Kiriyenko biography personal life children. Kiriyenko in the Kremlin: experts on a key appointment in the Presidential Administration

Sergei Vladilenovich Kirienko (born July 26, 1962, Sukhumi, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) - Russian state and politician, from April to August 1998 - Chairman of the Russian Government. Head of Rosatom Corporation. Holder of the third dan of Aikido, president of the Aikido Aikikai Federation of Russia.

Sergei Kiriyenko was born on July 26, 1962 in Sukhumi. Father - Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel, graduated from Moscow State University (later Doctor of Philosophy, professor and head of department at the Nizhny Novgorod Institute), mother - Larisa Vasilievna Kiriyenko - Odessa Economic Institute.

Member of the CPSU since 1984.
S. Kiriyenko is a graduate of the famous Sochi secondary school No. 7. He graduated from the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers in 1984 (where his father headed the department) and the Academy national economy under the Government Russian Federation in 1993.

Labor activity began as a foreman at the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard after serving in the ranks Soviet Army in 1986.
In 1987-1991 - secretary of the Komsomol committee of the plant; Secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the Komsomol.

In 1991-1997 - worked in the field of entrepreneurship, finance and business: president joint stock company"Concern AMK"; Chairman of the Board of the Bank "Garantiya"; President of the oil company NORSI-OIL.

In 1997-1998 - First Deputy Minister, Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation.

From April to August 1998 - Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Kiriyenko was appointed acting head of the Government after the resignation of the cabinet of Viktor Chernomyrdin. The State Duma twice - on April 10 and April 17, 1998 - refused to approve Kiriyenko as Chairman of the Government.

Only on April 24, 1998, after the third vote on his candidacy, Kiriyenko was approved by the State Duma as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation with 251 votes. On the same day, Yeltsin signed a Presidential Decree appointing Kiriyenko as Chairman of the Government.

When forming the government, the only noticeable change was a sharp reduction in the number of deputy prime ministers and the abolition of the posts of First Deputy Prime Ministers. Boris Nemtsov, Oleg Sysuev and Viktor Khristenko received the positions of Deputy Prime Ministers.

A definite sensation was the appointment of Yuri Maslyukov, a representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, to the post of Minister of Industry and Trade during the reshuffle in the Government on July 22, 1998.

Kiriyenko, along with Boris Nemtsov and Anatoly Chubais, became known as the “young reformer” who tried to implement large-scale liberal economic reforms in Russia. During the reforms, a policy of borrowing on the foreign market was actively pursued, including with the help of IMF loans, which is why national debt grew by $22 billion.

In August 1998, Kiriyenko's cabinet stopped payments on GKO-OFZ coupons, which led to the devaluation of the ruble and the financial crisis. After the 1998 default, he resigned, which was immediately accepted by the president on August 23, 1998, making Kiriyenko's government one of the shortest in Russian history.

In 1999, he was a candidate for mayor of Moscow (11.2% of the vote, the second result after the re-elected Yuri Luzhkov), leader of the Union of Right Forces list in the elections to the State Duma. The list received 8 percent and was ranked fourth. On the eve of the elections, Kiriyenko, on behalf of the Union of Right Forces, met with Russian Prime Minister V.V. Putin and handed over to him the bloc’s program prepared before the elections.

In 1999-2000 years - deputy State Duma. Leader of the Union of Right Forces faction in State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
Since May 18, 2000 - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District.

On November 14, 2005, he was dismissed from the post of plenipotentiary representative as a result of personnel changes carried out by the president. November 15 appointed head Federal agency on atomic energy of Russia (Rosatom).

On February 4, 2008, he was relieved of his position due to a transfer to another job - general director state corporation "Rosatom", created on the basis of the agency.

Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (2000)

Married. Children - a son and two daughters.

Has third dan in Aikido. In 2005 he was elected chairman of the National Aikido Council of Russia.

* Order of Honor (December 12, 2005) - for services in strengthening Russian statehood and many years of conscientious work
* Medal of Anatoly Koni
* Order St. Sergius Radonezh I degree (ROC, 2003)
* Order St. Seraphim Sarovsky II degree (ROC, 2006)

(born July 26, 1962) is Russian statesman and a politician. He briefly served as Russian Prime Minister from March 23 to August 23, 1998, during Boris Yeltsin's second presidential term. He is currently the head of Rosatom, the state nuclear energy corporation.


