Do mermaids really exist or are they inventions of sailors and good photoshop? Who are mermaids? Myths and legends

To the question, do mermaids exist? Modern man Most often he will laugh and answer that he stopped believing in grandma’s fairy tales when he was ten years old. However, documentary evidence confirms the veracity of ancient legends.

If we rely on ancient stories and legends, then the appearance of the mysterious sea ​​creatures very diverse, as are their names. For example, in Western Europe the name mermaid was used more often. IN ancient Greece sirens and tritons. IN ancient Rome naiads, nereids and nymphs, but among the Germans of the Nix and Balts, strange fish-like creatures were called buzzers and undines. In Scotland, there were also amazing underwater inhabitants and there they were called silks. The French, without ceremony, called the freaks snake tails.

The appearance of mysterious sea inhabitants different descriptions eyewitnesses vary greatly. Firstly, mermaids are not only female, but also male creatures, and secondly, their appearance is described in completely different ways. From a charmingly beautiful woman with large, firm breasts, delicate features, long silky hair, white skin and shiny fish tail instead of legs, to a very frightening creature with green hair, a face overgrown with a substance similar to coral, ugly gills starting from the lower lip and a vile tail with disgusting growths in the lower part of the body. The likelihood that in different parts Sveta underwater inhabitants may differ in appearance, exists, in exactly the same way as the presence of several species that are immediately different not only in appearance, but also are fundamentally different different levels evolution. Some researchers admit that a person can easily be a descendant of mermaids. It’s not for nothing that they say that the Ocean is the cradle of life.

So that everything described here does not seem like another unfounded version or too bold an assumption, let us turn to the attested descriptions of meetings with mermaids. This will give good grounds for thought regarding the answer to the question - do mermaids exist or not?

Mentions of mermaids in history

So, the first mention found in the Icelandic chronicles Speculum Regale dates back to the 12th century. In it we're talking about about a creature half woman, half fish called "Margigr". According to the description it is absolutely normal woman, except for a large shiny fin instead of legs. Three centuries later in the 15th century, in the book of Sigault de la Fonda “Wonders of Nature, or a Collection of Extraordinary and Noteworthy Phenomena and Adventures in the Whole World of Bodies, Arranged in Alphabetical Order” there is a mention of an incident that occurred in Holland in 1403.

After a terrible storm destroyed the West Friesland Dam, a woman was found entangled in seaweed and thrown onto a coastal meadow. She was released, brought to Haarlem, dressed, taught to knit stockings and go to church. The woman lived in the city for 15 years, ate regular food, and during that time she never learned to speak. She endlessly tried to throw herself into the sea, but it was clearly not meant to be. She died like an ordinary person on land.

In the 17th century, the navigator G. Hudson left an entry in the ship's log, in which he described an amazing creature seen off the coast of the new world. He wrote that one of his crew members suddenly noticed a mermaid overboard. The observer immediately called his comrade and they looked at the creature for a long time. According to their description, it was a woman with bare breasts, long black hair down to her shoulders and a fish tail speckled with black dots like a mackerel. The names of the sailors who observed the mermaid: Thomas Hills and Robert Raynar. Date: June 15, 1608.

Mermaid teen

In the same century, the Spanish journalist Iker Jimenez Elizari published in one of the publications of that time records found in the archives of the church. They talked about the young man Francisco dela Vega Casar, who lived in Lierganes (Cantabria), who stood out among the inhabitants for his excellent ability to swim. According to the source, at the age of 16, the young man left his hometown and went to study as a carpenter in Las Arenas. In 1674, while swimming, he was picked up by a wave and carried out to sea. All searches were in vain.

In February 1679, near the Bay of Cadiz, fishermen caught a strange creature. The creature looked like a tall young man with pale skin and red hair. It had scales along its back and along its belly. There was a brown membrane between the fingers. The prisoner growled, roared and resisted so much that 12 people could barely restrain him. The creature was sent to a Franciscan monastery, where he spent three weeks, during which an exorcism was performed on him. In January 1680, he was taken to Cantabria, where the mother of her son, who had disappeared several years earlier, recognized the strange creature as her child. For another two years sea ​​creature lived in the village, eating raw meat and fish, and in 1682 he managed to escape. He dived into sea ​​waters and no one saw him again.

