Interactive map of the depths of the Saratov reservoir. Destinations

Russia or the Russian Federation is a unique country that combines European and Asian features. The map of Russia is amazing: the country occupies a huge territory of 17 million km 2 and is located simultaneously on the territory North Asia and Eastern Europe.

143 million people live in Russia. Russian Federation is a kind of “melting pot of nations”: representatives of more than 200 nationalities live here. The country is a federal republic with a presidential form of government. The country's territory is divided into 46 regions, 9 territories, 21 republics, 4 autonomous okrugs, one autonomous region and 2 federal cities. It is noteworthy that Kaliningrad region is located on the territory of the European Union and has no borders with the Russian Federation.

Today Russia is one of the dynamically developing states that are leading world politics. The Russian Federation is part of numerous world political organizations such as the UN and " Big Eight" Despite the relative stability and significant development of the country since the fall of the Soviet regime, the Russian economy is largely dependent on energy resources, in particular on oil and gas prices.

The capital of Russia is Moscow - one of the most expensive and beautiful cities in the world.

Historical reference

The Russian Federation is the successor to several states. The country traces its history back to 862, when it was formed Kievan Rus. In the 12th century, numerous Russian principalities were located on the territory of Russia, which united in the 15th century. Russian state. In 1721, Tsar Peter I created Russian Empire. In 1917, the revolutionary movement of socialism overthrew the monarchical regime and first formed Russian republic, then the RSFSR, and in 1922 the USSR.

During the Soviet regime, the country was separated from other countries of the world by the “Iron Curtain”, some of the consequences of which have not yet been eliminated. In 1991, the USSR collapsed and the Russian Federation emerged.

Must Visit

Russia is a country on whose territory there are many cultural, historical and natural monuments. It is recommended to visit the business and cultural centers of the country - Moscow and St. Petersburg, Lake Baikal, the cities of the Golden and Silver Rings, Orthodox monasteries and churches, the Caucasus Nature Reserve, the volcanoes of Kamchatka and much more.

Interactive map of Russia- modern and convenient way find the desired card any region or city. This map allows you to view cities both in satellite mode and in schematic map mode. You can view from a satellite with the ability to zoom in on any city and switch between different providers and map types. Additional services are available - photos of cloud cover in real time, traffic jams (only for large cities), photos of the area, a weather layer displaying the current weather for each locality, and a brief forecast for the next 4 days.

For most objects on the map of Russia - Google Maps satellite photos are considered the best in quality

Quality satellite photography often depends on the region, because satellite images need to be constantly updated. Therefore, different providers may have different photo quality for a specific city or region. However, the best quality photos in most cases are found on Google Maps. Photos of Yandex maps are often of lower quality, but they may be newer, so for new buildings you can get by with Yandex. OVI maps - surprisingly, in some cases it has photographs that are even better than those in Google Maps,

Open Street Maps

OSM is a phenomenon of modern computer society, because the map is made simple people(volunteers volunteers), (unlike the 2gis card and others). But despite this, OSM is considered the most accurate and detailed map not only for Russia, but for the whole world. Even such giants as Yandex or Google cannot compile maps as accurately and efficiently as a community of passionate amateur cartographers does. New buildings (and it is by them that it is easy to determine the relevance and “freshness” of the map) are almost always present on OSM (and even the foundations of new buildings), while in Google and Yandex they may be present alternately, or not present at all. Also, Open Street Maps probably the only card, which displays paths in parks and forests and many other additional objects that are usually not found on other services.

Russia - physical map one file, which shows the most big cities, main ridges and plains. The map is very clear and easy to understand, although not detailed enough.

Physical card - option 2

Rybinsk - Astrakhan

Part 1. Gorky Reservoir

Rybinsk - Gorodets

Navigational and hydrographic sketch

Track dimensions:

Navigation equipment:

On the Gorky Reservoir from the Rybinsk Locks to the city of Kostroma, the buoys on the left edge of the shipping lane are painted black. From the city of Kostroma to the Gorky hydroelectric complex, floating navigational signs are placed along the axis of the shipping lane. Throughout the rest of the waterway, floating navigational markers mark the edges of the shipping channel. At buoys located in places where the fencing must be especially reliable, additional cigar-shaped buoys are installed.

