Actress Tatyana Skorokhodova personal life. “Fear of losing freedom”: novels and the only marriage of Dmitry Maryanov

On Sunday, actor Dmitry Maryanov passed away. The man died at the age of 47. The cause of death was a detached blood clot. Colleagues and friends leave words of condolences to his widow, Ksenia Bik. Maryanov met his chosen one about seven years ago, but the couple’s wedding took place only in 2015. However, before that he had many stormy romances with others famous women. “StarHit” recalls all the actor’s hobbies.

Before Maryanov met Ksenia, he had five common-law wives. The actor’s first unofficial wife was Tanya Skorokhodova. They met while studying at the Shchukin School. The couple lived together in a dormitory for three years. However, conflicts often arose between them, since Dmitry loved to drink with friends. Tatyana really wanted to marry her chosen one, but after a while her patience ran out. The couple's separation was very painful.

“Despite what happened in the past, Dima and I continued to communicate. He visited our home in Irkutsk when he came here on tour, and he knows my husband. Dima knew how warmly I treated him. The last time we called each other was in the spring, he was on such an upswing, he said: “I’ve lost weight, I’m actively involved in sports, I have a lot of plans!” - Skorokhodova told reporters a few hours after the news of the actor’s death.

Maryanov always liked spectacular girls. In the mid-90s, he met the bright fashion model Olga Anosova, who worked at the Fashion House on Kuznetsky Most. In a relationship with Dmitry, the model had a son, Daniel. A few months after the baby was born, Maryanov stopped spending the night at home. Tired of such a life, Olga broke up with the child’s father.

“I will always be eternally grateful to Dima. He gave me the most important thing in life - a child. We kept it very warm friendly relations. And we even consult with each other about our other halves,” Anosova said in an interview.

Dmitry's third chosen one was actress Evgenia Khirivskaya-Brik. The couple dated for about five years, but the actor never asked her to marry. Presumably, the couple broke up due to the fact that Valery Todorovsky appeared in Brik’s life, who was very persistent and serious about the girl.

There was talk in the press that Maryanov changes women every three years. The actor’s next hobby was dancer Olga Silaenkova. The girl went on tour and filming with him.

“The girl was nothing of herself and, as soon as she had Dimka, she immediately sat on his neck. Stopped working. All she did was arrange a showdown,” this is how Amosova spoke about her.

Dmitry was not ready to endure scenes of jealousy and soon broke up with Olga. While participating in the Ice Age project, he met figure skater Irina Lobacheva. At that moment she was going through a divorce from Ilya Averbukh. At first, Irina and Dmitry were friends, and then romantic feelings arose between them. But, realizing that the actor was not going to marry, Lobacheva separated from him.

About seven years ago, Maryanov met Ksenia Bik, who managed to marry him. The artist was on tour in Kharkov. During the performance, Maryanov looked intently at the girl, and after the performance he invited Gosha Kutsenko to a concert in one of the clubs. The artist was persistent in his courtship, but Bik behaved modestly, and not like other fans who were ready to immediately spend the night with the star.

Two weeks later, Dmitry invited Ksenia to Moscow. For the 23-year-old girl, this visit to the capital was the first. The novel developed rapidly. Despite the fact that Dmitry was popular with women, he chose Ksenia.

Two years later, Bik gave birth to a child for the artist. However, the woman did not admit that the baby’s father was Dmitry.

“When we had a daughter, at first she lived with me in Kharkov. Since our union remained a secret to everyone for a long time, there were rumors in the press that this was my “child from my first marriage.” We never commented on the situation, but Anfisa is Dima’s daughter, and Dima is her father!” - admitted Ksenia.

From the very birth of the baby, Maryanov helped Ksenia with finances, but the woman raised the child alone. Dmitry lived in Moscow and only occasionally visited Kharkov. After the marriage was formalized in September 2015, the actor recognized Anfisa.

Based on materials from Express Newspaper and Komsomolskaya Pravda.