Kiriyenko Sergey Vladilenovich comes from a family of employees. His grandfather, Yakov Izraitel, was a participant in the revolution and civil war, during which he served in the Cheka. It is known that Lenin personally awarded him a personalized pistol for conscientious service. Soviet power. In the 30s of the last century, Yakov Izraitel led the Soviet border guards in Armenia and Abkhazia, then was the director of the Abkhaz branch of the state bank. His son Vladilen - the father of our hero - after graduating from Moscow State University, became a researcher, Doctor of Philosophy, and taught at a university in Gorky. The surname that Sergei Kiriyenko bears belongs to his mother, Larisa Vasilyevna.

Childhood years

Where did you start your life path Sergei Kiriyenko? His biography began in Sukhumi, the capital of Abkhazia, where his grandfather Yakov lived and worked. Sergei's parents were housemates and went to the same school. They started a family while they were still students, and Serezha’s dad studied in Moscow, and his mother in Odessa, so for the first years of his life he was raised by his paternal grandparents (fortunately, they all lived in the same house).

Then the family of Vladilen and Larisa Izraytel lived for some time in Gorky, where his father began to make scientific career at the Institute of Water Transport. However family life Things didn’t work out for them, and when their son was 10 years old, they divorced. Larisa and Sergei went to Sochi, where she took a maiden name for herself and her son.

Years of study

After graduating from the Sochi high school, Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko, whose biography again brought him to Gorky, entered the shipbuilding department of the Institute of Water Transport Engineers, where his father taught. During his studies, he lived with his father and his second wife, who taught at the same university. Already at that time, Sergei Kiriyenko was actively involved in public work, was a Komsomol organizer of the faculty (for those who are young, we explain that a Komsomol organizer (or completely “Komsomol organizer”) is the secretary (in communist organizations this is what the leaders are called) of the bureau of the Communist Youth League). In 1982 he became a member of the CPSU.

After graduating from the institute in 1984, Sergei Vladilenovich Kirienko served conscript service in the air defense forces as a deputy platoon commander in Ukraine, near the city of Nikolaev. Returning after serving at the Gorky Krasnoye Sormovo plant, Kiriyenko soon became a Komsomol organizer of the workshop, then an enterprise, and from 1989 - 2nd Secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the Komsomol, and joined the Komsomol Central Committee. In 1990 he was elected to the regional council.

In those years, the cooperative movement was rapidly developing in the country; various youth associations arose at enterprises under the auspices of the Komsomol, seeking to engage in economic activity, so-called youth housing complexes were created - MZHK, whose task was to organize the construction of housing for working youth. All these issues were under the jurisdiction of Sergei Kiriyenko as secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol.

Starting a career in new Russia

With the advent of market relations in our lives, Sergei Kiriyenko, like most Komsomol workers of his rank, was not at a loss and quickly found a place for himself (and perhaps prepared it in advance). In 1991, a multi-profile Joint Stock Youth Concern - AMK - was created in Gorky. What does the word “multidisciplinary” mean here? The fact that AMK undertakes any activity - trades, builds, repairs, designs, etc., receiving orders from serious Gorky enterprises. And its general director, of course, becomes a young and promising manager, Sergei Kiriyenko. Without leaving management, he studies by correspondence in Moscow, studying finance and banking.

And the labors were not in vain. In 1993, he headed the Nizhny Novgorod bank "Garantia", joined the board of directors of the Borsky CB in Bor, and became a member of the board of the Nizhny Novgorod Stock Exchange. In 1996, Kiriyenko was appointed (on the recommendation of Governor B. Nemtsov) president of the oil company Norsey Oil.

In May 1997, B. Nemtsov, who moved to Moscow to take the post of First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government, invited him to the post of Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy, and Nemtsov himself held the ministerial position, combining it with the Deputy Prime Minister. But already in November of the same year, the ministerial chair became vacant, and Sergei Kiriyenko took it.