In areas of the Gorky Reservoir with axial placement of buoys, most of the "Landmark" signs and alignments are valid only in spring and autumn, when the axial buoys have not yet been installed or have already been removed from their regular places.

Ship locking:

The shipping facilities of the Gorky hydroelectric complex consist of two pairs of single-chamber parallel locks, separated by a 1,800 m long interlock pool. Vessels await locking in specially designated areas. Entering the approach channels of the locks and mooring to their berth walls is only possible with the permission of the lock watch chief.

Special site location:

Rybinsk - Pesochnoe

Having passed the Rybinsky Bridge, we follow the middle of the channel past the passenger berths, guided by the floating situation, the river remains on the right. Bird cherry and grain pier, on the left is a cargo pier and roadstead for ships heading up. Next we follow the middle of the channel, gradually reaching the bow right-bank (p/b) sections at the settlement. Kopaevo. We pass the Losevsky roll, the berths of the Rybinsk port remain on the right, and the shipbuilding plant on the left.

Having gone down to the village Kopaevo, we turn left and follow, adhering to the middle of the channel, on the right there are oil berths and a grain pier, on the left there is a roadstead for ships going down and a roadstead for oil tankers.

Focusing on the floating situation, we pass the Nazarevsky Riffle (prk), then with a slight turn to the left we head to the bow left bank (L/B) sections located below the Sundoba River, we pass the air crossing. At red buoy No. 181, turning sharply to the right and focusing on the stern line, we pass Verkhne-Chernogryadsky prk. Focusing on the floating situation, we pass the Sredne-Chernohryadsky prk, underwater passages, and the Gorelaya ridge remains on the left. Then, going out to the nasal openings at the settlement. Parshino, we pass Nizhne-Chernogryadsky Ave. All these rifts are prohibited for passing and overtaking ships.

Turning left and going out to the stern cross-sections, we follow the middle of the channel and through the Tikhvin Pass we head to the bow cross-sections at the Pirogovo pier. On the left remain settlements. Spas, pioneer camps, r. Koloksha and n.p. Pirogovo, - settlement on the right Tikhvinskoye, Tikhvinskaya ridge, fenced with a red buoy, stopping point (stop) Krasnoye, Krasnye Ogrudki. Having descended to the alignments, we turn to the right and, following along the left bank of the Pirogovsky rift and guided by the stern front alignments, we head to the bow side alignments at the settlement. Volga region. In the area of ​​the village Pesochnoye, located on the right bank, we pass the air crossing zone (power line).

Pesochnoe - Yaroslavl

After passing the village Pesochnoye, underwater passage zone, Luchinsky prk, being guided by the floating situation and aft water crossings near the settlement. Pesochnoe, we are heading to Kolkhoznik Ave. (the border of the Moscow and Volga basins). From Kolkhoznik Ave., turning right, guided by the nasal alignments, we enter Verkhne-Bogoyavlensky Ave. Then, turning left, guided by the stern p/b sections, we go out to Nizhne-Bogoyavlensky Avenue. On both rifts, passing and overtaking of vessels is prohibited. On the left remains Fr. Epiphany.

Further, the ship's passage (agricultural) approaches the left bank. Focusing on the floating situation, we turn to the right, heading towards the bow portage at the settlement. Red October. Then taking into the stern the p/b sections above the river. Edom and being guided by the nasal sections, we pass Savinsky prk, leaving the island and settlement on the left. Savinskoe. After passing Savinsky Ave. we turn left, focusing on the stern p/b sections below the river. Edom and the floating situation we are heading to the bow line at the settlement. Ascension. On the right is the Berezovaya Roshcha rest house and the settlement. Bogoslovskoye, on the left is the mouth of the river. Urdoma.