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov/

", "Called the Beast", etc.

Biography and career of Tatyana Skorokhodova

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Skorokhodova born on August 2, 1968 in Irkutsk. When she was two years old, she and her family moved to Moscow, where in 1991 she graduated from the B.V. Shchukin Theater School, completing the course Yuri Avsharov. As a student, she made her debut in 1989 in the adventure melodrama Nikolay Dostal "I'm in in perfect order» with Andrey Tolubeev, Galina Petrova, Pyotr Shcherbakov, Valentin Smirnitsky and other domestic actors. From 1992 to 1993 she played on the stage of the “Scientific Monkey” theater, organized on the basis of Avsharov graduates.

In 1990, Tatyana performed main role in the film “Our Man in San Remo”, at the same time the action movie “Called the Beast” was released, where Skorokhodova’s lover was played by Dmitry Pevtsov. She also starred with him in the film “ Mafia is immortal"(1993), after which she cut short her film career and left for Irkutsk, where she finally settled in the early 2000s. There she worked as a presenter at the AIST television company, as a fashion model, and even ran for city council.

Since 2010 Tatiana Skorokhodova is the editor-in-chief of the Stolnik magazine in Irkutsk. In addition, Tatyana became the host of a radio program and successfully tried herself as a fashion designer.

Personal life of Tatyana Skorokhodova

While studying at the Shchukin School, Tatyana began a relationship with actor Dmitry Maryanov (“Radio Day”, “Cordon of Investigator Savelyev”, “Norway”). They lived together for three years and then separated, maintaining warm, friendly relations.

In 1993, starring in the film " Mafia is immortal"Skorokhodova left for her native Irkutsk, where she met her future husband, a cameraman Andrey Zakablukovsky. In 1994, the couple got married. The couple lived in Moscow for some time, and in 2002 they decided to move to Irkutsk and settled there permanently. Tatyana and Andrey had four children: sons Danila and Darik, daughters Anya and Marika.

Tatyana Skorokhodova about Zakablukovsky: Scientists have debunked the myth that there is love at first sight. The news headline read, “How long does it take for a woman to fall in love?” It turns out, not an instant, but 45 seconds. I had 45 seconds at my disposal when I saw this man, and they were enough for me to understand that he was the one for whom I would go to the ends of the earth.

TASS/Vladimir Bertov He became a favorite of the fair sex at the age of 16 - and quite quickly got used to female attention. In 1986, the film “Above the Rainbow” was released, where young Dima Maryanov played a romantic teenager who was touchingly friends with the girl Dasha.

Above the Rainbow (1986) Alik Raduga became the idol of a whole generation: girls were in love with him, boys wanted to be friends, and Maryanov himself, after this role, firmly decided to become an actor.

Student novel

Dear Elena Sergeevna (1988)

He entered the Shchukin Theater School secretly from his parents: he simply showed them student card, when I was already enrolled in the course. And six months after admission, Dima began his first serious romance: with classmate Tatyana Skorokhodova.

Generous, able to surprise unexpected surprises and gifts, Maryanov courted beautifully and did not let his chosen one get bored. But besides his beloved girl, he had many friends with whom they often had fun and drank.

Tanya didn’t like this, quarrels began, stormy truces began, and then everything started all over again. They dated for three years, pretty much wearing each other out. But parting with his first love was not easy: Maryanov admitted that he was very worried about the break with Tatyana, “literally he turned grey.”

They maintained a good relationship: sometimes they called each other and shared plans. Maryanov had many of them - and women were far from being in first place.

Extreme and women

The Lion's Share (2001) After finishing his studies, Maryanov was accepted into Lenkom: he successfully played in the theater, acted in films and quite soon gained a reputation as an incorrigible bachelor and an adrenaline junkie.

His new woman became fashion model Olga Anosova: she gave birth to his son Danil, but never became his wife. Maryanov happily played the role of a “Sunday” dad: he first rode Danya on a bicycle, then on a motorcycle.

