How to improve your relationship with your manager. Five ways to find common ground with your boss

The relationship between a manager and his subordinates develops in different ways. The situation is influenced by a lot of factors - from the size of the team and the type of activity of the company, the education of employees to the psychotype of the boss and his gender. Male and female leaders behave very differently.

Thus, it is women who “sin” by trying to build a friendly model of behavior, especially if the distance between them and their subordinates is not too great. More frivolous relationships between boss and subordinates develop in creative environments (designers, journalists, artists).

The boss is a friend

The leader builds friendly relationships. In this situation, the manager knows what is happening in the families of his subordinates, does not confuse the names of the children and easily lets the employee go if he needs to take his mother-in-law or pet- to the veterinarian.

What does this lead to? On the one hand, there is a warm atmosphere in the team. Subordinates are grateful for this attitude and right moment I don’t mind “repaying” the bosses in the same “coin”. They are ready to work as productively as possible (sometimes without lunch or staying until late in the evening), to literally “move mountains” for the sake of their beloved boss. On the other hand, subordinates inevitably begin to abuse the boss’s friendliness and take what is happening for granted. They will easily ask why the bonus is less than the usual amount, they will be offended by the remark, or even allow tactlessness in discussing the boss’s personal life.

To prevent this from happening, it will be necessary to periodically mark the boundaries of subordination. How? Let's say a boss addresses his subordinates by name. But as soon as he calls the employee by full name, first name and patronymic or switches to “you” - this is a signal: now he is only the boss and demands unquestioning obedience.

Boss is emotionally stupid

The manager absolutely does not take into account the emotions of his employees. This is usually what an overly authoritarian boss or a “dry” pedant does. He is not interested in the employee’s emotional experiences, health status and other “little things”. The end result is the most important thing, and he judges the quality of work by specific numbers. Such a manager does not delve into the employee’s home problems at all; he will not pay any attention to tear-stained eyes or, conversely, will be too critical of appearance subordinate.

What does this lead to? IN under stress a subordinate may not be able to cope with his usual work and let down the entire department. It is difficult for people for whom the emotional component is important to work with such a manager, and a good specialist may go to competitors, where the boss is more “humane.”

How to find the “golden mean”?

An ideal leader knows how to build compromise relationships. He is not an insensitive cracker, he is ready to delve into the problems of employees, but he always remains the boss - wise, calm, tactful, and his instructions are received with due respect and diligently carried out.

With this approach, the team demonstrates excellent performance, but everyone feels like an individual who is taken into account. Motivation can be like a carrot ( cash bonus, verbal encouragement, promotion), and “whip”:

  • reduction in the amount of material remuneration;
  • transfer of vacation from summer to winter;
  • refusal to agree on specific vacation dates;
  • rebuke;
  • exclusion from interesting projects;
  • transfer to another position.

Do you need to motivate subordinates and what method of influence works best?

It is believed that the “carrot and stick” method is most effective. Ideally, positive methods of motivation are used much more often than penalties. Moreover, encouragement can be not only material. It is very important for an employee to understand that he is valued and his opinion as a specialist is valued. Praise and sincere words of gratitude, especially said in front of other employees, can work wonders. At the same time, it is important not to single out someone from the team by giving him more rights and opportunities. An example of positive motivation is congratulations on important date, providing vacation in the summer.

An absolute “taboo” for good leader– raising the voice, using obscene language, vindictiveness. Under no circumstances should there be “whispering” or snitching in the team, although some bosses welcome this state of affairs and encourage “informants” in every possible way.

Beginners require a special approach

Increased attention from the manager to a newly arrived employee is an absolutely normal phenomenon. He needs to be introduced to the team, familiarized with job responsibilities and subtleties technological process or secrets of communication between clients. It is especially difficult to build relationships if a new employee got a job “through connections” - this is an old acquaintance (relative) of the immediate boss or senior manager. In this case, it is important not to demonstrate the degree of relationship or acquaintance and adhere to business etiquette.

In order not to cause jealousy on the part of other personnel, you should try to involve the newcomer in the work process as much as possible, starting with feasible tasks, and then moving on to more responsible assignments.

A good solution is to explain to the person who he can contact and with what questions, and assign an experienced mentor to the newcomer who will take on training responsibilities.