Mermaid tail

In the 18th century, or more precisely in 1737, the Gentleman’s magazine published an article about a creature caught near the English city of Exter. The fishermen, having lifted it onto the deck, saw a salmon-like tail in the nets and, having figured out what was what, they beat the prey with sticks. When the catch began to groan humanly in agony, the fishermen unraveled the nets and discovered a male mermaid. The upper part of the body was completely human, except that the nose was slightly flattened, unlike in humans. The corpse was exhibited in Exter for a long time as an exhibit.

Another edition of Scot's magazine in 1739 published an equally interesting article that the crew of the ship Halifax caught several mermaids off the coast of the island of Mauritius, fried them and ate them. Team members claimed that the mermaids’ meat reminded them of tender veal.

In the 19th century there were also several high-profile cases involving mermaids. Here's one of them. On October 31, 1881, one of the Boston newspapers wrote that the corpse of a creature partially similar to a human was discovered on the shore. The head and body of the corpse were clearly female. The facial features, eyes, nose, teeth, arms, breasts and hair were all human, but everything below the deceased’s waist resembled a fish’s tail.

And the 20th century was no exception. Not only have they not stopped writing about the existence of mermaids, but on the contrary, the number of such cases has only increased.

Mermaids were also found in the USSR

One of the most interesting and high-profile cases of that time became known only recently when the secrecy was lifted. With representatives water depths The armed forces of the USSR had a chance to meet in 1982 on the western shore of Lake Baikal, where training camps for combat swimmers of the Trans-Baikal Military District took place.

When scuba divers dived to a depth of 50 meters, they more than once had to come face to face with creatures more than three meters tall, as if clad in some kind of shiny clothes. The heads of the creatures seemed to be hidden under spherical helmets, but at the same time the strangers had neither scuba gear nor any other equipment for breathing under water, while they swam with high speed and clearly observed the actions of our combat swimmers.

The commander-in-chief of the exercise decided that it was worth getting to know his mysterious “colleagues” better and ordered to catch one of them. A special team of seven experienced scuba divers and an officer, armed with a thin and durable net, was assembled. However, at the moment when the hunters tried to throw a net on one of the strangers, a certain powerful force impulse instantly pushed the entire group to the surface of the lake. As a result of a sudden ascent without the necessary stops for decompression, all members of the team fell ill with decompression sickness. Three died a few days later, the rest remained disabled.

Residents of the USA also found mermaids

In August 1992 there was also no less interesting case. A group of fishermen from the village of Key Beach (Florida), a kilometer from the coast, noticed “half-humans, half-seals” lying on the water with large human-like heads, large eyes and long arms ending in webbed hands. The creatures, noticing the approaching longboat, swam to the side, made a circle around the ship and went into the depths. An hour later, the fishermen pulled out the fishing net and found that it was cut in several places. Another strange meeting of people and mysterious underwater inhabitants occurred several years ago. IN local history museum The town of Tombstone, located in the southern part of the United States, has a large glass display case. It contains a creature very similar to sea ​​cow, exterminated by people about 150 years ago, that’s just upper part This creature is very reminiscent of a human.

Round eyes, nose, ears, neck, shoulders, hands - everything is like a person’s. The chest has well-developed ribs, which means that the creature breathes atmospheric air. The lower part of the object is an ordinary fish tail. Even if a person does not want to believe in the existence of mermaids, this exhibit proves that mermaids exist. In addition, local fishermen claim that such mermaids are periodically caught in their nets, but they, considering them mutants, throw them back.

From everything described above, it becomes clear that, most likely, mermaids exist. It is not known who they are. Perhaps a species that develops in parallel and evolves along with humanity. After all, the oceans today have been studied much less than space. Man is looking for intelligent beings outside the galaxy, and it is possible that they have always been near us, we just don’t want to believe in them. It is quite possible that there is a diversity of species among them. This fact may well explain why there is such a difference in the descriptions of these creatures. Perhaps someday a person, having begun to conquer the depths of water, will discover that he is not alone and his brothers in mind have always been nearby, he just had to stretch out his hand.

There are so many mysteries, unsolved secrets and questions in the world, the answers to which have not yet been found. For example, do mermaids really exist? The image of this creature is present in both cartoons and movies. There are many folk tales about how a man met a mermaid. So what is this: reality or people’s imagination?

A beautiful woman with long green hair and a large fish tail, dressed in white beautiful clothes - this is what she looks like real mermaid, according to popular belief. It is believed that these creatures live in natural bodies of water and are the daughters of Neptune, the king of the sea. Another legend says that they become:

  • souls of dead unmarried girls;
  • children of murdered pregnant women born in the afterlife;
  • unbaptized cursed children;
  • representatives of the fair sex who committed suicide with water because of unhappy, unrequited love.

