefully to your interlocutor, and then ask him about what he finds in this hobby for himself. Thus, this will give you a chance to get to know your interlocutor better, and will make you friendly in his eyes. After this, you can continue to adhere to your views.
5. Verbal signs of attention. If you see another person staring at you for a long time without crossing their arms and legs. This is the first sign that this person likes you and wants to get to know you. The best answer to this view is sincere smile and start a casual conversation.

By the way, most people love sudden conversations with strangers, so don’t be shy to meet and communicate with people you like. Be brave and don't forget about simple rules. Good luck.

Telephone communication, like all other types of communication, has its own techniques and rules. If the telephone, due to the nature of your activity, becomes for you “ right hand", then it would be nice to turn him into an ally by knowing the rules of talking on the phone. Guided by these rules of telephone communication, you will be able to correctly build a conversation and win over your interlocutor.

1. Be sure to start a business call with a greeting: Good morning, good afternoon, etc. This is not only polite, it gives the other person time to figure out who you are and focus on the possible purpose of your call.

If they call you, don't forget that the person waiting for you to pick up the phone is distracted - even if it continues for three rings (the answer threshold set by many organizations). As a result, he often cannot concentrate during the first few seconds of a conversation. If you immediately say the name of your organization, the subscriber may not catch it and will be embarrassed to ask again. This leads to a waste of time - his and yours - and this situation is easy to avoid.

After greeting, name your organization and/or phone number so that the subscriber can make sure that he has got to where he needs to go. The error is detected immediately, and this allows you to avoid wasting time. Finally, by identifying yourself, you establish a positive relationship with the other person from the very beginning. At the same time, both your organization and you yourself seem more welcoming and friendly to him. Never ask a stranger, “How are you?” It sounds fake. Never tell your interlocutor: “You don’t know me.” This indicates a lack of self-confidence.

2. Choose your business calls carefully. The worst times are early in the morning or late in the evening.

Be sure to ask: “Do you have a minute for a short conversation or should I call you back at another time?” Offer time to talk if the person is this moment can’t talk to you: “Will 10 o’clock suit you?”

3. Using the VIZD method, make sure that you are being listened to. This acronym consists of the initial letters of the key elements of a successful call.

IN. Attention. You must force the interlocutor to concentrate and listen to your words so as not to become a victim of his absent-mindedness.

AND. Interest. To keep the other person's attention, your message must take into account the interest factor.

AND. Wish. Your words should awaken desire in the interlocutor.

D. Action. Your message should end with a clearly defined action plan.

4. Be sure to call your interlocutor by name. If you have just met, try to make his name imprinted in your memory. This can be achieved by repeating it to yourself several times, and using it frequently. Remember that people are most interested in themselves! American researchers analyzed 500 phone calls and found that the pronoun “I” appeared in them more than 4,000 times!

At the end of the conversation, write down the other person's name, as well as other information about him or her that you learned during the conversation, such as the names and ages of his children. Keep these records carefully. They will help you install even more warm relations on subsequent calls.

5. Smile during a phone conversation. Smiling not only helps convey your enthusiasm to the other person, but also fuels your energy. Smiling helps the brain produce chemical compounds which enhance feelings of self-confidence and optimism.

6. Be sure to make “thank you” calls in cases where you have received any service. They are very useful for future cooperation. The faster your reaction, the more effective such calls are.

7. Try to imagine the way your interlocutor thinks. This is not an easy task, but there are ways to make it easier.

  • Don't try to make an objective analysis based on the other person's voice. For the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logic, there are too many unknown quantities in this situation. Instead, listen to your intuitive right brain. Relax while listening to the other person and allow impressions and sensations to form in your brain. Such natural impressions can be surprisingly accurate.
  • A high rate of speech (if the content is quite meaningful) indicates above average intelligence.
  • Hesitation, stuttering, and pauses often indicate anxiety or indecisiveness.
  • Depending on the content, underlining certain phrases can indicate corresponding subconscious likes and dislikes.
  • Based on the style of the interlocutor, try to determine what type of personality you are talking to: a “manager”, “mother”, “mechanic” or “motivator”.

The “manager” should explain how your suggestions will contribute to his success or make it easier to achieve his goals. Convince the mother of the value of your proposals by emphasizing how they will benefit people. When talking to the mechanic, use facts and figures, and the message to the motivator should be as entertaining as possible.

8. Encourage cooperation by saying, “Do you agree?” This will allow you:

  • Evoke a positive reaction from your interlocutor to your message.
  • Engage him in conversation any time you need Feedback regarding how your ideas are perceived, or when you want to make a point key points of your message.
  • Gently nudge him toward accepting your point of view by answering your question positively. This answer is most likely because people tend to take the easiest path. Only a very stubborn person can answer such a friendly question in the negative. And the more affirmative answers you hear during the conversation, the higher the chances that your proposals will be accepted.
  • Achieve agreement at the final stage of the conversation. If you have already used this phase several times, repeating it will increase the likelihood that the more serious request will also be fulfilled.

In some cases, people like this phrase so much that they even copy the intonation and voice of the person who says it.

9. Never answer the phone while you are eating, drinking or talking to someone else. Never cover the telephone receiver with your hand to address the person standing next to you. This shows your extreme lack of professionalism.