Prime Minister

The government cabinet of Sergei Kiriyenko (March 23, 1998 - August 23, 1998) was the sixth in the Russian Federation, it was preceded by the second cabinet and followed by Primakov’s cabinet. Initially, on March 23, Kiriyenko was appointed by Yeltsin and. O. premiere, and then was proposed to the State Duma for approval three times: April 10 (143 votes for, 186 against, 5 abstained), April 17 (115 for, 271 against, 11 abstained), April 24 (251 for, 25 against). Thus, for the third time he was appointed prime minister. According to the Russian Constitution, if the State Duma rejects the candidate for prime minister proposed by the president three times, then it must be dissolved and parliamentary elections must be held. Obviously, the deputies did not really like this prospect, and on the eve of the impending crisis and Russia’s default, no one except Kiriyenko was vying for the prime minister’s chair.

Along with Deputy Prime Minister Nemtsov, he tried to improve the Russian economy with the help of an IMF loan, and this raised the national debt to $22.6 billion. At the same time, he tried to get financing for government spending and financial markets, raised in June 1998 interest rates for Russian government bonds up to 150%.

But it was unrealistic to service such government obligations, and on August 17, Kiriyenko’s cabinet declared a default, which led to the devaluation of the Russian ruble and the 1998 financial crisis in Russia. The prime minister responsible for the default resigned on August 23.

Career after the crisis

Together with Nemtsov, Chubais, Irina Khakamada and Kiriyenko, he formed the Union of Right Forces (SPS), which took fourth place in the State Duma elections in 1999. For about a year after the elections, Kiriyenko headed the SPS faction in the Duma.

He participated in the elections for the mayor of Moscow and took second place after being elected for a second term. Since May 2000, Kiriyenko was appointed representative of the president in the Volga Federal District.

On November 30, 2005, a new head of Rosatom was appointed president. Sergei Kiriyenko, who took this position then, continues to head the Russian nuclear industry to this day.

But, like any person, he lives not only by work. What is Sergei Kiriyenko like in his personal life? His family is strong. He met his wife, Lyudmila Grigorievna, at a Sochi school, and married her at the age of 19, while still a student. They have three children. The eldest son Vladimir is engaged in the banking business, two younger daughters still studying.

Kiriyenko Sergei Vladilenovich (born July 26, 1962, Sukhumi, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Georgian SSR, USSR) is a Russian statesman and political figure. First Deputy Head of the Russian Presidential Administration since October 5, 2016. Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

From April to August 1998 - Chairman of the Russian Government. Became the youngest head of government in the history of the Russian Federation (at 35 years old). From 2005 to 2016 - General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "".

Born into the family of Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel and Larisa Vasilievna Kiriyenko. Father is a graduate of Moscow state university, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, in different times headed the departments of the Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) Institute of Water Transport Engineers (scientific communism (1980-1990), political science (1990-1992), humanities and social sciences (1992-1995)). Mother is a graduate of the Odessa Economic Institute.

Sergei Kiriyenko graduated from the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers in 1984 and the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation in 1993. Member of the CPSU since 1984. From 1984 to 1986 he served in the ranks Armed Forces USSR. He began his career as a foreman at the Krasnoye Sormovo shipyard.

In 1986-1991 - secretary of the Komsomol committee of the plant; First Secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the Komsomol. In March 1990, he was elected as a deputy of the Gorky Regional Council of People's Deputies. In 1991-1997, he worked in the field of entrepreneurship, finance and business: general director of the joint stock company Concern AMK, chairman of the board of the Garantiya bank, president of the oil company NORSI-OIL.

In April 1997, Kiriyenko moved to work in Moscow, where his friend, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government Boris Nemtsov convinced Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin to take the young Nizhny Novgorod businessman to a high position in the Ministry of Fuel and Energy. In 1997-1998, Sergei Kiriyenko was First Deputy Minister, Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation. On March 23, 1998, Russian President Boris Yeltsin appointed Kiriyenko as acting head of government after the resignation of Viktor Chernomyrdin's cabinet. On April 24, 1998, he was approved by the State Duma in this position. On August 17, 1998, the Russian government officially announced a default; on August 21, Sergei Kiriyenko was dismissed from his post.

In 1999, Kiriyenko was a candidate for mayor of Moscow (he received 11.2% of the vote, the second result after the re-elected Yuri Luzhkov), the leader of the list of the Union of Right Forces in the elections to the State Duma. In 1999-2000 - deputy of the State Duma. Leader of the Union of Right Forces faction in the State Duma.