Maryanov did not recognize cars: his temperament makes it difficult to calmly stand idle in Moscow traffic jams, the actor said. He moved only on a motorcycle.

“On a motorcycle you feel free. I’m rushing, the wind is whistling in my ears, I’m singing at the top of my voice, people look at me like I’m crazy, but I feel good.”

His love for extreme sports was shared by ballet dancer Olga Silaenkova: together they plunged into the waters of Lake Baikal in winter, rode a bike along deserted streets and even planned to live together in country house Maryanova - but something didn’t work out again.

Dmitry came to the First Channel project “Ice Age” in the status free man. And his partner on the ice, figure skater Irina Lobacheva, was just going through a divorce from Ilya Averbukh.

Having filmed the 2007 season, Maryanov continued to come to the set the next year, explaining this with nostalgia for the project. But it was clear to those around real reason: Irina and Dmitry fell in love and wanted to spend as much time as possible together.

In 2009, Maryanov again took to the ice paired with Lobacheva.

“My personal life has improved. I responded to the feelings of a very good and worthy person, relaxed and finally allowed myself to be happy...”, Irina told reporters then.

But there was no official announcement about their relationship. After " Ice Age“Dmitry brought the figure skater to the set of the film “My Obnoxious Grandfather,” where she played herself. The couple broke up right during filming.

Dmitry continued to live in his bachelor apartment, emphasizing that he was even proud of his freedom.

Meeting in Kharkov

It was a tour of the play Lady's Night. In the first row of the auditorium, Dmitry saw a girl - and all evening he could not take his eyes off her. As he bowed, he threw flowers at her and invited Gosha Kutsenko to a performance at a nightclub.

Ksenia Bik had no intention of going to the theater that evening, but her mother’s friend couldn’t, and she volunteered to save the missing ticket. “Maryanov is looking at you!” her mother whispered to her during the performance.

She didn’t respond to the invitation to the club, but her mother insisted that her daughter go and unwind. Ksenia was a certified psychologist, studied and worked a lot, her parents were worried that the girl had only studies on her mind.

Seeing her at the club, Maryanov immediately asked: “It was you, wasn’t it?” Can you show me the city?”

Fall of the Empire (2005)

Ksyusha did not agree to this, but she gave the phone number to the actor. He began calling her twice a day and persistently invited her to visit him in Moscow. Two weeks later, Ksenia succumbed to persuasion on the condition that she would live in a hotel.

“Of course, on the first day of my stay in Moscow, Dima found five hundred and fifty reasons to leave me to sleep “right here.” However, I didn’t realize that it wouldn’t be so easy to put the girl next to me. I stubbornly called him “you,” emphasizing the distance: “Thank you, Dmitry, give me bed sheets, I’ll lie down on the sofa.” Maryanov was a little taken aback, but didn’t put pressure…” Bik later recalled in an interview.

Love at a distance

Hunting a Genius (2006) Their romance continued out of suitcases: Ksenia regularly visited the actor in Moscow, but never even allowed herself to leave a toothbrush in his bathroom - she didn’t want him to think that she was claiming something.

They did not move in together even after the birth of their daughter Anfisa, continuing to come to visit each other. Journalists were sure that the girl was Ksenia’s daughter from her first marriage, although at the time of her meeting with Maryanov she was only 23 years old and had never been married.

Unlike all his previous relationships, he wanted to marry Ksyusha. I proposed several times, and she always agreed - but she was in no hurry to take real action.

“You shouldn’t force a serious step if both are not ready for it. You need to be able to wait,” Ksenia explained in 2015, a month after their wedding.

Mirage (2008) Their actor friends walked at the wedding: Nona Grishaeva with her husband, Mikhail Politsemako, Konstantin Yushkevich. Everyone wished Dima and Ksyusha a long and happy life together, side by side - in the same city, in their common home.