The easiest way to help a newcomer join the team is to communicate in an informal setting (corporate event or team building, sports competition, outdoor trip or educational excursion). All of the above means are good for building relationships between the manager and other subordinates.

Over time, each team develops a special atmosphere and its own traditions are born. The manager’s task is not only to create comfortable conditions for each individual employee, but also to organize effective teamwork.

FinExecutive Russia website 2019-04-24

The secret of success or how to build effective relationships with your manager

Properly built relationships with management can be an excellent support for your advancement. career ladder. It would seem that what is so difficult about this? After all, communication at work primarily depends on ourselves.

Many articles are devoted to this topic. Their authors are unanimous that you need to be competent in your field, be able to cope with assigned tasks on time and become a team player. But is it really that simple? How to work out effective strategy and learn to get around sharp corners.

Your leader is, first of all, a person with his own feelings, priorities and values. This means that in most cases, it is quite possible to find common language. What is needed for this?

5 valuable tips on how to build relationships with management

  1. Look for common ground. Most likely, your boss's interests are not limited to work. Perhaps he has hobbies that are close to you. Just don't try to cheat. If the manager is an avid mushroom picker, and you can barely distinguish a fly agaric from a champignon, find another topic for dialogue.
  2. Remember the chain of command. Whatever your relationship is, don't forget that last word must remain with the leader. If you are sure that your idea will benefit the company, defend your point of view with arguments. Be tactful and remain correct. Even if they answer you with a refusal, do not rush to write a letter of resignation. After all, responsibility for decisions made (or not made) always falls on the shoulders of the boss.
  3. For criticism - taboo. Criticism is one of the most serious mistakes of a subordinate. Even if you have something to say, resist the temptation to engage in discussions about management behavior. After all, among the interlocutors there may be a “friend” who will soon tell the boss everything in detail. And it is unknown in what form, with what colorful turns this information will be presented.
  4. Learn from experience. This is a great way to improve your professionalism. After all, it was these methods that allowed the boss to achieve success. Therefore, analyze his train of thought, his work methodology, and what technologies he prefers. It is possible that your personal productivity will soon increase significantly.
  5. Calculate the development of the situation. When you receive a task to find out information or analyze the figures obtained, think about what else management might need along the way. Foresight and knowledge of information indicate your professionalism.

What to do when everything is not so smooth?

Unfortunately, in practice the situation is not always favorable. There could be many reasons for this. After all, each of us has our own character, communication experience, rhythm, and habitual techniques that we acquire at our previous place of work.

Maybe you are used to completing tasks efficiently and thoughtfully, but now you are expected to have a lightning-fast reaction and an instant report on the work done. Or the new boss seeks to control you at all stages of the task, but you are used to planning your actions on your own and only specified period show the final result.

In any case, negative emotions unbalance and interfere with productive work. Sometimes, in order to understand the cause of disagreements and eliminate them, it is enough to analyze what situations irritate the manager, listen to his opinion and try to make adjustments to your behavior.

Observing colleagues can be helpful. If only you experience difficulties in communication, and the rest manage to find a common language with the boss, then the cause of the troubles definitely lies with you. Ask if someone in the team has already been in your place. Then it makes sense to talk to this person and benefit from his experience.

If, despite your best efforts, productive cooperation cannot be achieved, try to find an appropriate moment to talk with your manager alone. Correctly ask what actions of yours he considers incorrect. Ask his opinion on how to fix it and take the answer into account. After all, your future career may depend on how well you listen.

In this situation, it is important to be able to choose the right time to talk and manner of behavior. When an inspection is on the horizon or deadlines for submitting an important report are approaching, management is unlikely to be in the mood for dialogue. And the question “Why are you yelling at me?” will not help establish contact. It is much more constructive to formulate the phrase like this: “What is my mistake?” At the same time, demonstrate a desire to make efforts to correct it.

Remember - a frank conversation with your boss has saved more than one career.

As the results of this survey show (and confirm those of previous ones), there is a clear connection between passion—the motivation and desire to achieve goals—and relationships with management. While 77% of employees who said they felt eager to work said they interacted with managers in a positive way, only 23% of those who were “unmotivated” and 4% of those who were “not at all interested” could say the same. Gallup found that only 13% of employees worldwide could be considered “enthusiasts.” This is alarming, since they are the key to the company's success.

