How to summon spirits at home during the day. Summoning spirits at home

Let's look at how to summon good and evil spirits. Good spirits appear on various calls, no matter what category they belong to, since they openly talk with us and appear to us in the waking state or notify us prophetically during sleep about what we ask them. Anyone who wants to call a good spirit for a conversation must observe two points. Preparation of the caller himself (the magician) and, then, the external environment - in accordance with the summoned spirit.

It is necessary for the magician to prepare himself religiously for this great sacrament for a certain period of time. He must confess, repent externally and internally, and cleanse himself daily by washing. blessed water. During all this time he must be chaste, self-controlled and of a completely unperturbed spirit; As far as possible, remove yourself from domestic and public affairs. He must pray, as far as he finds it necessary, daily, from sunrise to sunset in the place where the invocations take place.

Dressed in a sacred vestment of pure linen, he appeals seven times daily to God and the angels for propitiation, as stated above. The number of days of preparation and exercise is usually equal to a lunar month; other Kabbalists adhere to the forty-day period.

For those who intend to engage in evocation, we note that first of all it is necessary to choose a suitable room, decent, closed, isolated from all noise and not visited by anyone. The magician and his assistants stand in a row, saying psalms and prayers. The first student holds a censer, the second a book, the third a pen, inkwell and incense, and the fourth a pot of coals. But Agrippa, more cautious and educated, prefers silence inside the house. He is conjured and consecrated; then an altar or table is placed in it, located to the east, covered with a white, clean canvas. On each side there should be two consecrated wax candles must be lit during the entire operation.

In the middle of the altar they place a sacred contract, which we will talk about later, and cover it with a shroud or clean linen, which remains closed until the end of the term. Right there, nearby, sacred incense and pure anointing oil are kept; both must be sanctified.

The incense burner is placed at the top of the altar. After lighting it and blessing the flame, the incense must be renewed every day during prayer. Clothes should be long, made of pure linen, closed in front and back ("The Keys of Solomon" require that pentacles be sewn onto clothes, that white ankle boots be decorated with signs, but this is obviously not for great angelic invocations, where it is necessary to be barefoot; it would even be necessary standing completely naked while summoning the goddesses.

A miter-shaped band of white linen is placed on the head. On the front it should have a gold or gilded plate with the name of the Tetragrammaton. All this must be consecrated and blessed according to a well-known ritual. You can enter this sacred place only after ablution, dressed in sacred clothes and barefoot (The need for ablutions is emphasized by the “Keys.” I must say known number psalms, taking off clothes, pronounce the spell of water and salt, entering naked into the vat, pronounce the name of God during ablution, going out to be baptized, and while getting dressed, recite other psalms. Upon entering, you need to sprinkle yourself with blessed water, light incense on the altar, then, kneeling before the altar, you need to pray as was said earlier.

Finishing the preparation period, on the last day you need to adhere to a stricter regime. The next day, on an empty stomach, at sunrise, you must enter the sacred place, observing the described rituals. First, sprinkle, then fumigate, anoint the eyes and forehead with a cross in the shape of a consecrated oil, and finally, bless everything. After this, you can open the sacred table and, kneeling in front of the altar, pray.

Having finished summoning the angels, those who wish to appear must be released after a decent and favorable reception.

A table intended to invoke some good spirit is sometimes made from a known metal or from a new soft wax of a suitable type and color. Or, if it is a charter, then it should be clean and with decent coloring.

The external figure should be quadrangular, round or triangular, according to the instructions of the numbers. Divine names, both major and minor, are inscribed there.

A hexagon is drawn in the middle of the table, inside which is depicted the name and signature of the planet or main spirit under whose control the good spirit being invoked is. There are as many pentagrams placed around the hexagon as there are spirits we invoke. If we call only one, then we should not depict less than four pentagons, where the name of the spirit or spirits with signatures will be inscribed.

This table must be compiled during the waxing of the Moon, on the day and hour assigned to the spirit. If at the same time we call on a favorable planet, the result will be even better. The table compiled in this way should be consecrated according to the rule indicated below. Such tables are dedicated to calling good spirits of any category. We can compile in this way special tables adapted for any spirit, according to the rules laid down for the drawing of holy pantacles.

Now we will show another way, even easier.