But on October 15, 2017, Dmitry Maryanov passed away. He was relaxing with friends at the dacha, and in the morning he complained of feeling unwell. After lunch, the actor lost consciousness. It was not possible to call an ambulance: the dispatcher said that all teams were busy.

The friends themselves took Maryanov to the hospital, but they didn’t have time. Doctors only stated the actor’s death due to a detached blood clot.

« Where are you I used to be, And where was I before? Let's get each other this time We won't lose"

The famous Russian actress Tatiana Skorokhodova. In the film, she plays the role of Eugene’s mother, one of the main characters. Every meeting with the actress for me (and this is our third interview) is like immersing myself in an atmosphere of happiness, celebration and dreams - Tatyana is so witty and cheerful. Her work schedule is very busy, so the conversation was barely squeezed into a short break between makeup and filming.

– Tatyana, how did you get into this fun Irkutsk-Buryat project?

– There aren’t many film actresses in Irkutsk, apparently (smiles). My heart has long belonged to cinema, it’s good that now it is filmed not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

After a stormy film career, a lot happened different projects, but there is one that I have been leading for a very long time and pay the greatest attention to it - this is my family. And I must say that this project gives me endless pleasure. After all, every child is at first a little bundle who makes you happy by the very fact of his existence, then he gives his parents joy because he can do something himself, and then you become truly happy from the way he does it. And every day brings something new and wonderful. And what kind of interlocutors they grow up to be! Children understand me perfectly, although in the process of raising me they can pretend to be completely deaf (laughs)!

– How to show them the path they will follow?

– First of all, you need to take a closer look at what the child wants in life, what exactly gives him the greatest pleasure. If he does something interesting, he won’t need to be forced. Well, if only a little bit, a couple of hours a day (smiles).

We tend to make a choice early life path, and, say, in Israel, first everyone goes into the army, then they travel, then they work, and after that they decide what profession they would not enjoy life without.

It’s easier for women, it seems to me. After all, no matter what we do in the workplace, we always have areas of pure creativity: children and makeup. Oh, makeup is a separate issue! Imagine, every day each of us draws a picture! Bright or tender, recklessly cheerful or mysteriously thoughtful, depending on your mood.

– How did you feel from filming this movie?

– I like what’s in the picture, and just film set a lot of humor. It is clear that the director knows what he wants and demands that the artists perform a certain creative task. This means he already sees his film as a whole. I think this is a guarantee of future success.

First working title was “Zhenya, perfume and love.” And yesterday I suddenly saw the name “Otkhonchik” on the firecracker and laughed for a long time, because to the ear of a person who does not know this word, it is initially perceived as something between “otkhonchik” and “hotyunchik” (laughs).

And with Sergei Snarsky (antique dealer, member of the Public Chamber Irkutsk region, former theater actor. - Ed.), who plays the husband of my heroine, we have a long-standing and, indeed, almost family relationship - we so often starred in advertising as married couple that everyone is surprised when they find out that this is not so.

– How does Andrey feel about this?

“He’s glad that I’m comfortable working.” It’s wonderful when your husband comes from a related profession - Andrei is a cameraman.

– Tatyana, you describe everything so beautifully, but wouldn’t you like to write something yourself? I recently wrote a book.

– I envy you so much and congratulate you on your first book, I’ll definitely read it. I often get in the mood and want to write something. Looking at my diary, I understand that I won’t be able to find more than 30 minutes for the next two weeks and am postponing the historical moment of the beginning of creation to a couple of weeks later. But then they pass, and the diary is again filled with tasks for two weeks ahead. Perhaps it's not time yet?

– Our interview is coming to an end, and by the way, what do you think about the end of the world?

– My children once asked me how we will prepare for the end of the world? So, they say, they bought everything in the Moscow region underground bunkers. And recently, my daughter had to stand in the pharmacy for a long time because some uncle was buying essential medicines on an industrial scale.

I think if we love each other, hug each other, forgive each other for various misdeeds, that is quite enough. Personally, I believe that you can only believe own premonitions, because a person is a very subtle instrument when it comes to his loved ones. And not a single one of the predictions has yet come true in documented form.

