Parcel from Aliexpress stuck in sorting: reasons. What to do if a parcel from Aliexpress gets stuck in transit? What to do if Russian Post has lost your parcel

This summer, our Russian Post completely infuriated me, and I decided to start fighting it. In general, after wandering around Airek, I realized that our parcels take a long time, and this is wrong. If the parcel is coming more than 30 days from abroad is a violation, and if we do not declare it, the Post Office thinks that we are happy with everything, and its statistics do not spoil. And as soon as we start to act, to complain, the statistics spoil, they need to be corrected, and so the mail starts working.

So, my review is for those who have a track number. Do not spare money on it, because if your parcel gets stuck somewhere for a long time and you prove it, then the money for delivery will be returned to you partially or in full, and so you at least know where your parcel is. It’s just that in other countries the track number itself is confirmation that the parcel was sent. But we have all the papers and papers. As they say, Without a piece of paper you are a bug.

This means that if your parcel takes longer than 30 days, we begin to act. First you need to request a check or invoice from the sender.

After downloadstatement from the Russian Post website and fill it out. But here you need to take into account one point: even if your package is stuck somewhere, you should note: Item not received, otherwise no one will look for your parcel. Well, the statement there is simple, everything is intuitive. We fill out one copy, take a printout of the invoice/receipt with us, don’t forget about your passport and go to the post office. There they must fill out a tear-off coupon and give it to you. You are waiting for a call within two weeks, if you have not received a call, call yourself. They wrote me the numbers at back side coupon. Here they are: 495-351-14-03, 495-351-60-00, 495-351-47-47, 495-351-44-94.

FSUE Russian Post

from __________________

your address____________

Your phone: +7___________


"___"__________ 2013, I used the services of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" for sending international registered items, ___________________________. The parcel was sent from the post office to the address: ___________________. Shipping cost ___________________, shipping number ______________. The parcel arrived in Russia "___"__________ 2013.

Services were not provided in full (delivery deadline was missed). My parcel is more than ______________ in Moscow and has not yet been delivered to me. This is confirmed by a link to tracking postal items [link]. In particular, the status of the shipment today:

(Attached is a screenshot of the status)

I suffered the following damages: Shipping cost _________________, parcel cost _______________________

In this regard, I demand, within the period established by law: to respond to my claim, pay me compensation, find and hand over my parcel to me.

Sincerely ______________

"___"__________ 2013


This document we print it out, put our signature and also take it to the post office. We give one copy, we keep one for ourselves. The answer to it should come to you registered letter V mailbox. I was told that within 5 working days, but on the Internet they write that they can answer within two months.

But we still need this text, copy it and send it to email Russian Post (oil): [link]- here they answer consistently, but only on Mondays, well, at least for me only on Mondays.

They are obliged to answer. By the way, when you submit this form on the site there will be call code, it is also sent by mail, so, you can write it down and call Roskomnadzor and ask how the solution to your problem is going.

2. If the parcel is stuck at customs. This has never happened to me, all my parcels go through customs in 5 minutes, and by law they can only hold the parcel for 24 hours if there are no problems.

“Dear FTS!

My custom package from (indicate the sending country) with the tracking number “RT111222333HK” (indicate your tracking number) has not been transferred to Russian Post for more than... business days

(Here it is better to indicate the dates from which to which)

I ask you to clarify the current situation and explain why you are violating the deadlines for processing and checking IPOs. And also provide me with information about the location of my shipment.

What actions should I take to get this issue resolved?

Sincerely, …"

3. If the parcel disappears after leaving customs , then it will only help to do what I wrote at the beginning.

We are also writing a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Communications. We write either in free form. You can take the text from the claims above. Since I wrote there at the very beginning, I simply described my situation, it is necessary to indicate the track. But do not ask them to look for the parcel, this is not in their competence, they will simply abandon your application.