A person who wants to receive a prediction of a good spirit must be pure, chaste and confess before that. Having at his disposal a clean and bright room, covered (pasted) all around with white canvas, on Sunday on the new moon the magician must enter this room in clean white clothes for his blessing and spell. You need to draw a circle, taking blessed coal for this, write the names of angels at the edges of this circle, and in the middle - top names God, place incense burners on the four cardinal points. Then, being on an empty stomach, you need to enter this circle, after washing, and, standing in its eastern part, read the appropriate psalm.

At the same time, one must burn incense, and at the end, beg the angels with the holy name to honor, enlighten and reveal what they want to know. This should be done for six days, on an empty stomach and after daily ablution. On the seventh day of the Sabbath, also on an empty stomach and after ablution, enter the circle, cense, anoint the forehead above the eyes, palms and footprints with blessed oil, while kneeling, recite the same psalm with the divine angelic names. After this, getting up on your feet, start walking from east to west inside the circle until you feel dizzy and fall inside the circle. Then you will come into ecstasy, during which the one who will tell you what you want will appear.

It should be noted that there should be four consecrated shrines in the circle, placed according to the four cardinal directions - the fire should burn all week. Fasting consists of abstaining from all food and your life should be full of feelings corresponding to the significance of the undertaking. You can only drink clean water. The incense and oil should be as specified in the Bible. Every time you enter the circle, you must have a gold plate on your forehead with the name of the Tetragrammaton.

They are believed and worshiped. Not everyone notices them, but they persistently try to establish contact. They are disembodied spirits!
There are quite common questions among newcomers to this business: “ what spirit to summon? Or " what spirits can be summoned?“ So, I would like to warn novice “demonologists and mediums” that jokes with spirits are bad, and you yourself won’t notice how you do it fatal error(the process of summoning the spirit is approached very thoroughly). So, below is a list with rituals for summoning all kinds of small evil spirits (small does not mean not dangerous).

Mermaid Spirit

This recipe is quite common and simple. You will need a bottle of water and candy. Near front door A bottle of water is placed, then a candy is hung on the bottle. Later (in complete darkness, which is very common in these methods) they say 5 times: Mermaid come! After this, the presence of candy is checked (if the mermaid came, then the candy is eaten).

Queen of Spades

Literally legendary and everyone's favorite method. At midnight, with red lipstick they draw a ladder at the top of which is a door. Next, in the dark, light a candle and say 3 times “Queen of Spades, come!” After these actions, many hear footsteps and quiet laughter (the ladder is immediately erased).

Queen of Diamonds

A bowl of water is placed in the middle of the room. In this case, you need to place 13 candles around the pelvis (which should be lit after midnight). (Further everything is done in complete darkness) Index finger draw 3 eights in the water, during this you need to call the queen of diamonds (Queen of diamonds, come! Etc.). It is advisable to use a small piece of birch bark as protection. To do this, it is placed in the right hand and held until the end of the ritual. When the sign is given, ask a prepared question. After the call, you need to hit the water with your fist (this is how otherworldly forces are driven away here). If the spirit does not appear, do not despair, try next time.


Since this article is devoted to “recipes” for summoning spirits at home, I cannot ignore the summoning of the well-known spirit - the Brownie. The owner or family member must call the brownie. The ritual is carried out in the dark (evening or night). To do this, take some sweetness ( chocolates without wrapper) place in a saucer. Place the saucer on the table with a tablecloth. Next, you should turn away from the saucer and not turn around no matter what happens. After this, you need to call the brownie correctly. In a conversation, you need to call him nothing more than “Father”, “Grandfather” or “Master”. You need to say the following words out loud 3 times: “Father, come to me for fellowship for a treat!” Some time will pass and you will feel a presence behind you. This sure sign that the challenge was a success. Next, you can ask him questions that interest you so that he can answer “yes” or “no.” But before that, agree with the brownie on the conventions of the answer (because he cannot directly answer the question). Let it be some kind of sign for a positive answer and another sign for a negative answer (for example: touch the left shoulder for a positive answer, and touch the left shoulder for a negative answer). right hand etc.). After he satisfies your curiosity, politely thank the brownie and let him go. The treat should be buried under a tree.

Surely, more than once, while in a camp (sanatorium, on a trip), you tried to summon the spirit of Pushkin or the Queen of Spades, I continued this topic a little and described in this article the most common methods for summoning the spirits living next to us. I hope that this article will help you look beyond the ordinary world.