It's good that our film is about love. I always live with the feeling that every day could be my last. I live, acutely feeling the beauty of every hour and every minute. Everyone, at one time, faces their own personal end of the world, while a person is mortal, unfortunately. Love and be loved, be happy, thanks to or in spite of everything, and everything will be fine.

REFERENCE: Tatyana Skorokhodova made her film debut in 1989, while a student at the Theater School. Shchukin (course of Yuri Avsharov). A year later, she played her first leading role - the girl Dina in the mystical drama of the same name directed by Fyodor Petrukhin. The role of Dina's father was played by Innokenty Smoktunovsky. Then there were works in the musical “Our Man in San Remo” by Alexander Efremov, in the famous melodrama “Love” by Valery Todorovsky with Dmitry Maryanov and Evgeny Mironov, in the action film “Called the Beast” with Dmitry Pevtsov.

In 1991, after graduating from theater school, she studied in graduate school. In 1992, on the basis of graduates of Yuri Avsharov, the eccentric theater “Scientific Monkey” was organized, where Tatyana worked.

Since the mid-90s, Tatyana Skorokhodova suspended her film career, playing in the action movie “The Mafia is Immortal” along with Dmitry Pevtsov. Tatyana returned to her native Irkutsk, where she married the famous cameraman Andrei Zakablukovsky. Andrey and Tatyana are raising six children.

“New Buryatia” publishes “Formula of Love” by the film star of the early 90s Tatyana Skorokhodova and the brilliant Irkutsk cameraman Andrei Zakablukovsky.

It is not the first time for the film star of the early 90s Tatyana Skorokhodova and the brilliant Irkutsk cameraman Andrei Zakablukovsky to be the heroes of a material about a happy family life, writes the East Siberian Truth Publishing House. Just a month ago they were even invited to St. Petersburg as participants in a talk show dedicated to this very topic. They have been together for 12 years, raising six children between them. U happy person There should be a lot of children, say Tatyana and Andrey. During their life together, our heroes were able to develop their own formula of love, the components of which, at first glance, are simple - the ability to hear and understand a partner, as well as the art of appreciating relationships. Secret family happiness Andrei Zakablukovsky and Tatyana Skorokhodova shared with correspondent Elena Lisovskaya.

Tatyana Skorokhodova has features that can only be envied. She belongs to that category of women who manage to look amazing even in a home environment and old jeans. She feels good and comfortable almost everywhere. “It doesn’t matter where you live, the main thing is what kind of people surround you. I’ve always been lucky in this,” she notes. From the age of two, Tatyana lived in the north - in Yakutia, and when the time came to choose a place to study, she decided to go to the capital, here she entered the Shchepkinsky Theater School. True, after studying for a year, I quit. “Back then I didn’t realize that I wanted to be an actress,” Tatyana explained. But after some time she graduated from the Shchukin Theater School. After which for several years she became one of the actresses in demand in domestic cinema.

Acting in a movie means two or three months of backbreaking work, but then there is rest, money and pleasure from the work done. Some films with my participation - “Called the Beast”, “The Mafia is Immortal”, “Risk without a Contract” - are very often shown on TV. But for some reason such wonderful films as “Dina” are not shown. By the way, he is my favorite, because the director almost did not interfere in the process, I did everything I wanted. That’s why the result turned out nothing like that (smiles). There Innokenty Smoktunovsky plays my dad. And I am such a strange woman, burdened with the gift of foresight, who in time of troubles civil war loves, expecting a child. Now this is a fashionable topic, but when the film was made, it was new and fresh.

I had great pleasure working with Valery Todorovsky, who was the director of the film “Love”.

You are called one of his favorite actresses...

It seems to me that this is a great exaggeration. Although, I think he liked working with me. We found mutual understanding.

You filmed a lot with Pevtsov. What is your relationship with him now?