I did it all, it just looks scary. Thanks to the method from point 1, my parcel is now moving quickly, everything else is also about to be in my hands. I was looking for all this information to find my lost one, it’s been hanging around somewhere for 92 days, it’s still in progress.

Despite the fact that sending purchases by mail has long been a standard delivery method, it is nevertheless not without numerous disadvantages. Quite often it happens that at one of the stages of processing your parcel various kinds of problems arise. This happens for several reasons:

What to do if there is a delivery delay? Where and how to contact? Is there any hope of still receiving my order? We tried to answer all these questions in the form of specific practical recommendations, which will help you outline a plan of action.

The statement should indicate that you did not receive the parcel - “The shipment (transfer) was not received.” All fields must be filled out up to the tear-off coupon line. Example of filling.

With the invoice, printed application and passport, contact your post office. The department manager or authorized officer must complete the tear-off slip, separate it from the rest of the application, and hand it to you.

According to postal rules, your application must be answered in writing within 60 days, but it is better to hear the results by telephone within a week or two after submission. In most cases, such a statement initiates an intensive search for your package, and it begins to move faster. A written response, as a rule, arrives after delivery of the parcel with such general meaning that everything has been delivered and the Post has fulfilled its obligations.

Parcel stuck at import stage

Scheme of action in the event that the parcel arrived on the territory of Russia, but for a long time froze at the import stage, completely repeats the sequence of actions from the previous part.

If the parcel is completely lost and this happens on the territory of Russia, then Russian Post will have to pay the sender a small compensation (the sender, by agreement, can refuse it in your favor). According to the rules, this must happen within 10 days after the official recognition of the loss. If this does not happen, then you need to write in 2 copies demanding payment of compensation.

Sample text of the application.

FSUE Russian Post
from __________
your address___________
your phone ________


“___”__________ 20__ I used the forwarding services of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Post” international shipments. The parcel was sent from the post office to the address: ___________________. Shipping cost ___________________, shipping number ______________. The parcel arrived in Russia on "___"__________ 20__.
Services were not provided in full (delivery deadline was missed). My parcel has been in ______________ for more than ______________ days (indicate the last point where the parcel was recorded using the track number) and has not yet been delivered to me. This is confirmed by a link to tracking postal items As of today, shipment status: ________
(We print and attach a screenshot of the parcel’s route using the track number)
I suffered the following losses:
shipping cost _________________;
postage cost_________________.
In this regard, I demand that, within the period established by law, they consider and respond to my claim, find and deliver the parcel to me, or pay compensation.
Sincerely, ______________
"___"__________ 20__

With these documents, visit your post office again and give them to your boss. You must put a mark on one copy of the application indicating that the claim has been registered and take it for yourself.

To ensure that your application is not lost, an electronic copy of this application can be sent to the Russian Post email address for working with customer applications: [email protected]

If for a long time there is no response from the Russian Post, then Roskomnadzor can be involved in solving the problem. To contact this government agency can be used, where in the subject of the request you select “Provision of communication services (Internet, mobile communications, mail, telegraph, TV, radio, etc.).”

An example of filling out this form.

Moscow and the Moscow region should be chosen as the place of consideration. It is better to choose a written form as a response method - this way you will have official document, which will come in handy if you want to go to court. If not, simply choose to reply via email.

It should be something like this.


On 02/11/2015, a registered international postal item (hereinafter referred to as IPO) with tracking number RO946250***CN was sent from China to me, ________________.
02/14/2015 departure RO946250***CN left the territory of China and was sent to the territory Russian Federation.
As of March 14, 2015, shipment RO946250***CN was registered in the Russian Federation at the “Import” stage.
As of April 14, 2015, the shipment RO946250***CN was not delivered to me.
Taking into account the failure to comply with the delivery time of MPO RO946250***CN, carried out by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" and based on the above, guided by Art. 12 Federal Law dated May 2, 2006 N 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”,

1. Establish the reason for the delay of MPO RO946250***CN on the territory of the Russian Federation.
2. Oblige the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Post” to carry out actions to search for MPO RO946250***CN and send an official written response to me about the results.
3. In case of loss of MPO RO946250***CN, make full payment of compensation in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Such appeals sometimes have a miraculous effect on acceleration. During a major traffic jam at the post office in 2013, mass complaints from citizens following a similar pattern forced the management of the Russian Post to significantly speed up the process of processing correspondence.