With a sharp turn to the right we go out to the stern line, leaving the Otura ridge on the left, and the Oshmara ridge on the right. Since this area is invisible and difficult for ships and convoys to pass through, passing and overtaking of ships is prohibited. Next, turning to the right, we go out to the nasal sections at the settlement. Antifyevo. We pass Antifievsky Avenue. With a turn to the left we go out to the stern port and bow ports at the settlement. Tutaevo, there is a water intake on the right, marked with the "Landmark" sign. With a smooth turn to the right we follow along the village. Tutaevo, we pass the underwater passage and the berths of the Tulma - Tutaevo ferry crossing, in this section the speed of ships is 12 km/h. On the left remains the Laurentian ridge and the Serebryany stream.

Next, guided by the floating situation, we go to the village. Konstantinovskoye, then we head to the left bank to the bow bales. gates near the village Mitino. Then, turning to the right, we lie down on the nasal flaps at the point. Petropavlovskoe, leaving Kalovskie Sands on the right and passing the underwater crossing area. With a turn to the left, we go out to the stern Peter and Paul stations and follow, guided by the floating situation and the "Landmark" sign on the right bank, to the bow stations at the settlement. Leteshovka, leaving the rest house "Red Hill" and the Lopatinskaya ridge on the right. Passing the mouth of the river on the left. We turn the brush to the right and follow along the left bank, guided by the “Landmark” sign and floating conditions to the stern line at the settlement. Mouth. Then we turn right and along the Vozdvizhensky roll we head to the nasal sections in the settlement. Norskoye, leaving the mouth of the river on the left. It, Ustinskaya ridge, settlement Vozdvizhenie, and on the right is the settlement. Norskoe.

Going out to the stern settlements, we leave the island on the left. Norsky, on the right are berths for unloading construction cargo. Going out to the feeding points located below the settlement. Norskoye, turn left and follow, guided by the floating situation in the middle of the riverbed, to the Yaroslavl railway and highway bridges, passing three zones of underwater crossings and a bridge under construction, the Tolga monastery remains on the left. After crossing the bridges we approach the berths of the port of Yaroslavl. Throughout the entire section from Norsky to Yaroslavl, it is necessary to take into account the crossing of the shipping lane by the local fleet.

Yaroslavl - Nekrasovskoe

Having crossed the bridges, we proceed past the passenger berths of the port of Yaroslavl, located on the right bank. Along the borders of the Yaroslavl port, the speed is 12 km/h, as navigators need to take into account the busy traffic of the local fleet and ferry crossings. Sticking to the middle of the riverbed, we leave the river on the right. Kotorosl, n.p. Cowsheds, on the left - Fr. Savinsky. Next we take a course towards the nasal ports near the settlement. Dyadkovo, leaving a roadstead for dry cargo ships on the left, on the right we pass the central cargo area of ​​the Yaroslavl port, and lower on the left bank the second cargo area of ​​the port. Passing the settlement Dyadkovo, on the right there are oil berths and turning left we go out to the stern p/b Dyadkovo alignments and bow p/b alignments at the settlement. Volga. With a turn to the left we go out to the stern settlements near the settlement. Volga, we are passing the air crossing zone. On the right remains the Orlovskaya ridge and the settlement. Orlovo. Next we follow, guided by the floating situation, to the island. Tunoshensky, we leave the settlement on the right. Sopelki, Sopelkovskie ogrudki, r. Velikaya, r. Tunoshenka, and on the left is the settlement. Prusovo, we follow the nasal sections near the settlement. Sorokino. Passing the Prusovsky Pass (prv) we turn left, we go out to the stern settlement of the Tyunevskie sections. Going down the stern sections we pass an underwater passage and on the right there is a settlement. Glades.

Gradually turning to the right we leave Andreevskie Ogrudki on the left bank, Vvedenskie Ogrudki on the right bank and the settlement. Vvedenskoe. Using the floating conditions as a guide, we go out to the bow ports located below the settlement. Sands, settlement remains on the left side. Dievo-Gorodishche. Having gone down the alignments with a turn to the right, we come out onto the stern and bow alignments, with the island remaining on the left. Gorodishchensky. Turning left we go out to the stern settlements. We leave the Turov ridge on the right, settlement. Turovo, on the left - o. Bolshesolsky, fenced with the Landmark sign. Turning to the right we go out to the nasal sections below the settlement. Babayki, the settlement remains on the right. Nekrasovskoe.