In this article:

Throughout the entire existence of man, he tried to look behind the veil of death, to find out what is on the other side, what will happen to him after some time. To realize such desires, our ancestors used various means that allowed them not only to be convinced of the existence the afterlife, but also to talk with the souls of the dead.

Many peoples believed that spirits were able to provide a still living person with their patronage and protection, bring good luck to life, good health, family well-being. Stories about this still excite the hearts and minds of people, so the question of how to summon a spirit is still relevant today.

In fact, there are a huge number of different rituals, the purpose of which is to summon the spirit, and some of these rituals are completely safe and can be used even by beginners.

How to summon spirits correctly

Summoning a spirit is a difficult task, but almost anyone can cope with it by following certain rules. First you need to learn as much as possible about perfumes in general. For example, you should not take on the task of summoning the soul of a deceased person until you understand that the mood of the spirit can be changeable.

In addition, not every entity should be believed unconditionally; remember that you do not have any power over the spirit, and nothing prevents an evil entity from deceiving you, misleading you in order to obtain some benefit unknown to you.

When working with different perfumes, you need to remember different features. For example, if you are going to summon the soul of your deceased loved one so that he can reveal the future to you, then you may not wait for the truth either. If very serious troubles await you in the future, illnesses of loved ones or death, then the spirit can simply hide this information from you so that you do not get upset ahead of time.

If you communicate competently with the summoned entity and do not offend it in any way, then you can count on receiving a wide variety of information, help in difficult life situations, and even protection. There are cases where spirits helped find lost items.

Conduct the session in a state of calm and confidence

Often lower entities come to the call of novice mediums. They may even pretend to be the spirit you want to talk to, but they main goal- to scare you and take away a piece of your vital energy.

Don't try to summon souls famous people, writers, musicians, poets, especially in the initial stages. Such souls are constantly tormented by the world of the living, therefore they either do not come to calls to newcomers at all, or they come, but nothing good should be expected from such visits. The easiest way is to summon the soul of one of your deceased relatives or friends with whom you had a strong energetic connection. However, before summoning the spirit of your old friend, try to remember if you offended him with something during his lifetime? The fact is that souls often remember all the grievances and can be very vindictive.

Spiritualistic seances are often conducted by entire groups of people. Such rituals are especially difficult to carry out due to the fact that they impose certain requirements on all those present, in particular, each of the participants must certainly believe in the success of the ritual. At the same time, with the right approach, group spiritualistic sessions can be much more successful than single ones, since each participant provides the energy necessary for the ceremony.

How to summon spirits alone

To summon a spirit yourself, you need to adhere to a number of rules:

  • the session must be carried out in the dark, the greatest activity of the souls of the dead occurs from 12 o'clock at night to 4 o'clock in the morning;
  • The ritual should be carried out in the light of natural wax candles; there should be no electric lighting;
  • all questions that you want to ask the spirit must be written down in advance on a piece of paper, from which they are subsequently read;
  • to make it easier for the spirit to enter the room, you can open a window or window;
  • there should be no jewelry or any other metal objects on your body;
  • before the session, the room is fumigated with incense, which has excellent properties that repel lower entities;
  • after completing the session, you need to thank the spirit and order to leave the room and not return;
  • to protect yourself, you should not try to summon three or more spirits at the same time;
  • do not drink alcohol before the ritual.

Summoning a spirit using scissors at home

In addition to the standard methods of conducting a spiritualistic session, there are other rituals that allow you to establish a connection with the spirit of a deceased person. One of these methods is the ceremony with scissors. To carry out this magical ritual two people are required. In the ritual, in addition to scissors, you will also need: a red ribbon and some kind of spiritual book.

This ritual is suitable for those who have already practiced calling spirits

Place the scissors between the pages of the book so that the rings remain on the outside. After this, the book must be tightly tied with the prepared tape. When these preparations are made, grab the rings of the scissors with your little fingers and call the desired spirit. Once the entity answers your call, you will notice the book swaying slightly from side to side. After this, you can safely ask the spirit questions that interest you. If the spirit answers the question positively, the book will noticeably turn to the right; if the answer is negative, it will turn to the left.