She has the gift of clairvoyance psychic abilities and is able to control the elements: cause rain, hail, wind and others natural phenomena. In fact the girl with the tail is very dangerous for an ordinary person.

Mermaids hunt young men, lure them into the water and drown them. They say that if she starts singing, the person who hears her voice instantly turns to stone and remains in this state for a very long time. Fascinated by her unearthly beauty and with the voice the man falls in love, as they say, to death. Even if he avoids drowning, he will still not live later - he will die from an illness caused by lovesickness or he will commit suicide. A kiss from this girl also leads to an early death.

But for old people and children who find themselves in trouble in the depths of the sea, this creature will help them escape and get to the shore. It happens that sea ​​dweller takes the child with her into the abyss to make her dream of motherhood come true. It is possible that the dislike for men is connected precisely with the reason why the girl died and became a resident of the water - unhappy love for a man. Whether this is true or not, no one knows.

According to the stories of sailors, girls with tails have a thieving and evil character, as they steal valuables from fishing boats and ships. Having a desire to have fun, living mermaids spoil fishing gear, sink ships - they try in every possible way to annoy the person they meet on their way.

Mermaid image

Different eyewitnesses describe this creature in different ways: who talks about beautiful girl, others saw a merman man. Therefore, what do mermaids look like in real life, no one knows for sure.

In the 19th century people distinguished between sea maidens and mermaids. The first were considered evil tailed creatures that killed any person they met. The second are the undead souls of drowned girls without tails, who pose no danger to people. At a later time, these two images merged into one.

Russian artists and writers dedicated their creations to these mysterious creatures. In Rus', it was believed that mermaids really exist in the world: in winter they are in the water, and in spring they come out of rivers, lakes and seas into the fields. All summer, people walked around the ponds in ten directions, they were afraid to swim in them, because they believed that girls with tails could kidnap them and drown them. The girls wove flower wreaths and hung them on trees in order to please the tailed ladies.

Facts and evidence

Exists plenty of evidence the existence of these marine inhabitants. They were collected all over the world and come from first-hand accounts of eyewitnesses:

  1. It is difficult to call sea fairies with tails instead of legs a fiction, since they are depicted in cave paintings from the Stone Age. The drawings show scenes where ancient people hunted creatures in the water that looked like humans and fish at the same time.
  2. And mermaids are also mentioned in Irish chronicles of the 12th century. It was about a creature caught by fishermen - half woman, half fish. There, in the 14th century, after a strong storm, a woman fish washed up on the shore, entangled in algae.
  3. In 1608, the navigator Hudson and his crew saw a mermaid in the sea. Real, living woman with a bare chest, long hair and a scaly tail, she watched their ship with interest, and after a while disappeared from view. This fact was recorded in the ship's log.
  4. In 1647, in the city of Las Arenas, a sixteen-year-old teenager swam in the sea and disappeared without a trace. For a long time they searched for him, but to no avail. 5 years after this incident, sailors found a strange creature in one of the bays: thin, pale and with red hair. He was identified as the same missing boy, only now he looked and behaved differently: there were scales all over his body, and membranes between his fingers, like frogs have. He growled and didn't say anything. For three weeks, the priests performed a ritual of exorcism from the teenager, but this changed little. The young man was left to live with his mother. For two years he ate only raw meat and fish, and then escaped by diving into the sea. Nobody saw him again.
  5. In the USSR, this creature was encountered by our military personnel in 1982 on Lake Baikal, where combat swimmers were trained. When diving to a depth of more than 50 meters, people discovered scary creatures: their height was about 3 meters, they were wearing something like a transparent helmet on their heads, and their clothes were very shiny. The movements of these strangers were very fast and precise; they did not have any equipment or devices to maintain breathing. The command decided to catch one of them in order to get a better look at the strange guests. Seven people descended to the depths, taking with them a large, strong net. When trying to throw a trap on strange creature, all the swimmers were suddenly thrown to the surface by some unknown energy impulse. Subsequently, after some time, three people died, the rest remained disabled for life.
  6. In 1992, residents of one of the US states discovered a half-fish, half-man a kilometer from the shore. He had a big head long arms with webbed fingers. The fishermen swam closer to the stranger, but he, having made a couple of circles around the ship, went into the depths.

Such there are a great many eyewitness accounts, therefore, the existence of creatures with tails can rightfully be considered a reliable fact. Who they are, where they came from - questions to which there are no clear answers.