Normal, friendly. Great guy. Very good friend. Is it true, last time We saw each other almost two years ago.

Do you manage to keep in touch with your film production colleagues?

Of course! Moreover, when we lived in Moscow, we only called each other - there was no time, but now, when I come there for a week, we definitely meet! Almost all of my girlfriends and friends have had wonderful careers: Masha Poroshina, Dima Maryanov, Gosha Kutsenko... Classmate Max Korastyshevsky made a wonderful film “Fool”. And Edik Radzyukevich can be seen in the first line of the credits of almost everyone entertainment programs and humorous series.

When you were filming it was enough hard time for domestic cinema...

When I was filming, there was nothing yet. And then, when things got really bad, Andrey and I decided to leave Moscow. So I didn't lose anything. If we had stayed a couple more years, perhaps everything would have turned out differently. Maybe I would have been in the zone. Then we didn’t wait a bit...

Do you like to watch your films?

Not particularly. I'll watch for 10 minutes, sometimes half an hour. If I happen to see my own film, I wonder with surprise whether it’s really me.

I saw your photos on the Internet. There you are blonde...

I personified the type - the beloved girl of those years. Fatal blonde. Which one do you like best?

Better a brunette. I can’t help but ask: how do you manage to look so good?

I lead an active lifestyle; Andrey and I often ride horses. There is simply not enough time for another sport. Everything around the house needs to be done very quickly, because there are a lot of people - both children and guests. There is simply no time to sit down and eat in peace. Maybe it's nervous thinness?

The love story of our heroes could well become a script for a romantic film: successful actress left Moscow and went to Siberia for her beloved. Andrei and Tatyana fell in love when the actress came to visit her parents in Irkutsk, where they met.

How did you two meet?

Tatyana: Andrey and I have love at first sight. Big company AIST employees were getting ready to go to the bathhouse on Lake Baikal. They decided to invite me, my friend worked there. Andrey ran in to call. He says: “Let’s go.” I stand, look at him and smile. Then I feel: the pause has been prolonged. Andrey says to me again: “Well, shall we go?” Me: “Yes, yes, let's go.”

Andrey: When I worked at AIST, we had a tradition - to rent a boat for a week and relax on Lake Baikal. Before that, we were going to the bathhouse, I went to invite Tanya. As soon as I saw her, the feeling was born...

T: Then Andrey almost every month for a year and a half flew to see me in Moscow, where I fled, trying to forget about this feeling. After all, Andrei was married, and I had a husband. By the way, Andrei’s first wife Larisa and I are now in a very good relations. She has a wonderful husband and a wonderful family. We not only meet, but also from time to time “throw” children at each other.

A: After we met, Tanya promised to come to Irkutsk, but she never came. As a result, I went to Moscow. I found out that she was rehearsing at Taganka. And Taganka is full of basements and passages, it’s difficult to find anything. I asked passing actors where they were rehearsing the play. I found Tatiana in the theater buffet. When she saw me, she asked: “Will you eat?” My appearance clearly surprised her.

T: I say: how did you get here? The watch there was simply brutal. He answered me: since I flew here from Irkutsk, I was even more able to get here. We had a very romantic time in Moscow. True, I only knew the most expensive places. My first husband worked at financial sector and was a wealthy person, so I didn’t count the money.

A: 300 dollars, which then, by Irkutsk standards, was decent money, was spent in one day.

Tatyana and Andrey decided to be together, for this each of them had to leave their first families. At first they lived in Irkutsk. And then - several years in the capital. Then they returned to Siberia again. Then two children already appeared in the family of Tatyana and Andrey. “Sometimes they like to make me out to be a Decembrist,” Tatyana smiles, “but that’s not so. It is very difficult to keep a family together in Moscow: it is more convenient to live there alone, when obligations do not prevent you from, for example, going to an interesting party. I felt that some kind of corrosion was corroding our relationship. But not everyone has such love, we understood that. Which, in fact, was the decisive factor in the move.”