Since May 18, 2000 - Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District. Since 2001 - Chairman of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for Chemical Disarmament. On November 15, 2005, he was appointed head of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency of Russia (Rosatom). On December 12, 2007, in connection with the reorganization, he was reappointed as General Director of the State Corporation Rosatom, created on the basis of the agency. On October 5, 2016, he was appointed to the position of First Deputy Head of the Russian Presidential Administration.

Sergei Kiriyenko is married and has three children: a son (Vladimir, born in 1983) and two daughters - Lyubov (born in 1992) and Nadezhda (born in 2002).

General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko was born on July 26, 1962 in the city of Sukhumi, Abkhaz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. His father, Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel, was a philosophy teacher, later defended his doctoral dissertation and headed the department of social sciences at the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers. Mother - Larisa Vasilievna Kiriyenko - an economist by training. After his parents' divorce, Sergei Kiriyenko lived with his mother, high school Graduated from Sochi.

In 1979, he went to the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) to visit his father.

In 1984 he graduated from the shipbuilding department of the Gorky Institute of Water Transport Engineers.

In 1984-1986 he served in the army.

Sergei Kiriyenko began his career as a foreman at the Krasnoe Sormovo shipyard. He was the secretary of the Komsomol factory committee, the first secretary of the Gorky regional committee of the Komsomol.

In the late 1980s, Kiriyenko, along with other Komsomol leaders, organized the multi-disciplinary “Joint-Stock Youth Concern” (AMK), and soon became its president. At the same time he was studying political career and in March 1990 he became a deputy of the Gorky Regional Council of People's Deputies.

In 1991-1993, Sergei Kiriyenko studied at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, specializing in Finance and Banking.

After graduating from university, he became chairman of the board of the Nizhny Novgorod social and commercial bank "Garantia".

In September 1997, Sergei Kiriyenko became deputy chairman of the Russian Government Commission for coordinating the activities of federal executive authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the implementation of production sharing agreements (PSAs).

After August 1998, Sergei Kiriyenko did not hold any positions in the executive branch for two years.

In December 1998, he headed the All-Russian Public Political Conservative Movement " New power". During the same period, he, along with long-time partner and ally Boris Nemtsov, as well as the head of RAO UES of Russia Anatoly Chubais, was among the leaders of the democratic party "Union of Right Forces", participated in the elections of the mayor of the Russian capital, and in 1999 was leader of the SPS faction in the State Duma of the third convocation.

On May 18, 2000, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Sergei Kiriyenko was appointed plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District. In May 2001, while remaining a plenipotentiary representative, he took over the post of Chairman of the Russian State Commission for Chemical Disarmament.

On November 15, 2005, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency.

Since December 12, 2007, Kiriyenko has held the post of General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom.

Awarded the Order of Honor, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, the Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, II degree, the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, I degree, and the Medal of Anatoly Koni.

President of the Aikido Aikikai Federation of Russia (FAAR), co-chairman of the Russian Union of Martial Arts, President of the Council of the All-Russian Union "National Council of Aikido of Russia" (NSAR).

Sergei Kiriyenko is married and has three children - a son and two daughters.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

A targeted attack began on the deputy head of the Russian Presidential Administration.

Rosenergoatom received a fine for not completing work on time under contracts with partners. Thus, the Market Council prescribed Rosenergoatom a penalty of as much as 350 million rubles. The reason is another failure to launch a new power unit at Novovoronezh Wind Power Plant-2. Rosenergoatom was supposed to launch the facility on January 1 of this year, but it never did. And now you have to fork out the cash.

It would seem that there is nothing unexpected or sensational in this news. The usual conflict of interests in the financial and economic plan, of which there are hundreds of thousands in the country. However, market participants immediately noticed that this happened for the first time. After all, Rosenergoatom is a division of the state corporation Rosatom. And until recently, it was untouchable, along with such state corporations as Rostec and Rosneft. And then you immediately face a multi-million dollar fine.

Analysts immediately saw this as a definite sign. Moreover, with conspiracy theories. After all for a long time Rosatom was headed by Sergei Kiriyenko. Led and led. And this didn’t particularly bother anyone. Until a certain time. Kiriyenko suddenly quickly flew into political Olympus Russia, where he had once been (remember, Kiriyenko even headed the Government of the Russian Federation in the late 90s). And here, after a long break, they are again at the very heights of power. Moreover, in the position of deputy head of the presidential administration.