Bad bosses control every step of their subordinates, oppress them, cannot listen to them, avoid disputes and pressing issues, take credit for other people's merits and shift the blame onto others, withhold information, set a bad example, do nothing and do not develop personnel - these are the most common complaints. This kind of behavior will spoil anyone's mood. However, one of your main tasks is to improve your relationship with your boss.

Relationship building strategies are available to everyone. For the most part they seem to be common knowledge and common sense. But people often forget that they are capable of resolving the conflict themselves, so it would be a good idea to consider all options.

Put yourself in the shoes of a leader

Bad bosses are usually good people with their own weaknesses, but they have to lead others, and this makes them vulnerable. Therefore, we need to pay attention not only to their behavior, but also to the reasons for their actions.

Research confirms that empathy can fundamentally change the relationship between a leader and a subordinate. Stephen Covey and Daniel Goleman believe that this element emotional intelligence important for solving interpersonal problems. Neuroscience also recognizes the effectiveness of this strategy: mirror neurons in the brain encourage people to reciprocate each other. So, if you show understanding, your boss might do the same, and you both will benefit.

It's not easy to be understanding with a boss you don't like. However, Goleman has long shown that empathy can be learned. Research by other scientists, in particular specialists from the Menninger Clinic, says that if you empathize consciously, you can penetrate deeper into other people's emotions.

I remember the case of George, a sales manager for an American company, who tried his best - but in vain - to please his boss, Abby. Abby's indifference plunged him into despair, George knew: Abby was a real beast who set unattainable goals. Once George thought about it, he realized that Abby was ignoring him unintentionally - she was forced to work on several projects at once and simply did not have enough time to support him.

Analyze your own behavior

Part of the problem lies with the people themselves, who are trying to get along with the boss. By their behavior they prevent the manager from appreciating them as they deserve. You may not like to hear this, but by admitting that you may be wrong, realizing exactly why, and adjusting your actions, you will be able to save your union.

Start with simple self-analysis. Try to think about your boss's criticisms as dispassionately as possible. What do you need to improve on? What features of your behavior and work results could cause him irritation?

Also, ask yourself what might be causing the conflict. Often, after just a short conversation with clients, I find out that managers serve as “transfer objects” for them, embodying personalities former bosses, with whom people could not find a common language. Transference of this kind has a noticeable effect on behavior.

One of my interlocutors, for example, said that her boss reminds her of her first teacher, who bullied her and was always unhappy with her. The women were similar in appearance and behaved equally categorically.

Usually, when we identify such transference, people can take action and correct the situation. After our sessions, the client said that she was able to look back, forget old grievances and be more tolerant of her boss’s comments.

Next, observe your colleagues and consult with those who get along with your boss. Try to understand the manager’s preferences and the characteristics of his character, look for sensitive points and think about how to change your behavior. But when communicating with colleagues, carefully select your wording. Don’t ask why your boss always interrupts you; it’s better to ask: “How do you know whether to speak or remain silent? How do you know when to intervene and when not to? How do you express your disagreement?

To get help from your comrades, go to group training. Another episode from practice: during a seminar on leadership development, Tom, like all the members of that small group, was asked what was bothering him. Tom admitted: he needs to win the favor of his boss, because no matter what he does, everything is wrong. His colleagues answered him honestly. They said that at meetings he rambled about his unit's missions and had little trust in his subordinates. From the point of view of his colleagues, the boss is dissatisfied with Tom’s activities precisely for these reasons.


Put yourself in the manager's shoes - what are the reasons for his actions?
Analyze your own behavior.
Talk to your boss and give him a chance to change the situation.
If other colleagues are experiencing discomfort, notify your superiors and HR.
If all else fails, you need to wait and then start looking for another job.

Tom was asked to spend more time preparing for presentations, more clearly formulate tasks and define criteria for successfully completed work. He was advised to include his subordinates in the speeches and allow them to write their own reports. Tom asked some additional questions and left the seminar eager to put the recommendations he had received into practice. In a meeting to plan the next year's work, the boss praised his team's presentation and then wrote email, in which he noted that his team began to work more harmoniously.

If, after talking with your colleagues, you still do not understand what is wrong with your behavior, contact your manager. Again, be tactful and ask “positive” questions. Not “what am I doing wrong?”, but “what can I do to achieve my goal?” Hint that you need advice and even guidance. Ask for a one-on-one meeting and explain that you would like to talk about your work and developing management skills.