The parcel is stuck at the customs clearance stage

If your parcel is stuck at the customs inspection stage, and you do not receive any notifications from this service, then it is time to contact the customs authorities yourself to find out the fate of the parcel. You must contact customs even if the parcel has been there for more than 1 day, since this is the standard period for customs clearance.

You can also contact the customs authorities. An example of filling out the fields.

About the next one.

My registered package from China with track code RO946250***CN arrived at customs on 02/12/2015 and has not been handed over to Russian Post for more than __ working days.
The specified period exceeds the accepted standards for customs inspection MPO.

1. Indicate the reason for the delay.
2. Provide explanations regarding the violation of the deadlines for processing and checking the MPO.
3. Provide me with information about the actual location of my shipment.
4. Explain the procedure required of me.

To get the money back.

We wish you never to lose your parcels and always receive them on time!

Getting stuck on sorting and what to do about it.

Often when tracking parcels with Aliexpress Buyers are faced with a situation where goods get stuck in sorting. What to do in this case and why does this happen? Let's find out.

Why is a parcel from Aliexpress stuck in sorting in Yekaterinburg, Moscow, or Vnukovo?

Postal services have a lot of peculiarities, but you should understand that getting your package stuck is not considered exceptional case. The fact is that the centers are under heavy load and do not have time to process all incoming shipments quickly.

Daily on sorting centers At least a dozen cars arrive and each of them is filled to the brim with parcels. Their total weight is 20 tons. From each machine, workers receive approximately 300 bags and each of them contains about two hundred parcels. There is a special encrypted tag on the bag, which displays how many parcels are inside.

As you understand, it is physically impossible to quickly process such a volume. Moreover, according to the technology, the worker must remove the tag from the bag and enter information from it into the database. Once the data enters the system, the tracking status changes, which is what the buyer sees on the screen.

But again, upon arrival at the sorting center, the parcel is not processed immediately, but after some time, because the employees still need to register everything that arrived earlier. Therefore, the bags are unloaded and wait their turn.

Much the situation is more complicated becomes the moment when Aliexpress is holding big sales as the influx of parcels becomes many times greater. If you are interested, this is what the sorting shops look like:

What to do if a parcel from Aliexpress is stuck in sorting?

As a rule, if the package is Aliexpress spent several days in a sorting center, then there is nothing wrong with that. All that remains is to wait until she leaves from there. Parcels can take up to two weeks to be sorted, so no need to worry.

However, if a month has already passed and the status has not changed, then you should think about it. Contact the seller and ask to find out what's wrong with the parcel. Suddenly she got lost.

Video: Tracking parcels from Aliexpress – 2017 edition

One of the most current issues for buyers is what they need to do if the parcel is stuck at some stage of tracking (that is, the tracking statuses do not change for a long time). In this note we will talk about the reasons why parcels may get stuck. And we will give advice on what actions you can take if the package is not moving anywhere.

Why does the tracking status not change for a long time?

First of all, I would like to reassure everyone and say that in a situation where the tracking status does not change, this does not mean at all that the parcel is not coming to you.

1. The track number of the parcel is tracked only until it passes the border.
The most common reason that a package gets stuck is that it was sent using a budget method. And will only be tracked to the recipient's country. After crossing the border, the track number will not be read. Such tracks do not meet the standards of postal services (for example, track numbers consisting of numbers). Many buyers do not know about this and when tracking they see that the parcel has reached the border and the information is not updated further. As a result, it seems to them that their order is not moving anywhere, but in fact it has been moving through the territory of the recipient’s country for a long time.