How to summon spirits during the day using a witch board

Several people must participate in this magical ritual. Draw an even circle on whatman paper using a compass. On the outside of the circle, write all the letters of the alphabet, and on the inside - the numbers from 0 to 9. You can draw in the center vertical line and write the words “yes” and “no” above and below it.
When the witchcraft circle is ready, you can proceed directly to the ritual of summoning the spirit. Although a spiritualistic session can be carried out during daylight hours, it is advisable that the room be in twilight; to do this, you need to cover the windows with curtains made of thick fabric and light several church or other candles made of natural wax.

In addition to whatman paper with letters and numbers, for the ceremony you will also need a new saucer, on the underside of which you will need to draw an arrow with dark paint.
When all preparations have been completed, all participants should sit next to each other, around the magic board. After this, the medium takes the saucer in his hands, warms it up a little over the candle fire and places it in the very center of the drawn circle. After this, the words of calling the spirit are read and its appearance is expected.


Summoning ritual with a needle

The ritual of calling spirits with a needle is practically no different from the spiritualistic session described above. To carry out this ritual, you also need to prepare or buy a witchcraft board, only instead of a saucer you need to use a pendulum, which will be a needle.

When the Ouija board is ready, take a needle with black thread, hold the pendulum in your right hand and say the words of calling the spirit: “Spirit (such and such), come to my call.” These words must be repeated three times. After this, wait a while and try to concentrate on your feelings. As soon as you feel something strange, someone’s presence nearby, ask the first question: “Spirit (so-and-so), are you here?” Usually the spirit, if it comes, answers immediately.

As soon as the spirit comes and speaks about this, you can proceed to uttering the questions that interest you. To get the answer, you need to move your hand with a pendulum along the drawn circle and write down the letters on which the needle stops briefly. The first spiritualistic sessions can be difficult, since it is not so easy to get used to the behavior of the needle, however, after some time of practice, you will learn to notice in a split second the response of the spirit coming at the tip of the needle.

The future always remains a mystery, even if a person knows exactly how he wants to spend tomorrow, he cannot be completely sure that it will happen exactly like that. Perhaps every person wants to look a day, a month, and even a year ahead. For this, the bravest people go to fortune tellers, psychics and ask their ancestors for help. The last option is the most effective and free, all that remains is to find out who you can call at home so as not to harm yourself and your loved ones.

Who can be called harmless?

During a conversation in a spiritualistic séance, you can invite a good one to dialogue, harmless spirit . Such otherworldly forces are always happy to make contact, answer questions of interest and do not try to create mischief for those who caused them.

To the number good spirits can include the following:

  • Deceased relative, with whom in real life there were good relations. It is desirable for this person to die in old age and live happy life. You cannot summon those who died less than one year ago, they are not yet accustomed to the other world and such a ritual can greatly frighten them;
  • deceased person, with whom it was not family ties. For example, a kind grandfather who once lived in the next entrance, a grandmother who loved to sit on a bench near the house, a good-natured old woman who in the old days sold newspapers near the house, and so on. It is important that this person recognizes the one who is calling him and treats him well;
  • Neutral Spirit. If among the dead there are no good people who could help, then you can call just any good spirit.

Good people can also have Bad mood and lack of time for conversation. If the spirit is in no hurry to come or does not want to answer questions, then it is better to let it go and call it another day.

Who can you call at home during the day?

In the daytime, when someone comes through the window sun rays, you can call gnome with a sweet tooth . He is able to fulfill any desire, bring spices and happiness to the house.

There is only two ways call the good gnome:

A gnome is a small, kind, but timid creature. When he's at home no need to rattle, turn on the music and make sudden movements, otherwise you can scare him, and he will be afraid to enter this room in the future.

Who can be summoned from the spirits?

Calling spirits should not be joked about, otherwise they may be offended and harm a person. There is a list of entities calling which will not lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • For beginners in a seance, it is best to call mermaid spirit. This can be done quite simply and safely. To do this, you will need a bottle filled with water and any other oblong container. It should be placed in front of the doorway and a candy should be hung above it. Next, you need to turn off the light, call the little mermaid and leave the room. It is believed that if the candy disappeared, then the entity came;
  • Another simple ritual is the challenge queen of spades. She comes to the house only at night, therefore, it needs to be performed only at this time of day. You should draw a staircase on the front door and call the Queen of Spades in front of it, holding a candle in your hands. When queen of spades When he comes into the house, laughter and quiet steps will be heard;
  • To summon the Queen of Diamonds, you need to place a basin filled with water in the middle of the room and place 13 candles around it. By drawing the number 8 in the water with your finger, you need to invite the Queen of Diamonds to your house.