Have you ever encountered situations where you were ready to break up?

T: More than once. In Moscow I had little work, but Andrey had a lot, he was busy all the time. For two months of such existence, it seemed to me that our life together had no meaning. For what? Why do I need this person, I don’t see him, he lives his own life. When I said this, Andrei was shocked because he assessed the situation completely differently. He said: I’m trying for the family. That's why we're talking about everything now.

Surely, you have other secrets of family happiness.

T: We need to try to hear each other. Despite the fact that each of us is a person with his own point of view. Everyone has their own principles, but you need to decide for yourself - either do you live with a person or with your principles? It costs nothing to separate. What then? I always remember why I fell in love with Andrey, how I fell in love with him. Even when we quarrel, I think: am I really that angry to break up with him? No, not at all.

A: I believe that you need to appreciate what you have. People who are nearby. And the most important thing is that Tanya loves me!

Our heroes have six children between them. Ilya and Olga - from Andrei's first marriage, twelve-year-old Danil, nine-year-old Anya, five-year-old Darik and one-year-old Marika. “Our children are so responsible and purposeful that it amazes me,” says Tatyana.

Anya already knows exactly what she wants to achieve in life. She was seriously involved in sports, and now she is interested in music - she plays the flute. We often organize concerts, I play the piano.”

Parents say that it is customary for children to help each other. The guys understand that in the future they will need to take care of their brothers and parents. And they even promised their lover warm climate For Tatyana's old age, a house in an orange grove.

Tatyana, who do you feel more like - a wife, mother, actress, socialite?

I love contrasts, and lately I like feeling like a mother. I think I good mother. The time I spend with children gives them a lot. It seems to me that I understand well what they need at every moment of life. All this happens because my parents were brilliant teachers.

Andrey, how do you feel being the father of such a large family?

It’s easy, because Tanya is great, she copes with everything.

The two children have very unusual names. Why did you decide to name them that way?

T: First unusual name gave it to Darik. I read in the calendar that previously the names Daria and Darius were paired, just like Valentina and Valentin. We decided to use the name Darius. Firstly, because it contains letters from the names of mom and dad. Secondly, under the dynasty of the Darius kings, the state flourished; they were good commanders and wise rulers. I even came up with one for Darik lullaby song with these words: “You will be smart and strong. And your homeland will be proud of you, and people will ask: “Who is this, strong, brave and kind?” He loved this song very much, he kept saying: “Sing, Mom, another song about me.”

The name Marieke was invented by Darik himself. At first we announced a competition among our relatives, but we didn’t like what they offered. Moreover, as soon as we named our daughter Marika, it turned out that in the center of Irkutsk there is a kiosk “Marika”, there is a DJ, then one of the relatives said: yes, our Serbian name is Maritse!

Andrei Zakablukovsky dreamed of two things all his life - his own house and a horse. Moreover, the second appeared in his life earlier than the first. “I bought a horse as soon as we started construction,” says the man who, as a child, dreamed of keeping a horse on his balcony. By the way, we were also able to ride in a real sleigh with bells. The owners specially harnessed the horse and took it for a quick ride around the surrounding area.

To build their own house, the family sold a Moscow apartment on Taganka and a year full staff lived in a small bathhouse. “Now I can hardly imagine how we fit there,” recalls Tatyana. - We always had a lot of people - friends constantly came. We sat in three rows on each other’s laps.” On 20 acres there is a compact house with a large veranda, a two-story bathhouse and a stable, where, in addition to two horses, live busy geese and chickens.

Doesn't it bother you that the house is located 30 minutes from Irkutsk?

A: I don’t even notice the time spent on the way home. Because a change of scenery, when you get out of the city into the forest, turns into relaxation for me. Sometimes I travel back and forth several times a day.

What car do you have? Jeep?

A: No, we wouldn’t all go in there. We have a minibus. By the way, last summer my family and I traveled in it, visited the Black Sea, Minsk, and Moscow. And then they made a film. I filmed, and Tanya commented.