Nekrasovskoe - Kostroma

After passing the village Nekrasovskoye, turning left, we go out to the stern p/b Turovskie alignments, leaving on the left about. Bolshesolsky. Next, being guided by the floating situation, we turn to the right and go out to the stern station Rybnitsky and bow station Novodashkovsky, leaving the island on the left. Ovsyanikovsky, fenced with the "Landmark" sign, settlement. Rybnitsa, Red Profintern, on the right - village. Novodashkovo. There is a ferry service in this area. Having passed Krasny Profintern with a turn to the right, we go out to the bow of the Ulkovsky crossing near the river. Black, Fr. remains on the left. Ulkovsky, settlement on the right Ulkovo. Then, with a turn to the left, we go out to the stern port Ulkovsky alignment and follow, guided by the right bank with the “Landmark” sign, to the bow portage Krestsovsky alignment. Then we turn right, leaving o. Sezemsky, on the left - r. Sezema, and we go out to the stern line of the Verkhne-Krestsovsky and bow line of the Trokhachevsky line, the settlement remains on the right. Comintern.

Approaching the right bank with a turn to the left, we lie down on the stern water crossings and follow the middle of the riverbed, passing through the air passage. Then, being guided by the floating situation, we turn to the right and go out to the bow of the Selishchensky alignment. We pass the Selishchensky pass, the river remains on the left. Kostroma, Ipatiev Monastery. Turning smoothly to the right we head towards the passenger berths of the city of Kostroma and under the Kostroma highway and railway bridges. Below the bridges, the axial situation of the Gorky Reservoir begins.

Section of the river Volga Kostroma - Gorodets (Gorky Reservoir), taking into account the axial floating situation on the site and fairly simple sailing conditions, is given for independent study during the period of practice in the specialty profile after the 3rd year.


Having passed the Kostroma railway bridge, we follow the axial situation, on the right remains the Tatarskaya Sloboda and the cargo berths of the port of Kostroma, on the right is the dry cargo roadstead, the zone of underwater and air crossings. Next, we turn right and follow the middle of the channel, guided by the axial floating situation. In the area of ​​the river Kuban we turn left and follow the middle of the riverbed to the village. Chernopenye, on the left the river. Poksha, turn right and go to the village of Kuzminka, after which we turn left, pass the green parking lot of Lunevo, and so we follow to the village. Gustomesovo, guided by axial buoys. From n.p. Gustomesovo, guided by the turning buoys, turn left, pass the village of Volgorechinsk, the Shacha river, the village is visible on the left on the bank. Krasnoe-on the Volga, Zhukovsky Island, then turn right and pass the Krasnye Pozhny pier, Trubinsky Island, Sungurovsky Island, village on the left. Sungurovo, New White Stone, then follow the middle of the riverbed to the village. Plyos. We turn slightly to the right, and then turn left, follow the middle of the riverbed, and pass the village on the left. Savitovo, on the right Vasilevo, we go down to the settlement. Semigorye, here the Sunzha River flows. Turn left and follow to the village. Navoloki, where we turn right, on the left we pass the flooded island. Navoloksky there is a “Landmark” sign on it, then we refuel under the road bridge, on the left we pass the village of Zavolzhsk, then with a slight turn to the right we pass the city of Kineshma and the river. Kineshma. With a turn to the left, we follow, guided by the axial buoys and the right bank, to the river. Mera, where we turn right and follow the Reshem alignments, then turn left onto the alignment on the meadow side above the pier and the river. Zhelvata. We turn right, the Myachevsky shoals remain on the left, then we turn right to the sections below the river. Elnat (Zagnetinsky section) on the right we pass the mouth of the river. Elnat. With a turn to the right, we go out to the Zubarikha stern sections and follow along the mountain, being guided by the axial situation, then turn to the right, pass the Malginsky shoals, go around the mountain market along the axial buoys on the right of the settlement. Yuryevets, on the left the river Nemda and the river. Unzha. From Yuryevets Glazovaya Mountain we pass to the lb. on the nasal forehead Trubnikovsky alignment, on the left we pass the settlement. Sokolskoye, then with a slight turn to the right we exit to the village. We follow the Gremyachevsky target to the turning buoy No. 15 and turn left, on the right we pass the town of Puchezh, the shelter and the river. Yachmenka, and with a turn to the right we follow to the Chkalovsky market, being guided by the axial situation. Then we turn left and head to the outport of the Gorodetsky hydroelectric complex, guided by the stern Chkalovsky sections.