You can ask questions to the spirits, they will give answers to them using certain signs, which a person must recognize himself.

Preparing for a seance

Seances are widespread among young girls. It allows them to find the correct resolution to the situation and find out answers to their questions. Before calling a spirit, you should Prepare carefully:

  1. Will come in handy paper, it is desirable that it be clean, there should be no drawings or notes on it. It needs to be done small table, indicating all the letters of the alphabet, numbers, positive and negative answers to the question;
  2. In the middle of the table there should be draw a hexagon, in the center of which you need to write the name of the summoned spirit;
  3. The main element of a spiritualistic seance is needle on thread or a saucer with an arrow glued on.

The ritual can only be performed at night in a quiet room. In order not to frighten off the spirit, you need to turn off the light and turn on church candle. It is advisable to conduct a session with one person or a small group of up to five people.

How is a spiritualistic session of summoning spirits carried out?

When everything is prepared, you can start conduct a séance.

  1. The first thing you should think about is who needs to be called.
  2. Next, you need to open the window and invite him into the house, shouting three times: “ spirit come!».
  3. Now you can expect an appropriate signal that he has arrived, for example, rustling, stomping or tapping.
  4. You need to ask questions loudly and watch the movement of the saucer or needle; it can point to letters or numbers.
  5. Periodically, you should ask whether the spirit is ready to communicate further; if it answers “yes,” then you can continue to perform the session.
  6. At the end of the ritual, you need to thank him for his help and say “Get out of here,” closing the window behind him.

It would seem like a harmless session, but if you anger the spirit, then health problems may arise after it and a streak of failures may occur. Therefore, you should think carefully about who you can call at home.

Video lesson: how to summon a harmless spirit

Good spirits are higher entities that provide assistance to people in a given situation. Unlike evil spirits, good ones rarely appear in a person’s life, since they do not feed on human energy. Evil spirits, on the contrary, often appear in life because they need human energy.

Unlike, a good spirit is usually called upon to assist in certain life problems. He is able to help find a soul mate, give good luck, and improve family well-being. Working with good spirits is safe. They are not able to cause harm and may well help solve the problem you are facing. If you decide to evoke the goodness of the spirit, you must fulfill a few simple conditions.

A ritual to summon a good spirit.

The period of growing or new moon suitable for this ceremony. To enter a bright room you must wear white clothes. In the center of the room you need to lay a white cloth and draw a protective circle, consecrated with charcoal. Write the name of the desired angel around the edges of the circle. Place four containers with incense in four cardinal directions from the circle.

You should not consume a lot of food on this day; it is preferable to have a “hungry” day, since you can only enter the circle on an empty stomach. There must be a container filled with holy water in the center of the circle. The sentence addressed to the angel must be read in prayers. After completing all the preparations, having entered the circle, ask the good spirit to guide you to the right way, provide assistance in some question or answer them. The next day, you need to wash yourself with holy water and be sure to kneel in a circle, saying prayers. If the ritual is carried out correctly, a good spirit will contact you.

To summon the spirit that you will ask to fulfill your desires, complete silence is required. It is recommended to prepare a candle, needle, thread and ring the day before. Close the curtains tightly, thread a needle and hang a ring on it. Take the pendulum you have made and mentally direct all your desires towards it. After which, establish contact by asking the spirit to swing this pendulum. If the pendulum swings, then the spirit is already near you. Remember, questions need to be asked in such a way that the answer can be of two types: yes or no. When asking a question, keep an eye on your homemade pendulum. If it starts swinging from left to right, the wish will not come true, but if it’s the other way around, then expect it to come true soon.

You can call a good spirit during the day and at night. You don't even have to do it alone. You can choose the essence of any element as a good spirit. They will not have any intention of harming you. You just have to know that the good spirit loves to joke. During the ritual, you may have incomprehensible situations, but no negative consequences will not arise.

The choice of location also depends on the choice of spirit. For the spirit of water or the spirit of air, you need to perform a ritual in nature. Regarding other entities, you can choose any location. The main thing is the absence of extraneous sounds, and best of all - complete silence.