It's also worth noting that some low-cost shipping methods only have a couple of tracking statuses. Which states that the parcel was accepted by mail and sent further. That's it for tracking of this track ends.

2. The parcel goes through the import process.
It is believed that the export-import process is one of the longest stages in the movement of a parcel. In some seasons, parcels may hang around for 1-2 months at the sorting center before the item is registered with your country's post office and appears new status tracking. This may be due to the fact that the parcel goes through sorting centers with a large load and outdated equipment, or due to seasonal congestion (during sales). And also with simple bad luck when your parcel ends up in the far corner of a temporary storage warehouse and awaits its turn for registration.

3. Delays in updating package tracking databases.

Another reason that parcel statuses have stopped updating is delays in updating the tracking database. Sometimes the buyer may receive his order before it appears new information about the movement of the parcel. It is especially famous for this

4. Loss and theft of parcels.

This option is quite rare. There are practically no situations when a package disappears without a trace. Often, the buyer receives at least an empty box.

What to do if the package is stuck?

If your parcel has begun to be tracked, then for any reason it is stuck, you will have to wait. At least until it expires. But in reality, it is better to open a dispute for the reason “Order protection is expiring, but the package is still on the way” a few days before the buyer protection timer ends. Since if you open a dispute quite early and escalate it, then Aliexpress mediators, first of all, seeing that the track number has been tracked, will ask you to wait for the parcel. Since they are interested in the deal taking place. And you will still have to wait for the goods, only with an open dispute.

Note that mediators are more willing to accept disputes if the protection timer has almost expired, or better yet, it was previously extended and the period expires again. There is no point in opening a dispute ahead of schedule if the goods were actually sent by the seller and the track number was tracked.

In any case, wherever your package is stuck, wait patiently for it, periodically looking at the buyer protection timer and the tracking number. To eliminate the option of moving and receiving a package sent to a wrong address.

If the track number has stopped updating in your country, and you are interested in receiving the parcel, and not just getting the money back, then you can submit

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Parcels sent by mail do not always reach their destination. Lost mail is not that uncommon. What to do if the sent package is lost?

Find out where the package is

All postal items and parcels, no exceptions, are assigned a unique track number. It is usually indicated on the receipt issued when paying for postage. This identification number will help you find the parcel, or rather determine the last point where it was located, which will greatly facilitate the search.

You can track the route of a postal item on a special resource, such as ours. To do this, you need to enter the postal identifier in the field provided for this, and you will receive all the information about the parcel: which cities it passed through, how long it was on a certain segment. This way, you can understand where exactly the parcel was lost.

Filing a claim against the postal service

After you determine the point where the package was lost, you must submit a written claim due to the fact that the postal item was lost or damaged. But please note that a claim can be filed no later than six months from the moment the parcel was sent. To file a claim, you must present a passport or other identification document confirming your identity and, without fail, the receipt that you received when sending the parcel. Recommendations should also be written regarding the adoption of certain measures that will help resolve this issue.

Not everyone knows, but if the package is lost, the sender retains the right to receive compensation for damage. The amount of the compensation payment depends on the type of parcel - it was a regular shipment or a valuable one; the territory of shipment (within the country or outside its borders) also matters.

But not in all cases postal service is responsible for lost parcels. Such cases include damage caused to the parcel due to the fault of the person who sent it or due to his negligence.

If you ordered goods from an online store, be sure to notify the sender about the loss of the package. You may receive a refund or resend the order; the store may resolve the issue with the mail without your participation. But you will have to find mail from your relatives on your own.

Delivery of parcels across Russia takes on average from 5 days to two weeks. If the parcel comes from another country, delivery times increase. If you lose a package sent from another country, first of all, find out when it crossed the border.

Thus, if the package is lost, you should take next steps:

  • find out the track number of the sent parcel;
  • determine from the route map in which city last time there was a parcel;
  • write a complaint to the postal service.

Our service will help you quickly determine the route of the parcel, find out where it was last located and, thereby, reduce the time spent searching for it.