If you're lucky, your manager will appreciate your initiative and point out your mistakes - and thereby lay the foundation for a closer relationship. But if he avoids talking or refuses you in a harsh manner, then it’s not about you, and you’ll have to look for other ways to change - if there are any.

Let the boss make a difference

Only after finally understanding that normal relationships are collapsing is not only your fault, you need to openly declare that it is difficult for you to work together, but would like to find a solution to the problem.

There are many ways to start a conversation on this topic. If necessary, you can continue the previously started frank conversation. I once worked with a top manager from France, Zhanna, and she told me how, together with her boss, the British Richard, she went to a meeting with a customer. The client tormented both of them terribly, and afterward they began to remember together when the negotiations went in the wrong direction. This gave Zhanna a reason to express some dissatisfaction with her boss’s behavior, and they were able to agree on how to improve their relationship.

If such a chance does not arise, you will have to call the boss for a conversation. Typically, conflict resolution experts recommend doing this in an informal setting where the manager won't be able to interrupt you and it will be awkward for both of you to get up and leave. For a conversation to be constructive, people need to feel “safe.” For example, you can invite your boss to a restaurant where you are unlikely to meet colleagues. Tell him that you would like to discuss some personal issues with him outside the office. If disagreements between you have caused work to be missed, offer to talk about the consequences of this failure for other projects. Let your boss know that the conversation will be serious and cannot be avoided. If you simply say that you would like to talk about your personal relationship with him, he may have more important things to do.

You'll probably find when you start the conversation that your boss has no idea how frustrated you are. For example, Jeanne was upset that Richard never asked her opinion, but listened only to her colleagues - mostly English, and men. When this was brought up, Richard explained that he didn't want to embarrass her in meetings, but he didn't mean to shut her up.

Start a riot

If you cannot achieve results by adjusting your own behavior or finding ways to interact with your boss, and if your colleagues also experience discomfort, you should report this to your superiors and the HR department.

But, having taken this path, you need to stock up on strong evidence that your boss is responsible for the situation that has arisen - that it is because of his leadership style and behavior that the team, division and the entire organization will ultimately suffer. Be prepared to threaten the company with legal action. You will need documentary evidence that your boss has chosen the wrong tactics and is negatively affecting the work process: testimony of witnesses, correspondence indicating violations of corporate rules and instructions. How more people agrees to officially declare claims similar to yours and present similar arguments, the more difficult it will be senior management ignore or deny the problem.

Without indisputable facts, indicating that the boss has chosen the wrong line of behavior, it is unlikely that it will be possible to attract representatives of the HR department as allies - most likely, they will take the side of the boss. Maria, a top manager who could not establish contact with her boss, initially sought help from the HR department. But her boss, who was very skilled in self-PR, managed to convince HR specialists that Maria herself was to blame for everything. Not only did the director of the HR department not want to delve into the essence of the conflict, he said that Maria should adapt to her boss.

Such stories are not uncommon - too often subordinates, without compelling arguments, cannot force their boss to change his behavior and management style and simply lose their jobs. In addition, rebellion and complaints can work against you in the future, so formal complaints are a last resort.

Wait or leave

If none of the above helps you establish contact with your manager and there are no prerequisites for collective action, there are almost no options left.

Most often, in such cases, people continue to work anyhow and try to clash with the boss as little as possible. There is always hope that he will leave on his own. However, keep in mind that if you take a wait-and-see attitude, you need to set yourself a deadline, otherwise waiting will turn into a way of life - and you will feel superfluous, disappointed in your work, and even embittered. This can affect other areas of life and lead to depression.

The smartest thing to do would be to look for another job. Edit your resume, get recommendations, and start going on interviews. It's not your fault that you have a bad boss, but if you stay with him, it will be your fault.

This is exactly the decision Stacey came to. She quickly found an interesting vacancy, and in the new place she developed an excellent relationship with her boss. A few months later, it was revealed that Peter had left shortly after her. According to the official version, it was his decision, but, according to insider information, he was forced to do this from above: he lost too many valuable personnel.

60% of leaders are dictators. This is exactly what recent research has shown. Therefore, the answer to the question “What to do if the boss is a monster?” – “Resigning” will be considered incorrect. Where to go if you go to the right - a tyrant, and to the left - a dictator? Is it possible to learn to get along with such a boss?