How did you choose a place for your home?

T: We came from Moscow several times to look at sites for construction. We liked it here - 300 meters to the beach, there is a peninsula and water all around. You don't need to go far to hunt - everything is nearby. We developed the design of our house ourselves. We didn’t like what was offered in the magazines, because it was designed for two or three children. There were large areas public use and a couple of private rooms. We needed everyone to have their own room, so we came up with our own. In general, it’s a bit cramped for me here, I would like a few more rooms.

A: Despite the fact that we have been living here for five years, we still need to do a lot of things - a garage, a gym, we also want a separate cinema hall. There will be a large screen and a video projector. In general, your home is for life.

Leaving Tatyana and Andrey, with whom we spent almost the entire day instead of the planned two hours, I realized that the happiness of the two depends on themselves. A family life It could be a desert, or it could be a blooming orange grove.

Curriculum Vitae

Andrey Zakablukovsky was born on December 12, 1965 in Irkutsk. While still at school, he got a job as a groom at the Irkutsk state stable. In 1984 he was drafted into the army and served in the pipeline troops. In 1986 he entered the Faculty of Philology of Irkutsk state university. In 1991 he began working as a cameraman and then as an art director at the AIST television company. From 1997 to 2001 he worked in Moscow, where he filmed for such channels as ORT, RTR, Kultura, REN-TV, Internews and TV-6. Now he collaborates with the studio “REC. production", which produces commercials. Andrey is the father of six children, four of them were born in marriage with Tatyana Skorokhodova.

Tatyana Skorokhodova was born on August 2, 1968 in Irkutsk. In 1991 she graduated from the Shchukin Theater School. In 1992 she became an actress in the “Scientific Monkey” theater. She received her first leading role in the film “Our Man in San Remo” in her first year at drama school. In total, she starred in 11 films, including collaborations with Dmitry Pevtsov: “Called the Beast” (1991) and “The Mafia is Immortal” (1993). The director of the film “Love” (1991) was Valery Todorovsky. 12 years ago Tatyana moved to Irkutsk and married the famous cameraman Andrei Zakablukovsky. She worked as a presenter at the AIST television company, as a fashion model, and ran for deputy in the Irkutsk Duma. Now he is raising children.

Interviewed by Timur Dugarzhapov, “New Buryatia”.

Tatyana Alexandrovna

Born 08/02/1968

Shchukin School. Film debut

Tatyana Skorokhodova made her film debut in 1989, while a student at the Theater School. Shchukin (course of Yu. Avsharov). A year later, she played her first leading role - the girl Dina in the mystical drama of the same name directed by Fyodor Petrukhin. Then there were memorable works in the musical comedy “Our Man in San Remo”, the melodrama “Love”, and the action film “Called the Beast”.

On the set of the melodrama “Love” she met actor Dmitry Maryanov, by that time already known for the films “Above the Rainbow” and “Dear Elena Sergeevna”. Soon they got married.

Theater "Scientist Monkey"

In 1991, Tatyana graduated from theater school, after which she studied for a year in graduate school.

In 1992, on the basis of graduates of Yuri Avsharov, the eccentric student theater “Scientific Monkey” was organized. Maryanov and Skorokhodova also became actors in this theater. Their work could be seen in the TV show “Your Own Director,” where the guys did weird things in small TV reprises.

Further fate

Tatyana Skorokhodova stopped acting in films in the mid-90s. The actress’s last notable work was her role in the action movie “The Mafia is Immortal,” where she starred with Dmitry Pevtsov.

Later, Tatyana moved to Irkutsk and married the famous cameraman Andrei Zakablukovsky. She worked as a presenter at the AIST television company, as a fashion model, and ran for deputy in the Irkutsk Duma. Now he is raising children.

Igor BIN

Materials used:
Encyclopedia of Cinema of Cyril and Methodius (CD LLC "Media-Service-2000");
Tatyana Skorokhodova;
photo from the site