10. Be sure to say goodbye to your interlocutor: the ability to effectively end a telephone conversation is no less important than the ability to convey your thoughts to the listener. A conversation that goes on for too long can cause embarrassment, boredom, or irritation to the other person.

To properly end a conversation, use the Polite-Firm-Complete technique:

Be polite. If you are dealing with stranger, include his name in your last sentence. If you want your interlocutor to remember certain facts, repeat them immediately after saying goodbye.

Be firm. Don't allow yourself to be drawn into an irrelevant discussion. If it’s difficult for you to do this, just to be on the safe side, have a few plausible excuses on hand, for example: “I’m sorry, they’re calling me on another phone number.” Usually - if your tone is friendly - the interlocutor will understand the hint that it is time to say goodbye.

End the conversation. Just be sure to let the other person hang up first. If you do this, the conversation will end on a psychologically not very friendly note.

The first minutes of communication allow you to form a preliminary impression about a person. But what to do if you find yourself in the company of a stranger who does not carry on a conversation? How to captivate your interlocutor, drawing him into a relaxed and unobtrusive dialogue?

Perhaps the recommendations below will help you start a constructive conversation, getting rid of awkward and uncomfortable silence. These same tips will help you leave a positive impression on your opponent even when your speaking abilities are zero.

How to engage someone in a conversation

Find mutual language With strangers- not given to everyone. But to maintain a full-fledged and interesting conversation, it is not necessary to become the center or soul of the company, taking the initiative only at the most appropriate moments.

So, before starting a conversation and as it progresses, the following useful conditions must be met:

1. Assess the pose...

the intended interlocutor (the body position should be “open”). A person’s “closed” posture is indicated by thoughtfulness, a lowered gaze, absorption in one’s own thoughts, lack of active gestures, crossed arms or legs, and a chin drawn into the neck.

In a “closed” position, a person is unlikely to be able to become a full-fledged and sincere interlocutor, which means it is better to find someone else.

2. Noticing a person...

3. Standard phrases...

and appeals should be thrown aside. The same type of questions at the beginning of the dialogue will be followed by the same extraordinary answers, but there will be no constructive conversation.

4. Reveal your interlocutor...

You can, by getting him interested from the very first unusual phrase. Calls like: “How are you?”, “How are you?” or "What's new?" are not suitable for starting a dialogue.

5. Meaningful question...

with a double meaning is always better than a standard, hackneyed phrase. I want to give a similarly thoughtful answer to such questions, and this is already interesting!

6. The main secret...

good conversation - the ability to listen. Thus, primary attention should be directed towards the interlocutor, to his problems and interests. Any phrases starting with the word “I...” should only be used at the request of your opponent (if you are asked to talk about yourself).

7. Support your interlocutor...

with approving and understanding statements, pushing him to a comprehensive answer. Examples of such phrases:

  • "Yes, sure"
  • "Exactly"
  • "Agree"
  • "Keep going, keep going"
  • “I understand,” etc.

8. Choose your questions...

which are nice to answer. How more people will talk about his own person, so best conversationalist you will look in his eyes.

9. Be interested...

details, focusing on details, asking questions and clarifying unclear details.

10. Never...

do not deny the speaker’s beliefs, do not try to contradict his words.

11. Receive...

sincere pleasure from communicating with a stranger, enjoy him positive emotions, empathize with grief.

12. Meet...

with new people as often as possible. Communication practice will help hone the skill of involving both adults and children, both boys and girls, both an ordinary employee and a company director, in dialogue.


For most people, communicating with other people is a natural process, but for others it is a struggle with themselves and their complexes. But there is no reason to feel awkward every time you need to communicate with unfamiliar people.

Conversation is an important and integral part of daily routine. If you avoid interacting with people, you may be considered arrogant. People will think that their opinion doesn't matter to you or that you think they aren't worthy of your attention.

If you've encountered communication problems, you may want to read the following tips to help you overcome what's bothering you.

Tip #1: How to answer rude or inappropriate questions?

Some people do not always remain polite and may overstep boundaries by asking personal questions or making inappropriate comments.

To deal with this situation, you need to politely give a short answer to asked question or answer without giving the situation special significance. Change the subject of conversation, or return to the previous topic of discussion.

Tip #2: what to do if you run out of topics to talk about?

If during a conversation you mostly follow your interlocutors, you should not get distracted and stop becoming part of the conversation. When you realize that you have nothing else to talk about with your interlocutor, try to find some common topics.

This will help get the conversation back on track. For an informal conversation, topics that relate to current events or the place you are in during the conversation are good options.

Tip #3: How to avoid making a conversation boring?

Sometimes, when interlocutors have no common topics to talk about, communication can turn into boredom. If people are not interested in the issue being discussed, they may stop communicating or simply leave. Therefore, to prevent communication from reaching silence or awkward farewells, you need to act.

When a conversation gets boring, talk about something your interlocutors don't know. For example, important news or an interesting fact.

Tip #4: what to do if you don’t understand the topic of conversation?

Sometimes it happens that your interlocutor starts talking about a topic that you do not understand. In this case, you must first listen carefully to your interlocutor.

Ask questions to learn more about the topic of conversation. This will show that you are interested in your interlocutor and what he has to say.

These tips will help you with some difficult situations that may arise during communication. Knowing how to handle these situations can help you greatly improve your communication skills.