Maybe these are mutant people or evolving inhabitants of the seas, existing separately from humans. Perhaps these creatures are the creation of a parallel reality and end up in our world by chance, because we don’t meet them too often.

Modern data

Scientists around the world are trying to answer the question of whether mermaids exist in real life or are they just a myth. The fact is that in the basements of Japanese monasteries there are mummies that do not resemble human ones in appearance. Scientists suspect that these may be the remains of both alien inhabitants and mermaids. Also, according to them, skeletons of animals are stored there, the species of which are unfamiliar to modern science.

It is known for sure that in the Sinai monastery there is kept a mummy of a female creature, which received the name “sea princess”, since her body is covered with scales and there are fins on her back.

Mermaids are found in the mythology of many nations. This image came to us from ancient times; the first mentions of women with a fish tail can be found in antiquity. Do mermaids exist is an interesting question, because the legends are not based on empty space.

These mythological creatures are described in different ways, but most often in legends and tales mermaids are described as beautiful women With human body, which ends in a fish tail. Mermaids always have their hair down. Mermaids live in bodies of water - rivers, lakes, seas. But sometimes there is a description of mermaids who live in trees or fields. Different nations gave various names mermaids, yes Eastern Slavs The mermaid was called Vila, and the inhabitants of Europe called it Undine.

An interesting fact is that although mermaids are portrayed as beautiful young girls, their image is negatively colored. Many legends say that mermaids dragged passing travelers, usually men, into the world of the dead. They attracted the wanderer with their beauty, after which they pulled him into the water and drowned him. The Slavs believed that drowned women became mermaids and would not find peace even after death.

Photos of whether mermaids exist can be found on the Internet. But you should understand that this is a computer processing or reconstruction of medieval engravings.

So do mermaids exist: assumptions and facts

Since ancient times, there have been reports of encounters with creatures extremely similar to mermaids.

This is how many meetings of sailors with mermaids were described. Some of the sailors tried to talk to the mermaids, but their appeals remained unanswered.

In the history of Holland there is also the fact of the existence of mermaids. Several centuries ago, in one of the villages, a family sheltered a mermaid, who lived with them for more than fifteen years; the funeral took place according to all the canons of the church.

Theories of the existence of mermaids

In science, there are two main theories about mermaids.

  1. The first and leading one is hallucinogenic. She says that sailors' consciousness is distorted due to a long stay at sea. That's why they see women in the form of sea animals.
  2. The second theory was put forward by oceanologists. They claim that some marine animals, such as manatees, sea sirens, under certain conditions (light refraction, body position) are similar to a hybrid of fish and humans.

Videos about whether mermaids exist are provided by some video enthusiasts. But the reliability of this data is highly controversial.

One way or another, mermaids remain mysterious creatures, forcing people to build hypotheses and theories.

Should you believe in the existence of mermaids or refute myths? Readers of this article can make their choice: either take on faith the numerous stories of seasoned travelers, sea conquerors and conscientious farmers, or make sure complete absence scientific evidence the possibility of mixing humans and fish. However, sources containing descriptions of travel are filled with stories about mermaids. Is this evidence excessive developed imagination eyewitnesses?

Seeing mermaids with your own eyes

One of the sources of information about mermaids was the authoritative geographer Henry Hudson. The famous conqueror of the seas and discoverer of territories, after whom the bay off the coast of Canada, as well as the river and strait are named, while off the coast of Novaya Zemlya, made an entry with his own hand in the logbook: “Date: June 15, 1608 This morning a sailor overboard noticed something, looks like a mermaid. He called to those on deck, and another sailor joined in the observations. Meanwhile, the mermaid approached the ship and began to watch them with interest. After some time, a rushing wave overturned her. Above the waist, her body and head were similar to those of a woman, and her snow-white skin was set off by black long hair, falling down the back. The bottom of her body resembled the tail of a dolphin or porpoise, and sparkled like a mackerel. The names of the witnesses were Robert Raynar and Thomas Hills."

Records of sighted mermaids are also found in the memoirs of Columbus and some of his companions.

Also, descriptions of strange creatures can be found in the chronicle of Iceland of the 12th century “Speculum Regale”: “In coastal waters Residents of Greenland are faced with a monster called “Margigr”. The creature's head and body appear human from the waist up. People were able to see hair, arms and breasts similar to those of a woman. Below the belly it is like a fish - there is a scaly tail and fins.”

Some of them are much smaller than people. Little mermaids.