For hundreds of years, the only way to measure ocean depth there was a weight, usually lead, with a thin rope. Not only was this method time-consuming, it was also highly inaccurate. Ship drift or water currents could pull the rope away at an angle, making depth measurements inaccurate. Then the ropes were replaced by echo sounders (sonars). Bathymetric studies have shown that the topography of the ocean floor is very diverse. Hidden underwater are plains, canyons, active and extinct volcanoes, and mountain ranges.

In 1978, an experimental satellite was launched to study the oceans. One of the amazing discoveries then was the fact that the surface of the ocean is not “flat”, but falls and rises in different areas. When the ocean surface was mapped, it turned out that the lows corresponded to depressions on the sea floor, and the highs corresponded to sea mountains and mountain ranges. With time technical capabilities have increased. Satellites appeared and were compiled detailed maps the depths of the entire world ocean.

The reason for these drops and rises in the ocean surface is in the Earth's gravitational field. This is the gravity model created by the GRACE satellite:

As a result of the painstaking work of satellites, other interesting maps. This amazing infographic visualizes the world's deepest places. There is also Lake Baikal, which can be compared with other deep lakes in the world.

But finally all the secrets of the ocean topography were discovered with the help of satellites such as Jason-1 and Jason-2.

Satellite altimeters measure sea surface elevation and other features of the ocean surface. Using emitted microwaves, they measure the height of ocean water, help create weather maps, predict the formation of hurricanes and monitor ocean levels.

To create a map like this, we needed a comprehensive knowledge of the bathymetry and topography of the seabed. Here you can see the relief features of the earth's surface under water, and on the graph you can find out the depth of the world's oceans in meters.

A sailing guide is not only a map for sailors and rivermen, it is a rich storehouse of information for treasure hunters and local historians. Looking at the map, you can see changes in the river bed, coastal settlements and a lot of other interesting information.

Name Coverage area collection sheet example
Route of the Ob River from Tom to Irtysh from Tom to Irtysh. Territory of Tobolsk and Tomsk provinces 1c 1929
Pilot map of the river. Volga from the reach of the Kama mouth to Tsaritsin. Territory of Kazan, Simbirsk, Samara, Saratov, Astrakhan provinces 500soot 1913
Lotsmanskaya river map Volga from N. Novgorod to the Kama River Territory of Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan provinces 500m 1927
Pilot map of the river. Volga from Rybinsk to N. Novgorod Territory of Yaroslavl and Nizhny Novgorod provinces 500m 1929
Plan of the Sheksna River (from Belozersk to Cherepovets) Territory of the Novgorod province, from Belozersk to Cherepovets 1c 1890
Pilot atlas of the river. Volga Territories of Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Kazan provinces 500soot 1877
Pilot map of the Vyatka river from Slobodskoye to the Kama River (Vyatka and Perm provinces) 500soot 1915
Pilot map of the Kama River 500m 1932
Pilot map of the Kama River from r. Volga to the river Vishers (Kazan, Vyatka, Perm provinces) 500m 1913
Pilot map of the Kama River from r. Vishera to r. Nytyva 250m 1942
Plan of the Volkhov River from Fr. Ilmen to Novaya Ladoga (Novgorod province) 400soot 1886

All sailing directions are available in digital form. If you need anything, write

Pilot(from the Dutch loodsen - to lead a ship) - a description of the seas, oceans and their coastal strip. Includes descriptions of noticeable places, signs and shores, and also contains detailed instructions on safe navigation routes and stops off the coast with a description of the means and methods of obtaining the items and provisions necessary for navigation.