You can prove as much as you like that democracy produces much more magnificent flowers and the work results of democratic bosses are better. However, as was said, no one has yet met a cat who was interested in what mice thought of him. What is more important to us is what the boss thinks of us. And if he is a despot, then how to build a relationship with him so that your dignity does not suffer and you do not run into scandal?

There are different dictators: one creates scandals and scolds his subordinates, others, like an asphalt roller, crush you with multiplying demands. The funny thing is that many of them consider themselves kind-hearted people whom their subordinates simply ride on.

First of all, don't disappoint your boss. If he considers himself a democrat, unobtrusively let him know that you perceive him that way too. If he likes to think that he is scary and formidable, do not be mischievous, play along with him and tremble at least for show.

The behavior and work style of a subordinate should be the same as that of the boss. The boss wears white shirts and a tie to work - pretend to be a dapper clerk. By the way, despot bosses generally give great value the formal side of life, the little things.

Be wary of your boss’s attempts to establish informal contact with you. First of all, don't talk too much. Whatever you tell him, he can then use against you. You need to find such a line between apparent openness (you cannot let your boss think that you are hiding something from him, that you dark horse) and the stinginess of information about yourself that protects you. Secondly, a couple of seemingly human phrases that you exchanged with your boss don’t mean anything. At least for you. It's funny to think that after this the boss will begin to listen to your opinion.

Don't gossip or try to be helpful. The boss will think that you are a “six” and will openly wipe his feet on you. You must be no match for others. And in such a way that colleagues don’t feel it and don’t get angry. More elegant, calmer, luckier. Smarter and more professional. You must have respectable friends and relatives (at blue eye lie that your mother is a hereditary architect and noblewoman, even if she washed floors all her life).

Don't protest when you are told off. Don't make a scandal. Don't prove the boss wrong. On the contrary, agree with him, curse yourself for your mistakes, say that you will do everything again right now. By doing this you are disorganizing the despot: after all, if you understand everything and agree with him, what else is there to talk about?

If you made a serious mistake, don’t wait to be called to the carpet. Be the first to tell your boss about the annoying mistake and protect yourself as best you can. In your work, refer to his recommendations. A despot is an apologist for subordination. There can be no relationship through his head with the boss of the despot himself. At least at work. Don't try to incite the team to rebel against the despot. Wait for the tyrant to get tired of his boss. And if one of your colleagues tries to involve you in a conspiracy, gently remove yourself.

Even if you have absolutely nothing to do at work right now, do at least something. Sort out the papers, make the necessary calls, etc. Despots have great respect for authority. The more necessary business contacts you have in your arsenal, the more the boss will take you into account. Tell your colleagues about your brilliant connections. And the boss will noticeably warm up to you. Read special literature and discuss it with your boss. It turns out that your boss is, as it were, reviewing smart and famous people. And he's pleased.

If a despot praised you for good job, know: you have reached these heights only under his wise leadership. Tell nasty things about other bosses - let the despot feel how much you value him. By the way, do not try to scare the despot that you will quit if he does not treat you with respect, do not write provocative resignation letters. Firstly, he will sign it out of harm, and secondly, he will perceive it as a betrayal. You need to look for a new place without the team noticing. They will tell you and envy you. And one last thing. Women work better with authoritarian bosses. If you are a lady with character and business sense, mask these advantages with a gentle voice and feminine manners.

Since childhood, many have learned a lesson: it’s good when you’re a favorite, but when you’re disliked, it’s bad. A beloved child in the family is more often forgiven for his mistakes and all his whims are fulfilled. The teacher gives his favorite student tips, and he gets good grades without difficulty... And then adult life begins, but the principle of the favorite remains unchanged.

The director at work still has favorite employees and not so much. The former more often receive bonuses, they are entrusted with important tasks, and then they are not far from promotion. The latter, no matter how hard they try, remain bad, and are treated, at least, with disdain. It is precisely these hard workers who have managed to fall out of favor who will come in handy with advice on how to improve relations with their boss and in the team in general.

How to improve relationships with your boss

When the word management evokes nothing but horror, then it is worth considering whether such work is needed at all. There is no point in establishing relationships if you are not satisfied wages, nature of activity, busy schedule, inconvenient office location and much more.

If, in general, the working conditions are satisfactory, then you will have to change your tactics.