An event that occurred in 1830 on one of the Hebrides islands, in once again indicates that mermaids really exist, and not just in myths and fairy tales. Residents of Benbecula Island, as usual, collected seaweed left after the tide. The weather was calm and the sea was completely calm. Therefore, a sudden splash made one of the women turn around. Imagine her surprise when she saw a strange creature almost nearby, resembling a miniature woman in appearance. How did the story end? You can read about it.

What do real mermaids look like? Beautiful brunettes with fishtails.

In the Shipping Gazette of June 4, 1857, there was a story about the true story of Scottish sailors who swore on the Bible that they all clearly saw a female creature short, black-haired with a lush breast, who splashed near the shore, cutting the surface of the sea with her fish tail.

Lake and river mermaids actually exist.

Photo: River and water mermaids.

In places far from the sea, mermaids were known in two forms: the traditional one, with a fish tail, and without a tail - with legs. In the second case, the mermaid differed from an ordinary woman only in that she lived in the river. .

I saw a mermaid - kill her

Somewhere deep in the subconscious of every person there is a hunting instinct. For some it is securely hidden, while for others it often breaks out. Perhaps the boy who threw the stone at the mermaid did not pursue the goal of killing her at all. Like many in such cases, he obeyed the hunting instinct, like a kitten trying to catch a moving object and launch its claws into it.

Without thinking about the consequences, people rushed in pursuit of mermaids and often killed them in the heat of pursuit just like that, obeying the same hunting instinct.

Triton is a man with a tail instead of legs.

A similar incident occurred off the US coast near Portland in Casco Bay. One day one of the fishermen went out to sea on his boat to fish. Suddenly a strange creature emerged from the water and grabbed the side with its hands. The fisherman decided that it was a “triton,” and, without thinking about the purpose for which the sea deity swam up to the boat, he grabbed an ax lying among the gear and cut off the hand of the son of Poseidon. The vile creature immediately sank to the bottom, and a bloody trail remained on the surface of the water for a long time. When the sailor looked around, he saw at the bottom of the boat the hand of a sea monster, which was exactly like the man’s hand.

They do not live in captivity. Found a mermaid? Release her back to the sea!

Many people thought about killing the mermaid fewer people than about her capture. The latter has been achieved more than once throughout history.

Photo: Mermaid caught in a net

At some point, Catholic missionaries had a special interest in mermaids from a professional point of view.

They used to come to us more often

Meetings of mermaids with people in most cases were for these amazing creatures adverse consequences and often ended in their death. Therefore, the mermaids began to avoid people. And if in former times they could be seen quite often, now such meetings have become more rare.

Is the mermaid getting married? Love between mermaids and people.

Spending a long time at sea without women, and meeting beautiful mermaids there, the sailors fell in love with them, as evidenced by literary works, legends and ballads. It is quite possible that all these creations have a very definite basis. There were cases when the love of a mermaid and a man was so passionate and strong that both could no longer imagine life without each other and romantic relationship found their continuation in marriage. In many cases, love was unrequited, and one person had to suffer from unrequited feelings.

It is worth noting that not all testimonies and stories about encounters with mermaids were reflected in the press. Some of those who heard the stories of eyewitnesses believed them, others, on the contrary, considered them crazy. But the fact remains a fact. Similar stories different people from completely different places indicate that mermaids actually exist.

Mermaids really exist even now, in our days.

Despite the stories of man marrying a mermaid and their prosperous life together, in most cases people treated these creatures as game and always sought to pursue them in order to catch or kill them.

If people had such an attitude, it is unlikely that they would want to appear where they would be met in this way.

Video: Mermaid on the Rocks – Amazing Mermaid On The Rock “Sirena” (Animal Planet, Special Analysis 100% TRUE)

Do mermaids exist in real life? This question has tormented people for many centuries. There is still no clear answer to this.

Some claim that they have seen these creatures with their own eyes, others that they are immaterial and live like spirits.

The appearance of the mermaids is also described in different ways: the hair is sometimes black, sometimes green, sometimes red; some claim that there are fangs, others do not; For some mermaids are beautiful, for others they are ugly. There is no description of a similar character either: they are both good and evil. The only similarity is the presence of a tail instead of legs.

Mermaids: myth or truth

Many people believe in the existence of mermaids.

There are references in official sources to the discovery of these creatures.

Mermaids and Modern Times

It was possible to catch and beat a mermaid to death in the 18th century. The news about this was published in an English magazine. They caught her fishing nets. When rising to the surface, she made sounds similar to a human groan.

The creature turned out to be so scary that the panicked fishermen began to beat it.