And those who occupy this position play perhaps a key role in domestic policy. After all, not a single more or less major appointment can take place without the approval of the main Kremlin apparatchik.

And Kiriyenko, as they say, took the bit between his teeth. He behaved extremely actively. Trips to various forums, direct participation in them. There have already been numerous meetings with governors, at which Kiriyenko conducted moral lectures on how to manage the regions and who should be relied on in the macropolitical aspect. Moreover, Kiriyenko can directly advise who, in his opinion, is worthy of the governor’s chair in a particular region. But apparently not everyone liked such vigorous activity in the Kremlin corridors. And these people are also very influential. And they can influence even Kiriyenko. It’s difficult to do this directly today. But you can recall the past “merits” of the first deputy head of the Administration.

So the pressure began on Rosatom enterprises - in fact the brainchild of Sergei Vladilenovich. For now - a fine, but what happens after? And then, quite possibly, they will begin to “dig” further and deeper. And this is very fertile ground for Kiriyenko’s opponents. Simply Eldorado! After all, managing any large company, especially a state-owned one, and at the same time remaining crystal honest in Russia is comparable to utopia.

And Sergei Vladilenovich is no exception. Quite the contrary.

Nikonova case

So, for example, they can remember scandalous story with the top manager of Rosatom’s subsidiary, TVEL company Olga Nikonova. It was taken into circulation by security forces on suspicion of theft of more than 100 million rubles when concluding fictitious contracts. Things smelled so bad that Nikonova simply tried to run away beyond the border. And they managed to catch her right on the Finnish border, where, by the way, the businesswoman has her own real estate.

The case, naturally, was sent to court, but its consideration suddenly began to stall. As evil tongues said, Nikonova’s boss Sergei Kiriyenko could put pressure on the judges. And not just because his corporations are being reputable by doing this kind of thing. The head of Rosatom simply could not be unaware of such large frauds. This means that he either closed his eyes, or he could have been, as they say, “in the dark.”

Atomic Buryat EdRO

There is also a known case that was not entirely pleasant for Kiriyenko, when one of his companies was involved in direct political bribery. It was in Buryatia. The Rosatom company JSC Khiagda and the government of the republic agreed that the authorities would provide the company with benefits on local taxes. And the company will use the proceeds from this not only to develop production, but also to finance elections for a candidate from a clear party. That is, if you call a spade a spade, the most real bribery of officials took place - you tell us tax benefits, we will give you money for the candidate you need in the elections!

Who was on the team

You can also recall the scandalous story with Kiriyenko’s deputy Evgeny Evstratov. He is suspected of withdrawing 20 million rubles for his own needs. At the initiative of Evstratov, a division of Rosatom, the St. Petersburg Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Emergency Technical Center", ordered another division - the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety" (CNRS) to carry out research work. The money was paid correctly, but the work was not completed properly. That is, according to the documents, everything was true, but, as investigators found out, the content of the works was stupidly downloaded from the Internet.

Even earlier, the head of the Rosatom-owned design bureau, Viktor Mokhov, was arrested. He decided to create another subsidiary company in Holland. A competition was even announced, a competition was announced for “analysis alternative options transferring the organization’s activities to the Netherlands and choosing the most effective option from a tax and legal point of view.”

What's the result? The “daughter” never appeared in the Netherlands, and almost 20 million rubles disappeared in an unknown direction. Against this background, the story of how Sergei Kiriyenko left Rosatom looks like a completely innocent prank. And he left very loudly. First of all, from a financial point of view. As part of the reward for “many years of backbreaking work,” Sergei Vladilenovich gave himself a bonus of several million rubles.

As they say, the Rosatom corporation will be transferred from the direct subordination of the Government to the Ministry of Economy. Before adding such a colossus as Rosatom into its ranks, the agency will probably launch a financial and economic audit. Why voluntarily burden yourself with problems created by others. And then the current deputy head of the presidential administration will have a hard time. And the fine issued to Rosenergoatom is only the first pebble in the unplowed garden of scandals with Kiriyenko. And there is a high probability that by certain forces in the Kremlin, most likely of a liberal orientation, Kiriyenko will simply be “squeezed out” of the political cage into which he so quickly fell.