Be prepared to forget about your own dislikes and hostility, learn to be a little hypocritical and adapt to the team. The recipe for success consists of the following components: perfect performance of one's duties, an individual approach to superiors, exchange of pleasantries with colleagues, indispensability.

The boss is a man. Male management style

The atmosphere in the office and relationships in the team largely depend on the manager. It is believed that men and women have different management styles. Representatives of the stronger sex are more characterized by the following traits:

To get results, men tend to choose coercive tactics. Most effective on higher levels manuals. They are not inclined to pay attention to details and relationships in the team.

The boss is a woman. Features of the female management style

A successful leader always combines feminine and masculine traits. If you look at the situation objectively, management style largely depends on the person’s temperament, character, and gender stereotypes. Classically, women's leadership strategy is characterized by:

  • relationship orientation;
  • caution;
  • flexibility.

Women are more likely to reward their subordinates. They can act intuitively. Evaluations are often guided by personal likes and dislikes.

What style of behavior should you choose?

In order to build good relationships with management and the team as a whole, it is important to develop behavioral tactics that will satisfy everyone and at the same time not contradict one’s own principles.

By resorting to outright flattery, lies, or pulling the blanket over yourself, you risk having ill-wishers. Subsequently, this may result in the employee or employee starting to put a spoke in the wheels, interfering at the right moment.

How to build relationships

You need to seriously think about this issue from the first day of work. An opinion formed in the first weeks will be very difficult to change later. To build good relationship, listen to the following tips:

At the same time, do not forget that the basis of everything is high-quality work and a responsible attitude towards it. Try to complete the entire volume on time; if something doesn’t work out, ask for help. Be punctual.

Causes of conflicts

Misunderstandings can happen in any team. But if employees or managers are neurotic, then the risk of conflict increases significantly. You can recognize such a person by his lack of restraint, fast and sudden movements, and mood swings. There is no need to look for reasons here, there will always be one.

Among a relatively close-knit team that is work-oriented and adequate, conflicts can arise for the following reasons:

In order for relationships at work to develop well, it is important to learn how to avoid conflicts and resolve them correctly. This is not the place to openly get involved in a war. The ability to stand up for oneself and ambition can result in dismissal at any moment.

Conflict Resolution

In order for relationships with colleagues to be smooth, you need to constantly develop your social skills, learn to communicate with different people. Try to take it calmly negative traits their colleagues as some kind of peculiarity. If that doesn’t work, limit communication as much as possible. Work issues can be resolved by telephone or internal Internet network.


Respect is the basis of any good relationship. You need to respect the work and time of others, opinions, experience and knowledge. At work, subordination must be observed. It is unacceptable to argue or speak rudely with your manager. A female boss should be perceived as an official, and gender stereotypes should be eliminated.

In addition, it is important not to discuss your duties or instructions from your manager, but to carry them out responsibly and unquestioningly. If, in your opinion, the result can be obtained in a more attractive way, the issue should be raised at the planning meeting.

Meet expectations

To make your work relationships enjoyable for you and others, it is important to handle all the workload in a timely manner. Complete the assigned tasks and prove that you can be relied upon. Try to do your work naturally and easily. This is the first step towards promotion.

Be visible

Feel free to express your point of view and offer new ideas. Hand over reports and papers to management personally.

If the situation is conducive, take advantage of the moment and start communication on interesting topics. For example, such an opportunity may present itself at a corporate event. Try not to miss such events. You should be perceived as a sociable and friendly person.

Praise the boss

Don't think that praise can only come from management. You can also compliment the boss. For example, one can note his ability to find optimal solution, organize the work process. At sufficient level When dating, it’s normal to praise your taste, clothing style, hairstyle.

Watch your appearance

Work is an official place where you need to look appropriate. A strict style of clothing, soft colors, and neatness are encouraged here. If you want to stand out, all you need is one interesting accessory. Your appearance should not overshadow your personal and work qualities. Women should wear moderate daytime makeup, wear skirts and dresses of sufficient length, and do their hair. Stockings and tights must be present even in the summer, such is the office dress code.

So, how to improve relationships at work in a team? You need to realize that work relationships require a certain investment, both emotional and physical (just like family or love ones). At first it can take a lot of energy, be very exhausting and draining. But over time, your efforts will bear fruit, and your reputation will begin to work for you. Communication with colleagues and superiors will become comfortable, you can count on high appreciation of your work, a bonus or promotion.

Stella, Rostov