He was preserved in alcohol and sent to the museum; later the corpse was thrown out due to loss of interest among visitors.

Some were able taste it this creature. So, in 1739, sailors caught a mermaid, fried her over a fire and ate her. The meat, according to them, is soft, tasty, tender, reminiscent of veal.

IN late XIX century in one of the American newspapers was message about a found mermaid. But there was no living evidence of this phenomenon. This event remained as a legend.

Mermaids exist: proof from the times of the USSR

The events that unfolded in 1982 remained a mystery for many years.

Several mermaids have been seen under the water of Lake Baikal. The military was sent there to train for special missions.

By order of their superiors, the military swimmers sank into the water to a depth of 50 meters. According to rumors, there were mermaids of enormous size there: they reached 3 meters in length, and their scales shone like silver. On their heads, witnesses saw strange headdresses that looked like round helmets.

As soon as the submariners descended to the required depth, they immediately encountered these creatures. According to them, this is definitely not people: they did not have scuba gear, special wetsuits, and their movement was much faster than a professional swimmer.

The team of eight people was given order to establish contact With unusual creatures. To do this, you need to catch at least one individual. The men were well prepared for the meeting: gear and equipment were all at the highest level.

However the operation failed. As soon as the scuba divers swam too close to the mermaids, they were instantly thrown ashore. Due to the sudden ascent, without stopping, the people participating in the special operation developed decompression sickness. Most became disabled for life, and three were not saved: they died within two days.

Proof of the existence of mermaids in modern times

Nowadays, evidence of the existence of mermaids appears periodically. Not as often as some enthusiasts would like, but nevertheless they happen.
  • For example, at the beginning of 2016 year, an article was published in an Indian newspaper talking about the found girl with a fish tail.
  • Found in the city of Saharanpur girl with a fin like a fish. True, it later turned out that it was just a child with rare disease - sirenomelia. The child later died without living even a few days.
  • In 2014, a woman resembling a mermaid was found near Mexico. Eyewitnesses called the police. They, in turn, called the expert service. The workers examined the monster and took it home. Then the rumors were divided into two parts: some say that the body was taken to an area where aliens and unusual animals are studied, others say it was a dummy for the film “Pirates.” Caribbean Sea" No evidence was provided for either version. It is still not known where the body went.

What mermaids are there in myths and legends?

U different nations There are legends about the existence of mermaids and descriptions of meetings with them.

Each nation has its own creatures: according to Western legend, they are kind, they help people, in Eastern legends, they are evil, they want to kill a person.

  • Slavic mythology claims that mermaids help lost travelers. Since they were mentioned in different times, then this fact indirectly proves their existence.
  • They are first mentioned in ancient Roman myths. In them, mermaids were called sirens, sometimes - nymphs, undines, nereids.
  • But according to European legends, these creatures physical bodies don't have. These are spirits that control the waters of seas, oceans, and sometimes lakes. Later, these creatures began to be considered energy that can enter a person, control him, and help fulfill desires.
Image and appearance still not defined. Scientists involved in mythology and mystical phenomena have their own opinion on this matter. They believe that this division in appearance occurred due to the fact that people saw these creatures on different stages its development.

As it says popular belief, these creatures are girls who died because of unrequited love. Sometimes babies who died along with their pregnant mother turn to them.

Can people meet a mermaid in real life? What to do?

There is no clear answer to this question. There is always a possibility, even though some people say that mermaids do not exist. What to do to an ordinary person what if he meets a nymph? According to legends, you can ask a mermaid to improve your appearance and rejuvenate yourself. True, this only applies to women. Men, according to legend, most often die from these creatures. They are either drowned or scared to death.

You can ask a mermaid to improve her appearance on a full moon by performing a small ceremony. There is no need to look for her in special places: her spirit can be summoned at any body of water located near your home. There are rituals that help the mermaid spirit penetrate a person, thereby increasing his power. This can be done in just a month.

Let's sum it up

The woman with the fish tail is half myth, half reality. On the one hand there is plenty of evidence different times about their existence. On the other hand - no no physical evidence. Some speculate on this topic. To quickly become famous, people create artificial mermaids. But they are quickly exposed.

It catches your eye extremely rarely: in places where there are practically no people. Those who met her had all sorts of problems: from disability to death. But some were still lucky - they helped them find their way home. Such creatures frighten people because their appearance is unusual. People can kill them out of fear, and there is recorded evidence of this.
However, let everyone decide for themselves whether to believe in this or not.